Isoprinosine diarrhea. Isoprinosine: proven antiviral effect

In this medical article you can read: medicine Isoprinosine. The instructions for use will explain in what cases you can take syrup and tablets, what the medicine helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the forms of release of the drug and its composition.

In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Isoprinosine, from which you can find out whether the medicine helped in the treatment of influenza, herpes, HPV (human papillomavirus), as well as others colds in adults and children, for which it is also prescribed. The instructions list analogues of Isoprinosine, prices of the drug in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

Isoprinosine is a complex medicinal antiviral and immunostimulating agent. Instructions for use indicate that syrup and 500 mg tablets are prescribed for the treatment of diseases caused by herpeviruses.

Release form and composition

The drug Isoprinosine is available in dosage form tablets for oral (inside) administration. They have an oblong shape, a biconvex surface, White color and a slight amine smell. There is a line mark on one side of the tablet. The main active ingredient of the drug is inosine pranobex, its content in 1 tablet is 500 mg.

Isoprinosine tablets are packaged in blister packs of 10 pieces. A cardboard pack contains 2, 3 or 5 blisters and instructions for use of the drug.

Isoprinosine can be found in the form of an almost colorless, clear syrup with a slight plummy odor. The liquid is supplied to pharmacies packaged in 150 ml glass bottles. The bottle is placed in a cardboard box and includes a measuring spoon for easy dosing.

pharmachologic effect

Active ingredient Isoprinosine (inosine pranobex) has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect on the body. This substance blocks reproduction various viruses and also reduces symptoms viral infections.

Isoprinosine helps speed up recovery. This drug increases the body's resistance to mumps viruses, measles and various herpeviruses (Varicella-Zoster, Epstein-Barr).

Indications for use

What does Isoprinosine help with? 500 mg tablets and syrup are prescribed:

  • for HPV of the genitals in women and men and in therapy for getting rid of warts;
  • human papillomavirus infection (HPV), including papillomas vocal cords and larynx, fibrous type;
  • therapy for influenza virus and other acute respiratory viral infections;
  • Infectious mononucleosis, due to herpes virus type 4 (Epstein-Barr virus);
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • infectious diseases that were caused by herpes virus types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (in Lately information has appeared about the effectiveness in the treatment of herpes type 6, as well as types 7 and 8), labial herpes, genital herpes and herpetic keratitis;
  • cytomegalovirus infection caused by herpes virus type 5;
  • measles (with severe course diseases);
  • chicken pox, herpes zoster.

Instructions for use

Isoprinosine tablets are taken after meals, without big amount water. Recommended daily dose for adults and children aged 3 years and older (with body weight from 15-20 kg) is 50 mg/kg body weight in 3-4 doses, which is on average for adults - 6-8 tablets per day, for children - 1/2 tablet per 5 kg of body weight per day.

At severe forms for infectious diseases, the dose can be increased individually to 100 mg/kg body weight per day, divided into 4-6 doses. The maximum daily dose for adults is 3-4 g per day, for children aged 3 years and older - 50 mg/kg per day.

Duration of treatment at acute diseases in adults and children aged 3 years and older, usually ranges from 5 to 14 days. Treatment must be continued until disappearance clinical symptoms and for another 2 days in the absence of symptoms. If necessary, the duration of treatment can be increased individually under the supervision of a physician.

For chronic recurrent diseases in adults and children aged 3 years and older treatment it is necessary to continue in several courses of 5-10 days with a break of 8 days. For maintenance therapy, the dose can be reduced to 500-1000 mg per day (1-2 tablets) for 30 days.

For recurrent genital warts, adults are prescribed the drug 2 tablets 3 times a day, children aged 3 years and older - 1/2 tablet per 5 kg/body weight per day in 3-4 doses, either as monotherapy or in combination with surgical treatment for 14-28 days, then with three repetitions of the specified course at intervals of 1 month.

