How to secure your wrist with an elastic bandage. How to bandage your hand with an elastic bandage

I heard that you need to start a diet on certain days. Tell us, when should you stop eating in order to lose weight faster and better?

REALLY, many nutritionists are sure that you should start fighting extra pounds not on Monday or even on the first, but following a certain scheme. At the same time, the experts divided into two camps and almost declared war on each other. Some believe that you need to lose weight according to the moon, while others are sure that the days of weight loss are determined by the menstrual cycle. We won’t argue with anyone, and therefore, just in case, we’ll tell you about both methods.

effective diets. Moon calendar

It is believed that the energy of the Moon not only causes the ebb and flow of the ocean, but also significantly affects the amount of fluid in our body. And if so, then you can develop a lunar weight loss schedule.

From the new moon to the full moon, the body absorbs all sorts of things especially well. medications. And if so, you can start using dietary supplements that reduce weight, herbal teas and other useful things.

You shouldn't eat too much on a full moon. These days, toxins are eliminated from the body especially quickly, and therefore it would be nice to arrange a couple of fasting days and be satisfied with some low-calorie apples.

After the full moon, your appetite will increase, and therefore you should not go on a diet - it will be too painful to follow it. During this period, try to fill the refrigerator with fresh vegetables, fruits and other healthy crap, removing chocolates and ice cream at a safe distance. And try to exercise more - this way you will burn extra calories, which you will certainly gain during the period of overeating.

On the day of the new moon, give yourself a fasting day again. Try to drink more liquid, “kefir” or “milk” days are ideal.

effective diets. "Thin" days

Many experts are confident that the success of your weight loss directly depends on the stage at which menstrual cycle you have decided to go on a diet.

1st phase (begins approximately on the 2nd–3rd day of menstruation and lasts about 2 weeks). During this period, the content of estrogen hormones in female body gradually increases, making us feel unusually cheerful and energetic. Physiologists say that this is the most the right time to go on a diet, because during this period metabolic processes in the body proceed more intensely and the result will be more impressive.

2nd phase (starts approximately on the 5th day of the cycle). This is the neutral phase. You can continue the diet, but hunger pangs will happen to you quite often. If so, try to be more active and move as much as possible.

3rd phase (one week before menstruation). You shouldn't go on a diet during PMS - it's already difficult for you right now. And if you deprive yourself of your favorite food, you will simply plague everyone around you with your bad mood. Of course, this does not mean that you can buy up the entire assortment of the confectionery store, but it is not only possible, but also necessary to pamper yourself a little. (AIF Daughters-Mothers)

Useful tips for losing weight
I don't suffer overweight. But if I overeat a little, I feel very heavy. Please advise the principle rational nutrition, which is easy to follow without limiting yourself.

Maxim Egorov. Kaluga.

In order to have enough energy for the whole day, all proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be supplied in certain proportions. There is an easy way. Divide the plate into three parts (conditionally or buy a special one with three compartments). In the first place fresh vegetables(vitamins and fiber). Secondly, sources of protein (chicken, fish, beef, cottage cheese). In the third - carbohydrates (cereals, bread, pasta, potatoes).

Follow this rule every day so that no part of the plate is left unfilled.

Fast diets

After copious festive tables It’s so difficult to start eating normally again and lose the extra pounds that have accumulated. One of effective ways return to your previous size - go on an express diet. Readers of our magazine share diet recipes that help them quickly get into shape after holiday feasts.

Maria Podyapolskaya, student, Odintsovo:
- Last year I complied healthy diet, went to the gym and went swimming. As a result, I lost 8 extra kilos and New Year I met you in a stunning dress two sizes smaller than usual. Deciding that now I could afford everything, I gradually stopped following my diet. And there wasn’t enough time for sports.

When I got on the scale 4 months after the New Year, I was saddened to discover that I had two extra kilos. Acquired with great difficulty good habits disappeared somewhere: I began to eat a lot more fried foods, baked goods and sweets. Some kind of shake-up was needed to get back to a healthy diet. After several unsuccessful attempts, I managed to find an express diet, which now helps me out after heavy holiday feasts.

This system is a combination of four fasting days.

On the first day - I call it cleansing - you can drink freshly squeezed vegetables and fruit juices sugarless. I advise you to start your morning with a glass of beetroot and carrot drink - it gives strength and stimulates the intestines. Then you can safely experiment by mixing the juices of different fruits and vegetables and making delicious cocktails. The only limitation is no more than one and a half liters of juices, plus as much as you like clean water and green tea.

The second day is cottage cheese and kefir. You need to take half a kilogram low-fat cottage cheese, 1.5 liters of one percent kefir and divide all the food into five equal parts. Every two and a half to three hours, eat a portion of cottage cheese with kefir, and half an hour before and an hour after a meal, drink a glass of clean water or green tea.

The third day is salad day. During the day, you need to gradually eat about one and a half kilograms of salad from leafy green vegetables with two tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably olive or flaxseed oil.

Finally, on the last, fourth day, we again drink freshly squeezed juices. In four days I lose on average two extra pounds and, most importantly, I easily return to moderate healthy eating.

Anna Pudelko, psychologist, Moscow:
- I hate going on diets and restricting myself in some way. I just try to enjoy food and eat regularly, periodically adhering to one-day fasting menus.

My passion is cooking, I love to imagine and invent new dishes. Therefore, regular kefir or cucumber diets are not for me. The basis of my fasting days is apples. You can eat up to two kilograms daily. Naturally, I try to diversify my menu as much as possible. In the morning, for example, I cook porridge from applesauce, sprinkling it with cinnamon. For lunch I bake apples in the oven. In the afternoon I grate them, sprinkle with lemon juice and add grated nutmeg and ginger on the tip of the knife. Dinner consists of a cocktail: Apple juice, mineral water with gas, a little lemon juice. If you wish, you can come up with many more options for healthy and low-calorie apple dishes.

The first day you need to eat only apples. On the second, add 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. On the third day we eat the same as the second. Three days of this diet allow you to cleanse your body and lose about one and a half kilograms.

Lyudmila Zaitseva, pharmacist, Moscow:
- I always adhere to the principle: “Eat to live, not live to eat.” Therefore food for me is a source vitality and energy, and it should be healthy and light. But during holiday feasts, I throw out of my mind everything related to calories, vitamins and nutrients, and just enjoy my favorite treats. Well, after the holidays, my duty is to help the body cope with unusual heavy and fatty foods. For this I use a fairly strict, but very effective diet, which a friend told me about many years ago.

During the first three days you need to eat a cleansing salad. It is prepared like this: take white and red cabbage, boiled beets, raw carrots, juice of one lemon and a small onion. All vegetables should be finely chopped, carrots and beets should be grated and the salad should be seasoned with a mixture of lemon juice and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. You need to take one and a half kilograms of vegetables per day.

Vegetables will provide your body with fiber and fill you up well, so you won’t face pangs of hunger. The only difficulty is that the monotonous diet gets boring already on the second day. But it’s quite possible to hold out for three days. The next three days are protein days. In the morning - an apple and two boiled eggs. Second breakfast - 200 grams of steamed or boiled fish. For lunch - a glass of boiled rice with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Afternoon snack - a glass of low-fat milk. Finally, at seven o'clock in the evening you need to eat a pack of low-fat cottage cheese. The last, seventh day - 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir without additives and sweeteners.

This system helps you lose a couple of kilograms accumulated over the holidays in a week and allows overloaded digestive organs to establish normal functioning.

Express diet rules

1. You can follow the diet for no longer than the specified time. Otherwise, you risk disrupting your metabolism and exhausting your body.
2. Be sure to take vitamin supplements during a diet.
3. After completing the course, you need to return to a nutritious and moderate diet.
4. Never follow crash diets if you are pregnant, nursing a child, or suffering from chronic diseases. (Inga LOBOVA “Women’s Health”)

Low fat diet

Diet with low content fat is an excellent opportunity to achieve lasting weight loss and improve your health. Fats are the cause of our obesity - not an abundance of starch or other carbohydrates. But at the same time, minimal fat consumption is also the basis healthy eating, and this is much more important than issues of sugar, fiber, salt or cholesterol consumption. This is not to say that these issues are trivial, but the basis of all basics for us is to eat less fat. remember, that fat cells They love fat - so don't feed them!

High and low fat foods

Products with high content fat

Red meat
Egg yolks
Whole milk
Low fat foods

Beans and legumes
Breakfast cereals
Fruits and vegetables

Types of fats

All fats contain fatty acid, all fats contain the same number of calories. Both vegetable and animal fats are equally fattening. However, some fats are much worse than others if we're talking about about our health. Understanding the differences between fats will make it easier to change our diets to be healthy. Let's take a closer look at what fats we eat.


Fats are divided into saturated and unsaturated (in all cases of this article, by the concept of “saturated” and “unsaturated” fats, the author means the fatty acids contained in fats, which can be saturated or unsaturated) depending on their chemical structure and the presence or absence of space in their molecule for hydrogen atoms. Saturated fats are “fully saturated”, that is, there is no fat in the molecule at all. free seats, where hydrogen atoms could join. Saturated fats are most easily recognized by their state at room temperature: they are mostly solid. Animal fats such as butter, cheese, visceral fat, kidney fat and white fat on meat (including chicken skins) are considered saturated. Tropical vegetable fats- palm and coconut oils are also rich in saturated fat (that's why you need to read the labels carefully confectionery, do they contain palm and coconut oil). Saturated fats are extremely harmful to our health because they can cause cancer and heart disease.

Polina saturated fats

Polyunsaturated fat literally means “very unsaturated.” That is, their molecules have a lot of space for additional hydrogen atoms. Polyunsaturated fats are usually found in vegetable oils. The richest sources of polyunsaturated fats are sunflower oil, corn oil and soybean oil. These fats are considered less harmful to our health because they don't clog our arteries with harmful deposits like saturated fats do. However, polyunsaturated fats very easily decompose during cooking into quite harmful peroxides, which can cause other health problems.

Only 10% of total calories should come from polyunsaturated fats. This amount is very easy to exceed if you eat, say, four slices of bread with margarine from sunflower oil and also use polyunsaturated fats in cooking and salad dressings. For health, it is very important that, along with polyunsaturated fats, the body receives a large number of vitamin E, which protects us from harm caused free radicals and peroxides.

Conclusion: Small amounts of polyunsaturated fats are healthy, but they should be consumed in moderation. The more polyunsaturated fats we eat, the more vitamin E we need.

Monounsaturated fats

Monounsaturated fat molecules only allow one hydrogen atom to attach. These fats are probably the healthiest fats because they don't clog your arteries as much as saturated fats. They are the most stable when cooked, so they are best for frying. Monounsaturated fats are usually liquid at room temperature, but can harden when stored in the cold (for example, olive oil). Many vegetable oils are rich in monounsaturated fats (olive, canola, peanut, hazelnut, some blended oils).

Conclusion: monounsaturated fats can probably be considered the best for health. They are found in many adoran foods - avocados, oats, nuts and seeds. One of the most best oils for culinary processing of products - cold-pressed olive oil. It also contains significant amount vitamin E.

On food labels, fat can be hidden under various clever names. Here are the types of fats to watch out for on labels:

Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil
- vegetable fats
- Palm oil
- baking
- visceral fat
- animal fats
- oil
- cream
- sour cream

Anyone wishing to lose weight should be extremely careful with fats and choose sandwich butter substitutes that contain less than 80% fat. Such substitutes are whipped with water and have slightly less calories. It's hard to find sandwich oils that aren't hydrogenated vegetable fats, but they can be found in health food stores.

How to become a kickboxer, or 10 steps to safety Kazakeev Evgeniy

How to bandage hands (hand)

You have studied the technique of striking and are eager to fight. But before putting on gloves, you must protect your hands and fingers. For this, special bandages are used. Bandages will be the first layer of your hand protection. Bandages tightly fix your wrist, finger bones and hand, support them in a certain position, giving the most compact and comfortable shape.

There are two common types on sale boxing bandages: elastic and fabric. Elastic bandages perfectly follow the contour of your hands and provide better fixation. But it is also very easy for them to overtighten the hand, thereby disrupting the blood flow. That's why optimal choice They will still be made of cloth. In most cases, kickboxers wrap their own hands. When bandaging, you need to take into account that the tape should not tighten the hand too much in the unclenched position, but at the same time squeeze it well when the fist is clenched.

Let us consider in detail the two main methods of hand bandaging: “simple” and “advanced”. I don’t see the point in describing it in words; pictures will make it clearer.

The advantage of the “simple” method is that it is quick and easy to remember, so it is definitely suitable for beginners.

The figure shows a "simple" way to bandage hands

For those who want to seriously engage in kickboxing, it is better to immediately learn how to wrap your hands in an advanced way.

The photo shows a step-by-step bandaging of hands in an advanced way.

In fact, there are many ways to wrap your hands, and as you develop your professionalism in kickboxing, you will choose the most optimal and convenient one for yourself. The main thing is that the hands remain unharmed!

For professional fighters, this operation is carried out by an assistant who uses more complex bandaging methods. Often a medical bandage is used. To achieve high quality performance, it is covered with strips of medical plaster with a width of 8 mm to 20 mm and different lengths. This application allows you to hold adjacent turns of the bandage in place for 12 rounds.

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To practice strikes on equipment, paws, and practice techniques in pairs, it is necessary to bandage your hands.

This is explained by the fact that when bandaging, the joints of the hand are tightly tightened, which significantly protects them from possible injuries and damage.

It is best to bandage your hands yourself so that you can feel how tightly your hand is tightened.

Do not tighten the brush too tightly; too much tightening will cause the brush to become numb. However, too little tightening can lead to the bandage slipping during a fight or training.

The hand should be bandaged so that the bandage does not pinch when the hand is straightened, but tightens well when it is clenched into a fist.

You should bandage your hands with a special boxing bandage (in as a last resort can be used elastic bandage medium degree fixation), the most convenient bandage width is 40-50 mm, length - from 2.5 to 4 m. It is better to sew a thumb loop on one end of the bandage, and an elastic band for the palm or Velcro on the other end.

There are many in various ways bandaging hands. Each athlete chooses the most convenient one for himself, although he may change it more than once during training.

It should be noted that masters bandage their hands somewhat differently than beginners, and the bandages they use are much longer. If it is enough for a beginner to bandage his hand with a bandage 2.5 m long, then a master needs a bandage from 3 to 4 m.

As an example, one of the ways to bandage hands for beginners is given.

Before bandaging your hand, it is better to roll the bandage into a tight, neat roll, so that there is a thumb loop at the free end.

So, let's bandage the hand:

1. Put the loop on thumb, place the roll along the edge of the palm under the hand and return it, covering the wrist
2. Wrap the wrist once
3. Move to the thumb and wrap it around
4. Wrap it a second time
5. Wrapping the thumb twice, we go down to the wrist

6-7. Wrapping the wrist
8. Wrap the wrist a second time
9. Letting the roll down, move from the wrist to the hand
10. Wrap the brush

11-12. Wrap the brush a second time
13. Smoothly move to the thumb
14-16 Wrap twice around the thumb

17. We go down to the brush closer to its base
18. Back on the wrist again
19-20. Wrap it around your wrist twice

21. Switch to the brush again
22-23. Wrap the brush twice
24. Secure the bandage with an elastic band or Velcro

25-27. If the bandage is not finished after this, you can return to the wrist
28. It is better to secure the end of the bandage to the hand with an elastic band, or if with Velcro, then in such a way that the Velcro remains inside the palm or on the wrist

Wrist pain can develop for a number of reasons.

Sometimes discomfort is accompanied by swelling, hyperemia (redness skin) and other symptoms. To relieve signs of discomfort, the wrist is fixed with an elastic bandage. This measure, together with the necessary drug therapy, can not only alleviate the patient’s condition, but also eliminate the cause pain syndrome.

Features of the latch

The use of a fixing bandage on different parts of the body (depending on the type of activity) has long become a habit among professional athletes. This popularity of this device is due to the ability to prevent some injuries.

Modern variety The bandage applied to the wrist is an elastic bandage. With its help, you can quickly immobilize and immobilize an injured limb. Made from high-quality raw materials, the elastic bandage does not tear or fray at the edges. A device of this kind can be considered a mandatory element of any first aid kit.

Please note: after applying the fixation agent, the joints must perform the functions prescribed by their structure. If the limb is numb or numb, it is worth loosening the device somewhat.

A prolonged feeling of discomfort may indicate that the bandage was not bandaged correctly.

Why is it needed?

A number of situations that require reliable fixation and compression require the use of bandages. Typically, an elastic retainer is used in the following cases:

  • injuries (sprains, dislocations, etc.).
  • The period of rehabilitation and recovery after joint surgery.
  • Reducing tension in the wrist area.
  • Relief of pain.
  • Relieving swelling.

The compression effect that a tight bandage can provide is necessary if there is following situations:

  1. stretching

The victim complains of pain, swelling is observed at the site of injury. Similar symptoms occur due to microscopic tendon ruptures. Elastic material will partially immobilize the limb, reducing inflammation.

  1. Fracture.

An important element of therapy is immobilization of the injured joint using a splint. The latter is fixed with an elastic bandage, and the bandage itself looks quite neat even after long-term wearing.

  1. Varicose disease.

This device helps prevent progression pathological process.

  1. Dislocation.

To prevent excessive movements of the hand, use a fixing bandage. Reducing mobility partially relieves pain and promotes restoration of muscle fibers. If the attending physician has prescribed the application of gels or ointments, the fixative may be removed during the procedure.

A compression bandage is relevant as a preventive measure for thrombosis (blockage of blood vessels that interferes with normal blood circulation).


Bandaging for injury wrist joint

Indications for use

The main indications for using the device are:

  1. orthopedic pathologies accompanied by wrist pain.
  2. Varicose veins veins
  3. Help with dislocation.
  4. Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the walls of a vein with further education thrombus).
  5. Injuries sustained during training activities or sports.
  6. Hand stretch.
  7. Swelling.

The device has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • dense base.
  • Elasticity.
  • Reliable fixation.
  • Possibility of repeated use.

For arthrosis and inflammation of the joints, the use of an elastic fixing bandage is also indicated.


An elastic bandage on the hand can be used if the patient does not have:

  • skin pathologies.
  • Destruction of the joint structure.
  • Tumors that prevent you from wearing a certain model.

A personal intolerance to the wrist brace may be a contraindication.

General rules

An elastic bandage is a piece of cotton fabric to which rubber, polyester and lycra threads have been added.

To figure out how to bandage your hand with an elastic bandage, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of rules. Here they are:

  1. pick up right size devices. For the most comfortable application of the dressing, the length of the dressing should be at least 1 m.
  2. All manipulations must begin from the place with the least swelling.
  3. To prevent wrinkles from appearing, wrap the elastic bandage with light tension and equal force.
  4. Each new layer of matter must partially cover the previous one.
  5. Gaps between strips of elastic fabric are not allowed.
  6. To immobilize the wrist joint, bandage in the direction from the fingers to the forearm.

Please note: fixation in the presence of damage to the wrist joint requires some skill.

How to apply?

Having familiarized yourself with all the nuances, you can proceed directly to manipulation. Important: achieve positive effect from therapy involving a dressing (eg fast healing muscle and connective tissue) will only be possible if it is used correctly.

The main thing to pay attention to is the degree of stretchability of the material used. It can be of several options:

  1. medium or high elasticity. Mechanical damage to the wrist (dislocation, bruise, etc.) requires the use of this type of bandage. This model will allow you to reliably immobilize and fix the wrist.
  2. Bandage with low elongation. Its use is justified as a preventive measure.

There are several techniques known for how to properly apply an elastic bandage to an injured wrist. The most common ones will be discussed in more detail.

Circular bandage

Another name for this technique is circular. Its difference from other methods of bandaging lies in the need to make circular rotations.

To apply a corrective bandage:

  1. fix the end of the elastic material with the fingers of the injured limb.
  2. Bandage your hand while performing required amount turns around the wrist.

With each turn, the bandage is applied to itself, and its fixation is carried out slightly above the site of damage. The recommended period of wearing this type of bandage is no more than 10 days.

Spiral bandage

You can apply a spiral bandage to the injured area, starting from the elbow of the injured limb and from the fingers. At first, fixing the bandage on the wrist should be done using circular turns, which are then replaced by diagonal layers.

With each turn of the elastic fabric, you need to catch more of the previous layer. After a couple more turns, you should make a bend in the material used. As a result, the top and bottom of the bandage will change places.

This fixation scheme allows you to wear the device for a week to a week and a half.


In this case, the pattern of applying the bandage in its shape resembles a figure eight, which gave it its second name - eight-shaped. This method allows you to obtain the tightest fixation, which is necessary for injury to the wrist joint. The use of a figure-of-eight bandage greatly facilitates the patient’s condition, significantly reducing pain.

The bandaging process begins from the wrist with a gradual descent to the fingers. At the lowest point, the material must be bent obliquely and the hand must be wrapped in the opposite direction again. These manipulations are repeated several times to achieve the most durable fixation.

The permissible period of wearing the bandage is no more than two weeks. If discomfort or numbness occurs, the bandage can be removed for a short time. After rest, the bandage should be applied according to the same pattern.


Warn mechanical damage This area will be helped by timely and competent prevention.

The part of the hand that is adjacent to the forearm is called the wrist. This is a pretty weak department. upper limb. Therefore, it is easily injured when carrying weights or hitting. The resulting injury does not violate the integrity of the bone, but is accompanied by severe pain and swelling of the ligaments. To alleviate the condition of the hand, use a tight fixation with an elastic bandage.

Why do you need to put on a bandage?

Using an elastic bandage allows you to fix the injured area if it is sprained before seeing a doctor. After the prescribed treatment, the bandage has a uniform supporting effect:

  • relieves tension;
  • eliminates pain;
  • prevents thrombosis;
  • removes swelling.

The special fabric contains special fibers that stretch well and hold the joint fixed. Elastic bandage on the wrist does not cause discomfort, suitable for reusable. To develop the damaged joint, it can be removed, with the permission of the doctor, and ointment applied.

How to properly apply an elastic bandage on the wrist?

Fixation brings positive result in treatment, if the correct bandaging technique is observed.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the degree of stretchability of the material. A bandage of high or medium elasticity is used to fix the wrist after an injury. Low tensile material is used only for preventive purposes. Bandaging the wrist with an elastic bandage should be carried out in compliance with the following technique for performing the procedure:

The layers of the dressing should overlap each other.
  • To fix the wrist joint, you will need a bandage no more than 1.5 meters long.
  • Bandage the damaged area if there is no swelling. An angle of 30 degrees is suitable for fixation.
  • Bandaging begins from the narrower part of the damaged area to the wider one.
  • There should be no gaps between the layers, so each subsequent turn overlaps the previous one.
  • You need to bandage your wrist with moderate tension to prevent wrinkles from forming.
  • Unscrew the bandage outward; this way of dressing you can avoid strong pressure.
  • The bandage should be applied to the hand starting from the fingers and ending with the forearm.

Circular bandage

The peculiarity of fixation is circular rotation. The edge of the dressing should be grasped with your left hand, and the dressing should be made with your right hand. They are all done at the same level and placed one on top of the other, the bandage is fixed above the damaged area. The bandage should remain on the arm for 3 to 10 days.



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