With the initial symptoms of a cold than to treat. Effective treatment at the first sign of a cold

Colds are the most common disease. Often they are found in autumn and spring, when a sharp drop in temperature is most often observed. How to recognize the first signs of a cold and what measures to take?

As soon as the patient shows the first unpleasant symptoms, he thinks that there was a hypothermia of the body. But actually it is not. Doctors say that in ninety percent of cases, colds occur against the background of a viral infection entering the body.

Infection with microbes occurs during contact with a sick person. But not everyone can get sick. Plays one of the main roles immune function. If it is greatly weakened, then a cold will manifest itself already on the first or third day.

The first symptoms of a cold are:

  • in itching and burning in the nasal passages;
  • in paroxysmal sneezing;
  • in tearing;
  • in nasal congestion;
  • in the appearance of mucus in the nose;
  • in sore throat and pain;
  • in slight coughing;
  • in raising temperature indicators;
  • stuffiness in the ears, ringing or noise;
  • in itching in the area of ​​the temples and palate;
  • in weakness, fatigue and general malaise;
  • V painful feeling in the head, muscle and joint structures;
  • chill.

Often, the first symptoms are sneezing and an uncomfortable feeling. They appear within a couple of hours after infection. A day later, other signs join in the form of nasal congestion, perspiration and weakness.

If the patient does not start healing process, then the common cold is gaining momentum. Temperature indicators increase: in an adult they can reach up to 38 degrees, in childhood up to 39 degrees. In this case, the disease is characterized by chills, runny nose, drowsiness. This suggests that there was a strong intoxication of the body.
In childhood, there may be pain in the abdomen, vomiting and nausea. Babies under two years old often refuse not only food, but also drink.

Steps to Take at the First Symptoms of a Cold

Many patients wonder what to do at the first sign of a cold? Is it possible to stop the development of the disease and what to take in such cases?
Doctors believe that adult patients can quickly and independently cope with a cold without the use of any medication. It is enough to adhere to folk methods.

If the first signs of a cold appear, what should I do? Here are some suggestions.

  1. First of all, you need to change the normal mode to gentle.
  2. Observe bed rest. It is worth giving up all walks, shopping and work. Stick to it for two or three days.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids. The volume of liquid for adults should be at least two liters, for babies - at least one liter. However, don't limit yourself to water. These can be berry fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes, teas with lemon, honey and raspberries, mineral water, chicken broth soups.
  4. Don't forget about proper nutrition. No fast foods, processed foods and carbonated drinks. The diet should include foods rich in vitamins and minerals. This includes vegetables, fruits, light cereals and soups.
  5. Humidify the air in any way. For such purposes, you can use a special apparatus, or hang wet towels throughout the apartment. At the same time, it is important to observe not only humidity, but also ventilation of the room. It is worth remembering that viruses are afraid of cold and humid air.

These activities will help the body recover for more short span time.

Treating the first signs of a cold

How to treat the first signs of a cold? If the disease is just beginning to turn, but there are already several symptoms, then it is worth resorting to such a treatment regimen.

  1. When the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, wiping can be carried out warm water. Adults can add a little vinegar to the liquid, and in childhood they perfectly relieve heat herbal infusions from calendula, chamomile or sage.

    If the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, then you should resort to antipyretic drugs. With a cold in an adult, Aspirin, Analgin, Coldrex or Fervex will come to the rescue. It is better for children to give safer means in the form of Paracetamol or Ibuprofen in syrup or Cefecon and Nuroden in suppositories.

  2. If the patient has nasal congestion and a runny nose, then it is possible to wash the nose with a saline solution. For such purposes, you can purchase pharmacy kiosks preparations or prepare a solution yourself.

    It is necessary to carry out the procedure every two hours. Before performing manipulations, drip vasoconstrictor drops. But the duration of their use should not exceed three days.

  3. With a pain in the throat, it is worth rinsing different solutions. For such purposes, infusions of herbs, furatsilin, soda and salt are suitable. You need to perform these manipulations every two hours.

    After the procedure, medicines should be used to irrigate the throat. These include Miramistin, Geksoral, Lugol, Tantum Verde.
    For sore throats, you can dissolve tablets and lozenges in the form of Lizobakt, Faringosept, Strepsisl, Grammidin.

  4. To remove swelling from the tissues, you need to drink antihistamines. Children are prescribed drops in the form of Fenistil, Zodak, Zirtek. Adults recommend Erius, Suprastin, Claritin.

It is strictly forbidden to take antibacterial agents at the first symptoms of a cold. They are not effective against viruses and further weaken immune function.

Antivirals at the first sign of a cold

What to take at the first sign of a cold? Antiviral agents have shown good efficacy. They can be drunk as medicinal and preventive measures. But if the cold has been going on for several days and is in full swing, then they will be ineffective.

What to drink after the first symptoms appear? Adults are advised to take:

  • Ergoferon. A new generation drug, which includes synthetic interferon. Produced in the form of tablets. At the first dose, you need to take five tablets with an interval of thirty minutes.
  • Kagocel. Excellent remedy which allows you to deal with colds even with delayed treatment. It is produced in the form of tablets and is prescribed for children from the age of four.
  • Ingavirin. Available in the form of capsules.

In childhood, often prescribed:

  • Anaferon. Approved for use in babies from the first month of life. Available in the form of tablets that dissolve well in water.
  • Viferon. The drug is available in the form of candles.
  • Cytovir-3. Produced in the form of syrup. Approved for use in children from one year.

