What do we drink from the tap? Is it possible to drink tap water?

People ask the question of what kind of water is best to drink as often as the question of... So let's try to figure it out.

Is it possible to drink tap water?

The simplest and cheapest option, which we are forced to use willy-nilly.

It is impossible to get poisoned by this water. However, to say that it has health benefits would also be a great exaggeration.

In our country, water is mainly disinfected with chlorine. This halogen itself is quite toxic. What's much worse, however, is that treating water with chlorine creates disinfection byproducts (DBPs). These are quite strong carcinogens that disrupt the functioning of the liver, kidneys and nervous system.

In addition to chlorine and DBPs, the following can be found in tap water:

  • arsenic (carcinogen);
  • aluminum (increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, provokes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily liver pathologies);
  • herbicides and pesticides;
  • substances that mimic the hormone estrogen;
  • drug residues;
  • heavy metals.

The list is certainly not complete. A lot depends on the specific region and the operation of water supply systems in it.

Do water filters save you?

Yes, but not completely. None of the cleaning filters used in everyday life makes it possible to remove all polluting compounds from water. However, the concentration of toxins after water passes through a filter, even the simplest filter jug ​​with activated carbon, is noticeably reduced.

Which water is better to drink, boiled or raw?

This question always comes up when discussing the possibility of consuming tap water. Is it necessary and possible to boil it?

Yes, it's better to boil. Since this protects against the entry of pathogenic microorganisms.

Which is obvious.

However, some time ago there were reports that boiling water, especially twice, can be harmful to health. Many people believed it. And now they are afraid to boil.

In vain. There is no danger.

When it comes to the fact that it is harmful to boil coda, they usually mean that it should not boil over. Since if its volume decreases significantly, this will lead to an increase in the concentration of various chemicals that are always present in tap water.

Therefore, you should never drink water that has almost all evaporated. Also, do not add a new portion to it and boil it again.

But if you just boil water, drink some tea and add a new portion to the kettle, there will be no harm from it.

Those who are still afraid to boil water again can only pour a fresh portion into the kettle each time. But under no circumstances should you give up boiling.

Bottled water

If you think that by drinking bottled water instead of tap water, you are protecting your health, then you are most likely mistaken.

Firstly, according to statistics, 40% of bottled water is tap water.

Secondly, storing water in plastic is extremely harmful, as plastic releases the synthetic hormone bisphenol A into the water, which is associated with health problems such as:

  • mental retardation and learning problems;
  • decreased immunity;
  • prostate and breast cancer;
  • obesity;
  • early puberty in children of both sexes.

So don't waste your money. Instead of bottled water, invest in a quality filter.

Is it possible to drink distilled water?

Once or twice, maybe. Daily consumption of such water on a regular basis is dangerous.

Distilled water washes out electrolytes

Drinking water that has undergone such a purification procedure leads to an extremely rapid loss of electrolytes by the body. In large volumes and in the absence of the proper amount of salts entering the body, as occurs with, it can lead to heart rhythm disturbances and cerebral edema. Up to and including death.

Of course, drinking a few glasses of this water from time to time will do nothing. But under no circumstances should you drink it all the time.

Unfortunately, many producers of drinks, both sweet and non-sweet, use distilled water.

Studies have shown that people who regularly and in large quantities consume a variety of sodas, etc., excrete significant amounts of calcium, magnesium and other minerals in their urine. And this negatively affects their health.

The more minerals are washed out of their body, the higher the risk of early development of pathologies such as:

  • osteoporosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • coronary heart disease, hypertension, etc.

Distilled water increases "acidity"

This negative effect from regular consumption of distilled water cannot be considered fully proven, since some scientists, in principle, do not agree that any food products, including water, can change the pH of the blood.

Nevertheless, the hypothesis that this is possible, and that distilled water strongly “enlists” the body, exists, and therefore it is unreasonable to dismiss it.

Distilled water is free of minerals. And, therefore, very aggressive. When it comes into contact with air, it extremely quickly absorbs carbon dioxide. And this gives it acidic properties. Moreover, they are so strong that some metals can even be dissolved by it (in laboratory conditions, of course, not all metals; you should not try to dissolve a fork and then say that it does not work).

