Tendovaginitis of the wrist joint treatment. Tendovaginitis of the wrist joint - treatment

tendovaginitis- This is a disease in which the connective tissue membranes surrounding the tendons are affected. Quite often there is tendovaginitis of the hand, or rather, wrist joint. Consider how the disease manifests itself with a given localization, why it occurs, and what treatment is carried out with such a diagnosis.

Causes and symptoms of wrist tendovaginitis

The main factor leading to the development of tendovaginitis is the penetration of pyogenic bacteria into the fibrous sheath surrounding the tendons as a result of injuries or purulent processes in the surrounding tissues. Less commonly, the cause of the pathology is excessive regular stress on the tendon (which may be associated with professional activities). Tenosynovitis of the hand can also be associated with hypothermia of the hands.

The inflammatory process occurring in the tendon sheaths leads to the appearance of swelling, sharp pains, aggravated by movement, an increase in body temperature. If the disease is not treated, it can become chronic, and also lead to a significant limitation of movement in the joint.

Treatment of tendovaginitis of the hand (wrist joint)

When diagnosing tendovaginitis, x-rays are recommended to exclude arthritis, osteomyelitis, and some other diseases in which changes in bones and joints are observed. Before prescribing treatment, it is imperative to determine the cause of the development of the disease (associated or not associated with infection).

First of all, it is recommended to ensure maximum peace and fixation of the affected arm. For fixation, the imposition of a tight bandage or splint is more often used, the patient is released from work. With severe pain in the wrist joint, the treatment of tendovaginitis involves the appointment.

In case of infectious tendovaginitis are prescribed antibacterial drugs, and with the development of a purulent process, surgical intervention (opening, drainage) may be required. Purulent tendovaginitis of the wrist joint is dangerous because if pus enters the adjacent tissues (joints, bones, blood), sepsis may develop. With a non-infectious nature of the disease, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (usually local) are prescribed to reduce the inflammatory process.

  • paraffin applications;
  • ultrasound, etc.

Also shown physiotherapy and massage. In the future, the passive load and movement are gradually increased on the sore arm. After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, the patient is discharged, but at the same time he is recommended for a certain period of exceptionally light work.

Of the traditional medicine for the treatment of tendovaginitis of this localization, compresses with bear bile are considered quite effective. To prepare a compress, you should heat the bile in a water bath and soak gauze folded in several layers with it.

Prevention of tendovaginitis of the wrist joint

To prevent the disease, you should:

  1. Avoid excessive loads and fatigue at physical work, as well as injury to the hand.
  2. In case of integrity violation skin, even minor ones, should always be carried out antiseptic treatment injured areas.
  3. Also, in order to avoid the development of tendovaginitis, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, to monitor the cleanliness of hands.

At the first signs of the disease, it is imperative to consult a doctor and follow all recommendations in the future in order to avoid possible complications.

Tenosynovitis of the wrist joint - inflammatory disease in tendon sheath tissues. Pathological process occurs in areas of the tendon, covered with a specific sheath. Many patients experience symptoms of tendovaginitis, but rarely does anyone associate discomfort with the development of the disease in acute or chronic form.

Can't be written off periodic pain, spasms, tingling and numbness in the wrist area for fatigue and overexertion of the hands: a neglected pathology is difficult to treat. Find out more useful information about the signs, types and therapy of tendovaginitis.

general information

At risk are people who perform monotonous hand movements. With a high, constant load on the hands, joints and tendons do not have time to recover from microtraumas that are inevitable with this approach to work.

Features of tendovaginitis of the wrist joint:

  • the tendons are covered with a sheath that produces a small amount of fluid to reduce friction;
  • the shell consists of an inner and outer leaf. With tendovaginitis, the inner layer in contact with the tendon becomes inflamed;
  • the progression of the pathological process provokes the production of prostaglandins - special substances that irritate nervous tissue. The result of the process - pain, redness of tissues, swelling of varying degrees occur in the affected area;
  • in the absence of adequate treatment, the disease becomes chronic, interferes with professional activities, provokes discomfort in the performance of daily activities.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The defeat of the wrist joint develops in the following cases:

  • injury to the tendons and membranes: the hand, the wrist area are constantly experiencing high loads with various movements in everyday life and professional activities;
  • systemic pathologies that provoke complications in the form of inflammation of the tendons;
  • non-specific infectious diseases. Inflammation of the synovial vagina develops due to the penetration of infectious agents from other organs through the bloodstream;
  • frequent microtraumas of the tendon tissue over a long period.