Folk remedies for the first signs of a cold

How to conduct without resorting to drug therapy? Can be used folk methods treatment.
If the symptoms are not very pronounced, then inhalation, compress, warming up and taking infusions will help.

In order not to get sick, it is enough to drink a decoction of chamomile, linden and raspberry. You need to use it every two to three hours. It can also be replaced with lingonberry or with the addition of honey.

If the patient does not have a high temperature, then at the first sign of illness, a warm bath with the addition of infusions of herbs, salt or essential oils can be taken. This procedure allows you to instantly relieve nasal congestion, fatigue and general malaise. After the bath, you need to put on warm socks and go to bed.

An excellent remedy for the symptoms of a cold is inhalation. Vapors penetrate deeply into the mucous membranes and tissues, thereby relieving congestion in the nasal passages and stopping the inflammatory process. You can resort to steam inhalation or the use of a nebulizer. Inhalations with steam can be carried out by adults and children over five years old without the absence of high temperature. Can be added to water essential oils, herbs or soda with iodine.

If the patient has a temperature above 37.3 degrees or his age is less than five years, then it is better to use a nebulizer. Can be used as a solution saline, saline solution, herbal infusions, mineral water.

With a painful feeling in the throat, compresses are made on the neck. They are of two types: dry and wet. The first involves warming the affected area with a warm scarf. Wet compresses are made with the addition of medicines or infusions. They are best done at night.

TO effective compresses include butter, curd and honey. A bandage is applied to the affected area, and a bag and a warm scarf are necessarily put on top. You need to walk with such bandages for at least two hours.

Cold prevention

How not to get sick in the season of colds? To do this, you should follow some preventive rules.

  • Coming from the street, thoroughly wash your hands and face with soap. For such purposes, antibacterial or laundry soap is perfect.
  • During the period of colds, take loading dose vitamin C. Available ascorbic acid. The dosage per day should not exceed a patchy milligram.
  • Strengthen the immune system with hardening procedures, vitamins and sports.
  • Take walks on fresh air. It is forbidden to visit crowded places, but you can walk in the yard, just dress according to the weather.

If a cold occurs, the doctor knows how to quickly overcome it. But it is best to follow basic preventive measures.

Colds in adults- is a collection respiratory diseases caused by viruses (ARVI), bacteria (ARI) or, in rare cases, others pathogenic organisms. Among all diseases of adults, the common cold is the leader in terms of attendance at clinics. Depending on the characteristics of the organism, age group and the presence of concomitant diseases, the incidence can vary dramatically, with most adults getting sick only a few times a year, and the moments of the disease coincide with the onset of seasonal epidemics.

The symptoms of a cold in adults are specific and easy to recognize in the early stages. Usually, weakness, pain in the eyes, difficulty in breathing, and fever first appear. Treatment started as soon as the first symptoms appear will be most effective.

Causes of colds in adults

For the occurrence of a cold, a combination of two factors is necessary: ​​the presence of the causative agent of the disease and the inability of the body to resist it. Many adults consider a cold to be something frivolous, not worthy of attention, and often endure it on their feet. They do not go to doctors and do not think about the consequences that such behavior can lead to. Meanwhile, an unreasonable attitude towards one's health leads to disastrous consequences, for example, mortality from a cold can reach 40%, not to mention a huge number possible complications, which depends on individual features patient and time of visit to the medical facility.

Any catarrhal disease occurs when the natural protective barriers organism. So, frequent colds in adults can be observed with chronic overwork, stress, lack of sleep, sedentary manner life, wrong and irrational nutrition. special role in the formation of immunity addictions such as abuse alcoholic products and smoking. It has been proven that systematic poisoning of the body by these methods leads to a decrease in the production of antibodies to pathogens of colds. On the contrary, healthy lifestyle life allows the body to immediately respond to an external pathogen and immediately begin the production of protective bodies. In a special risk group among the adult population are elderly individuals, people with chronic diseases, as well as those who have undergone radiation and chemotherapy. The likelihood of disease and development serious complications against the background of a cold, they are extremely high.

More than 90% of all colds are caused by viruses, and only less than 10% are caused by bacteria and other pathogens.

Viruses are non-cellular infectious pathogens that do not have their own organelles and are able to reproduce only through the cells of the host organism. The genetic material of viruses is presented in the form of DNA or RNA, which may look like various structures(double-stranded, single-stranded, ring-shaped, etc.), and it is protected from destruction by a special viral shell - capsid. After connecting with the cell, the virus penetrates into it and, multiplying, leads to a rupture of the cell wall and death of the body cell.

As in all living organisms, the following taxonomic units are distinguished in viruses: order, family, subfamily, genus, species. There are many viruses that cause various diseases, but only a few can be attributed to viruses that cause frequent colds in adults:

- Orthomyxoviruses (influenza viruses);

- Paramyxoviruses (parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus);

- Coronaviruses (respiratory and enteral coronaviruses);

- Picoronoviruses (rhinoviruses, Coxsackie B enteroviruses);

- Adenoviruses;

- Reoviruses (orthoreoviruses);

- Herpesviruses (herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr virus)

Many viruses have the ability to mutate and acquire resistance to factors external environment and medicinal preparations. In this case, some antiviral drugs for colds in adults become ineffective and a new medicine has to be selected.

Bacteria are the most widespread group of microorganisms in nature. Almost all bacteria are unicellular and their size ranges from 0.1 to 3 microns, and the shape is spherical, rod-shaped or spiral.

