Swollen legs ooze clear liquid through the skin. Lymphorrhea and lymphedema

The lymphatic system is very important for human life, as it provides protection to the body from pathogenic bacteria. When various violations swelling and cracks may form on the legs, from which fluid is released. What to do if lymph flows from the leg. This condition can be treated quite successfully if you turn to professionals for help in a timely manner.

Lymph may be discharged from the leg in the following situations:

If lymph flows from the leg, the person should be put to bed, the leg should be given an elevated position (above the level of the heart). Apply a bandage to the site of lymph leakage. Seek medical attention.


The patient is likely to require hospitalization. If the patient refuses to carry out treatment in a hospital, then you can call a therapist, a cardiologist and a surgeon at home. IN last resort, organize the patient's stay on day hospital.

The next steps are:

  • Diagnostics is carried out to the maximum extent.
  • Minimize salt and fluid intake.
  • Apply dressings pre-soaked in weak solution manganese. From above they are fixed with a bandage, after drying, they are replaced with a new compress.
  • Elastic compression. It is necessary to buy special stockings of the 3rd class, for initial stage you will need 4 pieces, since they need to be changed 2 times a day. If you are using elastic bandages, then the limb should be properly bandaged. Compression is used only if the ulcer or fissure begins to heal, this method therapy will reduce the flow of lymph.
  • Phlebodia 600 much more effective than capsules Troxevasin. It is prescribed for lymphovenous insufficiency and in violation of microcirculation.
  • If swelling and leakage of lymph occurs against the background of heart failure, then permanent basis appointed Cardiomagnyl and Atiris.
  • Diuretics - this can be Torasemide with Veroshpiron or Furosemide. The dosage is selected only after the examination.
  • Bandaging is carried out twice a day. At this time, the damaged area is being treated. saline and one of the drugs is applied: Levomekol, Triderm, Oxycort or Baneocin. The initial dressings must be supervised by the surgeon.

ABOUT further treatment the leading specialist will tell in detail.

Lymphomassage (video)

You will need

  • - a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • - elastic bandage;
  • - alcohol tincture of calendula;
  • - medicines;
  • - elastic bandage.


First of all, be sure to seek the advice of a qualified doctor. Since the chosen method of treatment directly depends on the one that caused the outflow of lymph. For example, if the wounds were formed as a result, caused, in turn, by coronary disease, then the doctor will almost certainly prescribe diuretics in order to minimize swelling and, accordingly, reduce the load on the heart.

Apply bandages moistened with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. They are best made from gauze. You can soak a bandage in the solution and wrap it around the damaged area. Keep it on until the bandage dries. Then remove and replace with a new one. A solution of potassium permanganate disinfects and dries the wound.

If for some reason it is difficult to obtain potassium permanganate, replace it alcohol tincture calendula or other medicinal herb. As a last resort, use clean gauze to wet (preferably boiled water).

Take medicines that help strengthen the walls as directed by your doctor. blood vessels and increase their elasticity. A good effect is given by regular lubrication of the skin with troxevasin ointment or similar drugs.

To reduce swelling of the lower (and, accordingly, the outflow of lymph), use an elastic bandage. Very effective and remedy: sit with your feet on a stand (the higher the better). During sleep (or rest in a prone position), it is recommended to put some kind of elevation under your feet, for example, a roller. In general, try to reduce the load on the legs as much as possible. Lifting and carrying heavy weights is strictly prohibited.

In some cases, for example, with complications that arose after trophic ulcers, required long-term treatment in the hospital. If you are offered this - do not refuse! Since it is hardly possible to fully implement at home.


  • how to treat lymph

Lymph is a circulating intercellular fluid. Its main purpose is to nourish cells and cleanse waste substances, as well as neutralize poisons, bacteria and toxins that are processed by the lymph nodes. Pollution and slagging throughout lymphatic system can occur with metabolic disorders, with malnutrition And sedentary manner life, as well as various diseases and pathologies in the body. Clear lymph possible in medical conditions using the latest drugs or at home folk ways, there are also pharmaceuticals created for lymph cleansing and lymphatic drainage.

You will need

  • - melt water;
  • - vegetables and fruits;
  • - juicer;
  • - honey;
  • - magnesium sulfate.


Make it a rule to go to bed before 10 p.m. with the expectation that by this time already. To make sleep come to you easily, do not drink coffee, strong tea or other invigorating drinks, don't listen to hard rock or watch movies (especially thrillers and horror movies). Also, don't do exercise later than 3 hours before bedtime. Stop eating 2 hours before bed.

