Alkaline mineral water names. Acidic mineral water: names list

Alkaline mineral waters are a medicinal product - they are recommended for a number of diseases, mainly the stomach and digestive tract. According to the generally accepted classification, alkaline mineral water is hydrocarbonate water from natural sources, which are characterized by a constant mineral composition.

The main defining feature in this case is pH level, which should be above 7. Also, this water is characterized by a predominance of ions of hydrocarbonate salts and sodium, which provides a beneficial effect on the body. Unfortunately, today our store shelves are replete with counterfeits and low-quality products. Very often, under the guise of alkaline mineral water, the buyer is offered a surrogate that not only does not meet the stated standards, but can even cause significant harm to health. Therefore, if you have been prescribed such a remedy, you must approach the issue of choice extremely responsibly, carefully studying the list of names of alkaline mineral waters that are produced in Russia and also supplied to our country from neighboring countries.

Russian manufacturers

The main Russian brand is Essentuki. It combines several varieties of mineral water, but Only two numbers are alkaline. Essentuki No. 4 It is considered a medicinal table mineral water and has a complex effect on the entire body. But option number 17 is characterized by increased mineralization, so consuming it in large quantities is not recommended, and this will not work due to its specific taste.

Many sources of alkaline mineral waters are concentrated in the Stavropol Territory. Such well-known brands as " Slavyanovskaya" And " Smirnovskaya" Among Russian brands of alkaline mineral water, “ Martin", mined and bottled in the Primorsky Territory.

Georgian mineral waters

The list of names of alkaline mineral waters of the Caucasus is headed by Borjomi. This name was familiar to every resident of the Soviet Union. Moreover, products with such a label were exported and were in great demand in Europe. Today, there are several factories producing Borjomi in Georgia, most of which are supplied to Russia.

The share of hydrocarbonate salts in Borjomi reaches 90%, the remaining 10% comes from substances such as bromine, fluorine, sodium, magnesium and calcium. The close to optimal mineral composition of water and the salt concentration of 6 g/l made Borjomi an indispensable remedy for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system.

Also, two more types of alkaline mineral water are produced in Georgia - “” and “”. They were named after the place of extraction and, although in terms of mineral composition and healing properties, these brands are inferior to Borjomi, their regular use can also bring great benefits to the body.

Speaking about Caucasian mineral waters, one cannot fail to mention large deposit located on the territory of Armenia – Dilijan. The name of this small town was once immortalized by the hero of the film “Mimino”, who said that the water that flows from a simple tap in Dilijan ranks second in quality in the world. Rubik, of course, got excited about such a high position, but Dilijan brand water has unique properties, that’s a fact.

Ukrainian alkaline mineral waters

The first in the list of names of alkaline mineral waters extracted on the territory of Ukraine is a brand no less famous than Borjomi. In any case, among experts and fans, water " Luzhanskaya" is rated quite highly. Its deposit is located in Transcarpathia, the characteristic features of “Luzhanska” are low mineralization with a high concentration of salts - over 7.5 g of bicarbonates per liter of water.

Saturation with hydrocarbonates, depending on the specific source, can reach from 96 to 100%, therefore Luzhanskaya" is often used as a mild antacid, that is, a natural means of neutralizing high acidity - it helps well with regular heaviness in the stomach, bloating, and heartburn. It should be noted Almost instant effect when drinking this water.

Water " Polyana Kvasova"Also almost 100% consists of hydrocarbonate salts, but at the same time, compared to Luzhanskaya, it is characterized by a higher degree of mineralization. It helps well with complex diseases such as diabetes and obesity. You can take it both before and after meals - with different effects observed.

The products of Ukrainian manufacturers are good because they contain water of medium mineralization - “ Svalyava" It is characterized by a high concentration of boron, which provides a healing effect on the liver, kidneys and bile ducts.

The list of names of alkaline mineral waters given here is, of course, not complete - it can be supplemented by another two dozen names. We have tried to list only the most famous brands with an impeccable reputation and the most remarkable healing properties.