At herpetic infection For adults and children aged 3 years and older, the drug is prescribed for 5-10 days until the symptoms of the disease disappear; during the asymptomatic period - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 30 days to reduce the number of relapses.

For human papillomavirus infection, adults are prescribed the drug 2 tablets 3 times a day, children aged 3 years and older - 1/2 tablet per 5 kg/body weight per day in 3-4 doses for 14-28 days as monotherapy.

It is more convenient for children aged 1 to 3 years to take the drug in syrup form. The recommended dose in this case is 1 ml per 1 kg of weight little patient. The attending physician adjusts the amount of medication depending on individual characteristics baby's body.


According to the instructions, isoprinosine is contraindicated for:

  • Arrhythmias.
  • Gout.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of Isoprinosine.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Tablets are not prescribed to children under 3 years of age (or with a body weight of less than 15 kg).

Side effects

After taking Isoprinosine tablets, negative reactions may develop from various organs and systems, which include:

  • Musculoskeletal system – joint pain, exacerbation of gout.
  • Nervous system - headache, dizziness, can sometimes develop general weakness, drowsiness or insomnia.
  • Urinary system – polyuria (increased volume of urine excreted during the day).
  • Skin – severe itching.
  • Digestive system - nausea, vomiting, pain in the stomach (epigastric region), less often diarrhea or constipation may develop.
  • Liver and biliary tract - a reversible increase in the activity of liver transaminase enzymes (ALT, AST) in the blood, indicating damage to liver cells, an increase in the concentration of urea in plasma.

Appearance side effects And negative reactions is grounds for discontinuation of the drug.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

Safety of using Isoprinosine during pregnancy and during breastfeeding not installed. Tablets are not prescribed in childhood up to 3 years (body weight up to 15-20 kg).

special instructions

Before you start using Isoprinosine tablets, you must carefully read the instructions. There are several special instructions, which are worth paying attention to include:

The drug does not have a direct effect on the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability to concentrate.

After taking Isoprinosine tablets for 2 weeks, it is advisable to carry out laboratory monitoring of the level uric acid in blood.

It is necessary to carry out additional monitoring of the level of uric acid in the blood when joint use Isoprinosine tablets with drugs that increase its level.

If the drug is used for more than 1 month, laboratory monitoring of indicators is required functional activity liver.

Drug interactions

Uricosuric drugs (including diuretics), as well as xanthine oxidase inhibitors, increase the risk of increased serum uric acid concentrations during therapy with Isoprinosine. Immunosuppressants reduce the effectiveness of the medication.

Isoprinosine is a modern antiviral drug that has an additional pronounced immunomodulatory effect.

Among all the drugs that are used in the fight against infectious pathologies viral origin, this drug occupies a special place. It is prescribed not only for banal bronchitis or ARVI, but also used in therapy malignant neoplasms, severe immunodeficiency conditions and are used as rehabilitation therapy after serious illnesses. Isoprinosine is produced pharmaceutical companies Portugal and Israel, so the price of the drug is quite high.

On this page you will find all the information about Isoprinosine: full instructions on application to this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Isoprinosine. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Immunostimulating drug.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.


How much does Isoprinosine cost? average price in pharmacies it is at the level of 650 rubles.

Release form and composition

Isoprinosine is available in only one form, which is almost white tablets that have a slight amine odor. They are distinguished by their oblong convex shape and the presence of a mark on one side, along which the drug can be divided into halves. One blister includes 10 tablets, and one pack can contain from 2 to 5 blisters.

  • Each tablet contains 500 mg active substance inosine pranobex.
  • Excipients: wheat starch, mannitol, magnesium stearate, povidone. 10 tablets in a blister, 2, 3, 5 blisters in a cardboard pack.

Isoprinosine does not have dosage forms such as suspension, powder, dragees, syrup, capsules or injections.

