Microelement selenium value. May Help Boost Fertility

Today we already know that selenium is a powerful immunostimulating and carcinostatic agent with a wide range of effects on our health. There is no other mineral that is so vital to our antioxidant defense mechanisms.

Do you suffer from rheumatism? Do you have a weak heart and high blood pressure? Do you often pick up various infections? These symptoms are often the result of a selenium deficiency.

What is selenium for?

The first data that heralded success Selena in the fight against cancer, brought a study conducted in Lingjiang (China). It was the only study in which the use of synthetic beta-carotene supplements had an impressive effect in reducing the incidence of cancer in thirty thousand people. But only in Lingjiang, subjects were given selenium 50 mcg per day for five years!

Perhaps the most successful cancer prevention study ever conducted was published on December 25, 1996. It took ten years and was supported by the National Cancer Research Institute; 1,312 volunteers took part in the experiments (75 percent of them were men). During this time, subjects were given 200 mcg of selenium (from yeast) daily. Those who took selenium had a 49% reduction in mortality from the three most common types of cancer (lung, prostate and colorectal).

Published at the end of 1996, details of the study in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association told the world about stunning results regarding this mineral. The results of this study should change current thinking about cancer prevention and the use of nutritional supplements. They should certainly make us aware that for optimal protection against cancer we need more Selena what food can provide. Supplements provide excellent and inexpensive protection against this killer disease.

And as the famous American cardiologist Dr. Atkins said on this occasion: “A substance that can reduce cancer incidence by almost 40% and reduce cancer mortality by 50% should be proclaimed as our greatest breakthrough in medicine and distributed to people around the world.”

Any substance that boosts the immune system and prevents oxidation can be expected to protect us in the war against cancer. Therefore, a study showing a 50% reduction in cancer mortality is not a bolt from the blue and should be taken with a grain of salt.

The same epidemiology allows us to predict the value Selena.

Population studies have firmly established that regions of the world with higher selenium content in the soil have significantly lower incidence rates of lung cancer of the rectum, cervix and uterus. Research in Finland has shown that male cancer patients have lower blood selenium levels than healthy controls, and selenium may be one of the most important nutrients for protection against these cancers. Cases of lymphoma, a type of cancer whose prevalence is rising sharply, are much more common among people with low levels of selenium in their blood.

In addition, this trace element enhances the body's immune defense against viruses and other pathogenic aggressors, and laboratory experiments show noticeable changes in such elements of the immune system as white blood cells, natural killer cells, antibodies, macrophages and interferon.

Some studies suggest that regular preventive selenium supplementation may prevent hepatitis, herpes, and even Ebola virus infections. It is possible that selenium supplements help keep the HIV virus latent, preventing it from developing into full-blown AIDS.

Maintaining optimal levels Selena not only replenishes its loss from the action of the virus and strengthens the immune system. Essentially, the mineral works much like several drugs proposed to treat AIDS—it inhibits a substance associated with the virus called reverse transcriptase.

Based on all these considerations, Gerhard Schrauser is the most famous specialist in selenium— argues that this mineral may be the single most important dietary supplement for people infected with the deadly virus.

Because the full immune-boosting effects of a standard supplement program may not be seen for up to six months, Schrouser suggests that doctors can achieve a faster response by prescribing a very short initial course with daily doses of up to 8,000 mcg (8 mg).

Clinical observations have also shown that selenium is an important supplement for treating cardiac arrhythmias and preventing sudden cardiac death.

Selenium protects the heart not only through its role in the production of glutathione peroxidase, which helps maintain antioxidant activity, but also by limiting toxic metals in the body such as cadmium, mercury and lead, which can damage heart tissue. Finally, selenium protects the heart from oxygen deprivation, from the toxic effects of drugs like Adriamycin, and from Keshan's disease.

The anti-inflammatory properties of this mineral, especially when combined with vitamin E and other antioxidants, help relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Selenium also has a beneficial effect in osteoarthritis. However, the effect is not achieved immediately; It may take up to six months to see results Selena will become noticeable. Because the selenium-dependent enzyme glutathione peroxidase has anti-inflammatory properties, selenium is also useful in the treatment of other inflammatory diseases, such as colitis and psoriasis. (The best results in the treatment of psoriasis are obtained with direct application Selena on the affected skin.)

Selenium is important for thyroid function because it affects the enzyme that activates the main thyroid hormone (T4). Selenium not only activates thyroid hormone - it protects the thyroid gland from the damaging effects of free radicals, which can lead to hypothyroidism. Apparently the supplements Selena especially important for older people with thyroid disorders.

Selenium's major unappreciated contribution to health comes from its ability to eliminate the threat posed by toxic metals such as lead, platinum and mercury. It binds to metals, making them inert and harmless.

An example is people working with mercury in the former Yugoslavia. Although they are exposed to large quantities of this metal, due to the fact that the local soil is rich selenium, their diet contains enough of this mineral to protect them from poisoning. Another clinical benefit has recently been demonstrated Selena- the ability to reduce the toxicity of platinum-containing chemotherapy drugs.

When sudden abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting signal acute pancreatitis, selenium can be a lifesaver. Doctors have discovered that the administration of this mineral relieves inflammation of the pancreas within twenty-four hours.

To take full advantage of selenium's anti-cancer protective properties, we should all take a 200 mcg supplement daily.

For additional insurance against inflammation, viral infection, weakened immunity or heavy metal poisoning, a dose of 400 mcg is more suitable, which is still quite safe. The solution helps best against psoriasis Selena for external use.

Doses Selena up to 1000 mcg is usually quite safe for short-term treatment, but not for long-term use. Selenium can be poisonous. In certain regions of the globe where the soils are rich selenium, the normal daily diet contains up to 700 mcg of this mineral, but local residents have not noticed any side effects or signs of poisoning. However, no matter what dose you use, combine it with vitamin E. These two antioxidants compensate for each other's deficiency.

