Structured water at home: benefits, how to make? What is structured water and how to get it at home.

Structured water, generally speaking, is not a completely scientific term. This concept refers to water that has a changed structure. Official science is critical of the very phrase “structured water” and considers it an anti-scientific concept.

Official science only recognizes the existence of the ordering effect of water molecules during the absorption process. This altered state of the structure of water molecules is neither uniform in volume nor stable over time; it is quickly destroyed in the process of Brownian motion, which intensifies when heated. Therefore, structured water is an extremely unstable chemical construct that cannot have any effect.

Complete ordering of water molecules occurs only upon freezing. When water transitions from a solid to a liquid state of aggregation (melting), the structure is destroyed again. It has been scientifically proven that when thawed, some molecules retain their structure as in a solid state. However, already when heated to 30 degrees, the water returns to the amorphous structure.

There is an alternative opinion that recognizes not only the possibility of an altered state of water, but also the stability of such a structure so much that it has unconditional special properties, including having a significant effect on the body.

Memory of water

The concept of “water memory” is closely related to the concept of structured water. The entire system of homeopathy is based on this postulate: water retains the properties of the substance dissolved in it even in minimal concentrations. Moreover, the theory of “water memory” contains the assumption that water “remembers” the properties of a substance dissolved in it, even when the concentration of this substance is zero.

Official medicine does not recognize this theory. Moreover, the scientific community has established a million-dollar prize for scientific proof that water has memory. Such evidence is indeed periodically presented to official science, and often it is indeed very convincing evidence. However, official science does not yet believe in the possibility of water having “memory”.

How to get structured water

But while official science persists in its reluctance to acknowledge the existence of structured water, another part of the scientific community is studying water with a modified structure, its properties and effects on the human body.

Thus, it has been established that melt water at temperatures below 30 degrees has a changed structure. By and large, by freezing and then thawing water, you can get structured water. But this is in theory. In practice, to obtain structured water it is necessary to freeze it, gradually freeing it from dirty fractions. There are two ways to obtain structured water at home.

Structured water at home

To prepare it, take filtered water. It is enough to pass the water through a household filter. The filtered water is poured into an enamel container and placed in the freezer of a household refrigerator. The first edge of ice that appears on the surface of the water after a short time will not be needed. It is carefully removed, the water is poured into another container and put back in the freezer.

Approximately when the entire thickness of the water freezes by 2/3, the dishes are removed from the freezer again. In the center of the ice mass there will remain water, which contains so-called ultra-light isomers. They, according to the theory of water memory, contain all the impurities and harmful components. This water is drained.

And the ice that remains is frozen structured water, clean and healthy.

The second method is for those who are unable to find time to control the process of water freezing. You should freeze several small containers of filtered water. Regular tea cups will work fine. When the water has completely turned into ice, it should be removed and rinsed under running cold water, thus washing off the top layer of ice.

Then put all the pieces of ice in one bowl and let them gradually melt until a small piece the size of a walnut remains from each piece. These residues contain all the dirt that appears in clean water due to the products of human civilization.

Benefits of structured water

Proponents of the theory of structured water claim that its composition and structure are as close as possible to the structure of human intercellular fluid. Based on this, it was suggested that drinking structured water heals and rejuvenates the body. With normal water balance, all waste products of cells are washed out of the body, the process of cleansing and self-healing occurs without failure. If there is not enough water, then the cells, surrounded by decay products, age prematurely and die. This is how the body ages.

Structured water, which is as close as possible in its properties to the intercellular fluid, easily penetrates into the cell membrane, enriches it with oxygen and washes away all toxins.

This explains the benefits of natural fruit and vegetable juices: they are, in fact, the intercellular fluid of plants - structured water, therefore easily penetrating into human cells, enriching it with vitamins and minerals contained in plants.

Aging of the body, age-related changes in the skin are nothing more than a lack of clean water in the body. Due to chronic dehydration, wrinkles appear, hair becomes brittle and dull, and nails peel. Even the appearance of caries is caused by a lack of clean water - tooth enamel cells without clean water cannot cope with the effects of sugars and begin to collapse.