Pharmacological effect

Isoprinosine is a synthetic purine derivative. The active component of the drug, inosine pranobex, stimulates the immune system and has a nonspecific antiviral effect, blocking the proliferation of harmful viruses and alleviating the symptoms of viral diseases. Isoprinosine destroys the genetic apparatus of pathogens and restores the activity of lymphocytes in conditions of reduced immunity.

The drug is active against herpes virus, measles, influenza, cytomegalovirus, poliovirus, and human cellular lymphoma virus. The medication increases the body's resistance to mumps viruses, equine encephalitis, papilloma, and encephalomyocarditis.

Isoprinosine, when taken orally, is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and reaches a maximum in the blood plasma after 1-2 hours. In this case, the drug does not accumulate in the body, is metabolized and is completely excreted by the kidneys within 2 days.

Indications for use

What does it help with? Isoprinosine is indicated for most viral diseases, the main ones being:

  1. Viral hepatitis;
  2. severe course;
  3. Stressful situations;
  4. Advanced age;
  5. Radiation therapy;
  6. Treatment of influenza and others;
  7. Sclerosing panencephalitis (subacute);
  8. Viral respiratory infections, incl. viral;
  9. Chronic infectious diseases of the urinary and respiratory systems;
  10. Viral infections in patients with normal immune status and in immunodeficiency states;
  11. mucous membranes, skin, including papillomavirus infection of the vagina, vulva, cervix, genital warts.

In autumn and spring, when the body is especially susceptible to viral infections, the doctor may recommend taking isoprinosine for prophylaxis for those patients who often get sick during these periods.


Isoprinosine tablets are contraindicated for use if a person has the following diseases or conditions:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Urolithiasis disease;
  3. Breastfeeding period;
  4. Chronic renal failure;
  5. Children under 3 years of age or body weight less than 15 kg;
  6. Individual intolerance or allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Since the safety of the drug has not been proven in relation to developing fetus And infant, it is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Isoprinosine tablets are taken after meals with a small amount of water.

  • The recommended daily dose for adults and children aged 3 years and older (with body weight from 15-20 kg) is 50 mg/kg body weight in 3-4 doses (for adults - 6-8 tablets / day, for children - 1/2 tablet per 5 kg body weight/day).
  • In severe forms of infectious diseases, the dose can be increased individually to 100 mg/kg body weight/day, divided into 4-6 doses. The maximum daily dose for adults is 3-4 g/day, for children - 50 mg/kg/day.

The duration of treatment for acute diseases in adults and children usually ranges from 5 to 14 days. Treatment should be continued until clinical symptoms disappear and for another 2 days in the absence of symptoms. If necessary, the duration of treatment can be increased individually under the supervision of a physician.

For chronic recurrent diseases in adults and children, treatment must be continued in several courses of 5-10 days with a break of 8 days.

For maintenance therapy, the dose can be reduced to 500-1000 mg/day (1-2 tablets) for 30 days.

  1. For papillomavirus infection in adults, the drug is prescribed 2 tablets. 3 times a day, children - 1/2 tablet. by 5 kg/body weight/day in 3-4 doses for 14-28 days as monotherapy.
  2. For herpes infection, adults and children are prescribed the drug for 5-10 days until the symptoms of the disease disappear; during the asymptomatic period - 1 tablet. 2 times a day for 30 days to reduce the number of relapses.
  3. For cervical dysplasia associated with human papillomavirus, 2 tablets are prescribed. 3 times a day for 10 days, then 2-3 similar courses are carried out with an interval of 10-14 days.
  4. For recurrent genital warts, adults are prescribed the drug 2 tablets. 3 times a day, children - 1/2 tablet. by 5 kg/body weight/day in 3-4 doses, either as monotherapy or in combination with surgical treatment for 14-28 days, then repeating the specified course three times at intervals of 1 month.

Side effects

The instructions for Isoprinosine indicate that the drug can cause side effects from certain body systems, namely:

  1. Polyuria (urinary system);
  2. Joint pain (musculoskeletal system);
  3. Weakness, dizziness, headache, drowsiness or insomnia (central nervous system);
  4. Increased uric acid levels in the blood plasma and exacerbation of gout (metabolism);
  5. Nausea, pain in epigastric region, vomiting, temporary increase in the activity of liver transaminases and alkaline phosphatase(digestive system).

Also medicine may cause allergic and dermatological reactions.


There is no reliable data in the literature about clinical cases Isoprinosine overdose.

The good tolerability of the drug gives reason to believe that a slight overdose will not have a fundamental effect on the patient’s body, but it is better to refuse personal experiments.

If the daily dosage of Isoprinosine is exceeded by more than 1.5 times, especially in a child, it is necessary to as soon as possible consult a doctor, call an ambulance.

special instructions

Before you start using Isoprinosine tablets, you must carefully read the instructions. There are a few special instructions that you should pay attention to, these include:

  1. After taking Isoprinosine tablets for 2 weeks, it is advisable to conduct laboratory monitoring of the level of uric acid in the blood.
  2. Medicines from the immunosuppressive group may reduce the effectiveness of Isoprinosine tablets when used together.
  3. If the drug is used for more than 1 month, laboratory monitoring of indicators of liver functional activity is necessary.
  4. It is necessary to carry out additional monitoring of the level of uric acid in the blood when using Isoprinosine tablets together with drugs that increase its level.

The drug does not have a direct effect on the speed of psychomotor reactions and the ability to concentrate.

Drug interactions

During treatment with Isoprinosine, taking xanthine oxidase inhibitors and uricosuric drugs increases the likelihood of an increase in uric acid concentration in the blood.

When the drug is taken in combination with Zidovudine or Acyclovir, there is a noticeable increase in the therapeutic antiviral effect of the above drugs. At simultaneous administration with immunosuppressants, the effectiveness of Isoprinosine is reduced.

Pharmacokinetics. Isoprinosine is an antiviral agent with immunomodulatory properties. The drug normalizes deficiency or dysfunction cellular immunity, inducing the maturation and differentiation of T lymphocytes and T1 helper cells, potentiating the induction of a lymphoproliferative response in mitogenic or antigen-active cells. Isoprinosine models the cytotoxicity of T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells, the function of T8 suppressors and T4 helpers, and also increases the amount of immunoglobulin G and surface complement markers. Isoprinosine increases the synthesis of interleukin-1 (IL-1) and the synthesis of interleukin-2 (IL-2), regulates the expression of IL-2 receptors. Isoprinosine significantly increases the secretion of endogenous γ-interferon and reduces the production of interleukin-4 in the body. Isoprinosine enhances the action of neutrophil granulocytes, chemotaxis and phagocytosis of monocytes and macrophages. Isoprinosine inhibits the synthesis of the virus by incorporating inosine-orotic acid into the polyribosomes of the virus-affected cell and inhibiting the attachment of adenylic acid to the viral mRNA.
Pharmacokinetics. After oral administration at a dose of 1.5 g, the maximum concentration of inosine pranobex in the blood plasma is reached after 1 hour and is 600 mcg/ml. In the body, inosine pranobex is metabolized in the liver to form uric acid. The half-life of 4-(acetylamino)benzoate is 50 minutes, 1-(dimethylamino)-2-propanol is 3.5 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys in the form of metabolites.

Indications for use of the drug Isoprinosine

  • viral infections caused by a virus Herpes simplex 1 and 2 types, Varicella zoster(including chickenpox), measles, mumps viruses, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, including in patients with immunodeficiency states;
  • viral respiratory infections;
  • infections caused by the human papillomavirus: genital warts, papilloma viral infection vulva, vagina and cervix (composed of complex therapy);
  • acute viral encephalitis (as part of complex therapy);
  • viral hepatitis (as part of complex therapy);
  • subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (as part of complex therapy).

Use of the drug Isoprinosine

Prescribed orally; the daily dose depends on the patient's condition.
Adults and children over 12 years of age: 50 mg/kg body weight (6-8 tablets) in 3-4 doses per day; for children - 50-100 mg/kg in 3-4 doses. The course of treatment is 5-10 days, the maximum daily dose is 4 g.
Children aged 1-12 years: 50 mg/kg body weight (1 tablet per 10 kg body weight for a child with a body weight of 10-20 kg, for a body weight over 20 kg - an adult dose is prescribed) in 3-4 doses, maximum daily dose - 4 g. To make swallowing easier, the tablet can be crushed.
For diseases caused by viruses Varicella zoster(including chicken pox), measles, mumps virus, acute viral hepatitis and acute respiratory viral diseases, the course of treatment is 5-14 days. After the intensity of the symptoms of the disease has decreased, treatment is continued for 1-2 or more days, depending on the symptoms.
For diseases caused by cytomegalovirus, Epstein virus - Barr treatment continue for 1-2 weeks after the intensity of symptoms has decreased, or more, depending on the symptoms.
In cases of relapse of the disease caused by the virus Herpes simplex, prescribe 6-8 tablets. in 3-4 doses per day. After the intensity of symptoms decreases, a maintenance dose of the drug is prescribed - 1-2 tablets. per day. The course of treatment is 5-14 days.
For chronic viral hepatitis, chronic respiratory diseases, in patients under stress, with immunodeficiency conditions, the drug is prescribed in a daily dose of 50 mg/kg body weight in accordance with with the following diagrams:
asymptomatic diseases: take the appropriate dose for 30 days with a break of 60 days;
diseases with moderately severe symptoms: taken for 60 days with a break of 30 days;
diseases with severe symptoms: for 90 days with a break of 30 days. The course of treatment should be repeated required amount times, and continuous monitoring of the patient’s condition and reasons for continuing therapy should be carried out.
For subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, the daily dose is 100 mg/kg, the maximum is 4 g/day with long-term use. In particularly severe cases, the recommended daily dose may be increased.
For infections caused by the human papillomavirus, 3 g/day is prescribed (2 tablets 3 times a day) as an addition to local therapy or surgical intervention according to the following schemes:

  • for 14-28 days for low-risk patients, then a break until the end of the 2nd month to achieve the maximum level of virus eradication;
  • 5 days per week consecutively for 1-2 weeks per month for high-risk patients for 3 months.

The following conditions are considered high risk in patients with recurrent or cervical dysplasia:

  • papillomavirus infection of the genital organs, which lasts more than 2 years or 3 or more relapses in history;
  • immunodeficiency resulting from a recurrent or chronic disease, or diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • chemotherapy;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • poorly controlled diabetes;
  • allergic diseases;
  • long-term use oral contraceptives(2 years or longer);
  • the level of folate in erythrocytes is less than 660 nmol/l;
  • frequent change sexual partners;
  • anal sex;
  • age 20-25 years;
  • smoking.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Isoprinosine

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, gout, hyperuricemia.

Side effects of the drug Isoprinosine

Rarely - hyperuricemia.
From the gastrointestinal tract: dyspeptic symptoms (vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation); very rarely - increased activity of liver transaminases.
From the side of the central nervous system: headache, dizziness, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbance.
Dermatological reactions: skin rash, itching.
Exacerbation of gout.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Isoprinosine

During therapy with Isoprinosine, serum uric acid levels may increase, especially in men and the elderly. Therefore, the drug should be used with extreme caution in patients with gout, hyperuricemia, urolithiasis, as well as impaired renal function. When using the drug for more than 3 months, it is advisable to monthly monitor the most important functional indicators liver and kidneys (creatinine level, transaminase activity), uric acid level in blood serum and perform a blood test.
Children. The drug is used in children over 1 year of age.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the lack of research.
The ability to influence the speed of reaction during control vehicles or working with other mechanisms. Not known.

Drug interactions Isoprinosine

The drug should not be taken simultaneously with immunosuppressants. Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug together with xanthine oxidase inhibitors or agents that promote the excretion of uric acid, including diuretics. At simultaneous use with azidothymidine, the formation of the nucleotide is increased, including an increase in its bioavailability and intracellular phosphorylation in human blood monocytes.

Overdose of the drug Isoprinosine, symptoms and treatment

No data.

Storage conditions for the drug Isoprinosine

In a dry place, protected from light, at room temperature (not higher than 25 ° C).

List of pharmacies where you can buy Isoprinosine:

  • Saint Petersburg

At modern treatment many diseases with viral nature origin, doctors widely use Isoprinosine, synthesized in the late 70s of the last century. In Russia, the drug has been used for therapy and prevention of viral infections for just under 20 years. In addition to antiviral activity, Isoprinosine has immunomodulatory properties, which greatly expands the scope of its use and makes drug analogues less effective in the treatment of severe viral diseases. Instructions for necessary application contains all the necessary information about the composition of the medicine, indications for use, dosage and possible side effects. The price of the drug in Russia varies from 500 to 1500 rubles.

Composition, mechanism of action and application

The drug Isoprinosine is available in one single dosage form - tablets; the medicine package can contain 20, 30 or 50 pieces. The main active ingredient of Isoprinosine is synthetically produced inosine pranobex - a substance of animal origin. The main function of inosine is considered to enhance biochemical reactions in the body, due to this the drug has the following mechanism of action:

  • Increases the activity of T-lymphocytes - the main cells of the immune system of any person.
  • Strengthens the production of interferon.
  • It disrupts the chain of virus formation in the body, blocks the production of enzymes necessary to activate pathogenic microorganisms.

Isoprinosine, used in a course, increases the body's resistance to bacteria and pathogenic viruses, which makes it possible to increase resistance to infections. The drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy when identifying ailments such as:

  • Flu, frequent respiratory infections.
  • HPV, manifested by genital condylomas and warts.
  • Diseases caused by the herpes virus different types, including herpes zoster, herpetic keratitis, genital herpes, chicken pox.
  • Cytomegalovirus infection.
  • Measles.

In combination with interferon drugs and others antiviral drugs, the effectiveness of Isoprinosine increases many times over. When choosing antiviral agents it is necessary to listen to the opinion of qualified doctors, since only correct selection treatment regimens will help you safely cope with the disease. For some diseases, Isoprinosine is contraindicated, and then analogues with the appropriate mechanism of action are selected. Maximum concentration dose taken the drug in the blood is achieved in two hours, the bioavailability of the drug is 90%. Accumulation of the active substance in the body is excluded after absorption medicinal base Isoprinosine is eliminated from the body for no longer than two days.

Isoprinosine is highly effective drug in relation to the human papillomavirus, which can be infected through sexual contact and at home. The treatment regimen for detected HPV is selected based on the strain of the virus, the general state of the immune system, and the severity of the infection. HPV, as well as the herpes virus, can never be completely removed from the body with any treatment regimen. At modern level Pharmacology still has to admit this fact. The drug Isoprinosine helps reduce the severity clinical manifestations HPV, herpes, prolongs periods of remission, helps in eliminating warts and condylomas.

Viral respiratory diseases in people with high immunity occur without severe symptoms and without complications. Indications for the use of Isoprinosine in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, and rhinitis are considered to be conditions in which one’s own immunity cannot completely cope with the disease. Isoprinosine increases resistance protective forces, medicine is especially necessary when choosing a treatment regimen for frequently ill children.

The effectiveness of the use of Isoprinosine in the treatment of chickenpox has been proven. Chickenpox in young children is usually mild, and all signs of the disease disappear within a few days. In older children with weakened immune systems, chickenpox causes fever and symptoms of intoxication. Instructions for use of Isoprinosine indicate that prescribing medication for chickenpox reduces the duration of the disease, prevents fever, improves general state, reduces skin rashes and itching.