Consequences of shortage

There are no simple enough ways to determine content Selena in food. Two pieces of land separated by only 2 kilometers can differ in the content of this mineral by a thousand times. Intensive farming, soil erosion and acid rain contribute to impoverishment selenium soil and, ultimately, what we eat. Therefore, food tables that claim to list the nutrient composition of a variety of fruits and vegetables should be treated with a certain degree of distrust.

When we don't have Selena, then there is no glutathione peroxidase, a powerful antioxidant enzyme. Its absence leaves a huge gap in our defenses against diseases associated with oxidation, including cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis and cataracts.

Selenium deficiency is very common in people infected with HIV, and the lower the level than normal, the more damage HIV can cause to a body with a weakened immune system. In fact, one theory of the development of AIDS suggests that HIV depletes Selena in the infected cell until it falls below a critical level. Then the cell bursts and the virus reproduces.

People with low levels of selenium in their blood have been found to have a 70% higher risk of coronary heart disease compared to those with normal levels of the mineral; Danish researchers have shown that low plasma selenium concentrations are a significant risk factor for heart disease.

Many population studies suggest that selenium is a protective nutrient against the development of heart and artery disease.

Reduced content Selena observed in the blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Low levels Selena have also been found in asthmatics. A study of people in New Zealand, where the soil is low in selenium, found that asthma was six times more common among people with low levels of the selenium-dependent enzyme glutathione peroxidase.

Selenium is important for thyroid function because it affects the enzyme that activates the main thyroid hormone (T4). In the absence of Selena the effect of thyroid replacement therapy may be incomplete; This means that selenium deficiency can lead to a slow metabolism and even obesity.

Dr. Atkins, a renowned American cardiologist, discovered that the main cause of multiple sclerosis is the accumulation of toxic metals in the body. And since it is selenium that has the ability to eliminate the threat posed by toxic metals such as lead, platinum and mercury, multiple sclerosis is more common in regions where there is no selenium. In addition, those suffering from this disease are found to have low levels of glutathione, which is a sign of selenium deficiency.

In both men and women, reproductive capacity depends on optimal intake Selena. The same applies to the health of the newborn child. Along with folic acid and zinc, selenium is critical in preventing babies from being born with an underdeveloped spine as a result of neural tube defects. These babies, as well as their mothers, tend to have lower levels Selena than in corresponding healthy people.

In pregnant women who do not get enough Selena, they are more likely to have a miscarriage, and their babies may suffer from muscle weakness. In children who died from sudden neonatal death syndrome, several signs of selenium deficiency were noted, suggesting a possible preventive role for this mineral supplementation.

A low-protein diet compromises the body's supply selenium; the same is true of consuming large quantities of refined grain products that are completely devoid of the amount of mineral they might otherwise contain. The use of fish oil and polyunsaturated vegetable oils - sunflower, corn and flaxseed - unfortunately, can increase the body's need for selenium.

In order for the organs and systems of the body to function normally, it is necessary to maintain an optimal balance of vitamins, macro- and microelements. A deficiency, as well as an excess, of these substances negatively affects the general condition of the body or the functioning of individual organs. Today's article will focus on selenium. You will learn how useful selenium is for a woman’s body, the dangers of its deficiency and excess, and how to replenish the need for this mineral.

Selenium: why the body needs it

How useful is selenium? Why does the body need this microelement? Let's consider.

The impact of selenium on the human body is quite multifaceted, namely:

  • helps strengthen the immune system;
  • resists the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • is an integral part of proteins, enzymes and hormones;
  • has a beneficial effect on metabolism, allowing the body to better digest food and break down microelements;
  • prevents the development of malignant tumors;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, increases resistance to stress;
  • removes salts of heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium);
  • has a positive effect on male reproductive function;
  • improves the condition of skin, nails and hair, gives them strength and elasticity.

The importance of selenium for the female body

How is selenium beneficial for women? This question often interests the fair sex. In fact, the role of the mineral is difficult to overestimate, because selenium ensures the normal course of all biological and physiological processes.

Its necessity for the female body is as follows:

  • accelerates the synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • slows down the onset of menopause;
  • improves the appearance of skin, hair and nails;
  • prevents the development of gynecological diseases;
  • increases the chances of conception;
  • reduces the risk of developing toxicosis;
  • increases the likelihood of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child;
  • restores the psycho-emotional background during pregnancy;
  • promotes faster recovery after childbirth;
  • enhances the body's protective properties.

Selenium - a mineral of longevity

The antioxidant properties of selenium allow it to have the same positive effect on the body as vitamin E. Both substances are equally important for various physiological processes in the body and can be used interchangeably.

Selenium, being a powerful antioxidant, promotes the oxidation of free radicals, resulting in normal collagen production and the skin remaining elastic. That is why selenium is simply irreplaceable for a woman’s body.

In addition, the microelement in question ensures the integrity of nucleic acids. Thus, the occurrence of gene mutations is prevented and the transmission and storage of hereditary information is ensured.

The consequences of selenium fasting may not be the most pleasant. Against the background of mineral deficiency, the body begins to age faster, and life expectancy is significantly shortened.

Why is selenium deficiency dangerous?

If selenium does not enter the human body for a long time, this leads to a slowdown in metabolism, the appearance of excess weight, and the likelihood of developing obesity. The consequences of prolonged selenium deficiency can be diseases such as myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, multiple sclerosis, joint diseases, and diabetes. In addition, cancerous tumors often develop against the background of selenium starvation.

Selenium plays a very significant role in the body of a woman who is preparing to become a mother. Selenium deficiency often causes problems with conception and difficult childbirth. During pregnancy, it is important to monitor selenium levels to avoid placental abruption and premature birth of the baby.

