Bad qualities of a person for a resume. Examples by profession

A good, well-written resume is a powerful argument in favor of hiring. It can be a serious advantage, so it’s worth starting your job search with compiling it. In the West, careerists keep resumes throughout their lives, and with advanced training or a change of job, they add new lines. A document that provides information about the applicant before the interview is part of business etiquette, which should not be neglected.

What you can and should write about yourself in a resume

There are basic points that must be spelled out. Indicate strengths in the resume, avoid unnecessary, only informative. A resume is a summary of skills and qualities. From the first lines, show that you are a person with a serious character, tuned to the result. So what is needed:

  1. Personal information: full name, date of birth, marital status. You can add a photo if you wish.
  2. Contacts. Include a phone number and email address at the beginning of your resume. This will make it easier to find them when they want to contact you.
  3. Desired vacancy. This item is required to be filled out.
  4. Education. Indicate all institutions, courses, trainings that you have completed. School, university, attended an NLP seminar - your knowledge base should be impressive. Be prepared to document each item.
  5. Experience. Have you already held a similar position? Please indicate this on your resume. A person who does not have a single entry in the work book will be treated with suspicion.
  6. Additional Information. Here you can talk about hobbies, strengths and weaknesses. Carefully select personal qualities for your resume. It will be a plus if they are useful in the position.

Professional skills and abilities

Describe yourself in your resume: show the employer that you are qualified for the position. Knowledge of computer programs, knowledge of languages, possession of a driver's license - all this must be painted in this paragraph. Arrange the skills and abilities for the resume in order of importance for future work. If you have a specific, not very useful talent that you want to list, put it at the bottom of the list.

Personal qualities of a person

Education and experience are not the only evaluation criteria. Personal qualities for writing a good resume, although not mandatory, can play a decisive role in many situations. Imagine what kind of employee the director of the company wants to see? Do you have common positive qualities with him, can you look competitive? Be sure to write about it, be sure to use your pluses!

Strengths and weaknesses of character

Properly selected good and bad personal qualities for a resume will help you get a job. If you cope with your duties, the weaknesses of the character will not be so important. Often the same trait becomes a trump card or interferes with work. Put your shortcomings in your resume as advantages, show your willingness to work on yourself. Purposefulness is a strength of character, which is valued in the team.

Positive character traits for a resume

Negative character traits for a resume

Ambiguous character traits for a resume





















good faith















Focus on results






What weaknesses can be indicated in the resume

The task of the employee is not to scare, but to show that you do not suffer from high self-esteem. Be honest, however, sharply negative personal qualities are inappropriate for a resume, you should not quote them. The second column of the table will scare away the employer. Character traits from the third will play a positive role for certain posts. Do not be cunning and do not try to present advantages as disadvantages. This will be conspicuous and convict of insincerity.

Examples: individualism is good for the creative profession, it helps to stand out from the crowd for presenters or artists. Working in a team, on the contrary, one must be able to become part of the team and take into account the opinions of others. A pedantic nature will make it difficult to work quickly, but is appropriate where quality comes first. Modesty will prevent you from communicating freely with customers, however, with the right approach, it will put the company in a good light.

Asked at the interview, they aim to give the employer or recruiter the most complete answer on three main points:

  • ability to do the job;
  • desire to do such work;
  • compliance with the corporate culture of the company.

Personal qualities - one of the main questions when meeting a candidate.

This information will help the employer or recruiter get an initial impression of the applicant not only as a specialist, but as a person.

Often questions asked with subtext are needed just to obtain information about the personal qualities of the candidate.

The employer, of course, wants to know if your negative character traits will interfere with the performance of functional duties and communication in a team.

Which are worth mentioning and which are not?

Very often you can hear the question from candidates: what are the positive and negative qualities to name at the interview?

Employers are interested in employees who have such character traits as:

  • purposefulness;
  • organization;
  • initiative;
  • performance;
  • creativity;
  • goodwill;
  • determination.

Share them if you really have them. Give examples.

Often in an interview they are asked to name three negative qualities and three positive qualities. Think this through ahead of time.

No need to say that you are professional, adequate, loyal, smart, charming. Such qualities can be noticed and named by other people when talking about you, but not by yourself.

Never mention such negative characteristics as laziness, disorganization, irascibility and the like.

