We open a drugstore. The composition of the premises of the pharmacy and their purpose

The pharmacy business is one of the most successful investments to date. The need for medicines not only does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases every year.

But not every institution can be profitable. For a successful start, it is necessary to properly carry out organizational measures and develop a competent business plan.

Location rating

Such points can be located:

  • On the streets with a lot of traffic(street pharmacies). The key to the success of such an institution is the proximity of a grocery supermarket or shopping center, a major stop or transport interchange. The markup here is quite high. Patency monitoring should be carried out three times a day. Each passing woman is considered as a potential buyer, two men - one, a group of people - one. If we take every passing person for a future visitor, the figure will turn out to be unreasonably high.
  • Shopping malls or supermarkets on the way to the grocery store. Such points are characterized by a quick exit to the breakeven point. This is due to the fact that people who come here are set to buy and have a supply of money. Turnover can be predicted by the number of grocery supermarket receipts. The features of these pharmacies are rather large investments for opening, high profitability, lack of competition (landlords, as a rule, allocate space for one such institution).
  • In large sleeping areas. Here it is necessary to assess the presence of competitors or places for their potential location. The markup is usually low. To quickly reach the breakeven point, it is necessary to reduce the cost of opening. The room should be with a small cost of repair.

Format Options

It is necessary to decide on the format of the future institution:

  • Self-service pharmacy. An option for supermarkets, points on the streets with stable active traffic. With more than 10,000 daily traffic.
  • Counter format will be appropriate in a residential area and on streets with good traffic.

Interesting information about the organization of such activities is presented in the following video:

Premises valuation

The best choice would be a room with a set of all the necessary rooms, regulated by the requirements of the license terms. Reconstruction will increase the cost of construction work and permits, as the restructuring must be legalized.

You need to evaluate the input group. The presence of a large number of steps will become an obstacle for a certain group of buyers. Large stained-glass windows will provide an opportunity for visual advertising. The presence of a parking lot will increase the number of visitors, as they will include those who, in its absence, would simply pass by.

Analysis of the competitive environment

When opening, it is necessary to correctly and objectively assess the competitive environment around the institution (approximately within a radius of 1 km). Competitors are divided into several categories:

  • Local pharmacy chains. Points located throughout the city allow you to keep abreast of prices and respond to their changes in a mobile way. Suppliers provide their regular customers with discounts on goods. This keeps prices low.
  • Large pharmacy national chains. The assortment here is formed by marketing departments, so local specifics are not taken into account. Buying goods in large quantities provides significant discounts provided by suppliers. Centralized purchasing does not allow work "to order" and leads to frequent loss of in-demand goods before the expected delivery.
  • Points of the classical type. Buyers of the older and middle age category trust these pharmacies, as they have used their services for a long time. Prices here are higher than in the first two groups, the assortment is wide, but the quantities are insufficient.
  • Online pharmacies. The margin of trust in this type of service is still low.

Consequently, establishments of local and national chains will become the main competitors.

Investment investments

The preparatory period includes a number of costs that are necessary to bring the enterprise to the point of opening.

The main articles are:

  • Cost of finding premises.
  • Repair work (including building materials).
  • Obtaining permits (BTI, SES, license and others).
  • The cost of installing fire and security alarms. The cost of a burglar alarm depends on the mode of operation (24-hour point or not).
  • Purchase of pharmacy equipment (furniture for industrial, commercial and domestic premises).
  • Mounting and connection of communication lines (telephone line, Internet).
  • Automation of the institution (purchase and installation of office equipment, complex "M-Apteka").
  • Advertising and marketing costs:
    • production and installation of a signboard, a flashing cross - outdoor advertising;
    • interior design of the premises;
    • advertising directly during the opening process - a discount program, promotional products, etc.

Operating expenses in the preparatory period:

  • Maintenance of the premises in the period before opening and carrying out repair work. This includes rent, payment for security, utilities. The payment for the last month of rent may also be included here.
  • Communication services (telephone, mail, internet).
  • Personnel selection. This is the work of recruitment agencies.
  • Administration salary during the opening period.