Symptoms of selenium fasting

Microelement deficiency develops when its intake is less than 5 mcg per day. It is worth noting that the tendency to develop its deficiency increases with age.

A lack of selenium in the body can be judged by the following signs:

  • frequently recurring colds;
  • decreased performance and fatigue;
  • disorder of the digestive organs (liver, pancreas);
  • prolonged wound healing;
  • sexual impotence (in men);
  • premature aging;
  • deterioration of skin, hair and nails;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • tendency to inflammatory diseases.

Sources of the mineral and features of its absorption

Various substances are involved in the process of selenium metabolism. With the help of this microelement, the biological effectiveness of ascorbic acid and vitamin E is increased. Selenium prevents the premature oxidation of these vitamins, and they, in turn, increase the antioxidant abilities of the mineral.

It is worth noting that selenium is not synthesized in the human body. Hence the need arises to obtain it from the outside, that is, with products. Here it is worth clarifying that the body absorbs the plant form of selenium best.

A large amount of the microelement is found in seafood: squid, shrimp, crab, lobster and seaweed. Fish are also rich in selenium, in particular herring, salmon and tuna. You can compensate for the lack of microelements by including tomatoes, garlic, champignons, porcini mushrooms, legumes, buckwheat and oatmeal in your diet. Meat and organ meats can also contain selenium if the animal's diet is rich in selenium. Nuts are an excellent source of the mineral. The largest reserves are concentrated in Brazil nuts, pistachios and cashews.

It is worth considering that consuming carbohydrates negatively affects the absorption of selenium. Sweets impair absorption and slow down the process of selenium metabolism.


Since excess selenium in the body is toxic, its intake should be within normal limits. The daily requirement of selenium for women is 55 mcg. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need for a microelement increases, and its daily norm is in the range of 65-200 mcg. The same goes for athletes, smokers and people involved in heavy physical labor. The body of an adult male should receive at least 75 mcg of selenium per day.

The maximum permissible daily dose of selenium is 400 mcg. Huge doses are prescribed for acute microelement deficiency, and its administration is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

The danger posed by an excess of selenium

An overdose of selenium-containing drugs, as well as chronic poisoning at industrial enterprises, leads to an excess of selenium in the body. A daily intake of a microelement in the amount of 800 mcg, as a rule, is fraught with poisoning.

If selenium is taken in excessive amounts, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, garlicky breath and skin, hair loss and brittle nails may occur. In addition, an excess of microelements leads to problems with the liver, mental disorders and decreased immunity.

Selenium preparations for women

Selenium deficiency, as a rule, is observed in those regions in the soil of which the microelement is present in small quantities. In this case, the deficiency can be filled with modern synthetic drugs. Among them, Selenium-Active has proven itself well. For women, it is good because the trace element is present in an organic form, that is, more complete and safe. 1 tablet contains the daily dose of selenium. For better absorption of the mineral, the drug contains ascorbic acid in an amount of 50 mcg.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers many complex preparations containing selenium. The most popular foreign vitamins are “Perfectil”, “Multi-tabs Classic”, “Vitrum”.

Among the domestic preparations, the mineral and vitamin complexes “AlfaVit” deserve attention, which are affordable, are produced for various age categories and differ in the dosage of selenium. Classic "AlfaVit" contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, including 70 mcg of selenium.

“AlfaVit Mom’s Health” was created especially for pregnant and lactating women. The drug contains 13 vitamins and 11 minerals. The amount of selenium is 40 mcg.

Selenium is also very necessary for a woman’s body after 50. The supply of microelements in the required quantity will help delay the onset of old age, improve skin condition, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and the development of serious diseases. For this purpose, the drug “Alphabet 50+” was specially developed. It contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals. The selenium content in this preparation is 70 mcg.

Selenium is a vital trace element for a woman’s body. Since it is not synthesized in the body, the daily requirement of the microelement must be met with food. If there is a deficiency of the mineral, selenium-containing drugs are prescribed. However, it is important to understand that the biologically active form of selenium, as well as the dosage, may differ between drugs. Therefore, they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, and the dosage and duration of therapy should not exceed the established one.

Selenium trace element still causes controversy in science and the press. Although it has been studied for quite some time, chemists and biologists still have many questions. Let's name the main ones. What are benefits and harms of selenium for the body of women and men? What is daily intake of selenium? And finally what dietary supplements with this substance most harmless? After all, the most important thing for us is health. Therefore, readers follow with unflagging interest publications about everything that in one way or another affects our physical well-being.


In science, this is a chemical element of the Mendeleev periodic table (from the Greek Selene - Moon). A metalloid capable of replacing sulfur in natural compounds. Before us is a rather complex element. Until 1957, it was accompanied only by the notoriety of a toxic substance. However, almost any poison eventually develops beneficial properties. This happened in this case too. The one we are considering element is part of many functional proteins that are important for human health. These are primarily enzymes involved in protecting the body from reactive oxygen species. Yes, it turns out that you need to protect yourself from oxygen. Its active forms cause oxidative stress and are very insidious: they can destroy cell membranes, oxidize fats, proteins, DNA, RNA, leading to the development of atherosclerosis, early aging and even cancer. A selenium trace element in this case, it acts as a protector, or rather, an activator (catalyst) of the body’s protective enzymes. There are about 40 diseases associated with a lack of human consumption of selenium, and in the first place are cardiovascular and oncological diseases, these two scourges of modern humanity.