In general, 3 negative qualities in an interview are, first of all, self-doubt, fear of the interlocutor and insincerity.

Do I need to repeat what is written in the resume?

The interview is conducted in order to get to know you personally and to check whether what is stated with the resume is true. Therefore, it is likely that the employer will ask you a question that has already been covered in your resume.

In addition, the employer may simply not read the resume thoroughly. When answering the question, tell everything in your own words. Deviate from the patterns, but be precise, but also do not allow any discrepancies from the document in the facts.

It is unacceptable to answer the question as follows: "It says so in my resume."

How to talk about positive and negative qualities

No need to be modest!

In case you think you don't have any outstanding qualities, just tell what you have.

For example: the ability to focus - you focus on a specific task and bring it to the end without being distracted.

And high speed of work - always complete the task as quickly as possible, without delay.

The question should not be taken literally: “Tell me, what are your personal qualities that are shortcomings?”. It is not the best solution, when answering such a question, to proceed to a detailed description of your weaknesses.

It is better to determine in advance which of your qualities have a double meaning..

At first glance, these are disadvantages, but when choosing a different angle of consideration, they can turn out to be advantages. Think over the wording and present your weaknesses so that they look positive.

Answer example: “I usually pay a lot of attention to detail, and I know that in some areas of activity such thoroughness does not matter and is not always appropriate. But I see that for the position I am applying for, this character trait should be useful.

If your employer asked you to list three shortcomings, you could list the following: “Intolerance – I can’t stand mess. Irritability - a little pissed off by the incompetence of employees.

Captiousness and meticulousness - I do not allow myself the right to make mistakes. Here you can see that not very pleasant character traits turn into virtues.

How to talk about strengths and weaknesses.

Very often, recruiters are asked to give examples of strengths and weaknesses in an interview. This task can be beaten to the obvious benefit of the applicant.

Feel free to name your strengths. Try to tell more about those that will be useful for the position you have chosen, or for the situation in the company. For example, maintaining the ability to work under stress. Support your words with examples from the past. Think of sample answers ahead of time.

What is the worst quality to name in an interview? When answering the question about weaknesses, be careful and careful. You don't have to openly acknowledge them. Instead, you can talk about minor gaps in areas that are obviously not required for this position.

Positive and negative qualities in the interview to the same extent should present you in a favorable light. The main thing to remember about what shortcomings you can talk about at the interview, and what is better to remain silent.

If the recruiter insists on clarifying the weaknesses of nature, and not professional ones, then say about 1-2, moreover, those that cannot always be considered as weak.

To be completely honest?

The employer asks to name weaknesses at the interview, what to say? How to answer interview questions about flaws correctly?

In order not to seem that you are not frankly answering questions, it is worth pointing out some shortcomings or gaps in knowledge, but most importantly, choose the right wording.

Honestly admit some of your disadvantages, name your shortcomings, but talk about them so that they are more like pluses.

If you have to report that you are not completely familiar with any type of activity, indicate only those areas that are not critical for this vacancy.

Think about the answers ahead of time. If you really want to get this job, then it's not worth the risk.

How to tell about yourself in an original way?

According to statistical studies, about 90% of applicants mention their responsibility, sociability and purposefulness. It is clear that such qualities can hardly interest or draw the attention of the listener to them.

If you talk about common, common character traits that are undoubtedly positive, but everyone talks about them, it won’t hurt, but it won’t make you stand out from the general background of applicants.

You can go the other way: talk about rare qualities that match your character.

Even better, give examples related to the application of these qualities, the positive role they played, or their positive evaluation. Using this tactic, you have a chance to stand out and be remembered.

Remember that the employer, at times, is more important not WHAT, but HOW you answer questions about personal qualities. Reasonable, logical, confident answers, as well as competent speech are of great importance.

Demonstrate a positive attitude, the ability to adequately respond to difficult or personal issues, the ability to find compromises and the right decisions.

Successful interview! Moreover, now you know exactly what weaknesses can be pointed out at the interview and how to correctly talk about your shortcomings in order to make a favorable impression.

Today, finding a job is not so difficult, you just have to want to do it. But getting the desired position is always quite difficult. What is needed for this? Competently compose a resume, where it will be necessary to indicate business and personal qualities, as well as successfully pass an interview.


