The passage of the child through the birth canal. What happens to the female body during childbirth? Movements of the child during attempts


By the end of the ninth month prenatal development in the fetus, all systems are ready to function outside the mother's body. At this time, the blood flow through the placenta becomes difficult, the weight of the fetus is large enough and the baby's head descends into the small pelvis.

At a period after 36 weeks of pregnancy, the body is actively preparing for childbirth. The expectant mother often has "training" contractions, in which the uterus spasms. By the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, some changes occur in the woman's body - the level of oxytocin rises, It's a dull pain V lumbar region.

Under the influence of special hormones, the cervix of the uterus softens, shortens and gradually opens. The opening of the cervix of the cervix is ​​slower, since its tissue is very dense. This process begins 1-2 weeks before childbirth, it can be judged by the discharge of the cervical plug, which is presented as a cluster thick mucus. In women, the cervix can be loosely compressed throughout pregnancy, its opening is permissible by 1-2 cm before the birth process, with this phenomenon, the pregnant woman does not observe the discharge of the cervical plug.

generic process begins with contractions - these are regular contractions of the uterus, which are caused by a spasm of the muscle fibers of this organ. Cramping movements of the uterus cause the fetus to move down. The opening of the cervix and contractions indicate the activation of labor. The duration of the process of childbirth in those women who become mothers for the first time is 10-12 hours, and the time of childbirth, as a rule, is half as much.

outpouring amniotic fluid in parturient women occurs in different period and depends on individual features walls of the amniotic sac. If a woman in labor has infections of the birth canal, then the wall of the bladder becomes thinner, and the anterior waters are poured out at the first. Near amniotic sac may become thin due to the metabolic characteristics of a pregnant woman and for other reasons. If the walls of the amniotic sac are dense and do not rupture with the onset of labor, then the doctor makes a neat incision through the opened cervix and the anterior amniotic fluid is poured out.

When the cervix is ​​fully dilated, the posterior amniotic fluid and the walls of the uterus press on the fetus and it moves along the birth canal. The obstetrician evaluates the strength of the attempts, their frequency and gives instructions to the woman in labor at what point and how to push correctly. When a woman should not scream, she should take more air into her lungs and try hard to strain her abdominal muscles.

The birth of a child from the moment of attempts takes about 40 minutes, but more often 10-15 minutes. At this time, the fetus moves forward headfirst through the birth canal, the obstetrician controls and helps the process of the appearance of the child. In cases where the skin of the external genital organs of the woman in labor does not stretch to the size of the fetal head, an incision is made in the perineum to avoid tearing it. With a weak labor activity, a pregnant woman is injected intravenously with oxytocin or other similar hormonal drugs.

Despite the fact that almost every woman is tormented by the fear of such an ancient and sacred event for her, like the birth of a child, yet the main ones in this period for future mother other feelings remain - awe, joyful excitement and expectation of the coming into the world of the greatest miracle bestowed on her by fate.

Especially difficult accounts for those who will experience the happiness of motherhood for the first time. After all, fear of the unknown is added to the fear of pain and complications, to fears for the child, and for herself, aggravated by a variety of horror stories of relatives and friends who have already gone through this.

Don't panic. Remember that childbirth is the most natural process conceived by mother nature. And by the end of pregnancy, the necessary changes occur in the body of every woman, which carefully and gradually prepare it for the upcoming tests.

Therefore, instead of imagining the coming "torments of hell", much it is wiser to sign up for prenatal preparation courses for pregnant women, where you can learn all the most necessary and important about childbirth, learn correct breathing, correct behavior, correct posture. And meet this day with a calm, balanced and self-confident expectant mother.

Childbirth process. Main stages

Despite the fact that the unconditional (unconscious) behavior of any woman during childbirth is genetically determined, information about the process of the upcoming childbirth itself will never be superfluous. "Praemonitus, praemunitus" - so said the ancient Romans, which means "Forewarned is armed."

And that's right. The more he knows a woman about what will happen to her at each stage of childbirth, the better she is prepared for how to and how not to behave during these stages, the easier and more natural the process itself proceeds.

Timely delivery at a gestational age of 38-41 weeks occurs and is safely resolved when the generic dominant has already been formed, which is a rather complex complex consisting of a combination of the activity of higher centers of regulation (nervous and hormonal systems) and executive organs of reproduction (uterus, placenta and fetal membranes).

