Why is fluid coming from the chest? Discharge from the breast is a mandatory reason to consult a mammologist

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Discharge from the mammary glands is a common occurrence that any woman faces. The appearance of a few drops of fluid from the breast can be either a natural result of the production of a specific secretion in the mammary gland, or it can be a sign of a serious illness. In this case, we are not talking about discharge that appears during pregnancy or lactation, when a few drops of colostrum or breast milk flow out when pressing on the mammary gland. Fluid from the mammary glands can also appear in a non-pregnant woman. What are the reasons for this phenomenon and what diseases may discharge from the mammary gland indicate?

Normal discharge

It is not for nothing that the female breast is called the mammary gland - like any gland in the human body, it produces a specific secretion, which is a clear liquid, which in some cases can be released when the nipple is pressed. This is a completely natural process that should not cause any concern. But if the discharge has acquired a white, yellow, greenish tint, or blood impurities have appeared in it, this may signal the development of a serious disease. Discharge is considered normal if:

  • Not a large number of clear liquid that is released when you press on the mammary gland during pregnancy - a physiological process that indicates that the breasts are actively preparing for breastfeeding.
  • Lactation.
  • Some women may discharge white or clear droplets for some time after breastfeeding.
  • In quite rare cases, the appearance of a small amount of white or clear fluid may be due to the use of strong hormonal drugs, antidepressants, or intense physical activity.

Causes of pathological discharge

Pathological discharge, which is a symptom of diseases of the mammary glands, most often differs from natural discharge in a sharper and more unpleasant odor, a thick, rich consistency and a gray, yellow or greenish tint. The transparent color of the fluid coming out of the mammary glands indicates that the purulent nature of the disease is absent at this stage.

The main reasons that can cause the appearance of pathological discharge from the mammary glands:

  • Galactorrhea is a pathological disorder that represents excessive production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the amount of breast milk in the mammary gland in a non-pregnant and nulliparous woman. Most often develops as a result of long-term use of oral contraceptives. With galactorrhea, when you press on the chest, white, yellowish-green or light brown drops appear.
  • Very often, the appearance of discharge from the mammary gland can become a symptom of the development of fibrocystic mastopathy. In this case, the secretion separated from the nipples has a pronounced greenish or dark, even black, tint. The main danger of fibrocystic mastopathy is that, in the absence of the necessary treatment, a cyst in the breast can develop into a malignant neoplasm, which carries a serious risk to the health and even life of a woman.
  • Ectasia is the name given to the inflammatory process inside the milk ducts, which is accompanied by their filling with clear liquid. Over time, the liquid acquires a characteristic yellow or green tint and completely clogs the milk ducts. Most often, this pathology is typical for older women.
  • Discharge from the mammary glands can be a consequence of any mechanical injury - for example, a bruise or a fall. In this case, when pressing on the chest, severe pain is often felt, and bloody impurities may appear in the fluid.
  • One of the common reasons for the appearance of thick fluid from the breast can be the appearance of papilloma in the milk duct. Papilloma is a benign neoplasm, the exact causes of which have not yet been fully established. In most cases, the presence of papilloma can be determined by the bloody fluid that is released when pressing on the chest.
  • Mastitis is a common disease of nursing mothers, which is accompanied by the removal from the mammary glands of thick purulent fluid with a strong unpleasant odor. The yellow or greenish color of the discharge clearly indicates its purulent nature. In advanced cases, an abscess develops in the chest, accompanied by severe pain, fever, and chills.
  • Oncological causes are the most dangerous to a woman’s health and life. Discharge can act as a symptom of the glands - and their color can be completely different, from completely transparent to bloody. You should pay special attention to additional signs of breast cancer - redness and flaking of the skin on the bust, nipple retraction, enlarged axillary lymph nodes, palpation of nodules or painless lumps inside the milk ducts. When the first symptoms of this dangerous disease appear, you should immediately contact an experienced mammologist and oncologist. Treatment started at an early stage of cancer is the key to a complete recovery and a speedy return to your usual full life.


The first thing to do when fluid of any color appears from the mammary glands is to immediately visit a mammologist, who will prescribe all the necessary tests and studies. In most cases, to determine the pathological nature of the fluid, an ultrasound examination, mammography, MRI, determination of the patency of the milk ducts, and a general blood and urine test are performed. Discharge from the breast must be sent for histology - this is necessary in order to exclude the development of cancer.

Depending on the results obtained during the research, the patient is prescribed a specific treatment method. Most often, the most effective is the prescription of hormonal medications, as well as antibiotics. In some cases, surgical treatment is recommended. However, do not panic - after all, treatment started in a timely manner in the early stages of the disease can guarantee a woman’s complete recovery.

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Women's breasts are not only a symbol of femininity and sexuality. The mammary gland performs an irreplaceable and important function - the production of breast milk, without which it is extremely difficult to raise a healthy child. No artificial formula can compare with mother's milk in terms of benefits.

