Dead water properties and applications. Treatment of living and dead water: fairy tales or reality? Device-activator for obtaining healing liquids

How could our ancestors imagine that someday their descendants would buy clean water? Water - such an integral, infinitely important element of human life - is now not polluted with anything. If once a traveler could drink from a stream, stopping to rest, now only a suicide will do this.

Despite such a frightening name, dead water is not poison at all. Remember, in fairy tales, dead water has an absolutely positive application. She heals the wounds of fallen heroes and dead friends of the animal world. And after that they use living water. Dead water cannot have anything to do with voodoo magic or witchcraft, because after its “fabulous” use, we get not a freshly baked zombie, but a living person who just woke up after a long sleep.

However, dead water holds more mysteries than living water. Even legends and myths do not explain what is the mechanism of its action on a person. And there are more mysteries associated with it, for example, no one gives a clear definition of what kind of liquid it is. For example, some researchers talk about a liquid that does not contain mineral components as dead. For example, distilled water falls into this list. And others call dead water that is unsuitable for living organisms in general.

Dead water in folk beliefs

Different traditions offer us different interpretation"dead" water. So stagnant water, according to the Poles, is water “without a soul”, which means it is dead, rotting. The magical properties of water in Slavic traditions also depended on seasonal events or calendar time. For example, at night, all the water in the surrounding springs was considered "unclean". Such water, “carried through the darkness”, was not suitable for the Serbs either.

By folk beliefs, night time generally negatively affects the quality of water. A solar eclipse has the same effect. During the latter, the ancient Slavs tried to cover wells and containers so that the water would not become infected. At the same time, during the big calendar festivities, it was believed that midnight purifies the water, turning it into healthy and healing, and then - according to a number of legends - for a brief moment into wine, milk or gold.

"Dead water" is used, first of all, with respect to a deceased person who was washed before burial. According to Czech beliefs, such water was considered harmful, and, therefore, it should have been drained near the fence so as not to step on the place where you pour it or even away from the house.

According to the beliefs of the Belarusian people, the widow of the deceased should not have touched such “dead” water, so as not to destroy the children already born and those who could come from the next marriage. South Slavs poured water after washing the body under tall trees or, again, under the fence so that the soul of the deceased does not return to the house. In Polissya, "dead" water was thrown out under the stove.

In Bosnia, for many centuries, there was a custom to pour out all the available water, not only in the house where she came, but also in all neighboring ones. The most popular explanations for these actions were the following: “so that thirst does not torment the deceased in the next world”, “the soul of the deceased settles in the water”, “washes his knife (sickle, scythe) in domestic water and so on.

In addition, the people of Bulgaria used the term "märtovechka water" or "märtveshka water" for the liquid that was specially poured into a vessel to be placed overnight next to the body of a deceased relative.

Despite the fact that dead water for the Slavic peoples was considered an unsafe remedy for the living (according to popular belief, it could harm cattle and people), it was used. Dead water was used in apotropaic magic: for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, as an amulet for domestic animals or a means to drive birds away from a field sown with cereals.

There are also other assumptions, for example, that in fact, in most fairy tale motifs, water is dead and alive - there is one essence. Therefore, in order to revive a person, you must first use one, and then another water.

This thesis is supported by researchers who have closely studied the plots of Polish fairy tales. After analyzing the properties of living and dead water, they issued the following verdict that both varieties of miraculous water together are "some kind of complementary unity."

If fairy tales and legends say that dead water can restore and heal severed limbs, heal wounds, restore sight, resurrect a lifeless body, then there is a certain element of “indistinguishability” of living and dead water. As a result, fairy tales and myths tell us how vague and unsteady the boundary between life and life, the "living" and the "dead" is. How ambiguous is the pernicious and, at the same time, life-giving force in the perception of the carriers of magical consciousness.

Science opinion

However, it is time to put fairy tales and collections of legends and beliefs aside. And pay attention to what, in fact, the properties of dead water, and where they come from. Science, which has studied this issue, says that the matter is in the pole of water charge.

Thus, negatively charged water dampens any inflammatory processes. Everything is logical, first of all, before the main treatment, the wounds are disinfected. Dead water - of course, not taken "from the dead", but charged in a special way, activated - can be drunk, like living water, to strengthen general immunity and heal from many diseases.

What is most often dead water in the eyes of a scientist? Dead water is an acidic solution with pronounced bactericidal properties. Its acidity is approximately from 2.5 to 3.5 mV. The liquid itself looks like ordinary water, but the taste is slightly sour and astringent.

It follows from this that a liquid called dead water can be used as a disinfectant property. Dead water has found application in medicine, for disinfecting accessories, as well as in everyday life, for disinfecting dishes, underwear, clothes. In general, dead water will find application not only as a disinfectant, although, of course, if you clean the patient's room, then the risk re-disease will be minimized.

An excellent cold remedy is this dead water. Its use has justified itself in diseases according to the profile of an otorhinolaryngologist, speeding up recovery. Dead water is a good prophylactic against viruses that cause influenza and acute respiratory infections. But this is not the limit of the miraculous solution. This liquid can reduce blood pressure, serve as a sedative, relieve insomnia, reduce pain in the joints.

The shelf life of this liquid, in comparison with living water, is quite large. Dead water (mentioned acidic solution) can be stored in a closed vessel for up to about two weeks.

By and large, neither living nor dead water should be stored for a long time. That's why maximum effect will be if you drink water directly without departing from the source. But more and more often our attention is drawn to the fact that to cook magic water It is possible and at home, by electrolysis. You can buy a ready-made "activator" of water, or you can make it yourself - it's not as difficult as it seems.

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    Dead water. Application and essence


    How could our ancestors imagine that someday their descendants would buy clean water? Water - such an integral, infinitely important element of human life - is now not polluted with anything. If once a traveler could drink from a stream, stopping to rest, now only a suicide will do this. Despite such a frightening name, dead water is quite ...

(Note: about the device itself, which makes living and dead water, read here - Electric water activator (filter) "Zhiva-5" (5.5 liters). Activator of "Live" and "Dead" water )

The following description is divided into two parts below. The first part presents our own experience, as well as the experience of our friends and clients who were happy to share their results of using activated water. The second part contains well-known recommendations, which are numerously presented on the Internet on sites dedicated to the use of activated water.

Remember the main thing: “dead” water is a bactericide = disinfectant, “living” water is an energy drink. After applying "dead" water, whether inside or on the skin, always after 15-30 minutes you need to apply "live" water. We decontaminate the “dead”, “Alive” we give energy for regeneration!

To all the following recommendations, apply the following rule: Drink water only before meals for 20-30 minutes. or in the interval between meals, you should never drink any liquid at all after eating for 2 hours, as dilution occurs gastric juice, the concentration of acidity drops, digestion stops, underdigested food enters the intestines and begins to rot. This is one of the main causes of acidification and aging of the body. If you are thirsty after a meal, this means that you need to drink water before meals, preferably 20-30 minutes before. before eating, drink "live" or plain water (not "dead"), then the body does not want to drink after.

"Dead" water suitable for treatment should taste noticeably sour. If, before activation, add 1/4-1/3 - teaspoon of salt without a slide to the average container for dead water, then the properties of the "dead" water will increase.

(Clicking on a photo will enlarge it.)

Slagging of the intercellular space is the main cause of all diseases and aging of the body. In order for more toxins to be removed from the body than it enters, a person needs to drink 30 milliliters of water per 1 kg per day. weight. That is, for example, if you weigh 70 kg, 70 * 0.03 l \u003d 2.1 liters of water per day. Well, if you drink "living" water, then the cleansing of the body is faster. Since “living” water is a powerful antioxidant, if you start drinking “living” water for the first time and the intercellular space of your body is heavily slagged, then since “living” water causes intensive washing out of toxins, the body may not have time to remove them through the urinary system. As a result, partially washed out slags can temporarily accumulate in those places of the body where there is a high degree of slagging, most often in the legs, and pain in the joints may appear. In such cases, it is recommended to temporarily stop drinking "living" water. It is necessary to pause for 2-3 days or more in especially severe cases. The process of purification must be treated with understanding and patience. For example, water can be activated a day before consumption, so the charge will expire and the water will simply be purified, and without antioxidant properties. When the body is cleansed, "Living" water can be drunk daily.

Our experience of using "Living" and "Dead" water

Colds, flu, etc.:

Drink 50-100 grams of dead water 3-4 times a day. Drink 200-300 grams of living water 15-20 minutes after the dead water.

Runny nose:

Before activation, add 1/4-1/3 - a teaspoon of salt without a slide to the middle tank for dead water.

Rinse the nose, throat, mouth cavity with heated "dead" (warm) water.

With a cotton swab moistened with dead water, drip into the nose, so that, as it were, the nose sucks in more water. If you instill with a pipette, then you need to instill not a few drops, but so as to moisten the nasopharynx well.

Drink dead water 3-4 times a day, 50-100 gr. 15-20 minutes after dead water, drink live water 200-300 gr. The usual runny nose goes away in one or two doses.


Carefully treat the burned area with "dead" water. After 4-5 minutes, moisten them with "living" water and then continue to moisten only with it. Try not to burst bubbles. If the blisters nevertheless burst or pus appeared, start the treatment with "dead" water, then - "live". Burns heal and heal in 3-5 days.

Cuts, abrasions, scratches,open wounds:

Rinse the wound with "dead" water. Then apply a tampon soaked in "living" water to it and bandage it. Treatment to continue already "live" water. When pus appears, treat the wound again with "dead" water. Wounds are tightened within 2-3 days.

Stones in the kidneys:

In the morning, drink 50-70 gr. "dead" water, after 20-30 minutes drink "Living" water, 150-250 gr. Then, during the day, drink "living" water 3-4 times a day, 150-250 gr. Stones gradually dissolve.

Pain in the joints of the arms and legs, salt deposits.