  • Due to the fact that the fetal head approaches the entrance to the small pelvis and begins to stretch lower part uterus, the pregnant woman's stomach drops. This reduces pressure on the diaphragm and makes breathing easier.
  • The center of gravity of the body shifts forward, straightening the shoulders.
  • Due to the decrease in the concentration of progesterone, it is excreted from the body excess fluid. And maybe even one or two kilograms to decrease weight.
  • The child becomes less active.
  • changing psychological condition. The expectant mother may feel apathy or, conversely, feel overexcited.
  • In the lower abdomen and in the lower back, there are pulling, but not severe pains, which, with the onset of childbirth, will turn into contractions.
  • A thick mucous liquid begins to stand out from the vagina, sometimes with streaks of blood. This is the so-called cork, which protected the fetus from various infections.

The woman herself notices all this, but only a doctor, upon examination, will be able to recognize the most main feature childbirth readiness: maturity of the cervix. It is her maturation that speaks of the approach of this important event.

In general, the whole process natural childbirth is divided into three main stages.

Stage of contractions and cervical dilatation

The moment when gradually increasing ones become regular and their frequency grows is considered to be the beginning of the first, longest (10-12 hours, sometimes up to 16 hours for nulliparous women and 6-8 hours for those who give birth again) stage of childbirth.

The body at this stage natural bowel cleansing. And that's okay. If cleaning does not go away on its own, care should be taken to carry it out. However, it must be remembered that Doctors categorically do not recommend staying on the toilet for a long time, because it can provoke premature birth.

Avoiding dehydration, at this stage should drink more fluids but at the same time do not forget about regular urination, even if you do not want to. After all, crowded bladder reduce uterine activity.

Competent breathing will definitely help ease the pain, which is getting worse every hour. Facilitate them and massaging different parts of the body. You can stroke the lower abdomen with both hands, massage the sacrum with your fingers, or use the technique acupressure for comb ilium(his inner surface).

At first, the contractions last a few seconds with a break of about half an hour. In the future, when the uterus opens more and more, contractions become more frequent, and the interval between them is reduced to 10-15 seconds.

When the cervix opens by 8-10 cm, the stage of transition to the second stage of labor begins. By the time of opening, the amniotic membrane is partially retracted into the cervix, which at the same time breaks and pours out the amniotic fluid.

The stage of attempts and the passage of the child through the birth canal

It's different called a stage expulsion of the fetus, because that's when the baby is born. This stage is already much shorter and takes about 20-40 minutes on average. His distinctive feature is that the woman is actively involved in the process, helping to bring her baby into the world.

Attempts are added to fights(the so-called tension of the muscles of the uterus, diaphragm and abdominal cavity, contributing to the expulsion of the fetus) and the child, due to the combination of intra-abdominal and intrauterine pressure, gradually leaves the birth canal.

At this stage it is necessary to obey the obstetrician and do whatever is said. Breathe properly and push properly. It is during this period, more than ever, that you should not rely solely on your own feelings.

After the appearance of the baby's head, the process goes much faster, is not so painful, and relief comes for the woman in labor. A little more and the baby was born. However, the mother is still waiting for the last (third) stage of childbirth.

Placenta rejection stage

The shortest part of the process, when a few minutes after the birth of the child, feeling light contractions, the woman pushes the umbilical cord, placenta and fetal membranes out of herself.

In this case, the doctor must check that nothing is left in the uterus.

As a rule, this stage takes no more than half an hour. Then an ice pack is applied to the abdomen to speed up the contraction of the uterus and prevent atonic bleeding, and the woman can be congratulated. She became a mother!

Childbirth video

From the proposed documentary film For example real history you can find out what and at what stage occurs during childbirth and preparation for them in the body of any woman.

In this article, we are talking about urgent or timely childbirth that occurred at a gestational age of 38 - 41 weeks, the reasons for their onset and signs of an approaching birth.

Information At the end of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes changes that prepare her body for the upcoming birth. According to modern scientific ideas, childbirth begins and proceeds safely in the presence of a formed generic dominant.

It is a complex that combines the highest centers of regulation (central and peripheral nervous system, hormonal regulation) And executive bodies(uterus, placenta, fetal membranes). That is, this means that with any even minor deviations in the operation of this complex system, various anomalies of labor activity may occur.

