How to properly inhale with a nebulizer. Proper breathing is the key to effective inhalation

A device such as a nebulizer is often used in modern methods of treating various diseases, especially children's. But not all parents know how to use it correctly. It is necessary to have a general understanding of this device, the course of the procedure itself, its duration and its features. Therefore, mothers and fathers should read this information before using a nebulizer to avoid unpleasant consequences for both themselves and their children.

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    What is a nebulizer?

    Very often, doctors prescribe inhalations for children using a nebulizer. This is mainly true for children with diseases of the respiratory system. Having seen such prescriptions, parents wonder what it is and how to properly do inhalations with a nebulizer.

    A nebulizer is a special device that is used for inhalation. Moreover, the drug turns into ultra-small dispersed particles (vapor). Translated from Latin nebula - fog, cloud. Therefore, the name speaks for itself.

    Types of nebulizers

    Device classification:

    • jet - delivers the medicine in the form of a fine aerosol;
    • convection - a conventional nebulizer that delivers drugs at a constant speed in the form of an aerosol;
    • breath-activated devices;
    • devices synchronized with breathing;
    • An ultrasonic nebulizer uses the energy of high-frequency vibrations to convert a liquid drug into an aerosol.

    Mechanism of operation of the device

    In order to use this device, you need to understand how it works.

    A liquid medicine or mineral water breaks down into ultra-small dispersed particles, which are fed into the patient’s respiratory tract through a breathing mask or tube. Since these particles are very small, they are able to enter all parts of the respiratory system and be quickly absorbed.

    Rules for inhalation for a child

    As therapy, inhalation using a nebulizer is prescribed mainly for respiratory diseases (with a runny nose or cough) and for allergies.

    This procedure helps to separate mucus from the walls of the respiratory tract and its subsequent removal from the nose.

    What solutions can be used for the procedure?

    The choice of solution depends on the disease itself.

    For example:

    • antibacterial drugs;
    • hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids);
    • expectorants and mucolytics;
    • antihistamine solutions;
    • antitussives;
    • bronchodilators.

    You must remember that you cannot use medications in tablet form, cough syrups, essential oils, or herbal decoctions. This may damage the device.

    The prepared solution is poured into the nebulizer cup and closed with a lid. The mask is applied tightly to the baby's face. Turn on the device. If after inhalation there is content left in the cup, it must be poured out.

    What should you remember during the procedure?

    There are several basic rules that must be followed when conducting therapy in children:

    • Inhalations can be carried out only 1 hour after a meal or 30 minutes before a meal;
    • the temperature of the mixture should not exceed 30 degrees for infants;
    • The procedure can take from 5 to 15 minutes;
    • after the procedure, you cannot eat or talk for 15-20 minutes;
    • It is necessary to constantly monitor the child’s body temperature.

    When performing inhalation, it is important to ensure that the mask fits tightly to the face and breathe through the nose and mouth, otherwise it is impossible to achieve the desired effect. It is advisable for infants to inhale during sleep.

    Inhalations can be carried out using saline solution or mineral water (with Borjomi or Narzan) as a base. A bottle of mineral water is opened, the gases are released and only then added to the device.

    Nebulizer therapy is carried out no more than 4-5 times a day every day. The number of days required to achieve a positive effect is calculated by the doctor. The procedure is carried out exclusively in a sitting position, the device is held vertically. The child’s inhalations and exhalations should be calm and shallow. Reading and talking are prohibited during this time.

For inhalation through a nebulizer, the use of preparations containing oils is prohibited. This is due to the fact that the oils cover the bronchi with a thin film, resulting in pulmonary edema. Everything happens at lightning speed, so doctors may not have time to save the patient from such treatment.
Solutions used for inhalation should not contain suspensions, suspensions, etc.
As a solvent for inhaled solutions, you can only use saline solution purchased at a pharmacy.
There is no need to hide existing diseases from a specialist, as this can lead to a fatal outcome. For example, patients with arrhythmia or pulmonary diseases are strictly prohibited from inhaling using a nebulizer.

Now let’s figure out how to properly inhale with a nebulizer.

  • Inhalations should be carried out in a sitting position. Procedures are performed lying down using mesh nebulizers.
  • Inhalation can be carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating.
  • Be sure to follow breathing rules during inhalation.
  • The solution used should be at room temperature.

How to breathe correctly through a nebulizer

A sitting position is assumed, with the installation in an upright position. To treat the bronchi and lungs, a mouthpiece is needed. The container into which the inhalation solution is poured is filled to 3-4 ml.