Selenium microelement: consumption in regions

The main natural reservoir of selenium is soil, or more precisely, humus. It is clear that this microelement is extracted from the soil by plants. However, due to a number of reasons: soil characteristics, their contamination with heavy metals, loss of humus due to soil erosion, agricultural plants and, first of all, wheat from which bread is produced accumulate little selenium. Therefore, today selenium intake residents of most regions of Russia, incl. Penza region - 50-80 mcg per day. And there are regions where the microelement selenium is consumed in even smaller quantities: Chita region, Buryatia, Khabarovsk region. Selenium consumption is insufficient, less than 50 mcg/day in the Kostroma, Kirov regions, and Udmurtia. In general, according to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in Russia, at least 80% of the population has less than optimal levels of selenium.

Selenium intake per day

What are norms of selenium consumption per day? The World Health Organization believes that a woman needs 55 mcg of selenium per day, a man – 70 mcg, and children – 1 mcg per 1 kg of weight. It must be remembered that a microgram is a thousand times smaller than a milligram - the traditional value of vitamin doses (1 g is 1000 mg, and 1 mg is 1000 mcg). However, due to various types of stress, unfavorable environmental conditions, and increased physical activity among athletes, the body begins to consume this substance more intensively, and, therefore, requires replenishment of its reserves. For example, according to recent studies, effective protection, for example, from various forms of cancer can be provided only by increasing selenium consumption to 150-300 mcg per day.

Today there are many biologically active food additives containing selenium microelement. We have already said that this is a complex substance, and the most difficult thing is the choice of the form of the selenium carrier in them. It must be said that the question of the ideal form of a selenium carrier has not yet been resolved.

Selenium supplements

Dietary supplements with this component a lot today. In biologically active supplements (BAA) and in a number of mineral and vitamin complexes, the first generation form of selenium carrier is used - inorganic selenium compounds - salts (sodium selenite - Na 2 SeO 3 and sodium selenate Na 2 SeO 4). These are dietary supplements such as “Neoselen Plus”, “Selmevit”. Also, inorganic selenium compounds are widely used in infant formula. What should be considered when using preparations based on inorganic selenium salts. Due to their high toxicity and ability to stimulate intestinal microflora, they should only be taken under medical supervision, and only in cases of acute selenium deficiency. Particularly debatable is their widespread use in infant formulas as a source of selenium, primarily due to their low compatibility with other components of the formula and, first of all, with antioxidant vitamins, because Selenium salts have oxidative properties.

Next, second generation dietary supplement containing this substance are additives obtained by biotransformation, i.e. the same selenium salts are added to nutrient media for growing algae (for example, spirulina) and yeast. These are such dietary supplements as “Spirulina VEL+Selenium”, dietary supplement “Selenium Alga Plus”, “NUTRIKON Selenium”.

Algae and yeast, using the inorganic trace element selenium, transform it into selenium amino acids, peptides, proteins and other organic compounds. Yes, organic selenium compounds are, as a rule, less toxic and do not have the above-mentioned disadvantages. It seemed that the issue with the ideal form of selenium had been resolved. But, as always, the devil is in the details: the amount of transformed selenium very much depends on the cultivation conditions and even on the phases of the moon. That is, we are dealing with a product that is not strictly identified, and therefore such drugs are difficult to standardize. The whole question is, in what form is this microelement found in them and how much inorganic selenium has undergone transformation? Manufacturers remain proudly silent on this matter. And of course, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the cell walls of yeast and algae, which can impede the absorption of selenium and cause allergic reactions, so their autolysates and hydrolysates are used.

But scientists didn’t stop there and got third generation of drugs, which are used as sources of selenium. These are selenium-containing xenobiotics (from the Greek Ξένος - alien and βίος - life) - a conditional category of substances that are not included in the natural, biotic cycle of substances. These substances do not exist in nature; they are synthesized by humans in the laboratory and are used to correct selenium deficiency. Abroad, the drug Ebselen has been studied in detail and is used. The Russian school in this direction turned out to be more advanced: a number of drugs based on selenopyran (Selenaktiv, Selenium Forte with C), diacetophenonylselenide (DAFS-25, Selenobel) have been synthesized and are used.

The founder and inspirer of this direction was the Penza scientist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Blinohvatov Alexander Fedorovich. Under his leadership, an entire scientific school for the study of selenium was created, and the author of this article is a student of this school.

The undoubted advantages of third-generation drugs include their low toxicity, and selenopyran also has antioxidant properties. Disadvantages include poorly studied metabolism and biotransformation in biological media, and the need for their long-term use to correct selenium deficiency.

To the fourth generation individual selenium-containing amino acids can be included: selenomethionine and selenocysteine ​​(the oxidized form of selenocystine). The requirements for this generation are very stringent - during chemical synthesis and purification, only one optical isomer must remain - L, since the other isomer - D, is practically not absorbed by the human body and can be toxic (optical isomers in chemistry are like left and right gloves or hands - they are similar, but completely different).


Selenomethionine – a natural amino acid contained in plants, yeast, and algae. It is not synthesized by the body of animals and humans and is supplied only with food. Chemically synthesized selenomethionine typically contains both L and D isomers. Dietary supplements based on selenomethionine are produced only abroad. These are dietary supplements such as “Iodoselen”, “Selenium”. Interestingly, the body of animals and humans “mistakes” selenomethionine, mistaking it for another amino acid containing sulfur - methionine, and indiscriminately integrates it into proteins. Therefore, selenomethionine is not suitable for quickly eliminating selenium deficiency.

The disadvantages of selenomethion This may include the high cost of chemical synthesis and high toxicity, comparable to inorganic selenium compounds.