Manufacturers- Russia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia


Medicinal mineral water is intended for use for medicinal purposes (used as prescribed by a doctor). This class includes water with a mineralization of more than 10 g/l or with less mineralization - if it contains a certain concentration of biologically active components.

For therapeutic use, it is necessary to follow certain rules, which are based on scientific research data and extensive practical experience. They consist in determining: the type of water for each specific disease; its quantity is one dose / per day, in the duration of the course of treatment; in the way of drinking (quickly, in large sips, slowly, in small sips); drinking time in relation to eating time.

Bottled water allows treatment to be carried out in non-resort conditions - in hospitals, sanatoriums and other healthcare institutions, and at home.

ZAYECHICKA GORKA medicinal mineral still water 1 l / Czech Republic
The composition is one of the rarest mineral waters in the world. It is obtained from springs near the town of Zaječice u Bečová in Northern Bohemia. Refers to mineral waters of the magnesium sulfate type, high mineralization (33.0-34.0 g/dm3). The water lies in marl rocks of extremely low permeability. This ensures the exceptional purity of this mineral water and the constancy of its cation-anion composition. The mineral composition and bitter taste determine the use of this mineral water as a medicinal one.
The magnesium content exceeds all known mineral waters in the world. Magnesium is one of the main macroelements; its content in the body is extremely important for human health. It affects both the functioning of the intestines and biliary system, as well as the speed of nervous processes and the level of immune tension. A high degree of saturation with magnesium ions promotes effective and deep cleansing of the body from waste and toxins. In addition to magnesium, water contains many other macro- and microelements, including iodine, which is deficient in our area, as well as calcium, zinc, fluorine, etc. Water acts as a mild natural laxative and an excellent choleretic agent. Suitable for long-term use for constipation, biliary tract diseases, atherosclerosis, obesity, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and acid-dependent diseases (gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer and chronic gastroduodenitis) due to its pronounced acid-neutralizing effect.
The bitter taste of water can be completely eliminated by mixing it with Bilinska Kiselka mineral water (in a ratio of 1/1). At the same time, the effectiveness of both mineral waters not only does not decrease, but also increases slightly.
The main contraindications for use are circulatory decompensation, chronic renal failure, and diabetic acidosis. Not recommended for drinking without consulting a doctor.

DONAT MAGNESIUM (Donat Mg) medicinal mineral water (carbonated) 0.5 l, 1 l / Slovenia
Natural magnesium-sodium-hydrocarbonate-sulfate mineral water of high mineralization (13.0–13.3 g/l). It is obtained from the Donat spring in Rogaska Slatina (Slovenia). Contains a large range of minerals and especially magnesium, which is necessary for cell repair and the prevention of heart disease. Magnesium ensures the oxidation of fatty acids in the body, reduces the level of cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid in the blood. A person needs 350 - 400 mg of magnesium per day; it is easiest to obtain it from water, in which magnesium is already in ionized form.
When taken as a course, water softens the course of diseases of the digestive organs and intestines, promotes gentle cleansing of the body and weight loss, stabilizes the condition of metabolic disorders (diabetes, excess cholesterol in the blood), prevents the formation of stones in the bladder, and also effectively strengthens the nervous system, heart muscle and immunity, increases stress resistance and prevents atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. It has antispasmodic, choleretic and other effects. Not recommended for drinking without consulting a doctor.

NAFTUSYA medicinal mineral water 0.5 l / Russia
Medicinal, low-mineralized, hydrocarbonate, magnesium-calcium water of the Truskavets field, with a high content of organic substances of petroleum origin, which gives it a specific taste and a characteristic light smell of oil (these characteristics are reflected by the name). Contains iron, copper, lead, manganese, lithium, iodine, bromine and other trace elements.
Medicinal water has a diuretic, choleretic, analgesic effect, relieves inflammatory processes (in the kidneys, urinary and biliary tract, liver, intestines), removes toxins from the body and radionuclides. Indispensable as a preventive natural remedy for urolithiasis and other diseases. Stimulates the cleansing of the kidneys, the release of small stones and sand from them, and reduces the risk of recurrence of stone formation. Normalizes metabolism, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, endocrine glands, restores and protects liver cells. Helps restore immunity, thanks to its immunomodulatory effect, prevents cancer. Not recommended for drinking without consulting a doctor.