During the procedure, “therapeutic air” is drawn in deeply, slowly and through the mouth. However, after inhalation you should hold your breath for a second. After using antibiotics and hormonal drugs, you should rinse your mouth with boiled water.

It is prohibited to talk, eat, or smoke during the procedure. The face mask should fit snugly to the face. If you feel dizzy or have other unpleasant sensations, stop inhalation immediately.

After the procedure, the nebulizer must be thoroughly rinsed and the constituent particles must be properly sanitized. After which all components are thoroughly dried.

So we actually figured out how to use a nebulizer correctly. Depending on the time of year, the nature of the disease, and the characteristics of the patient’s body, the duration of one procedure varies. Therefore, before starting treatment, check with a specialist how many minutes to inhale with a nebulizer.

Nebulizer inhalation time

Please pay special attention to the fact that the duration of one inhalation can only be determined by the attending physician.

Disease Patient age Duration of one procedure
Dry cough Up to 6 years 1.5-2 minutes
6-12 years 2-4 minutes
Over 12 years old 4-6 minutes
Moist cough Up to 6 years 1.5-2 minutes
6-12 years 2-4 minutes
Over 12 years old 4-6 minutes
Runny nose Up to 6 years 4-5 minutes
6-12 years 5-7 minutes
Over 12 children 7-10 minutes
Bronchitis Up to 6 years 4-5 minutes
6-12 years 5-7 minutes
Over 12 years old Up to 10 minutes
Laryngitis Up to 6 years 4-5 minutes
6-12 years 5-7 minutes
Over 12 years old Up to 10 minutes

This is a very small list of diseases for which a nebulizer is used. The device is also used to treat pneumonia, sore throat and a number of other complex diseases.

Nebulizer sanitization

Please read the installation instructions carefully, as they describe in detail:

  • Which parts can be boiled and which cannot.
  • What disinfectant solutions can be used.
  • Which components are sterilized?

Sanitation must be carried out before the start of treatment, as well as after it. This is especially true for sterilization. During the treatment process, if the diseases are not bacterial in nature, you can simply scald the components. However, before each procedure, all components must be well dried.

is a popular home treatment method. The essence of inhalation is that, with the help of water vapor, the drug or decoction enters the respiratory tract and mucous system. The product is absorbed into the blood, has a direct effect on the inflamed organ, and then leaves the body naturally. The advantage of the procedure is that it does not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The patient will feel relief on the first day, the nose and bronchi will begin to clear of phlegm and mucus; even children can perform the procedure.

Types of inhalation

Inhalation is a painless method, sometimes the procedure is carried out for preventive purposes. Prevention is effective in the spring and autumn, when viruses and flu worsen.

The technique is widely used in hospitals, but it is also easy to carry out independently at home. Such therapy is most often prescribed for wet and prolonged dry cough, rhinitis, bronchitis and severe allergies.

This treatment procedure is divided into several types, classification of inhalations:

  • natural inhalation (cleaning occurs by inhaling clean climatic air in special places: in the forest or in the mountains)
  • artificial inhalation (carried out in hospitals or at home, using an inhaler or nebulizer). The dosage must be determined by the attending physician

Artificial technique is also divided into subtypes:

  • aqueous – this is when a medicinal substance enters the body through inhalation of steam
  • steam – breathing is carried out over dry steam, the procedure is performed for no more than fifteen minutes
  • warm-water inhalation - during this therapy, the medicinal decoction is constantly heated to maintain the required temperature
  • aerosol type - a special preparation is used, into which the medicine is poured and by spraying it enters the respiratory system

Although the method has long been used in medicine, in practice many do not fully understand how long this procedure lasts, how to carry it out correctly and what tools will be needed. It is important to understand all the details so that the treatment leads to maximum positive results.

General rules

Since the procedure is considered medical therapy, before carrying out it, you should study in detail the rules and recommendations of specialists. Here are the basic rules:

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If traditional herbs or tinctures are used, it is important to make sure that the patient does not have an allergic reaction to any component.


You can carry out inhalations yourself only after examination and permission from a specialist. If traditional therapy is used, then the advice of doctors is not necessary. For children under twelve years of age, this therapy is contraindicated, or it is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The patient must be properly dressed. It is advisable that he does not wear a sweater or jacket that would constrict his breathing, especially for turtleneck socks. In addition, it is important that the clothes are made from natural fabrics. After inhalation, when a person sweats, he needs to be changed urgently.