Therefore, it is extremely important for every woman to constantly monitor the condition of her breasts in order to promptly detect the development of dangerous diseases that negatively affect not only milk production, but also the general health of the expectant mother. One sign that something is wrong with the body is unusual discharge from the nipples, although in some cases this may be normal.

What discharge is normal?

If a woman is not breastfeeding, ideally there should be no discharge. However, sometimes, during special periods or under the influence of certain drugs, a small amount of secretion may be released from the nipples. This is considered a relative norm:

  • at any stage of pregnancy (usually after 18-20 weeks).
  • Sometimes there may be a small amount of colorless, odorless discharge during menstruation. The mammary glands are a hormone-dependent organ, so increased estrogen levels in the first half of the cycle can cause slight swelling of the gland tissue. In the second half of the cycle, the tissues return to their normal size, and excess fluid formed from swelling is removed.
  • Discharge of a colorless secretion after severe physical exertion or with strong mechanical impact on the chest.
  • Taking some oral contraceptives may cause nipple discharge. Before using the tablets, mandatory consultation with a specialist is required. You should also carefully study all contraindications and side effects.

What is not the norm?

Careful monitoring of the condition of the mammary glands is necessary at any age. This will help to identify dangerous pathological changes in time - lumps, pain, changes in breast shape, nipple retraction, painful condition of the skin.

One of the main symptoms that you need to sound the alarm is discharge from the nipples - from one or both at once. They can be different in consistency (thick, liquid, watery), in color (transparent, white, gray, yellow, greenish, dark green...), and in smell. It should be understood that unusual discharge from the breasts in women is an indicator of serious illness. If you notice that liquid is secreted from the nipples, you should first pay attention to its color, consistency and smell.

Causes of dark green discharge from the mammary glands

Dark green discharge is one of the main symptoms of mastopathy. The nature of the disease is benign, but the dangers cannot be underestimated. There are four main types of mastopathy:

  • fibrous;
  • cystic;
  • fibrocystic;
  • nodal

The clinical picture of mastopathy is as follows:

  • Chest pain associated with the menstrual cycle (the breasts swell greatly) - they can be either constant or appear periodically. Particularly intensified.
  • Lumps in the mammary gland are single, clearly palpable nodular or multiple small diffuse ones.
  • Sticky green discharge from the mammary glands when pressed.

The main reason for the development of this pathology is considered to be hormonal imbalance caused by:

  • dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • poor liver function;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland.

Treatment methods for mastopathy depend on the type of pathology that caused it. For fibrocystic disease, conservative treatment is prescribed (topical ointments, sedatives, multivitamins). In case of nodular (especially if the nodes are large), a surgical operation is indicated - sectoral resection of the mammary gland. In addition, the emphasis is on restoring the normal level of certain hormones and restoring the normal functioning of the endocrine glands that produce these hormones.

Dark green discharge from the breast is often observed with the development of an ovarian cyst. This benign formation does not pose a direct threat to a woman’s life, but it seriously disrupts the functions of the ovary, causing hormonal imbalance. Associated signs of cystic formations will be pain in the lower abdomen, irregular periods, pain during sexual intercourse.

Good afternoon. I am 25 years old. I have never been pregnant. A few weeks ago I started noticing mild pain and green discharge from one breast. What should I do?

Hello. Don’t delay, contact a mammologist. Your symptoms indicate the development of mastopathy. This is a benign pathology associated with hormonal imbalance. It may be caused by thyroid dysfunction, adnexitis, various liver diseases, and sometimes even diabetes. The doctor will tell you for sure only after all the necessary tests have been carried out.

Green discharge from one breast

Greenish, copious discharge only from the right or only from the left breast may indicate the presence of intraductal papilloma. They usually appear when pressed. This benign formation is a small growth localized in the lumen of the milk duct. Papilloma can be single or multiple. It is most often detected in older women, although sometimes it can be diagnosed during puberty. The main reason for the development is hormonal imbalance against the background of ovarian dysfunction, adnexitis, and obesity.

Hello. Please tell me. I am 25 years old, my chest has been hurting for a week now and green discharge is coming from my nipples. I was examined by a gynecologist and was diagnosed with a cyst on the right ovary. Could green discharge from the breast be associated with a cyst?

Hello. The condition of the mammary gland is directly related to the condition of the ovaries. An ovarian cyst often causes dishormonal processes in the body, and they, in turn, can lead to pathological changes in the ducts - as a result, discharge of different colors may appear. Don’t delay, go to an appointment with a mammologist. The doctor will prescribe an ultrasound and, based on its results, effective therapy.