Pure water improves the movement of all fluids in the body. Structured water has the most profound effect on the composition of the blood. With a sufficient supply of structured water, the blood will not thicken, which means there will be no thrombosis and additional stress on the heart. There is evidence that regular consumption of structured water normalizes blood pressure.

Rules for taking structured water

In our country, the most famous adherent of the theory of structured water is Academician I. Neumyvakin. He worked in the field of space medicine for more than thirty years, developing a modern nutrition system for astronauts.

The academician believes that for normal functioning the body needs at least 30 ml of water per kilogram of weight per day. So, a 70-kilogram person should drink 2.1 liters of water per day. Moreover, we are talking about clean, and therefore structured, water. Water should be drunk on an empty stomach, before meals, half an hour before meals, or no earlier than two hours after meals.

If, in addition to water, you drink tea, coffee and other drinks, then the need for clean water increases. Since artificially modified water (and the drinks listed above, according to Neumyvakin, belong to such water) not only does not replenish the body’s needs for clean water, but dries it out.

I. Neumyvakin conducted research according to which, with this drinking regime, there is a significant improvement in the condition of a number of diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system; blood pressure is normalized;
  • for arthritis and arthrosis. Moisturizing the joint capsule with structured water has an analgesic effect, the wear and tear of the joints is reduced;
  • the condition of the mucous membranes improves, the dryness of the skin and hair disappears;
  • the condition of bronchial asthma improves;
  • pancreatic function is normalized; in diabetes mellitus, the severity of insulin dependence decreases.

There is no evidence that structured water has a negative effect on the body or that there are any contraindications to its use.

Berestova Svetlana

Water is an irreplaceable substance; it is present in all living organisms, and the human body consists of 90 percent of it. No living organism can live even a few days without this valuable liquid. But today, thanks to the “benefits of civilization,” it is quite difficult to find living, properly structured, clean water that would bring maximum benefit to humans. That is why people have learned to artificially give it structure. “Popular about health” will present possible ways to prepare structured water at home, we will also discuss why it is useful and whether it can cause harm.

What is structured water (SW)?

It turns out that nature made sure that people could drink living water with a special structure that has the same molecular framework as in the intercellular fluid of the human body. This is the kind of water that flows in mountain springs. What is its feature?

Mountain water, if examined under a microscope in frozen form, does not have a chaotic structure, but a clear patterned molecular connection. When the droplets are frozen, beautiful symmetrical patterns are visible. If we freeze and enlarge crystals of tap water, we will see a rather gloomy picture - chaotic blots, they lack a clear structure, symmetry and beauty. The main difference between living water is that its molecules are easily able to penetrate cell membranes and participate in all processes that occur in the human body.

Benefits of structured water

All cells of the body are in an aqueous environment, but scientists have been able to identify a clear relationship - sick, destructured, damaged cells are usually contained in contaminated liquid, and those that are absolutely healthy are surrounded by structured water. That is, if destructured fluid predominates in our body, then the cells of the whole body will gradually degrade. All processes in them slow down, they receive less energy, and then die.

The task of the intercellular fluid is to cleanse the cells of the body, flush out waste products from them, and ensure normal metabolism. For this to be possible, the molecules of this liquid must flow freely through the membrane partitions back and forth. But destructured, dead water is not capable of doing this, its molecules, clusters, are too large. Only a fluid with the correct structure, similar to the intercellular fluid of the body, is able to penetrate into cells and facilitate the occurrence of necessary processes. What effect does CB have on human health?

1. Cleanses the body of toxins, waste, and cellular decay products.

2. Cleans blood vessels from cholesterol.

3. Thins the blood.

4. Relieves swelling.

5. Relieves inflammation in arthritis and other diseases.

6. Rejuvenates the skin.

7. Speeds up metabolism, reduces weight.

8. Prevents baldness.

9. Normalizes blood pressure.

10. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

11. Improves the functioning of the circulatory system.

12. Relieves allergies.

13. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Harm of structured water

In what case can structured water at home be harmful to you? Only in one case - if obviously contaminated raw materials are used for its preparation, for example, melted snow or untreated water from reservoirs. After melting, the crystals will undoubtedly take on the correct structure, but particles of dust, dirt, microbes and bacteria will remain in the liquid itself, which will harm health.

