What causes condylomas in women. Effective treatment of condylomas in women with various means

Condyloma, like a wart, is a symptom of the human papillomavirus or HPV. This is one of the types benign neoplasms, which can appear on absolutely any part of the body. In women, for example, this can be the limbs, face, tongue, and even the female genital organs.

According to reviews left on forums, sometimes condylomas do not cause discomfort. But in some cases, especially if they are located in the vagina or on the labia, the woman experiences severe discomfort. What to do in such a situation?

Causes of condylomas in women

So, the main cause of condylomas is HPV. For a long period of time after infection has occurred, the virus may not manifest itself in any way. But in certain moment he begins active work.

On initial stage changes occur at the cellular level, so it is impossible to detect them with the naked eye. But as it develops, external signs appear.

There are several factors that provoke the occurrence of condylomas.

  1. Weakened immune system. The cause of this condition may be pregnancy, the use of antibiotics in treatment, proper nutrition, cancer, severe and frequent stress.
  2. Changes in hormonal levels.
  3. Exhaustion physical strength due to childbirth.
  4. Promiscuous sex life.
  5. Lack of contraception during sexual contact with an infected person.
  6. Ignoring personal hygiene rules.
  7. Infections that are sexually transmitted.
  8. Smoking. Tobacco not only reduces immunity, but also leads to changes in surface layer cervix.
  9. Deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

The most common route of infection is unprotected sexual intercourse (80%). And a child can become infected during childbirth, namely when passing through the birth canal. Infection occurs most rarely when using general subjects everyday life

Knowing where condylomas come from will help protect yourself and your children from this unpleasant phenomenon.

Doctors' opinions on the most effective methods of treating warts and papillomas

Describes his vision on this matter chief physician Moscow City Hospital No. 62. Anatoly Nakhimovich Makhson
Medical practice: more than 40 years.

“I have been treating people’s papillomas and warts for many years. I’m telling you as a doctor, papillomas along with HPV and warts can really lead to serious consequences if they are not dealt with.

The human papillomavirus is present in everyone on whose body there are papillomas, moles, warts and other pigmented formations. According to rough estimates, 80-85% of the planet's population has it. By themselves they are not dangerous. The problem is that an ordinary papilloma can become melanoma at any time.

These are incurable malignant tumors that kill a person in just a few months and from which there is no salvation.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. That is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of cancer diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

The only drug that I want to recommend, and it is also officially recommended by WHO for the treatment of papillomas and warts, is Papinol. This drug is the only remedy that has an effect not only on external factors(that is, it removes papillomas), and also acts on the virus itself. On this moment the manufacturer managed not only to create highly effective remedy, but also make it accessible to everyone. Moreover, within federal program Every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can get it for 149 rubles.”

Symptoms of condylomas in women

As stated above, at first the woman does not notice any signs of condylomatosis. The asymptomatic period can last from several months to several years. It will help determine the presence of the disease. Symptoms appear as the disease progresses.

  1. Severe itching and burning sensation. They are felt at a time when condylomas are just appearing. After their formation these unpleasant phenomena disappear.
  2. Formation of noticeable growths of pink, purple or red color.
  3. Bleeding.
  4. Irritation.
  5. Pain during urination.
  6. Pain during defecation.
  7. Copious vaginal discharge.
  8. Unpleasant smell.
  9. Blood after sexual intercourse.

If condyloma appears in the epithelial layer, discomfort she won't call. Otherwise, you will have to face severe discomfort.

Many representatives of the fairer sex are interested in the question: are such neoplasms dangerous? The answer is yes and it is easy to explain.

  1. Firstly, any benign neoplasm under certain conditions can turn into malignant tumor. This process is called malignancy. Almost all types of condylomas are susceptible to it.
  2. Secondly, neoplasms are a sign of a decrease in the body’s protective functions. In addition, condylomas themselves have an impact on the immune system. A person not only suffers more often from colds, but can also easily become infected.
  3. And thirdly, work is disrupted internal organs. Especially it concerns genital warts. They increase in size and occupy more and more surface area over time. As a result, neighboring organs lose the ability to function normally.

What do condylomas look like? This is a growth no larger than 2 cm in size. It is formed by cells of the papillary epithelial layer of the skin or mucous membrane.

It is worth noting that HPV has several forms. They differ from each other in both symptoms and external manifestations.

  1. Latent form. The virus is sleeping. Its presence can only be detected during routine diagnostic measures.
  2. Clinical. The first condylomas appear. They can be single or multiple. This stage is characterized by the appearance of hyperkeratotic and papular growths.
  3. Subclinical. The main symptom is the formation of flat condylomas.

Flat and pointed formations are most common. Each type has its own characteristics.

  1. Acute condylomas can be found in the labia area, near the vagina or anus, and on the cervix. They may have a red, purple or pink tint. Such condylomas are brought with them painful sensations and a lot of inconvenience.
  2. Flat. Affects the vagina and cervix. Almost invisible, which poses a great danger. This type of growth has a fairly high risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor. Therefore, when the first unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to get tested and start treatment as soon as possible.

A separate type is Buschke-Levenshtein condylomas lata. What distinguishes them is fast growth destruction of surrounding tissues, sticky discharge. Such a neoplasm rarely becomes malignant.

Condylomas in women in the urethra and genitals

As mentioned above, condylomas most often form on the genitals. They are also found in the perineal region, in the anus, in the vulva, and inside the vagina.

The reasons for the appearance of tumors on the genital organs are the same as in other cases:

  • promiscuity;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • severe stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • unfavorable heredity;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • various infections.

Condylomas in the groin and on intimate places most often appear in the period from 16 to 25 years and from 35 to 40. It is during these years that a strong hormonal surge is observed in the female body.

be careful

The presence of papillomas, warts, condylomas, moles and spines on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you that most medications “treat” warts, papillomas, moles, etc. - this is a complete deception of marketers who make hundreds of percentage points on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia makes huge money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to treat if there is deception everywhere? Doctor medical sciences Anatoly Makhson held own investigation and found a way out of this situation. IN this article The doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles!
Read the article in official source By link.

Condylomas in pregnant women

During pregnancy the body expectant mother is undergoing great changes. The most serious of them are hormonal disbalance and weakening of the immune system. It is these factors that provoke the development of HPV.

Condylomas do not have any effect on the fetus in the womb. However, when they appear, it is necessary to regularly visit the doctor, since the child may become infected during childbirth. The specialist will monitor their condition and the health of the woman herself.

Treatment of condylomas in women

Which doctor treats condylomas? This is a venereologist. It is he who determines how to treat the pathology and draws up a treatment plan. He also makes the decision regarding admission. medications or using folk remedies at home.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, increase or decrease the dosage medicines or extend the course of treatment. This can lead to tragic consequences.

If condylomas cause severe discomfort, then treatment must begin with their removal. This can be done using some cosmetic procedures.

  1. Laser therapy. Enough effective procedure. The growth seems to evaporate. A crust remains in its place. You should not tear it off, because in a few days it will fall off on its own. Benefits this method Treatments are considered to be mass availability, simplicity, and preservation of surrounding tissues.
  2. Radiosurgery. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes. At this time, a beam of radio waves is directed at the condyloma, which painlessly and quickly deals with the tumor.
  3. Thermocoagulation. The growth is affected high temperatures. The treatment is quite painful, so the patient is given local anesthesia.
  4. Chemodestruction. This is the removal of condyloma using special chemicals. They destroy its structure, which contributes to complete cleansing skin. One of the substances used is nitric acid.
  5. Cryodestruction. The growths are removed using liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of low temperature they are destroyed from the inside. This method of therapy is inexpensive and high efficiency. It is better to carry out the procedure in a medical institution. If you use the product inappropriately, healthy skin Burns may occur.

If the listed treatment methods do not bring results, the doctor may decide to remove condylomas surgically.

The procedures performed do not guarantee complete cure. The virus can manifest itself again and again, so there is a need to use antiviral medications. These can be ointments for condylomas, suppositories for HPV, tablets, injection solutions.

Several types of medications are most often used.

  1. Viferon. Produced in the form of cream/ointment/suppositories. The drug does not exist in tablet or liquid form, as this would make it ineffective.
  2. Altevir. Inhibits reproduction cancer cells, thereby preventing the degeneration of benign neoplasms into malignant ones. Strengthens protective functions body, causing the formation needed by the body enzymes and cytotoxins. The drug is administered in three ways: subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly. The duration of treatment and dosage is determined by the attending physician. The injection is carried out once every 7 days.
  3. Roferon A. Contains synthetic interferon, similar in structure to human interferon. Accepts Active participation in strengthening the immune system. “Teaches” the body to correctly respond to the invasion of viral cells: by completely destroying the virus or by neutralizing individual infected cells. Plus, the drug inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells, thereby preventing tumors from appearing.

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow all doctor’s prescriptions. Otherwise, the condition will only worsen.

So, condylomas that appear on the female genital organs can be very dangerous. This is especially true in cases where the risk of developing cancer is increased. That is why it is important not only to regularly conduct diagnostic measures, but also consult a doctor immediately after the first unpleasant symptoms are detected.

Today we will talk about:

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of condylomas in women?

A person has a large number of microorganisms and viruses that do not cause any diseases, despite their pathogenicity, and are in “sleeping” mode. Among them are representatives normal microflora, and there are also conditionally pathogenic microbes and viruses that exhibit their pathogenic properties only under certain conditions and conditions of the body. U healthy woman they cannot overcome the barrier created by the immune system.

These microorganisms include human papillomaviruses (HPV).

There are more than a hundred species. About 80% of women have this virus, but only about 2% of women suffer from its presence.

Condylomas in women - causes

Everything has not yet been fully clarified causes of condylomas among women. But the main cause is currently considered to be infection with the human papillomavirus. Infection occurs through sexual contact. In 80% of unprotected casual sex, the virus is transmitted by any means from a sexual partner, even if he does not have any clinical symptoms, but is a carrier of HPV. When infected with a virus, condylomas can appear after a very a short time and grow within two hours. Maximum term development of condyloma - six hours. But there is incubation period: It can take ten years from the moment of infection until signs of the disease appear. Or the virus will remain dormant and never manifest itself: the woman will become a virus carrier. Once HPV enters the body, like the herpes virus, it remains in it forever. And only in the presence of certain reasons that lead to a sharp decrease in immunity can it become active.

Among the reasons that cause a decrease in immunity in women and lead to the appearance of condylomas, there are several main, frequently occurring ones:

- ;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- taking antibiotics;
- strict diets;
- smoking;
- oncological or chronic diseases;
- hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis;
- hormonal disorders.

One of the above reasons is enough for the activation of the virus and the formation of condylomas in women. Nervous and impressionable women, who are often exposed to stress, are especially susceptible to this.

There is an opinion that the cause of infection with the human papillomavirus and the formation of condylomas in women can be the personal belongings and toilet items of a virus carrier or a sick woman. This is a household route of infection, which is extremely rare; but some scientists question it.

Condylomas in women - symptoms

When infected with the virus, a woman may have no complaints or clinical symptoms of condylomas for some time. This time ranges from several hours to several years. At sharp decline immunity, the virus manifests its pathogenic properties, and condylomas with all clinical symptoms. Condylomas are a pathological proliferation of epithelial cells of the mucous membranes or skin. Look like growths different sizes: from a few millimeters (in the area of ​​organs genitourinary system, anus) up to two or more centimeters (mucous membranes of the mouth, skin of the hands).

Localized on the mucous membranes of the vagina, labia, perineum, cervix, and can affect the urethra. They look like translucent flesh-colored growths, single or merging, resembling cauliflower. These are genital warts.

There are flat condylomas. They are more difficult to detect and are necessary special methods. Most often, flat condylomas are found in women on the cervix. Flat condylomas generally do not cause any symptoms. Rarely, there may be vaginal discharge accompanied by itching. They are dangerous because they can degenerate into cervical cancer.

Symptoms of genital warts in women are itching, burning, and moisture in the places where they are located. This is due to the fact that condylomas can fall off on their own, releasing fluid from unpleasant smell, and a wound may appear in their place. If these areas are irritated by clothing, inflammation and suppuration may develop. In case of defeat urethra Disturbing discomfort when urinating, burning and stinging.

There are also papular condylomas in the form of multiple vesicles or “pimples.” They most often occur in the perineum, pubic area, outer surface vulva.

Spotted condylomas affect only the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Condylomas in women - treatment

If condylomas are detected, you must consult a specialist, since you cannot cure them on your own. Gynecologists, urologists, and immunologists treat condylomas in women, depending on the location of the identified condylomas.

Currently conservative methods There is no treatment for condylomas in women because there is no antiviral drugs, capable of destroying the papilloma virus.

The main method of treating condylomas in women is their removal. Are used surgical methods, cryodestruction, laser, thermocoagulation, radio waves. After removal of the condyloma, a mucosal defect remains, wound surface, which must be treated because it is entrance gate for any other infection. Appointed local treatment, in addition, drugs that increase immunity, multivitamins. Due to the lack of antiviral drugs, when removing condylomas, new ones may appear after some time, since the human papilloma virus settles in the body forever. Therefore, it is impossible to cure a woman from condylomas caused by the human papillomavirus. You can only prevent infection with the virus.

Condylomas in women - prevention

To prevent infection with the human papillomavirus, two vaccines were created in 2006: Cervarix (UK) and Gardasil (USA). The purpose of their creation is to prevent infection with the virus and the possible further development of cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV types 16 and 17. In 2008, the vaccine developer received Nobel Prize. Both vaccines have the same vaccination schedules, effects and effectiveness. Cervarix is ​​effective against 4 types of HPV, and Gardasil is effective against two. The first drug is cheaper than the second. In the matter of choice, it plays a role what a woman wants to protect herself from and how much money she can spend on it, since the drugs are expensive. Otherwise, there are no significant differences between them. Recommended for ages 9 to 49 years.

There are certain nuances that are worth paying attention to. The vaccine can cause infertility. Its effect is limited to four years, but revaccination is not provided. Before vaccination, it is necessary to determine the presence of HPV in the body, and if it is present, there is no point in the vaccine. Vaccination is carried out from the age of nine, it is important to do this before the start of sexual activity, because, again, according to the latest data, the source of HPV is men who carry the virus. In the European Union and the United States, vaccination is mandatory and included in national immunization programs. In Russia mandatory vaccination no - this is the personal choice of each woman or mother. To this day, discussions continue regarding the advisability of using these vaccines. There is debate around the world about whether the rapidly introduced vaccines are a huge medical hoax.

Otherwise, prevention of condylomas in women includes usual measures that need to be observed and followed carefully every day: safe sex, personal hygiene rules, eliminating stress from your life (if you can’t eliminate it, change your attitude towards it), quit smoking, establish proper nutrition, rest and sleep patterns.

In addition, twice a year, as a preventative measure for condylomas, women need to take a course of immunostimulating drugs, good multivitamins, and general health-improving drugs. Well, a preventative visit to the gynecologist for timely diagnosis and treatment of condylomas.

Women with existing HPV should visit their gynecologist more often. Even with asymptomatic carriage of the human papillomavirus, when there are no complaints or manifestations of the virus present in the body, it must be remembered that the probability of activation of the virus at any time is very high, and condylomas are a precancerous disease in women, and with their long-term existence, degeneration occurs with development of cervical cancer.Save

Condyloma means a growth or tumor and this is exactly what a condyloma looks like on the skin. More precisely, condyloma is a nipple growth on the epidermis that can occur during inflammation. Most often, condylomas appear in places of periodic friction and in the genital area.

Condylomas can be either single or multiple. The size of single condylomas usually does not exceed 7 mm, and the size of multiple fused formations can reach several centimeters.

Types of condylomas

There are two types of condylomas:

Condylomas acuminata

Genital warts are growths on the skin that occur in the mouth or genital area. Since this type of condylomas appears most often in intimate areas, they are sometimes called genital or genital warts. Speaking about condyloma, there are several main points that every person should know when they discover their first wart of this type:

  • Infection with condylomas occurs in 90% of cases during sexual intercourse.
  • The virus can be passed on to a baby during childbirth from an infected mother.
  • Condylomas may not appear for years, and their appearance requires a decrease in immunity.

Regarding the division of the localization of condyloma in men and women, we note that in men the growth most often forms on the frenulum foreskin and on the head itself. And in women, condylomas are localized on the labia, in the vagina, on the clitoris and around the anus.

The number of growths and their size completely depend on the state of the immune system. However, they may long time not to change at all and not to continue to grow and develop. However, condyloma can cause a lot of inconvenience, especially in terms of intimate life. It is worth noting that every second person on the planet today is infected with one or more types of human papillomavirus. Therefore, all studies show that most often infection with condyloma acuminata occurs through sexual contact.

Condylomas in men

It should be said right away that genital warts are rarely found in healthy people who do not have bad habits, therefore, first of all, you need to consider what predisposing factors exist for the formation of these warts.

Reduced immunity

Not always we're talking about about any diseases that contribute to a decrease in immunity. Problems with the immune system can be caused by poor sleep patterns or work-related hard work. If the reason for the proliferation of condylomas lies in immune system, then it is extremely difficult to cure the disease without restoring the immune system.


The formation of genital warts is more often observed in men exposed to strong emotional stress.

Wrong lifestyle

Ignoring elementary rules hygiene, alcohol abuse, poor diet and smoking can cause the development of genital warts.

The human papillomavirus is transmitted sexually, but in some cases a person can be a carrier of the virus all his life and still not have genital warts, while other people begin to develop growths after the incubation period. In this case it all depends on individual characteristics body. The incubation period of the papilloma virus is 6 to 8 months, after which the first signs of wart formation may appear.

Warts are formed due to the fact that a virus, entering a mucosal tissue cell, introduces DNA into it, which causes the cell to change and become horny. In the same way, neighboring cells come under the influence of the virus, which first leads to the formation of a small spot, and then genital warts, which is a growth on a thin stalk.

Such growths, as a rule, form along the edges of the glans penis and in the area of ​​the urethra. In some cases, the growth of condyloma acuminata in the area of ​​the urethra leads to difficulty in the outflow of urine. Condylomas in men can be detected even in the early stages of their development at home. In the area of ​​their development, keratinization of the mucous membrane occurs, and under the layer of skin one can feel peculiar lumps. These lumps are the roots of condyloma.

Condylomas in women

In general, the papilloma virus is present in the body of approximately thirty percent of women and does not cause them any inconvenience or discomfort. The virus exists quietly in the skin layers and mucous membranes, is not detected and does not pose a threat. However, with a sharp decrease immune defense activation of the virus is observed, which is expressed in the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

The virus that causes condylomas can enter the female body in several ways, the most common of which is sexual contact, both traditional, anal and orogenital. The sexual partner may turn out to be an ordinary carrier of the virus and nothing more. Injury to the skin and mucous membranes (cracks, abrasions, cuts, wounds, etc.), as well as ordinary failure to maintain personal hygiene, can contribute to the penetration of the virus into the body.

The time interval from the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms of the disease can range from one to five months. In this case, the virus can be in “hibernation”, and when immunity decreases (stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, illness, etc.), it begins to multiply, as a result of which uncontrolled cell division occurs, which later manifests itself in corresponding symptoms. Women at risk of developing the disease are:

  • with excessive emotionality, subject to frequent stress.
  • those on long-term strict diets.
  • having children under one year old, with constant overwork and lack of sleep.
  • undergoing antibiotic treatment.

Condylomas in women are observed mainly in the vagina, in the area of ​​the labia, perineum, urethra, on the cervix, in the area anus. Less commonly, warts affect the throat and oral cavity, walls of the urethra.

Get infected with a virus causing development condylomas, it is also possible through the contact and household route, due to discharge from condylomas. The virus can enter a child's body during birth process if the virus is localized on the walls of the vagina.

Behind last years The prevalence of genital warts in women has become quite widespread, which is facilitated by modern freedom of morals. Girls begin to be sexually active early, have several sexual partners, and do not use protective equipment.

Symptoms of condylomas are local in nature. If the growths are localized in the anus, the woman experiences discomfort expressed in the form of itching and burning.

Genital warts, which have merged with each other and formed large lesions, in addition to itching and burning, are accompanied by the release of an unpleasant-smelling liquid, which causes a constant feeling of moisture in the area in which they are distributed. If condylomas are damaged by clothing or sexual intercourse, irritation and inflammation may occur.

Flat condylomas are asymptomatic, but in some situations they can be observed small discharge from the vagina, accompanied by itching in the genital area.

Ways of infection with condylomas

It is no coincidence that the papilloma virus has the designation “human”, that is, it is able to develop only in human body and transmitted through human contact. The main route of infection, as with many STDs - sexually transmitted diseases, is sexually transmitted.

It doesn’t matter at all what kind of sexual contact it is - heterosexual or homosexual, anal, oral. Condyloma does not recognize such restrictions and moral standards. Even when using a condom, if one of the partners is a virus carrier, the second one falls into the zone high risk infection, because skin-to-skin contact still inevitable.

As a rule, people with reduced or weakened immunity, those exposed to stress, and those who do not observe adequate nutrition, rest, and sleep become infected. Children can be infected with condyloma at the time of birth, when the mother's birth canal is infected with the virus. For children, the human papillomavirus is just as dangerous as for adults, since age limits are not a barrier for the virus.

Symptoms of condylomas

Genital warts may appear weeks, months, or even years after infection with the human papillomavirus. Therefore, if you recently developed condylomas, this does not mean that your current partner necessarily infected you. Perhaps the infection occurred before you met. Most often, it is not possible to determine from whom the infection occurred.

In women, genital warts can appear in the most different places: around the entrance to the vagina (around the vulva), on the labia majora and minora, inside the vagina, between the vagina and the anus, around the anus (anal, perianal condylomas), on the cervix and in the urethra. Condylomas can be single, sometimes located in groups, and sometimes grow so densely that they take on the appearance of cauliflower.

Despite their name, genital warts do not always have a pointed end: they can sometimes be flat, round and grow on a stalk (like a mushroom). Genital warts are usually flesh-colored, but sometimes they may appear lighter than the skin or darker (brown or almost black). In some people, genital warts are so small that the person may not even realize that they have this disease.

As a rule, genital warts do not hurt, but sometimes they can cause itching and irritation of the skin, especially if they are located around the anus. Sometimes condylomas can become damaged and bleed.

Diagnosis of condylomas

When examining the affected skin surfaces in women and men, there is usually no doubt about the origin of the tumors. In the event that there are initial signs damage to the body by papillomavirus, the mucous surfaces of the genital organs are treated with a solution acetic acid. Then, using colposcopy, papillomas are diagnosed, which turn white after treatment against the background natural color healthy areas.

Additionally, a cervical smear is performed, which is examined for the presence of malignant cells (oncocytology). If cancer is suspected, tissue is taken (biopsy) for examination. In a blood test for HPV using ELISA or PCR, antibodies to one or more genotypes of the virus are detected. If oncogenic varieties of papillomavirus are detected, it is recommended additional measures prevention.

In men initial examination the affected area is carried out by a urologist. Based on the results obtained (characteristic features, symptoms, localization), a diagnosis is made. To identify the genotype of the human papillomavirus, blood is drawn for analysis for antibodies or HPV DNA.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with skin manifestations syphilis, pearly papules. Persons of both sexes are recommended to be screened for other STDs and HIV, which is associated with the frequent combination of infections with each other.

Systemic treatment of condylomas

Systemic treatment in women and men is most effective when the disease lasts no more than a year and may include:

Local treatment of condylomas

Local treatment consists of using agents to remove or reduce the size of condylomas:

Removal of condylomas

Condylomas usually require complex treatment– the first stage is removal, the second is reducing the amount of virus in the body. The problem of treating papilloma viral infection thing is:

Genital warts often (in 30% of patients) recur, so after removal it is recommended to carry out anti-relapse treatment. Human papillomavirus infection does not provide lasting immunity, so the disease can develop again if re-infection, If:

  • the sexual partner was not examined and did not receive treatment;
  • Safe sex rules are not followed.

Stages of genital wart removal

  • removal (destruction) of papillary growths;
  • anti-relapse treatment;
  • virological control of cure.

Methods for removing condylomas

Condylomas can be removed both surgically and non-surgically. The most modern and priority of them are laser therapy and exposure radio wave method. The treatment is carried out under local anesthesia and is practically painless.

Electrocoagulation (removal of condylomas electric shock) V Lately has lost its popularity due to the duration, pain of the procedure and the presence of contraindications.
Cryotherapy involves removing condylomas with liquid nitrogen. The neoplasm is affected low temperatures, which cause the death of condyloma without affecting healthy tissue. The procedure is almost painless, without anesthesia, and is well tolerated by the patient. With a mild form of the disease and a highly qualified doctor, such treatment takes place without consequences, and removal of condylomas does not leave any scars.
Surgical removal of condylomas is sufficient effective method, is carried out under local anesthesia, a suture is placed on the wound site.
Chemical removal of condylomas is one of the traditional methods fight against condylomatosis. The neoplasm is affected chemicals“Solkovagin”, “Podophyllotoxin”, “Condilin”, “Imiquimod”, which cause tissue necrosis. This method has a number of contraindications, in particular it is prohibited for pregnant women.
Laser removal of condylomas is the most modern and effective method fight the disease. The procedure is absolutely safe and has no contraindications. Laser ray does not affect healthy tissue and reduces the possibility of scarring.
Radiosurgery, or removal of condyloma with a radioknife (“Surgitron”), is a non-contact method that provides a precise cut with minimal destruction of adjacent healthy tissue. In addition, the Surgitron radio knife seals blood vessels, excluding pain and bleeding during and after the procedure. Radiosurgery guarantees fast healing wounds and minimizes the risk of scarring.

Treatment of condyloma with folk remedies

Some patients try to fight the disease on their own and, when diagnosed with genital warts, treatment is carried out at home, using a variety of folk recipes. And some claim that even conspiracies against condylomas can produce results.

In the presence of condyloma, treatment with folk remedies is not always acceptable and safe, therefore, when there are genital warts, treatment with the folk method can only be carried out if you are confident in their benign nature.

How to cauterize condylomas at home? How to remove condylomas quickly and without pain? Typically, supporters of such methods use iodine, celandine and propolis. These folk remedies from condylomas act similarly chemical solutions– dry out the growths, which fall off after some time.

Iodine burns out condylomas quite effectively, but you need to lubricate the formations with it very carefully so as not to burn healthy tissue. The procedure must be repeated several times a day, then treatment of condylomas with iodine will give results faster. If genital warts are not lubricated correctly, treatment with iodine can have unpleasant complications in the form of burns of healthy tissue with subsequent scarring.

Propolis tincture for condylomas works similarly. And another popular method is the treatment of genital warts with celandine. To cauterize condyloma, celandine is used in the form alcohol tincture or take pure plant juice. Treatment of condylomas with propolis and celandine should also be carried out very carefully to avoid burns and scarring.

Remove small warts traditional treatment maybe completely, but if there is no effect, you need to contact a specialist.

Is it possible and how to get rid of condylomas forever? Human papillomavirus infection, once entering the body, remains in it for life. But whether you allow it to get out depends only on your immunity, your habits and lifestyle. So, the answer to the question of how to get rid of genital warts is obvious.

Prevention of condylomas

To prevent infection with the human papillomavirus, you must:

Questions and answers on the topic "Condylomas"

Question:Hello! I have HPV-16 and 18. The gynecologist prescribed me treatment with Galavit. I still doubted whether it was possible to defeat HPV with pills alone. I started looking for information on this topic and came across a video where, in her program about health, E. Malysheva said that Galavit does not cure HPV. What should I do now? The gynecologist prescribed it to me!

Answer: Doesn't exist now effective methods treatment of human papillomavirus. Medicines that strengthen the immune system and antivirals are used in medicine. general action(Galavit). The drug does not cure, but helps your body resist HPV.

Question:Hello. I have condylomas, the doctor prescribed a course of treatment with Panavir (ampoules), I got a puncture. Tell me please, should they fall off or what?

Answer: Hello! Yes, they can simply disappear, if not - .

Question:Hello! Pregnancy 7 weeks! Genital warts have appeared! And they grow quickly and extensively! Epigen has no effect! Is it possible to cauterize them during pregnancy and is it true that because of their appearance you will have to have a cesarean birth? I'm very afraid, please help.

Answer: Hello! No connection between premature birth, miscarriages, other pregnancy complications and condylomas were not detected. As a rule, treatment is not carried out during pregnancy. But! It is necessary to strictly observe a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Question:Hello. I'm 28 weeks pregnant. Genital warts appeared. I'm in antenatal clinic They appointed me to go to them for cauterization with celandine. At the paid medical center they said not to touch anything at all during pregnancy, that this is an activation of the virus due to immunosuppression caused by pregnancy - this happens, it will go away on its own. They recommended 10 days of "Genferon 500", then "Genferon Light" for a month. I'm all confused. How to be.

Answer: Hello! Without examining these condylomas, I will not answer your question. It can be done either way.

Question:Hello. During an examination by a gynecologist, I was diagnosed with condylomas. And I'm planning a pregnancy. Should I remove them? Or is the presence of condylomas not a threat to pregnancy?

Answer: Hello, they need to be removed and treated for a viral infection before pregnancy.

Question:Good afternoon. I am 18 and have never had sexual intercourse. When I was 14 years old, I noticed a pointed process at the entrance to the vagina. He didn't cause me any discomfort. Only now, having a boyfriend and paying attention to my health, I began to worry about this. The thing is that I read about condylomas. And that virgins can have them too. This process is fleshy and has the same color as the walls of the vagina and labia. But I wonder how I can have my period, because it completely covers the entrance and looks like a “rosebud”. Could you say something about this?

Question:Hello! A month ago, some kind of formation appeared in the labia area. At first it appeared as an ordinary small wart, then it grew to a size of 1.5 x 0.5 cm. I visited a gynecologist in a private clinic. They said it was condyloma (papilloma). The gynecologist also said that there is inflammation, that everything is so terrible and dangerous, and she began to advertise her devices and medications. I can’t believe her words after she told me that maybe I’m pregnant, although from the beginning of the examination I told her that I haven’t been sexually active for the last six months and repeated it several times. This is absolutely impossible! And I think the sexual transmission of any infection is also unlikely, since there was no contact for six months and there was only one partner for the entire time. She refused to prescribe anything, said that they are not allowed to, they never prescribe. And she recommended removing this formation surgically. Please tell me what medications can be taken for condyloma? And what can you tell us about inflammation by looking at the smear tests? Thank you!

Answer: Hello. According to the data presented, you have identified signs bacterial vaginosis. In this connection, it is advisable to exclude sexually transmitted infections. It should be borne in mind that papilloma is a neoplasm caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Surgical methods for treating papillomas are based on their destruction with laser, cold (liquid nitrogen), radio wave method, electric current, etc.

Question:Hello. I have such a problem: by all indications, I believe that I have condylomas on the border of the head of the penis. I’ve had them for a very long time, from a young age, and they haven’t interfered with my life in any way. But I am very afraid for the health of my other half, so I want to get rid of this problem. Is the procedure to remove these tumors painful? Is the treatment expensive and how long will it take?

Answer: Hello. Most likely, these are not condylomas, but a so-called mother-of-pearl necklace. This is the norm. Go to the doctor to have your thoughts confirmed.

Question:Hello! Woman, 22 years old. Infected with HPV type 6 for 1.5 years. Condylomas are small, multiple, flat. The affected area is extensive. After removal, less than a week passes, and condylomas appear again. Antiviral drug treatment has not yet produced results, even temporarily. Study immune status showed low rate T-cytotox - 10, other indicators are normal. Can this immunogram indicator explain such activity of the virus? What can be done and in what direction to work? They prescribed echinacea. Intravaginal autolymphocytotherapy was recommended.

Answer: Hello. Naturally, I cannot say whether all methods of local and systemic treatment Was used. About your analyses. Slight decrease One of the immunogram indicators is not the cause of the disease, and the virus is active on its own; rather, like any virus, it is capable of suppressing the immune system. But stimulation of the immune system is one of the aspects of treating human papillomavirus, along with antiviral agents and local treatment. You can take echinacea, or other adaptogens: eleutherococcus, ginseng or pantocrine. The main thing, of course, is antiviral treatment.

Question:Hello! I have a condyloma on my labia minora. It was removed (cut out) in the hospital, after which they prescribed a course of treatment with ISOPRINOSINE tablets (2 tablets 3 times a day, 1 week a month, 3 months) in order to cure this in the blood HPV virus. I took the pills (3 months). And literally 2-3 weeks later the condyloma reappeared! And in the same place! They removed it again in the hospital. 1) Can condylomas appear without HPV in the blood? (after all, I took a course of pills). 2) Do I need to take another course of pills after the 2nd operation?

Answer: Hello. To clarify management tactics, it is advisable to carry out cytological examination cervix and colposcopy, as well as identification of HPV type and its clinically significant concentration.

If we consider medical classification female gynecological diseases, then condyloma is inflammatory process viral origin, which is a risk factor for diseases such as cervical cancer. Based on this, if condylomas are identified through a full examination, treatment should be started immediately. How to treat condylomas in women, what are the causes and symptoms?

Condalomatosis is an inflammatory process that is a risk factor for cervical cancer.

Condyloma or genital wart is a flesh-colored formation. Most often, growths appear on the genital and anal openings, but they can also appear in other places on the body. The cause is the pathogen papilloma virus, and for a long time it may not manifest itself in any way, as if hiding in the body and being completely unnoticed. When enlarged, condyloma becomes similar to scallops, which have different shape. Almost 70 percent of the country's residents have this predisposition to the disease, and under favorable conditions it becomes active. The disease is not canceled that easily, but if a person has a strong immune system, the virus will live inside the body all its life without ever reminding itself.

This disease is transmitted during unprotected sexual contact, as well as through infection when using personal hygiene items of a sick person. An infant may be infected by an ill mother while moving through birth canal.

Treatment of genital warts in women requires immediate and mandatory treatment because it can cause reproductive problems female body and become fertile ground for the occurrence of oncology-related illnesses.

If you pay attention only to the removal of condylomas, and not to the root cause of the occurrence, then recurrent repetitions will occur. With contributing factors that have a beneficial effect on the development of the disease, condylomas appear quite quickly and grow from 2 to 6 mm in a few hours. If there is a lack of nutrition, neoplasms may disappear on their own, but new ones appear immediately in another place, sometimes up to several dozen.

Where are genital warts most often located in women:

  • on the labia;
  • in the urethra;
  • in and in front of the vagina;
  • in the uterus and on its cervix;
  • at the opening of the anus;
  • less often in the urethra, as well as in the mouth.

Condylomas usually have different shapes, differ in color shades and sizes.

  • Acute condylomas in women are somewhat reminiscent of papillae with a thin stalk, and when numerous they become similar to cauliflower inflorescences or cockscombs.
  • Flat condylomas are much more difficult to detect, and it becomes possible only diagnostic methods examinations. In the cervix, the presence of virus growths can only be determined by specialists and a full examination.

Condylomas come in different shades ranging from pinkish to gray and red.

Why is the papilloma virus activated? What are the causes of condylomas?

There are many conditions that can cause growths to appear on the skin and mucous tissues in various places body:

A noticeable decrease in the body’s immune forces is one of the reasons for the occurrence of growths

  • A noticeable decrease in the body's immune forces.
  • Formation and existence of infectious chronic foci.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases in the form of candidiasis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners.
  • Uncontrolled and long-term use of medications, especially antibiotics.
  • Frequent abortions, especially in the early stages.
  • The presence of bad habits, their abuse.
  • Frequent stressful situations and nervous experiences.
  • Improper, unhealthy diet, vitamin deficiency.
  • Pregnancy.


The first signs may be small, several millimeters, formations. Typical places for this purpose - the genital region: the anus, genitals. Usually, at the first signs you feel:

  • Unpleasant itching and burning.
  • There is always a feeling of moisture in places of condylomas.
  • Foul smell.
  • A feeling of something foreign, interfering.
  • When condylomas are damaged, blood may be released.
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen.

The incubation period can last several years. At the slightest weakening of the female body’s immunity, HPV becomes active and passes through skin and a condyloma pops up on the surface.

The problems don't end with just discomfort. Against the background of the disease, there are psychological problems associated with an inferiority complex. Often partners develop a feeling of disgust and disgust. During sexual intercourse, condylomas in the urethra in women are injured and bleed, which interferes with full intimacy. This often creates problems in the family and refusal of sexual activity.


Treatment of condylomas in women should be timely and correct. In order to prescribe such treatment, there are several diagnostic methods. Which doctor treats condylomatosis and genital warts in women? The first sign of unpleasant sensations is the reason immediate appeal to the gynecologist. The attending physician will determine the degree of development of the disease and ways to combat it.

  • The specialist visually examines the patient on a special chair. At the same time, using mirrors, the vagina, uterus and mucous membranes of the entire vaginal section are examined.
  • Smears are collected and by microscopic examination the virus, sexually transmitted infections, HIV and other necessary indicators are detected.
  • If there is a suspicion of oncology, a biopsy and histological examination of the condyloma is performed.

Only after this, having identified the type of disease, the specialist prescribes appropriate treatment.

How to treat genital warts in women

Treatment should never be ignored of this disease. If condylomas are diagnosed, treatment can go in two directions:

Removing condylomas in various ways

  • Laser removal of condylomas is quite safe and effective. It is considered a rather expensive method of combating condylomas, so not all clinics can afford it. The laser is able to destroy the growths and leave a crust of them, which disappears after some time on its own, without leaving a mark on the skin.
  • You can remove growths using radiosurgery. This method of influencing the problem area with radio wave surgery allows you to get rid of the condyloma along with its stem.
  • Thermocoagulation can be used as a method for burning tumors. It is quite painful and when removing condylomas, it is carried out local anesthesia. The qualifications of the gynecologist are important here, since the slightest mistake with the device can leave deep scars.
  • Chemodestruction. A means of combating condylomas using nitric acid, on the basis of which they are created special drugs. This method allows you to eliminate painful growths even at home.
  • There is also a cryodestruction technique. Under the influence of liquid nitrogen experienced specialist This widely available and relatively inexpensive method of treating genital warts is carried out.
  • For growths in the urethra, on its mucosa, a urethroscope is often used. By inserting the device into the canal, condylomas are treated from the inside. Condyloma in the urethra in women is less often treated laser therapy and other methods.

As you can see, there are ways to remove interfering full life There are quite a lot of painful growths, and in gynecology they are used widely and successfully. But how to prevent condylomas during pregnancy?

  • If condylomas in women are more concentrated in the anus or rectum, and their localization in the vagina or vestibule of the vagina is insignificant or does not exist at all, in this case the woman can give birth to a child in the usual traditional physiological way.
  • When acute lesion vagina, mucous membranes, condylomas large sizes, is provided C-section. Since when a fetus passes through an infected birth canal, there is a great danger of the child becoming infected and developing condylomas in the larynx.

To treat the papilloma virus and its activity during pregnancy, special individual antiviral therapy is prescribed using drugs: Viferon, Genferon and others, but this cannot give a guarantee complete deliverance from condylomas.


To prevent sharp look diseases, any infection that has entered our body should be treated promptly and correctly. But it’s even better to use prevention methods, and thereby rid the body of viruses and prevent the causes of their appearance. First of all, you should remember the rules.

Humans have a large number of microorganisms and viruses that do not cause any diseases, despite their pathogenicity, and are in “sleeping” mode. Among them there are representatives of normal microflora, and also there are conditionally pathogenic microbes and viruses that exhibit their pathogenic properties only under certain conditions and conditions of the body. In a healthy woman, they cannot overcome the barrier created by the immune system.

These microorganisms include human papillomaviruses (HPV).

There are more than a hundred species. About 80% of women have this virus, but only about 2% of women suffer from its presence.

Condylomas in women - causes

All the causes of condylomas in women have not yet been fully elucidated. But the main cause is currently considered to be infection with the human papillomavirus. Infection occurs through sexual contact. In 80% of unprotected casual sex, the virus is transmitted by any means from a sexual partner, even if he does not have any clinical symptoms, but is a carrier of HPV. When infected with the virus, condylomas can appear within a very short time and grow within two hours. The maximum period for the development of condyloma is six hours. But there is an incubation period: ten years can pass from the moment of infection until signs of the disease appear. Or the virus will remain dormant and never manifest itself: the woman will become a virus carrier. Once HPV enters the body, like the herpes virus, it remains in it forever. And only in the presence of certain reasons that lead to a sharp decrease in immunity can it become active.

Among the reasons that cause a decrease in immunity in women and lead to the appearance of condylomas, there are several main, frequently occurring ones:

- stress;

— pregnancy and breastfeeding;

- taking antibiotics;

- strict diets;

- smoking;

— oncological or chronic diseases;

— hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis;

- hormonal disorders.

One of the above reasons is enough for the activation of the virus and the formation of condylomas in women. Nervous and impressionable women, who are often exposed to stress, are especially susceptible to this.

There is an opinion that the cause of infection with the human papillomavirus and the formation of condylomas in women can be the personal belongings and toilet items of a virus carrier or a sick woman. This is a household route of infection, which is extremely rare; but some scientists question it.

Condylomas in women - symptoms

When infected with the virus, a woman may have no complaints or clinical symptoms of condylomas for some time. This time ranges from several hours to several years. With a sharp decrease in immunity, the virus manifests its pathogenic properties, and condylomas with all the clinical symptoms appear in the woman’s genital area. Condylomas are a pathological proliferation of epithelial cells of the mucous membranes or skin. They look like growths of different sizes: from a few millimeters (in the area of ​​the genitourinary system, anus) to two or more centimeters (mucous membranes of the mouth, skin of the hands).

Condylomas are localized on the mucous membranes of the vagina, labia, perineum, on the cervix, and can affect the urethra. They look like translucent flesh-colored growths, single or merging, reminiscent of cauliflower. These are genital warts.

There are flat condylomas. They are more difficult to detect and require special methods. Most often, flat condylomas are found in women on the cervix. Flat condylomas generally do not cause any symptoms. Rarely, there may be vaginal discharge accompanied by itching. They are dangerous because they can degenerate into cervical cancer.

Symptoms of genital warts in women are itching, burning, and moisture in the places where they are located. This is due to the fact that condylomas can fall off on their own, releasing liquid with an unpleasant odor, and a wound may appear in their place. If these areas are irritated by clothing, inflammation and suppuration may develop. If the urethra is damaged, discomfort during urination, burning and stinging is a concern.

There are also papular condylomas in the form of multiple vesicles or “pimples.” They most often occur in the perineum, on the pubis, on the outer surface of the vulva.

Spotted condylomas affect only the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Condylomas in women - treatment

If condylomas are detected, you must consult a specialist, since you cannot cure them on your own. Gynecologists, urologists, and immunologists treat condylomas in women, depending on the location of the identified condylomas.

Currently, there are no conservative treatments for condylomas in women, since there are no antiviral drugs that can destroy the papilloma virus.

The main method of treating condylomas in women is their removal. Surgical methods, cryodestruction, laser, thermocoagulation, and radio waves are used. After removal of the condyloma, a mucosal defect remains, a wound surface that must be treated, since it is the entrance gate for any other infection. Local treatment is prescribed, in addition, drugs that enhance immunity and multivitamins. Due to the lack of antiviral drugs, when removing condylomas, new ones may appear after some time, since the human papilloma virus settles in the body forever. Therefore, it is impossible to cure a woman from condylomas caused by the human papillomavirus. You can only prevent infection with the virus.

Condylomas in women - prevention

To prevent infection with the human papillomavirus, two vaccines were created in 2006: Cervarix (UK) and Gardasil (USA). The purpose of their creation is to prevent infection with the virus and the possible further development of cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV types 16 and 17. In 2008, the vaccine developer received the Nobel Prize. Both vaccines have the same vaccination schedules, effects and effectiveness. Cervarix is ​​effective against 4 types of HPV, and Gardasil is effective against two. The first drug is cheaper than the second. In the matter of choice, it plays a role what a woman wants to protect herself from and how much money she can spend on it, since the drugs are expensive. Otherwise, there are no significant differences between them. Recommended for ages 9 to 49 years.

There are certain nuances that are worth paying attention to. The vaccine can cause infertility. Its effect is limited to four years, but revaccination is not provided. Before vaccination, it is necessary to determine the presence of HPV in the body, and if it is present, there is no point in the vaccine. Vaccination is carried out from the age of nine, it is important to do this before the start of sexual activity, because, again, according to the latest data, the source of HPV is men who carry the virus. In the European Union and the United States, vaccination is mandatory and included in national immunization programs. There is no mandatory vaccination in Russia - this is the personal choice of every woman or mother. To this day, discussions continue regarding the advisability of using these vaccines. There is debate around the world about whether the rapidly introduced vaccines are a huge medical hoax.

Otherwise, the prevention of condylomas in women includes the usual measures that must be observed and performed carefully every day: safe sex, personal hygiene rules, eliminating stress from your life (if you can’t eliminate it, change your attitude towards it), quit smoking, establish proper nutrition, rest and sleep patterns.

In addition, twice a year, as a preventative measure for condylomas, women need to take a course of immunostimulating drugs, good multivitamins, and general health-improving drugs. Well, a preventive visit to the gynecologist for timely diagnosis and treatment of condylomas.

Women with existing HPV should visit their gynecologist more often. Even with asymptomatic carriage of the human papillomavirus, when there are no complaints or manifestations of the virus present in the body, it must be remembered that the probability of activation of the virus at any time is very high, and condylomas are a precancerous disease in women, and with their long-term existence, degeneration occurs with development of cervical cancer.



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