Yellow-green, gray-green, black-green discharge from the breast

Yellow-green, light green or gray-green nipple discharge may indicate the following pathological conditions:

  • Ecstasy of the milk ducts is an expansion of the duct not related to the process of lactation and feeding. At the same time, an inflammatory process can develop in it and thick sticky masses with an admixture of pus accumulate, which are released from the nipple when pressed. It develops most often in women after 40.
  • – milk production not associated with breastfeeding can sometimes be accompanied by light green discharge from the nipples.
  • Breast injuries, for example, during sports, after a car accident, etc. Often observed in teenage girls involved in extreme sports.

Black-green (dirty green) discharge sometimes. This is a special type of malignant tumor that primarily affects the nipples. The main signs of the pathology are burning, itching, peeling of the skin in the nipple/areola area. The nipple is pulled inward, and a liquid from black-green to dark bloody color is released from it.

Greenish discharge from the breast during pregnancy

Breastfeeding women can sometimes develop a breast abscess - this is a dangerous condition accompanied by the accumulation of pus. When breastfeeding, cracks often appear in the nipples, through which bacteria can easily penetrate into the breast tissue, causing infection. There is a greenish discharge, the chest hurts a lot, and increases in size. The local temperature rises, the skin becomes red. The condition requires immediate medical attention.

Treatment of green discharge from the breast

The only way to get rid of green discharge is to cure the pathology that causes it. To find out the exact cause, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out, including:

  • External examination and palpation - carried out at the first visit to the doctor. Allows you to identify the presence of compactions/deformations/swelling, see the asymmetry of the contours of the breast and the expansion of subcutaneous vessels. Special attention At the same time, the doctor pays attention to the condition of the skin, paying special attention to its color and local temperature. Nearby lymph nodes are also carefully palpated.
  • Biopsy – prescribed for lumps to determine their benignity/malignancy.
  • Mammography - X-ray examination of the mammary glands to exclude.
  • Ultrasound is an effective diagnostic method that complements the X-ray picture.
  • Ductography is prescribed to identify intraductal pathology (papillomas, ectasia).
  • Cytology - a smear is taken from the secretions of each nipple. The method is aimed at studying the cellular and bacterial components of secretions.

Treatment of green discharge from the breast is prescribed in each specific case individually. It cannot be general, since the presence of discharge is not a separate disease, but one of the symptoms. There can be many reasons for their appearance, therefore the method of therapeutic intervention is chosen only after an accurate diagnosis of a specific pathology. It should be understood that all these diseases without professional treatment are fraught with the development of complications dangerous to a woman’s health, therefore it is strictly not recommended to use exclusively for their treatment folk remedies. This can lead to the disease being advanced and making it much more difficult to cope with.

Hello. I am 36 years old. I have been observing sticky green discharge from the mammary glands for three months now. My chest sometimes hurts a lot. I went to a mammologist, had an ultrasound scan and took a hormone test. The results showed normal. Only Progestogel was prescribed. I've been using it for three weeks now, the pain has gone, but there is no discharge. What could this be and what should I do?

Good afternoon. In addition to ultrasound and hormone tests, an analysis for tumor markers (CA 15-3) and an analysis for the human papillomavirus should be performed. You also need to submit discharge from the nipples for oncocytology and conduct ductography to exclude the presence of intraductal papilloma.

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Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed is a common reason for women to visit a mammologist.

But even if the patient is seriously concerned about the appearance of fluid, we are not necessarily talking about the presence of any pathology.

Exudate from the mammary glands can appear when pressed or on its own.

It can be of different shades:

  • transparent or white;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • brown;
  • bloody.

It also varies in consistency: either liquid, watery or thick.

What is the norm

Often, before menstruation, a woman may experience clear or whitish drops that come out of her nipples when pressed.

The appearance of such drops is considered normal and is due to the increased activity of the hormonal system at this time.

Women who have stopped breastfeeding may experience small amounts of milk from the nipples for up to six months. As a rule, if the areolas are not irritated, it goes away on its own.

It is also considered normal for fluid to be discharged from the mammary glands during pregnancy. This liquid (colostrum) most often has a yellowish tint.

The formation of colostrum is usually observed in the last trimester of pregnancy, but sometimes it can begin to be released earlier.

When pressed, discharge from the mammary glands can often accompany some pathological processes in the body.

Ectasia of the milk ducts (duectasia)

Duectasia is a pathological dilatation of the milk ducts. This phenomenon is considered a disease when it is not caused by lactation or does not occur in the postpartum period.

The formation of milk in the female breast occurs not only after the birth of a child, but also throughout the entire reproductive period.

It is formed in small quantities because there is no stimulation, and the milk is absorbed even before reaching the nipples.

When, due to some circumstances, there is a violation of the patency of the ducts or a loss of elasticity of their walls, then in certain areas their expansion may be observed.

The duct begins to become inflamed and filled with greenish-brown fluid, which is then released from the nipple.

For reference!

Duectasis itself is not considered dangerous to a woman’s health, and if the disturbances are minor and there are no neoplasms, then only drug therapy and constant monitoring of the glands are prescribed.