Reduce your sleep time with morning hours. According to the same Indian Vedas, if a person did not get up at dawn, he lost the whole day. Accordingly, in the summer you can safely wake up at 4-5 in the morning. Sleep with open curtains: you will notice that you will wake up from exposure sunlight much easier than in the dark from the ringing of an alarm clock.

Most likely, it will be difficult for you to immediately start waking up early - accustom yourself to the new regimen gradually. Every day, set the alarm so that it rings 5 ​​minutes earlier than the previous time. After all, your internal clock tune in, and you can easily wake up with the first sunbeams.

Provide yourself at night good rest. A well-rested body will wake up with ease and pleasure.

At first, when you first switch to new mode sleep, resort to a little trick. 1-2 hours morning sleep you will perfectly replace a 15-20-minute rest during the day, if you fall asleep or just take horizontal position and relax. Such rest is allowed up to 14 hours, at more late time it can have a negative effect on sleep at night.

Remember that sleep is not only a time of rest, but also a time, and, according to scientists, a time of rejuvenation of the body, so do not reduce it too much. Sleeping less than 6 hours a night can be detrimental to health.

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Edema occur not only because of the large amount of fluid in the body. In fact, a person is 70% water. If it accumulates in the cells above the norm, then something contributes to this. Therefore, before treating swelling legs, consult a doctor to find out the cause of their appearance.

You will need


Edema often occur in the heat. The body reacts in this way external conditions and just in case creates a certain reserve of moisture. Do not limit the usual amount of water consumed at this point. Edema will not disappear, but on the contrary, will only get worse.

Drink water in summer sufficient quantities. In a healthy person, excess moisture always comes out through sweat. Limit your intake of salt, fatty and smoked foods. Drink green Herb tea, eat berries (total watermelons), fruits, baked potatoes, dairy products, beans and celery.

Pour into a bucket warm water and dissolve in it three hundred grams of cooking or sea ​​salt. Drop it there legs and sit like that for about half an hour. Salt will help extract water from cell tissue, and swelling will noticeably subside after the first procedure.

Accept cold and hot shower. This will increase blood circulation and will favorably affect your legs. But pour only them, not the whole body. Finish with cool water and let legs am to air dry.

Add a tablespoon of apples to the water legs about vinegar, soak a cloth in this solution and wipe it legs And. This remedy is only suitable for those who have not previously been allergic to apple cider vinegar. Do not apply vinegar essence because she does not have desired effect.

Buy a cream at the pharmacy legs. Use it every evening. Apply lightly massage movements while lightly rubbing into the skin. Most of these products contain menthol. It improves blood flow and reduces swelling as a result.

Do not get carried away with diuretics without first consulting a doctor. If you take diuretics without prescription, you can provoke dehydration. And this is fraught with even more serious consequences.


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Myoma is benign tumor made up of muscle tissue. Often, it develops in the uterus of a woman in the presence of favorable conditions for its growth. This disease very rarely occurs before the onset of puberty, as well as after the onset of menopause.


Myoma can consist of one or many nodes, this disease is widespread, therefore there is a large number of folk remedies and methods of its treatment. Symptoms of a fibroid may include: menstrual cycle, uterine bleeding, heavy or prolonged menstruation, leading to a state of anemia, severe pain in the lower abdomen (often pain symptom may be absent), infertility, constipation or frequent urination (due to impaired function of neighboring organs as a result of their compression).

To combat fibroids, you can use an infusion of flaxseed. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. l. with a slide of flaxseed, pour 500 ml of boiling water, insist for 12 hours in a thermos, then drink 150 ml three times a day. The course of treatment is 15 days. This remedy, in addition to treating fibroids, helps to improve the condition gastrointestinal tract with gastritis and ulcers, as well as get rid of constipation.

You can use an infusion of burdock roots, which is very effective on fibroids, leading to a decrease in its size. To prepare the infusion, take 5 g of finely chopped burdock roots, pour 400 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos throughout the night. Take the resulting infusion of 100 ml 4 times a day. The course of treatment is one month, after a short break for 10 days and then repeated course. The treatment is very effective because its roots have a strong antitumor effect.

As a treatment for fibroids, you can use herbal tincture. For cooking, take 25 grams of calendula, pine buds, yarrow, propolis, Maryina root, wormwood and celandine. Pour the mixture with 1 liter of alcohol and infuse for two weeks in a dark place. Drink the resulting tincture 1 tsp. three times a day. In the absence of the marin root component, it can be replaced pharmacy tincture peony.