Colds in adults can be caused by either pathogenic bacteria or opportunistic pathogens. The first group includes those bacteria that should not be found in healthy body under no circumstances (pneumococci, meningococci, etc.). Infection with such flora can occur through contact with an infected person, or by contact if personal safety measures are not followed. The second group includes bacteria that constantly live in the body and do not cause any harm to humans ( coli, Staphylococcus aureus, etc.). The danger of the disease may arise in case of weakened immunity or extreme growth of bacteria (for example, with an imbalance of the acid-base composition internal environment), in this case, opportunistic bacteria manifest themselves as aggressors.

The main task in the fight against a bacterial cold infection is the destruction of all developed flora (in the case of pathogenic bacteria), or a decrease in flora to acceptable level(in the case of opportunistic flora), while simultaneously undergoing immunocorrective therapy.

Other pathogens (chlamydia, legionella, etc.). These microorganisms cause specific diseases(, etc.), which are treated with a special group of antibiotics and, strictly speaking, they cannot be attributed to colds, but the clinic that develops with them is very similar to the clinic of flu-like conditions.

The source of infection in almost all cases is a sick person who already has symptoms of a cold, or is still in incubation stage. In this case, there are no symptoms yet, but infection of another person may already occur. In each case, the duration of the period of possible infection depends on the type of causative agent of the common cold. Most often, the maximum contagiousness in the first days of the development of symptoms, the duration of the contagious period ranges from 5 days to 3-4 weeks.

The most common route of transmission of infection is airborne. Even during a normal conversation, a person distinguishes in environment at a distance of about a meter, microscopic droplets of liquid containing the pathogen. When sneezing or coughing, microparticles spread tens of meters around, which is why it is so important to use individual handkerchiefs and masks that prevent the spread of the pathogen.

The second way of transmission of infection is the contact-household route. Settling on various surfaces, bacteria and viruses can remain viable for a long time. Upon contact with objects contaminated with pathogens, viruses and bacteria are transferred first to the hands, and then to the mucous membranes. That is why during periods of epidemics, it is advised to wash your hands as often as possible and try not to touch your face and eyes once again.

Symptoms and signs of a cold in adults

Like any disease, a cold in adults has a number of the following signs, allowing her to suspect:

Temperature. An increase in temperature above 37.0ᵒС is one of the main symptoms of a cold. It is due to the reaction of the body to the penetration of the pathogen and the direct influence of the pathogen itself. Antibodies produced by the human body, as well as toxins of the pathogen and particles of its destroyed shell, begin to act on the tremoreregulation center, or pyrogenic center, located in the hypothalamus. Temperature change consists of three stages:

- Rise in temperature. The entire body system is rebuilt to generate and retain heat. Superficial vessels narrow, the skin becomes pale, perspiration decreases, rhythmic muscle contraction occurs, the so-called shaking or chills. During this period, I want to wrap myself up as warmly as possible and drink. hot tea.

— Preservation of temperature. During this period, the temperature reached its maximum. Slight daily fluctuations are possible. The duration of this condition can vary from 1 day to weeks. At the same time, the vessels of the skin expand, pallor disappears, skin hot, a person experiences a feeling of heat, trembling and chills disappear, there is increased photosensitivity, discomfort in the eyes.

- Decrease in temperature. It can occur on its own or with the use of drugs, decrease gradually (lytically) or sharply (critically). The body at this stage gives off heat. The vessels dilate, the skin turns red, sweating increases.

Depending on the size of the numbers, the temperature during a cold in adults can be subfebrile (37.1-38.0ᵒС), febrile (38.1-39.0ᵒС), pyretic (39.1-40.0ᵒС), hyperpyretic (above 40 ,0ᵒС).

In order to avoid complications, at a temperature above 38ᵒС, you should start taking antipyretic drugs. An increase in temperature to 40ᵒС and above is an unconditional indication for calling an ambulance or a doctor. This must also be done if the temperature cannot be lowered on its own even at lower figures. The temperature for a cold in adults should decrease gradually, since a critical drop can cause the development formidable complications, such as collapse.

Intoxication. A symptom caused by exposure to organs and tissues of toxins of pathogens or their own substances produced in order to fight infection. Intoxication manifests itself in the form of myalgia (pain in the muscles), weakness, nausea, sleep disturbance.

Nasal congestion and/or runny nose. Difficulty breathing due to swelling of the nasal mucosa can be both an independent symptom (), and a symptom preceding the onset of the development of a runny nose. A runny nose develops due to sweating through the vessels of the liquid part of the blood during vasodilation. Usually, the formation of mucus provokes irritation of the nasal mucosa and appears new symptom colds - sneezing. The nature of nasal discharge directly depends on the pathogen, so, with a viral infection, the discharge is homogeneous, mucous, sometimes slightly whitish, while with a bacterial infection, the discharge can be viscous, up to the formation of crusts, yellowish or greenish in color.

A complication of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity is the spread to the paranasal sinuses, and then an immediate visit to the doctor becomes mandatory.

Sore and sore throat. Also are frequent symptoms with colds in adults. Their intensity is related to the type of pathogen - with viral infections, there may be no pain at all, or they will be mild, with bacterial pain they can be so pronounced that it is difficult to talk and eat. When examining the pharynx, swelling, redness, an increase in the volume of the tonsils, as well as pathological changes and overlays. Small red or burgundy dots on the pharynx may indicate viral nature diseases, imposing in the form of whitish spots on the tonsils - on the bacterial one. Special attention should be given to voluminous or numerous changes, as well as the appearance of hard-to-remove films or painful formations. In these cases, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible!