In the later stages of duectasis, complications may arise, such as the appearance of cysts on the walls of the ducts or the accumulation of milk, which can lead to inflammation of the mammary glands.


The main causes of duectasis are considered to be hormonal changes, which result in increased formation of the hormone prolactin, as well as a number of diseases that lead to a narrowing of the lumen of the milk ducts.

This condition is usually observed in women over 40 years of age. During this period, estrogen levels decrease and prolactin levels in the blood increase, which leads to a slight increase in milk production and dilation of the ducts.

Along with these processes, a decrease in tissue elasticity occurs due to a decrease in the amount of collagen. All this leads to the fact that after the expansion of the duct, the walls no longer take their original shape.

All changes that occur in a woman’s hormonal system during menopause increase the risk of developing mammary gland pathologies. Women of this age are advised to especially closely monitor any changes in breast condition.

Duectasis can develop due to obstructions in the passage of milk. This blockage of the duct occurs in the following situations:

  1. A woman walks around in tight underwear.
  2. There was a chest injury.
  3. Previously, surgical intervention on the mammary glands was performed.
  4. Inflammation has begun in some part of the duct.
  5. A tumor has developed that is compressing the mammary glands.

Duectasis is diagnosed much less frequently in young girls. This is usually due to the presence of ovarian diseases and disruptions of the endocrine system.


In addition to the appearance of dark exudate from the nipples, symptoms of ectasia include the following:

  1. The shape of the nipples changes: they become wider and flatter.
  2. Swelling occurs around the nipples and areolas.
  3. The skin of the areolas becomes rough.
  4. Red spots are visible on the chest.
  5. There is a feeling of burning and itching in the chest.
  6. Chest pain.

Duectasia in most cases can be successfully treated with medication.


Galactorrhea is the secretion of milk from the mammary glands that is not associated with the lactation period.

Most experts consider it not an independent disease, but only a symptom of a hormonal imbalance in the body that arose due to some disease.


The following diseases can cause the development of galactorrhea:

  • disorders in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • neoplasms in the adrenal glands;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland.

In addition, the disease can be triggered by long-term use of certain medications, such as hormonal contraceptives.


The main symptom of galactorrhea is the appearance of white or whitish exudate from the nipples. In addition, symptoms of the disease are:

  • decreased sex drive;
  • the appearance of acne on the face;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pain in the chest area.

If galactorrhea is caused by a malignant tumor, then patients may complain of intense headaches and loss of coordination.

For reference!

Since galactorrhea is a condition that accompanies a number of other diseases, its treatment consists of eliminating the cause that caused its appearance.


The disease is an inflammation that affects the tissue of the mammary glands.

In most cases, mastitis occurs during lactation or immediately after it. However, young girls and even little girls can also experience mastitis.


Typically, the causative agent of infection is staphylococcal bacteria, and less commonly, E. coli. Factors predisposing to mastitis may be:

  • hypothermia;
  • stagnation of secretions in the glands;
  • transfer of infection through the bloodstream to the mammary gland.

The disease is accompanied by purulent tissue breakdown, and discharge from the nipples is purulent in nature.

Symptoms and treatment

In addition to discharge, mastitis has the following clinical manifestations:

  1. Pain appears in the chest area, which increases over time.
  2. Lumps appear in the chest.
  3. In the area of ​​inflammation, the skin becomes red and hot to the touch.
  4. The breasts swell and enlarge.
  5. The woman feels weak and unwell.
  6. The temperature is rising.

Mastitis is highly treatable, but in advanced cases it can lead to a number of serious complications, such as blood poisoning.

For reference!

At the initial stages of the disease, treatment is carried out with antibiotics, but if it turns out to be ineffective, surgical intervention is resorted to.

Intraductal papilloma

If a woman notices the discharge of clear, greenish or brown fluid, this may indicate the occurrence of intraductal papilloma.

It is a benign formation that develops in the milk duct. The growths can be single or multiple in nature - in such cases papillomatosis is diagnosed.

Both young girls during puberty and postmenopausal women are susceptible to this disease.


The main reason for the appearance of intraductal papilloma is considered to be hormonal imbalance and the diseases that lead to it, such as:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • obesity;
  • adnexitis;
  • oophoritis.

Hereditary predisposition to this pathology also plays an important role.


Along with discharge, a characteristic symptom of the development of intraductal papilloma is the presence of compactions that are felt upon palpation.

However, if the tumor is small, it cannot be felt. In this case, the presence of papilloma is determined based on laboratory analysis of discharge and ultrasound of the mammary glands.

In addition, a woman feels pain in the chest when it is compressed, and inflammation that begins near the papilloma often leads to swelling of the tissue and redness of the skin.


Discharge from the mammary glands may indicate mastopathy.

This is a disease consisting of the proliferation of connective tissue of the mammary gland. The exudate may be transparent, but more often it is brown or green.

Green discharge from the mammary glands, which has a thick mucous consistency, is a characteristic sign of mastopathy.

Causes and features of the course

The most common cause of this pathology is regular changes in hormonal levels in the female body.

In addition to hormonal imbalance, the appearance of mastopathy can lead to:

  • abortions;
  • previous sexually transmitted infections;
  • some gynecological diseases;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • stress.

There are two main stages of the disease. The initial stage is called diffuse mastopathy and is characterized by the appearance of small nodules in the mammary gland.

The main symptom at this stage is breast pain, which appears before menstruation and subsides when it begins. In addition, lumps at the top of the chest may periodically occur.

At the next stage - nodular - dense nodes with a diameter of 5 to 20 mm are formed in the mammary gland. The pain increases and begins to radiate to the armpits and shoulders.

When palpating the breast, its granular structure is easily determined. In the second stage, pain and lumps no longer go away when menstruation begins.


The formations that occur with mastopathy are not malignant, and surgical intervention for this disease is very rarely indicated.

Standard drug treatment for mastopathy includes:

  • taking hormonal medications;
  • diet;
  • taking vitamins.

If the pain bothers the patient greatly, painkillers may be prescribed.

Breast cancer

The most serious reason for the appearance of discharge from the mammary glands is the presence of a malignant tumor.

The liquid released during this process can have a different color: yellow, brown or greenish.

However, bloody discharge is most often observed. The difference in color is due to:

  • type of tumor;
  • its shape;
  • features of its location.

A type of breast cancer is Paget's disease, a neoplasm that affects the nipple and areola.

For reference!

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in 16% of patients.


Unfortunately, breast cancer may not manifest itself for a long time. The earliest symptom is the appearance of bloody discharge from the chest.

Symptoms of breast cancer also include the following:

  1. Nodules and lumps can be felt in the chest.
  2. The integrity of the skin is compromised. These may be minor wounds that do not heal for a long time. Then they turn into ulcers, begin to merge and spread.
  3. The shape and overall appearance of the breast changes. It enlarges, becomes deformed and loses symmetry.
  4. The color of the skin in the affected area may change. You can observe the appearance of dimples and areas with flaky or rough skin.
  5. The shape of the nipple and areola changes. The nipple “squeezes in” and becomes flattened. The lymph nodes in the armpits become enlarged.
  6. The second stage of cancer is characterized by the penetration of cancer cells into the lymph nodes, and this may be associated with their hardening and enlargement, sometimes pain.
  7. Chest pain.
  8. Itching in the area of ​​the nipple, areola.

If a woman notices similar symptoms, it is recommended to immediately consult a specialist. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the higher the chances of recovery.

Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment, so any discharge from the mammary glands should not be ignored, as it may be signs of serious illness.


Discharge from the mammary glands

Discharge from the mammary glands outside of breastfeeding is a reason for an immediate visit to a mammologist. Consultation is especially important if purulent or bloody discharge from the chest appears, or if the secretion is continuous.

Discharge from the mammary glands: a little theory

Secretions are removed from the mammary glands by the same ducts that remove breast milk during lactation. In women who are not breastfeeding, these ducts constantly contain some fluid, which can sometimes be released from the nipples.

Of course, any woman should be alerted to the sudden appearance of discharge from one or both nipples, if this has not been observed before. The normal color of breast discharge can range from clear to yellowish, and the consistency can be very runny or slightly slimy.

Discharge from the mammary glands (secernation): causes

  • stress
  • long term breastfeeding
  • taking various medications (for example, for the treatment of gastritis, tranquilizers, antidepressants, hormone therapy, etc.)
  • thyroid diseases and other endocrine pathologies

There are a number of symptoms and diseases that lead to the appearance of discharge from the breast.

Consider the following:


This is a disease, the main symptom of which is the release of milk or colostrum outside of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Such discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation is absolutely normal, but if the fluid appears outside of breastfeeding or continues for a long time after breastfeeding, the situation becomes pathological. Its direct cause is a significant hormonal imbalance in a woman, leading to an increase in the level of the hormone produced in the pituitary gland - prolactin - due to the use of hormonal drugs, in case of disruption of the thyroid gland or the occurrence of tumors in the pituitary gland. Symptoms of galactorrhea (other than nipple discharge) include:

  • disturbance of the ovarian-menstrual cycle - delays, impoverishment or absence of menstruation;
  • weight gain;
  • infertility;
  • hair loss;
  • weakness, drowsiness, irritability, depression;
  • decreased sex drive.


This is one of the most common breast diseases outside of pregnancy. It is a proliferation or disturbance in the relationship of connective and glandular tissues, which is often accompanied by the appearance of lumps in the breast or the appearance of cysts. There are diffuse and nodular forms. Mastopathy may be accompanied by clear, yellowish or greenish discharge from the mammary gland when pressed, and pain. Most often, this disease is caused by a hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body, disruption of the ovaries, sexually transmitted infections, and prolonged stress.