ESSENTUKI No. 17 medicinal mineral water (carbonated) / Russia
It has no analogues in taste and healing effects. Medicinal chloride-bicarbonate sodium, boron natural drinking mineral water of high mineralization (10.0–14.0 g/l). It is extracted from the Essentuki deposit in the Stavropol Territory. The source is located on the territory of the specially protected ecological resort region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. It is extracted and sold from different manufacturers. In terms of organoleptic properties, the source water is a transparent, colorless, odorless liquid with a saline-alkaline taste. Natural sediment of mineral salts is allowed.
Many years of experience in use testify to its valuable therapeutic effect in the treatment of diseases of the digestive and urinary organs, metabolic disorders and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It has a complex effect on various functional systems of the body, which makes it possible to use it for various digestive diseases, diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
Indications for use: chronic gastritis with normal and reduced secretory function of the stomach, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic colitis, enterocolitis; diseases of the liver and biliary tract: hepatitis, cholecystitis, antiocholitis, chronic pancreatitis; metabolic diseases: diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout, uric acid diathesis, oscaluria, phosphaturia, chronic diseases. Not recommended for drinking without consulting a doctor.


The degree of mineralization of medicinal table waters ranges from 1 to 10 g/l. Medicinal table waters can be used periodically as drinks, but this only applies to healthy people. Mineral waters of this class are not recommended as daily drinking for a long time. Treatment is not carried out in case of exacerbation of diseases; there are other contraindications. For therapeutic or long-term use, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

ESSENTUKI No. 4 medicinal table mineral water / Russia
Chloride-bicarbonate sodium, boron (salt-alkaline) natural drinking mineral water of medium mineralization (7.0–10.0 g/l). It is extracted from the Essentuki deposit in the Stavropol Territory. It is extracted and sold from different manufacturers.
It has a normalizing effect in case of any impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract. Improves the acid-forming function of the stomach, motor activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract, improves the metabolic process in the body, the functions of the liver, pancreas, biliary and urinary tract.
Indications for use: chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic colitis, enterocolitis; diseases of the liver and biliary tract: hepatitis, cholecystitis, antiocholitis, chronic pancreatitis; metabolic diseases: diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout, uric acid diathesis, oscaluria, phosphaturia, chronic urinary tract diseases.

BILINSKA KYSELKA medicinal table mineral water (still), 1l / Czech Republic
Natural hydrocarbonate-sodium mineral weakly acidic water of medium mineralization with a high content of silicic acid. It is extracted from springs in the mountains of Northern Bohemia near the town of Bilina from a depth of 191 m. It has been popular in Europe and beyond for more than three centuries.
Unique in its composition: predominantly sodium bicarbonate water, rich in rare minerals. Its advantage is the harmonious combination of a powerful healing effect with a pleasant taste, which allows it to be used both as medicinal and as table water. The absence of artificial carbonation during bottling makes it possible to use it for conditions such as pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis. It is effective in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, gout, obesity and other metabolic disorders. When regularly taken as table mineral water in the amount of 1 - 1.5 liters per day, it can satisfy the body's daily need for calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium.

NARZAN medicinal table sparkling mineral water, 0.5 l, 1 l / Russia
natural mineral sulfate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium water of low mineralization (2.0–3.0 g/l). Source - Kislovodskoye field, Stavropol Territory (bottled since 1894). It has natural carbonation (a mixture of carbon dioxide and inert gases). It is considered the standard mineral water. Contains 20 minerals and trace elements, which is very rare given the relatively low total mineralization. 1 liter contains: calcium - 35% of the daily value, magnesium - 30% of the daily value, sodium and potassium - 10% of the daily value of an adult.
Indicated for the treatment of the following diseases (outside the acute phase): gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis, chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity, stomach and/or duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal dyskinesia, diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract, chronic pancreatitis , rehabilitation after surgery for gastric ulcers, postcholecystectomy syndrome, diabetes mellitus, obesity, salt and lipid metabolism disorders, chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, chronic cystitis, chronic urethritis.

