What causes aquarium fish to die? Why do fish die in an aquarium and what can be done?

A fish pestilence begins, the owner’s first reaction is to run to the aqua store in search of a remedy for this disease and misfortune...

But, more often than not, this only worsens the already unstable situation in the aquarium, and the fish begin to die faster.

You can’t fuss here and you should clearly identify the problem due to which the fish float upside down...

In most cases, aquarium fish die either because of the quality of the water in the aquarium or because of an epidemic of harmful microorganisms that you have bred by neglecting the aquarium and its maintenance.

Let's explore the main reasons for the sudden death of fish

The leading cause of death for aquarium fish is poor quality water in the aquarium due to:

  • insufficient filtration
  • Insufficient water changes
  • Insufficient removal of waste from water and soil
  • There are too many fish in this aquarium
  • General pollution

Many novice aquarists do not understand what water parameters they need to pay attention to in this case. The three most important:

  • Ammonia level
  • Nitrite level
  • Nitrate level

Ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are derivatives of nitrogen compounds that appear in the aquarium in the form of fish waste and when food decomposes. Most quick way To check these parameters, use water sample tests, which you can find in any aqua store.

It is very important not to rush out and buy antibiotics and other medications for your fish. With them you will completely achieve the biobalance of the aquarium.

Non-zero levels of ammonia and nitrites also appear in any newly started aquarium.

Also increased content these nitrogen compounds are a problem in older aquariums that for a long time worked without changing the water.

But the fish don't die because increased values nitrites, and how much from weakening of the body and inability to fight harmful microorganisms:

The fish die in the new aquarium. I just launched it!

It often happens that fish die in a new aquarium that has just been launched. The problem here lies in several factors.

Any fish produces ammonia as a product of its vital activity. Urine that is. Fish also eat, and if they do not have time to eat what the owner threw at them with a generous hand, then they will quickly appear in the aquarium. a large number of rotting food.

Eliminate similar phenomenon The nitrogen cycle is called for, but in the new aquarium it simply has not yet appeared, as well as the beneficial bacteria necessary for the consistent decomposition of waste.

All this leads to the appearance of very toxic nitrogen compounds, which ultimately leads to the death of the fish. To correct such a sad situation in a new aquarium, several steps should be taken:

  • Stop feeding the fish in the new aquarium. Don't be afraid, fish can survive without food for several days.
  • Change some of the water in the aquarium. The higher the ammonia and nitrite levels your tests show, the more you will have to replace.

If there is a reading of 1-2 ppm, feel free to change half the water. And this should be done daily until the tests show you normal level ammonia and nitrites. As the level of poisoning decreases, reduce the volume of water changes.

Fish are dying in an old aquarium. But it was still normal?!

Old aquarium syndrome occurs in mature aquariums with perfectly functioning natural biofilters. In it, over time, ammonia and nitrites are processed into nitrates, which, when high concentration, will cause poisoning and death of aquarium fish.

The treatment method is the same as above: reducing the amount of food for the fish, changing the water and cleaning the soil. Look at the ground Special attention, food particles can fall into the voids of the soil, where they will simply rot and not be processed by bacteria. A good help, after stabilizing the situation in the aquarium, can be an increase in the number of plants, because they perfectly consume nitrates, which are an excellent fertilizer for plants.

How to maintain the health of aquarium fish?!

This is based on several pillars of aquarium management: regular water changes, feeding the fish without excess, filtering the water in the aquarium, and timely cleaning the soil from accumulated waste and dirt.

If only one fish dies in the aquarium, and the water looks clean, it is not necessary to change it, since after changing the water you will need to wait for the ecosystem and biological balance to be restored. Therefore, it is enough to simply add fresh water, renewing the old one. If the fish died from infectious disease or has lain in the aquarium for several days, the water should be replaced, while washing the aquarium.

When adding fresh water, at least one third of the old water should remain in the aquarium - and the fresh water should have similar hardness and temperature.

If the aquarium still needs to be cleaned, you need to remove all live fish and plants from it, wash, disinfect and dry. After this, the container is filled with new water. In the first few days, a short-term bacterial outbreak with cloudy water may occur in the aquarium - no need to worry, it will go away on its own. After this, when the water becomes clear again, the plants can be returned to the aquarium, and it is advisable to introduce the fish after about a week. Changing the water is often the most effective means to get rid of bacteria, but this is a huge stress for the fish, so you shouldn’t abuse it.