Breast injuries

Injury to the mammary glands and ducts can disrupt the normal state of these organs and lead to the appearance of bloody discharge from the mammary gland.


It is an inflammatory process inside the mammary gland. It manifests itself in the form of thickening and soreness of the breast, an increase in its temperature and redness of the skin. Most often, the causative agents of mastitis are staphylococci or streptococci, which can enter the mammary glands through various microdamages in this area. There are two types of this disease: postpartum and fibrocystic mastitis. In the first case, the outflow of milk from the lobules of the mammary gland is disrupted, an inflammatory reaction occurs in the surrounding tissues, and when an infectious factor is added, suppuration occurs. The reason may be insufficient emptying of the ducts during lactation, as well as the formation of cracks in the nipples due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast. In the second case, inflammation is not associated with feeding and can appear even in girls and women who have never given birth.


Papilloma, located inside the milk ducts, is a benign tumor. The main symptom of intraductal papilloma is thick, dark or bloody discharge from the mammary glands when pressed. Ductal papillomas are small (from several mm to several cm) single or multiple growths in the subareolar zone or peripheral parts of the mammary gland. Papillomas require surgical removal and careful histological examination, which should confirm the benignity of the neoplasm.

Malignant tumor

The appearance of a malignant neoplasm in the breast can make itself felt by spontaneous bleeding. Another sure sign of the appearance of a tumor is an increase in the size of one of the mammary glands or the appearance of dense nodules in it, a change in the color and structure of the skin - the “lemon peel” symptom.

Paget's disease

This disease is a cancer localized in the nipple area and causes, in addition to bloody discharge, peeling of the skin on the nipple or areola, burning and itching, darkening of the area around the nipple.

Nipple discharge during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Usually, the appearance of colostrum begins in the second trimester of pregnancy, but sometimes the first yellowish or white droplets on the nipples may appear earlier. This is completely normal. If a pregnant woman experiences white or pink discharge and her nipples hurt, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

It must be borne in mind that normally, after the end of the lactation period, a woman may still experience discharge from the breast for some period. In medicine, a period of 4-5 months is often mentioned, which is “given” for the complete completion of feeding. Therefore, if, after 5 months after the end of breastfeeding, a woman still observes any discharge from the nipples, then she should definitely make an appointment with a doctor to exclude the occurrence of diseases or hormonal imbalances.

What types of nipple discharge are there?

The fluid that appears from the nipples with or without pressure may vary in color and consistency. Let's look at the most common allocation options:

White discharge from the breast

White discharge from the breast during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, is considered normal. If they appear outside of pregnancy and breastfeeding, then this may be a symptom of galactorrhea.

Brown discharge from the breast

If a woman has breast pain and black or brown discharge appears from the nipple, the reason may be the development of malignant neoplasms. Also, the appearance of dark discharge may be due to the presence of blood in the ducts - a similar situation is usually observed with closed chest injuries, papilloma.

Green discharge from the mammary glands

The appearance of green discharge from the nipples when pressed may be a sign of mastopathy. Usually in this case, when pressed, a thick mucous liquid appears. Painful swelling of the mammary gland also often appears.

Transparent discharge from the mammary glands when pressed

Transparent discharge from the nipple can appear not only in the event of the development of any disease. Prolonged stress, hormonal imbalances, or taking inappropriate contraceptives may also be the cause. In such cases, the appearance and sensitivity of the breast usually does not change.

If a woman has swollen breasts, sore nipples and clear discharge from the mammary glands, then perhaps these are manifestations of mastopathy or a closed form of injury.

Yellow discharge from the mammary glands

One possible cause of such nipple discharge is ectasia, or dilation of the milk ducts. Also, sometimes a greenish or yellow liquid can be released during mastopathy.

Purulent discharge from the nipple of the breast

Accumulations of pus in the milk ducts are usually caused by infection entering the duct. Most often occurs after childbirth, during breastfeeding.

What will the doctor prescribe if nipple discharge appears?

An examination by a doctor when discharge from the nipples appears is strictly necessary, because taking care of your health is not only the prevention of diseases, but also the timely detection of problems in the body. When you see a doctor, you will need to try to answer important questions:

  • When did the discharge first appear?
  • What color and consistency are they?
  • Is breast discharge accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain?
  • Was the appearance of discharge preceded by any trauma to the mammary glands?

You also need to inform the doctor about taking any medications, if such a fact occurs.

It is advisable to schedule a visit to the doctor if you have a regular menstrual cycle in phase 1 on days 5-7, in the absence of regular menstruation at any time.

Basic examinations that the doctor will prescribe if discharge from the chest appears:

  • manual examination - palpation of the mammary glands in a standing and lying position;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • mammography (for routine examinations once every 2 years after 40 years);
  • cytological analysis of secreted fluid or puncture biopsy;
  • tests to determine the level of hormones and tumor markers, a detailed general blood test;
  • consultation with a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Let's sum it up

If you notice unusual fluid discharge from your nipples, do not panic. The main thing in such cases is to immediately seek advice from a mammologist, undergo an examination and then strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions.


Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed

From a young age, mothers instill in their daughters a caring attitude towards the mammary glands, because they realize how dangerous the consequences can be in the absence of it. But it is not always possible to predict events and protect the breasts from external influences, which can cause various ailments. Discomfort, pain when touching the chest - all this is not as alarming as discharge from the mammary glands. It is to these manifestations that women react sharply and become overly upset, because they do not fully understand the level of danger. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what such changes may promise and what are the reasons for their occurrence.

Discharge from the mammary glands when pressed

What problems are hidden behind discharge from the mammary glands when pressed? Minor discharge from the nipples, which has no odor and is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, does not threaten health in any way, but is only the result of the process of cleansing the mammary glands.

It is inappropriate to take action or worry during pregnancy, as women in this position may experience discharge when pressure is applied, which is normal.

From time to time, every person experiences various health problems. But not all of them require immediate consultation with a doctor and can easily be eliminated at home. However, there are symptoms that should never be ignored, even if they are not accompanied by severe discomfort. This also applies to the condition of the mammary gland in women, because disturbances in its structure, pain on palpation, hardening and discharge can be symptoms of a serious illness. The topic of our conversation today will be white discharge from the mammary glands when pressed, and we will discuss the possible causes of this phenomenon.

Variant of the norm

It should be immediately noted that in some cases, the appearance of white discharge from the breast in response to pressure is a completely natural symptom that does not pose a threat to health. This applies to pregnant women and those who have become mothers. During pregnancy, the discharge may be whitish and taste sweet. This is colostrum, it is released when the expectant mother’s body begins to prepare for the upcoming breastfeeding. In some cases, such a symptom appears soon after conception, when the woman is not yet aware of her interesting situation. But most often, discharge of this kind begins in the fourth month of pregnancy, or even closer to its end.

Sometimes, at about three months of pregnancy, a woman may experience the discharge of a white fluid in which bloody streaks can be seen. This symptom is explained by the synthesis of special hormones necessary for lactation. But when it appears, you should definitely consult a gynecologist and mammologist.

Of course, the release of breast milk soon after birth is also considered normal. Sometimes this phenomenon occurs even after breastfeeding has ended. Normally, breast milk can be released from the breast when pressure is applied for several months after the baby is weaned. If you do not stimulate the areolas, this symptom will go away on its own.

In some cases, completely healthy nulliparous girls may experience white discharge from the mammary glands when pressed. This symptom usually occurs before menstruation, is not very pronounced, and is explained by the activity of the hormonal system. But when it appears, you should definitely consult a gynecologist and mammologist.

Pathological causes of white discharge from the mammary glands when pressed

Sometimes the appearance of white discharge from the breast (in the absence of pregnancy) is classified by doctors as galactorrhea. This condition may be accompanied by the appearance of a small amount of discharge; less often, milk production is more significant. Galactorrhea can be unilateral or observed in both mammary glands. This symptom usually occurs in patients of childbearing age and is diagnosed quite often.

Galactorrhea can be provoked by many factors, including diseases of the hypothalamus, tumors and other diseases of the pituitary gland, and disorders of thyroid hormone metabolism. In addition, it can be caused by estrogen-producing tumor formations in the adrenal glands or polycystic ovary syndrome. In some cases, galactorrhea develops against the background of liver and kidney failure, as a result of other metabolic disorders, or as a consequence of taking a number of medications, for example, oral contraceptives.

What to do?

If you find strange discharge from the mammary glands that occurs when pressure is applied or appears on its own, consult a doctor. This symptom should not be ignored, because it can be caused by a variety of diseases, including quite serious ones.

To clarify the diagnosis, you may need to undergo a number of laboratory tests:

Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
- mammography;
- blood test for hormones;
- cytology of discharge.

The studies will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis and select treatment measures.

How is galactorrhea treated?

Therapy for such a disorder is selected by the doctor and directly depends on the factor that caused the appearance of white discharge from the mammary gland.
So, if galactorrhea has developed due to a pituitary adenoma, therapy begins with the use of dopamine agonists. These substances work in combination with natural dopamine and help suppress the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland. Such drugs are represented by Bromocriptine, Pergolide and Cabergoline.

It is worth noting that therapy for galactorrhea is usually carried out in cases where a woman wants to become pregnant. Also, such an ailment requires treatment in cases of severe osteoporosis or in case of particularly heavy discharge that causes discomfort to the patient. In certain cases, women with this diagnosis are only advised to undergo observation, which includes repeated examinations for prolactin levels, as well as MRI of the brain.

You should not cause yellow discharge from the mammary glands or green discharge from the mammary glands. Visit your doctor immediately when they appear!