NAGUTSKAYA-26 medicinal table mineral water (carbonated) 0.5 l / Russia
Natural sodium bicarbonate drinking mineral water of medium mineralization, weakly carbonated, soda, with a high content of silicic acid. Source - Nagutskoye deposit of Caucasian Mineral Waters, Stavropol Territory. According to its natural properties, it belongs to the waters of the Borjomi type (close in composition and effect to the water “Nagutskaya-56”, “Borjomi”). This unique natural mineral water has received worldwide recognition for its taste.
Indicated for the treatment of the following diseases (outside the acute phase): gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis, chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity, stomach and/or duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal dyskinesia, diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract, chronic pancreatitis, rehabilitation after surgery for gastric ulcers, postcholecystectomy syndrome, diabetes mellitus, obesity, salt and lipid metabolism disorders, chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, chronic cystitis, chronic urethritis.

NOVOTERSKAYA Healing medicinal table mineral water (carbonated) 0.5 l, 1.5 l / Russia
Natural drinking mineral water is hydrocarbonate-sulfate, calcium-sodium, siliceous, low-mineralized (mineralization 4.0–5.3 g/l). The springs are located on the territory of the specially protected ecological resort region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters (Novotersky village, Stavropol Territory). For its excellent taste characteristics, it was awarded the highest awards at prestigious international and Russian exhibitions.
The therapeutic and prophylactic properties of water are unique: it helps to avoid diseases of the stomach, pancreas, kidneys, liver, bile and urinary tract; strengthens musculoskeletal tissue and the nervous system of a person, especially those associated with harmful working conditions. It is recommended as a preventive measure to increase resistance in people working in hazardous working conditions and living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions. Not indicated for patients with low stomach acidity. Indicated for the treatment of the following diseases (outside the acute phase): gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis, chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity, stomach and/or duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal dyskinesia, diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract, chronic pancreatitis, rehabilitation after surgery for gastric ulcers, postcholecystectomy syndrome, diabetes mellitus, obesity, salt and lipid metabolism disorders, chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, chronic cystitis, chronic urethritis.

SLAVYANOVSKAYA medicinal table mineral water (carbonated).5 l, 1.5 l / Russia
Natural drinking mineral water, sulfate-hydrocarbonate, calcium-sodium, low mineralization, carbonic acid. It is extracted from the Slavyanovsky spring in the resort of Zheleznovodsk, on the Caucasian Mineral Waters. According to the composition and effect of the water type “Zheleznovodskaya” (including “Smirnovskaya”).
It is used for drinking treatment for diseases of the stomach, urinary organs, metabolic disorders, and also as a table drink. Allowed for people on a diet. Increases the body's resistance to various unfavorable factors (alcohol, smoking, stress, poor environmental or meteorological conditions, etc.). Indicated for the treatment of the following diseases (outside the acute phase): gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis, chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity, stomach and/or duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal dyskinesia, diseases of the liver, gall bladder and biliary tract, chronic pancreatitis, rehabilitation after surgery for gastric ulcers, postcholecystectomy syndrome, diabetes mellitus, obesity, salt and lipid metabolism disorders, chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, chronic cystitis, chronic urethritis. Not indicated for patients with low stomach acidity.

