Life expectancy of animals of the middle band. Animal lifespan

The lifespan, or biological longevity, of an animal is the period from birth to its natural death. The biological longevity of farm animals is a specific feature. Animals of each species have a certain, genetically determined life span limit, which is hereditarily fixed. The life expectancy of animals of each species is judged by the established and registered facts of longevity of individual individuals. Farm animals have a great biological longevity, which is confirmed by the following examples.
On the collective farm Lenin of the Kirsanovsky district of the Tambov region, the cow of the red Tambov breed Rozetka and in the breeding plant "Trostyanets" of the Chernihiv region, the cow of the Simmental breed Forget-me-not were used up to 20 years. From the first, a lifetime milk yield of 49,025 kg was obtained, and from the second - 86,900 kg of milk. In the breeding plant "Karavaevo" in the Kostroma region, cows of the Kostroma breed Krasa and Opytnitsa were used up to 23 years. From Opytnitsa received a lifetime milk yield of 118,000 kg, and from Krasa - 120,247 kg of milk. In Poland, the Chervona cow of the Red Polish breed lived up to 28, and the Siva cow - up to 35 years. The first calved 26 times, the second - 30. Siwa's milk yield for the last lactation was equal to 2700 kg of milk. In Hungary, the Hungarian Pied breed Barany cow was used for 32 years, and the Hungarian red and white breed Varanu cow was used for 35 years. 27 calves were obtained from the cow Baraki, and 26 from the cow Varanu. The milk yield for the last lactation in Barani reached 3981 kg. In England, two cows lived up to 36 years, and one - up to 40 years.
In the breeding state farm "Otrada" in the Voronezh region, the sow Beatrice was used up to 12 years old, and the uterus Sorceress - up to 13, which at the age of 13 farrowed 2 times and gave 28 piglets. In Hungary, one queen lived for 22 years. She farrowed 46 times and gave birth to 414 piglets.
In Anglin, 14-16-year-old wombs are recorded in the studbooks of Shropshire sheep. W. A. ​​Rice described a sheep at the age of 21 years. In the last year of her life, the 35th lamb was received from her.
I. I. Mechnikov reports on a horse that lived to be 50 years old. Up to the same age, the mare Charles of the Arabian breed was used for light transport work in one of the collective farms of the Transcarpathian region. The fact that horses can live up to 54-60 years is reported by E. Davenport and W. Dgorst. The University of Manchester (England) keeps the skull of a horse that died at the age of 64. I. I. Kuleshov reports on a horse that lived for 67 years.
Thus, in the cases described, the natural life expectancy reached 40 years for cows, 22 years for pigs, 21 years for sheep, and 67 years for horses.
Many scientists sought to find out the patterns of development and reproduction of animals of different species, as well as the factors that determine their longevity. As a result, a number of theories have been proposed to explain the reasons for the longevity of mammals and birds. Currently, the following theories about the lifespan of animals of different species are most common.
1. The life span of animals is directly proportional to the period of their development, that is, the longer this period, the longer their life. Proponents of this theory believe that the possible life span of animals is 6-7 times longer than the period of their postembryonic development. For example, a horse that finishes development mainly by 5-6 years old lives 30-35 years; cattle, formed by 4-5 years, live 20-25 years; sheep and pigs, which complete development by 2 years, live up to 12-15 years.
2. The lifespan of animals is closely related to their size. Large animals have a longer life span than small ones. The lifespan of rabbits is shorter than dogs, sheep and pigs, and the latter, in turn, are less durable than horses and cattle.
3. Life expectancy is inversely proportional to the fertility of animals. Rabbits, which give up to 30 rabbits per year, and pigs - up to 40 piglets, live up to 6-7 years, while horses and cattle, which are less prolific, live longer.
4. The lifespan of animals of various species is determined by the type of their diet: herbivores are more durable than frugivorous ones.
5. Life expectancy is related to the rhythm of breathing and heart contractions. Animals with a frequent heart and breathing rhythm do not live long: rabbits, in which it is more intense, live 6-7 years, and representatives of the same hare family, with a slower heart and breathing rhythm, live much longer - up to 10-15 years . In horses, the rhythm of heart contractions is half as often as in cattle, their life expectancy is 2 times longer.
The assumption about the relationship between the period of growth and life expectancy is plausible at first glance. However, the proportion proposed to substantiate this theory is far from being exact, since a number of facts are completely inconsistent with it. For example, a horse that reaches full development at 5-6 years old can sometimes live up to 50-60 years, that is, not 6-7, but 10-12 times more than the period of its growth and development. In other vertebrates, the ratio between growth period and life span fluctuates even more. For example, a domestic goose has a rather short period of growth and development, but lives for many years.