Cough. It can be dry (without sputum production), unproductive (with heavy discharge of a small amount of sputum) and productive (with good discharge sputum). Dry cough may indicate both the localization of the process only in upper divisions respiratory system, without the involvement of the bronchi, or on the defeat of the bronchi without removing sputum. Only a doctor can understand the degree of damage! That is why when a cough occurs, it is necessary to contact him. The nature of sputum can help in determining the pathogen, so clear mucous discharge is a sign viral infection, yellowish or greenish - bacterial. Improper cough treatment can cause such formidable complications as pneumonia and pleurisy, so do not abuse self-medication!

Eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes. This is a fairly rare symptom, manifested in the form of petechial hemorrhages. Most often, it indicates the viral nature of the disease (flu), but in any case, it is a reason for contacting a medical institution.

Treatment of colds in adults

The treatment of a cold is a complex of measures aimed at both the causative agent of the disease and the symptoms that have developed. Apart from medical preparations a special regime is required. As a rule, the treatment of colds in adults is performed without hospitalization. Only categories of persons with high risks and patients with developed severe complications. If you experience the above symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor! An exception can only be cases with minor symptoms, no fever, without a significant change in the general condition.

The treatment regimen has importance in the effective treatment of the common cold. All patients should adhere to bed or semi-bed rest. Nutrition should be balanced, with light and quickly digestible food. It is not recommended to eat fried, spicy and fatty foods during this period. A plentiful warm drink is recommended in order to remove toxins as soon as possible, decoctions and slightly alkaline drinks will be useful. Vitamin therapy will also have a positive effect on strengthening a weakened body; it can be used as usual. vitamin remedies(Undevit, Geksavit, etc.) and preparations in combination with microelements (Alfavit, Biomax, etc.).

In the treatment of colds in adults, there are three main areas of therapy: etiotropic (fights directly against the causative agent of the disease), pathogenetic (affects protective functions body) and symptomatic (combats the developed symptoms).

Etiotropic therapy for viral colds is not very diverse, since there are not many agents that directly affect the virus (Remantadin, Tamiflu, Ingavirin, etc.), as well as immunomodulating agents (Anaferon, Aflubin, Oscillococinum, Grippferon, etc.). An antibiotic for a cold is prescribed to an adult in case of bacterial infection(Azithromycin, Amoxiclav, Ciprofloxacin, etc.), as well as prescribe bacterial immunostimulants (IRS-19, Immudon, etc.).

Pathogenic therapy has wide range actions, and, as a rule, is prescribed only by a doctor, these are bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, etc.

Symptomatic treatment is aimed at reducing and relieving the symptoms of a cold in adults - these are painkillers, antipyretics, antitussive and expectorant drugs (mucolytics), drugs for nasal congestion.

Medications and antibiotics for colds in adults

The vast majority of cold remedies can cause side effects when used, which is why self-medication is not recommended. With regard to antibiotics, another side effect may be the development of microorganism resistance to the drug. An antibiotic for a cold for an adult can only be prescribed by a doctor, and all his prescriptions should be unquestioningly followed!

Antiviral drugs for colds in adults, for the most part, can be used both for the treatment and for the prevention of colds:

— Remantadin. Inexpensive and effective drug. Treatment must be started at the first manifestations of a cold and carried out according to the scheme established by the instructions.

— Arbidol. Available in tablet form and capsule form. single dose application of 200 mg. It is better to start treatment with the first manifestations of a cold and continue for 5 days according to the instructions.

— Kagocel. Antiviral and immunostimulating drug. A single dose of the drug - 2 tablets. It is used at the first symptoms of a cold in adults, the treatment is carried out according to the instructions. Prophylactic administration is carried out in weekly courses, with breaks between taking pills of five days.

Among the most popular and safe immunomodulators are:

— Anaferon. Pleasant tasting lozenges. Treatment begins with the first symptoms of a cold, according to the instructions attached to the medicine. The course is carried out until complete recovery.

- Oscillococcinum. homeopathic remedy used from the first days of life.

For muscle pain, headache and fever, apply combined preparations:

- Theraflu. One sachet three times a day for up to 3 days. Similar actions and method of application are also possessed by such means as Fervex, Coldrex, Grippoflu, etc.

— Panadol. Effective antipyretic drug. The scheme of application depends on the condition of the patient.

- Eferalgan oops. Dissolve the tablet in water, take up to 4 times a day.

With severe nasal congestion and rhinitis, drops are used:

— Xilen. Possesses vasoconstrictor action. Reduces swelling and short term allows you to breathe freely through your nose. Not recommended long-term use due to the development of addiction to the drug.

— Tizin. Promotes thinning of viscous mucus, relieves swelling and facilitates breathing.

— Pinosol. A herbal preparation based on essential oils. It has a local bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Removes puffiness and thins mucus.

For pain and sore throat, various tablets and plates for colds in adults (Grammidin, Falimint, Geksoral, etc.) are used up to 6 tablets per day. Sprays and aerosols (Joks, Kameton, etc.) are also used, making injections up to 3 times a day.

Depending on the type of cough, apply the following drugs: with dry - Tussin, Gedelix, etc., mucolytics - ACC, Ambrobene, etc., with antitussive action - Codelac, Terpinkod, etc.

Colds in adults - which doctor will help? If there are symptoms of a cold, adults should seek advice and prescribe treatment from a general practitioner or infectious disease specialist.

Yesterday everything was fine, and in the morning you suddenly had a sore throat, an unpleasant weakness and aches appeared in your whole body, and it also shivered, and your nose was blocked ... I want to quit everything, crawl under the covers and drink hot tea. Stop!