SULINKA medicinal table mineral water (carbonated) 0.5 l, 1.25 l / Slovakia
Natural drinking mineral water, hydrocarbonate-sulfate, magnesium-sodium, medium mineralized. It is extracted from a deposit of carbonated mineral waters in the Stara Lubovna region in northern Slovakia, at a depth of more than 1000 meters. Known since the beginning of the 19th century, it was supplied to the royal tables of the Habsburg Monarchy in Vienna and Budapest (Austria-Hungary). It has excellent taste. Contains 13 out of 15 vital micro and macroelements; will help replenish daily reserves of calcium, magnesium, potassium, lithium, selenium, iodine and other essential elements. Drinking water 15-20 minutes before meals activates metabolic processes in the body and prepares digestive enzymes for food intake, which will ultimately help you lose weight, all nutrients will be properly absorbed and there will be no fat deposits or intestinal contamination, etc.
Can be used as a table drink (not systematically). It can be recommended during a course of use for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases: chronic gastritis with normal and high acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers that occur without complications, chronic colitis and enterocolitis, chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, chronic pancreatitis, chronic urinary tract diseases , metabolic diseases: diabetes mellitus, uric acid diathesis, obesity, phosphaturia, oxaluria. It is considered the best mineral water for women due to the content of a set of minerals most necessary for the female body: 300 mg/l Ca (calcium), 300 mg/l Mg (magnesium), 2.5 mg/l Li (lithium), 5000 mg /l HCO3 (bicarbonate), as well as iron (Fe), iodine (J), manganese (Mn), fluorine (F), bromine (Br), silicon (Si).

SULINKA Silicon (SULINKA) medicinal table mineral water (carbonated), 0.5 l, 1.25 l / Slovakia
Natural mineral drinking water is extracted from wells over 500 m deep in the vicinity of Stara Lubovna (Slovakia). The degree of mineralization is 4500–7500 mg/liter. In 1 l. water contains the daily norm of silicon (important for the elasticity of blood vessels, bones, tendons, skin, hair shine, strong nails, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, arthrosis, and susceptibility to injury). Contains 13 of 15 vital minerals. Normalizes the mineral balance in the body, as well as the absorption of vitamins. It has bactericidal properties - promotes faster healing of burns and wounds. Helps normalize blood cholesterol and sugar levels. It has a positive effect on the process of restoration of bone tissue, tendons and cartilage, and also increases the growth of hair and nails. Cleanses and rejuvenates the skin, promotes the elasticity of blood vessels. Maintains hormonal balance and has a positive effect on prostate function. Cleanses the body of harmful impurities. Recommended for pregnant and lactating women and children under 11 years of age.
It is used for preventive purposes: general cleansing of the body, diseases of the digestive tract, chronic gastritis, liver diseases, chronic pancreatitis and hepatitis, diseases of the biliary and urinary tract, prevention of metabolic diseases.

STELMAS MG-SO4 (STELMAS Mg and SO4) medicinal table mineral water (carbonated), 1 l, 1.5 l / Russia
Natural sulfate calcium-magnesium-sodium mineral water of medium mineralization (4,500 – 6,500 mg/l). It is mined in the Stavropol Territory in the North Caucasus from a depth of 250 meters. Contains a large amount of sulfates (SO4), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca). Sulfate-containing waters (SO4 > 2500 mg/l) improve the physicochemical properties of bile, cholesterol and protein metabolism, promote a gradual contraction of the gallbladder, reduce bile stagnation, and improve its outflow from the bile ducts and bladder. Can be used as drinking water to cleanse the body and lose weight (has a pronounced laxative effect when taken once before meals). The Magnesium (Mg) content helps calm the nervous system and improve the metabolic process in the body, treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Indications for use: Cleansing the body, chronic gastritis with normal, increased and decreased secretory function of the stomach; chronic diseases of the liver, bile and urinary tract; chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis.

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As a preventive method and in relieving an acute attack of gout, some mineralized drinks can be used. It should be remembered that the mineral water used must have an alkaline pH level.

Names of mineral waters for gout that meet the necessary characteristics:

  1. Lipetskaya.
  2. Essentuki No. 4.
  3. Smirnovskaya.
  4. Jermuk.
  5. Essentuki No. 17.
  6. Baby rabbit.
  7. Borjomi.
  8. Dilijan.
  9. Lysogorskaya.
  10. Slavyanovskaya.
  11. Donat Mg.
  12. Novoterskaya healing.
  13. Narzan.