It has been proven that women trained in special courses for pregnant women give birth easier and have fewer complications during childbirth and in early pregnancy. postpartum period than in unprepared women in labor. Therefore, it is better to expect the upcoming birth, as they say, “in full combat readiness”, without fear, looking with hope into a brighter future with your baby.

First stage of childbirth. Frequency and intensity of contractions. Methods of self-anaesthesia during contractions

The moment when the contractions become regular and gradually intensify is considered the beginning of the first stage of labor. At this stage, the cervix dilates. In primiparas, it lasts 10-12, but can reach 16 hours, in multiparous, the process goes faster and takes an average of 6-8 hours.

At first, the contractions are short for 10-20 seconds, and the breaks between them are long - 15-20 minutes. If you are at home, then you can already slowly gather in the hospital. Gradually, uterine contractions will intensify, and the gaps will shorten. Try to move more or stand near the support, in this position the pain is not felt so much, and the opening goes faster.

Important During contractions, the most important thing is to relax as much as possible and breathe deeply, because, by contracting, the muscles compress the vessels through which blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

And if the baby is at such a crucial moment in a state of hypoxia (lack of oxygen), then it will be more difficult for him to adapt to new living conditions. Calm helps not only to relax the whole body and fill every cell with oxygen, but also allows you to put your thoughts in order. As soon as you feel that a fight is beginning, take comfortable posture and begin to inhale air calmly through the nose, you can put your hand on the stomach and ribs to feel how the stomach rises, the diaphragm falls and the air fills the lungs. And then do calm long breath through the mouth.

Also, pain relief of contractions together with diaphragmatic breathing, you can use self-massage techniques:

  • Stroke the lower abdomen from the midline to the edge with both hands;
  • Massage the base of the sacrum with the fingertips;
  • Acupressure of the inner surface of the iliac crest.

Pleasant communication in a cozy atmosphere also distracts from pain. It is good if during childbirth with you close person: husband, girlfriend, sister or mother. It is very important that they are prepared for childbirth and during the contractions do not panic, but support you.

Usually, when the cervix dilates by 5-6 cm, the fetal bladder ruptures and amniotic fluid flows out. After that, the doctor must examine the woman in labor on the chair to make sure that the baby’s head is installed correctly and the loops of the umbilical cord of the handle or leg do not fall out (when breech presentation). The volume of the uterus has decreased, and the contractions after a short break become even stronger and more frequent.

Sometimes the fetal bladder is opened artificially when the uterine os is opened by 2-3 cm, this procedure is called amniotomy. It is used for weakness of labor and to activate contractions.

During the first stage of labor, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the bladder and go to the toilet every 2 hours. A full bladder prevents the cervix from dilating and the fetus from passing through the birth canal.

When the cervix is ​​dilated by 10-12 cm, the fetal head presses on the sacral plexus and there is a desire to push. But this cannot be done until the doctor examines you, because if you start pushing when the cervix is ​​not fully dilated, it can simply be torn. With the onset of attempts, childbirth passes into the second period - period of exile.

Anomalies of labor activity in the first stage of labor

Primary birth weakness a condition in which the strength, frequency and duration of contractions is insufficient to open the cervix from the very beginning of labor. Secondary generic weakness- decrease in the intensity of contractions after them normal flow. To restore the contractile activity of the uterus, use intravenous administration prostaglandin or oxytocin solution. These substances are produced in the body and cause muscle contraction. If the first stage of labor is delayed, the woman is tired, they may prescribe medical sleep rest, but only if the fetus is stable and there is no indication for emergency delivery. During the stimulation of labor activity, antispasmodics and analgesics are additionally prescribed and constant monitoring of the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions is carried out.

Excessively strong labor activity may occur in hypersensitive, nervous women in labor. They are characterized by very strong frequent contractions and attempts. Childbirth, even in primiparas, ends in 1 to 2 hours. Due to the fact that all processes are significantly accelerated, the body of the mother and child cannot adapt, and therefore there are ruptures of the genital tract and injuries in the newborn. To reduce the activity of contractions, the woman is laid on her side opposite the back of the fetus and drugs are injected to relax the muscles of the uterus.