How to make structured water at home?

Thanks to modern developments, today you can purchase special units, structurers that bring water to the desired state. However, not everyone has the opportunity to acquire this miracle of technology. There are other ways to prepare SV at home.

1. Freezing. Fill plastic cups with filtered water and place them in the freezer. Wait until completely frozen. Remove the ice from the molds, rinse until the top of the ice thaws and drains. It contains harmful impurities. Then place the ice cubes in a bowl and wait until they thaw, but not completely. The remaining lumps of ice (3-4 centimeters in diameter) should be thrown away. This part also contains all the harmful components. The water remaining in the bowl is structured and can be drunk.

2. We use silicon. Buy silicon stones at the pharmacy. Pour ordinary water into a jug, put silicon (5-6 stones) on the bottom, let the liquid settle for two days.

Then carefully drain the water, leaving a layer of about 3 centimeters at the bottom, it contains all the bad impurities that the silicon has attracted. Freeze the liquid, then defrost it and consume it.

3. Prayers, positive statements, pleasant music. Water structuring can be done in a simpler way. Japanese scientists have found that the liquid acquires the correct molecular structure under the influence of prayers, classical music and simply kind words. Sit in silence, calm down, say the prayer “Our Father” or “The Living in Help” over a glass of purified water. You can just say "I love you" or put a piece of paper under the glass with the words - love, health, kindness, happiness, good, beautiful. Good energy charges the water and gives it the correct structure.

If you are interested in treatment with structured water, by all means prepare it at home. Now you know how to do this; it’s not difficult at all.

Everyone knows the fact that a person is almost 80% water. But few people know that our health and well-being depend on the quality of this water. One of the methods for improving the properties of H 2 O is structuring - producing water with properly organized molecules.

How to make structured water? A question that interests a lot of people, and you will get the answer to it. It will also become clear what properties structured water obtained at home has, and what it is used for.

What is structured water?

The best water to drink is pure spring water. It has a crystal lattice structure similar to that characteristic of fluid in the human body.

The ordinary water we get from the tap cannot be compared. It has virtually no organized structure. Its molecules are larger than the molecules in human body fluids, so it cannot be absorbed properly.

It has the correct organization of molecules - a crystalline structure. Such a liquid is capable of normalizing any biological processes, which is why it is sometimes called living. Man has invented methods by which structured water is obtained from ordinary water.


Its effect on the human body depends on what properties the liquid has. Structured water is the most beneficial for health. How to benefit from its use?

Naturally, it is impossible to heal by drinking structured water once or twice. You can feel its beneficial effects only with regular use. It has been found to promote:

Structured water at home

All the beneficial qualities of this liquid will certainly attract the attention of those who care about the health of their body. The question immediately arises: “How to make structured water yourself?”

This procedure is simple, but requires some time. It consists of several stages:

  • We need to prepare the water that we will structure. It is better that it is purified through a filter, or settled, unboiled and not fluoridated.
  • Next, the water is put on fire and brought to a state preceding a boil, when swirls and bubbles already appear. It is important not to miss the moment and immediately remove the liquid from the stove.
  • The water is cooled at room temperature and placed in the freezer to freeze. When the first layer of ice, approximately half a centimeter thick, has formed, it must be removed. The liquid that freezes first contains deuterium, which has a detrimental effect on living cells.
  • The remaining water must be completely frozen.
  • Thaw should be at room temperature. When two-thirds of the ice has already turned into liquid, you need to remove the remaining ice from the container - this is also not good for the body.

Thus, we have removed from the liquid that part of it that freezes first, and that part that freezes last. As you can see, making structured water at home is easy and simple.

Other ways to receive

There is a theory, and it has already been scientifically proven: water can be influenced in non-standard ways. Emotions, words, sounds, human energy - under the influence of all this, H 2 O easily changes its structure.

Experiments were conducted during which structured water was obtained by reading prayers. After such an experiment, the liquid crystals took on a symmetrical shape. The same result was obtained when exposed to famous great classics. Under the influence, water also changed its structure, but it was not crystalline, but fragmented and chaotic. The same thing happened when the liquid “listened” to screams, swearing and negative emotions.