Note! The pathological process often develops in people engaged in heavy physical labor. At prolonged wear weights, moving loads, painting, gardening, construction work, the wrist area is constantly exposed to several forces. Insufficient rest, microtraumas accelerate the development of muscle and joint pathologies.

Types of disease

Doctors classify inflammation of the tissues of the wrist joint depending on the factor that provokes discomfort and pathological changes. Tendovaginitis has been characterized in several ways.

For reasons of occurrence:

  • aseptic;
  • infectious.

By duration:

  • acute - no more than a month;
  • subacute - from 30 days to six months;
  • chronic - longer than 6 months.

By the nature of the inflammatory process:

  • serous. The inner sheet of the tendon sheath becomes inflamed, serous fluid is released;
  • purulent. The most dangerous variety. The reason is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Purulent masses fill the areas on top of the inflamed tendon;
  • serous fibrous. Fibrin plaque appears on the surface of the shell, exudate accumulates in the tissues.

Forms of the pathological process:

  • initial. The synovial sheath turns red, sometimes small infiltrates form in the outer sheet;
  • exudative-serous. Fluid accumulates, fibrin plaque forms, signs of damage are more pronounced;
  • chronic stenotic. A progressive disease provokes pain, swelling, muscle spasms, increased friction of the affected tendon.


The attending physician prescribes procedures after the elimination of the inflammatory process. Physiotherapy accelerates recovery, relieves discomfort in the area of ​​the problem joint.

Effective Methods:

  • the use of ultrasound;
  • ozocerite applications;
  • paraffin baths;
  • shock wave therapy (one of the most effective methods with tendovaginitis);
  • laser therapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy exercises (LFK).

Warning! With acute tendovaginitis, purulent form diseases, physiotherapy is not carried out until the signs of inflammation of the tendons disappear. Violation of the rules, heating the affected area enhances the production of purulent masses, provokes the spread of pathogenic bacteria throughout the body.

Folk remedies and recipes

Use herbal decoctions, home ointments, compresses as an addition to the main treatment. In chronic form of tendovaginitis in the area of ​​the radial joint natural ingredients reduce negative symptoms during exacerbations, reduce the risk of inflammation.

Effective formulations:

  • infusion of calendula. For 500 ml of boiling water, use a couple of tablespoons of healing raw materials. In a thermos, the infusion is ready in an hour. Take a third of a glass healing liquid before breakfast, lunch and dinner (20 minutes before the meal);
  • compress with chamomile and calendula. The addition of chamomile flowers will help enhance the anti-inflammatory, softening effect. Prepare a collection of equal parts of calendula and chamomile (a tablespoon), steam (take half a liter of boiling water), filter the infusion after 45 minutes. Do compresses daily, 40 minutes twice a day;
  • homemade ointment. In a bowl, combine a tablespoon (without a slide) of flour, protein chicken egg, 1 tsp medical alcohol. Apply home remedy on strips of fabric, wrap around the problem joint. Perform the procedure in the evening, leave the ointment until morning. Repeat the treatment throughout the week.

Use products from non-aggressive components. During exacerbations, especially with purulent tendovaginitis, never rub the problem area with alcohol, do not warm it up, in order to avoid negative consequences. Remember: heat in any form enhances the inflammatory process, pus is produced more actively, and the risk of infection of other organs by the hematogenous route increases.

After treatment, think about how to prevent re-development tendovaginitis in the area of ​​the wrist joint. Prevention is simple: do not overload your hands, carry heavy loads less often, avoid monotonous movements. If professional activity impossible without monotonous manipulations, take breaks, stretch your joints, apply gels with a relaxing effect to improve blood circulation. In case of negative sensations, consult a doctor in time.

Tendovaginitis - quite dangerous disease which is characterized by severe symptoms. In the absence of therapy similar affliction can lead to a host of complications, including necrosis of surrounding tissues. And today people are increasingly interested in questions about what constitutes tendovaginitis of the wrist joint, the treatment of this disease, the causes of its occurrence and the main symptoms.

What is tendovaginitis?

It's no secret that muscle tendons are located in a kind of sacs of connective tissue, which are called tendon sheaths. Tendovaginitis - serious disease, which is accompanied by inflammation of these structures.

In most cases, the inflammatory process affects the tissues of the most mobile joints, which all the time have to endure heavy loads. In particular, these are the joints of the foot and ankle, as well as the forearm. However, in modern medicine, one of the most common forms is considered to be tendovaginitis of the wrist joint.