Thus, it can be argued that the longer and more a person drinks distilled water, the more he loses the minerals necessary for life and “acidifies” his body, thereby causing considerable damage to his own.

Is water from alcoholizers and ionizers safe?

Since distilled water is harmful because it is acidified, it makes sense that water can be made alkaline. And it will become more useful.

How true is this proposal?

True, but not entirely.

Firstly, most of the various alkalizers are produced by MLM companies that have an extremely dubious reputation.

Secondly, it is regular in itself.

It has been established that such water can be consumed for no more than 1-2 weeks. Longer use leads to a decrease in the normal acidity of gastric juice, which leads to digestive problems and, as a result, deterioration of health.

So in the end, what kind of water is best to drink?

The purest and most healing water is found in natural mountain springs. But since this type of water is available to an extremely small number of people, it is pointless to talk about it.

Therefore, the only thing that can be recommended is to use regular tap water, after passing it through high-quality household filters, which should be changed regularly.

It is very good to alkalize the water a little. Just do this not with the help of alkalizers, but by adding natural lemon juice to the glass.

Just a couple of decades ago, people thought little about the potability of tap water and widely used it for domestic needs, but today everything has changed. Many began to doubt whether it was possible to drink tap water, since the environmental situation in the world had deteriorated significantly, cases of poisoning from tap water began to be recorded in medicine, and the scale left on dishes and kettles makes you think about your health.

Is it harmful to drink tap water?

Of course, the water purified at the city water utility enterprises meets all sanitary and epidemiological standards, but when it enters the water distribution network, it becomes secondarily contaminated. The presence of suspended substances is indicated by turbidity, colloidal compounds by color, chlorine, its derivatives and iron oxide bacteria by smell and taste. Pipes coated with rust and harmful compounds release boron, lead and arsenic into the transported liquid, which often cause allergic reactions. In addition, arsenic is a dangerous carcinogen that can cause cancer, and biooxidizable dissolved organic carbon attacks the immune system, increasing the risk of developing cancer.

Now it’s clear why you shouldn’t drink tap water, but that’s not the only reason. It is no secret that drinking liquids are subject to mandatory chlorination, and although regulatory authorities claim that the concentration of chlorine in water is within normal limits and cannot cause significant harm to health, asthmatics and allergy sufferers experience its negative effects even in small doses. In addition, chlorine in water reacts with other organic compounds. One of these compounds is trichloromethane, and numerous experiments on laboratory animals with its participation have shown that it is the main culprit in the development of cancer in them.

Is it possible to drink boiled water?

Those who are interested in whether it is possible to drink tap water treated by boiling should answer that this way you can get rid of bacteria, but not chlorine. At elevated temperatures, the concentration of volatile components decreases, but the concentration of non-volatile components increases. You should not drink tap water because today it is considered one of the main culprits in the appearance of stones in the urinary organs. It often includes painkillers and hormones that end up in water reservoirs from sewers and farm wastewater.

Some experts insist that running water should still be boiled or purified through filters.

Correspondents of the TV channel “360 Moscow Region” decided to take part in laboratory research to understand which side is right.

“Moscow water can be drunk from the tap without additional purification. It meets all regulatory requirements,” said Ekaterina Ivanova, leading engineer of the water supply department of Mosvodokanal JSC. To confirm or refute this statement, the 360 ​​Moscow Region film crew went to independent experts. Together with them, correspondents studied samples of the capital’s water in the laboratory.

Leading ecologist at the laboratory center, Sergei Sysoev, took some water from an ordinary kitchen for analysis. To ensure the objectivity of the analysis, it is collected in specially prepared containers. Next, the expert drained some of the water and filled it in again. This was done to ensure that there were no air bubbles. Then the container was tightly closed and sent for analysis.

When the water turned pink, the laboratory assistant, using a special scale, determined how much iron it contained. This figure was 0.1 milligrams per cubic liter, while the permissible norm is 0.3 milligrams. This means that the water’s iron content is safe for health. Is it still possible to drink such water without thermal or any other treatment, the film crew asked environmental specialist Sergei Sysoev.

This precaution is required because the water entering Moscow apartments passes through the ground. It flows from the so-called surface groundwater from the Moscow River, Volga and reservoirs. 20 years ago it was disinfected with ordinary chlorine, now this is done using sodium hypochlorite. Mosvodokanal claims that this is safer, but candidate of biological sciences Tatyana Farafonova believes that without filtration, constantly drinking raw water can be harmful to health.

“When water is chlorinated, organochlorine compounds, such as chloroform, are formed; they have a very carcinogenic effect on the liver, so if you drink water all the time without purification, you will develop cirrhosis of the liver,” Farafonova said.

At the same time, the specialist called boiled water dead. Just like the one that flows from the so-called filter systems - those that are installed under the sink.

“Some people install filters for everything, but the water turns out to be dead, there is only H2O, and calcium and magnesium are needed there, so I do not recommend purifying the water to zero,” noted an expert in the field of drinking water certification.

Instead, the specialist recommended installing a carbon filter at home. But the main thing is not to forget to change it on time. Otherwise, at room temperature and constant humidity, ideal conditions are created for bacteria, which are also unsafe for the human body. published

MOSCOW, March 2- RIA News. Moscow is one of the largest and most densely populated metropolises in the world. Every tenth Russian lives here, and the area of ​​the city is 2.5 thousand square kilometers. To provide 12 million people with water, more than 12 thousand kilometers of water supply networks have been laid in the capital. Where does water come from in Muscovites’ homes, how is it purified, what experts say, and what kind of water is recommended to drink—tap or bottled—in RIA Novosti’s material.

Where does the water come from?

Water comes to Moscow from the Moscow, Smolensk and Tver regions. It is the rivers flowing through these regions that form three interconnected hydraulic systems that provide water supply to the capital, the required depth of navigable sections, electricity generation and solve many other problems.

The resource of reservoirs is so great that the metropolis will not be left without running water even in the driest year.

“Today, the total water output of these systems is 2.5-3 times higher than the city’s drinking water needs, so an acute shortage of water resources is not expected in the near future,” Mosvodokanal explained.

How is water purified?

To make water suitable for drinking, it is passed through several stages of purification. There are four water treatment stations in Moscow.

“The stations use a classic two-stage scheme for bringing water to drinking quality. First, it is purified by coagulation, clarified in settling tanks, passed through sand filters, then disinfected with chlorine-containing reagents. If necessary, treated with ozone and activated carbon,” said Mosvodokanal.

The main disinfectant is sodium hypochlorite with the addition of an ammonia-containing reagent. This is a common method used in cities with an extensive distribution network. For example, it is used in Paris, London, Tokyo and other megacities, since chlorine-containing reagents in combination with ammonia retain bactericidal properties for a long time. Ozone quickly dissolves in water, and it can only be used in small cities or at intermediate stages, as is the case in Moscow.

How is hypochlorite different from chlorine?

Mosvodokanal switched from liquid chlorine to sodium hypochlorite in 2012. This reagent is an aqueous solution, safer during transportation, storage and use.

Chlorine and sodium hypochlorite act in the same way: they form the same compound, which triggers the process of inactivation of microbes. Reception, storage and dosing of the reagent in Moscow are fully automated.

“The automated control system ensures constant monitoring of the process and control of technological modes for maintaining specified parameters, including chlorine residues in the water,” Mosvodokanal emphasized.

Is tap water safe?

After such cleaning, Mosvodokanal claims, the safety of tap water in Moscow cannot raise any doubts.

“The positive impact of the centralized water supply system on the health of the population has been proven by many years of practice - over a long period, no diseases caused by tap water have been recorded in Moscow,” the company emphasized.

Moscow water meets the requirements of state regulations in all respects, and there are no restrictions on its use.

“It is safe, harmless and completely drinkable. It does not require additional cleaning,” Mosvodokanal is confident. At the same time, the composition of water in different areas of Moscow is slightly different, but within the established norm. This is due to the fact that it comes from different sources. You can check the quality and composition of water in real time on the company’s website.

Water quality control in the Moscow centralized water supply system is carried out around the clock along the entire water flow path - from upper sources to consumer taps. This includes automatic monitoring using special analyzer sensors, and planned analysis of selected samples in the accredited laboratories of the Water Quality Control Center of Mosvodokanal JSC, as well as in specialized analytical centers of other organizations.

“Samples for analysis are taken at more than 250 points throughout the city,” Mosvodokanal added. “186 physical, chemical and biological indicators are routinely determined.” State control over water quality is carried out by the Moscow Department of Rospotrebnadzor.

What the experts say

The purity of water in Moscow pipes is confirmed by independent experts. As Andrey Mosov, head of the expert department of Roskontrol, told RIA Novosti, the organization’s experts repeatedly checked the quality of water during tests of household filters, and all samples met quality requirements.

According to him, regularly published monitoring data show that the water in Moscow pipes has “ideal microbiological, satisfactory organoleptic (appearance, smell, taste, etc. - Ed.) and good physical and chemical indicators, indicating high level of water treatment at waterworks."

The expert noted that water sometimes acquires a slight smell and taste of iron at the “end” (that is, most distant from the source) sections of the water supply network.

“Perhaps the only significant drawback of tap water is the volatile organohalogen compounds resulting from chlorination (and it is still impossible to eliminate it), the content of which nevertheless does not exceed acceptable standards,” Mosov emphasized. He noted that this problem is easily solved by household filters, settling and boiling.

Is there any benefit

When asked whether tap water can be useful, the expert replied that its mineral composition cannot be called complete.

“Any river water does not have a high content of fluorine, magnesium, calcium and other nutrients. Purification does not significantly affect the mineral composition,” Mosov said. He advises Muscovites to be sure to use fluoridated toothpastes, and also not to consider water as a source of calcium and magnesium in the diet - it is better to compensate for the lack of these elements by eating foods rich in them.

At the same time, a representative of Roskontrol noted that tap water is by no means inferior to bottled water, especially when compared with first category waters that dominate the market.

Water is our everything. Without her, we simply would not exist. That is why providing people with life-giving moisture is the first necessity, which is why every modern house, every apartment has access to this liquid.

But is all water useful and suitable for human use? Isn't the substance from our taps fraught with secret, invisible at first glance, dangers? Why are more and more people deciding buy water filter and not feel worried about yourself and your loved ones?

Complex questions that still have answers. Of course, tap liquid is not ideal. That is why it is popular reverse osmosis filter, that is why clean new water, safe for everyone, becomes the goal of our people.

So, we bring to your attention 10 facts about the dangers of tap liquid, knowledge of which will answer all your questions.

Fact No. 1. The water contains chlorine, which negatively affects the stomach and esophagus, causing high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. The respiratory organs and skin are also affected.

Fact No. 2. Tap fluid contains nitrates. They gradually lead to oxygen starvation, negatively affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems, interfere with the normal development of embryos, and provoke caries and gum disease.

Fact No. 3. Ukrainian water is rich in iron. Its excess leads not only to a deterioration in the appearance of the liquid and its taste, but also to the occurrence of kidney disease.

Fact No. 4. The liquid contains aluminum. It accumulates in the liver, in the most important parts of the brain, which can lead to disruption of the CNS (central nervous system).

Fact No. 5. When using water with chlorine or hardness salts, the skin suffers, namely, it dries out, turns red, various rashes and allergic reactions may appear.

Fact No. 6. Excess hardness salts, petroleum products, and again chlorine - impurities that are often found in tap liquid make our hair dull, dry, and have lost volume and healthy shine.

Fact No. 7. Unpurified tap water substance worsens the taste of food prepared with it.

Fact No. 8. Water may contain bacteria that can harm the body. Of course, water treatment services fight microorganisms, but the fight is not always effective.

Fact No. 9. It is the liquid, which contains a lot of dissolved iron, that causes unsightly brown-orange stains to appear on sinks and bathrooms.

Fact No. 10. The impurities contained in tap water negatively affect not only humans, but also pets, plants, and household appliances.

As you can see, there are many reasons why water needs to be purified for drinking, washing and other household purposes. Therefore, we recommend that you play it safe and get one of the filters. Thanks to this, you will receive an exceptionally pure liquid for your purposes.



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