Yesterday everything was fine, and in the morning you suddenly had a sore throat, an unpleasant weakness and aches appeared in your whole body, and it also shivered, and your nose was blocked ... I want to quit everything, crawl under the covers and drink hot tea. Stop! We will first take Urgent measures to stop the development of the disease, and then we will drink tea with lemon and relax.

These symptoms can be a manifestation of any viral infection (flu, acute respiratory infections, SARS). “I have a cold,” you might say to coworkers at work, and it will sound the same as “I have the flu.”

At the first symptoms of a cold, take a loading dose of the antiviral drug "Anaferon": 1 tablet every 30 minutes for the first 2 hours and 3 more tablets during the day (at regular intervals). If your baby gets sick, give him "Anaferon for children" in the same way.

Also recommended large doses vitamin C - up to 1000 mg per day and plenty of warm drink (tea and herbal decoctions). To reduce the temperature, take any antipyretic drug, such as Aspirin or Paracetamol.

There is a mass folk recipes for colds: drink decoctions of herbs, eat lemons on an industrial scale, sniff onions and garlic. They definitely won’t bring harm, but they won’t quickly put you on your feet either. You should not rely on grandmother's recipes if you do not plan to stay on sick leave and do not share the idea "work is not a wolf ...".

So, the first day you spend as much as possible under the covers; drink 8-10 glasses of warm liquid, take 8 Anaferon tablets. From the second day, the drug should be taken 1 tablet 3 times a day - until complete recovery.

Be attentive to yourself! The opinion that if a cold is not treated, it will go away on its own is dangerous and incorrect. Any viral infections (ARI, SARS, influenza) can cause very unpleasant complications: sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia. If you initially have a high temperature (from 38), chest pain, coughing, ear pain - see a doctor. Under the guise of a cold, serious inflammatory diseases can occur.

There you go, you're all set and ready to go. What's next? And then try to eat right (at least for the first time), get enough sleep and spare your body. Let your diet be rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, cranberries). Honey is very useful - it has a lot of useful substances.

For the future - if you feel that a cold is coming, and the people around you have begun to get sick, start prevention without waiting for the first symptoms. Take an Anaferon tablet per day (do not drink the tablet, but dissolve it). Let's baby "Anaferon for children". This safe remedy created especially for children.

Be healthy and don't get sick!


And I took Esberitox at the first sign of a cold. These pills helped a lot to recover and shortened the duration of the illness. The main thing is to start taking immediately when you feel that you are getting sick.

Amixin turned out to be a surprisingly good remedy, I didn’t know what to drink anymore, I just got sick of a cold. And you have to work. These pills put me on my feet in 2 days. Did not expect

06.10.2016 13:11:48, marina.kuchkova

At the first sign, I immediately take amixin, we always have it in the first-aid kit at work, we try not to get sick with the whole office during the cold season))

09/04/2015 17:00:56, Irina99978

Can you tell me more about Dyshi? Everyone uses it, but I keep thinking - to try or not to try. How effective is it? I take it it's natural, no artificial fragrances?

29.11.2012 00:14:25, Anechka24

When I have a cold, I drink tea with lemon or honey - colds passes faster. Another good simple medicine is Septolete, it is convenient to take and quickly eliminates the problem with a sore throat in time!

I don’t agree with everything, but in general, thanks .. I personally don’t like to rely on homeopathic medicines too much, even a proven one helps rather traditional medicine.. Well, the aforementioned flupostad, by the way, is also nothing, it helps the body as a whole, which pleases .. And I generally stay away from antibiotics - I prefer not to delay illnesses before this matter ..

I agree, under the covers with hot tea is what you need. In such cases, I drink two capsules of influenza, brew tea with raspberries and lie down in bed under the covers during the day. Chicken broth helps in such a situation, it has already been proven that it also contributes quick cure from flu and colds.

The article is very one-sided, only "Anaferon" and you recover. I do not agree. Having two small, frequently ill children, I had to read a lot of medical literature and go to appointments with various specialists. So, allergists and immunologists are very ambiguous about all -ferrons (Anaferon, Vi-feron, etc.). The drugs are new, the action they have not been fully studied on our immune system! It's like a pig in a poke. And what will happen to the immune system of a child who constantly takes these medicines for any cold in 10 years? The body should be allowed to deal with microbes on its own, and not oppress our own defenses on the first day. I agree that there is a need for these drugs, but such cases are rare and with the advice of a doctor. Although our district pediatricians constantly prescribe similar drugs: received an order from above, and they appoint it. It was the same with Tantum Verde and Aspirin. And if after some time our protective system will it go haywire because of such active interference? How did we manage without immunomodulatory drugs 20-30 years ago and, thank God, everyone is alive and well? Although it is homeopathy, it is very active in our work. immune system, would not have disrupted her work ...

"To reduce the temperature, take any antipyretic drug, such as Aspirin ..." - reckless advice. A child, for example, should never be given Aspirin for flu and fever, as Ray's syndrome may develop, and this is a 10% death.

09/03/2009 14:30:22 Jultim

Comment on the article "SOS! The first signs of a cold!"

How to quickly cure a cold? Malaise. Medicine and health. How to quickly cure a cold? All the symptoms are there - sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes. I also drink this drink the slightest sign diseases. Only not tea, but hot water.


Well, cure is a lot to tell, but in order to get back to normal quickly and be "in the stream", then drink a package of Prostudox (it is in any pharmacy, an analogue of Theraflu and the like), a very effective medicine.