Discharge from the mammary glands is one of the most common complaints with which gynecologists refer their patients to a consultation with a mammologist.

This condition can be the result of either temporary “failures” in the body or a symptom of many diseases.

First of all, it is necessary to draw a line between physiological (normal) discharge from the nipple, which accompanies pregnancy, lactation and other “healthy” periods in a woman’s life, and pathological ones - indicating the presence of a disease.

Physiological secretions

This type of nipple discharge includes the following:

  • Breast discharge during pregnancy, which is observed in both mammary glands, has a cloudy white or yellowish color and is not accompanied by a change in well-being. This is the so-called “training” lactation, which begins in the last trimester and is provoked by the precursors of contractions - painless contractions of the uterus, stimulating discharge from the breast.
  • Lactation after premature termination of pregnancy may look like full production of breast milk, or have the character of minor discharge from the nipples. Usually lasts from several days to a month and depends on the stage of pregnancy at which the termination occurred.
  • Discharge from the breast associated with the start of taking oral contraceptives, which increase the level of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates lactation. Such nipple discharge stops on its own when the drug is changed or discontinued.

Pathological discharge

There are much more discharges from the nipples, which can be classified as pathological, and in each case they indicate the occurrence of some disease.


The most common reason for breast discharge. This disease develops due to hormonal disorders, ovarian diseases, genetic predisposition and other reasons.

The nature of breast discharge with this disease is very variable and differs from woman to woman.

This may be a spontaneous and profuse discharge from the nipples that appears without any stimulation, resembling colostrum or a watery liquid colored yellow, brown or greenish. Also, discharge from the nipple can only be observed when the nipples are squeezed - as when expressing milk - and can be thick and of a dense consistency.

In addition, mastopathy is accompanied by discomfort, often described as “heaviness,” an aching feeling in the chest. These symptoms intensify after physical activity and stress.

Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy

Most often, pathological discharge from the nipples in pregnant women develops due to inflammatory and infectious processes in the tissues of the mammary gland. But this condition can also be a symptom of the presence of a benign or malignant tumor that existed before pregnancy and the growth of which is triggered by hormonal changes in the body.

Such nipple discharge is obviously “abnormal” in nature, which is quite easy to notice even for a non-specialist:

In addition to the above reasons - the presence of a tumor and an infectious/inflammatory disease of the mammary glands, discharge during pregnancy can be caused by pathology of fetal development and exacerbation of chronic diseases that were present before pregnancy.

Hormonal disorders

In diseases of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, discharge from the breast may be observed, since these endocrine glands take part in the regulation and stabilization of hormonal levels, including the concentration of prolactin in the blood (the hormone responsible for lactation).

Discharge from the nipples due to thyroid dysfunction or prolactinoma (pituitary adenoma) is fully consistent with normal lactation - there is a discharge of milk or milk-like fluid without the inclusion of blood or pigments.

In addition to lactation, irregularities in the menstrual cycle are observed, up to its complete cessation.

Persistent endocrine disorders can be triggered by bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, prolonged use of medications that affect hormonal status, frequent viral infections, etc.

Tumor diseases of the mammary glands

With breast discharge caused by tumors, the accompanying symptoms can vary significantly depending on the type of tumor, its location and other factors:

Tumor diseases (cysts, adenomas, oncological tumors, etc.) can develop for many reasons. Today, the main one is considered to be a genetic predisposition to cancer and the presence of risk factors.

These include:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • unfavorable environmental conditions (working in hazardous industries, living in industrial zones, etc.);
  • unhealthy lifestyle (lack of sleep and rest, unbalanced diet, physical inactivity, etc.);
  • past abortions.

Treatment of breast discharge

If you have discharge from the breast that is not associated with pregnancy and lactation, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Early diagnosis of tumor and other diseases of the mammary glands significantly increases the chances of recovery and reduces the risk of complications.

Diagnosis is carried out using laboratory and instrumental examination methods:

Treatment of breast discharge is prescribed in accordance with the reasons that provoked this condition.

  • Endocrine disorders require correction of a woman’s hormonal status, which is carried out using a wide range of drugs, including hormones of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and ovaries.
  • Treatment of pathological breast discharge during pregnancy can be postponed until the postpartum period, and before that, maintenance therapy is prescribed to eliminate risks to the fetus. In some cases, termination of pregnancy may be necessary if the doctor has reason to believe there is a threat to the woman’s health and life if treatment is postponed to a later period.
  • Tumor diseases of the mammary glands are pathologies for the treatment of which a very wide range of methods and means are used. In each individual case, treatment requires an individual approach and taking into account the nature of the tumor (cyst, adenoma, malignancy, etc.), the age and health of the patient and other factors. Treatment may include conservative methods with medications (including chemotherapy), radiological treatment (called radiation) and surgery, during which part of the breast or the entire mammary gland is removed. Combination treatment, in which the prescription includes several areas, is considered the most effective today.


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