In the treatment of herbs, non-specific antitumor plants are used that destroy any type of tumor (marsh cinquefoil, speckled hemlock, red fly agaric, celandine, white mistletoe, American lacquer), and antitumor herbs aimed at treating only fibroids (shandra vulgaris, bedstraw tenacious tartar prickly, upland uterus, European zyuznik, mad cucumber). Simple antitumor plants are not poisonous and act purposefully only on the tumor in the uterus, in addition, they have the ability to regulate hormonal background due to the presence of iodine.

characteristic feature malignant tumors is their ability to metastasize in regions of the body remote from the primary focus through blood and lymph. Cancer cells have "favorite" localization sites where they can be quickly detected and stopped. further development.


Very effective method cancer cure is surgical intervention. However, it can only help at the initial stage, when the primary does not yet give "" in other organs of the body. Since the appearance of metastases, such a method of treatment becomes extremely ineffective, therefore, secondary foci are fought non-surgically.

Red: the absence of red blood cells is the only difference. Figuratively speaking, lymph provides cleanliness inside: it "" tissues and organs and removes all unnecessary and dangerous substances. But this system is rather complicated.

lymphatic system

Blood, moving through the vessels, delivers oxygen and other nutrients, in human tissue cells, fluid from the blood enters the intercellular environment - this fluid is called intercellular, it accumulates unnecessary authorities substances. If they are not regularly removed from the organs, the cells will not function properly, receive malnutrition, as a result, the tissues will begin to break down, become less smooth and elastic, and perform their functions poorly.

To clean the intercellular space with excess fluid, the lymphatic system is needed. The lymph "takes" the liquid with all its substances and sends it along the lymphatic streams from the bottom up: from the fingers to the chest. Movement through the body is carried out with the help of muscles: with their tissues, the fluid is pushed upward. This explains the fact that people leading active image life, lymphatic congestion rarely occurs, and sedentary people lymph edema - quite frequent occurrence.

Further, the liquid enters the "filtration points": the lymph nodes. There, it is cleared of many foreign substances and enriched with antibodies that fight the antigens contained in the lymph. With this filter infectious diseases And cancer cells stop their development.

Then through the lymphatic vessels liquid goes in two veins near the heart - thus the lymph returns to the blood, which delivers unnecessary products to the excretory organs. This is the urethra in men or the vagina, intestines, armpits, ducts - through them, fluid with leukocytes that died in the fight against infections is released to the outside.

Hello curious readers. All of us have fallen or been injured at least once in our lives. And we all know the consequences of such awkward moments. Most often abrasions, bruises, bruises, wounds. And if abrasions resolve rather quickly and do not bring much trouble, then here open wounds, this is more serious. It is necessary to do dressings and treat wounds so as not to infect. But even after the wound has healed, there is a risk of infection, and then, from the wound, it begins to flow clear liquid- lymph. And when the lymph flows, not many people know what to do.

Lymph is a viscous colorless liquid. There are no erythrocytes in it, but enough lymphocytes. Lymph that flows out of small wounds is called ichor. It moves from top to bottom - from the tips of the toes and hands to the chest. When a person is injured, in most cases, little lymph flows out of the wound, and sometimes it is completely absent. But there are times when it begins to flow profusely and then the question arises, what to do?

Here are a few mandatory procedures for the flow of lymph: bandaging the legs with an elastic bandage with a low degree of extensibility, hardware and manual lymphatic drainage massage, and especially drug therapy, as well as wearing therapeutic compression golf will help to gradually reduce the amount of fluid. This must be done because the lymph causes erosion and irritates the skin.

Now, dear readers, you already know what to do when lymph flows.

Hello Elena Olegovna! You practically cured my mother (trophic ulcer). The leg is pink, bumpy, with separate inclusions of fibrin, under which, as we can see, there is also pink tissue. But there is one incomprehensibility - we really hope for your help this time as well. Exudate or something similar to transparent lymph periodically flows from the leg very strongly. It doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes. Mom smears her leg with Baneocin ointment. It can be seen that it helps a lot, but the fluidity remains. , Lilya

Lilia, Russia, Moscow, 36 years old


Surgeon-phlebologist-lymphologist, surgeon of the first category

Hello Lilia.