Right the next day, it’s still unlikely to really recover, but in three days you’ll return to normal. I immediately take Anvimax. It also removes the symptoms (fever, chills, etc.) + antiviral action renders (no need to take something else separately). Well, with him to really feel like a man. Get well!

cold treatment. Survey. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion questions about the life of a woman in the treatment of colds. Dear girls, please answer me just 3 questions - a very exception is the son with asthma, just at the first signs I even give him a runny nose ...


I don't run to the pharmacy for anything. I let my body deal with the infection on its own.
I go to the doctor only if the child is very small (it’s better to stay safe there) or the condition is very serious (this hasn’t happened for a long time), or if there is a suspicion of an infection where specific tests and antibiotics are needed (such as streptococcal tonsillitis)

01/11/2013 08:39:39, __nevazhno___

I first look at what home first aid kit there is, based on this and buy more necessary medicines If the condition worsens or does not improve, I call / consult a doctor. I do the same for myself and for my son.

About frequent colds. Health. Teenagers. Education and relationships with children of adolescence: transitional Cold in a baby, SARS in children of the first year of life. Psi Sadlo ointment helps a lot with children's colds. The first signs of a cold!


The tonsils aren't gigantic by any chance? From too enlarged glands there are frequent colds.

teach to be healthy, I think.
To do this, perceive the world as it is.
This may seem like a utopia to you, but I suggest trying it.
How healthy do you usually feel yourself?

The problem is that the mother-in-law drinks them all the time. At least five courses per year. Sometimes he finishes one course and immediately starts another. At the first sign of a cold, she runs to the pharmacy for antibiotics. He says he is afraid of pneumonia. In addition, they quickly put on ...

At the first sign of a cold, I do not insist on eating food. I make "lemonade" from a lemon squeezed into mineral water - for some reason this drink goes very well at the first signs and at the second. Read, please, Dr. Komarovsky http...


In the "cold" seasons, in our garden they ask to bring onions and garlic. They cut it into soup, it is not very hot with them, some vitamins, probably, remain.
The plastic packaging from the Kinder Surprise toy is pierced in several places, garlic is placed inside. And they hang it in the form of a pendant-medallion around the neck. But my daughter did not wear, interferes with movement and games.

For prevention, I welcome swimming in the pond with older sister, walking barefoot at home, taking off excess clothes at the first hint of a child: "hot!", eating icicles, running through puddles (and dew) with wet feet, drinking cold drinks, making drafts, and manipulating the cold water faucet in the bathroom.

At the first sign of a cold, I do not insist on eating food. I make "lemonade" from a lemon squeezed into mineral water - for some reason this drink goes very well at the first signs and at the second.

Read, please, Dr. Komarovsky http://www.komarovskiy.vostok.net/books/b3-8.html#5.
If during the child's illness we endure and do not shove him antibiotics, then the next time we have a cold is limited to only the "first signs": the child coughed for several days, and that's it.

Mom surrounded us with care and did everything so that the common cold did not develop into more serious illness. And if then we easily and simply stayed at home and happily skipped classes, now you go to work in any state and try to fulfill your direct job duties. Therefore, every adult begins sooner or later to think about the question: I'm starting to get sick, what should I do?

The first signs of a cold

Before undertaking any, you need to know exactly which symptoms relate specifically to a cold:

  • itching and because of what you constantly want to scratch your nose;
  • frequent sneezing, but only if the person does not suffer from allergies (if a person starts sneezing, a doctor can tell you how not to get sick);
  • increased tearing, which follows immediately after sneezing and itching in the nose;
  • possible nasal congestion;
  • a feeling of general weakness, throughout the day you want to lie down, sleep;
  • headache caused by nasal congestion;
  • muscle soreness, feeling of aches;
  • an increase in body temperature, but not higher than 38 degrees.

In the event that several symptoms appear at once, a person immediately realizes: I am starting to get sick. What to do? Moreover, it is necessary to take any action immediately, because this is the only way to prevent complications.

What to do at the first sign of a cold

Not all folk remedies, which we remember from childhood, can be used when the first symptoms of a cold appear. For example, or take hot bath It is possible only if there is no high temperature and other contraindications.

Therefore, every adult needs to clearly know what to do at the first sign of a cold. The following measures will help ease the flow:

  1. If the body temperature has risen, then it is necessary to observe bed rest, because the body loses a lot of strength due to the fight against infection.
  2. Ventilate the room regularly. This will kill the bacteria and not create favorable conditions for their reproduction.
  3. Drink plenty of liquids, give preference to hot tea, in which it is recommended to add honey or ginger, or a rosehip drink.
  4. Periodically gargle with special medicinal decoctions, for example from chamomile or calendula. It is allowed to use special solutions with the use of soda, salt, iodine, furacilin.
  5. Rinse your nose with salt water or special tool which can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can prepare a saline solution yourself, for this, in a glass warm water add a teaspoon of salt.
  6. Helps with cough warm milk in which you need to dissolve honey and butter. You can apply a warm compress, but only at normal body temperature.

And, of course, do not forget about vitamins, which are huge in fruits and vegetables. And if a person thinks like this: "I'm starting to get a cold. What should I do? Only a doctor can tell," then it will definitely be possible to avoid the consequences. After all timely help a specialist will always come in handy.

What can not be done?

Bringing down the temperature at first is not recommended. This is the body's natural reaction to an infection, which means that the fight against the disease is in full swing. However, it is still worth paying attention to general well-being. If the temperature is too poorly tolerated, then you can bring down the temperature with Nurofen.