The main goal of this therapy is to remove excess uric acid and prevent the formation of urate crystals in the joints.

Sulfate and sulfide waters, which undoubtedly include such well-known brands as Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, have diuretic and choleretic properties, reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood, eliminating hyperuricemia, and also reduce inflammation.

When drinking such water, uric acid becomes alkalized, which makes it easier to eliminate, and the metabolism of protein compounds is also stimulated. But you should remember one main rule. The phrase “the more the better” in no way applies to the intake of specialized mineralized water.

Essentuki No. 4 and Essentuki No. 17 - low-mineral medicinal table water. Its use for gout is permissible only with the permission of a specialist.

Borjomi is a natural mineral hydrocarbonate-sodium water, with natural mineralization. This water helps dissolve urate and uric acid stones no larger than 7 mm in size. Borjomi mineral water is consumed half an hour before meals in an amount of 150 ml.

Slavyanovskaya is water with sulfate-hydrocarbonate and calcium-sodium characteristics. Its use shows high effectiveness in preventing gout or stopping its attacks. Mineral water effectively breaks down urate salts, activates the process of removing their breakdown products, and eliminates inflammation.

The regimen for taking Slavyanskaya mineral water is four times a day in the amount of 4 - 5 ml per kilogram of weight. Healing water should have a temperature of 20 - 30 degrees. The duration of treatment is four to five weeks.

Magnesium waters, which include mineralized liquid Donat Mg (Donat Mg), activate nucleic acid metabolism and reduce the amount of uric acid substances in the blood. In most cases, it is prescribed to patients with nephrolithiasis, that is, in the presence of sand and kidney stones. But it is no less effective for gout.

The calcium ions present in the liquid help dissolve uric acid, which promotes its more active removal from the body. This element has membrane-protective characteristics that make it possible to activate cell function and reduce the level of tissue inflammation.

The element silicon, invariably present to a greater or lesser extent in all of the above waters, helps stabilize cell membranes, enhances urination, simultaneously decomposing uric and oxalic acids, preventing the formation of crystalline forms of urates.

Fluoride ions effectively stop the process of synthesis of uric acid substances, which include uric acid.

Alkaline mineral waters for gout

Drinking alkaline mineral water for gout helps to easily utilize excess uric acid substances, removing them with urine from the diseased body. Used for high acidity of gastric juice. This water perfectly alkalizes urine.

With regular but dosed intake of alkaline mineral water (low mineralization), metabolic processes are normalized and toxins are removed from the body.

After consultation with a specialist, it can be used to prevent gout.

Alkaline mineral water for gout should be taken with the consent of the attending physician and according to the regimen prescribed by him. In most cases, the dose per dose is calculated based on the patient’s body weight. This formula is simple: 4 ml for every kilogram of the patient's weight.

But this is an average formula, since each organism is individual and this starting dosage can be adjusted during the treatment process. The composition of a particular water also differs individually, which also makes adjustments to the dosage taken. On average, the permitted daily volumes of such water range from half a liter to a liter. At the same time, doctors recommend drinking it warm.

Alkaline mineral waters for gout can also be used as mineral baths, compresses and applications.

Mineral water for gout and urolithiasis

Disruption of metabolic processes especially affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal and urinary systems of the body. Excessive accumulation of uric acid substances and their deposition in the joint elements force these systems to work to the limit.

At the same time, such a patient has a disturbance in the outflow of urine; urate salts and oxalates do not leave the body with it, which under certain conditions begin to crystallize. When they accumulate in the joints, an inflammatory process develops, leading to gout. Some of the crystal-like neoplasms accumulate in the kidneys, forming stones in it, which leads to the development and progression of urolithiasis.

Mineral water for gout and urolithiasis is one of the components of almost any protocol for the treatment of these diseases. Properly selected mineralized water can help a sick body transfer the disease into remission.

Positive sides:

  1. Prevention of the formation of stones of any chemical composition.
  2. Activation of the production of special colloids that help improve the solubility of uric acid salts.
  3. Improving their removal from the body.