Fixed and variable costs

Knowing the fixed and variable costs will allow you to calculate the break-even point that the business should reach. It is achieved at the moment when the sum of fixed and variable costs is equal to the income from the sale of a certain amount of products.

variable costs- these are costs that change in proportion to the change in the turnover of the institution. These include transportation costs, packaging costs, commission expenses, and so on. It is impossible to plan them by the amount, they are planned by the level:

  • % distribution costs = Sum of distribution costs / Amount of turnover

fixed costs- these are the costs, the amount of which does not depend on the structure and volume of trade. The level of these costs is inversely proportional to the turnover. These include remuneration of employees, social contributions on wages, rent, depreciation of fixed, low-value assets and workwear, and others. They can be scheduled based on the actual amount of costs.

The attribution of costs to fixed or variable needs to be considered for each item separately. For example, if the salary of an employee is constant, then the change in turnover does not affect him. And if the percentage of sales is included in the wage formula, then this value becomes a variable.

Marketing plan

  • Facade decoration and outdoor advertising. When evaluating the facade, its visibility for passing and passing is taken into account. The entrance must be clearly visible, for which it must be highlighted and illuminated. Outdoor advertising can be used to inform about pricing and changes that are attractive to buyers. It can also be information about additional services or products.
  • It is necessary to study the trading area within a radius of 1 km for the flow of people, competitors, potential partners. In places of the main streams it is necessary to place billboards, pavement signs with drawn or illuminated arrows in the direction of the institution. It is necessary to start working with those who can become a potential client - doctors from the nearest clinic or hospital, optics and cosmetics stores, sports clubs, and other stores.
  • The use of "client magnets" - additional services. This is, for example, a doctor's consulting room.
  • When opening, it is necessary to place in the hall drugs that are actively promoted by the distributor or manufacturer and currently have a powerful advertising campaign in the media. It is necessary to avoid disorder and redundancy of advertising structures and materials on the territory of the institution. This scatters the attention of the visitor and leads to a loss of individuality.
  • Pharmacy zoning will play a huge role - showcases should be located in such a way as to maximize the number of "hot" zones and reduce the number of "cold" ones.
  • Using external communications that are effective in the early stages of development:
    • distribution of leaflets by promoters;
    • distribution of leaflets to addresses;
    • if the point is not the first in the network, you can send out a newsletter about the opening of a new pharmacy to customers' mobile phones;
    • posters in the nearest healthcare facilities, shopping centers;
    • placement of advertisements in the press, the Internet, in local media.


Recruitment is carried out in order to create a qualified team of specialists to fulfill the goals set by the management of the enterprise. The structure can be of several types.

Self-service pharmacy:

Counter type establishment:

In order for the staff to be interested in the constant increase in turnover and quality of service, it is necessary to introduce an interesting motivation.

Motivation can be of several types:

  • Material:
    • First-timer's salary = salary + bonus + % of individual gross profit.
    • Manager's salary = salary + (bonus + % of individual gross profit) * Kzav.

    The formula can be customized. If the maximum turnover is required from the headman, then the indicator “% of individual turnover” should be present in the formula. When the formula includes "% of individual gross profit", then profitability will increase due to the fact that the pharmacist will seek to sell high-margin products. You can enter the inventory turnover ratio into the manager's salary formula.

  • Intangible- certificates, valuable gifts.

Opening schedule

In order to set the opening date, you must try to most accurately calculate the time for each stage of the preparatory work:

  • Decision making and conclusion of the lease agreement.
  • Repair and decoration of the premises.
  • Installation of fire and security alarms.
  • Conclusion of contracts with fire safety authorities and a security company.
  • Preparation, departure of the licensing commission for the inspection of the object.
  • Meeting of the licensing commission and receiving.
  • Order, manufacture and installation of equipment.
  • Purchase and installation of office equipment.
  • Advertising and marketing activities:
    • order, production and installation of outdoor advertising;
    • interior decoration of the room.
  • Selection and training of personnel. Schedule approval.
  • Assortment confirmation. Conclusion of contracts with suppliers.
  • Determination of the pricing policy of the point. Negotiation of terms with major suppliers.

Price question - how much does it cost to open?