It is also impossible to find a direct relationship between the size of animals and their lifespan. If we take only mammals, then in a number of cases there really is a relationship between the size of animals and the duration of their life, which is confirmed by the above examples with a rabbit, dog, sheep, pig, cattle and horse. This is due to the fact that large animals need a longer period of time to build a large body mass under other early conditions. However, many exceptions are known among mammals, indicating that the size of animals is not always proportional to longevity. Adult rabbits and hares are the same in weight and size. It would seem that their life expectancy should be the same. In reality, a hare lives twice as long as a rabbit. Poultry has a relatively small size, but lives a long time. For example, geese significantly outlive many mammals and some much larger birds than themselves.
Different fecundity of animals also does not determine their longevity. Sheep and pigs live about the same time, while pigs give offspring many times more than sheep.
Various types of herbivores and carnivores have short and long life spans. In view of this, it is not possible to link the lifespan of entire species of animals with the type of their diet.
Attempts to link life expectancy with the structure and development of the respiratory and circulatory organs, as well as with the rhythm of breathing and heart contractions, are also insufficiently substantiated.
The most convincing theory is I.P. Pavlov, who believed that the lifespan of animals of various species developed in the process of their evolution. It is determined by the structure of the body, the degree of perfection of nervous correlations in the body, and the general biological and living conditions of animals.
Biological longevity determines the timing of the breeding and production use of animals of each species. Animal species with a relatively long lifespan, such as horses and cattle, are used for longer compared to sheep and pigs, which have a shorter lifespan.
In each species, only individual representatives survive to the limits of the species lifespan. Most animals of each species do not live to the end of their potential life (limiting age), i.e., their individual life cycle is rarely killed by physiological death. Almost all of them leave the economy before the possible period of biological longevity. This is explained by the fact that the period of use of animals of each species depends on their productive and breeding qualities. Animals are kept on the farm as long as they have these qualities at a high level. When productivity and breeding qualities are noticeably reduced, they are culled from the herd. A decrease in economic qualities with an increase in the age of animals also occurs as a result of their aging - a complex natural physiological process that completes the individual cycle of development of the organism. With age, the intensity of metabolism decreases in animals and the balance of metabolic processes is disturbed. As a result, the relationship of the organism with the environment is weakened, adaptability to it worsens, which leads to a weakening of vital functions and the extinction of the life process. This is the cause and essence of aging.
Recently, in connection with the development of the science of enzymes - enzymology - in the first place as a factor responsible for the aging process, they began to put forward a change in the properties of these biological catalysts that control all metabolic processes in the body.
Geneticists put forward two main groups of hypotheses of body aging. The hypotheses related to the first group proceed from the fact that in the genetic apparatus of the cell, in its chromosomes, there is a special "aging program". Just as the embryonic development of the embryo, growth and formation of the individual is controlled by the coordinated work of the genetic apparatus, aging is controlled by the corresponding part of the program of individual development. At a certain point in life, this program is activated and the aging process begins. According to the hypotheses of the second group, aging is not part of a genetically predetermined program, but its by-product. Organisms begin to grow old "after the exhaustion of their biological development program", i.e., after they have fulfilled their main biological purpose - the reproduction of a new generation. Consequently, aging is an "extra-program" process of destruction of a living system, which has become useless from the point of view of the evolution of the species.
In order to establish to what age animals retain economically useful qualities at a high level, it is necessary to understand the laws of individual development and age-related changes in the biological characteristics of the organism.
Based on the knowledge of these patterns, it is possible to determine the rational terms for the breeding and production use of animals, in which the greatest zootechnical and economic effect is obtained.
An in-depth knowledge of the patterns of age variability is necessary both for the long-term effective use of highly productive animals and for the improvement of existing breeds.