Another violation is uncoordinated labor activity- in the uterus, the direction of propagation of the wave of contractions changes, that is, the force of contractions decreases not from top to bottom, but vice versa. The contractions are very painful, but the cervix does not dilate, the myometrium does not relax, and the uterus is in constant arousal - uterine tetanus. The blood flow is disturbed and the fetus is in severe hypoxia.

The second stage of childbirth is the birth of a child. attempts

From the moment the cervix is ​​fully dilated, perhaps the most crucial stage of childbirth begins - the period of exile. Usually the second period lasts 1 - 2 hours.

The passage of the child through the birth canal depends entirely on how hard and how well you push. At the command of a doctor or midwife, you need to calmly take a deep breath and hold your breath for as long as possible, while the air should not be kept in the cheeks, but directed downwards, as if pushing it out of oneself along with the child.

On average, an attempt lasts 1.5 - 2 minutes and during this time it is necessary to push like that, holding your breath 4 - 5 times, then, during rest, breathe deeply and calmly, restoring your strength. Knees with your hands should be pressed to you, straining the abdominal muscles. When you are transferred to the delivery room (usually this happens when the baby’s head has already appeared from the genital gap), there, on a special birth bed, the legs are widely spread apart on the supports, and you will need to hold on to the handles with your hands and pull them towards you during the fight.

With each push, the baby slowly moves towards the exit, the bones of his skull overlap each other to match the size of the birth canal. If you do not breathe correctly, small hemorrhages may appear on the face and eyes, and the baby’s head will stand in one place for a long time and squeeze, which can lead to various damage. When the head has already been born, the midwife will ask you to breathe often shallow to suppress the effort to properly bring out the shoulders.

As a rule, after this, no more than 1 - 2 minutes pass and the whole baby appears. This is the most joyful moment of your life - the first meeting with the baby. The baby expands its lungs with the first cry and takes its first breath. If all is well, the baby will be placed on the mother's tummy to get acquainted with the activation of breast milk production.

At body contact mother's microflora will pass to the baby's skin, and will protect him from harmful microbes. Then the desire to push again appears - this means that the placenta has separated, and the third stage of labor has begun - the birth of the placenta. In the meantime, the midwife will take the baby to weigh, measure and process the umbilical cord residue, and the pediatrician will examine it and evaluate it on the Apgar scale.

Sometimes it happens that there is simply no strength to push - this condition is called weakness of attempts. It occurs with overwork of the woman in labor, as well as with weakness of the abdominal muscles. In this case, oxytocin is administered, if it is necessary to speed up the birth of a child, the tissues of the perineum are dissected (the operation is called an episeotomy). But, if the fetal head is sandwiched between the pelvic bones and the baby's condition worsens, in the absence of effective attempts, forceps or a vacuum extractor are applied to the fetal head and the child is pulled out. But it’s better not to bring it up to this, but to gather all your strength and push yourself.

The third period - the birth of the afterbirth (placenta, fetal membranes and umbilical cord)

During the last attempt, the afterbirth appears from the uterus - this is the umbilical cord, placenta and fetal membranes. Special attention the doctor pays an examination of the placenta, it is necessary that all its lobules be in place, and nothing remains in the uterus. If everything is fine, the obstetrician examines birth canal, if necessary, sew up torn tissues.

An ice pack is placed on the abdomen to force the uterus to contract faster and prevent atonic bleeding. If a piece of the placenta remains in the uterus or for some other reason the uterus does not contract and blood continues to flow, manual control is performed and. The procedure is carried out under anesthesia.

Two hours after the birth, you and the baby will have to spend more in the birth unit, after this time the doctor will assess the condition of the uterus, measure the pulse and pressure, and then transfer you to postpartum department. There you will get used to each other, and the baby also to new living conditions. It is very important to attach the baby to the breast as early as possible and feed him on demand, and not by the hour. Enjoy every moment of a new life, because now it has a new meaning.

With the increase in the duration of pregnancy, the expectant mother is increasingly overcome by thoughts about upcoming birth. And, of course, women who are about to give birth for the first time are waiting for this complex and mysterious moment with special trepidation. It seems that you really want to meet your beloved and long-awaited little person as soon as possible, but for some reason it becomes more and more scary every day, because it is not known how this amazing process will take place.