How to change water correctly

An electric or vacuum pump is excellent for changing the water in an aquarium. A siphon will also cope well with this task, with the help of which the walls and bottom of the aquarium can be easily cleaned of food residues and plaque. To prevent the water from turning green, the aquarium should be placed away from sunlight and turn off artificial lighting at night. In addition, you need to periodically remove excess plants from it and feed the fish less so that the water is not contaminated with food residues.

Ancitrus catfish, which slide along the aquarium walls and eat the plaque on them, will also help clean the water.

A partial change of water in the aquarium should be done every week, replacing it with 1/5 fresh water. To ensure that the water is always clean and transparent, mollusks and daphnia should be added to the aquarium. Many aquarium owners try to clean the glass of the container with the help of snails, but they do not do it very effectively and also crap quite a lot. Problems with water are usually typical for “young” aquariums - subsequently they develop their own ecosystem, and the situation normalizes on its own. The main thing is to follow the rules for caring for the aquarium.

Mini aquariums are an attractive interior decoration. But unlike large containers equipped with everything necessary equipment, there are some problems with care. If you adhere to the basic rules, including changing the water, you can avoid the aquarium from blooming and create fairly tolerable living conditions for the fish.

You will need

  • - soft, settled water;
  • - clean container;
  • - ladle;
  • - scraper.


It is believed that small aquarium easier to care for than the big one. However, this is the first misconception of inexperienced aquarists. It requires more frequent water changes, since the decomposition products of fish waste accumulate here most of all. In addition, intensive plant growth can cause a lot of trouble.

Replacement water should only be soft, at room temperature, so you should have a constant supply. Use tap water only in clean containers that should only be used for this purpose. The liquid must be allowed to stand for at least three days.

Use a special ladle with a long handle to scoop out the required amount of water. Clean the walls of the aquarium with a scraper and add fresh soft water. Then fill a clean bowl with water and leave it to stand until next procedure.

Water in mini aquariums evaporates very quickly. Check the level regularly and top up if necessary.

It is necessary to completely change the water in the aquarium as rarely as possible, since this upsets the biological balance. However, this is necessary once a year to replant the plants and clean the aquarium walls and filter.

To completely replace the water, remove the fish and place them in a jar for a while. Drain the liquid using a hose. Remove excess algae. Clean the rocks and walls of the aquarium.

Then pour in the settled water. Add bacteria and let the aquarium sit for a couple of days, then introduce the fish into it.


For living in small spaces, choose guppies, gouramis and tetras. These fish do quite well in mini aquariums. You can also place a cockerel in the pond; neons look beautiful. If the fish have grown to a fairly large size, they need to be placed in a container bigger size.

Helpful advice

Not only fish, but also other marine and freshwater inhabitants, such as shrimp, look very impressive and feel good in a small aquarium.

An inept attempt to clean an aquarium can result in the death of everyone fish and the plants contained in it. Many novice aquarists mistakenly believe that frequent change water helps maintain normal biological balance for fish. But the water evaporates, and dirt and mucus may appear in the aquarium...

You will need

  • - settled tap water


To maintain a stable “fresh” regime, do not change, but add water. The volume of tap water should not exceed 1/5 of the volume of the aquarium. Otherwise, the hydrochemical content of the “old” water changes dramatically, and then your pets may get sick or float up on their stomachs.

Remember, the main thing is not, but control over the environment. Even a small change of water (1/5 of the volume) brings “stress” to the inhabitants of the aquarium, but after a couple of days the biological balance is restored. If you change half the water, the balance will return to normal in about a week, but some fish and plants will inevitably die. According to the site information www.fishqa.ru, completely change water possible in exceptional cases: due to soil contamination, darkening, the appearance of mucus or harmful microorganisms. Otherwise, with the correct long-term balance, the plants themselves and microorganisms serve as a biological filter.

The aquatic environment is formed during the first two months, therefore, during this period, add water it is forbidden. When the young one has formed, add water no more than 1-2 times a day, periodically cleaning the glass and collecting debris from the ground with a hose. For a volume of 20 l, add settled water water, preferably a little warm (up to 40 or 50 degrees). After a year, clean all the soil so that the optimal environment does not age.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

If you decide to get fish for the first time, the experts at www.fishqa.ru recommend starting not with a traditional 20-30 liter aquarium, but with a small reservoir with a volume of 100 or 200 liters. It will be much more difficult to destroy its biological balance by adding water each time, but you will learn correct content fragile world of exotic underwater inhabitants.