LIFE LIFE OF PETS AND NOT ONLY ANIMALS... Not a single mammal can compare in longevity with humans. And yet we make our four-legged friends, knowing that their age is short. Who lives for how long? When he grows up, does he get old? Records The longest life expectancy among domestic animals was recorded in a hamster in England - 19 years, a rabbit in Tasmania - 18 years 10 months, a guinea pig in England - 14 years 10 months, a domestic mouse - also in England - 7 years 7 months. The life expectancy of most dogs is 8-12 years, rarely one of them lives up to 15 years of age. Nature in relation to dogs, one might say, is stingy. But even among dogs there are centenarians. An Australian dog named Bluey lived 29 years and 5 months. For almost 20 years, she and her owner Les Holly herded cattle and sheep. There is a long-lived dog in the Nizhny Novgorod region. A husky lives in Vach, the authentic age of which is 21 years. To establish the right relationship between a person and an animal, knowledge of age correspondences sometimes comes to the rescue. So, according to the French magazine Le Dobermann, there are the following correspondences between the age of a dog and a person.

7 years old - 7 - 49 years old 8 years old - 7 - 56 years old 9 years old - 7 - 63 years old 10 years old - 6.5 - 65 years old 11 years old - 6.5 - 71 years old 12 years old - 6.3 - 75 years old 13 years old - 6.2 - 80 years old 14 years old - 6 - 84 years old 15 years old - 5.8 - 87 years old 16 years old - 5.6 - 89 years old. The American Household Guide for Cat Owners provides a table comparing the age of a cat and a human:

The longevity record for a cat is 28 years. How old was she in human terms? The oldest domestic animal, whose age has been accurately determined, was not a cat or a dog, but a cow named Modoc, who lived for 78 years. She was brought from Germany to the United States at the age of two in 1898. Cow Age Modoc graduated in California in 1975. Maybe, in order not to injure yourself, start a cow as a four-legged companion? The life expectancy of dogs of different breeds and some aspects of feeding, keeping and treating these elderly animals At present, the number of dog breeds exceeds 400 - from the tiny Chihuahua weighing up to 2 kg to the giant St. Bernard weighing 80 kg and more. Despite the fact that dogs of any breed are one biological species (Canis familiaris), the enormous differences in the anatomical structure of animals of different breeds affect the quality of life of pets and are paramount in determining its duration. The coefficient of the ratio of the age of dogs to the age of a person, according to various authors, ranges from 5-7 years of a person to 1 year of a dog's life. A dog as a companion, as a protector and a friend lives together with the owner one life for quite a long time. Paying proper attention to your dog's naturally deteriorating health will help prolong the bonding experience. Below is a table of the average life expectancy of dogs of different breeds.