We give an example of the calculation (figures are approximate). Amount of initial costs:

Amount, rubles
Total2 110 000
Commercial equipment (refrigerators, furniture, showcases, safe)90 000
Repair1 500 000
Interior decoration of the premises60 000
Summing up communications: electricity, heating, gas (if necessary), water, sewerage90 000
Security and fire alarms50 000
Licensing and obtaining other permits90 000
Cash equipment, office equipment90 000
Formation of assortment for opening90 000
Other costs50 000

Amount of monthly expenses. In this example, the premises are owned, so there is no rent:

Name of the cost itemAmount of monthly expenses, rublesAmount of annual expenses, rubles
Total165 000 1 980 000
Staff salary80 000 960 000
Insurance deductions24 000 288 000
Security18 000 216 000
Public utilities10 000 120 000
Fare10 000 120 000
Advertising8 000 96 000
other expenses15 000 180 000

With such monthly costs and a trading margin of 30%, the break-even point will be 858,000 rubles per month. It will be reached by the end of the second quarter.

  • The average check is 160 rubles. The number of checks is 250 per day.
  • Therefore, the revenue will be 40,000 rubles per day or 1,200,000 rubles per month.
  • In the first quarter, daily revenue will be 15,000 rubles, in the second - 30,000 rubles, in the third - 40,000 rubles.

The institution will reach a revenue of 50 thousand rubles in about 6 months, when all marketing solutions will be implemented, the qualified staff will be finally staffed, and the base of the main clientele will be formed:

  • Revenue for the year will be 11,250,000 rubles.
  • Cost of sales - 9,000,500 rubles, which includes:
    • Material expenses - 7,020,500 rubles.
    • Staff salary - 960,000 rubles.
    • Insurance deductions - 288,000 rubles.
    • Security - 216,000 rubles.
    • Utilities - 120,000 rubles.
    • Transportation costs - 120,000 rubles.
    • Advertising - 96,000 rubles.
    • Other expenses - 180,000 rubles.
  • Gross income before tax - 2,249,500 rubles.
  • The amount of tax payments (UTII) - 236,500 rubles.
  • Net profit - 2,013,000 rubles per year. Per month - 167,752 rubles.

In this scenario, for the full payback of the business 12 months required.

The calculation was made for a pharmacy, which is located in its own premises. If the premises are rented, then experience shows that full self-sufficiency will take 24-36 months with sales of 30-40 thousand per month.

When developing a pharmacy business plan for your business, it is important to approach the issue competently and professionally. There are a lot of nuances in the drug trade, but we will consider the most important things that can come in handy when opening such a store.

We draw up a business plan for a pharmacy

Pharmacy Business Plan Summary

As you know, for a small business, such as a pharmacy, it is very important to initially draw up a plan with calculations. In the current year of 2019, as in previous years, the level of demand for medical products remains high. Therefore, setting the goal of opening a pharmacy, a businessman is highly likely to become the owner of a profitable business.

In order to open a good pharmacy from scratch, you will need an investment of 2 million rubles. Part of the money can be borrowed, and part invested from your own funds. The profitability of a business in the form of a pharmacy is high, therefore, by drawing up a competent plan, you can achieve full payback in 3-4 years.

General description of the enterprise

The finished pharmacy will be located in a rented premises and in a place where there are no other similar outlets in the area of ​​​​several blocks. The company will start working at 8 am and end at 21 pm. The project will expand in the future and it is possible to organize a whole network of retail outlets around the city. You need to offer customers a product with a low margin so that they do not want to buy it elsewhere.

Goods and services

For a more successful sale of goods, you can create a website for our pharmacy and sell medicines via the Internet with delivery. The online pharmacy and the outlet itself in the rented premises will offer customers the following range of medicines:

  1. Anti-allergenic;
  2. Antiviral;
  3. antibiotics;
  4. Antiseptics;
  5. Goods for PMP;
  6. Vitamins and dietary supplements;
  7. Cosmetical tools;
  8. Products for diagnostics;
  9. Diuretics;
  10. Immunomodulators;
  11. Painkillers;
  12. Hormonal;
  13. Other medicines;
  14. Other medical related products.

Marketing plan

A good idea would be a phytopharmacy to attract a narrow circle of customers. In addition, as mentioned above, you need to make a website with goods, as well as a group in a social community on the Internet in order to advertise your outlet. It is also necessary to beautifully design the pharmacy sign and the room itself inside for the comfort of customers. It is necessary to regularly hold promotions and provide discounts on goods.

Production plan

Below will be a sample calculation, and now we will decide how many goods we plan to sell. We will assume that we will serve about 100 people per day, each of which will spend an average of 500 rubles on purchases with a margin on goods not higher than 30%.