2-3 days, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, drink 50-70 gr. "dead" water, after 15 minutes drink "Living" water 100-250 gr., "dead" water to make compresses on sore spots 3-4 times a day. Heat water for compresses to 40-45 degrees. Celsius. Usually, relief is felt immediately after the compress. Reduces pressure, improves sleep, normalizes the condition nervous system.

Indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery:

On this day, it is better not to eat anything. During the day, drink 50-100g 3-4 times. "dead" water.

For more strong action"Dead water" before activation, add to the middle container, for dead water, 1/4-1/3 - a teaspoon of salt without a slide. Often, the disorder resolves within 10 minutes. after acceptance.

Dysentery passes during the day.

Gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer:

Before meals 30 min. drink 50-70 gr. "Dead" water, then after 10-15 minutes drink 200-300 gr. "Living" water. Pain in the stomach disappears, appetite improves and general well-being.


Before eating, drink 100-200 gr. "living" water. Heartburn goes away.

Hair care:

After shampooing, moisten the hair with "dead" water, wait 2-5 minutes.

Wash off with "living" water. If not wiping, let dry, the effect will be brighter. Dandruff disappears, hair becomes soft and silky.

Conjunctivitis, barley:

2-3 times a day, lubricate the barley with a cotton swab dipped in "dead" water!

High blood pressure:

Morning and evening, before meals, drink 50-100 gr. "dead" water. The pressure normalizes, the nervous system calms down.

Low pressure:

In the morning and evening, before meals, drink 150-250 gr. "living" water. The pressure normalizes, there is a surge of strength.

Rejuvenating treatments:

A strong effect of skin rejuvenation and smoothing of wrinkles was shown by daily washing procedures with “dead” and “living” water. 2-3 times a day, wash your face first with "dead" water, prepared with the addition of 2-4 pinches of salt to an average container, do not wipe your face, let it dry. After washing your face with "living" water and also let it dry.

The effect is noticeable within a few days in people leading healthy lifestyle life and nutrition.

Experience in the use of "Living" and "Dead" water from open sources

Prostate adenoma:

The entire treatment cycle is 8 days. 1 hour before meals, 4 times a day, drink 100g. "living" water, (fourth time - at night). If the blood pressure is normal, then by the end of the treatment cycle, you can drink 200 gr. Sometimes a second course of treatment is needed. It is carried out a month after the first cycle, but it is better to continue treatment without interruption. In the process of treatment, it is useful to massage the perineum, put a compress on the perineum at night with “living” water, after wetting that place with “dead” water. Enemas from warm "living" water are also desirable. Cycling, jogging, and candles from a bandage moistened with "living" water are also useful. The pain disappears in 4-5 days, the swelling and the urge to urinate decrease. Small red particles can come out with the urine. Improves digestion, appetite.


For three days in a row, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with "dead" water. After each rinse, after 10 minutes, drink 100-200g. "living" water. Rashes on the skin (if any) moisten with "dead" water. The illness usually goes away in 2-3 days. The procedure is recommended to be repeated for prevention.

Angina and upper catarrh respiratory tract, ORZ:

For three days, 6-7 times a day, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with heated "dead" water after eating. In 10 minutes. after each rinse drink 100-200g. "living" water. The temperature drops on the first day. The illness itself resolves in 3 days or less.

Bronchial asthma, bronchitis.

For three days, 4-5 times a day, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with heated "dead" water. In 10 minutes. after each rinse drink 100-200g. "living" water. If there is no noticeable improvement, do an inhalation with "dead" water: heat 1 liter of water to 70-80 ° C and breathe in its steam for 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day. The last inhalation can be done with "live" water and soda. Decreased urge to cough, improves overall well-being. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

Inflammation of the liver:

Treatment cycle - 4 days. On the first day, 4 times before meals, drink 50-100g. "dead" water. On other days, drink "living" water in a similar mode. The pain passes, the inflammatory process stops.

Inflammation of the colon (colitis):

On the first day, it is better not to eat anything. During the day, drink 50-100g 3-4 times. "dead" water "fortress" at 2.0 pH. The illness resolves within 2 days.

Hemorrhoids, anal fissures:

Before starting treatment, visit the toilet, gently rinse the anus, tears, knots warm water with soap, wipe dry and moisten with "dead" water. After 7-8 minutes, make lotions with a cotton-gauze swab dipped in "living" water. This procedure, changing tampons, repeat during the day 6-8 times. At night, drink 100g. "living" water.

During the treatment period, avoid eating spicy and fried foods, it is advisable to eat easily digestible foods, such as cereals and boiled potatoes. Bleeding stops, ulcers heal within 3-4 days.

Herpes (colds): Before treatment, thoroughly rinse the mouth and nose with "dead" water and drink 50-100g. "dead" water. Remove the vial with the contents of herpes with a cotton swab moistened with heated "dead" water. Further, during the day, 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes, apply a swab moistened with "dead" water to the affected area. On the second day, drink 50-100g. "dead" water, repeat rinsing. Apply a swab dipped in "dead" water to the formed crust 3-4 times a day. Burning and itching stop within 2-3 hours. Herpes goes away within 2-3 days.

Worms (helminthiasis):

Make cleansing enemas, first - "dead" water, and an hour later - "living" water. During the day, drink every hour for 50-100g. "dead" water. The next day to restore health, drink 100-200g. "live" water half an hour before meals. Feeling may be unimportant. If after 2 days recovery has not occurred, then repeat the procedure.

Purulent wounds, fistulas, postoperative wounds, bedsores, trophic ulcers, abscesses:

Rinse the affected areas with warm "dead" water and allow to dry without wiping. Then, after 5-6 minutes, moisten the wounds with warm "living" water. Repeat this procedure only with "living" water during the day at least 5-6 times. If the pus continues to be released again, then it is necessary to treat the wounds again with "dead" water, and then, until healing, apply tampons with "live" water. When treating bedsores, the patient is recommended to be laid on a linen sheet. Wounds are cleaned, dry, their rapid healing begins, usually within 4-5 days they are completely tightened. Trophic ulcers heal longer.


If the head hurts from a bruise, concussion, then moisten it with "living" water. With an ordinary headache, moisten the aching part of the head with "live" water and drink 50-100 gr. "dead" water. Most people headache stops within 40-50 minutes.


Wash affected areas thoroughly first. hot water with laundry soap, wipe dry and moisten with "dead" water. During the day, moisten with "dead" water 5-6 times and let dry without wiping. Wash socks and towels and soak in "dead" water. Similarly (you can once) disinfect shoes - pour "dead" water into it and hold for 20 minutes. The fungus disappears within 4-5 days. Sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated.

Foot odor

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry and moisten with "dead" water. Let dry without wiping. After 8-10 minutes, moisten the feet with "living" water and, without wiping, let dry. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. Additionally, you can treat socks and shoes with "dead" water. Bad smell disappears.


Moisten all rashes, swellings with "dead" water and let dry. Then make compresses with "live" water for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. Affected areas heal in 2-3 days.

Jaundice (hepatitis):

3-4 days, 4-5 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, drink 100-200g. "living" water. After 5-6 days, see a doctor. If necessary, continue treatment. Feeling better, appetite appears, the natural complexion is restored.

Constipation: Drink 100-150g. "living" water. You can make an enema from warm "living" water. The constipation goes away.

Toothache. Periodontitis:

Rinse your teeth after eating with warm "dead" water for 15-20 minutes. When brushing your teeth, use instead of ordinary water - "live". If there are stones on the teeth, brush your teeth with "dead" water and after 10 minutes rinse your mouth with "live" water. With periodontal disease, rinse your mouth after eating with "dead" water several times. Then rinse your mouth "live". Brush your teeth only in the evening. Do the procedure regularly. The pain usually goes away quickly. Gradually, tartar disappears and gum bleeding decreases. Periodontitis gradually disappears.

Colpitis (vaginitis), cervical erosion:

Heat activated water to 30-40 degrees Celsius and douche at night: first with "dead" and after 8-10 minutes - with "live" water. Continue 2-3 days. The illness goes away within 2-3 days.

Swelling of hands and feet:

Three days 4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals and drink at night:

On the first day, 50-70g. "dead" water;

On the second day - 100g. "dead" water;

On the third day - 100-200 grams of "living" water.

Edema decreases and gradually disappears.

Polyarthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis:

Full cycle of treatment - 9 days. Drink 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals:

In the first three days and 7, 8, 9 days, 50-100g. "dead" water;

4th day - break;

5th day - 100-150g. "living" water;

6th day - break.

If necessary, this cycle can be repeated after a week. If the disease is running, then you need to apply compresses with warm "dead" water to the sore spots. Joint pain disappears, sleep and well-being improve.

Neck cold:

Make a compress on the neck from the heated "dead" water. In addition, 4 times a day, before meals and at night, drink 100-150g. "living" water. The pain disappears, freedom of movement is restored, well-being improves.

Prevention of insomnia, increased irritability:

At night, drink 50-70g. "dead" water. Within 2 - 3 days, 30-40 minutes before meals, continue to drink "dead" water in the same dosage. spicy, oily and meat food excluded during this period. Sleep improves, irritability decreases.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections, colds during epidemics:

Periodically, 3-4 times a week in the morning and in the evening, rinse the nose, throat and mouth with "dead" water. After 20-30 minutes, drink 100-200g. "living" water. In case of contact with an infectious patient, perform the above procedure additionally. It is advisable to wash your hands with "dead" water. Vigor appears, efficiency increases, general well-being improves.

Psoriasis, psoriasis:

One cycle of treatment - 6 days. Before treatment, wash thoroughly with soap, steam the affected areas, with the maximum tolerable temperature, or make a hot compress. Then, moisten the affected areas abundantly with heated "dead" water, and after 8-10 minutes begin to moisten with "living" water. Further, the entire treatment cycle (i.e., all 6 days) should be wetted 5-8 times a day with only "living" water, without preliminary washing, steaming and treatment with "dead" water. In addition, in the first three days of treatment, you need to drink 50-100g before meals. "dead" food, and 4, 5 and 6 days - 100-200g each. "alive". After the first cycle of treatment, a week break is taken, and then the cycle is repeated several times until recovery. If during the treatment the skin dries out a lot, cracks and hurts, then you can moisten it several times with "dead" water. At 4-5 days of treatment, the affected areas of the skin begin to clear, clear pinkish areas of the skin appear. Gradually, the lichen disappears completely. Usually 3-5 treatment cycles are enough. You should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy and smoked foods, try not to be nervous.