The author of this article also tried to contribute to the solution of the selenium problem, spending almost 10 years of his life on this within the walls of the Penza State University of Architecture and Construction. As a carrier of selenium, we synthesized the 21st proteinogenic (participating in the synthesis of proteins - selenoproteins) amino acid - L-selenocysteine, or rather its more air-stable form - L-selenocystine, and together with PFC Parapharm we are studying its biological properties. Only this amino acid is part of 25 human selenoproteins and is necessary for the activity of all known selenium-dependent enzymes, including the most important ones involved in antioxidant protection. Interestingly, in the cell, L-selenocystine is converted into L-selenocysteine, the most powerful antioxidant known. The safety of selenocysteine/selenocystine is indicated by the fact that it is the main source of selenium in human breast milk. And toxicity studies have shown that selenocystine is 12-15 times less toxic than selenomethionine, sodium selenite and, in addition, has antitumor properties. But selenocystin, unfortunately, is not yet included in the forms of selenium approved for the production of dietary supplements. We are currently working on this together with PFC Parapharm.

Do I need to take selenium trace element?

What advice can you give to a reader concerned about his health? Is it necessary to accept this element? The ideal option is to find out the concentration of selenium in the blood serum. Such analyzes are carried out, for example, by the ANO Center for Biotic Medicine, Dr. A.V. Skalny in Moscow. The optimal level of selenium in human blood is considered to be 115-120 mcg/l. In most regions of Russia, including the Penza region, the selenium content does not exceed 62-71% of the optimal level.

What to do when lack
selenium in the body
? Selenium trace element:
natural sources of the substance

If you are faced with a choice of which dietary supplement to buy in order to correct lack of selenium in the body, – choose an organic form. The most toxic among selenium derivatives is sodium selenite. Basic natural sources of selenium – these are products of processing of grain crops, fish, liver, kidneys, meat. Among the natural accumulators of selenium, one can name forest mushrooms, which cope with this responsibility 100-600 times better than meadow grasses and cereals: chanterelles, boletus, saffron milk caps, boletus, boletus, but most of all selenium is contained in the king of mushrooms - the porcini mushroom. The form of preparation should also be noted: the least amount of selenium is lost during cold processing of mushrooms. It’s probably no coincidence that in Rus', cold salting of mushrooms or drying them has always been popular. The recipes of our ancestors are still relevant today, as they bring health.

Among the plants growing in the countryside, garlic can be considered a selenium concentrator. However, it is valuable to us not so much as a source of trace elements, but as a product containing a unique selenium derivative that has a pronounced antitumor effect. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and perennial onions, although in smaller quantities, also contain this component.

We hope that we have read and learned something new about such a multifaceted element as selenium and that this knowledge will help preserve the most important thing for you and me - our health.

When it comes to minerals necessary for the body in general and the female body in particular, we usually first of all remember calcium, which is necessary “for the bones.” If the list were to be continued, many may recall magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and zinc, although not everyone can list the functions of these substances. We know even less about why a woman needs selenium. Meanwhile, the wrong dosage of this little-known (relative to others) substance can cause serious health problems in the fair sex.


(lat. Selenium) is a chemical element included, along with oxygen, sulfur, polonium and tellurium, in the 16th group of the fourth period of D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic system. In its pure form it is a black glassy substance with a fragile structure; non-metal, soluble in water.

The discovery of selenium belongs to the Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius. In 1817, while synthesizing sulfuric acid, he discovered a strange red-brown precipitate in it that smelled like radish. This substance was initially mistaken by scientists for tellurium, discovered back in 1782, but upon detailed study it turned out that we are talking about a completely new, hitherto unknown chemical element.

Did you know? Interestingly, it was due to its similarity to tellurium that selenium received its name. The fact is that the word “tellurium” is derived from the Latin “tellus”, which means “Earth”. By this analogy, tellurium's satellite was named after the Moon (selenus, Greek σελήνη).

Selenium is a very toxic substance, but, as often happens in nature, it is present in microscopic doses in some proteins. It is also found in the human body: mainly in the liver, heart, kidneys, and spleen. In men, this microelement is also present in the testicles, spermatic cords and sperm itself.

Importance in a woman’s body and its benefits

Perhaps the most important thing to know about selenium is its role in protecting our body from free radicals, aggressive molecules that arise as a result of an incomplete cycle of redox reactions and destroy cellular structures, causing not only premature aging , but also a whole “bouquet” of very dangerous diseases. Suffice it to say that, according to the World Health Organization, at least 60% of deaths on Earth occur from diseases that are caused precisely by the negative effects of free radicals.
The mechanism of “internal” defense against the attacks of these dangerous killers is known as “antioxidant defense”. It is in its construction that selenium is of great importance, or more precisely, glutathione peroxidases containing it - unique enzymes that bind the most destructive types of free radicals. In total, there are more than two hundred enzymes in the human body that contain selenium. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this microelement affects the functioning of almost all organs and systems.

In particular, the “lunar” element is necessary for:
  • energy metabolism (it is directly involved in the formation of adenosine triphosphate, which is a universal source of energy for all biological systems);
  • increasing stem cell activity (preventing premature aging);
  • improving metabolism;
  • increasing activity, improving sleep, raising muscle tone, overcoming the consequences of emotional overload and stress;
  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalization of the thyroid gland;
  • improving the condition of nails, hair, skin, joints and spine;
  • regeneration of liver and pancreas cells;
  • prevention of the formation of atypical cells;
  • preventing the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, allergies, arthritis and colitis;
  • protecting the body from the effects of negative environmental factors - emissions of industrial waste, exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, cadmium vapor, mercury, lead;
  • blocking various inflammatory processes, protecting against bacteria, viruses and fungal infections (in particular, the trace element prevents the proliferation of mold fungi);
  • increasing immunity.
For reference: the Finnish government’s policy aimed at introducing an additional dose of selenium into the diet of citizens has led to an amazing result: the number of thyroid pathologies and cancer diseases among the population has decreased by approximately 1.8 times, and problems with the heart and blood vessels have decreased by 2. 5 times, and they began to appear in people 7-10 years later! Scientists from Denmark also recorded a 70% reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease by adding selenium to the diet.
All the properties of the “lunar” element mentioned above are equally relevant for both men and women. But selenium has features that make it especially important and valuable specifically for representatives of the fair half of humanity. And the point here is not only about maintaining youth, beautiful skin and strong hair (which, of course, is also important). The effect of the substance in question on the woman’s body is additionally manifested in the normalization of the functioning of specific sex hormones, which, in particular, ensures:
  • proper metabolism (obesity prevention);
  • unhindered conception (prevention of infertility);
  • prevention of serious pathologies of the female genital organs, including uterine fibroids, as well as various inflammatory processes in it;
  • later withering of a woman (menopause).