What not to mention

Looking through personal qualities that help in work, you should pay attention to those that can be very harmful to a potential employee, if indicated in the resume. Too high qualification of the employee may alert the employer, because a normal person will not apply for a position much lower than his intellectual level. Also bad for work are such qualities as laziness, restlessness, high conceit. Lack of initiative and indecision are also not the best qualities for a resume. So before you indicate personal qualities in a resume, carefully study the example of a successful one. It is worth first finding a good one to see exactly what personal indicators are needed for the desired position, and indicate exactly them. But you should not lie openly, because the lie will be revealed, and this will not play into the hands of the employee.

Please consider your answer before completing the deficiencies box. In no case do not skip it, because ideal people do not exist. As a rule, managers want to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. If you do not know what to write, look at the suggested options and choose something that suits you best.

The universal formula: select such character traits that are a virtue for performing this particular job, but in ordinary life can really be considered a human flaw.

You can write the following weaknesses:

  • excessive directness, the habit of telling the truth in the eye;
  • difficulty in establishing contact with strangers;
  • inability to be flexible in labor matters;
  • reliability;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive emotionality, irascibility;
  • love for formalism;
  • restlessness;
  • slowness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • fear of air travel.

All these weaknesses in the resume can become advantages if you look at them from a different angle. An example is restlessness. For a sales representative or an active sales manager, this can even be a plus. The same goes for reliability. For the manager, this is a signal that you may be the person who will do all the overtime work.

Linking weaknesses to the characteristics of professions

All applicants should think about how to correctly write my weaknesses for a resume. For example, a future accountant or design engineer might write:

  • incredulity;
  • excessive scrupulousness;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive demands on oneself;
  • straightness;
  • pedantry;
  • modesty;
  • inability to lie;
  • difficulty establishing contact with strangers;
  • pride;
  • lack of flexibility in labor matters;
  • adherence to principles;
  • overestimated sense of responsibility;
  • lack of diplomacy.
  • hyperactivity;
  • self-confidence;
  • restlessness;
  • impulsiveness;
  • the need for external motivation;
  • incredulity, desire to double-check and confirm all information.

Disadvantages for one profession can become advantages for another.

You can also indicate in your resume among your negative qualities:

  • straightness;
  • workaholism;
  • excessive love for communication.

Applicants for the position of manager need to prepare before filling out the specified column. It is better to think in advance what weaknesses to indicate in the resume. They can write about such character traits:

  • excessive emotionality;
  • pedantry;
  • love for little things;
  • thoughts about work, planning take up most of the free time;
  • increased demands on others.

A good example is the following:

  • inability to respond with rudeness to rudeness;
  • the tendency to make decisions based on one's own opinion;
  • mistrust of people and a love of confirmation of facts.

Some applicants choose to indicate that they:

  • overly trusting;
  • can raise their voice to subordinates;
  • straightforward, express their opinion without veiled embellishments;
  • quick-tempered;
  • always looking for confirmation of words;
  • have a hypertrophied sense of responsibility;
  • prone to formalism and pay too much attention to detail;
  • irritated by disorder;
  • slow;
  • do not like to do things for the sake of others.

For all occasions

Many are afraid to write about shortcomings, believing that the employer will immediately send their resume to the trash can. Of course, you should not be too frank, but you should not completely skip this section of the questionnaire. In this case, you can write about some neutral qualities that will not affect the work in any way. For a person applying for any vacancy, among the inherent weaknesses can be indicated:

  • fear of airplanes;
  • arachnophobia (fear of spiders), vespertiliophobia (fear of bats), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes);
  • excess weight;
  • lack of experience;
  • age (suitable for people over 40 years old);
  • love for shopping
  • sweet love.

This information does not characterize you in any way, it simply speaks of your fears or small weaknesses. The following shortcomings can be stated:

  • I do not always accurately express my thoughts;
  • I trust people too much;
  • prone to reflection;
  • I often analyze past mistakes, focusing on them too much attention;
  • I spend a lot of time evaluating my actions.

These are negative qualities, but they should not affect the workflow. Regardless of the position for which you are applying, you can write such weaknesses in your resume:

  • I get so carried away with work that I forget to take breaks;
  • I can’t build relationships with colleagues because I don’t like gossip;
  • I can’t fight back in response to a boorish appeal;
  • I constantly pass all situations through myself;
  • let people get too close;
  • I can't swear;
  • I noticeably worry when I have to lie.

Important nuances

Please note that there are items that are better left unmentioned. You should not write, for example, that you:

  • like to be lazy;
  • afraid to take responsibility;
  • do not like to make decisions;
  • not punctual;
  • are often distracted;
  • think only about salary;
  • love office romances.

For example, by writing about your laziness in your resume, you risk: the employer will decide that you do not want to work.

Strengths and weaknesses of a person very often you need to indicate in the resume when applying for a job. So everyone starts to think about their weaknesses and advantages.

Human strengths

A strong character depends on the strengths of a person, so you need to know exactly what traits and qualities determine the strong character of a person. In most cases, it is this character that helps to succeed in career endeavors. List:

  • Strong thinking;
  • Learnability;
  • Professionalism;
  • Discipline;
  • Love for your work;
  • Responsibility;
  • Activity;
  • industriousness;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • Purposefulness;
  • Patience.

Many who wish to obtain a managerial position can indicate the following qualities:

  • work to achieve the expected result;
  • the ability to find new prospects for development;
  • manifestation of initiative, activity;
  • the ability to convince;
  • the ability to motivate;
  • the presence of leadership skills, you are ready to take responsibility for any results and are ready to take risks.
  • self-confidence, perseverance, courage;
  • every time strive to develop your capabilities, self-development.

Very often people indicate in their resume such character strengths:

  • courage;
  • honesty;
  • justice;
  • reliability;
  • responsiveness.

Weaknesses of a person

Before filling in the column, you need to think carefully about your answer. Remember that ideal people do not exist and leaders always want to see how a person can adequately evaluate himself. Several options for human weaknesses:

  • reliability;
  • difficulty in communication;
  • excessive directness;
  • slowness;
  • love for formalism;
  • restlessness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • fear of air travel;

If you want to get a job, then you need to consider your weaknesses and give an accurate answer. For example, an accountant can write:

  • inability to lie;
  • straightness;
  • incredulity;
  • pride;
  • adherence to principles;
  • responsibility;
  • lack of flexibility in complex issues;
  • modesty.

These examples can be taken as a basis when compiling your own resume. Already at the first interview, you can see your desire to work and how sociable you are.

Everyone sooner or later faces the need to clearly identify all their strengths. Most often this happens at the time of writing a resume. The employer wants to see a list before the interview - the strengths of the person. In order for this question not to take you by surprise, you should analyze your personality in detail.


It is on talent that all strong character traits are based. Each person knows perfectly well what he can do best.
It takes effort to develop talent. Few can achieve perfection, but everyone can hone their skills.

In order for talent not to go to waste, it is best to associate your profession with it. Life will be much more interesting if work is fun. For this, it is simply necessary that it suits a person in character, temperament, and meets his interests.

Work on yourself

The strengths and weaknesses of a person are closely intertwined with each other. No one can boast that he is perfect and has no weaknesses. A self-sufficient person always admits that he has flaws. There is nothing wrong. After all, human flaws are traits that, with volitional influence, make it possible to develop further, not to stand still. If you engage in self-development, then over time, a person can turn all the weaknesses into strengths. It is not always easy to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a person. People are not inclined to hide their positive qualities, they know perfectly well what they can do best. However, sometimes people overestimate themselves, do not always correctly assess their capabilities. If everything is more or less clear with positive character traits, then everything is more complicated with shortcomings. Few people are able to honestly admit to themselves that they are excessively lazy, constantly late, or cannot bring the work they have started to its logical end. Weaknesses of a person, what are they? In most cases, people are characterized by laziness, excessive softness of character, shyness, problems with observing the daily routine, indiscipline. Many human shortcomings are easily corrected on their own, while others cannot be dealt with without the help of a psychologist. Some human flaws cannot be removed. Under them, experts advise to adjust their own way of life so that they do not cause inconvenience.

Objective assessment

What are my strengths? On the one hand, the question is not difficult, but many cannot accurately characterize themselves. Assessing your capabilities is important. If personal growth and self-improvement is important to you, you should not neglect it. By making a list of your strengths, you can understand what you lack for career growth, which means you can begin the journey to eliminate gaps in knowledge and opportunities.

Strengths: list

The combination of strengths gives a strong-willed character. There are qualities by which one can judge the strength of the human personality. To be successful in your career and life, you need to have:

  • sociability;
  • Confidence;
  • professionalism;
  • Purposefulness;
  • analytical thinking;
  • Patience;
  • Learnability;
  • diligence;
  • Responsibility.

Developing your strengths

  • Professionalism

One of the strengths of a person is the ability to improve in a chosen area. Experts recommend every month to read at least one book in their specialty.

  • Analytical thinking, learning

These strengths of the personality are fully dependent on the level of intelligence. It, in turn, is determined by the genetic data and the training that has been received.

  • Discipline

To increase the level of discipline, you need to learn how to motivate yourself.

  • industriousness

Few people can boast of having this quality from birth. A person starts work not because he is tired of idleness, but only because there is such a thing as “necessary”. Each action performed brings a sense of satisfaction, which works as a great motivator.

  • Patience

You can't get everything you want right away. It takes time to reach the goal. The ability to wait is a valuable character trait.

  • Confidence, focus

These strengths come with acquired experience and skills. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to follow the chosen path. These human strengths can be supplemented by the following:

  • Courage;
  • Honesty;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Reliability;

People who possess all these qualities can control their actions and desires, manage their lives.

Exercises to determine your personal capabilities

  1. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. To do this, you need to remember what actions cause you the most positive emotions. Write them down in a notebook, starting with the most significant and ending with those that are the least pleasant.
  2. The next step will be a reassessment of values. Rethink your life beliefs to understand which ones are strengths and which are weaknesses.
  3. Remember the people whose opinion is valuable to you. Why do you respect them? What traits do they have? Do you have these virtues?
  4. Remember the last time you were happy? What happened at that moment? Why were you happy?
  5. After studying your answers, try to find similarities in them. Those features that will be repeated in most of the answers are your ideals, what you are striving for.
  6. Determine if your beliefs match your real life.
  7. Learn what is good and what is bad in the area where you live and work.
  8. Determine if the environment is optimal for your personality development.
  9. Conduct a survey in which you ask people who know you what character traits you have.
  10. Having received answers from loved ones, you should find in them all the common points. Make a list of the personality traits most people find in you.
  11. Make a self-portrait. As a result, you will get a deep characterization of personal qualities.
  12. Make a list of things you need to do to improve your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

Self improvement

Human shortcomings can be overcome only through constant development. It is impossible to ignore not only shortcomings, but also strengths of character, as well as talents. They require improvement, because even the most outstanding abilities, without daily training, weaken over time. Each person knows what he can do best. Therefore, only rare individuals do not pay attention to them, do not engage in self-development. Merits rarely cause problems. After all, there are a huge number of methods of self-development. And if desired, everyone can improve their abilities, make them brighter and more outstanding. The situation is different with disadvantages. Everyone tends to underestimate them. If you do not see the problem, then you can get along well with it, but life will lose something important from this. You can stubbornly ignore your weaknesses, put up with them, but in order to develop as a person and as a professional, hard hard work will be required.

In interviews with employers and when writing a resume, you have to indicate your strengths. Oddly enough, for some, this is more difficult than listing weaknesses. However, both must be specified. We will help you decide and make your own list. What strengths to indicate in a resume The strengths and weaknesses of a person are often asked at a job interview. You have to answer this question by writing your own resume. So involuntarily you start to think about your advantages and weaknesses. With advantages, that is, strengths of character, it usually turns out well. But with the weak ... Is it really impossible without them? It is forbidden! Recruiters - experienced professionals - will appreciate your frankness, and who knows, it may be your combination of "pros" and "cons" that will help them make a choice in your favor.

On the benefits of "self-digging"

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. It would seem, why look for them at home? What can it give? According to psychologists, a lot. You need to know your strengths in order to feel confident in various life situations. And knowing your weaknesses will help, if not to overcome them, then at least to take control and engage in self-development. The latter, according to experts, helps both in a career and in personal life, and generally leads to harmony with oneself and the whole world.


Strengths combine to make a strong character. Let's see what qualities and traits determine the strong character of a person. This is all the more necessary to know if you do not want to be content with a modest position and low salary, but want to succeed in your career endeavors. The list is quite extensive. So this is:

  • professionalism;
  • analytical thinking;
  • learnability;
  • responsibility;
  • discipline;
  • diligence;
  • patience;
  • purposefulness;
  • self confidence.

Developing strengths

Professionalism is your knowledge multiplied by experience. If you didn’t spend your time at the institute in vain, love and know how to study, know your business well, you will certainly become a professional. By the way, according to experts, there is a fairly simple way of professional self-improvement. To do this, it is enough to read one book in your specialty every month. But the analytical thinking and learning depend on the level of intelligence. By the way, intelligence, according to the latest research, is transmitted through the maternal line. So if you got good genes, your parents did a lot of work for you as a child, and you studied hard and didn’t play the fool, then you have every reason to add the second and third positive qualities from the list to your resume. The following are strengths that you may not have, but which you can develop in yourself.


It seems that this quality is also innate, but in women mainly for some reason. It is not for nothing that there is even such a term as hypertrophied responsibility, and it means precisely the female ability to be responsible for everything: for children, husband, parents, friends, animals, work, country, and so on. So we have nothing to develop here, except to learn a little the opposite.


This is sometimes not easy. Set an alarm for 6.30 and get up at the first signal, and not endlessly delay the moment of rise. Arrive to work on time, not 10 minutes late. In the same way, do not be late for business meetings or gatherings with friends. To become disciplined, you need to come up with motivation. For example, it is easy for me to get up early in the morning, because I know that a cup of coffee with something tasty and interesting reading is waiting for me. The anticipation of all this helps not to lie too long in bed. And in order not to be late for work, try to make sure what a thrill it is to come to the office ... first! Peace and quiet, you can calmly gather your thoughts, make plans for the whole day and get to work. In the morning hours, by the way, the brains work more productively.


Few people have this quality innate. All mankind is lazy to some extent. And only hunger, cold and fear forced him to get up from the warm skin of a mammoth and do something useful. So do we: we get down to business not because we are tired of resting, but because there is such an inexorable word “necessary”. It is necessary to wash the windows for the winter, iron the washed linen, select unnecessary books and take them to the nearest library ... But what a feeling of satisfaction comes when you realize that you managed to overcome yourself and fulfill your plan. So gradually you get a taste and become ... a workaholic in the best sense of the word.


This is when you realize that you won’t be able to get everything at once and right now. And you learn to wait, gradually, step by step, approaching the goal. Career growth, by the way, is what happens. Almost no one immediately after high school does not get into top managers. Well, maybe some computer genius of the level of Bill Gates.

Purposefulness and self-confidence

These strengths you get as a bonus to the above. Professionalism breeds self-confidence. The more you know and know how, the more confident you feel in your business. And it helps to go your own way, persistently achieving your goals.

Let's complete the list

We also call strengths of character:

  • honesty;
  • reliability;
  • justice;
  • honesty;
  • responsiveness;
  • courage.

People who have all of the above qualities are able to control themselves, their desires and actions, and therefore, manage their lives, subordinate circumstances to themselves. Well, such individuals always inspire respect and trust.

We recommend that you take a logical thinking test when applying for a job and assess your capabilities.

© Ilyina Natalia,

The device for the first place of work is troublesome and incomprehensible. Students are not taught to fill out questionnaires, and if they talk about it, then in a general sense, without specifics. Therefore, young people enter into a stupor when it is required to name the weaknesses of a person. What to write? How, in general, to approach such points? How are the strengths and weaknesses of a person determined in the context of professional activity? Let's figure it out.


Let's start with the fact that a person, one way or another, evaluates his character, inclinations, abilities. He knows more about it than anyone else. The weaknesses of a person are an obstacle that hinders his realization. As such, we usually consider laziness, absent-mindedness, gluttony, love to sleep, the desire to have fun, and not to work. But this has an indirect relation to the place of service. And is it worth it to tell the employer that you like to eat cakes three times a day? This does not affect the performance of work duties. When you need to tell about yourself, you need to focus on the conditions in which you have to work. That is, to analyze your qualities, to identify those that will help you work, and those that will interfere. Pay special attention to the “weak sides of a person” item. Talk too much - you will be denied employment. Hide the actual - fired in a few days. The moment is very subtle. It should be approached carefully, thoughtfully, carefully, but honestly. Below we will try to fill in this paragraph in practice in order to avoid negative consequences. But first, take a piece of paper and write down what you consider to be your weaknesses. Don't think about work just yet. Record everything that comes to mind. We'll weed out the excess later.

How to analyze your abilities

To describe the weaknesses of a person for the questionnaire, it is necessary to carefully understand the character, habits, internal attitudes. You say that only a specialist can do this? Wrong! Now you will see everything for yourself. Sit comfortably, armed with a pen, and make lists. Enter in the hotel columns that:

  • doing well;
  • like to perform;
  • does not work at all;
  • still needs to be mastered;
  • causes disgust;
  • done, but with a creak, without enthusiasm.

If you approach this process thoroughly, you will get a basis in order to identify the weaknesses of a person for the questionnaire. So, in principle, experts do. They pull out the specified information in the process of conversation, observation, testing. But you know yourself, so things will go faster. And to make your job easier, here is a list of what are considered weaknesses. Focus on these data, but try not to copy them. Use your own brains!

Weaknesses of a person: examples

The employer needs you to keep things moving, not standing still. A person is assigned a range of duties that must be strictly fulfilled. His personality traits can interfere with work. In order to identify such inconsistencies, a column is filled in that determines the weaknesses of a person. Believe me, there is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all different, different from each other. One can command, the other is better at performing. Either individual will find a place for himself that will bring satisfaction and profit to him, and benefit to the common cause. Weaknesses can be as follows (for an employee):

  • lack of inclination to communicate, low sociability;
  • isolation;
  • little experience;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • lack of specialized education;
  • bad skills;
  • conflict;
  • condescending attitude towards lies.

The list is very approximate to guide the one who first encountered the problem. Here you can add, for example, the fear of public speaking (if necessary), the inability to count money (if necessary), and so on. You should proceed from the job responsibilities for which you are applying.


By analogy, you can praise yourself in the questionnaire. Indicate all your talents, abilities, skills, experience. Eg:

  • strength of will;
  • endurance;
  • resistance;
  • leadership skills;
  • purposefulness;
  • calm;
  • organization;
  • mental clarity;
  • determination;
  • sociability;
  • initiative;
  • patience;
  • truthfulness;
  • justice;
  • thrift;
  • business ability;
  • financial skills;
  • tolerance;
  • spirituality;
  • analytics;
  • the ability to compromise;
  • artistry;
  • accuracy;
  • respect for leaders.

The list is also very approximate. It will be easier to correct it if they explain to you what you will need to do at work. Be sure to ask. And from the duties, highlight the skills that are necessary for their successful implementation.

What do you want to hide

Lying while filling out the questionnaire is not recommended. But there are some moments that are better left unsaid. For example, you lack willpower. That is, there were no moments in life when it needed to be demonstrated. So you think it doesn't exist. Then just leave this item out. There is nothing wrong with this. Believe me, this quality, called positive by the society, is doubtful for the employer. If a worker rests, having all the inclinations to achieve the goal, it is difficult to cope with him. Such people complain to the courts, and they can write a statement to the authorities. Why these problems to the heads? When filling out the questionnaire, focus more on business characteristics. This is where you have to be extremely sincere. Each item indicated in the questionnaire will be checked in practice. It will be embarrassing and embarrassing if caught in a lie. If you don't know how to talk to a client, say so. This is a profitable business - they will teach. And for honesty you will receive bonuses, even if they are intangible.

You know, interviews are usually conducted by people who can identify the strengths and weaknesses of a person. Examples constantly pass before their eyes. Involuntarily, you will learn to notice the subtleties and nuances of behavior, project them onto characters. When faced with such a questionnaire, fill it out and read it twice. It is necessary to take a look at your data as if from the outside. You have two lists. Look at the ratio of the lists. It is desirable that there be three times more positive, strong qualities than weak ones. Judge for yourself, who needs a worker who can do nothing, who does not want to? It is foolish to give such an individual a chance for growth. And what do you think?

People who are looking for a job know that an invitation to an interview does not secure the desired position. Getting a job depends on how the interview goes, so it’s worth coming to a meeting with a recruiter prepared. Strengths and weaknesses in the interview - one of those points that attracts attention.

When interviewing, it is important to correctly demonstrate your strengths and weaknesses.

Emphasis on strengths

At the interview, you have to not only name the skills, but also focus on the positive aspects. The way a potential employee responds largely determines whether he will receive the coveted position or not.

So that the request to name your merits does not confuse you, you should think over your answer in advance before accepting. The sheet of paper should be divided into 3 columns:

  • employee skills;
  • mobile skills;
  • personal qualities.