Management organization

For the competent organization of the pharmacy, it will be necessary to hire, for example, the following employees:

  1. Cleaning woman;
  2. Courier with personal car;
  3. 2 pharmacists.

Pharmaceutical salesmen will work on schedule 2 in 2 days, as will the courier.

Financial plan

For 2019, you can submit the following financial plan for this business.

The costs will be:

  1. Purchase of goods - 700 thousand rubles.
  2. Furnishings and decoration of the premises - 1 million rubles.
  3. Other expenses (website, advertising, etc.) - 300 thousand rubles.

Every month, about 1.2 million rubles will be spent on salaries to employees, the purchase of new goods, transportation costs, as well as the provision of an online store and depreciation of the business.

The average income will be 50 thousand rubles a day And 1.5 million rubles per month. From this, you can easily calculate that the profit per month will be about 300 thousand rubles for the pharmacy owner, which is pretty good if the business is properly organized.

All figures can be considered approximate, because each individual entrepreneur will decide for himself what he needs to acquire for the functioning of his business and what costs to bear. Your output profit can be more or less, it all depends on you.

Today the market is represented by a large number of drugstores. Therefore, everyone who is going to open their own needs to have at least one demonstrative pharmacy business plan in order to understand what they may face and what may be required of them. We hope that our short financial plan for starting a medical goods business will help you better navigate and get started.

In addition, if you are serious about opening a network of your outlets, we recommend that you read specialized literature and approach the organization very competently.

Pharmacies, as a place for the sale and storage of medicines, have been known since ancient times. As a rule, they were opened at the courts of noble nobles, and the common people did not have access to them. The first official pharmacy was established in the 7th century AD in Baghdad. It is from those times that the countdown of the existence of this ancient and necessary work begins.

In Russia, the first pharmacy was opened in 1581, and in 1701 Tsar Peter the Great issued a decree according to which it was possible to open private pharmacies and sell medicines. We can say that from that moment the beginnings of the pharmacy business appeared, and this business became more and more profitable. But enough about history, because today we are interested in the question of whether how to open a pharmacy in the conditions of the modern world.

We recommend reading:

In the traditional sense, a pharmacy is an institution where each person can buy any available medicine on a doctor's prescription, or based on their own considerations. Recently, more and more diseases have appeared, and the number of medicines needed to treat a particular ailment has increased accordingly. Pharmacies have always been a profitable business, and in our time have become even more relevant and profitable business.

In this article, we will talk about how to open a pharmacy, consider the legislative framework governing this activity, focus on the selection of personnel, talk about taxation and the necessary documents. We will also try to help you pharmacy business plan in such a way as to take into account all the features and subtleties of this type of business.

The difference between a pharmacy and a drugstore

Many who want to open a pharmacy are faced with the question - what is the difference between a pharmacy and a pharmacy, and what is better to open? We decided to dwell on this issue in more detail, and analyzed all the differences, pros and cons of pharmacies and pharmacy points.

It would seem that the difference is only in the name, but in fact, it is one and the same. But there is no need to jump to conclusions. If you turn to the legislation, you will not find a clear distinction between a pharmacy and a pharmacy. Article 4 of the Law No. 86-FZ "On Medicines", adopted on June 22, 1998, states that drugs that can be sold strictly by prescription should be dispensed only in pharmacies and drugstores. The sale of such medicines through pharmacies and pharmacy kiosks is prohibited.

We recommend reading:

But a number of laws also establish clear functional responsibilities for each institution that sells medicines.

The main functions of a pharmacy include:

  1. Sale of medicines and homeopathic remedies to people and healthcare institutions. Sale can be carried out both by prescription of the attending physician, and without it.
  2. Pharmacies can manufacture medicines strictly according to the prescriptions of doctors, or at the request and requirements of various healthcare institutions. Also, each pharmacy can have its own, exclusive medicines, made in accordance with all quality standards and requirements of the Ministry of Health.
  3. Packaging of medicines and herbal preparations for the purpose of further sale.
  4. Sale of personal hygiene products, medical products, various devices. Also, pharmacies can sell medicinal raw materials made on a plant basis.
  5. Sale of medicines and preparations to a category of people who have benefits in accordance with the domestic legislation of the country.
  6. Consultation and informing people about taking drugs, their storage, their effect and effects on the human body.
  7. Provide first aid if needed in an emergency.