Radiculitis, rheumatism:

Two days, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, drink 150-200g. "living" water. Rub heated "dead" water into sore spots. The pain disappears within a day, some earlier, depending on the cause of the exacerbation.

Skin irritation (after shaving):

Moisten the skin several times with "living" water and let it dry without wiping. If there are cuts, apply a swab with "live" water to them for 5-7 minutes. A little sore skin, but heals quickly.

Vein expansion:

Places of expansion of veins and bleeding places should be washed with "dead" water, then apply compresses with "live" water for 15-20 minutes and drink 50-100g. "dead" water. The procedure is recommended to be repeated. Pain is dulled. Over time, the disease goes away.

Diabetes mellitus, pancreas:

Constantly half an hour before meals drink 100-200g. "living" water. Useful massage of the gland and self-hypnosis that it releases insulin. The condition is improving.


After each meal, and additionally 3-4 times a day, rinse your mouth with "live" water for 2-3 minutes. The sores heal within 1-2 days.

Removal of dead skin from the feet:

Steam your feet in hot soapy water for 35-40 minutes and rinse with warm water. After that, moisten your feet with warm "dead" water and after 15-20 minutes carefully remove the layer of dead skin. Then wash your feet with warm "living" water and let dry without wiping. This procedure must be repeated periodically. "Dead" skin gradually exfoliates. The skin of the feet softens, the cracks heal.

Acne, increased peeling of the skin, acne on the face:

In the morning and in the evening, after washing, 2-3 times with 1-2 minute intervals, wash the face and neck with "living" water and let dry without wiping. Make compresses on wrinkled skin for 15-20 minutes. In this case, the "living" water should be slightly warmed up. If the skin is dry, then first it must be washed with "dead" water. After 8-10 minutes, do the above procedures. Once a week, you need to wipe your face with this solution: 100g. "live" water, 1/2 tablespoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of soda. After 2 minutes, rinse your face with "live" water. The skin is smoothed, becomes softer, tightened minor abrasions and cuts, acne disappears and peeling stops. At long-term use wrinkles practically disappear.

Removal of alcohol hangover syndrome.

Mix 150gr. "live" water and 50gr. "dead" . Drink slowly. Repeat this procedure after 45-60 minutes. After 2-3 hours, the state of health improves, appetite appears.

Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder):

Within 4 days, 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals, drink 100g. water: 1st time - "dead", 2nd and 3rd time - "live". Pain in the heart, abdomen and right scapula pass, bitterness in the mouth and nausea disappear.

Eczema, ringworm:

Before treatment, steam the affected areas, then moisten with "dead" water and allow to dry. Further, 4-5 times a day moisten only with "living" water. At night, drink 100-150g. "living" water. The course of treatment is a week. The affected areas heal within 4-5 days.

Technology for making tea, coffee and herbal extracts:
Tea and herbal extracts are prepared on "living" water, heated to 60-70°C, which is poured over tea, dry grass or dried flowers. Let it brew for 5-10 minutes - and the tea is ready. For those who have low acidity, it is recommended to add sea buckthorn, cranberry, currant or lemon jam to tea to neutralize the alkalinity of water. Fans of very hot tea can then heat it up to desired temperature. It is not recommended to heat water above 70°C.
This technology allows you to get the extract of tea or herbs more saturated. It contains less destroyed "living" protein cells, enzymes, vitamins and other substances than when exposed to boiling water. With conventional technology, these substances only pollute the drink, so it turns out not tea, but tea "dirt". Green tea on "live" water is obtained Brown and with the best taste.
Coffee is prepared on “live” water, heated a little more: up to 80-85 ° C (this temperature is necessary to dissolve caffeine).
Infusions from medicinal plants V medicinal purposes you should insist a little longer (in accordance with the recommendations of pharmacies or traditional healers).

Everyone wants to be healthy and live a long and happy life. So many decide to take action. folk experience a lot of recipes for medicines for various diseases have been accumulated, a considerable number of medicinal plants have been studied. And all this with one goal - to live as long as possible.

One of these miracle cures- living and dead water. By ear, this is perceived somehow not very well, and a person who is not an adherent of unofficial methods of treatment may think that this is some kind of charlatanism. However, people who have already used these substances do not think so. It is an ideal preventive and medicine, which helps to get rid of a lot of ailments. Moreover, this water wide application at home.

We have already touched on the topic of the source of life in the article "". Today we will talk about the miraculous properties of water, living and dead, which obey the laws of physics and are scientifically substantiated. As a result of electrolysis, which the activator device produces (see the diagram in the photo), the liquid is endowed with a positive or negative electrical potential. This process helps to improve the quality of water: the removal of all harmful chemical compounds, pathogenic microbes, fungi, bacteria and other impurities.

In the process of electrolysis transformation, the acidic water formed at the positively charged anode is called "dead", and the alkaline water, which is formed at the negative cathode, is called "live". The scientific names for liquids are respectively anolyte and catholyte.

Anolyte (dead water) - description and indications for use

Anolyte (MV) - dead water, light yellowish tint. This clear liquid, which has a somewhat acidic aroma and astringent sour taste. Acidity - 2.5-3.5 pH. The properties of the anolyte can be preserved for half a month, but only if it was stored in a closed container. This water has:

  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • antiallergic;
  • antiviral;
  • antipruritic;
  • decongestant;
  • drying effect.

The use of anolyte contributes to the treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity, lowering blood pressure, normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system, eliminating insomnia, and reducing pain in the joints. This liquid helps to slow down metabolic processes. In terms of its disinfecting properties, it is in no way inferior to iodine, peroxide and brilliant green. In addition, dead water is a mild antiseptic.

The use of liquid will help in eliminating blood stagnation; in the dissolution of stones in the gallbladder; in minimizing pain in the joints; in cleansing the body; in improving reflex activity.

Catholyte (living water) and its healing properties

Living Water (ZHV) is an alkaline solution of a bluish tint, which has powerful biostimulating properties. Otherwise, it is called a catholyte. It is a clear, soft liquid with an alkaline taste, pH 8.5-10.5. enjoy freshly made water it is possible for two days, and only if it was stored correctly - in a closed container, in a darkened room.

Catholyte has a beneficial effect on the body, it intensifies metabolic processes, increases defensive forces body and improve overall health. Catholyte has:

  • biostimulating;
  • restorative;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antioxidant;
  • wound healing effect.

The use of this liquid helps to increase the body's defenses, improve appetite, normalize metabolic processes, increase blood pressure, improve well-being, heal wounds, trophic ulcers, smooth wrinkles, soften the dermis, improve hair structure, eliminate dandruff; restoration of the colon mucosa, as well as the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; rapid wound healing.

Catholyte is a natural biostimulant that helps in strengthening the immune system, as well as providing antioxidant protection to the body. This liquid acts in two ways: it not only improves general state health, but also enhances the effect of vitamins and other drugs taken in the process of treatment.

It is important to know! Living and dead water interact with each other, and in order not to harm, follow these important rules:

  • between the intake of catholyte and anolyte there must be a time interval of at least 2 hours;
  • when ingesting pure living water, a feeling of thirst arises, which can be muffled by drinking something acidified - tea with lemon, juice, sour compote;
  • living water - an unstable structure that quickly loses its properties, is stored for no more than 2 days in a dark, cool place;
  • dead - retains its properties for about 14 days, if placed in a closed vessel;
  • both liquids can be used both as a means of prevention and as medicines.

Device-activator for obtaining healing liquids

People have long used the gifts of nature for medicinal purposes. The "life-giving water" did not go unnoticed either. It is now possible to make a dead and living water by hand at home. In ancient times, people were deprived of the benefits of civilization and extracted water from natural sources.

Dead - taken from swamps, wells, stagnant lakes. This liquid was not consumed internally, it was used for the preparation of external potions.

Today, it’s not at all necessary to go to the end of the world in order to find a mountain river and get a “healing potion”, because you can cook it yourself at home, at least according to the video instructions below.

Surely, you have heard about devices with which you can transform ordinary water into living and dead right at home. Catholyte and anolyte activators have a fairly simple device. Everyone can make them with their own hands, it is only important to observe safety precautions. In order not to draw up instructions that not everyone can understand, we bring to your attention a video popular on the Internet.

Self-preparation of catholyte and anolyte allows you to quickly get the biologically active fluids necessary for treatment.

Treatment of diseases: recipes

1. . It is recommended to consume 100 ml of live water every day, four times a day, before meals. If you do not have problems with blood pressure, then by the end of the therapeutic course you can drink 200 ml. The duration of treatment is eight days.

You can re-treat after 30 days. You can also do perineal massage and cleansing procedures with heated living water. Thanks to this treatment, after three days, pain will decrease, as well as the urge to urinate.

2. Angina. For three days, rinse the oral cavity with MB (anolyte) and the nasopharynx. After each procedure, it is necessary to drink 100 ml of catholyte (ZHV). Three days later, there will be no trace of the disease.

3. . For three days in a row, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nasal passages with dead water. 10 minutes after the procedure, drink half a glass of live. If there is an allergic rash on the skin, then it is necessary to moisten it with MW. The disease recedes after 2-3 days of treatment.

4. Bronchitis and bronchial asthma. For three days, it is recommended to rinse the nasopharynx and oral cavity with slightly warmed MW. The procedure must be carried out at least five times a day. After each procedure, drink ½ cup of the drink. In order to improve the therapeutic effect, inhalations using MB can be used.

Heat the liquid - about a liter to eighty degrees and pour into a container. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. Do inhalations three times a day. Such treatment will help reduce coughing, improve overall well-being.