Is it useful?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the “lunar” element in a woman’s diet takes on a special role, which is worth dwelling on in a little more detail.

During pregnancy

The expectant mother needs to take care of receiving the necessary dose of the “lunar” element, since it contributes to:

  • easy pregnancy (in particular, it prevents the occurrence of toxicosis, prevents the woman from becoming exhausted and weakened during this period, and reduces the risk of miscarriage);
  • protecting the mother’s body from external and internal threats;
  • rapid recovery after childbirth.
This microelement is also necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

During lactation

During breastfeeding, selenium deficiency occurs especially often. At the same time, given that a woman’s body after childbirth is most at risk of being affected by all sorts of infections, and exacerbation of diseases of internal organs at this time occurs all the time, and many medications are incompatible with lactation, it is very important to mobilize and use to the fullest one’s own protective functions . As we have already mentioned, not the least role in the formation of immunity and the building of antioxidant protection belongs to the mineral in question.

Daily intake: how to take selenium

The opinion of scientists regarding the daily intake of selenium is not clear. Some call numbers from 70 to 100 mcg, others talk about 80-200 mcg. For example, in the United States of America, the norm for selenium consumption is considered to be 55 mg of the substance per day per adult, regardless of gender, but in the UK it is recommended that men receive 75 mcg of this element per day, and women - 60 mcg. In the Russian Federation, the daily norm of the “lunar” element also depends on gender: for women it is 55 mcg, for men - 75 mcg. For children under 18 years of age, it is enough to receive 10-50 mcg of this substance per day, depending on age. Some sources indicate the recommended dose at the rate of 1 mcg of an element per 1 kg of weight, others provide more detailed tables, for example:

  • up to six months - 10 mcg;
  • from six months to a year - 15 mcg;
  • from one to six years - 20 mcg;
  • from six to ten years - 30 mcg;
  • from ten to fourteen years - 45 mcg;
  • from fourteen years to adulthood - 50 mcg.
Nevertheless, there are situations when the required amount of the “lunar” element can increase significantly. We are talking primarily about situations when the body, for one reason or another, is under serious stress, for example, trying to fight a dangerous disease. During pregnancy, the blood volume in a woman’s body increases significantly, which also causes an increased need for selenium.
We should not forget that a large number of useful microelements accumulate in the placenta to ensure the full development of the fetus. Thus, when consuming a mineral, a woman should do it, as the famous song says, “for herself and for that guy.” During this period, as well as during breastfeeding, it is recommended to receive 200 mcg of selenium per day (by the way, athletes and smokers should focus on the same amounts).

Important! Until recently, the maximum permissible dose of selenium per day was considered to be 500 mcg (in especially severe cases it was even increased to 1 mg), but now they prefer to focus on small doses, making up for the deficiency by increasing the duration of the course of administration. The maximum dose per day should not exceed 400 mcg.

Speaking about the benefits of selenium, we should never forget about its high toxicity. Despite all of the above, as self-medication (in the form of food supplements and vitamin complexes), it is allowed to take no more than 50 mcg of the substance per day, because we get a certain amount of this element in food. A pregnant woman and a nursing mother should generally refrain from doing anything on their own and carry out “selenotherapy” exclusively on the recommendation of the attending physician and under his direct supervision.

Where is selenium found?

There are several different types of selenium:

  1. Natural (organic): present in plant and animal products, the most common forms are selenomethionine and selencysteine.
  2. Mineral (inorganic): found in some medications, such as Neoselen.
  3. Artificial (organic): obtained by combining an element with an artificial protein, it forms the basis of another category of drugs (for example, “Selenium-active”).
  4. Yeast: Special yeast forms are added to the mineral selenium dissolved in water, which partially (20-30%) convert the “dangerous” inorganic element into a “safe” organic one. Used in the production of all kinds of dietary supplements.

Source Products

The most desirable form of replenishing the reserves of the “lunar” element in the body is the consumption of foods containing this mineral. We have already mentioned that selenium is found in both plant and animal foods.

Important! Selenium contained in plants is absorbed by our body almost completely (up to 98%). From animal products, we are able to take only a third of the mineral they contain, but even this figure looks quite decent, considering that inorganic selenium is absorbed by no more than 10%!

Among plant products that are natural sources of selenium, it is worth highlighting:
  • cereals (especially);
  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • oregano herb;
  • , including yeast (this category is classified as plant products conditionally; according to the generally accepted classification, mushrooms are neither plants nor animals).

Selenium can be found in animal products:
  • in and seafood (,);
  • offal (especially in the liver);
  • (especially veal) and lard;
  • and, including butter;
For example, in order to get the daily requirement of selenium, it is enough to eat:
  • 200 g;
  • 200 g (boiled);
  • 50 g;
  • 3 large cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g;
  • a glass of fresh homemade .

The most valuable natural source of selenium is also mineral water obtained in the Caucasus.

Important! Any processing of the product, even not related to heating (for example, drying or freezing) greatly reduces the selenium content in it, therefore, to replenish the reserves of this microelement, it is best to consume products containing it in its raw form (of course, if possible).

It must be said that the amount of selenium in certain natural sources can vary greatly depending on the geography of growth (residence) of a particular plant or animal. The more of this mineral is contained in the soil, the more it enters the surrounding organic matter (in Russia, unfortunately, there is very little selenium in the soil, which explains the frequent deficiency of the “lunar” mineral in the body of people living here).

Various chemical fertilizers and heavy metals wash away valuable elements from the soil. As a result of the death under the influence of these harmful substances of microorganisms contained in the soil that process selenium into its organic forms, the digestibility of this element, even if it is present in the soil, sharply decreases.


The pharmaceutical industry has developed more than a hundred different drugs containing selenium. We have already mentioned two of them above - “Neoselen” and “Selenium-active”. This microelement is also very often included in multivitamin preparations (including complexes for nursing mothers), as well as dietary supplements (BAS).

Did you know? There is a known case that is completely unique in its curiosity and at the same time tragic, related to the production of selenium-containing drugs, which is often cited as an example by ardent opponents of dietary supplements. One American company mistakenly “fortified” its products with 100 mg of selenium instead of the permissible 100 mcg. Exceeding the daily dose by a thousand times, of course, caused a series of serious poisonings.

Indeed, replenishing selenium reserves through medications should be taken very seriously. On the one hand, the so-called “mild deficiency” of this element is observed in most people who live far from the sea and receive selenium exclusively from food. For this reason, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to take medications containing this additive at least once a year for a course of two to three months.
On the other hand, an overdose of selenium can cause serious poisoning, so it is best to consult a doctor and do the appropriate tests before taking any drug. It is strictly contraindicated for children to take such medications without their direct prescription!

Features of the use of pharmaceutical products for pregnant and lactating women

In addition to the fact that it is categorically unacceptable for a pregnant woman to independently prescribe certain medications (vitamins and microelements are no exception, since their overdose is sometimes no less dangerous than a deficiency), you also need to pay attention to the exact form in which the drug is presented. selenium in one or another preparation.

For example, artificial organic selenium (for example, the drug “Selenium-Active”) is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is interesting that in the instructions for the mentioned drug, pregnancy and lactation are indicated only as a reason to consult a doctor, which once again indicates that the desire to sell your product is often stronger than moral principles.
Yeast selenium is less dangerous, but this form contains live fungi, which is fraught with the development of dysbacteriosis. During pregnancy and lactation, such a side effect is extremely undesirable, since against the background of such an imbalance a favorable environment can be created for the active development of certain pathogens present in the woman’s body and for the time being not causing her any harm (for example, the same candida that causes thrush ).

The mineral form of selenium is often used to compensate for its deficiency in pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, if the above-mentioned Neoselen can be used for this purpose, then its analogue, Selenase, is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Is there a shortage or surplus?

Of course, both are possible. But if selenium deficiency usually occurs due to the fact that it is difficult to obtain a sufficient amount of this trace element from food, then an excess is always associated with illiterate and irresponsible use of various medications and dietary supplements.

About the shortage

The good news is that critical selenium deficiency is not that common. But there is also a bad thing: every day we do not receive approximately 20-30% of the required dose of this microelement. Poor diet, bad habits (smoking), stress and poor environment - all these are the reasons that cause “mild deficiency”.

Important! The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences conducted studies showing that only 20% of Russian citizens do not have a selenium deficiency. In this regard, since 1994, a program has been launched at the government level to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement among the country's population.

Selenium deficiency can lead to a variety of disorders, including:
  • to development;
  • increased risk of cancer;
  • deterioration of the pancreas and thyroid glands;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • weakening;
  • deterioration;
  • increased blood levels;
  • premature aging.

Such serious consequences occur if, instead of the prescribed 50-70 mcg, a person receives no more than 5 mcg of a microelement per day. With a less pronounced deficiency, fatigue, drowsiness, weakness, and muscle pain may simply appear. With the right approach, selenium deficiency in the body can be replenished within a month, and the achieved effect will last another 2-3 months.

About overdose

An overdose of selenium can cause serious poisoning. Its first symptoms are:

  • severe weakness;
  • yellow skin color;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • a burning sensation in the eyes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • coughing;
  • garlic odor from the mouth (sweat, urine, and skin have a similar odor).
In more severe cases, seizures, enlarged liver and spleen, hair loss, and brittle nails may occur.

Important! Serious selenium poisoning primarily affects the nervous system. In addition, the liver, heart and blood vessels can be damaged. It is also important to know that this poison can penetrate the placenta, which can lead to dangerous pathologies and even fetal death.

Despite the fact that such severe consequences occur mainly from chemical poisoning, and not from a common overdose, taking dosage forms of selenium should still be treated with extreme caution.

Compatibility in the female body

As you know, for the normal functioning of our body, we need a huge amount of different vitamins and minerals. We receive some of them from the outside, others are synthesized directly in our organs and tissues. However, not everyone knows that the interaction of certain substances with each other can in some cases strengthen, and in others, on the contrary, weaken the effect of each of them. A classic example of “compatibility” is calcium, and: two chemical elements work in pairs, ensuring water-salt metabolism, and vitamin D acts as a regulator of this process.

Selenium also has its “partners” and “opponents”. So, for optimal absorption of this microelement, it is important that the body has enough vitamin E, but the beneficial properties of the latter are greatly enhanced when interacting with selenium. Therefore, in food supplements and vitamin complexes these substances are usually present simultaneously.
Selenium also combines well with vitamins A and C. But easily digestible carbohydrates in foods, on the contrary, interfere with the absorption of selenium. It follows from this that to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement, you should not eat broccoli or nuts with buns. In addition, it is recommended to take selenium separately from zinc, since these minerals are “competitors”.