The main functions of the pharmacy point include:

  1. Sale of all the same drugs that are sold through pharmacies, with the exception of poisonous, potent, narcotic, psychotropic substances.
  2. Also, the list of functions can include all those functions that pharmacies also have. The only difference is that pharmacy points cannot sell certain types of goods (poisonous, potent, narcotic, psychotropic substances).

Previously, there were standards that indicated the minimum required area of ​​​​a pharmacy point, and the skill level of an employee, but now they have lost their force.

We recommend reading:

If we briefly outline the differences between a pharmacy, a pharmacy and a pharmacy kiosk, then we can say that in a pharmacy some medicines can be produced on the spot, a pharmacy only sells prescription and over-the-counter medicines, and a pharmacy kiosk sells personal hygiene products and over-the-counter drugs.

Remember one important point - if you want open a pharmacy or a pharmacy, then you need get a license that will enable this type of activity.

How to open a pharmacy: let's talk about taxes

If you are going to open a pharmacy, then you need to officially register your business. Let's say right away that IP (individual entrepreneurship) will be appropriate only if you are going to open a single pharmacy, or a maximum of two pharmacy points. If a network of pharmacies is planned, then the optimal solution is to register a limited liability company, or an open joint-stock company.

We are sure that most of you do not yet think about a network of pharmacy points, therefore, it is better to register an individual entrepreneur and choose a form of taxation - a single tax. This will allow not to overpay the state, and will reduce red tape with documents, reporting, various forms and papers.

Next, you need to select OKVED codes (type of economic activity). You can independently study all OKVEDs and choose the best ones for yourself, but we have already done this for you. Among the main codes for pharmacies are:

  • 52.3 - retail sale of pharmaceutical, medical goods, perfumery and cosmetics;
  • 52.31 - retail sale of pharmaceutical products, including the manufacture of medicines;
  • 52.32 - retail sale of goods used in medicine, as well as orthopedic products;
  • 52.33 - retail sale of cosmetics and perfumes.

If you are planning to conduct a wider activity in your pharmacy, then select additional economic activity codes so that you do not have problems with tax and annual reports later.

Documents required to open a pharmacy

As we said above, in order to open a pharmacy, you will need to collect some permits. The main ones include:

  1. A license under which you have the right to engage in pharmaceutical activities. All licenses are issued for 5 years. After this period, you can either extend it or reissue it (if you need to make any adjustments and additions). Such a document can only be obtained by a specialist with a specialized education. Therefore, either you need to graduate from a medical university (which is not at all encouraging), or you must prove that the pharmacy will employ qualified personnel that meets all standards and licensing conditions.
  2. Documents that allow you to conduct business activities and open an enterprise (certificate of registration of an LLC, OJSC, or individual entrepreneur).
  3. Permission of SES to conduct this type of activity. As a rule, the conclusion of the SES is issued for a specific room, and for a clearly specified period of time. If you decide to change the location of your pharmacy, then you need to re-obtain the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  4. It is necessary to conclude agreements with organizations that will be engaged in cleaning and disinfection of the premises, as well as the removal of solid household waste.
  5. Development and preparation of documentation that will regulate the internal work of the pharmacy (regulations, working hours, employment contracts, etc.)
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Please note that photocopies of all permits must be kept directly at the pharmacy. If suddenly an unscheduled inspection comes to you, you should be ready to provide them with all the documents confirming your right to engage in this type of activity.

The choice of premises for the future pharmacy

Properly chosen premises are the key to the success of a future pharmacy. Many novice businessmen do not pay due attention to the fact of the location of the business premises, although the flow of visitors largely depends on this. When choosing a location for a future pharmacy, pay attention to the following factors:

  • The presence of competitors near your chosen location. On the one hand, competitors are good, especially if they have been working for a long time, and people go there. You will ask why? This means that the place is profitable, people know that there is a pharmacy there, and you will shake the “monopoly” by offering your own assortment of goods. On the other hand, the presence of a large number of competitors is not good. It will be hard to lure the found customers to you by offering better conditions and a larger assortment. The best option is to open a pharmacy next to another, while doing everything cheaper than competitors, and an order of magnitude better.
  • Location also plays an important role. Pharmacies are best located in densely populated residential areas.
  • Also pay attention to the income of people who live in the area you have chosen. If these are hard workers who receive average and minimum wages, then you should not offer them expensive German drugs, and the basis of the assortment should be “standard” domestic drugs.