5. Therapy of hemorrhoids. Wash the anus, cracks, or knots with warm, plain water and soap. Wipe dry and moisten with catholyte. Ten minutes later, do the following: moisten a gauze cloth in living water and apply it to the painful area. Manipulate seven times a day.

Before going to bed, consume 100 ml of anolyte. Treatment will help stop the bleeding and heal the sores.

6. Toothache, gum problems. Dead water will help against periodontal disease and toothache. It is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with anolyte for 20 minutes. But for brushing your teeth, use only catholyte.

7. Pathologies of the skin. Brew 50 grams of dry, crushed burdock roots in 500 ml of boiled MW. Leave the remedy for a couple of hours. After filtering, combine the composition with a tincture of a golden mustache - a spoon.

It is necessary to use ½ cup of medicine three times a day. In order to improve palatability you can add some honey. The duration of therapy is three weeks.

8. Joint pain. Salt deposits. 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, drink half a glass of dead water, at the same time put compresses on sore spots with it. (warm up to 40-45 degrees C). After 2-3 days the pain goes away.

9. Bronchial asthma; lingering bronchitis. Treatment is similar to allergy therapy. 4-5 times a day, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warm MW after meals. In 10 minutes. after each procedure, take 100 ml of ZhV orally. A 10-minute inhalation with dead water will enhance the effect. Before going to bed, inhalation is performed with live water with the addition of soda.

10. Inflammation of the liver. The first day - before eating, drink 10 ml of dead water. The second, third and fourth day - 100 ml live.

11. Colitis. On the first day of fasting. On the second day, drink 4 times 100 ml of MW with a pH of 2.0.

12. Gastritis will pass in 3 days, if 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals before meals, take living water. On the first day - a quarter of a glass, on the rest, half a glass. To enhance the effect, you can continue treatment for another 3-4 days.

13. Passes in 2 days if you drink half a glass of catholyte, but before that, thoroughly rinse your mouth and nasal passages with it. Soak the herpetic rash with warm dead water (on a cotton pad), try to remove the crusts. Then, as often as possible (8-10 times a day) for 3-4 minutes, apply a swab with the same water.

On the second day, repeat the procedure with rinsing and drinking, but the swab will already be enough to apply 3-4 times.

14. Worm infestation. Deep cleansing enema MV, and an hour later - ZhV. During the day, every hour, take two-thirds of a glass of dead water. On the second day, we take three times 100 ml live half an hour before meals.

15. Double intake in the morning and in the evening of half a glass of MB 3-4 pH will help reduce blood pressure. if an attack, then a whole glass.

16. Increase the pressure in the morning and evening, drink 100 ml of ZhV with a pH of 9-10 before meals.

17. Burns, festering wounds, trophic ulcers, boils, cuts, scratches, pimples are first treated with dead water, and then live.

18. Diarrhea will stop if you immediately drink half a glass of anolyte, and after an hour another half a glass.

19. Sciatica, lumbago. Inside take ZhV, outwardly - rub the dead.

20. Insomnia, irritability, stress, nervous exhaustion. At night they drink half a glass of MB, and it is the same in the same dosage half an hour before meals for 3 days.

21. women's issues: erosion, cervicitis, vaginitis. Douching is done first with dead water, and then with live water. Or after the first douching put a tampon with catholyte for 15-20 minutes.

22. Gastric and duodenal ulcer, Helicobacter pylori. An hour before meals, drink ZhV in an amount of 100 ml. The course is 5 days, a break of 7 days, the course is repeated.

23. Overeating, stopping the stomach. drink 250 ml of MW. After 15 minutes, the work of the digestive tract is restored.

24. Cholecystitis. The duration of treatment is 4 days. Every day on an empty stomach they drink half a glass of MW, and then before meals half an hour - half a glass of ZhV pH is about 11.

25. Diabetes mellitus. Always drink 100 ml of living water half an hour before meals.

26. Varicose veins. Inside - dead water 100 ml. Outwardly - compresses with ZhV. But if there are wounds or ulcers, then first they are washed with MW, and then treated with FA. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until the condition improves.

Cosmetic procedures

ABOUT miraculous power these liquids are known to many. Regular use of anolyte and catholyte contributes to: preventing the aging process, eliminating wrinkles, increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin, strengthening hair, healing and rejuvenation.

Home use

Both liquids are excellent means, which help not only in the treatment and prevention of ailments. Thanks to dead and living water, you can get rid of pests in the garden, clean dishes, and disinfect the linen of patients.

For sterilization of jars. Before you start canning, wash the jars thoroughly, first with plain water, and then with heated antholite. Soak the lids in it for five minutes.

Refresh plants. If you notice that your favorite plant has begun to wilt, try the following. Cut off any dry and wilted roots and dip the plant in catholyte. After that, your plant will come to life within a day.

Dead water against aphids and moths. In order to get rid of pests, spray plants and soil with anolyte. If moths start up at home, spray all wool products. Such processing contributes to the death of dirty tricks.

Anolyte will protect food from spoilage. Before placing products (especially perishable ones) in the refrigerator, hold them for five minutes in anolyte. Meat, fish and dairy products are subject to such processing. Vegetables can be simply washed.

Scale on the dishes is not a problem - if there is dead water. Heat the anolyte directly in a kettle or saucepan and leave for two to three hours. After the time has elapsed, remove the remnants of softened scale from the walls.

Ancient beliefs say that living water is the blood of the Earth, the support of the Earth, the watershed between our world and the world of the "dead"!

Living water and dead

Water is a miracle of nature

Water Legends

The role of water in the body

Water is a miracle of nature! A person can live for a long time without food. Not without water! Water plays a big role in health. Living water is life, eternity, time and our health!

Water is life, it is the blood of the Earth!

No water - no life! E. Dubois said this about water: “Life is animate water.” Living water is indispensable for us. Water can be both an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent.

The composition and structure of the water molecule

Water has a memory! Only people make a negative spiritual impact on water.

Information memory of water

Almost all elements from the periodic table are in water. In general: "Without water and not there, and not here" ! So that there is no trouble - we cannot live without ....

The value of water for the body

Body water content

We are all about two-thirds water. It makes up about three-quarters of the lean body mass, about 10% fat. Water is the most important of our nutrients.

IN human body water content by weight from 50 to 86 percent. At small child up to 86%, in the elderly, in old age, up to 50%. It is distributed in various parts bodies are not the same. Less water contains bones. There it is about 20-30%, in the brain up to 90%, in human blood 80-85%, in the lungs - 83%, in the kidneys - 79%, in the heart - 73%, in muscles - 72%. Water in the body does not flow in its pure form. About 70% of water is inside the cells. The rest of the fluid is extracellular. It is part of the blood and lymph.

Hydrogen index of water

About the concept pH (pH) can be viewed in our article at the following link: Hydrogen show pH.

pH of aqueous solutions

Hydrogen index ( pH) is the concentration of hydrogen ions in water. Ionized water (living water) is obtained by splitting hydrogen ions ( H+) from hydroxide ions ( HE-). In order to make water with high oxidizing power, we increase the concentration of hydrogen ions in the water. Conversely, to make antioxidant water alkaline, we increase the concentration of hydroxide ions and decrease the concentration of hydrogen ions in the water.

How does an antioxidant neutralize a free radical?

According to SanPiN, the value pH drinking water should be pH = 6 - 9. Modern food is mostly sour. These are sugar, trans fats, fast foods, refined foods, cakes, cookies, chocolate, pizza, chips, soft drinks, sodas, beer, pasteurized drinks and juices, and so on. Alkaline foods: vegetables, leafy greens, salads, fruits, nuts, seeds, healthy oils, oily fish, and so on. We look at alkaline nutrition Here.

The effect of alkaline water on cells

When acidic foods are digested, a lot of acid is produced in the body. The body begins to take magnesium and calcium ions from the bones. It is important that the liquids and foods consumed are close to pH our body.

It is recommended to drink alkaline ionized water. Such living water helps to get sodium bicarbonate, alkaline buffer and good digestion as the stomach needs an alkaline level. pH. Without sufficient alkalinity, there is a huge indirect effect on the condition of the rest of the body. At a high level pH we will be less susceptible to many diseases. How to check your pH we look Here.

Drink alkaline water

Drinking alkaline water makes sense and helps!

Instruments for measuring the pH of water

Redox potential of water

Redox potential of liquids

All liquids have a redox potential ( ORP or redox potential ORP). Redox potential is the antioxidant capacity of liquids or the degree of its acidity or alkaline properties. If ORP « + » - water attaches electrons and oxidizes substances. At ORP « - ”- it gives up electrons and restores substances.

The redox potential of what we drink

The redox potential is the potential of a liquid to reduce the oxidation of another substance. It is measured in millivolts (mV) and for most liquids is between +700 and -800 mV.

In other words, the more powerful antioxidant is the one with the lower ORP level. When oxidized, the redox potential increases. To give some sense to this, here are some rough measurements of the redox potential:

  • tap water: +250 to +400 mV;
  • Coca-Cola drink: from +400 to +600 mV;
  • green tea: -250 to -120 mV;
  • orange juice: -150 to -250 mV;
  • alkaline ionized water (living water): -200 to -800 mV.

Redox measurement of liquids

Since ordinary tap water has ORP from +250 to +400, this means that it basically has zero oxidation potential. Ionized alkaline water (living water) has ORP from -350 to -800, depending on the amount of minerals in the source water and how the ionizer is adjusted.

This means that if you drink alkaline ionized water with pH between 8.5 and 9.5 then you drink water very rich in antioxidants. It will give your health energy and vigor if you were to drink 3-4 liters this water per day. This water has more antioxidants than green tea or freshly squeezed fruit juice.

Redox basically means that the lower the level of antioxidants in the liquid, the better. When ionized and alkaline water is used, the concentration of hydroxide ions ( oh-), resulting in negative redox potentials.

Water ORP measurement

The human body, when it is normal, has ORP = -100- – mV. Negative processes in the body can be slowed down and accelerated the treatment of many diseases (dehydration, chronic acidosis, cell oxidation, and others) if you drink alkaline water.