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Dosage and course of treatment with Isoprinosine

The course of treatment with the drug and the recommended dosage are calculated based on the type of virus. For acute respiratory diseases, Isoprinosine is prescribed in a daily dosage of 50 mg per kilogram of body weight. This amounts to approximately 8 tablets per day for adults. Isoprinosine is prescribed to children from the age of three, daily dosage is half whole tablet for every 5 kg of total weight. The resulting value is divided into three or four steps. The duration of taking the drug continues until the clinical symptoms disappear respiratory infections and two more days to fully consolidate the result. In case of recurrent forms of viral diseases, repeat courses up to 10 days after using the medicine, the break between doses should be more than 8 days. For herpetic infections in children and adults, Isoprinosine is used for up to 10 days a day. acute period and within a month after the disease, 1-2 tablets to prevent relapses.

HPV can cause not only the appearance of condylomas on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, but also warts. Single formations go away on their own within a few months and do not cause much concern. But some people HPV causes the appearance of multiple papillomas and warts, which requires the use of highly effective therapy. Isoprinosine, when HPV is detected as part of complex therapy, reduces viral activity, increases the functioning of the immune system, this effect of the drug allows minimum terms get rid of skin tumors. Adults with HPV Isoprinosine two tablets are prescribed up to three times a day, therapy lasts up to a month.

Use shown antiviral therapy while using surgical or other removal of papillomas and warts. Isoprinosine tablets with this therapy suppress the activity of the virus and do not allow new growths to appear on the skin and mucous membranes. For cervical dysplasia and HPV detected, the drug is prescribed for several courses at intervals of two weeks.

The instructions for use of the drug should not be a guide to the uncontrolled use of the drug. The necessary effect of Isoprinosine will appear only in cases where it correct purpose, which a doctor can provide after a comprehensive examination of the patient. Antiviral drug for HPV, herpes, warts will bring undoubted benefit during the entire course of therapy. There are also contraindications for which Isoprinosine is not used; if they are identified, analogues are selected.

Isoprinosine for children and adults is an antiviral drug with an immunomodulatory effect. The drug is necessary to eliminate disorders immune status for viral infectious diseases (ARVI, influenza, herpes, condylomas, papillomas, cytomegalovirus infection, measles, molluscum contagiosum).

Today the medicine is available in the form of tablets (it has no other forms of release). The active ingredient of the drug is inosine pranobex (500 mg). Isoprinosine is produced in the only form and with the only possible dosage active ingredient, therefore there are no versions of the drug for adults and children. Excipients are: magnesium stearate, wheat starch, povidone, mannitol.

Therapeutic effect

After use, the drug can give two main therapeutic effect 6 immunostimulating and antiviral. Antiviral effect is summarized due to two components - inhibition of viral reproduction processes and assistance in the functioning of the immune system, which due to this more actively eliminates viral elements and affected cells.

The drug stimulates the immune system due to the activation of the production of interleukins 1 and 2, interferon gamma, which have anti-inflammatory activity. In addition, after taking the medicine, the production of interleukins 4 and 10, which support and enhance inflammatory processes in different systems human body. Due to such modulation of the formation of interferon and interleukins, the activity of the flow begins to decrease inflammatory process in tissues, due to which there is a reduction in the lesion and restoration of the previous cellular structure.

Indications for use

Isoprinosine can be used to treat children and adults with weakened and normal immune system. The drug can be used in the treatment of the following viral pathologies:

Instructions for use

The instructions say that children should take the medication tablets orally after meals. Tablets must not be cracked, chewed, or crushed in any other way. It is best to drink plenty of clean water.

The dosage of the drug should not change when treating various viral pathologies. But it changes when used by children and adults.

  • At the age of 3 to 11 years, the dosage of Isoprinosine should be calculated strictly individually, taking into account the child’s weight. The recommended ratio is 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight (this is daily norm). For example, if a child weighs 20 kg, then he can be given two tablets in 1 day. The daily amount of the drug should be divided into 3-4 doses.
  • From the age of 12 years, the dosage should also be calculated according to the patient’s weight. The peculiarities of taking it for children are the same - the result obtained (for example, 5 tablets) should be divided into 3-4 doses during the day.

If the infectious process in the body of a child over 12 years of age is quite severe, then the recommended dosage must be increased by 1.5-2 times.

In the case of children aged 3 to 11 years, regardless of their condition, the dosage should not exceed the recommended levels.

The length of treatment with this drug will depend on the type infectious disease, its stages, course, specifics of development in children's body. Therefore, the decision on the duration of treatment should be made by a qualified physician.

Treatment of acute forms of ARVI, influenza, measles

If a child is diagnosed acute form ARVI, influenza, measles, infectious mononucleosis, molluscum contagiosum, then the duration of taking the drug should be 1-2 weeks in recommended dosages.

Therapy should continue until the underlying clinical symptoms pathology, as well as another two days after all signs of the disease have disappeared.

If the infection has caused the development of any residual effects, or in the presence of a severe and protracted course of the disease, the course of taking Isoprinosine is usually increased by required period. Extending treatment time with this drug must be agreed with the attending physician.

special instructions

The instructions say that during the entire period of taking Isoprinosine it is necessary to take a weekly test for the concentration of uric acid in the blood and urine. In cases where the duration of treatment was no more than 2 weeks, upon completion it is required to undergo an appropriate analysis.

If the drug is taken for a long period of time, but monitoring is required every 4 weeks cellular composition peripheral blood by calculating the leucoformula via general analysis blood, and also monitor the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

If a child is given Isoprinosine along with medications, which provide negative impact kidney function and contribute to the accumulation of uric acid, then you need to take a weekly blood test to check the concentration of uric acid.

It is not recommended to give children immunosuppressants and Isoprinosine at the same time, since the simultaneous use of drugs from these groups will reduce the effectiveness of the drug. It is also not recommended to take medications belonging to the group of xanthine oxidases, because they will increase the level of uric acid in the blood and can also lead to the development of gout (only when taken simultaneously with Isoprinosine).

The instructions for Isoprinosine indicate that the drug can be given to children only from the age of three. And also in cases where the baby’s body weight exceeds 15 kg. In most cases, this medicine is prescribed for treatment in childhood if young patients are diagnosed with ARVI, measles, influenza, molluscum contagiosum, infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox.

The duration of taking the drug should not exceed 5-15 days, but much will depend on the doctor’s recommendation, the degree of development of the disease, the severity of the disease, the stage of the disease and other factors. Therefore, the final decision on the duration of the course of treatment should be made by a specialist.

Isoprinosine must be given to children until all symptoms of the disease disappear. And also within 2-3 days after eliminating all the main symptoms, so that therapeutic effect entrenched.

If this drug is used to treat a chronic infectious disease that has the ability to recur, then the drug should be taken within 1-2 weeks after relief acute stage pathology. In addition, it is also recommended to continue taking the medicine (1 tablet) for a month after relief infectious process. This is done as a preventive measure.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Isoprinosine is a potent drug, so taking it can lead to various side effects. The most common of them are:

If any side effects occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug, and also consult your doctor about selecting suitable analogues.

The use of the drug to treat children is prohibited if there is individual intolerance and development allergic reactions different types on the drug substance. In addition, it is prohibited to use Isoprinosine to treat children who have previously been diagnosed with the following diseases: gout, urolithiasis disease, renal failure, arrhythmia.

As noted above, this medicine can only be prescribed by the attending physician. He must also determine the exact dosage, duration of the therapeutic course and other features of the use of the medicine.



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