Mineral water intake is carried out under constant monitoring by the attending physician, since an independent change in dosage can lead, on the contrary, to an increase in the content and deposition of a number of salts in the body, which can also provoke the formation of stones.

If there is a relatively large stone in the patient’s body, then when trying to remove it from the body, there is a high probability of blockage of the urinary tract, which is a direct indication for immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.

Therefore, before taking such water, it is necessary to undergo a full examination of the body using instrumental diagnostic tools (ultrasound examination of the area of ​​interest to us, radiography, and so on).

In this case, the type of stone formations must be determined. Mineral water with alkaline characteristics is prescribed only for stone urate, a result of a malfunction in purine metabolism. Magnesium waters show especially good results in this case. Such, for example, as Donat Mg.

Mineral water recommended for gout should not only be alkaline, but also hydrocarbonate-sulfate, with a high content of magnesium ions. This combination of elements normalizes metabolism, in which protein metabolism occupies a special place. Thanks to its special properties, it manages to break down uric acids, which are present in excess in the body of a gout patient, thereby reducing the likelihood of the formation of urate stone tumors. We should not forget the fact that this drink has anti-inflammatory and alkalizing characteristics.

Let's take a closer look at the example of one of them. Donat Mg mineral water is an alkaline drink and is characterized by a high content of chemical elements such as magnesium and silicon.

The duration of the treatment or prophylactic course is generally from four to six weeks. On average, the Donat Mg mineral water intake schedule looks like this:

  1. The “medicine” is taken daily, a glass 30–40 minutes before meals.
  2. Before drinking, the water should be slightly warmed and drunk warm.
  3. The first dose is required on an empty stomach before breakfast. In this case, the volume drunk is usually larger (200 - 300 ml) than before lunch (100 - 150 ml). Before dinner - standard 200 - 250 ml.

Mineralized water must be stored at room temperature, in a tightly sealed container. Its storage location should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

In addition to the already mentioned mineral waters, recently doctors are increasingly paying attention to mineralized drinks infused with a mineral such as shungite. Shungite is a natural mineral rich in silicon, manganese, magnesium oxide, potassium salts, aluminum, manganese and many other chemical elements and compounds so necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

This product has unique properties:

  • Inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic flora.
  • Improves metabolism and metabolic processes in the human body.
  • Adsorbs toxins and other substances harmful to humans.
  • Improves their removal from the patient's body.

Indications for taking shungite water include gout and urolithiasis, as well as a fairly extensive list of other diseases.

Alkaline, sulfate-bicarbonate, bicarbonate-sodium and calcium-sodium mineral water for gout is one of the elements of any treatment protocol for the disease in question. But which of the listed drinks is more suitable for a given clinical picture, only a qualified specialist can decide.

One of the main tasks in the treatment of gout is the removal of excess uric acid from the body. For this purpose, many special drugs have been developed, the action of which is aimed either at removing acid, or at suppressing its production, or at destroying it. Alkaline mineral water is an effective assistant in the treatment of gouty arthritis.

Why are alkaline mineral waters so beneficial for gout? The reason is that they help eliminate excess uric acid, reduce the acidity of the internal environment of the body, normalizing the pH balance, alkalizing the urine. Drinking alkaline water helps stimulate the metabolism of protein compounds and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and waste.

Low mineralization alkaline water is used to treat gout. Usually, the greatest effectiveness can be achieved by taking alkaline waters during periods of remission, that is, in the intervals between attacks.

The most dangerous “actors” are uric and oxalic acid. The first forms urate salts, which are mainly deposited in the joints, the second - oxalates, which can also accumulate in the tissues of the joints, and together with urates take part in the formation of kidney stones. Alkaline mineral waters help dissolve these two acids in the urine and eliminate their excess by excreting them from the body.

Types of mineral waters for the treatment of gout

For the treatment and prevention of gout, the following brands of mineral water can be used:

  • Essentuki No. 4;
  • Novoterskaya healing;
  • Donat Mg;
  • Narzan;
  • Lipetskaya;
  • Lysogorskaya;
  • Borjomi;
  • Smirnovskaya;
  • Jermuk;
  • Slavyanovskaya;
  • Dilijan.