You cannot risk your health, and if you are getting worse every day, it is better to call a doctor at home. Remember that the common cold, if left untreated, can cause a sore throat or pneumonia.

Medical treatment

I'm starting to get sick. What to do? You can take a number of medicines that are sure to be in almost every home. Well, it is best not to neglect the advice of a specialist who will prescribe the right treatment.

There is a huge amount medical preparations, which are designed to facilitate well-being and speed up recovery. The most popular and effective are:

  • "AnviMax", which includes vitamin C, paracetamol and loratadine. Therapeutic effect felt within 30 minutes after taking the drug.
  • "Pinosol" - nose drops, which are recommended by most doctors, since they are made on the basis of natural ingredients, which means the risk of side effects and habituation is minimal.
  • "Suprastin" - antihistamine, which can reduce swelling in the mucous membrane of the nose and throat.
  • "Tantum Verde" - a spray that is used to treat the throat.

It is worth remembering that what earlier man paid attention to his condition and discovered the first signs of a cold in himself, started treatment on time, Great chance prevent further development diseases. When the thought appears in my head: "I'm starting to get a cold, what should I do?" - a doctor can help.

A child has a cold: first aid

Particularly relevant is the question of what to do at the first sign of a cold in a child. You can help the baby, but only if you do not panic.

First of all, you need to find out if the child has a temperature. If it is elevated, but below 38 degrees, it is not worth knocking it down. You need to give your body time to fight off the infection on its own. If it is above 38 degrees, then it is recommended to give an antipyretic, such as Nurofen. If this remedy it didn’t help and the temperature continues to rise, you need to wipe the child with warm water (you can’t use vodka and vinegar).

Further actions

After the child's condition has stabilized, it is necessary to give an antiviral drug, such as Anaferon. Inhalations with drugs or mineral water. If there is no special device for inhalation, you can use a folk remedy - breathe over boiled potatoes. The effect of such a remedy is complex: getting rid of a cough, treating a throat, eliminating the symptoms of a cold. What to drink when you start to get sick, only a doctor will tell. Therefore, it is better not to postpone the trip to him.

Remember that when the first symptoms of a cold appear, in no case should you immediately take antibiotics in the hope that the disease will disappear in one day. Such miracle drugs does not exist, but wrong treatment can lead to undesirable consequences. "What if I start to get sick? What should I do in such a situation?" - you ask. Answer: listen to your own body. He himself will tell you what he needs: he tends to sleep - go to bed, you want to eat certain product- eat. And in no case do not go to work or anywhere else in this state.

Almost every second person faces acute respiratory or colds, especially during the onset of cold weather. However, not everyone knows how to properly treat this disease. It is very important to identify the disease in a timely manner so that treatment can begin at the first sign of a cold. Although the common cold itself is not as dangerous as the flu, unpleasant complications can occur when the form is neglected.

How to tell a cold from the flu

Very often, the first signs of a cold are mistaken for the development of the flu. If the flu can lead to lethal outcome, then SARS causes significant complications for the body only in rare cases. How to recognize these two diseases. Unlike the flu, the symptoms of a cold are somewhat different:

These are the main differences, when they appear, it is very important to determine how to be treated at the first signs of a cold and flu, and which medicines will be effective in each case.

How a cold starts: the first signs

To correctly determine what to take at the first sign of a cold, it should be understood that the expression "cold" is a generalizing concept. The disease can be caused by a bacterial or viral etiology, on which the symptoms of the disease and damage to specific organs directly depend.

But at the same time, there are classic symptoms of SARS, which you can determine yourself at home:

In addition to active factors, passive factors are often observed, for example, a sharp decrease in activity, drowsiness, rapid fatigue, and others.

Based on these symptoms, it becomes clear that it is first necessary to determine the etiology of the disease, and only after that decide what means to treat and what to do at the first sign of a cold.

First steps for a cold

Many people do not take a cold as a serious illness, hoping that the symptoms will go away on their own in a few days. This opinion is erroneous, since ignoring treatment can cause significant complications.

What to do at the first symptoms of a cold? To as soon as possible and without sad consequences overcome the disease, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

Compliance with such simple, but very important rules, in combination with the correct drug treatment will quickly eliminate the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and speed up recovery.

Medical treatment for the common cold

When choosing a particular drug for effective and quick treatment colds must take into account the etiological nature of the disease. If it is not possible to identify the cause of the disease on your own, then you need to visit the clinic to prescribe the correct course of treatment.

What medicine at the first signs of a cold in adults is considered the most effective? Therapy for such a picture should be comprehensive and consist of:

  • lowering the temperature;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • taking antibiotics and antiviral drugs;
  • elimination of local symptoms: warming up, washing the nose, relieving headaches and others necessary action;
  • taking expectorant and antitussive drugs;
  • removal of inflammatory processes and swelling of the mucous membranes.

The list of the main types of drugs for colds with clinically proven effectiveness is presented in the table.

medicinal group Tool name Therapeutic effect
Vaccines and inoculation formulations Grippol, Influvac, Fovarix, Agrippal Vaccinations directly against SARS do not exist, but these vaccines increase the body's resistance to colds of bacterial etiology. At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that the pharmacological market is replenished annually with new, more effective and resistant to different strains of vaccines.
Antiviral drugs Remantadin, Ingavirin, Tamiflu, Kagocel, Cytovir 3, Zanamivir, Oseltamivir The action is aimed at preventing the active reproduction of viruses in the body. It should be understood that there is no universal pill, so first you need to accurately determine the type of infectious factor, and, depending on the results, decide what to drink at the first symptoms of a cold
Interferon containing drugs Alpha interferon or Viferon, Cycloferon, Grippferon, Neovir Each of the drugs contains interferon, the therapeutic effect of which is aimed at strengthening immunity and effective treatment of respiratory viral infections.
Symptomatic remedies paracetamol, aspirin or Acetylsalicylic acid, Coldrex, Ibuprofen, Antigrippin, Theraflu They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effects and help eliminate the symptoms of a cold

These are the most common and financially available drugs helping at the first sign of a cold. Here it is only important to choose the right course of treatment so that the pills used really speed up recovery.