A good profit will be only if you build the right pricing policy and can competently organize the work of the staff. Do not forget about loyalty programs - discounts, accumulation cards, various bonuses and promotions. Thus, you "tie up" buyers for yourself, and they are unlikely to want to go to competitors. Even by providing a 5% discount card, you will already take a big step towards acquiring regular customers of your pharmacy.

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We also want to focus your attention on the necessary minimum, which should be observed:

  • The floor area for a pharmacy must be at least 12 square meters. If you are going to be engaged in the production of medicines, then at least 24, and if this production requires sterile conditions, then the size of the room should be from 30 sq.m.
  • Be sure to have good lighting, air conditioning, ventilation system in the room.
  • Pay special attention to pharmacy inventory. It is necessary to purchase, at a minimum, a cash register, a refrigerator for storing drugs that require a special temperature regime, cabinets and shelves for placing medicines and products for medical purposes, devices and additional materials with which medicines and medical products will be manufactured for sale.
  • Each workplace must be equipped with instructions on sanitary and hygienic standards, labor and safety. All pharmacy staff are required to follow these instructions.

Assortment of the future pharmacy

A good and wide assortment is another point that determines the success of the future business. The buyer, having come to your pharmacy, wants to buy everything that he has planned for himself, or what the doctor has prescribed. He does not want to buy pills from you, a spray in another pharmacy, and drops in general in a third one. If several times in a row the buyer does not find the drugs he needs at your place, while finding them in another pharmacy, then with a high degree of probability we can say that he will not return to you soon.

In order for a business to be successful, a wide range of different medicines is needed. Experienced businessmen working in this area note that at least 2,000 different medicines are needed to start. Also, in parallel, you can sell dietary supplements, hygiene products, children's products, cosmetics, perfumes, medical products.

But don't forget that some items are in high demand and need to be purchased first, while others can be in stock for months. Therefore, study the demand of the population, understand what you need to buy more and immediately, and what you can start over time. Also, do not forget that different medicines have different expiration dates. Do not buy too many products with a minimum shelf life, because you risk not having time to sell them before the deadline.

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Our advice - in the first months of the pharmacy, you should not buy a large number of goods. It’s better to take the main positions, and as you work, analyze what is in demand, what buyers are most interested in, what medicines are needed, and which ones you can refuse to purchase.

Also, the assortment must be formed depending on the location of the pharmacy. The products of a pharmacy located in a hospital will differ from those in an office or shopping center. In the first option, prescription medicines should be the basis, and those that are in demand in hospitals (alcohol, cotton wool, bandages, painkillers, antiseptics, etc.) If you want to open a pharmacy in an office or shopping center, then 95% of the goods should be over-the-counter medicines, various hygiene products and goods for children.

Competent and qualified staff is an important component of a successful business.

Any business, no matter what you do, is based on competent and qualified personnel. If you are going to open a pharmacy, then the selection of personnel should be treated with special attention. Follow these rules:

  • The head of the pharmacy must be a person with a higher profile education, who has an accreditation certificate.
  • Only specialists with proper medical education can engage in the manufacture and sale of various medicines. As a rule, pharmacists who have received education in colleges and institutes work in pharmacies.

Education is good and important, but don't forget the communication skills of your pharmacy staff. Most of the clients are elderly people who need help with advice, something to suggest, read, explain. The seller and consultants must be tolerant and respect any client.

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The last stage is advertising and development of your own pharmacy

The advertisement is engine of the trade. You may have read, heard, or seen somewhere that pharmacy points, and the pharmacy business in general, do not need serious advertising. They say people are always sick, and they always need medicine. If you have one pharmacy in the city, then yes, you can forget about advertising. But where there is competition, and it is everywhere, you must always be one step ahead and be qualitatively different from others. Therefore, pay due attention to competent and high-quality advertising.

Also, the method of advertising depends on the location of the pharmacy. If she is in the hospital, then it is enough to hang a beautiful sign and maintain the correct pricing policy. If the pharmacy is located in a residential area, then you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Outdoor illuminated advertising that will attract attention at night. As a rule, pharmacies are associated with solid color. Therefore, make the most of the combination of green and white in advertising.
  • Round the clock operation. Your pharmacy should also be open at night. You can also arrange home delivery of medicines. This will be a great addition that many customers will use in the future.
  • Loyalty system. Offer all new customers a discount card, or a card on which they can accumulate bonus points. This will attract new customers and keep old ones. People are always happy if they are given a discount, even if it is 2-3%.
  • Price policy. Always keep track of competitors' prices. You should keep them at or within +-3-5% for high-end items, and +-10% for mid-range and low-end items.
MS WordVolume: 38 pages

Business plan

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Anyone who has the initial capital, time, and most importantly the desire to do this business can bring a pharmacy business plan to life. And there is almost no doubt that the pharmacy business is profitable. Medicines and related products are needed by people of different professions, age categories, residents of cities and villages. That is why a pharmacy can be safely formed in any area, near sleeping quarters.