From the above data, it can be seen that the larger the dog, the less it lives, and the small genetic material of new exotic breeds, along with a certain "fashion" for some breeds (for example, the Rottweiler 11 years ago), affects the number and severity of diseases of these animals and, therefore , on their lifespan. A feature of feeding dogs after 5 years of age is a diet that is correctly selected in terms of calorie content in the direction of reducing the latter. For dogs of large breeds (St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs), in order to prevent stomach expansion and intestinal volvulus, they reduce the amount of bulk feed (porridge, vegetables) and increase the number of feedings up to 3 per day with a uniform decrease in the volume of each serving. In order to prevent a number of stagnation in the large intestine, from the age of 5-7 years, 5-15 ml of vegetable oil is added to the feed daily. Bones are completely excluded from the diet. Vitamins and minerals should be given to dogs after 8 years of age regularly, and the complex of vitamins and minerals is close in composition to that for dogs up to 1 year old. Watering of animals is carried out in the usual way, however, prolonged strong thirst should be the reason for the owner of a middle-aged dog to contact a veterinarian in order to avoid possible diseases. Of course, the life expectancy of animals largely depends on the conditions of keeping and feeding animals. Typically, domestic animals have a longer lifespan than strays of the same species. Many animals in zoos live longer than their "free" relatives, due to the fact that specialists closely monitor their nutrition and the conditions of their maintenance. However, it also happens that animals in captivity live less than in nature. This happens with exotic animals, whose owners are often not aware of the rules for caring for them. The average life expectancy of cats is 10-15 years (in fact, with good care, cats easily live up to 20-22 years, so the figures of 10-15 years are objective only for cats with free range, not sterilized, not vaccinated). For various reasons, stray cats live much less: 3-5 years. There are also long-lived cats. So, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the longest known domestic cats, 34 years old, lived the spotted cat Ma from the UK and the cat Granpa Rex Alen from the USA. Unlike cats, the average lifespan of dogs varies greatly by breed. The smallest life expectancy in those breeds of dogs that are large, and the largest - in "small" breeds. The following data clearly confirms this: The average life expectancy of American Staffordshire Terriers is about 13 years; English Bulldogs - 8-10 years; English spaniels - 10-14 years; Dogo Argentino - 13-15 years; Basset - 9-11 years old; Boxers - 10-12 years; Bolonok - 18-20 years; Large poodles - 15-17 years; Doges of Bordeaux - 7-8 years; West Siberian Laikas - 10-14 years old; Yorkshire Terriers - 12-15 years old; Caucasian Shepherd Dogs - 9-11 years old; Pugs - 13-15 years; Great Danes - 7-8 years; German Shepherds - 10-14 years old; Rottweilers - 9-12 years; Dachshunds - 12–14 years old; Toy Terriers - 12-13 years old; Chi-hua-hua - 15–17 years old; Airedale Terriers - 10-13 years old. The life of rodents is usually not as long as that of cats and dogs. Mice live on average - 1-2 years, although some individuals reach 5-6 years; Rats live 2-3 years, there are long-lived rats whose age reaches 6 years or more, however, many rats die young. Hamsters live 1.5-3 years; Guinea pigs live 6-8 years; Chinchillas live 15 years; Chipmunks live 10 years or more; Rabbits live on average up to 12 years. The average life expectancy of horses is 20-25 years. The maximum reliably known life expectancy of a horse was 62 years. In ponies, this figure is less. The oldest pony was 54 years old. According to livestock breeders, the life expectancy of cows is about 20 years, some live up to 35, bulls live a little less: 15-20 years. The total life span of elephants is 60-70 years; The life expectancy of bears is 30-45 years; The life expectancy of foxes is on average 6-8 years, but in captivity they can live up to 20 years or longer; The life expectancy of beavers is usually 10-12 years, although in favorable zoo conditions they live up to 20 years; The life expectancy of macaques is from 15 to 20 years; however, in captivity they can live up to 30 years; The life expectancy of orangutans in nature is about 35-40 years, and in captivity they can live up to 60 years of age; Chimpanzees are about 50 years old. Of the vertebrates, turtles live the longest. Most of the information indicating that their life expectancy is slightly more than 50 years relates to individuals kept in captivity. Some species certainly live much longer. The age of the Carolina box turtle (Terrapene carolina), found in Rhode Island, almost certainly reached 130 years. The maximum period is considered to be about 150 years, but it is quite possible that the real life expectancy of individual individuals is much longer. The life span of red-eared turtles popular with animal lovers is 30 (40-45) years, European marsh turtles are the same, some of them even reached 80 years. The total life expectancy for small lizards does not exceed 3-4 years, while for the largest ones (iguanas, monitor lizards) it reaches 20 and even 50-70 years, but, again, this age is achieved only under decent conditions for keeping reptiles. At home, iguanas often do not live even a year. There is a fairly popular misconception that many parrots live for more than a hundred years. Actually it is not. Birds usually live several times longer in captivity than in the wild, but even in zoos, only a few species of parrots have an average lifespan approaching 40 years. Unlike dogs, parrots of larger body size also have a higher average life expectancy. Budgerigars and lovebirds live 12-14 years (maximum lifespan up to 20 years). Gray parrots: 14-16 years old (maximum 49). Macaws can live up to 40-45 years, the maximum documented age of the red macaw is 64 years. Their average life expectancy is 2 times lower than this figure. Record holders are cockatoo parrots, living for about 30-40 years. There is reliable information about the cockatoo 60-70 years of age. Crows also live long. The maximum lifespan in captivity for ravens is 75 years. Whereas in freedom, crows live an average of 10-15 years. The average life expectancy for passerine birds is 20 years, for owls 15 years, for diurnal birds of prey 21-24 years, for copepods 20 years, for ducks 21 years, for herons 19 years, for waders 10 years, for gulls 17 years, for ratites 15 years, pigeons 12 years, chicken 13 years. For domestic chickens, a maximum life expectancy of 30 years has been noted (of course, this is the exception rather than the rule). From the detachment of owls, eagle owls lived to 34, 53 and 68 years. For diurnal predators, the following data are known: the buffoon eagle lived 55 years, the condor 52 and more than 65 years, the golden eagle 46 years, and according to other, but not very reliable information, more than 80 years, griffon vulture more than 38 years. If you search the Internet, you can find the average lifespan of almost any type of animal, but even from the data given in this note, it can be seen that proper feeding and care significantly affect the lifespan of an animal in captivity, which means that pet owners need to pay special attention to the health of their pets !