Daily water intake for a person

Living water is necessary to maintain good health and general metabolic processes in the body of each person. The amount of water consumed should vary depending on the individuality of each person.

How much water should you drink during the day? This is a question without an answer. Your water needs depend on many extraneous factors: health, activity, where you live. IN healthy body the adjusted water balance is masterfully maintained. Dehydration can be dangerous, but too much fluid can be just as bad.

Daily water intake for a person

There is no one formula that fits all. Listen to your body's fluid needs, and it will always help you estimate how much water to drink during the day. The best guidance is simply to follow the natural call of the body. When more fluid is needed, just follow your thirst. Lack of water can lead to dehydration. Even mild dehydration drains energy and makes you tired.

Where does the body get its water supply from?

How much liquid does an average person need, living in middle lane? The consumption rate in volume is as follows: for men it is about 13 cups (3 liters) of the total volume of all liquid per day, for women it is about 9 cups (2.2 liters) of the total volume of drinks per day. All fluids count towards your total daily intake.

Your thirst is the best way to gauge when to drink. Another way is to look at the color of your urine before you flush. If it looks like lemonade in color, then it's good, but if it's darker, then you should forget about a glass of liquid.

Allocation and consumption of water by the human body per day

Now there is a lot of misinformation that you need to drink a lot of water per day. Because of selfish interests, this was invented. The idea that we should definitely drink more water per day is highly questionable. There is no scientific evidence that we should be drinking that much.

The formula for the daily intake of water for a person

Water classification

Soft and hard water

Classification of water by hardness

Classification of water according to salt content: less than 0.35 mg - equiv / l - “soft” water, from 0.35 to 2.4 mg - equiv / l - “normal” water (applicable for food), from 2.4 to 3.6 mg - equiv / l - water is "hard", and more than 3.6 mg - equiv / l - water is "very hard". pH \u003d 7.0 (neutral medium) - this is acidity clean water at 22 °C. Daily consumption and use of soft or hard water does little harm to humans.

General water hardness

Hard water contains a high volume of dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium. All in all, hard water not harmful to health. In fact, it may offer some benefits as it is rich in minerals and reduces the solubility of potentially toxic metal ions such as lead and copper. However, there are a number industrial applications where hard water can reduce efficiency or damage containers and pipes. In such cases, water softeners are used different methods. When water softens, metal cations are exchanged for sodium ions.

While hard water does not negative impact on human health, it can leave stains and films in the kitchen and bathroom, and can also be destructive to household appliances.

The effect of water hardness on human health

Hard water is not considered hazardous to health and is perfectly drinkable. However, minerals found in hard water can be detected in the taste. Therefore, some people may feel that it is a slightly bitter taste. Soft water has sometimes a slightly salty taste. Some studies have shown that water hardness up to 170 mg/l can reduce the risk of diseases in men, such as cardiovascular disease.

Effects of hard water on skin and hair

Hair that is washed in hard water feels sticky and looks dull. Studies also show that hard water can cause an increase in eczema in children. This is because the minerals in hard water can cause our skin to dry out as well as our hair to a certain extent. Hard water causes hair to frizz, dyes fade faster. This water can cause peeling of the scalp and brittle hair. After washing the hair in soft water, however, the hair may feel greasy and have less volume.

How to soften hard water?

Hard water can be made softer by reducing the concentration of calcium, magnesium and other minerals. The temporary hardness of water can be changed either by boiling or by adding lime (calcium hydroxide). The permanent hardness of water can be changed using ion exchange resins, in which hardness ions (calcium, magnesium and other metal cations) are exchanged for sodium ions.

Water softening methods

Chemicals such as "chelators" can also be used as water softeners. Citric acid is used in soaps, shampoos, washing powders to soften water.

Water hardness measurement

The exact value of water hardness can only be found in the laboratory by chemical analysis. Approximate water hardness for technical purposes can be found on the test strips.

Measuring water hardness with test strips

Water hardness indicates the amount of calcium and magnesium minerals in your water. Hard or very hard water causes rapid lime deposits or scale to occur. Test strips can give 4 results. Possible measurement results are shown below.

1 = soft (< 0,35 мг - экв/л); 2 = нормальная (0,35 - 2,4 мг-экв/л);

3 = hard (2.4 - 3.6 meq/l); 4 = very hard (> 3.6 mg - eq / l)

And the acidity of water and other biological fluids(blood, gastric juice, urine, and so on) can always be measured by the activity of hydrogen ions - pH.

living waterand dead

What water is dead? What is living water?

Living water is water from nature itself, with good energy and healing information. best source living water is natural spring water. Unfortunately, a lot natural sources Spring water today is contaminated with harmful chemicals and pathogens, so it is unsafe to drink.

I.P. Neumyvakin talks about “living water” like this.

Structured water in nature and its consumption

As for “dead” water, it is polluted water, it lacks energy and organic minerals. A great example of dead water is tap water. You must avoid drinking raw water as long as possible, because it contains harmful substances such as sodium fluoride and chlorine.

Spring water

Distilled water (distillate) is “dead” for the reason that it lacks energy and organic minerals. However, distilled water is much cleaner than tap water and contains no harmful chemicals. To make distilled water more alive, you need to add organic minerals.

Majority mineral waters, which are sold on the market, can be harmful to your body. Organic minerals are found in vegetable food, and inorganic minerals are found in the soil. Inorganic minerals are natural, but they are not organic.

Living water absorbs energy from the earth

Living water is water that washes stones and other natural minerals, absorbs energy from the earth. This process causes the water to become energetically alive, fresh and bright. It also restores water molecules.

Living water and dead

You can get the so-called "living" water in the installations for obtaining structured water or distilled. Such a block has the possibility of mineralization of water. It must be remembered that the water that has been structured in the installation differs in its properties from the water that has been naturally structured.

Structuring water at home

Water structuring

When people talk about "living" and "dead" water, it makes you smile and reminds you of a fairy tale. It is easy to improve the quality and content of drinking water after the process of water electrolysis, in which water acquires new medicinal and beneficial properties. People call this water “dead” and “living”. This second interpretation the concepts of "living" water and "dead" water in Slavic.

"Living" water is also called ionized alkaline water, and "dead" ionized acid water. You can get dead water and living water in a household electric water activator (electric activator). Many types are currently available. They are now produced by industry and there is no need to do it in a handicraft way.

Household electric water activators

The principle of operation of the electroactivator is based on the method of water electrolysis, in which water will acquire new medicinal and other useful qualities. It is very easy to get ionized water at home.

Scheme of electroactivation of water

The pH values ​​of "dead" and "live" water, indicated in the table below, may differ depending on the source water. The degree of contamination of the device itself also affects.

Alkaline and acidic water have absolutely different properties for a certain period of time of operation of the electric activator or water ionizer. These properties are different from those we get from tap water.

There are many devices that allow everyone to get activated (live and dead) water at home.

Other ways to structure water

Some ways to purify water at home (video).

Ionized water (living water and dead water)

What kind of water is considered ionized?

Alkaline Ionized Water (Living Water)

pH = 8-12, ORP = -70 - 750 mV

Ionized alkaline water or catholyte has a weak negative electric charge and alkaline characteristics. Alkaline water is soft to the touch, odorless and tastes like rainwater. It can be washed without soap.

Benefits: Natural stimulant. Natural antioxidant. Provides an alkaline environment for our physical body. More oxygen. Reduces tension on the surface. Reduces the acidity of the body. Protects healthy cells. Strengthens our immune system.

Living water stimulates vitality and regeneration of the body, reduces its acidity and improves health if used daily.

Health Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water

Living water enhances the biological processes of the body, increases blood pressure, increases appetite and metabolism, heals wounds quickly. After washing with living water, the skin becomes soft, the face is smooth, there is less dandruff, and the hair grows intensively.

Living water is also used in the preparation of seeds for planting, stimulates the growth of plants, revives fading flowers and green vegetables. It stimulates the growth of birds and is used in the preparation of syrup for bees.

Acidic ionized water (Dead water)

pH = 2.5-6, ORP = +50 + 950 mV

Acidic or "dead" water or anolyte, tasting with a characteristic sour odor and slight smell chlorine, not for daily use.

Dead water obtained after the electrolysis process in devices is brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide and acetone in one bottle !!! It is called "dead" because bacteria do not live in it. Dead water after electrolysis is not dangerous, not toxic.

It is a natural bactericide. This water slows down bioprocesses, lowers our blood pressure, calms the psyche, improves sleep, dissolves stones on our teeth over time, heals faster than a cold, diarrhea and various poisonings. The body is replenished with additionally needed hydrogen ions.

Acidic water cleanses the skin. It is used to cleanse the physical body, you can wash personal hygiene items with this water. If you wash your hair with such water, then they come to life.

Practical application of acidic water

Acidic water is an excellent natural disinfectant. It will kill pests, all kinds of microbes, many bacteria and fungi. Dead water is an excellent cure for acute respiratory infections, colds, diseases of the ears, throat and nose. It is also used to prevent colds.

"Dead" water is used in domestic and economic purposes: when disinfecting soil, containers, fresh vegetables, fruits, surface of bird eggs, bee hives and so on. This water is used to germinate grain for bird food and barley for malt. Thanks to it, you can fight pests of plantings and plants. With its help, you can revive withering flowers and green vegetables.

Learn more about healthy water:

Water for health. How to make water?

Water heals. Diseases that water cures.

Alkaline water (living water).

Make and drink living water for health. Drink with pleasure! Living water is not only life, but also health!

Basic concepts

Water, as a rule, is called living (or catholyte) in the case when its effect on the body is positive. At the same time, wounds heal, metabolism normalizes, and immunity is strengthened. Water, which is called dead (anolyte) has negative impact on the functioning of the body. Under its influence, metabolic processes slow down and beneficial microflora suffers.