  • www.fishqa.ru
  • how to change fluids in 2019

The well-being of fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium directly depends on the quality of water. It needs to be changed several times a month, adding a small amount each time. Tap water must be settled, and only after that can algae and underwater plants be planted in it, as well as your pets allowed in.

You will need

  • - water container;
  • - siphon nozzle or plastic tube with a diameter of 1-1.5 centimeters;
  • -additives to neutralize harmful substances (optional).


Dial required quantity water and leave it for at least 5-7 days. If you are pressed for time, after 1-2 days, filter the water through Activated carbon or boil for 10 minutes. However, you must remember that during the boiling process, water loses oxygen and it must be aerated. Set aside water only in enamel or glass containers (the enamel must be intact). It is undesirable, but you can still use plastic bottles for settling. Place the collected water in a place where it will not be exposed to Sun rays.

If your aquarium has soil, drain some of the old water using a special siphon attachment. Otherwise, you can also use a small diameter plastic tube (1-1.5 centimeters). Be sure to put gauze on the end of the tube lowered into the water so that fish do not get sucked into it. Don’t forget about the walls of the aquarium; if they are very dirty, you must clean them before changing the water. Adding water is carried out only partially; no more than 1/3-1/5 of the volume of the aquarium can be changed at a time. You should carry out a complete water change only when extreme cases, such as: the appearance of fungal mucus, the introduction of unwanted microorganisms, high soil contamination, etc.

To fill a new aquarium, let the water sit for at least 5 days, then pour the prepared water into the aquarium, plant the plants and introduce the fish. If you want to speed up the establishment of a normal environment, add some water and soil from an already established healthy aquarium, which contains a ready-made complex of microorganisms. If desired, you can purchase special additives that neutralize harmful substances in the store, when using them, the water will not need to be settled.


Do not overfeed your fish; it is incorrect feeding that most often causes spoilage. environment in aquarium.

Helpful advice

In order to check good water in an aquarium or not, inhale a little air from its surface. The smell should be light and unobtrusive. Impurities from odors indicate that unfavorable processes are taking place in the aquarium. It is optimal to add water once a week.


  • How to change water in an aquarium
  • Aquarium water
  • how to change water in an aquarium

The waste of fish and microorganisms, as well as harmful substances such as phosphates and nitrates, periodically accumulate in the aquarium. A partial or complete water change will help get rid of them.

You will need

  • - watering can;
  • - 2 clean buckets;
  • - 2 m of aquarium hose or soil cleaner;
  • - towel.


If you have just purchased an aquarium, planted aquatic plants and added fish to it, then you should not change the water in it during the first two months. At this time, the environment is not yet stable and one should not yet interfere with the formation of the microclimate.

After a couple of months, you can start replacing the water. Experienced aquarists advise resorting to a complete water change in the aquarium as little as possible, but changing a small amount of water, approximately 20% of the container’s volume, must be done at least once a week.

To do this, you need to prepare the water in advance. Place it in clean plastic buckets that should only be used for aquarium use. However, they should not be washed with any cleaning substances, as they can have a detrimental effect on aquarium inhabitants. Let the water sit for a couple of days. During this time, harmful substances such as chlorine will disappear. The water will become softer and reach the optimal room temperature. If necessary, strain the water to remove impurities.

Hello, dear friends!

Many new aquarium keepers often ask why? die, although, in their opinion (I mean - in the opinion of beginners) they are doing everything correctly, according to the book. In this article I will try to highlight the most common mistakes that beginners make. So!

1) The first thing that beginners don’t pay attention to is the recommended water parameters! Friends! Hard and soft water are as different from each other as white and black! And if you put a fish in water that is unacceptable for it, then consider it yours. the fish died! Therefore, I strongly recommend that you strictly follow the recommendations for maintaining water parameters!

2) The second common mistake is ignoring the water temperature. Beginners believe that a difference of one or two degrees does not play a big role for fish. How they play! Guys, fish are not people, they are so sensitive to water that you can’t even imagine! Therefore, for them, “plus” or “minus” two degrees is as noticeable as for you and me +10*C or -10*C! Keep this in mind and then you will have much less problems!