No less useful elements for women

Concluding the laudatory ode to selenium, I would like, to restore justice, to say a few words about other vitamins and minerals that play an important role in the lives of the fair sex.


For a woman, this is the key to healthy teeth, strong bones, beautiful nails, strong muscles and good blood. During pregnancy, the need for this element increases three to four times, since it ensures the formation of the baby’s skeleton. Nature has arranged it in such a way that if there is insufficient calcium intake from food to meet the needs of the fetus, the body begins to take this element from the mother’s bones. Calcium deficiency threatens not only frequent fractures, peeling nails and tooth decay, but also problems with the heart, stomach and genitourinary system.

Vitamin C

We won’t talk about its role in the body: the antioxidant, bactericidal and immunomodulatory properties of ascorbic acid are known to everyone. We only note that during pregnancy, vitamin C is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent uterine bleeding, as well as to prevent anemia (returning to the issue of compatibility of vitamins and minerals, let’s say that ascorbic acid increases the digestibility of iron - another chemical element that is essential for the female body ).


A mineral such as has an important role in the formation of bone and connective tissue. If a pregnant woman is deficient in this element, fetal development may even stop. In addition, silicon participates in metabolic processes, strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity and, along with selenium, has strong antioxidant properties.

Everyone knows that it has a calming effect on the nervous system. But this element performs many other functions in the female body. It is involved in the process of thermoregulation, normalizes blood pressure and heart rhythms, promotes the elimination of toxins and “bad” cholesterol, prevents the development of allergic reactions, stimulates the immune system and protects against radiation. A lack of magnesium provokes nervous stress, the development of cardiovascular diseases, and leads to seizures.

Important! It turns out that in regions where drinking water contains a high percentage of magnesium (so-called “hard water”), people are much less likely to die from heart-related diseases.

Magnesium deficiency is very often experienced by women taking oral contraceptives. And during menopause, a deficiency of this element leads to serious destruction of bone tissue and the development of osteoporosis. To summarize, let us once again note the most important role that an element such as selenium plays in a woman’s body. Being inherently a strong poison, this substance is nevertheless absolutely necessary for us to ensure the proper functioning of almost all organs and tissues.
It is not always possible to “get” the required amount of selenium from food, but ideally this is still worth striving for. In any case, it is strictly not recommended to start taking selenium-containing drugs (even if these are ordinary complex vitamins or “harmless” dietary supplements) without a direct prescription from a doctor or at least prior consultation with him.

Selenium Description:
Selenium is a chemical element whose importance for the human body was discovered in the 60s of the 20th century. Since this discovery, many studies have been conducted confirming the importance of this substance in preserving and fighting various diseases. In its pure form, selenium is poisonous, and in small quantities it is vital for humans. The bulk of selenium in the body is concentrated in the kidneys, liver, spleen, heart and testicles.
Selenium is widely used in medicine for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, including as a powerful anticancer agent.

Why does the body need selenium:

  • Selenium reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  • Protects cells from DNA damage, promotes normal cell growth, and repairs damaged cells.
  • Participates in the production of thyroid hormones, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Helps the functioning of the pancreas.
  • Selenium strengthens the human immune system, increases the body's resistance to various infections, viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Helps fat-soluble vitamins be better absorbed.
  • Selenium protects against diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Maintains good vision.
  • Selenium has a positive effect on the reproductive function of men and women and protects against infertility. Increases sexual activity in men.
  • In pregnant and lactating women, a sufficient amount of selenium in the body helps protect both the fair sex from the development of various diseases, and the child from congenital pathologies and diseases that arise in the first years of life.
  • Selenium protects the body from premature aging.
  • Helps remove heavy metals (lead, mercury, platinum) and toxins from the body. Reduces the toxicity of certain drugs.
  • Improves the condition of the skin and nails.

The body's daily requirement for selenium:
The body's need for selenium ranges from 20 to 100 mcg per day. At the same time, both a lack of selenium and its excess have a negative impact on human health.

Interaction of selenium with other substances:
Selenium is better absorbed in sufficient quantities and in the human body, these substances enhance the effect of each other. But sugar and products containing it in large quantities (confectionery), on the contrary, interfere with the absorption of selenium. Also, some medications (for example: paracetamol) can reduce the amount of selenium in the body.

Products containing selenium:
Selenium is present in many foods of both plant and animal origin. A good source of selenium are sea fish and seafood, especially octopus, herring, and. There is a lot of selenium in sea salt. This substance is also found in meat (liver, kidneys, heart), salted, wholemeal flour, bran, and cereals. Selenium is part of, a, yeast, and. It is worth considering that when processing foods, the amount of selenium in them is significantly reduced. In addition, the amount of selenium in the soil can differ significantly in areas located close to each other and, accordingly, the products grown on them will also have different selenium content.
It is worth noting that infants receive selenium from their mother's milk, which contains several times more of this substance than in.

Lack of selenium in the body:
Selenium deficiency in the body disarms a person against various diseases and can lead to very sad consequences. Weakness, depression, decreased sexual activity or performance, skin, cardiovascular, cancer diseases, visual impairment and many other diseases can be a consequence of selenium deficiency in the body. Selenium deficiency most often affects the elderly, pregnant women, bottle-fed babies (especially boys), and residents of regions with unfavorable environmental conditions.
The best way to replenish selenium deficiency is. The use of selenium supplements is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Excess selenium in the body:
It is difficult to obtain an excess of selenium in the body by eating foods rich in selenium. As a rule, an overabundance is rare and occurs when taking medications containing selenium. Considering that selenium in its pure form is a strong poison, taking dietary supplements and medications enriched with selenium must be strictly under the supervision of doctors, since a large amount of selenium in the body can lead to poisoning and other serious consequences. Medicines containing increased amounts of selenium are prescribed by specialists only for the treatment of specific diseases.



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