Undoubtedly, every woman's childbirth proceeds in her own way: for a long time or rapidly, easily or with severe pain without problems or with complications. But be that as it may, the baby will be born thanks to the chain physiological changes in organism. These successive stages of human birth programmed by nature are called periods of childbirth.

Onset of labor: symptoms-harbingers

When the baby is ready to be born, the mother's body begins to produce substances that trigger the birth mechanism. As a rule, this happens a few days before childbirth: slight pulling pains appear in the lower back and lower abdomen, the cervix softens and opens slightly, after which a “plug” comes out - a yellowish or pinkish lump of mucus. However, some women go into labor asymptomatically.

There are two main signs that childbirth is just around the corner:

  • contractions

These are regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus, felt as pressure and pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. At first, they are repeated every 15-20 minutes, then the interval gradually decreases, and the strength of muscle contraction increases significantly. It is necessary to go to the maternity hospital when the contractions are felt every 10-15 minutes.

  • discharge of amniotic fluid

Fine amniotic fluid should be poured out in the first stage of labor, but this is not always the case. Water may leak or flow profusely even before contractions appear, and pain is not felt when the bladder ruptures. As a rule, labor activity after the discharge of water appears within a few hours. Normally, the water is light pink or transparent, odorless, and their dark color testifies to oxygen starvation baby. But in any case, after the water breaks, it is very important to go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible in order to prevent the development of complications.

In some cases, the harbingers of labor continue for several days, labor activity “fades out” or does not develop even after the discharge of amniotic fluid. In this case, it is best for a woman to be in a hospital: doctors often immerse the woman in labor in a medical sleep so that she regains her strength for further labor activity.

First stage of labor: full dilation of the cervix

  1. This period is the longest: for nulliparous it lasts 10-11 hours, and for those who already have children - about 7. The cervix opens under the action of the muscles of the organ, shortens and the baby's head moves through the birth canal at a speed of 2 cm per hour. At first, the process is accompanied by infrequent weak contractions with an intensity of 1 time in 10 minutes, and then comes active phase childbirth. During it, the neck opens by 10 cm, and the contractions become intense (with a frequency of 1-2 minutes) and painful. In this case, at any time, an outpouring of amniotic fluid can occur.
  2. Pain during contractions caused by the opening of the cervical canal, tension of the ligaments and compression of the nerves, each woman suffers differently: some tolerate them calmly, while others require pain relief. During contractions, you can sit on a fitball, stand on all fours, walk, lie down - women in labor themselves determine a comfortable position, while vertical position body allows the baby to pass through the birth canal faster. At the same time, you can massage your lower back or stroke your lower abdomen. But the legs should not be reduced - this prevents the advancement of the crumbs. In the period between contractions, you need to relax and rest.
  3. In the first stage of labor, a cardiotocogram is necessarily performed several times and vaginal examination. This is necessary for early diagnosis pathological course delivery and evaluation of the fetus.

Second stage of labor: the birth of the baby

Third stage of labor: separation of the placenta

Early postpartum period

After examinations and suturing, the woman remains under medical supervision for several hours. After childbirth, uterine massage is usually done to remove blood clots, and an ice pack is also applied to the perineum. If everything is fine, then after 2-4 hours, the mother and baby are transferred to the postpartum department.

A long pregnancy, the first joys, hopes and dreams, the last preparations, and finally the most exciting moment comes: your baby is ready to be born. How do women feel at this moment? Some - a slight excitement, others - the strongest fear, others say that with the onset of labor they felt relieved, because they will soon be able to hug their beloved child.

But we are all different, for one woman childbirth is an exciting journey that you will have with your baby, for others it is a real punishment. It is quite possible that this is a consequence of the fact that women know too little about the amazing process of the birth of a new life. Today we want to review it from start to finish so that every mom can look at it a little differently.

The first signs, or how to understand that it's time to go to the hospital

This question is of great concern to most women, so we will briefly talk about the most reliable symptoms that suggest that the X-hour is approaching by leaps and bounds. In the last 3-4 weeks before the onset of labor activity, periodic pain lower abdomen and lower back. Sometimes there is a feeling of immobilization of the limbs. Very often there is a feeling of fullness, tingling, pain in the pubic area. This is also normal, and after childbirth you will forget about these feelings.