The predominance of certain ions in mineral water has a certain effect on the body, so let’s look at the types of alkaline mineral waters indicated for gout.

Hydrocarbonate water dissolves urate salts, promoting their elimination, helps reduce the intensity of inflammation and dissolve mucus accumulations in the urinary tract.

Magnesium waters, for example, Donat Mg, are most often prescribed to patients with nephrolithiasis (formation of kidney stones), and this is almost a quarter of all patients with gout. Magnesium is able to bind half of the oxalic acid in urine and also has a slight antispasmodic effect.

Sulfate and sulfide waters increase diuresis, reduce inflammation, have a choleretic effect, reduce hyperuricemia (i.e., reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood).

Calcium, present in mineral water, promotes the dissolution of uric acid in urine, and due to its compacting effect on cell membranes, it reduces inflammation and has a membrane-protective effect.

Silicon ions also help protect the cell wall, increase diuresis, and help neutralize oxalic acid, which forms the oxalate shell of stones, inside of which there are urate crystals. Fluoride ions inhibit the reaction of uric acid synthesis.

Mineral water intake plan

The effectiveness of hydrotherapy for gout directly depends on compliance with the consumption regimen, on the temperature of the water and on the correctness of its choice. Before taking water, it must be heated to a temperature of 36°C to 42°C in a water bath.

Drink alkaline water for gout according to the following scheme: three times a day, half an hour or an hour before meals. The amount of water per dose is determined at the rate of 4 ml per kilogram of a person’s weight. For example, if a patient weighs 80 kg, then before breakfast, lunch and dinner he should drink 4 × 80 = 320 ml. This is the average value of the amount of alkaline water for calculation per reception, since for each specific type of mineral water this indicator is determined by the attending physician or specialist in the sanatorium where the treatment is carried out.

Shungite water against gout

Many specialists and traditional healers recommend drinking water infused with shungite for gout. Shungite is a mineral that was discovered in the Republic of Karelia near the village of Shunga. It contains a large number of natural mineral compounds, including oxides of magnesium, silicon, aluminum, potassium, manganese and many others.

This mineral, unique in composition, has many beneficial properties for the body:

  • destroys bacteria;
  • purifies water;
  • improves metabolism;
  • adsorbs toxins.

Taking shungite water is indicated for gout, as well as for kidney stones, metabolic disorders and many other diseases.

Features of taking mineral alkaline water for gout, cough, urolithiasis, pancreatitis, recipes. List of popular mineral waters.

    Anastasia Zhugva 6.04.2018 16:59

    The use of not special medicinal liquids in nebulizers (inhalers), but, for example, ordinary mineral water or saline solution is unacceptable.

    The pediatrician’s opinion is shared by the Ministry of Health. The department responded to an official media request that only those drugs are used for nebulizer therapy, the instructions for which specifically indicate use in a nebulizer. The Ministry of Health also reminded about the approved list of drugs used for inhalation.

    Sasha Melnichenko 13.04.2018 00:48

    Mineral water or saline solution in a nebulizer: doctors warn of danger

    The use of not special medicinal liquids in nebulizers (inhalers), but, for example, ordinary mineral water or saline solution is unacceptable.
    Leading doctors and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine come to this conclusion, writes KP.
    “A nebulizer is a device that delivers medications to the lungs, for example, for bronchial asthma. Pouring saline or mineral water into a nebulizer is like trying to fill a car with hay or oats. Therefore, only medications for nebulizer therapy are suitable for use in nebulizers,” says renowned pediatrician Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky
    The department responded to an official media request that only those drugs are used for nebulizer therapy, the instructions for which specifically indicate use in a nebulizer. The Ministry of Health also reminded about the approved list of drugs used for inhalation.
    Experts note that there are special devices and special medicinal liquids intended for them and urge not to risk your health by using substances not intended for this purpose.



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