The next factor is sterility. In the hospital they pay due attention to this, but at home you can forget about it. It is imperative to thoroughly wash your hands. Sterilize inhalers and other available devices.

The medicinal substance is used for one-time use. The drugs are stored in the refrigerator. Decoctions are made fresh.

Sometimes solutions need to be combined for treatment to be effective. How to do this should be indicated in the instructions; the sequence can be prescribed by the attending physician. Most often, drugs are used first to relieve spasms, bronchial attacks and dilute sputum, and then antiviral drugs and. The course of treatment is repeated at intervals of seven to ten days.

To avoid negative reactions, you should immediately carry out a trial procedure with a minimal amount of the drug; if it goes well, the treatment is safe.

Precautionary measures

Here are some tips to follow:

  1. Water and steam should not be higher than forty-five degrees when it comes to treating an adult. For a child, the permissible temperature is thirty degrees.
  2. The process is performed carefully, breaths are taken slowly but deeply. This is done so as not to burn the larynx, throat and nasal mucosa with the steam.
  3. If steam inhalation is performed, then the distance between the container and the patient should be thirty centimeters, or more. If you lean lower, there are faces. If special devices are used for therapy, burns are completely excluded.
  4. While inhalation is being carried out, it is dangerous to leave children alone; they need to be supervised so that they do not hang their heads too low and do not talk.
  5. It is important to stop the procedure if shortness of breath, nausea, or dizziness occurs. You may need to change the drug.

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In any matter, safety is important, and in medicine, negligence can cost lives.


There are few of them, but it’s worth sticking to. Inhalations should not be carried out in the following cases:

  • elevated body temperature (hot steam can raise the temperature to a critical degree)
  • for hypertensive diseases
  • for any circulatory disorders
  • frequent nosebleeds
  • heart pathologies
  • contraindicated for allergy sufferers
  • Caution should be exercised in patients with lung pathology (in this case, independent treatment is excluded)

We must not forget that some harmless plants sometimes cause allergic reactions; this also applies to inhalations using medicinal herbs and tinctures. It is necessary to monitor your well-being; as soon as difficulty breathing begins to appear, you must immediately stop the procedures.

Nebulizer treatment

To perform inhalation, a special device was invented, in medicine it is called. It is an ultrasonic or compressor inhaler. Both options can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. The essence of a nebulizer is to convert a substance or medicine into a crushed mixture for further use. The advantage of the crushed solution is that it penetrates deeply into even the smallest parts of the lungs and bronchi, and very well relieves inflammation in the lower tracts of the respiratory system.

There are models that have the function of charging negative particles, thereby making the treatment more effective. Nebulizers with this design are produced together with a mask, so the procedure can be performed not only in a sitting position, but also in a lying position.

Device for the procedure

In addition to the nebulizer, there are simplified options for warming up:

  1. Teapot. This device is available in every home. It is strictly applied. Essential oils and herbal infusions are poured into the kettle. It is advisable to come up with some kind of conical tip for the spout of the teapot. When treating a child, this cone should be as long as possible so that the baby does not get burned by the vapors.
  2. Inhaler. This device has the design of a conventional spray. Inhalers are widely used for asthma attacks. The device contains a medicinal substance or saline solution.
  3. Deep container, saucepan. The most common home option. The product is dripped into a container of boiling water and a steam procedure is carried out. The patient should cover himself with a blanket or towel.

What to use is up to each individual to decide; it all depends on financial capabilities and the doctor’s recommendation.

Cough inhalation

There are various folk recipes that can be used for inhalation against colds and severe coughs. Here are the most common:

To get the maximum effect from treatment, you need to store and use the nebulizer correctly.

So, how to use a nebulizer correctly:

  1. It is necessary to wash your hands with soap.
  2. According to the instructions, assemble and connect it to the compressor.
  3. Immediately before inhalation, you need to fill the device with medicine. The medicine must first be warmed to room temperature in a water bath. It cannot be used in its pure form; it must be diluted with sterile water for injection or saline, using only a sterile syringe. The flask should be filled with the drug to a volume of 2-5 ml, depending on the model of the device. Moreover, saline solution is poured in first, and then the medicine is added.
  4. After priming the device, you need to connect the face mask, nasal cannula and mouthpiece to it.

If you use a nebulizer for coughing, then first breathe in a bronchodilator solution (a drug that dilates the bronchi), and after 20 minutes. you need to inhale medicine to remove sputum. Afterwards, you should use an antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drug.