Living and dead water differ in appearance. This is determined by the different composition of the liquid. Immediately after cooking in living water, flocculent precipitation intensively settles. There may also be foam on the surface. In its organic and chemical properties, its composition resembles soft rain water, which has a taste baking soda. Flakes settle half an hour after settling. Dead water is visually transparent. She has no sediment. The taste of this liquid is sour and slightly astringent.

Living and dead water. Properties

Water, which is called living, actively affects the tone and functioning of arterial vessels, regulating their internal section. This liquid for her oxidizing properties are classified as antioxidants, since the mechanism of catholyte's effect on the human body is very similar to the influence of the most important immunostimulants (vitamins C, P, E, etc.). In addition, living water is a powerful stimulator of biological processes and a radioprotector. When it affects the body, high dissolving and extracting properties are manifested. Catholyte delivers to every cell human body useful components that carry energy (trace elements and activated molecules). The lack of these elements is especially noticeable during illness. Catholyte promotes rapid healing of wounds, stimulation of metabolic processes, increased pressure in hypotensive patients, as well as improved digestion and appetite. Living and dead water has a variety of medicinal properties. So, anolyte is able to produce antiallergic, antihelminthic, drying, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The disinfecting actions of dead water are similar to the treatment of wounds with iodine, hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green. Unlike medicines, this liquid does not stain living tissues and does not cause chemical burns. Thus, anolyte is a mild antiseptic.

Living and dead water - application

Catholyte is used to regenerate the colonic mucosa, allowing the intestinal function to be restored. Living water is used for radiation sickness. In this case, its radioprotective properties are used. The body's resistance to ionizing radiation increases significantly when exposed to the antioxidant properties of catholyte. When drinking living water inside, the body's susceptibility to various infections. This is confirmed and laboratory research. Living and dead water finds its application in various diseases. So, catholyte, which tones the central nervous system, enhances the immunity of each cell and strengthens the skeletal striated muscles, is effective in a drop in efficiency, bronchitis, gastritis, nephritis, asthma, vaginitis, etc.

Living and dead water, the treatment of which is applied depending on the impact on the body, can effectively restore human health. Thus, the use of anolyte is recommended to improve human reflex functions. In this case, dead water is used as a substance that removes the stratum corneum of the epithelium. Healing characteristics anolyte allow it to reject fecal stones in the intestines, kill pathogenic microflora in it and eliminate inflammatory processes.

What is the difference between living and dead water. Their properties

As has long been proven, the water that a person uses not only to nourish the body, but also in other aspects of his life constantly, has a mass various properties, useful or harmful to a person specific energy.

With the help of a modern process of influencing the composition and properties of water - electrolysis, from ordinary water it is possible to obtain a liquid endowed with positively charged or negatively charged ions. This is the so-called "living" or "dead" water.

Few people know how useful living and dead water is. Application, recipes of this miracle remedy are very diverse.

Living and dead water has found application in various spheres of life. Recipes with such water can be used both for cleansing the body and for domestic needs, which we will talk about in this undoubtedly useful article.

It is important to know! Living water (catholyte) is a liquid with a large number of negatively charged particles, having a pH of more than 9 (slightly alkaline medium). It has no color, smell or taste.

Dead water (anolyte) is a liquid with a large number of positively charged particles, having a pH less than 3 (acidic environment). No color, bright pungent odor and sour taste.

The main differences between living water and dead water are the different polarity of charged particles, the presence of taste and smell in dead water.

IN currently, after the research of scientists confirmed the properties of "living water", it is widely used for medical and cosmetic purposes. For example, living water affects human health and well-being in the following ways:

  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens the human immune system;
  • promotes healing of bedsores and skin ulcers;
  • saturates the cells of the body with a large amount of antioxidants;
  • improves the performance of the body.

Cosmetologists use living water in procedures and claim that it:

  • evens out complexion;
  • smoothes small mimic wrinkles;
  • structures the oval of the face;
  • gives more elasticity to the skin;
  • "removes" bags under the eyes;
  • strengthens hair roots.

Dead water is quite actively used in the treatment of diseases, and is also used for domestic purposes. Doctors have proven that dead water:

  • an excellent tool for disinfecting the skin and medical instruments;
  • promotes healing of mucous membranes in various diseases;
  • reduces inflammation and skin rashes.

IN household Such water can be usefully used for:

  • disinfection of furniture, surfaces, including for mopping;
  • as a fabric softener.

Recipes for the use of living and dead water for medicinal purposes

It is important to know! In almost all recipes for the use of such charged water, the terms Catholyte (living water) and Anolyte (dead water) are used. It is important to remember their names so that when reading a new recipe, you immediately understand what kind of water we are talking about.

Catholyte and anolyte (living and dead water) are used in the treatment of certain diseases, as well as for their prevention.

Recipes for the use of living and dead water for diseases of the mucous membranes:

  • runny nose- washing every 5 hours with anolyte (adults), for children - instill 1 drop no more than 3 times a day. The course of application is 3 days.
  • gastritis, ulcers and inflammation of the gastric mucosa- use catholyte half a glass before meals 20 minutes up to 5 times during the day (adults), children - half a glass 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to drink catholyte

The course of admission is 5 days. Catholyte has a slightly alkaline environment, which is why it reduces acidity in the stomach, thereby reducing inflammation and healing the mucous membrane.

  • diathesis or inflammation of the oral mucosa- rinsing the mouth with catholyte and compresses from it for 5-7 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 5 days, 6 times a day.

Recipes for the use of living and dead water for infectious diseases:

  • angina- during the day, rinsing the mouth and nose with catholyte 6 times, after the procedure, inhalation with anolyte.

The procedure is carried out for 4 days.

  • bronchitis- during the day 6 times rinsing the mouth with dead water, as well as inhalation with it up to 7 times a day for 10 minutes.

The procedure is carried out for 5 days.

  • ARI and SARS- rinsing the mouth with anolyte up to 7 times a day and using catholyte in a teaspoon up to 4 times during the day.

Living water activates the immune system.

In folk medicine, living and dead water has long been used in the treatment of problems with the gastrointestinal tract (in case of constipation or diarrhea):

  • with constipation- drink on an empty stomach half a glass of anolyte and 2 tbsp. spoons of dead water. After that, you need to perform the “bike” exercise for 15 minutes.

If a single dose did not bring the desired result, then it is necessary to repeat the procedure 2 more times with an interval of 1 hour.

  • with diarrhea- drink a glass of anolyte, an hour later another glass. After that, 2 times drink half a glass of catholyte with an interval of half an hour.

note that during the procedure you can not eat, you need to starve for 1 day!

Recipes for the use of living and dead water for other diseases:

  • haemorrhoids- Thoroughly wash the anus with soap and wipe dry. Apply first a compress from dead water for a few minutes, then a compress from living water, also for a few minutes.

The procedure is carried out 3 days, 7 times a day.

  • herpes- it is necessary to apply compresses from dead water to the site of the rash every hour and a half for 10-15 minutes.

For herpes, apply dead water compresses to the affected areas.

  • allergy- in case of rashes on the skin, it is necessary to wipe them with dead water up to 10 times a day.

In case of inflammation of the mucous membranes as a result of an allergy, it is necessary to rinse the mouth and nose with dead water up to 5 times during the day. The duration of the procedure is 3 days.

  • with liver diseases- it is necessary to drink half a glass of anolyte within 2 days before meals (10 minutes), after 2 days repeat the same procedure, but use living water.

note, for liver diseases, both living and dead water are used. Recipes for its use involve alternating one water with another, with an interval of 2 days!

Surgeons claim that the use of charged (living and dead) water contributes to the speedy healing of postoperative sutures. First, the area around the seam is disinfected with dead water, then a compress of living water is applied to the seam itself for 2 minutes. Repeat the procedure no more than 3 times a day for 7 days.

Cleansing system with charged water and Malakhov's recipes

The well-known folk healer Gennady Malakhov claims that with the help of activated water, any disease can be cured and the body cleansed.

Living and dead water is used according to the unique recipes of an experienced folk healer Malakhov:

  • with liver diseases- it is necessary to drink every 20 minutes 2 tablespoons of a negatively charged liquid (catholyte), and at night drink half a glass of positively charged liquid (anolyte).

The procedure is carried out for 5 days, do not eat fried and salty.

  • with joint disease- apply compresses from a positively charged liquid to the site of inflammation for 15 minutes - this relieves internal edema and soothes the pain.
  • to cleanse the body of toxins- drink only water during the day, drink 3 tablespoons of catholyte every half an hour in the morning before lunch, 3 tablespoons of anolyte every hour in the afternoon, and in the evening you can drink ordinary boiled water.
  • with hypertension- it is necessary to drink half a glass of negatively charged water every day - this helps to “accelerate” the blood, strengthen blood vessels and reduce pressure.
  • for toothache, headache or occasional pain- compresses from dead water for 20 minutes, as well as drink half a glass of catholyte and calmly lie down and relax.

How to cleanse the body safely: sodium thiosulfate. How to take to cleanse the body. Reviews of doctors

Recipes for using activated water in everyday life

As you know, most cleaning products for cleaning the house, have in the composition a large number of chemical compounds harmful to the human body. Entrepreneurial modern housewives, refusing to use chemicals to clean their homes, recommend using activated water, which is an excellent substitute for all cleaning products available on store shelves.

Living and dead water - application and recipes for house cleaning:

  • anolyte is a good remedy disinfection, so it can be used both for wiping furniture and for cleaning the floor.

In order not to spoil the surface of the furniture, it is necessary to prepare an anolyte solution in a ratio of 1 to 2 (one part of the anolyte, two parts of ordinary water).

  • to make fabric softener, which not only makes clothes soft, but also disinfects them, it is necessary to add half a glass of anolyte to the laundry detergent in the washing machine, and add a glass of catholyte to the conditioner compartment.
  • to clean the kettle from scale, you need to boil dead water in it 2 times, then drain it and pour live water, leave for 2 hours. Pour out the contents after two hours and boil with ordinary water several times, changing the water each time.
  • In order for the surface of glass and mirrors to remain clean and shiny for a long time, it is necessary to wipe them after cleaning with a cloth soaked in living water.