The first thing to talk about is professional skills. These include your knowledge that could help in obtaining a position. They will come in handy if the candidate is approved. A programmer should indicate a large number of programs that he is fluent in, other skills in working with a computer, etc. A potential accountant should demonstrate experience in using special computing and accounting programs, demonstrate diplomas, talk about completing advanced training courses, etc.

Mobile skills are also professional skills, but the candidate "transfers" them from one position to another. These include the ability to work in a team, the ability to think analytically, the ability to resolve conflict situations, etc. Usually it is enough to name three to five qualities.

Speaking about personal qualities, one should mention only those that can directly or indirectly affect the profession. You can’t talk about culinary abilities if the candidate gets a job as a videographer. In this case, it would be more appropriate to note creativity, an original approach to editing and filming, creative thinking, punctuality, etc. Regarding the standard set of qualities, it is important for a recruiter that the candidate be friendly, disciplined, decisive, patient, reliable, with a serious approach to work and non-conflict.

It is unlikely that time will allow to fully talk about your advantages and give examples, therefore, from the entire list, it is necessary to single out only what will certainly interest a potential employer. Suffice it to say three main qualities. If time permits, the employer may ask for a detailed description of the strengths and weaknesses with examples and lessons learned.

Mention of weaknesses

Every person has weaknesses, and the recruiter is well aware of this. When describing negative qualities in an interview, it is advisable to remain honest. You should not tell anything that could become an obstacle in obtaining the coveted position. Calling minuses, you should compensate them with pluses. In other words, point out the shortcomings in the interview in such a way that they demonstrate the positive aspects, that is, do not interfere with obtaining the desired position.

There are several downsides.

Disadvantage = dignity

We are talking about a negative quality that can easily be turned into a virtue. An excellent solution would be a statement like the example: "I'm a workaholic." This expression implies that a person gives a lot of time to work. Relatives scold him for eternal business trips and absence of home, but for the boss, a person with a desire to work day and night is a great find.

Easily fixable flaws

It is recommended to voice those shortcomings at the interview, which can be eliminated in the near future. This may be overly pedantic. In life, this does not interfere at all, but in the team there are people who think differently. To avoid conflict situations, you can reconsider your attitude.

Possible interview questions

Lesson learned example

A recruiter will certainly appreciate if a candidate for a position speaks a situation from which he was able to learn a lesson. That is, there is a fact of making an error (negative side), but there is a successful resolution of it. This may directly indicate that a person learns from his mistakes and will not repeat them in the future.

Lack of an unimportant skill

For each position, the employer draws up a list of specific skills that a potential employee must have. Naming your negative sides, it is worth mentioning one of these qualities, but highlighting the least influential from the entire list. The future programmer is hardly paramount in impeccable oratory. Do not talk about a shortcoming that can directly affect the productivity of work.

If a person applies for the position of a personnel manager, then the inability to speak to the public will directly affect the recruiter's decision not in his favor.

Deviation from the question

A recruiter may be interested in what shortcomings a potential employee will name. If you want to have the most frank conversation, you should answer directly and honestly, naming the positive and negative aspects of the interview. It is also worth understanding and understanding how the interviewer will react to this. There are those who will take the team only for frankness, but some will take it for weakness. It is advisable to ask at the end of the enumeration whether it is necessary to dwell on any of the points in more detail. Such a phrase will allow all answers to be adapted to the comments, if any. During the interview, the potential employee must be able to present himself correctly. However, the applicant is not an actor playing for the audience. Both sides need a conversation. Tactics will make the conversation lively, it will not be a conversation of one person, but an exciting conversation, an acquaintance of two people looking at each other.

It is necessary to let the employer know that you have a desire to work on your mistakes. It is extremely important to feel inner confidence, to be convincing and honest. Then it will be possible to make the right impression on the employer.

In the event that the recruiter does not ask anything about shortcomings or achievements, you should not start a conversation in this vein on your own initiative. If asked, then you should answer without delay. The main thing is to keep it short and to the point. There is no need to go into lengthy reflections on this matter.

You need to prepare well in advance for the interview. No question asked by a recruiter should surprise or embarrass. The employer will ask a lot of questions, including being interested in weaknesses and strengths. There is no need to hesitate to answer these questions. Respond promptly and convincingly. Everyone has good and bad sides, even the most talented and successful leader.



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