Approximately 2 weeks before the birth, the stomach drops strongly down. The woman notes that he seems to be getting smaller. Eating and breathing becomes much easier. But the uterus begins to train more and more often. This manifests itself in the form of tonic tension. The lower abdomen seems to turn to stone, and this tension persists for some time.

The psychological state of the woman is also changing. If earlier she was afraid of childbirth, now there is a period of calm, future mom wants them to start as soon as possible. Many women note that they passionately wanted to put things in order in their home, wash and rewash everything in the house, buy beautiful things for the discharge of the baby, put the bag in the hospital. Do not forbid yourself, even if the doctor says that you still have a lot of time left. Intuition often works better. Now let's look at the birth process from start to finish.

Psychological attitude

There is very little time left, soon you will hug your baby. The most important thing now is to prepare yourself for the upcoming event, especially if you become a mother for the first time. The first thing to realize is that a wonderful event awaits you ahead. All nine months you, like a bud, bore a wonderful fruit in yourself. Now it's time to open the door to this world for him. Be sure to learn relaxation techniques and breathing exercises, which are used in childbirth to anesthetize contractions and normal supply of oxygen to the baby. Believe me, your baby will be much more difficult than you. Therefore, when receiving information about how the birth process takes place from beginning to end, do not forget to tell the baby about it. He already understands you perfectly.

Mucus plug

The very first signal that your baby is ready to be born will be the discharge of the cork that previously covered the cervix. It served as protection against the penetration of bacteria and pathogens. Today it has become redundant. It is very easy to recognize her. You will see on linen or sanitary napkin enough a large number of dense clear slime. This is what distinguishes cork from normal secretions that are characteristic of pregnancy.

What to do now? Calm down and rejoice, very soon you will be able to press your baby to your chest. In fact, everything is individual, so the process of childbirth from start to finish is difficult to describe unambiguously. If the mucous plug has moved away, it means that there are from several hours to several days left before the onset of labor. But usually this is a signal that the cervix begins to open and will soon be ready to miss the baby's head.

Latest preparations

Indeed, now is the time to make final preparations. Check the bags you have prepared to take with you to the hospital. It's time to put things for discharge, which will be brought to you later, toothbrush and other accessories. There is still some time left to rest. Lie down and relax, remember all the breathing exercises again, maybe you can get some sleep. You still need strength.

The beginning of the fighting activity

Considering childbirth from beginning to end, it should be said that the sequence of events can be very different for each of the women. In some, the process of childbirth begins with the discharge of amniotic fluid, while in others - from the first contractions. At first they are weak, and the interval between them is long. The first contractions last no more than 3-5 seconds, and the interval between them can reach 15 minutes. Gradually, their intensity will increase, the contractions will become longer, and the breaks, on the contrary, will decrease.

Every expectant mother should definitely study how childbirth proceeds from beginning to end. This is very important so that she imagines what awaits her and does not panic. Normally, the outflow of amniotic fluid should not occur before the onset of contractions, but such a change of events is not uncommon. Ideally, as regular labor activity develops, contractions intensify, are accompanied by pulling pains lower abdomen. Cervical opening is accompanied by profuse mucous discharge, which can be sanious.

First stage of labor

It is not yet necessary to go to the hospital. The process of childbirth from start to finish for beginners seems to be something scary and requires mandatory medical intervention. In fact, this is a completely physiological process. If you want to stay at home, then do not deny yourself the pleasure. Now the cervix is ​​rapidly shortening and opening to let the baby's head through. Full disclosure will take 10-11 hours. For multiparous, this time is usually reduced to 6-8 hours.

Assess your condition by the intensity and duration of contractions. And it is not necessary to lie down. Between contractions, walk, shower, and be sure to breathe properly. You can go for a walk with your spouse. Movement stimulates tribal activity, and therefore, bring the appearance of the crumbs into the world. It is very good if the mother is familiar with the physiology of childbirth. The process from start to finish is usually taught in special courses for pregnant women, but you can learn it on your own. When the period between contractions becomes less than 10 minutes, it's time to get ready for the hospital.

Wasting no time

It is not in vain that nature has given so much time for your body to have time to prepare for the process of expelling the fetus. Step by step, the cervix opens, moves apart pelvic bones so that the baby can, without injuring himself and his mother, leave her body. Of course, the feelings of a woman are not the most pleasant. However, you can help yourself very well if you master the breathing exercises in advance. Now there is still time to remember all your workouts.