Do you need a sample document for opening a pharmacy? It is available on our website, which contains useful, specific projects related to various sectors of life. Here you can study the well-thought-out calculations of the establishment of the pharmacy and start putting them into practice. The project immediately indicates what will be needed for the pharmacy, what investments will be required, what is the payback and other data.

When purchasing a document for opening a pharmacy, you must immediately clearly understand where your project will be implemented, who will work there. It can be either a small pharmacy kiosk or a full-fledged pharmacy, where, in addition to medicines, cosmetics, products for children, young mothers, the disabled, pensioners and other categories of citizens will also be offered.

Interested in a finished document? Then study it on our website, and it will be a specific document, useful in its accuracy and reality. Will the project be profitable? This will largely depend on your desire, perseverance, how responsibly you approach the matter, how you work and what you offer people.

Is it profitable to open a pharmacy? If you have thought about this question, statistics alone will not be enough. The figures show that the domestic drug market is increasing in volume by 20% annually. But this does not mean that if you decide to open a business - your own pharmacy, you will be among the successfully developing companies. It is incredibly difficult for newcomers to the pharmacy business to gain a foothold in this niche.

The problem is that large pharmacy chains have taken over most of the market. And for single players who decide to open their own pharmacy, organizing a small business presents a problem due to high competition. One of the prerequisites for starting a pharmacy business is a significant initial investment. In order to open your own pharmacy in Russia, you will need at least 50 thousand dollars at a time - this is a business with a rather high entry threshold. When opening a pharmacy, the assortment must be constantly replenished, as a result of which the total amount of expenses during the first months can reach 300-500 thousand dollars.

At the same time, the organization of entrepreneurial activities to open a kiosk or a pharmacy store does not promise any super profits. The turnover in one pharmacy point of a large city rarely exceeds 20 thousand dollars.

Recently, entrepreneurs planning to create a pharmacy business are increasingly thinking about how to become a partner of a pharmacy or pharmacy chain that already has its own name. For example, many pharmacy chains in Western Europe have been franchising for a long time. This experience is also adopted in Russia. Opening a pharmacy alone is difficult, and numerous tips on business forums touch on the topic of franchising.

For a businessman planning to open a pharmacy from scratch and wondering where to start, it makes sense to pay attention to well-known pharmacy brands. Suppliers of large networks offer franchisees various terms of cooperation. The franchising departments of such pharmacies help partners with the opening of a pharmacy and business development on the terms of mutually beneficial cooperation. Problems such as preparing regulatory documentation for trading at a pharmacy, including statutory documents, obtaining permits to open, after confirming that the pharmacy's area meets licensing requirements, are much easier to solve if the business is opened under the wing of a well-known pharmacy chain.

The industry affiliation of pharmacies dictates serious requirements for opening your own pharmacy, pharmacy kiosk or point. The list of documents that are required to start activities is very extensive. In this regard, many novice businessmen have difficulty accessing forums in search of answers, finding out whether it is possible to open a pharmacy without a license, how to open a pharmacy business, what is needed for this, what documents are required and whether the requirements are high.

At the same time, it is easiest to find competent recommendations on all these issues in a professional example of a pharmacy business plan with ready-made calculations. In it you will find all the necessary information that interests a novice businessman.

So, you have decided to open a pharmacy or drugstore. Where to start, what is needed for this, and most importantly - what is the difference between a pharmacy and a pharmacy or other drug trade format? The peculiarities of the pharmacy pharmaceutical business are such that an entrepreneur, first of all, should figure out what he wants to open: a classic pharmacy, pharmacy, kiosk or store. This is very important, since the basic requirements for opening a pharmacy kiosk differ significantly from the requirements for a classic pharmacy.