The effectiveness of using a nebulizer directly depends on the choice of medication and compliance with the dosage. List of possible medications used:

  • bronchodilators - Berotek;
  • mucolytics, expectorants, secretolytics – , Mucaltin, Lazolvan
  • hormonal agents -;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs - alcohol tinctures of calendula, eucalyptus, propolis;
  • antibacterial agents - Chlorophyllipt solution, Miramistin, Furacilin.

The choice of medication should be made by a doctor.

How to do inhalation?

Before inhalation, you need to wear clothes that do not restrict breathing, for example, a jacket without a neck.

How to properly inhale with a nebulizer:

  • carry out inhalation no earlier than 1.5 hours after meals or exercise;
  • when using a nebulizer, sit still, relax, do not talk;
  • inhale slowly and deeply, rapid breathing will cause dizziness;
  • After the procedure, try to talk less, do not go outside, stay in a warm room.

How to breathe correctly through a nebulizer for diseases of the nasal cavity? Inhale and exhale through your nose. Breathing should be smooth, do not make efforts.

How to use an inhaler for diseases of the throat, bronchi and lungs? Inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose. Before exhaling, be sure to hold your breath for 2 seconds.

Instructions for using the nebulizer:

  1. Turn on the device and start inhalation. When steam stops emitting, turn off the compressor.
  2. After the procedure, pat your face dry with a dry cloth. If you inhaled a solution of a hormonal drug through a nebulizer, then rinse your mouth with boiled water. Small children can be given something to drink.
  3. Wash all parts of the nebulizer with boiled water or 15% baking soda solution.
  4. If you have been using the device for more than a week, then sterilize it with steam or boil it for at least 10 minutes.

Store the nebulizer wrapped in a clean towel.

How many minutes does it take to inhale with a nebulizer? The procedure should not last more than 7-10 minutes. It is not necessary to note the time, since during this time period the medicinal solution will be used up.

How often can inhalations be done? The frequency of inhalations is determined by the doctor. The course ranges from 6 to 15 procedures. On average, 8 sessions are enough.

Instructions for use in children

How to inhale with a nebulizer for a child? The procedure is carried out in the same way as for adults, but it can scare the baby. A nebulizer in the form of a toy is popular for young children. To remove fear, you need to give the child a device so that he can examine it. Inhalation should be carried out in the form of a game, after the baby stops being afraid.

You should sit the child in your arms and try to distract him. We need to do everything we can to stop him from crying. Turn on a cartoon or show toys.

The baby needs to choose a mask that fits, otherwise there will be large losses of the medicine.
A small child can be inhaled while sleeping. To do this, it is worth using electronic mesh devices.
It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance if the child develops the following symptoms after inhalation:

  • chest pain;
  • attack of suffocation;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness.

What can't you do?

In order for the device to last for a long time, you must use only approved medications. The following medications should not be used:

  • oil solutions;
  • suspensions that contain small particles, for example, decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • solutions of Papaverine, Diphenhydramine, Eufillin and other drugs with a similar effect.

Hormonal drugs and antiseptics should not be used.

Before the procedure, it is forbidden to rinse the mouth with antiseptic solutions or use expectorants. Also, 1 hour before and after inhalation you should not smoke. You should avoid eating and drinking during this period.

Medicines need to be diluted only with saline solution or suspension for injection. Boiled water, much less tap water, cannot be used.

If discomfort occurs after the start of inhalation, it is better to abandon the procedure or postpone it for a while.

Before purchasing a nebulizer, be sure to read the rules for its use. These inhalation devices are simple and easy to use; the main thing is to use them carefully.

Useful video on how to use a nebulizer

Inhalation is rightfully considered the most important therapeutic component in the treatment of respiratory diseases. And according to some characteristics, it is more effective than pills with mixtures. In order for the treatment to be effective, you must be able to accurately handle a nebulizer or a simple inhaler. In order to acquaint the reader with the simple principles of inhalation technology, we will take a short excursion, simultaneously answering pressing questions: how to breathe correctly with a nebulizer? How to carry out inhalations with the greatest benefit for the body? How to do nebulizer inhalations for children? Our story is about this and other subtleties of using inhalers and nebulizers.

Diseases that can be treated with a nebulizer

Conventionally, such diseases can be divided into the following five groups:

  • ailments that need to be treated immediately, for example, allergies or asthma. Their constant companions are insurmountable coughing attacks. In such cases, the inhalation method of administering drugs is considered the main one;
  • acute respiratory diseases such as laryngitis or pharyngitis;
  • chronic inflammatory processes affecting the respiratory tract, such as: rhinitis, bronchitis;
  • professional “misfortunes” that haunt chemists, miners, geologist, builders, and, as surprising as it may seem at first glance, actors (in this case, the main provocateur is makeup)!
  • certain diseases associated with the heart, blood vessels, nerves, and metabolism. At the same time, you need to know: the use of a nebulizer by patients with heart failure, arrhythmia or bleeding from the lungs is strictly prohibited!