Treatment of colds with inhalations and compresses

How to alleviate the condition at the first symptoms of a cold, what to take and what additional procedures appropriate to carry out? Inhalations and compresses are considered very effective to mitigate edema and speed up the withdrawal of sputum.


Inhalation can be carried out in different ways:

If you decide to strengthen therapeutic treatment using inhalation, you need to know in what cases their use is prohibited:

  • at too high a temperature;
  • with allergies to the constituent substances of the inhalation solution;
  • patients with disorders of cardio-vascular system;
  • at purulent inflammations respiratory tract;
  • with a tendency to nosebleeds due to weak blood vessels.

In other cases, inhalations are not only allowed, but also quite useful.


At the first symptoms of a cold, medicines, chosen correctly, will provide fast recovery. But at the same time as drug therapy to alleviate symptoms, in particular sore throat and cough, compresses will be very useful.

The following compresses are considered the most effective in the fight against colds:

  • honey. Melt in a water bath to a liquid state natural honey and gently apply it to the patient on the back. Then wrap your back with a warm blanket or large towel and leave overnight;
  • cottage cheese. Add to 100 gr. curd mass (necessarily warm) 1-2 tbsp. l. honey. Distribute the mixture in the chest area, cover with plastic wrap and wrap with a woolen scarf or blanket;
  • oil. Heat vegetable oil to a warm state, moisten a piece of gauze in it and attach it to the chest. To ensure a greater warming effect, wrap, after covering the bandage with polyethylene.

If the first signs of a cold are noticed in a timely manner, treatment with compresses often completely eliminates the symptoms even without drug therapy.

Note! Treatment with warm compresses is contraindicated in patients with respiratory tract abscesses arose, as well as those who have a very high body temperature or skin sensitivity to allergic rashes.

Alternative medicine in the fight against colds

Folk remedies are capable of increasing efficiency and accelerating therapeutic treatment at the first sign of a cold in adults. But here it is very important to choose the right compositions so as not to harm yourself even more.

What means traditional medicine most useful at the first sign of a cold, what should an adult take to fight the disease and improve their condition?

The most effective are the following:

These are the most simple recipes traditional medicine, which can be used at the first sign of a cold, pills naturally will not be superfluous with this method of treatment. More complex recipes alternative medicine in the fight against colds will not be required. The main thing is to carry out the treatment correctly and in a timely manner.

How to bring down a high temperature

Almost always, with diseases such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, there is fever. How to respond to the first signs of a cold, how to treat to prevent the progression of the disease?

Here you can use both folk and medications:

  • vinegar solution effectively removes the temperature. It is necessary to dilute vinegar of 3% concentration in a ratio of 1: 1 in a glass of water and rub the patient's body with the resulting composition;
  • vitamin warm drinks, for example, calendula decoction or raspberry tea, help lower the temperature;
  • what to drink at the first sign of a cold medicines to lower the temperature? Here, perhaps, the most effective is Paracetamol or the means based on the substance.

Important! If you can't bring yourself down high temperature, then follows in urgently seek medical help. This will avoid unwanted consequences.

When medical attention is needed

Along with the relative safety of SARS, it is far from always possible to independently determine with accuracy at the first signs of a cold what to take for an adult in a particular case. The fact is that improper treatment of the disease from the first days of its occurrence can significantly delay and complicate the healing process.

Situations requiring professional medical assistance, the following:

  • if one day after self-treatment no improvement in the condition is observed;
  • patients who want to achieve as quickly as possible positive result in treatment;
  • when a child suffers from an illness, it is not worth experimenting with the independent selection of one or another drug;
  • if the patient's condition deteriorates sharply and there is a fever at the first sign of a cold - what is better to drink in such situations and how to treat it correctly can only be determined by a qualified specialist.

Any disease, even the safest, requires a competent approach and proper therapy. Therefore, you should not risk your own health and if you feel worse, it is better to seek professional help. The doctor will unmistakably advise what to take at the first symptoms of a cold, which in fact will provide a positive and quick effect.

Precautions and Prevention

To achieve a positive result, it is not enough to know the first symptoms of a cold, how to treat the disease and what means to use. It is important to understand the risks that cause the disease.

The main risks include:

  • excessive hypothermia of the body and the frequent presence of a person in conditions with low temperature indicators;
  • lack or insufficient hygiene of the room in which most of the day is spent;
  • malnutrition leads to the emergence of all kinds of diseases, including colds. In particular, a deficiency in the body of microelements and vitamins lowers immunity and resistance to bacterial and viral diseases;
  • lack of physical activity makes the body weaker and increases the risk of developing the disease;
  • periodic lack of sleep and excessive exhaustion are factors in which a person is at risk of getting a cold.

In order to feel good and increase immunity, it is necessary to observe the optimal vitality constantly, and also constantly monitor any changes in the functioning of your body.

If you lead correct image life, do not neglect physical activity, eat right, then the questions “the first signs of a cold - what to do” will not bother you.



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