At the very beginning, when the contractions are not yet too intense, it is recommended to increase the length of the exhalation. To do this, slowly inhale the air for four counts, and exhale for six to seven. This allows you to calm down and relax, and after all, excessive tension and provokes pain. In contractions, try not to lie down, but move around the room, it is easier to carry them.

And when the fight subsides, there is still time for meditation. Therefore, when the fight subsides, sit back and imagine yourself as a beautiful flower that slowly opens under the morning sun. The flower feels warm and opens its petals to reveal a beautiful fruit to the world. Your body understands metaphors perfectly, you will see for yourself.

The process of childbirth from beginning to end to a woman who has given birth no longer seems so frightening, but the memory of contractions is far from the most pleasant. You just didn't know how to breathe right then. This is the mistake of most women. They begin to push from the very first contractions, which is absolutely impossible to do. The cervix is ​​not yet ready to miss the baby's head, and excessive pressure gives him discomfort and pain.

Therefore, when the contractions become more intense and it is impossible to breathe evenly, dog breathing is used. This technique allows you to endure even the strongest contractions without undue stress. It's frequent shallow breathing With open mouth. The more intense the contraction, the more you need to breathe. When the pain subsides, do deep breath and smooth exhalation. The most important thing is to survive the most difficult first stage, which lasts more than 8 hours. That is why we consider the process of childbirth from beginning to end. Preparation is powerful tool, which will allow you to quickly and easily go through all the stages of the birth of the crumbs into the world.

Spouse help

At this stage, it is extremely important for a woman to feel supported. Contractions are the hardest part pain are the strongest, and they increase literally every minute. It is very good if the two of you attended courses. In this case, the man will have an idea of ​​​​how the birth goes from beginning to end. His role is to provide moral support. The husband can pour water, massage the lumbar region, which helps relieve pain.

End of the first stage of labor

Despite the fact that during contractions you really want to curl up on the bed and not get up, try to overpower yourself, walk around or swing on a special ball. Considering the main stages of childbirth, it should be noted that the end of the first of them is the most difficult. At this time, the contractions become very intense, they last 90-120 seconds, and the interval between them is only 2 minutes, and sometimes even less. Soon the break becomes so short that the woman does not even have time to catch her breath.

The only thing that can be reassured is that there is not much time left to wait. This is the natural physiology of childbirth. The process from start to finish you have to experience on own experience, and the crown of this will be the birth of a long-awaited baby. By the end of the first period, the nature of the contractions changes, the first attempts begin, the abdominal muscles, diaphragm and pelvic floor. Right now it should open normally amniotic sac. facilitate the sliding of the child through the birth canal.

Second phase

The description of childbirth from beginning to end makes it possible to understand that, despite the severity of this period, it is a turning point. Full disclosure the cervix marks the beginning of the expulsion of the fetus. Strong attempts are added to muscle contractions. Under their pressure, the fetus descends and exits into the pelvic cavity. Many women are afraid of childbirth, but this process is much faster and less painful than contractions. It is rather heavy physical labor. You just need to listen to the obstetrician and push hard when he speaks.

At the time of the passage of the head, the woman feels a stretch in the perineum. With the next attempts, the head of the child is shown in the genital gap. For a woman in labor, this is the last painful stage. Then the baby's body will slip out without any problems. Now the baby will make the first cry and will be examined by a pediatrician.

Third stage

While the baby is being weighed, examined and swaddled, the woman will have the birth of the placenta. It's completely painless. The woman feels slight uterine contractions. When placental abruption occurs, the obstetrician gives permission to strain. In just a few seconds, a fetal sac is born. The obstetrician will check its integrity and inspect the birth canal.

Instead of a conclusion

Another 2 hours after childbirth, the woman is in maternity ward. The obstetrician closely monitors her condition, for vaginal discharge, checks for uterine contractions. If the condition is normal, then she and the baby are transferred to the postpartum department.

We looked at the birth process from start to finish. The description will allow each of you to prepare for this important point. And remember: childbirth is reflex process. You cannot stimulate or stop it by willpower. However, by following the recommendations in the article and the advice of an obstetrician, you can make it less painful and traumatic.



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