Surprisingly, even a written word can have an effect on water. The connection here is still the same. Kind and positive words are beautiful crystal patterns, negative texts are ugly disjointed spots that do not form groups. As a result, it was proven that the greatest cleansing effect on the liquid is created by the combination of two words: “love” and “gratitude.”

More information about these experiments can be found in Dr. Emoto Masaru’s book “Messages from Water.” The Japanese researcher asks us to emit more goodness that the liquid can perceive and remember, because then it gives this positivity to us.

Structuring devices

There is also a semi-industrial way to structure water. The device used for this is called “Aquavit”. This is a hydrodynamic installation for activating liquids, operating on the general principle of freezing.

Recently, you can see more and more offers for the purchase of household structurers that can change the properties of a small amount of water, sufficient for family consumption. The operating principles of these devices are very diverse; each manufacturer positions its structuring method as the most effective. It is difficult to judge the quality of the liquid obtained after using such devices without testing them in practice.

You have already read the information about how structured water is made at home without any equipment, and the decision about the advisability of purchasing such a device is up to you.

How can you see the structure of water?

There is a method that clearly demonstrates the change in the structure of H 2 O. A drop of water is sharply frozen, and a picture is taken at 200-500 times magnification.

Photos of tap water, as well as samples from rivers and lakes, look like unattractive, chaotic blots. A structured liquid, on the contrary, has a clear structure and the appearance of intricate openwork crystals. Such photographs are shown in the film “The Great Power of Water.” It also explains in detail how to structure water, giving it beneficial properties.

Experiences confirming the benefits of structuring

But what about the skeptics who are unimpressed by crystal photographs and scientific research reports? The difference in the influence of ordinary and structured water on living organisms can be seen even at home, by conducting simple experiments.

The simplest thing is to plant two identical indoor plants, one of which is watered with a structured liquid, and the second with regular tap water. As a result, it should become noticeable that the first is ahead in growth. The same can be seen in the example of seed germination.

Experiments have been carried out on an industrial scale using structured water for irrigation and when raising young domestic animals. Vegetables that were watered with a structured liquid contained 40-50% less nitrates and 10-20% less heavy metals. On poultry farms, chick mortality decreased by 18-20%.

What consumers say

Many of those who learned how to structure water became interested in the process, made it part of their daily routine and completely abandoned tap liquid. Almost every consumer of structured water notes the difference in taste. This may not be noticeable right away, but after a week of regular use, the liquid will taste favorably different from regular tap water. Consumers also notice positive changes in the general condition of the body:

  • skin color improves;
  • the functioning of the stomach and intestines is normalized;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • Symptoms of chronic diseases and seasonal allergies disappear.

There are, of course, those who have not noticed the obvious healing properties of structured water. But none of them believes that consuming H2O with an altered molecular structure can be harmful.

Many people have probably watched the two-part documentary film “The Great Mystery of Water,” produced by the RTR TV channel. For those who haven't watched it, I highly recommend it. A couple of years ago, when the film first came into my hands, it shocked me so much that for a long time I constantly carried it on a flash drive and distributed it to everyone I knew and didn’t know. I really wanted to be involved in these amazing discoveries, even if they were so primitive


For some reason, everything that was said in the film did not raise any doubts. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I already knew all this, or knew it a long time ago. The ability of water to react to external influences, its amazing ability to “remember” them, to change depending on the nature of these very influences - all this is already proven facts. However, as always, there are many more questions than answers.

So I had a question: “Since the water that is delivered to apartments through the water supply, to put it mildly, is not suitable for drinking, and the water that is sold in stores is generally unknown from where and what it goes through before it gets to the counter, what then to drink?”

Having rummaged around on the Internet on these topics, I still found several points of view that coincided with the opinions of authoritative people expressed in the films. The fact is that at the moment of transition from a liquid state to a solid state and back (freezing and thawing), water loses its “memory” of the negative impact to which it was subjected before and acquires a “first program” - to carry life. I have heard the term “melt water” for a long time, but just now, when its essence has become clear, it has, so to speak, acquired clear outlines.