When planning to open his own business - a pharmacy business, an entrepreneur is guided in his choice by several indicators. For example, the organization of a pharmacy provides for the sale of prescription drugs, but a kiosk or stall no longer exists. When calculating whether it is profitable or not to open a pharmacy or stall, this factor should be taken into account. A significant reduction in the range, as a rule, negatively affects the efficiency of trade. Licensing conditions for a pharmacy or pharmacy point also have differences. Even such a detail as the rationale for choosing a supplier in a pharmacy depends on which format you choose.

The pharmacy business today is a lot of subtleties and nuances that relate to the requirements for the premises, its location, regulatory documents for the assortment of a pharmacy kiosk or point. The pharmacy market provides a huge range of business development options, but it is very important to make the right choice. You can open a pharmacy in a government agency or in a mall, both of which can be profitable.

The requirements for opening a pharmacy kiosk and a store are completely different, and forums often discuss which type of business is best suited for individual entrepreneurs. You need to proceed from financial possibilities and your own preferences. Someone dreams of creating their own pharmacy network in the future, while for others, the ultimate dream is a pharmacy in the countryside. It is certainly easier to collect documents for opening a pharmacy, since the requirements for opening such a retail outlet in Russia are not as high as in the case of creating a classic pharmacy. The costs in these two cases are also not comparable.

Favorable location of the outlet is of great importance. As a rule, when deciding in what type of house a pharmacy can be built, a businessman also thinks about how to choose the most lively place. With the opening of a pharmacy, it is a little easier - it can be placed on the square of a shopping center, in the subway or in a medical institution. On the other hand, only in a classic pharmacy it is possible to implement an open display format, the relevance of which has recently been maximum.

To facilitate such a difficult choice will allow the use of a competent sample of a pharmacy business plan - a kind of step-by-step instruction that explains in detail how to open a pharmacy business from scratch, where to start. What should be the algorithm of actions for opening a non-network pharmacy, what determines the area of ​​​​the pharmacy - you will find the answers to all these questions in the business plan.

Pharmacies are almost always a profitable investment of money - this is how most entrepreneurs who decide to invest their capital in this business think so or almost so. But that view is rapidly changing as they face the realities of this market. Pharmacy activity is associated with a huge number of difficulties, which not every businessman can overcome.

When opening a pharmacy business, it is necessary to calculate all its pros and cons, the cost of opening and profitability, and only after that make a decision. What is needed to open a pharmacy from scratch, what expenses will be required, where to start? First of all, in order to open a pharmacy in Russia, it is necessary to collect a package of documents to obtain a license and all permits for this activity.

The organization of the commercial activities of a pharmacy, pharmacy business begins with the study of industry standards for the opening and functioning of a pharmacy organization, a package of documents for opening a pharmacy. After getting acquainted with the pharmacy, the essence of sales accounting and other nuances of this business, it is time to solve the main question: how to attract customers in a highly competitive environment? And in this situation, the decisive factor is the service, as well as the provision of additional services to customers.

Opening your own pharmacy business or pharmacy branch will be profitable if you carefully consider the customer service system. According to statistics, one pharmacy per 4,000 people is enough to meet the needs of the population. Otherwise, the payback of the pharmacy falls, despite the fact that the mandatory range of goods in the pharmacy is available, and even sympathetic and friendly pharmacists are unable to save the situation.

Regardless of where you decide to open a pharmacy - in a residential area or in the city center, on what area - 70, 75 or 100 square meters. meters, the attention of buyers will be provided to you if you manage to provide attractive conditions for them. For example, by creating a single information and reference service when opening a pharmacy network, you will help the client quickly find the necessary drug. If a medicine is not available in one branch, the buyer will be prompted with the address where it can be purchased. This is also beneficial from the point of view that the buyer will purposefully go to your pharmacy.

Such a service as an individual order will help to demonstrate attention to the client. When you first apply for a product in a new pharmacy, you may not cover all the needs of customers. If a medicine is not in your assortment, you need to write down the client's coordinates, find the drug of interest to him and place an order. Many buyers will certainly be happy to have such a service as home delivery. This is especially true during the period of mass infections.

What profit will the pharmacy business bring to entrepreneurs? It is difficult to say, but one thing is certain: the maximum income is guaranteed if the entrepreneur is guided by the advice given in the competent business plan of the pharmacy. It contains step-by-step instructions for opening a pharmacy, tells how to make it beautiful and attractive to the buyer.



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