Do not wipe dry, wait until it dries itself!

  • to clean the pipes, it is necessary to pour 1 liter of negatively charged water into the system after 30 minutes, a liter of dead water and leave it overnight.

Useful health promotion techniques: Strelnikov. Breathing exercises for the health of the body. Exercises and rules. Video.

Recipes for the use of living and dead water for cosmetic purposes

Women always strive to look perfect and for this they spare no effort or money. But not everyone knows that now you can look perfect without expensive cosmetics. Regular use of catholyte and anolyte improves the condition of the skin, as it nourishes, moisturizes, and tones it. As a result, there is a tightening effect, smoothing of shallow mimic wrinkles.

Recipes for the use of activated water in cosmetology are as follows:

  • to tighten the oval of the face, it is necessary to apply a catholyte compress on the cleansed skin for 10 minutes, repeat periodically (every 2 days), the duration of the course is 1 month, then rest for 2 weeks and repeat the course.
  • to get rid of oily sheen, it is necessary to wipe the cleansed skin with an anolyte solution in a ratio of 1 to 5 every day 2 times a day (morning and evening).

The duration of treatment is 20 days.

  • anti-aging face mask: dilute 1 teaspoon of gelatin in a catholyte solution (1 to 3), preheated to a temperature of 40 degrees. Let the mask sit for 15 minutes.

Apply to pre-cleansed face, avoiding the eye area and leave for 20 minutes until dry, then rinse with cool water and apply baby cream. Apply the mask no more than 3 times a week.

The duration of the course is 5 weeks, after rest 5 weeks.

  • cleansing face mask: dilute the clay in a catholyte solution (1 to 3), apply to the skin of the face and leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water.

From catholyte and clay, you can prepare a cleansing face mask

Apply the mask no more than 3 times a week.

  • exfoliating foot bath: dip the steamed feet into the anolyte solution (1 to 3) for a few minutes, then into the catholyte solution (1 to 3), then wipe dry and apply baby cream.

Since charged water has mass useful properties, its elements actively affect different tissues and molecules of substances, many modern people already use water not only for cleansing, healing the body, and as an alternative to skin care products, but also simply in everyday life for cleaning their homes.

Some try to use this truly extraordinary water in all areas of life, because, in fact, it is universal accessible means for any person.

Watch a video about what constitutes living and dead water, their application, treatment recipes:

The following video with recipes for the treatment of diseases of internal organs with living and dead water:

What is living and dead water

The preparation of living and dead water is carried out using special devices.

As a result of electrolysis, the liquid is endowed with a negative or positive electric potential.

The electrolysis process significantly improves the quality of water – harmful substances are removed. chemical compounds, pathogenic microbes, bacteria, fungi and other impurities.

Properties of living and dead water

catholyte, or living water, has a pH greater than 8. It is natural biostimulant, remarkably restoring immunity, providing antioxidant protection organism, which is the source of vital energy.

Living water activates all processes in the body, improves appetite and metabolism, increases blood pressure, and improves overall well-being.

The use of living water is also due to its following properties: the speedy healing of wounds, including bedsores, burns, trophic ulcers, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

This water smoothes wrinkles, softens the skin, improves appearance and hair structure, copes with the problem of dandruff.

The only disadvantage of living water is that it loses its medicinal and biochemical properties very quickly, as it is an unstable active system.

Living water must be prepared in such a way that it can be used for two days, provided that it is stored in a dark place in a closed vessel.

Anolyte, or dead water, has a pH less than 6. Such water has antibacterial, antimycotic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic, drying and anti-edematous properties.

In addition, dead water is able to have an antimetabolic and cytotoxic effect, while not harming the human body.

Due to its bactericidal properties, dead water has a strong disinfecting effect. With the help of this liquid, you can disinfect clothes and linen, dishes, medical supplies - for this you just need to rinse the item with this water.

Also, using dead water, you can wash floors and carry out wet cleaning. And if, for example, there is a sick person in the room, then after carrying out wet cleaning with the help of dead water, the risk of falling ill again is excluded for him.

Dead water is an unsurpassed remedy for colds. Therefore, it is successfully used for diseases of the ears, throat, nose. Gargling with dead water is an excellent preventive and therapeutic tool for influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Do you know if drinking a lot of water is good for you? And how much water should you drink per day?

What kind of water is shungite water. How to cook it and what are its benefits.

The use of dead water is not limited to these functions. With its help, you can calm the nerves, lower blood pressure, get rid of insomnia, destroy the fungus, cure stomatitis, reduce joint pain, dissolve bladder stones.

Do-it-yourself living and dead water

Many have heard about devices that can be used to prepare living and dead water at home - activators of living and dead water. In fact, such devices are arranged quite simply, so almost anyone can assemble them.

For the manufacture of the device you will need glass jar, a small piece of tarp or other fabric that does not pass liquid well, a few pieces of wire, a power source.

The bag is fixed in the bank in such a way that it can be easily removed from there.

Then you should take two wires - preferably a stainless rod - and place one of them in a bag and the other in a jar. These electrodes are connected to a DC power supply.

Pour water into the jar and into the bag. To use AC, you need a powerful diode that attaches to the positive pole of the power supply and equalizes the AC to DC.

When you have poured water into the bag and jar, turn on the power and leave the device for receiving living and dead water turned on for 10-15 minutes.

In a jar with a “-” electrode, living water is produced, and in a bag with a “+” electrode, dead water is produced.

As you can see, the question “how to make living water” and “how to make dead water” is practically solved without any special material costs, although this is still not a very reliable source. permanent production these types of waters.

Here is another way to prepare the water we need:

For more quality product you should still purchase the device in the distribution network.

Treatment of living and dead water

The use of living and dead water is possible in the treatment of the following diseases.

  • For treatment allergies you should rinse your throat, mouth and nose for three days after eating with dead water. 10 minutes after each rinse, drink half a glass of live water. If there are rashes on the skin, they should be wiped with dead water. As a rule, the disease recedes after two to three days. It is recommended to repeat the procedure for prevention.
  • For pain in joints of the legs and arms, the deposition of salts in them should be drunk for two to three days three times a day, half an hour before meals, half a glass of dead water. It is also recommended to do compresses with it on sore spots. For compresses, water is heated to a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Usually, pain disappear on the first or second day. In addition, the state of the nervous system normalizes, sleep improves, and pressure decreases.
  • At bronchitis and bronchial asthma rinse the throat, mouth and nose 4-5 times a day after eating with warm dead water. 10 minutes after each rinse, you need to drink half a glass of live water. The course of treatment is three days. If these procedures do not help, you can continue treatment of the dead water in the form of inhalation - heat one liter of liquid to a temperature of 70-80 degrees and breathe in steam for about 10 minutes. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day. The last inhalation should be done with live water with the addition of soda. Thanks to this treatment, general well-being improves, the urge to cough decreases.
  • With inflammation liver the course of treatment is four days. On the first day, you should drink half a glass of dead water before meals, and on the next three days, use living water in the same mode.
  • At gastritis you should drink living water three times a day half an hour before meals - on the first day a quarter cup, on the second and third days, half a glass. Thanks to the treatment with live water, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, abdominal pain disappears, and appetite improves.
  • At helminthiasis cleansing enemas are recommended: first with dead water, after an hour - live. During the day, every hour you should drink 2/3 cups of dead water. The next day, half an hour before meals, you need to drink half a glass of live water. During treatment, you may feel unwell.
  • With normal headache it is recommended to drink half a glass of dead water and moisten the sore part of the head with it. If the head hurts from a concussion or a bruise, it should be moistened with living water. As a rule, painful sensations disappear within 40-50 minutes.
  • At flu it is recommended to rinse the throat, mouth and nose with heated dead water 6-8 times a day. Before going to bed, you should drink half a glass of live water. At the same time, it is recommended to starve on the first day of treatment.
  • At varicose veins the places of vein expansion should be washed with dead water, then apply compresses with living water to them for 15-20 minutes and drink half a glass of dead water. The procedure should be repeated regularly.
  • At diabetes It is recommended to drink half a glass of live water daily half an hour before meals.
  • At stomatitis after each meal, and, in addition, rinse the oral cavity with live water three to four times a day for 2-3 minutes. As a result of this treatment, the sores heal in one to two days.

You know that everyone can appreciate the great benefits of dousing with cold water. The main thing is to do these procedures correctly.

How can you lose weight with water. Different ways.

Read about the health benefits of oat decoction at:

Living and dead water video

We bring to your attention a video about the device - the activator for the preparation of these miraculous waters.

Many of us have heard about the so-called living and dead water. This is stated in books, this issue is addressed in the cinema, and finally, you can find information about such water in the vastness of the World Wide Web.

And this is not fiction, living and dead water really exists. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Dead water (anolyte) is a solution obtained as a result of electrolysis, which has a large positive charge and a strongly acidic acid-base balance. Anolyte is known for the following properties:

  • disinfecting;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimycotic (antifungal);
  • anti-allergic.

Why does anolyte have such healing properties? There are no miracles here, everything is quite natural and explained with scientific point vision.

The fact is that during the electrolysis process, chlorine and oxygen radicals, hydrogen peroxide are concentrated in the anode zone.

But it is they who help macrophages (the protective cells of our body) to destroy the viruses, microbes, and fungi that have come across.

That's why contact of the anolyte with a microbial cell leads to the destruction of the cell wall of the microbe, leakage of cell components into the intercellular space, dysfunction of the ribosomal apparatus (it is responsible for protein biosynthesis from amino acids), and other adverse changes.

Apparatus AP-1 ^

This device has a fairly high level of quality, it is the so-called electroactivator. In its manufacture were used:

  • food plastic of the highest class;
  • electrodes made of heavy-duty noble metals;
  • ceramic glass, created from a special grade of clay.