3) The third mistake is neglecting the aquarium lighting. The fact is, friends, that for most tropical fish the daylight hours last 10 - 12 hours. Our daylight hours are somewhat shorter, especially in winter time. And if the fish does not receive sufficient quantity light, then her The biological clock they'll just break. And since a fish is a fragile creature, such a breakdown is followed by death. Keep this in mind for the future!

4) Another reason for the frequent death of fish is the incompatibility of species. And this applies not only to carnivorous and herbivorous fish. There is also the factor of nitrogen tolerance. For example, if some fish do not react in any way to an increase in nitrogen concentration, then others die from acute poisoning nitrogen! There is only one piece of advice in this case: study the characteristics of each species before combining them in one aquarium!

5) And here is another reason - overpopulation of the aquarium! Quite often, newcomers are accommodated in one small apartment. Plus they also throw in plants the size of a cubic meter! The result is overpopulation, lack of oxygen, and - hello! Here's an unspoken rule for you, friends: at least 3 liters of water per fish! And this is for the smallest one! Depending on the size, the displacement increases. Consider this factor too!

6) Not proper feeding- also a common cause of mass fish deaths. For some reason, beginners think that all they have to do is throw a pinch of dry food into the aquarium and that’s it! This is absolutely wrong! Fish should eat a varied diet! And if they eat only dry food, they will very soon die from inflammation of the stomach and intestines: dry food is very difficult to digest! Diversify your fish's menu: give them dry food, live food, and plant food! For example, many fish love lettuce leaves, which need to be chopped.

That's all, dear friends. I really want you to draw the right conclusion from everything you read in this article. And remember: if you are too lazy to care for fish, then you shouldn’t have an aquarium!

All the best to you and see you in the next articles!

Most aquarium inhabitants require careful care. This applies to the quality and composition of water, neighbors and vegetation. If the fish in the aquarium began to die, most likely the the necessary conditions content. To avoid similar troubles, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list in advance, which shows the most common causes of fish death.

Why do fish die in an aquarium?

  1. Like all the abodes of our planet, fish need air, they need aeration of water. Before moving in, always check the cleanliness of the air and water. Fish often die in an aquarium from lack of oxygen. This happens when you put a lot of inhabitants in an aquarium that is too small.
  2. But even if all the rules are followed, sometimes the fish die immediately after settling. This is due to the fact that they have a simple shock of adaptation. That is why to release in community aquarium You cannot buy a pet immediately after purchasing it.
  3. Next reason The reason why fish die in an aquarium is the introduction of one or another disease. Typically, you will notice a gradual deterioration in the fish's condition, with the disease primarily affecting one species.
  4. Never neglect aquarium lighting. This is especially true for lovers of colorful tropical species. Daylight hours for such fish should last about 12 hours. If there is a lack of light, the pet's biological clock will break, which will lead to death.
  5. Temperature is no less important than its composition. It is generally accepted that a couple of degrees will not significantly affect the condition of aquarium inhabitants. Meanwhile, fish are very sensitive to the slightest changes in temperature, so constant fluctuations in degrees can become a serious threat.
  6. Fish die in an aquarium if the recommended water composition is not followed. When purchasing a new species, be sure to carefully study the water characteristics that are recommended for it. The hardness of the water directly affects the condition of the pet; if the water is too soft or hard, it is almost a guarantee of death.
  7. Quite often problems arise when incompatible species are introduced. This statement is true for both carnivorous and herbivorous species. And sometimes only one type of fish dies in an aquarium, while the rest feel quite normal. It is likely that changes in the composition of the water have occurred, which for some fish are insignificant, but for others they cause death.
  8. If fish die in a new aquarium and all water parameters and selection rules are met, you should pay attention to the feeding regime. Beginners often make do with only dry food and simply throw in a handful of granules. After a while, this regime causes inflammation of the fish’s stomach and they die en masse. In fact, your pets need a varied diet. Add plant and living foods to your menu.

Why fish die in an aquarium: forewarned is forearmed

To prevent such problems from arising, it is necessary to take the filling and maintenance of the aquarium seriously. Before you go in search of fish, do not be lazy to read enough literature about the features of their maintenance. Often we try not to follow such a simple rule and simply find out the details from the pet store seller.

Most often, the reasons why fish die in an aquarium are related to maintenance violations. Always keep control of all water parameters in the aquarium, monitor any changes in the behavior and condition of your pets. These simple rules will allow you to notice the beginning of the problem in time and solve it in short time. The fish cannot tell you, but by its behavior you will always notice something is wrong.

oooops!!! - there are options, select the one you need:
- You have a new aquarium that you stocked 10 - 40 days ago, then read;
- Your aquarium is more than 3 months old and at first everything was fine and suddenly it started... read ;
- I know what this is and I successfully carried it out, I know how to care for an aquarium and I do it regularly, but I bought new fish, and then the fish began to die... well, we sympathize, the fish will have to be treated, oh this is told.

Yours fish die in a new aquarium or in a well-washed and/or refurbished old one.

If so, then read further this section of the article. To prevent the fish from dying, the aquarium must be equipped with a filter (if not, then), which don't turn it off at night(If turn off, That ). The aquarium should have 24/7 aeration, and then the fish do not suffocate (“do not smoke” at the surface of the water). If the fish stand near the surface and breathe heavily even with aeration turned on, even if not all the time, but only after feeding, then... The water looks clean and transparent, no, but the fish still die. Why? The fact is that the aquarium did not work out in it. What to do?

  • Change a quarter of the water volume. Buy and add ammolok or anti-ammonia to the aquarium - these drugs will make the metabolic products of fish and harmful substances in tap water non-toxic. In the future, make changes (20% of the volume) and add one of the above-mentioned drugs after two days to the third at least 4-5 times, then switch to weekly water changes without the above-mentioned drugs.
  • Immediately buy a bacterial starter (any of the following: denitrol, safe-start, nitrivek). Fill in beneficial bacteria in double the dosage indicated on the package after each water change. During this time, feed the fish very moderately.
  • After the first water change, add it to the aquarium table salt in the amount of one third of a teaspoon for every 25 liters water available in the aquarium. Example: in a 100-liter aquarium there are 80 liters of water, then add about 1 level teaspoon of salt (pharmaceutical precision is not required here). For further changes, add salt at a dosage of 1/5 teaspoon for every 25 liters of water, poured into the aquarium. Example: in a 100 liter aquarium we change 25 liters of water, then add one fifth of a teaspoon of salt. After five changes, stop adding table salt.

Follow this pattern and the fish will stop dying. If you have any questions, ask them at. If you want to learn more about and, feel free to click on the links, everything is clear there written.

Everything was fine in your aquarium, but gradually, something went wrong and the fish began to die.

Not all at once, but periodically, now one, then another. And also steel. Flip-flop tassels increasingly cover the leaves of plants, equipment, and decorations. Newly purchased fish do not take root in the aquarium and die within a few days. Reason: a lot has accumulated in the aquarium. What to do? More often, admit it, you did a good job of changing the water once a month, right? But you need 20% once a week. If you change 20%, then, as a rule, you don’t have to settle the water, but it’s not harmful to use conditioners (Stress Coat, Avera, AquaVital). When changing water, it is very advisable to siphon the soil. Don't know how to siphon correctly? , everything is shown there. If you live in a region where the water is soft, for example in St. Petersburg, and the soil in the aquarium is acidic or neutral (granite, basalt, quartz, special soils for plants; read about how a lot of troubles can happen in the aquarium from the wrong choice), then water the aquarium is most likely soured and too low. You need to buy it yourself and make sure that this is exactly what happened, or have the water analyzed, and then I will tell you everything about your aquarium. How to raise the pH value in an aquarium? Can be used special remedy pH+ (it is manufactured by different companies, it doesn’t matter which one you use, you can do it), but this will be a temporary measure. To correct the situation once and for all, you need to add some coral chips to the aquarium. You can place it in one of the external filter trays, or simply place it on the bottom of the aquarium. For example, lay out a decorative path. For a 100 liter aquarium you need 500 g of coral chips. Example: there is a 60-liter aquarium, the water in it quickly turns sour and guppies and swordtails die. You need to pour about 300 g of coral chips onto the bottom. The water will improve in a week, but don’t forget to do changes anyway.
What to do if you have already done everything described above, but it did not help: the fish continue to slowly die, and the nitrates in the aquarium are still high? It is possible that you have an aquarium. Read about the aquarium, it requires a special approach. And here I will advise using low-protein pelleted feed (with big amount herbal ingredients), if you also soak them in before feeding, then you will soon be surprised at howthe health of the fish will improve.

R fish die because pathogens enter the aquarium.

Aquarium fish, unfortunately, can get sick. are quite numerous, but most often the aquarist encounters a few typical cases. And he definitely encounters it if he buys new fish.



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