The main causes of the development of the disease

Inflammation around the tendons can be caused different reasons. Immediately it is worth mentioning that tendovaginitis can have both infectious and non-infectious origin.

Infectious inflammation is caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the cavity of the synovial vagina. Bacteria can enter the connective tissue sac through wounds and cracks in the skin or from other foci of inflammation in the patient's body.

The non-infectious (aseptic) form of the disease is usually associated with mechanical damage Tenosynovitis can be the result of severe stretching, prolonged physical activity, as well as microtraumas (when the wrist constantly performs the same movements), severe hypothermia.

Aseptic tendovaginitis

As already mentioned, non-infectious tendovaginitis develops against the background of constant microtrauma of muscles and tendons. In fact, such a disease is rather professional and is diagnosed in people who, by the nature of their activities, are required to repeat the same wrist movements. For example, the disease often becomes a companion of professional athletes (golfers, skiers, volleyball players), musicians, factory workers, etc.

As a rule, on early stages disease progresses without visible symptoms- Patients only complain of quickly occurring fatigue in the wrist, and sometimes not too much pain. But as the disease progresses, the pain becomes more intense.

Infectious form of the disease

Pathogenic bacteria can enter the tissues of the joint from the outside - through various skin lesions. In addition, risk factors include osteomyelitis, panaritium and arthrosis of the wrist joint, which is accompanied by the release of pus. The infection can also be specific - tendovaginitis often develops as a complication of tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis and some other diseases.

Most often, such an ailment has an acute character, accompanied by severe pain, immobilization of the joint and fever.

Other forms of the disease

To date, there are many classification systems for this disease. As already mentioned, the disease "tendovaginitis", depending on the cause of its occurrence, can be infectious or aseptic.

In addition, depending on the characteristics of the clinical picture, tendovaginitis can be serous (in the focus, inflammation accumulates purulent (formation and accumulation of purulent masses are observed) or serous-fibrinous.

Depending on the nature of the course, the disease can be acute (usually associated with injuries or infection of the tendon sheaths) or chronic (in most cases, people of certain professions suffer from this form of the disease).

Tenosynovitis of the wrist and its symptoms

What are the symptoms of tendovaginitis? The photo shows that in most cases, with the disease, swelling and redness of the skin in the joint area can be seen. At infectious form diseases, symptoms can also include fever, weakness and other signs of intoxication of the body.

Pain in the wrist joint can have different intensity, but is always present. Patients sometimes complain of tingling, numbness, and sometimes a sharp, severe burning in the wrist. For such people, everything literally falls out of their hands, since the brush is no longer able to cope with its functions. As the disease progresses, the movement of the joint is severely limited. Soreness increases with physical exertion, as well as at night, which, accordingly, affects the quality of sleep.

Modern diagnostic methods

Of course, if you have symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. First, the specialist will definitely conduct visual inspection and take a history. In the presence of stiffness, pain in the wrist, redness and swelling of the joint, the doctor may suspect the presence of tendovaginitis. Additional tests are being carried out to confirm the diagnosis.

In particular, radiography can provide valuable information - pictures can distinguish tendovaginitis from other pathologies with a similar clinical picture, in particular, osteomyelitis and arthritis. Ligmentography is also performed - during the procedure, the patient is given x-ray, but with the use contrast medium. In addition, additional tests are given for the presence of infection and concomitant diseases, since in this case it is important to determine and primary cause inflammation of the tendon sacs.

Tendovaginitis of the wrist joint: treatment

It is immediately worth noting that only a specialist should engage in therapy. Self-medication and withdrawal medical care can lead to sad consequences up to loss of joint mobility or tissue necrosis.

What is prescribed to a patient with a diagnosis of tendovaginitis of the wrist joint? Treatment, of course, depends on the form and causes of the disease. For example, if the inflammation is secondary, then it is important to find the root cause of the disease and eliminate it.

First of all, you need a joint. modern medicine offers a lot of special pads, bandages and orthoses that will not greatly affect the quality of life. At the first stages of therapy, it is extremely important to free the joint from any physical load. And the bandage of the wrist joint helps to completely immobilize the hand.

In cases where the inflammatory process is caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria, patients undergo antibiotic therapy - antibiotics are selected individually, depending on sensitivity. pathogenic flora to certain components. In most cases it is enough oral intake tablets. But in more difficult situations antibiotic solutions are injected directly into the synovial vagina.

Attacks of pain stop with the help of novocaine or other painkillers. In addition, therapy includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs - these can be both non-steroidal and hormonal agents. With purulent tendovaginitis, sometimes it is necessary to open the cavities of the synovial vagina, remove the purulent masses and treat the tissues with antiseptics or antibacterial drugs.

are extremely effective and various methods physiotherapy, in particular, warming compresses. For example, patients are often recommended paraffin baths. Modern medicine also uses UHF therapy. Mud treatment will also be useful.

After the elimination of the inflammatory process, another task comes to the fore - it is necessary to restore the mobility of the joint. For this purpose, a certain set of therapeutic gymnastic exercises is selected for the patient, and regular massage sessions are also recommended.

Tendovaginitis of the wrist joint: treatment with folk remedies

Undoubtedly, ethnoscience has a lot of different recipes that can help in the treatment similar disease. For example, a good folk remedy is dry calendula flowers, from which you can prepare an ointment. This plant has bactericidal properties and also relieves inflammation. To prepare the medicine, you need to mix the dry flowers of the plant and the usual baby cream in equal amounts. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the affected joint, cover with a bandage on top and leave overnight.

There is another, no less effective folk remedy. To prepare a compress, you will need to mix the egg white with a tablespoon of flour and the same amount of alcohol. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Soak strips of cotton fabric in the resulting mixture, then wrap them around your wrist and leave overnight. This compress has warming properties.

Carpal tendovaginitis, or tendosynovitis, is an inflammation of the tendons responsible for flexion-extension of the fingers and wrist and their connective tissue sheaths - the synovial sheaths. Treatment of tendovaginitis of the wrist joint is aimed at removing pain and restoration of brush functions.

Inflammation can be of an infectious or autoimmune nature, but most often occurs against the background of habitual microtraumas of the connective tissue associated with an increased load on the tendons of the hand (work as a seamstress, musician, personal computer operator; baby care; hobby game consoles), and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain and swelling in the wrist area;
  • pain in the area thumb and forearms;
  • difficulty moving the hand and fingers.

Most patients are shown conservative (without the use of surgical intervention) treatment, but in some cases it is necessary to resort to surgical methods.

Rest treatment

Peace is key medical event, which is prescribed for tendovaginitis of the hand of any nature.

During acute inflammation all work and entertainment associated with the activity of the hand and wrist of the diseased hand are excluded.

To prevent movements in the wrist joint, the hand is fixed elastic bandage, various bandages that capture the wrist, part of the hand and forearm, and in some cases - rigid orthoses or a plaster cast.

After the exacerbation is removed, the loads are introduced gradually.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment of tendosynovitis of the hand may include drugs of the following action:

  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic;
  • anesthetic;
  • antibacterial.

Most often, drugs are prescribed externally - in the form of ointments, compresses, but in severe cases, tablets and injections are used.

Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs

Most anti-inflammatory drugs have a more or less pronounced analgesic effect. To treat tendovaginitis of the wrist, your doctor may prescribe:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • dimexide;
  • glucocorticoids.

NSAIDs (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, paracetamol, lornoxicam and others) are usually prescribed in the form of ointments, creams and gels (dolgit, fastum gel), however, with intense pain, it can be used orally (tablets advil, next, xefocam and others). These drugs have a pronounced analgesic effect.

Dimexide not only dissolves well inflammatory infiltrate, but also increases the permeability of cells (including pathogens), therefore, with infectious tendovaginitis, it is prescribed in combination with antibiotics to improve the conductivity of the latter in the tissue and increase their effectiveness. This drug is applied externally, in the form of wet compresses. Before use, the drug is diluted with water to the desired concentration.

Glucocorticoids (betamethasone, prednisolone) are used in the form of anti-inflammatory blockades - injections into the area of ​​the tendon canals for non-infectious inflammation of the tendons and their sheaths. With autoimmune tenosynovitis, glucocorticosteroids can be administered orally or by injection.

Local anesthesia

If anti-inflammatory drugs are ineffective or relieve pain completely, a short time, then the doctor prescribes an anesthetic blockade: an anesthetic local action(novocaine, procaine, lidocaine) is injected into the affected canal. Such a blockade has an instant analgesic effect, lasting about two days. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after two or three days.

Anesthetic blockade relieves pain, but does not stop inflammation, and in some cases can aggravate its course. This is observed in cases where the patient, not feeling pain under the influence of the blockade, begins to expose the affected limb increased load thereby delaying the healing process. Therefore, when prescribing a blockade, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations for ensuring the rest of the hand.

Antibacterial therapy

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for septic (caused by any infection) tendovaginitis of the wrist joint. Medicines can be administered orally, intravenously and be part of therapeutic blockades.

For the treatment of purulent tenosynovitis, inhibitor-protected penicillins, lincosamides, and some drugs of the cephalosporin group are chosen.


Physiotherapy can be prescribed in any phase of the inflammatory process: some methods are suitable for the treatment of acute inflammation, others can only be used during the rehabilitation phase. In the treatment of tendovaginitis apply:

Some methods of hardware physiotherapy are used during the period of exacerbation, and spa treatment and physiotherapy exercises are carried out only after the removal of acute inflammation.

Hardware physiotherapy

Of the methods of hardware physiotherapy, inductothermy, electrophoresis, phonophoresis, sinusoidally modulated currents (amplpulse therapy), high-frequency electric fields (UHF) and ultraviolet irradiation(UFO).

UV and UHF therapy can be used on acute stage tendovaginitis, and short- and medium-wave ultraviolet irradiation is indicated even in the treatment of purulent inflammatory processes.

Other methods are prescribed when the inflammation subsides. Electrophoresis is prescribed with such medicines, How acetylsalicylic acid, dimexide, analgin, novocaine, antibiotics. Phonophoresis is used to introduce glucocorticoids into the affected tissues.

Spa treatment

From spa methods in the treatment of tendovaginitis, balneotherapy is used - treatment with water and pelotherapy - treatment with mud.

Used in balneotherapy the following types local baths:

  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • radon;
  • sodium chloride.

Therapeutic mud, heated to 38-44 ° C, is applied to the affected limb in the form of a glove. Instead of mud, you can use paraffin or ozocerite applications.


  1. First, a tennis ball is squeezed with the right hand for thirty seconds. After that, each finger right hand alternately unbends and stretches with the left hand. Then the exercise is repeated for the other hand. This exercise is performed in a sitting position.
  2. For thirty seconds, both hands are tightly clenched into a fist. After that, you need to spread your fingers like a fan, fold the fingertips of your left hand with the tips of your right hand and springily press them against each other for about twenty seconds. This exercise is performed in a sitting position.
  3. Each finger of the left hand is alternately grasped at the base with three fingers of the right hand, after which right hand slides to the tip of the finger, making pulling and light twisting movements. First, repeat the exercise for all fingers of the left hand, then for the right. This exercise is performed in a sitting or standing position.
  4. The final exercise is shaking with relaxed hands of arms raised above the head for forty seconds. Performed in a standing position.

Exercise should not cause pain or discomfort. They should be performed daily.

Folk methods of treatment

Folk methods are usually based on analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. various infusions, decoctions and ointments prepared from medicinal herbs. Prepared products are used for applications, compresses and local baths. At home, it is also popular to apply heat, cold, and local irritants to the affected area.

For example, for compresses, you can prepare an infusion from a shepherd's purse. For this, a tablespoon of dried raw materials is poured into a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for at least two hours, then filtered. The cloth, folded several times, is moistened in the finished infusion, applied to the sore spot, covered with parchment, fixed with a bandage. The compress is applied before going to bed for the whole night.

Compresses from medical bile also have a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Bile can only be applied to healthy, intact skin.

The use of natural medicinal raw materials ( medicinal herbs) implies a long and methodical use of them - only under this condition can a good sustainable result. Medical preparations has a faster effect.


Surgery is indicated when conservative treatment inefficient:

  • with stenosing forms of tendovaginitis of the wrist joint (de Quervain's tendosynovitis), when a prolonged inflammatory process leads to compression of the tendon in the canal;
  • with a purulent inflammatory process.

In the first case, a dissection of the annular ligament surrounding the synovial sheath is performed with a dissection or excision of the sheath.

With suppuration, the tendon sheath is opened and a drain is installed to drain the contents.

Sometimes in the synovial vagina can accumulate significant amount blood. In these cases, its puncture is performed - a puncture with a thick needle and pumping out the contents with a syringe.

Any therapeutic measure should be carried out strictly according to the prescription of the attending physician or after agreement with him. Self-medication can best case delay the recovery process, and at worst - lead to a permanent loss of hand function and disability.

Any of the methods of treatment is effective only at a certain stage. Only a doctor can set the timing of the use of, for example, warming compresses, as well as the connection of physical activity.

In addition, drugs can cause a number of adverse reactions and complications. Yes, long use of NSAIDs and sometimes even a short course can lead to erosion gastrointestinal tract and bleeding pathological changes blood, irreversible kidney damage.

Seemingly harmless, herbal decoctions can also be harmful, for example, in case of incompatibility with medicines prescribed by a doctor, existing contraindications or individual intolerance. In uncomplicated forms of tendovaginitis of the wrist joint and subject to all medical appointments the prognosis is usually favorable.

With tendovaginitis of the wrist joint, treatment is prescribed by a specialist after examining the patient. The disease itself is an inflammatory process localized in the tendons. The disease is characterized by acute and chronic forms of the course.

There are several main forms of the disease:

  • infectious;
  • aseptic;
  • professional;
  • post-traumatic;
  • reactive.

Infectious inflammation develops against the background of the penetration of pathological microorganisms into the body. Tendovaginitis may develop against the background purulent arthritis or tuberculosis. Specific penetration of pathogens is fixed in the tendons of the vagina. Along with blood flow harmful microorganisms spread throughout the body.

Outbreaks of aseptic tendovaginitis of the wrist joint are common. This is due to human activity. Constant overload of the tendons contributes to the development of an active inflammatory process. High probability the occurrence of the disease persists among locksmiths, carpenters, blacksmiths, seamstresses and grinders.

The aseptic form of the development of tendovaginitis occurs after severe injuries and bruises. Often the disease is caused by reactive inflammatory processes striking connective tissues. The most common symptom of tendovaginitis is rheumatoid arthritis. May cause illness Full time job at computer.

Any person is capable of suspecting inflammation of the joint. Clinical picture disease depends on the form of the course of the disease.

Acute purulent process is accompanied by severe pain syndrome. At the same time, pain, throbbing and twitching, prevents a person from leading habitual image life. Puffiness is fixed on the affected area, it is not excluded local boost temperature. At a palpation morbidity sharply increases.

Aseptic tendovaginitis can occur in acute and chronic form. A sharp attack the disease is accompanied by swelling and crunch. General state the person does not suffer, he does not feel any discomfort.

The chronic form of the disease is accompanied by periodic inflammation of the joints. Over time, degenerative-dystrophic changes may occur. As a result, the risk of disability remains.

Disease control methods

The method of treatment of the disease depends on its form. In the acute course of tendovaginitis, therapeutic and local procedures. Treatment of the disease is based on competent antibiotic therapy And general strengthening immune system organism.

In some cases, it is advisable to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Butadion and Indomethacin.

Local treatment of tendovaginitis involves the imposition of a plaster splint and warm compresses. When a person's condition begins to improve, medical tactics is changing. The patient switches to physiotherapeutic procedures, which are based on UHF, microwaves and ultrasound.

If acute form disease is accompanied purulent process undergoing surgical intervention.

Chronic tendovaginitis is eliminated by electrophoresis, mud and paraffin applications, physiotherapy exercises. Infectious lesions cannot be allowed to progress. Otherwise, apply drug therapy. It is necessary to treat the disease with the use of antibiotics and hydrocortisone solution.

The rapid progression of creping tendovaginitis forces doctors to use several sessions of X-ray therapy. The optimal treatment regimen is prescribed by specialists after complete examination person.

Treatment through traditional medicine

In some cases, people prefer not to medical methods treatment. This is due to intolerance to many drugs. Treatment of tendovaginitis at home involves the use of ointments, decoctions, creams and compresses.

Eliminate inflammation with calendula. For cooking effective ointment you should take a few dry leaves of the main ingredient and mix with baby cream. The resulting product is applied to the affected wrist and fixed with a bandage.

An infusion of wormwood has a good effect. To prepare the product, you need 100 g of dry grass, pour 200 ml hot water. Then strain the infusion and consume 50 ml before each meal. The infusion helps to remove microbes and other pathogenic microorganisms. Wormwood has an anti-inflammatory effect, due to which therapeutic effect comes quickly.

Treatment folk remedies by using pork fat designed to relieve swelling and pain syndrome. For cooking effective drug it is necessary to cook 100 grams of fat together with 30 grams of wormwood. You can apply the product after it has cooled down.

Abuse folk methods without staging accurate diagnosis Not recommended. With purulent tendovaginitis will cope without surgical intervention impossible.



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