Lymph flows against the background of edema. If the leg is bandaged with elastic bandages or medical compression stockings(and taking into account the fact that the ulcer is healing, it is already possible to switch to them), gradually the amount of fluid will decrease. This should be done, as the lymph irritates the skin and provokes erosion. I didn’t quite understand whether the lymph flows from the ulcer itself, or around? If from an ulcer, then continue baneocin, and you do not need to smear the skin around. You can dry it with dyes like Fukortsin every three days.

Sincerely, Belyanina Elena Olegovna.

Hello. My grandmother has leg edema associated with coronary artery disease. Sores formed on her legs. “Water”, that is, lymph, flows out of them. Tell me how to be. doctor) does not help. Another doctor said that it is necessary to tie an elastic bandage to reduce lymph flow. And I wanted to know if you have any drugs or ointments for this disease? Our doctor prescribed Pentoxifylline. But it does not help.

Question was asked 8 years ago

Doctors Answers

I wish you health!

Hello! The most important thing to achieve in this case is to lower the swelling as much as possible. Furosemide is not so much for swelling of the legs, but, perhaps, for unloading the heart, so continue to give it if the doctor has prescribed it. Make sure that Grandma does not sit too long with her legs dangling. If she is sitting, then you need to put your feet on a chair or at least on a stool. When lying down, place pillows or a cushion under her feet. So that during the day the legs do not swell very much, indeed, it is necessary to tie an elastic bandage. From pentoxifylline, there should not be much sense in this case. It is better to give her some kind of venotonic such as phlebodia, detralex, troxevasin, venoruton, etc. Phlebodia is better, because well lowers lymphatic edema. Don't expect these remedies to make grandma's legs normal, but it will get better. Make wet-drying dressings with a solution of potassium permanganate (pink) or simply with alcohol / vodka - wet the gauze with potassium permanganate and wrap your legs in those places where the lymph flows. Let it stay until dry. Potassium permanganate dries those cracks from which lymph flows. But the most important thing is to keep your legs higher, this will have the biggest effect.
I wish you health!

One of critical systems The human body is lymphatic. It is she who acts as a guarantor of protection from different kind infections. If various failures and disturbances occur in it, then this leads to the appearance of edema, ulcers, cracks or other problems on the body. Lesions on the skin can ooze a fluid called lymph. Therefore, patients often ask questions: if lymph flows from the leg, what should be done in such a situation to stop it? How to prevent repeated violations in the system?

Initially, it is important to determine why this situation occurs. The main causes of violations of the lymphatic system of the body include:

  • blood poisoning that occurs various reasons, but most often this is due to the lack of treatment of complex wounds;
  • worsening environmental situation surrounding a person;
  • the presence of diseases associated with the skin or circulatory system;
  • bad habits;
  • implementation of work activities in complex and hazardous conditions, for example, in the chemical industry;
  • constant and strong overloads of the body, leading to the fact that a transparent liquid begins to flow from the wounds in the leg - lymph;
  • suffering complex injuries.

Thus, the leakage of lymph from the leg may be due to various factors and pathologies, so this phenomenon quite common.

Symptoms of the disease

Many people cannot determine what kind of fluid is flowing from the wound, so the question arises as to whether lymph is actually flowing. To make sure that it is the ichorus that is secreted, and for example not pus, other symptoms should be taken into account:

  • the limb begins to swell, and new ulcers appear that secrete fluid;
  • there are strong painful sensations in the wound area;
  • impaired joint mobility;
  • redness of the skin occurs in places where there are cracks or wounds;
  • a person feels constant weakness and heaviness in the area of ​​skin damage.

Treatment begins only after an appropriate diagnosis has been made. However, you can stop lymph secretion at home immediately after the problem occurs.

How to stop lymph secretion

First, you should consult a doctor so that he examines the patient, listens to his complaints, diagnoses and prescribes treatment. It is important to carry out therapy by a method that eliminates the cause of the violation in the lymphatic system.

Most common the following types treatment:

  • If the appearance of lymph secretion is associated with heart disease, then diuretics are prescribed to ensure the outflow excess fluid, as well as guaranteeing the normalization of the performance of the heart and blood vessels.
  • In case of violation of the work of the vessels, troxevasin ointment or other preparations of a similar action are prescribed, designed to strengthen the walls and improve their elasticity.
  • If trophic ulcers or more are detected complex diseases(lymphoma) surgical treatment is mandatory, since a lymph node with an ulcer or comorbidities cause unbearable pain, and it is impossible to eliminate these disorders at home or with conventional medicines.

Thus, if lymph leaks from wounds on the leg, it is necessary to consult a doctor. A non-healing cut or other damage to the skin is a signal of a significant violation in the body.

How to stop lymph secretion on your own

If the wound becomes wet and a small amount of lymph flows out of it, then you can deal with such a problem at home. The following procedures apply for this:

  • A manganese solution and a bandage are being prepared, and you can also use medical alcohol or tincture created on the basis of calendula. But they are not recommended for use in pure form, therefore, water is prepared, mixed with the solution in optimal proportions.
  • If lymph is released due to edema, then the bandage is wetted in the prepared solution, after which the damaged area on the leg is bandaged. The bandage can not be removed until completely dry. After the wound has dried up, it is replaced with a new one. The process is repeated until the ulcer is completely healed.
  • If there is a need to remove swelling from the legs, then it is advisable to initially use not an ordinary bandage, but an elastic one.
  • Being in a sitting or lying position, it is desirable to take a position in which the legs are located above the body, you can put various rollers.
  • During the period of lymph excretion is not allowed heavy load on your feet, you can not lift weights or walk for a long time.

If lymph leakage is detected from the wound, it is necessary to visit a specialist. There can be many reasons for this pathology. You can use some tips to ensure the suspension of ichor flow at home after consultation with your doctor.


Good afternoon, my relative is 93 years old, in full mental consciousness, about 7 years ago he had a fracture of his left hip and since then he has been on crutches. Doctors also claim that he had previously suffered a heart attack on his legs. A month ago, both of his legs were very swollen and lymph began to flow from the left. Severe pain, says that he feels as if the skin is torn on the leg. The doctors concluded that he had ischemic disease hearts, atrial fibrillation, he often lacks air, especially after walking. The grandfather himself was a little swollen, but both legs were completely swollen, especially from the knee to the foot, purple wounds formed there, from which huge quantities lymph flows out, when he walks, then a wet trail remains behind him. In the morning he feels much better, by the evening terrible pains begin. If you press on the leg, a hole remains, which is quickly leveled. Takes Troxevasin capsules 3 times a day, 2 tablets of Trifis in the morning, 2 tablets of Preductal 2 times a day, 1 tablet of Ateris, Cardiomagnyl in the evening. sometimes Furasemide, but it helps on a short time, Asparkam 2 times a day, 2 tablets, in the evening Ketanov and make lotions Baktosin. Since he lives in the village, there is no way to show him good specialist, local doctors are afraid to take him to the hospital, justifying themselves that the heart will not withstand antibiotic treatment. We rely only on our strength and your recommendations. Thank you in advance.


Good afternoon. It's good that you're worried about your grandfather. Your relative, as far as can be judged from the information provided without visual inspection, severe heart failure against the background of coronary artery disease and rhythm disturbances. A significant decrease in heart function leads to the development congestion By big circle blood circulation, resulting in swelling of the lower extremities, the anterior wall of the abdomen, in the most severe cases of anasarca. The accumulation of fluid in the venous vessels leads to its perspiration into the intercellular space and further to the surface of the skin with the formation of trophic ulcers.

How can you help your grandfather?

  1. Hospitalization is optimal. If hospitalization is denied, then such severe patient can be conducted at home by a local therapist with the participation of a cardiologist and a surgeon. If possible, arrange at least a stay in a day hospital. All diagnostic measures must be carried out to the maximum extent possible.
  2. Limit your fluid and salt intake.
  3. Elastic compression - get a grandfather of class 3, you will need initially 3-4 pieces, taking into account the change 2 times a day. Can be replaced with elastic bandages, but the limb must be bandaged correctly, otherwise there will be no effect.
  4. It is better to replace Troxevasin capsules with Phlebodia 600, in addition to reducing the number of tablets, the effect will be better. Research confirms this as well.
  5. Atoris and Cardiomagnyl should be used on an ongoing basis, the dose of the statin is adjusted according to the lipid spectrum.
  6. The most important link in the treatment given state will be the appointment of diuretics - Furosemide, Torasemide in combination with Veroshpiron. The dose is regulated only by the attending physician on the basis of examination data. When taking Veroshpiron, Asparkam can be canceled. Furosemide (Torasemide) at first is best administered intramuscularly.
  7. There are no drugs for the treatment of atrial fibrillation - these can be beta-blockers, digoxin (taking into account such heart failure).
  8. Add ACE inhibitors- Enalapril, Ramipril, Perindopril, taking into account the level of blood pressure and kidney function.
  9. For the prevention of thromboembolic complications, Xarelto should be added in the absence of contraindications (insufficient data), efficacy this drug easier to control than warfarin. The selection of the dose of Warfarin in the countryside is almost impossible. But these drugs are among the most important in the treatment of atrial fibrillation.

Lymphorrhea of ​​the legs is pathological discharge lymph from the lymphatic vessels due to their damage. The infiltrate may be different times With different intensity depending on the size of the vessel and the nature of its damage. Intensive lymph flow (several liters) can be deadly and requires urgent medical attention.

The nature and factors of the disease

Lymphorrhea of ​​the legs is characterized by the fact that the lymphatic fluid accumulates in the tissues lower extremities, there is no outflow of lymph. Lymphorrhea often affects people suffering from:

Most often, lymphorrhea occurs as a complication of lymphostasis of the lower extremities.

Lymphostasis is a change in the subcutaneous fat, as a result of which lymph stagnates in it, the patient develops permanent swelling of the legs. The legs of a patient with lymphostasis are greatly modified: due to constant edema, they resemble decks, since the ankle and lower leg are poured most of all. Lymphostasis of the lower extremities may be congenital, or it may appear during life. The second variant of the development of the disease is more common.

Stages of the disease

There are several stages in the development of the disease

  1. At the initial stage, lymphorrhea is almost imperceptible and manifests itself in the form of mild edema, which either appear or disappear. Most people do not attach importance to these symptoms, which leads to the fact that the infiltrate accumulates, the disease progresses, and its signs become more obvious.
  2. The second stage of the disease is also called the stage of lymphedema. At this stage, the infiltrate is already actively released from the lymphatic vessels, the fluid accumulates mainly in the ankles and feet. Edema does not bring much discomfort to the patient and, as a rule, disappears after a long rest. Treatment of the disease at this stage has, as a rule, a positive result.
  3. The third stage of the disease or the stage of fibroedema, in contrast to the first two, is characterized by irreversible changes in the human body. The patient's legs are strongly thickened in all areas, by themselves the edema no longer subsides. It becomes difficult for a person to move. It is at this stage that warts and ulcers appear on the skin of the sore leg, through which fluid (lymph) oozes out through the skin. Due to the proliferation of connective tissue, the skin becomes hard. If you press on it with your finger, a depression will remain for some time.
  4. The fourth stage of the disease, or the stage of elephantiasis, is very difficult to treat. The legs at this stage are constantly massive, lose their usual contours, the skin of the legs is very rough. The patient is practically unable to move independently. All legs are covered with warts and ulcers, infiltrate flows out through the skin.

Wounds on the legs, if nothing is done and the disease is not treated, can become infected.

Diagnosis and treatment

As already noted, with lymphorrhea of ​​the lower extremities in the initial stages of the disease, the patient does not experience much discomfort, therefore, he often prescribes “treatment” for himself: he uses elastic bandages for the legs and various folk remedies to relieve swelling. This is fundamentally not true, since treatment without professional adjustment can even aggravate the situation. How to treat lymphorrhea and what to do if the first symptoms appear?

A qualified specialist, phlebologist, in the treatment of lymphorrhea of ​​the lower extremities on initial stage, will most likely recommend tight bandaging or worn compression stockings, massotherapy to reduce the lymph nodes, and also pick up drugs that tonic blood vessels and relieve swelling, benzopyrones. Mandatory is the appointment of antifungal agents and antibiotics. If the treatment is comprehensive and consistent, it is possible full recovery sick.

If the disease is in an advanced stage, the edema is very strong and the infiltrate flows, the treatment can take a very long time. a long period. Perhaps the treatment will be lifelong and recovery will never happen. Treatment in this case will be to prevent further progression of the disease and save the patient's ability to move independently. Treatment of lymphorrhea, starting from the second stage, should include physiotherapy.

Method Advantages
Physiotherapy. It allows you to tone the vessels of the legs, so that the lymph begins to move and does not stagnate in the tissues. This means that the infiltrate is released in smaller quantities. Among the physiotherapy procedures best effect give variable pneumatic compression, electrical vascular stimulation.
Cryotherapy. Impact on the affected vessels low temperatures gives a positive effect.
Laser. The use of such minimally invasive techniques as cryotherapy and laser exposure is less traumatic and quite effective.
Surgery. As for direct surgical intervention, it is carried out extremely rarely and in the most advanced cases, primarily at the stage of elephantiasis, when an erysipelas infection is connected.

Alternative methods of treatment of lymphorrhea (use various infusions, decoctions and ointments based on natural products and herbs) are ineffective and can only be used as adjuvant therapy.



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