Positive features of the product are the following points:

  1. the device looks very nice on the outside;
  2. it allows you to get almost one and a half liters of water in just 20-30 minutes;
  3. the device is characterized by low power consumption - at the level of a 40-watt light bulb;
  4. the anodes of the device are made of titanium and coated with a platinum group metal, the cathodes are made of stainless steel.

But it should be noted that AP-1 costs significantly more than other devices. So, for a model with an indicator that reflects the quality of water, you will have to pay about 100 USD.

"PTV" ^

This device differs significantly from the previous three, since it is intended primarily for professional activity(sanatoria-dispensaries, rest homes, medical institutions), although it also finds its application at home.

The main advantages of the device are:

  • low power consumption for a product of this class - 75 watts;
  • thick electrodes;
  • long service life.

Besides, this device does not have a glass in which dead water is prepared. Instead, there are simply two separate containers separated by a special wood membrane.

However, the disadvantage of this device is its cost. For device home use 130-140 dollars- already too much.

Are you concerned about your health and the condition of your back? Then be sure to read the article about how healthy they are, how much they cost, how to make the right choice?

In the summer (and indeed in the warm) season, it is very useful to swim on fresh air. Summer showers installed in the country can help you with this. All the most important and up-to-date information read: prices, features of choice and installation!

Water aerobics is a very beneficial activity for health (including weight loss). Read more about this sport in the article:
, it is very interesting!

Making living and dead water with your own hands ^

In addition to the officially manufactured devices discussed above, there are home-made ones. We will offer one proven method for self-production of water. So, for this you will need:

  • two stainless steel mugs;
  • several syringes;
  • ordinary wire - a cord with a plug at the end;
  • one diode.

It is better to buy mugs with handles, since you need to drill a hole directly in the handle and screw a diode into it (you should use diodes for a load of 220 volts, 6 amps).

The mugs themselves should be mounted on a stand made of non-conductive material. To strengthen, you can cut holes in the stand equal in diameter to the bottom of the mugs, or you can simply glue the mugs.

Two syringes are glued into a single U-shaped tube (for this you have to cut their tops), and another syringe is firmly stuck on top (right in the middle of the crossbar of the imaginary letter “P”).

When the homemade device is ready, the mugs need to be filled with water and placed on a stand.

The prepared tube should be lowered into the circles so that one end of the letter "P" is in the left circle, and the second in the right one.

After that, the upper syringe is pulled out to the stop (thereby filling the tube with water). Then the end of the wire with a positive charge is connected to the diode (recall, it is installed in the handle of one of the mugs), and the end of the wire with the “minus” is connected to the other mug.

The plug is plugged into an outlet and left overnight. By morning, this kind of apparatus will give out dead water (in the circle where the diode is installed) and live.

How to make water in the device? Instructions for use ^

Of course, not everyone will dare to create a device for preparing living and dead water on their own, and therefore you need to know how to work with the purchased device.

So, most devices have a container for living water and a separate glass for dead water (as we have seen, the glass can be fabric or ceramic).

Initially, the container is filled with water, and then the device is turned on.

After that, the process of polarization of solutions begins and standard electroosmosis proceeds clearly: the liquid flows towards the negative charge (accordingly, the anolyte level drops).

As soon as the redox parameters of the catholyte and anolyte equalize, the water will go in the opposite direction due to repolarization.

In such an interesting way, factory-made devices provide living and dead water.

What do people say? Feedback on the use of living and dead water ^

All descriptions are, of course, good, but you always want to learn about the use of appliances and the water itself from ordinary people. After collecting all the information from the reviews, we offer some of the most common points:

1) self-production of the device is rather unsafe, since there is high risk water pollution due to the materials from which this device will be created;

2) the cheapest devices do not achieve the intended effect, and therefore their purchase is a throw away Money to the wind;

3) Water can be used to heal wounds. First, the wound is treated with dead water, and after drying - live.

Many say that after the start of the use of living and dead water, they completely forgot about pills and doctors:

“My kids have always had a runny nose, all year round. And then I decided to use living and dead water. And now for 4 months my children do not get sick at all!”

“My wife suffered from pancreatic problems. I started drinking water and everything! She now has no pain at all, and diets are not needed at all. ”

“I started drinking this water just like that, out of curiosity. I am now constantly in a good mood, and I work with such zeal that all my friends envy.

Well, let the treatment of living and dead water benefit you too. Be healthy!

Video about the benefits of living and dead water for health:

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29 responses to the article“ Treatment of living and dead water: fairy tales or reality?

  1. Alex11

    Water therapy is interesting. But the names are living and dead water, of course, you immediately remember fairy tales. And accordingly, such names do not add credibility. Although the idea itself is interesting.

  2. Paul

    I have been using the Iva-1 water activator for 2 years already, before that I used the Ap-1 activator. To be honest, Ap-1 is an activator that is not worth the money. The anode is coated not with platinum, but with Teflonium material. And this material is subject to anodic dissolution: (I recognized 1 anode electrode costs about 900-1000 rubles. And they sell this Ap in wholesale for 1500 rubles. Therefore, they saved on the material.
    Now I use Iva-1 activator, there is a really good coating there (handed it over for examination) - really sputtering of ruthenium (this is a platinum group metal), so it just does not dissolve during electrolysis. In general corresponds to its price — 4100 rubles. And about water, believe it or not, but it really heals!!!

  3. Elena

    It's true, even my grandmother treated tragic wounds with homemade products.

  4. Sergey

    I made electrodes from silver. I took two silver fifty dollars. One cathode, the other anode, or vice versa, depending on where + or - the power source is

  5. Yuri

    Two fifty dollars of what sample? To make a good silver electrode, you need 999 samples - the highest, sample means how many grams of silver are in 1000 grams. You have fifty dollars, most likely 925 samples - this means that along with silver there are still impurities of other metals, and when an electric current is applied to such an electrode, on the contrary, you will make the water even worse. I advise you to buy a water silvering agent, there are a lot of them on our market, for example, willow-2 Silver, this installation already has an electrode with a 999 test. Other than that, it's up to you :)

  6. Marina

    To be honest, the phrase "dead water" sounds somehow strange and even repulsive, but in fact it is very useful, no less than the so-called "living water". Having learned that the properties of water can be changed, I bought a special device and began to use water for medicinal purposes. The result was amazing: I began to feel much better, headaches went away.

  7. Anatol
  8. Albert

    About unusual properties water, I watched a program on TV. It turns out that water has the ability to change its crystals depending on its environment. Scientists took a drop of water and turned on a recording of some classical music or children's laughter next to it, and the water crystals acquired various beautiful forms in the form of snowflakes, etc. They did the same with another drop, only the recording was different, for example, hard rock or curse words. In this case, the water crystals broke up into “torn” pieces or acquired ugly shapes. Like this…

  9. Julia

    I read an article by a doctor of chemical sciences on ionized water “Arguments in favor of alkaline water. Letter to the editor from the doctor of chemical sciences. I recommend to everyone

  10. Olga

    The idea of ​​dead and living water is interesting, but I don't want to experiment on myself. It's kind of scary.

  11. Andrey

    I do not trust such inventions. I prefer drinking plain filtered water.

  12. Komzin Boris

    Our water cannot be used for treatment at all, so it can only harm health if taken for a long time.

  13. Alexander

    I tried it on myself back in 1985-95. The device was homemade. The pH was checked with ordinary litmus paper. Very effective remedy!!! I made the device and started using it, because I tried a lot of remedies for sciatica, all kinds of ointments, massage, cast iron, copper shavings ... nothing helped. Using J. and M. water, the pains disappeared in just a few (2-3) days. Until today, the pain has not recurred. Angina is treated within 2-3 rinses, after an hour. Yes, many diseases are easily treated. In addition, the effect of using water is long-term. And yet, as far as I understood from experience, water is not purified, but decomposed into its constituent parts. To obtain F and M components, it is better to use already purified water. Both derivatives are useful! So I recommend it to everyone!

  14. platonii 20.04.2017 at 18:02 Vadimka

    I had unusual case when water was activated in AP1 (now everything is fine with the electrodes in terms of quality) and I was in och. everything annoyed me in a bad mood ... I poured some water into the activator and turned it on for 20 minutes as usual, after 15 minutes something in the water strained me, it warmed up to 40 degrees (this has never happened in six months of use) I turned it off, decided to check it, I felt it in the water the smell of iron, when I removed the activator, rust and some black flakes, the taste of living water did not differ from dead water, then I made sure that the water records information and our thoughts ... Now my activation is going well (I never fill water in an irritated state) , for more than a year I have been drinking 2 liters of living water a day and I feel good. And I had a wen on my thigh (at first I thought it was a pimple), I moistened it with dead water (I used to miss days) and after 3 months I used living water in normal mode, after 3 months the atheroma began to shrink, and after a week it shrank to an inconspicuous point and disappeared. Living and Dead Water RESPECT

    As a result of twenty years of research by biophysicists of Kazakhstan under the guidance of Professor V.M. Inyushin, an amazing discovery was made: in natural biogenic (useful for biological organisms) water discovered the existence in small quantities of a special substance - plasma (free complexes of particles unbound into atoms and molecules), which was called hydroplasma.
    WATER FOR LIFE - has a very high density of particles, and hence a huge free energy, which can withstand the degradation of water that occurs under the influence of external negative factors environment and give a person a colossal resource of ENERGY - FOR YOUTH, HEALTH and LONGEVITY!
    DETAILS! Buy for yourself or build your sales business.

  15. Michael

    I have been using Melesta for the third year now, its price is now 1750 rubles, a very convenient device, and a well-thought-out design for this price, I myself repair and service medical equipment, I know what I am writing about.

    Didn't expect this result! I bought a homemade device from the USSR. He began to study literature, dead water was used in hospitals of the USSR for disinfection. I made a device with shungite plates. An unexpected result: all the water seems to be alive. Can someone write about water on shungite plates? In the candidate times of the USSR, living water is irradiated with ultrasound. I have tried like water of the strengthened action. I think you need a wooden container for the penetration of ultrasound. My mail: [email protected]
    , Maybe someone will follow with shungite?



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