Structuring water at home

There is a direct relationship between the quality of the water we drink and the diseases we suffer from. The human body is 80% water. This includes lymph, blood serum, intercellular and intracellular fluid.

Daily water loss
From 20 to 100 ml of water evaporates from the surface of the body every hour, depending on the ambient temperature. From 1.5 to 2 liters per day is excreted in urine. This is the main loss of water and must be replenished on the same day. Otherwise, we are in danger of disrupting the water-salt balance of the body, which in most cases becomes the cause of many diseases. The most dangerous of them: cardiovascular failure, tachycardia, high blood pressure, swelling, dry and cracked skin, especially on the legs and palms, dry mucous membranes,
weakness, frequent headaches, dizziness, hair loss.

The water you need to restore balance
Not just any water is suitable for quickly restoring the water balance in our body. First of all, it must be clean, without harmful impurities: salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, various kinds of pathogenic bacteria, as well as too many mineral salts (total mineralization should not be more than 250 mg/l). Ideally, water should have a structure close to the structure of the fluids inside the body. Only in this case will it be absorbed without unnecessary energy expenditure and will bring maximum benefit.

Melt water
All of these properties are possessed by melt water, that is, formed as a result of melting ice. It is also called structured water, since the molecules in such water are not scattered chaotically, but are “engaged” with each other, forming a kind of
macromolecules. This is no longer a crystal, but not yet a liquid, however, the molecules of melt water are very similar to ice molecules. Melt water, unlike ordinary water, is very similar in structure to the liquid contained in the cells of plant and living organisms. This is why vegetables and fruits are so useful - they deliver biologically active water to the body.

Properties of melt water
The amazing properties of melt water have been known for a long time. It has been noticed that near melting springs the vegetation of alpine meadows is always more lush, and life is most active at the edge of melting ice in the Arctic seas. Irrigation with melt water increases crop yields and accelerates seed germination. It is known with what greed animals drink melt water in the spring, and birds literally bathe in the first puddles of melted snow.

The effect of melt water on the human body
Melt water improves metabolism and increases blood circulation, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and soothes pain in the heart, increases the body's resistance to stress, viruses, climate and weather changes and helps prolong life. A sip of pure melt water tones up better than pasteurized juice; it has a charge of energy, vigor and lightness.

Healing with melt water
Some people constantly drink melt water with floating ice floes and believe that this is why they do not get colds at all. Melt water refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, which no longer needs creams and lotions. We can say with confidence that regular consumption of melt water improves your health. If you drink one glass of melt water 30 minutes before each meal (only three glasses a day), you can quickly get yourself in order. Within a week you will feel a surge of strength, you will realize that you are getting enough sleep in less time, your swelling will disappear, your skin will smooth out, and you will catch colds less often.

Preparing melt water at home
In nature, such water is formed as a result of the melting of glaciers. Where can you get it in the city? You can do it yourself. It does not take a lot of time. You will need plastic containers of any shape. The best option is food containers. Choose the volume based on the size of your freezer and the number of family members you want to feed. The calculation is this: one person needs three glasses of melt water per day. This means you need to freeze twice as much - six glasses.
You can safely multiply this volume by the number of consumers in the family per day. So, for one person we freeze six glasses of water (1.5 l) per day, for two – twelve (3 l), for three – eighteen (4.5 l).

Filter regular tap water with a simple carbon filter. With this filtration, large impurities are removed from it: rust particles from pipes and sand. Then pour it into containers and freeze in the freezer at minus 18 degrees. After about 8-10 hours, remove the containers from the freezer and run hot tap water over the bottom to make it easier to remove the ice. There should be liquid inside the frozen water under a thin crust of ice. This crust must be pierced and the liquid contents poured out - these are harmful impurities dissolved in water. The remaining ice will be transparent and clean as a tear. From it you will get the purest structured H2O. Ice should be placed in a ceramic, glass or enamel container and allowed to melt at room temperature. That's it, you can drink.