Nebulizers: not only treatment, but also prevention!

No less important is the use of these devices as preventive measures, especially when some family members have already become ill. In this way, you can support the immune system, and in addition, prevent fungal infections of the mucous membrane - if used correctly, of course.

And for families in which children or even one child is growing up, the presence of a nebulizer in the home medicine cabinet is an urgent necessity! Who, if not the baby, is the easiest prey for colds?! Cough and nasopharyngeal inflammation urgently require inhalation measures to speed up recovery.

How does a nebulizer work?

The operating principle of this modern inhaler is based on the transformation of a medicinal drug into an aerosol state with its subsequent delivery to its destination, and the most modern of inhalation devices are nebulizers. Thus, after spraying the medicine with a nebulizer for coughing or nasal congestion, it is sent directly to the respiratory tract, completely covering the mucous membrane and almost instantly being absorbed into the blood. In parallel with this, during inhalation with nebulizers, inhaled microparticles panic pathogenic microbes and force them to leave the body along with sputum and mucus.

The accessibility and ease of use of these devices, combined with comfort and safety, make them easy to use at home - you just need to follow simple rules.

When does a child need inhalation?

Obstructive bronchitis - with this disease, the doctor most often prescribes inhalation to the child. In general, inhalation for children is useful for all types of cough - you just need to persuade him to put on a mask.

Usually children are not afraid of inhalation, but if this happens, the child should not be forced - in this case the procedure will be of little use. The child must get used to the inhaler and he needs help with this.

As a rule, one or two inhalations per day are enough for a child, each of which lasts no more than three minutes. A child under 6 years of age requires up to 2 ml. solution for one manipulation.

Let's learn to breathe correctly!

The first thing you need to do before the procedure is to assemble the device as indicated in the instructions for use. Since medicinal solutions are usually stored in refrigerators, the ampoule must be warmed up to room temperature. Having poured the medication into the inhaler, add saline or injection water, after which the device is ready to turn on.

Further actions depend on whether inhalation is carried out using a nebulizer to cure a cough or the task is to cope with a runny nose.

In the process of inhalation for a runny nose, antiseptic drugs are used in combination with antibacterial and antiallergic drugs. The sequence of actions is approximately as follows:

  • assume a comfortable sitting position;
  • the mask is pressed tightly to the face, completely covering the mouth and nose;
  • Slow and calm inhalations and exhalations are made through the nose for 10-12 minutes - this is exactly the amount of time needed for adult patients.

Thanks to the uniform distribution of the drug in the mucous membrane, this procedure helps to soften the crusts inside the nose, thin the mucus, eliminate burning and dryness in it, and, as a result, relieve mucus.

Breathing through a nebulizer when coughing has its own subtleties: in the case of prescribing several drugs, certain sequences are expected. First, it is necessary to use antibiotics, after a quarter of an hour - bronchodilators, and after the same period of time - mucolytics that thin the sputum. After half an hour of respite, it’s time for antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. Inhalation works well with both dry tracheitis cough, accompanied by a sore throat and problems with the vocal cords, relieving swelling of the larynx, and with wet ones, successfully freeing the bronchi from phlegm.

The actual procedure is as follows. Sitting comfortably on a chair, put on the mask and slowly begin to inhale. For diseases of the throat or pharynx, inhale and exhale through your mouth. If the problem is in the trachea, bronchi or lungs, use the included mouthpiece. The intervals between inhalations and exhalations are 2 seconds. When using a hormonal drug during inhalation, immediately after its completion, rinse your mouth and wash your face. Then you should also carefully rinse all components contained in the inhaler (nebulizer), including mouthpieces and masks. At the same time, under no circumstances should you use sharp objects such as a needle or wire when cleaning. They can damage the device and reduce the quality and effectiveness of subsequent procedures.

We briefly introduced you to how to breathe correctly during inhalation. But it is necessary to remember: quick and effective results can only be achieved if guided by correct inhalation, measured breathing, adherence to the exact dosage and duration of inhalation therapy prescribed by the treating specialist, using modern high-quality inhalers. We breathe with the help of inhalers and get rid of breathing problems!



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