The lifespan of animals is a strictly relative thing. It is important to understand that any animal reaches a certain age due to the conditions created for it. Therefore, the average value is only a starting point from which the owner must build on in order to determine the number of happy days that he will spend with his pet.

Leader in longevity among pets.

The duration of animal years is reduced to a single norm. Scientists have created a table that connected different animals and identified them in one group or another.

To determine what life expectancy your pet will have, you need to look at the number of average years and the maximum age. Your goal is to do everything so that the duration can increase to the maximum.

The lifespan of some individuals ranges from a few days to several years. It all depends on the different conditions, the size of the animal and its vital activity.


Mouse ordinary

domesticated rat

Maximum 6 years

decorative rats

Maximum 6 years

Djungarian hamsters

common rat

Not more than 6 years

land turtle

domesticated turtle

Red-eared turtles

half a century

Cats (general data)

34 years old (pet named Ma)

Castrated cats

domestic persian cat

domestic siamese cat

Guinea pig

decorative rabbit

Maximum - 15 years

cow and bull

About a quarter of a century

Horse and horses

Life span of dogs

Elderly dog.

The lifespan of dogs depends on different types of breeds.


English bulldog

bull terrier



German Shepherd



It is noticed that among the dogs centenarians were not established. All this suggests that these animals quickly expend their energy, and are also more prone to danger.

The life span of birds

Among birds, owls occupy the first place in terms of the number of years lived.


Duration - total number of years (under normal conditions)

Maximum number - under ideal conditions and a good climate

about 7-10

10 – 15 years



cockatiel parrot

parrot lovebird

Some species of medium parrots

Crane gray

Life in the wild

Lifespan of a category of animals in the wild.

The wild environment is inferior to the domestic environment in terms of favorableness and safety, therefore, they live less here.


Lifespan - total number of years (under normal conditions)

Maximum number - under ideal conditions and a good climate

Up to half a century

Crocodiles and alligators

live up to 20 years in captivity


On average, half a century

Life span of a number of insects


Duration - total number of years (under normal conditions)

Maximum number - under ideal conditions and a good climate

Maximum - 9 months

Spiders (tarantula)

Bred individual - 12

The lifespan of fish


Lifespan - total number of years (under normal conditions)

Maximum number - under ideal conditions and a good climate

About a century

About a century


As you can see, with all the diversity of animals, the difference in life span is very large. In connection with the deterioration of the climate, the set bar began to subside. This suggests that each individual has its own characteristics, which must be carefully monitored and try to avoid health problems.

The kid has grown up and you can show him by a living example what caring for your neighbor means. If the child is not allergic to animal dander, you can get a pet at home. By caring for a smaller, dependent being, the baby will soon develop a sense of responsibility and empathy.

Such a phenomenon as empathy, one of the features that distinguish a person from an animal, also develops in a little man when communicating with animals.

Lifespan of some pets


Decorative rats and hamsters.

These small rodents live very little - from 2.5 to 3 years.

Guinea pig

The life expectancy of a guinea pig is 5-8 years.

There were cases of longevity, when the animal lived to a very advanced age of 15 years.

decorative rabbits will please 5-7 years. The positive life of a rabbit will depend on its breed.

Lop-eared rabbits can live for about 7 years, while erect-eared rabbits can live for about 5-6 years.

Chinchilla lives on average 15-16 years.

These animals can live up to 20 years under especially favorable conditions and successful heredity.



The average life expectancy is 10 years, the maximum is 25 years.

Lovebirds, Jaco, Macaw

The average life expectancy is about 20 years. Jaco and Ara can live up to 40-50 years.


Can live up to 70 years.


On average, dogs live from 10 to 16 years. How long your dog will live depends on his lifestyle, genetics and breed.


The average life expectancy of a cat is 10-15 years.

History knows a long-lived cat who lived for 36 years - a cat named Pussy is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest cat on earth.

Dogs and cats are the most popular pets. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to these creatures, starting a conversation about what is the life expectancy of different animals.

So what's the deal with dogs? Each breed here has a different life span. For example, dogs such as bulldogs and Irish wolfhounds live to an average of only 6-7 years. Things are different with terriers, dachshunds, poodles. Their life expectancy is about 14 years. It is worth noting that you do not need to take the average for the maximum possible age. As practice shows, with proper care and maintenance of the health of a pet, some four-legged friends of a person can live up to 20 years or more.

Presenting information about the life expectancy of different animals, it is worth saying a few words about cats. For these pets, one of the determining factors that affects longevity is the way of existence. We are talking about whether the cat is left to itself on the street or is under the care of the owner at home. Outdoors, these animals die already at the age of 4-5 years. This is often caused by injuries received in the struggle for survival, a lack of quality feed, as well as all sorts of diseases. In turn, domestic cats, which are surrounded by the care of the owner, live much longer - from 12 to 18 years.

bowhead whales

According to biologists, these huge creatures belong to the category of real centenarians among mammals. At one time, observations were made of the bowhead whale, known by the nickname Bada, who died at the age of about 245 years. This case is an exception. Since the majority of representatives of the species live up to a maximum of 60 years.

However, scientists have repeatedly recorded other similar cases. The researchers observed several more bowhead whales, whose age was approaching the record figure and ranged from 91 to 172 years. From the bodies of these animals, harpoon tips dating back at least a century were removed.

Land turtles

Let's continue our conversation about the lifespan of different animal species. Turtles have the glory of real champions here. As the results of the study of this issue show, on average, these creatures die at the age of about 150 years. Naturally, much here also depends on the conditions of existence.

The oldest turtle known to biologists is an animal named Advaita. The latter was kept by the English military Robert Clive as a pet. After the death of the owner, the turtle ended up in the Calcutta Zoo. Surprisingly, Advaita managed to live here for another 130 years. The cause of death of the animal was the formation of cracks in the shell. After the turtle's death, scientists decided to establish its real age. To do this, the researchers used the method of radiocarbon analysis of tissues. The results of the test showed that at the time of death, the age of the Advaite tortoise was a record 250 years, with possible minor deviations in performance.

oceanic venus

This marine shellfish leads a sedentary life, receiving all the nutrients and oxygen necessary for existence through water filtration. In order not to be a victim of predators, such animals sink deep into the sand and remain there for a long time without the need for food. According to researchers, the Oceanic venus is able to live up to the unthinkable 400-500 years.

Antarctic sponge

Let's continue the conversation about the life expectancy of different animal species. The plant is exactly what an Antarctic sponge might seem like at first glance. However, it is not. Sponges are animals, but practically motionless. Some of them move a few millimeters during the day. Such creatures are characterized by extremely measured growth, to which they owe their longevity.

At the moment, biologists have registered about 50,000 varieties of sponges. The bulk of creatures in this category live only a few decades. However, the Antarctic sponge is an exception to the "rule". Scientists were able to find samples that were more than one and a half thousand years old.


The average life expectancy of different animals is not so great. As far as creatures like jellyfish are concerned, they don't "care" about aging at all. Recent observations of these animals shed light on fantastic abilities. So, jellyfish, which belong to the species Turritopsis nutricula, are one of the smallest creatures on the planet, the size of which reaches only about 4 millimeters. They are unique because they have the ability to return to the "infant" age. Such jellyfish develop like any other representative of the fauna. However, upon reaching maturity, they can go back to the polyp stage, after which the maturation process restarts. As the data of special studies show, jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula potentially have immortality.

Lifespan of different animals: table

How long can individual representatives of the fauna exist? I would like to bring to your attention a table in which the average and maximum life expectancy of different animals is noted:


Average (years)

Limit (years)

Small rodents (mice, rats, hamsters)




So we looked at the life expectancy of different animals. As you can see, among the representatives of the fauna there are both real centenarians, and creatures that nature has not allotted so much time. Despite the calculations of scientists regarding the average and maximum life expectancy of certain species, exceptional cases are quite often noted.

Lifespan of different animals: features and interesting facts on the site.

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