If the water in the container freezes completely, the ice will be transparent only at the edges, and in the middle it will be cloudy, sometimes even yellowish. This dregs must be melted under a strong stream of hot water so that not a single island of dregs remains. Only after this can the transparent ice block be melted and melt water obtained. I recommend this to anyone who wants to start producing clean water at home.
Determine experimentally what volume of container and at what temperature to freeze in order to achieve what is needed: a liquid center and ice around the edges. After all, the operation of the refrigeration chamber depends on many factors and even on the ambient temperature. In the summer, the refrigerator is a little warmer.

This is how you can provide yourself and your family with the purest structured drinking water. You will spend very little time, and these costs will be more than compensated by saving money on bottled water, reduced sleep time, absence of illnesses, and simply good health and mood!

Human life is unthinkable without water. Life itself originated in it, and its important role is known to everyone. Every day we drink different water: filtered, boiled or settled. But according to recent research, the most beneficial is structured water, which can increase vitality and cope with fatigue.

Liquid from the tap, even if passed through a filter, does not contain useful substances and is poorly absorbed by the body. But don't be upset, because healthy structured water can be made at home.

Benefits of structured water

Its benefits are explained by the fact that the molecules are connected, and its structure is as close as possible to the liquids present in the human body, such as blood plasma.

Structured water is formed from ice. It is considered rejuvenating and healing and is very useful for those who suffer from gastritis, headaches, excess weight, colitis and gastritis. Structured water facilitates the functioning of internal organs, improves blood composition, normalizes the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It reduces the feeling of fatigue, gives additional energy, and increases resistance to any diseases. To refresh your face and improve the condition of your facial skin, you can wash your face with it.

The first glass should be drunk an hour before breakfast after waking up. After this, you need to drink it 1 hour before meals, a glass. It is advisable to drink up to 2 liters per day. Its regular use at home will improve the general condition of the body.

How to make structured water at home?

  • To make it at home, prepare a porcelain container, a plastic container, and a knife. Ordinary raw water will do, but it is advisable to pre-purify it using a filter. If it is bottled, then there is no need to clean it. Fill a plastic container with it and place it in the freezer. After 12 hours, remove.
  • Then, without opening the lid on the container, place it under hot water for a few seconds. This will make it easy to separate the formed ice from the walls of the container. No matter what purified water you use, you won’t be able to get clear ice right away. So use a knife to pierce the ice block. If there is an unfrozen part left inside it, let it drain; it is in it that salts of heavy metals and harmful impurities have accumulated. If it is completely frozen, then you can melt the opaque piece using hot water. Place the remaining pieces of ice in a porcelain container and let it melt naturally. No need to heat or microwave.

  • The easiest way to make structured water is to get melt water. This is quite easy to do. Ordinary tap water should be poured into any container and left to steep for several hours. After this, boil, cool, pour into a food-grade plastic container and put in the freezer. Then simply melt the resulting ice. To get clear ice faster, you need to freeze the water exactly until the center of the block freezes. This will make it easier to drain any harmful impurities remaining in the water. It can no longer be frozen, nor can it be boiled or stored for too long.
  • Another way to make structured water is to add silicon. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. For 3 liters of water you need to put 5 black silicon stones, cover the container with gauze and leave to infuse for 2 days. After this, pour the liquid into another pan, leaving 3 cm at the bottom, where all the harmful substances collected by silicon have collected. The water will be not only purified, but also saturated with silicon, which is very important for metabolic processes in the body. After that, you can freeze it to make it even healthier. It is better to freeze water in a shockproof glass or plastic container. After the ice melts, structured water will be obtained, but it should not be stored for more than 8 hours.
  • Another way to make structured water is to pass ordinary water through magnet. To do this, you need to purchase a special magnetic attachment for the faucet or funnel. Sometimes a magnet is added to the filter; this should be indicated on its label. This water has the strongest bactericidal properties, improves metabolism, cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol and foreign proteins, strengthens the immune system, because it has special permeability through cell membranes, delivering beneficial substances to all organs. Its healing properties last for 24 hours.

Scientists have proven through research that the healthiest water is structured. Its main advantages include the presence of a crystalline structure that helps remove toxins and waste from the body, cell cleansing and high penetrating properties.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs