Spitz breed care and maintenance. Proper care of the Pomeranian Spitz

The Pomeranian dwarf Spitz is rightfully considered one of the dogs with an endless reserve of energy that overflows these animals. In a continuous search for new experiences and a desire for active action, this animal needs a loving owner who can satisfy his desire for constant activity.

After walking outdoors, the dog will resemble lump of dirt, and therefore it is necessary to properly care for it. If the owner of a Spitz loves well-groomed, eye-catching fur, then he should be prepared for endless troubles. Everyone knows that beauty is not complete without sacrifices, even minor ones, which can be easily resolved in 20 minutes.

Pomeranian dwarf Spitz breeds are quite brave, and guests of the home where the animal lives can feel the wrath of the pet, which will warn them with a loud, drawn-out bark. Therefore, it is imperative to train your puppy so that he is obedient and calm.

Rules for caring for a Pomeranian Spitz

The skin of this breed of dog quite dry, so bathing them frequently is contraindicated. At the same time, proper combing, rather than bathing, greatly affects the appearance of the coat. Due to the thick vertical undercoat, the Pomeranian's coat looks attractive and requires special care. I would like to note that intensive combing of the coat is recommended only during active shedding.

The rest of the time, it is necessary to do this with extreme caution so that the outer hair does not lose its support, due to which the dog seems like a fluffy bundle of happiness. After water procedures, it is advisable for the puppy's fur to dry with a special hairdryer. This will make the Pomeranian even more beautiful and shorten the drying procedure.

It is very important to remember to regularly trim the nails of this breed of dog, since as they grow, they can deform the paws and change the animal’s gait for the worse. To do this, the edges of the dog's claws are very carefully bitten off with special nippers so as not to affect the soft tissues and not cause pain to the puppy, which he will remember for a very long time.

It is advisable to accustom a Pomeranian to such procedures while still a puppy. This will free your pet from the fear of water treatments, blow-drying and other beauty treatments. The dog will learn to endure such procedures, albeit not with joy, but at least with patience.

Proper maintenance of a dog - balanced nutrition

Personal hygiene measures for a Pomeranian are quite important, but the priority for the puppy’s health is nutrition. There are no particular difficulties when calculating the optimal portion for your pet. You just need to proceed from the average statistical data on the relationship between feed and animal weight.

It is very important to monitor the physical form of your pet and how it behaves. If the dog is active and cheerful, this means that it is full, if after eating it remains hungry, then the dosage of food is slightly increased. Wherein Don't overfeed your puppy, but keeping him from hand to mouth is unacceptable.

The Pomeranian Spitz, like its larger relatives, needs meat in its diet, which is given both raw and boiled. In addition to meat products, the following will be useful for dogs:

  • stewed vegetables with the addition of sunflower oil;
  • various boiled cereals;
  • products containing cottage cheese,
  • fermented milk products.

You can pamper your puppy with a freshly prepared omelet or dried apricots and prunes. Dry food is also perfect for a Spitz, to which the animal gradually gets used to. In most cases, it is easier to switch your dog from natural foods to dry food, rather than vice versa. A puppy that has grown up on ready-made food often refuses to take natural products.

Walking a Pomeranian Spitz - main features

You can walk with Spitz puppies only after undergoing the procedure animal vaccinations from the most common diseases observed in this breed of dogs. Until this moment, it is advisable to take your pet out into the fresh air only in your arms. It is not recommended to visit guests with an unvaccinated Pomeranian, even if there are no pets there.

Only after receiving all the necessary vaccinations can you take a leash and go for a walk in the nearest park. But to begin with, walks should be short-term so that the pet does not become overtired. 20-25 minutes in the morning and evening is enough. Puppy can have it all necessary physical activity directly in the apartment.

In the future, walks with a stronger dog will become regular and longer. The animal quickly learns to relieve its needs outside the home. However, while walking, you need to remember some tips that experienced dog breeders give.

  1. Important avoid strong scorching sun. When it rains, your Pomeranian needs to wear a dog suit. Walking with your pet has a positive effect on the animal's blood supply and metabolism. In addition, in the park the Spitz gets acquainted with its relatives and learns new commands from its owner.
  2. The dog must obey its owner unquestioningly, especially if he calls it. Quite a lot of small dogs die on the street from their larger relatives or under the wheels of cars, and in order to prevent this You must have a collar with a leash.
  3. Accustoming a Spitz puppy to a collar should be gradual. At first, the collar is worn at home. When the pet stops noticing him, I attach a leash to the collar.
  4. It is very important that the dog gets used to its name. Call the animal constantly, saying its name. The pet will quickly get used to its nickname and new team.

The psychological state of the Pomeranian Spitz will depend on the time of communication with the owner. We must remember that raising a dog is a responsible task.

Features of Spitz training

Training a puppy is not that difficult and depends entirely on the dog’s owner, who must be persistent when practicing a particular command. Although such a breed does not require studying all existing commands, the main ones that are encountered every day are simply necessary. Pomeranian Even a child over 9 years old can train, but always in the presence of an adult.

This breed of dog is very smart, and the animal quickly understands what they want from it. It is very easy to stop a Pomeranian from chewing shoes or relieving itself in the wrong place. The only thing you need to show persistence and perseverance in this matter. You should not give up a dog if a person does not have enough knowledge of training and raising a Spitz. People who know everything simply do not exist. Spitz care and maintenance are quite simple and will suit almost any pet lover.

Individual qualities of the breed

The Pomeranian Spitz dog breed is quite noisy and restless, but in terms of strength of character it competes with its larger relatives. A real Spitz is brave, decisive and self-confident, even taking into account that the animal cheerful and cheerful. The dog will always be happy to accompany its owner on a walk or in games. The movement of the animal is rapid, so watching the fluffy puppies play, it seems that they are hovering above the ground.

It hits your heart at first sight. He looks like a little fox or bear cub. The whole family is looking forward to the arrival of this funny baby in the house. He quickly becomes at home in the company of his new owners and amuses them with his antics. Knowing the maintenance and care of the Pomeranian Spitz is necessary for every fan of the breed.

Some people think that caring for a long-haired pet is too difficult. In fact, it is enough to comb it every day for 10 minutes.

You need to bathe your orange tree once a month or less. It's up to you.

Who is a Spitz suitable for?

If you are prone to laziness or spend days sitting in front of the computer or TV and are not ready to devote 1-2 hours to daily walks with a small pet, then do not get a Spitz, or any dog. A cat would be better for you.

Pomeranians are moderately active and curious. They will be excellent companions for teenagers who will help make new friends and for retirees. While babysitting them, they will remember their grandchildren. A good option for getting a Pomeranian is also for a family with children over 7 years old.

If you now have a younger son or daughter, then wait a little until the child grows up and understands that the dog should not be pulled by the tail or ears. You need to handle the puppy carefully, as you can accidentally break something. Of course, nothing will stop families in which dogs have lived for decades from purchasing this cute pet. And we can only kindly envy them.

What to feed?

Be sure to ask what the breeder fed the baby and buy the exact same dry food or cook the same mixture. Professional dry food is perfectly balanced, but in addition to it, the baby should also be given meat. It is best to feed your pet dry food when you leave for work, and when you return, take the dry food and give it meat, cottage cheese and other natural foods: vegetables, various boiled offal, meat (boiled and raw frozen), fruits.

If you feed dry food, then look at the recommendations on the packaging, what is the norm for a puppy, taking into account its weight? From 1 year the dog is considered an adult and switch to food for mature dogs. And from 7-8 years old for the elderly.

Are you feeding natural? Then listen to the advice of experienced dog handlers:

  • Food should be given to your pet warm;
  • Try to change the water daily or at least once every 3 days;
  • Pork is not allowed: pork with sweets, smoked meats with sausage, fried and salty foods;
  • Give milk a little at a time. Fermented milk products are best absorbed;
  • To prevent bloating in your puppy or adult pet, do not give him fresh legumes and cabbage (sauerkraut is fine).

How to care for wool?

The orange's rich coat consists of spiral-shaped guard hairs and a rich undercoat. Thanks to the latter, your pet is so fluffy. This fluff supports the guard hairs vertically.

Where can tangles most often appear quickly? Behind the ears or in the groin, between the pet’s fingers. In other places, tangles form only if you stay for 1 month. did not brush the pet.

Don't want to scratch it every day? Then comb your orange tree thoroughly 2 or 3 times a week. It's enough. An experienced breeder has puppies accustomed to brushing from a young age. Ask him to show him how it’s done correctly and continue to carefully care for your pet’s fur at home. The main thing is that he doesn't get hurt.

When you brush your pet, place it on the table. If you have it for exhibition, this is convenient for you and the hairdresser, who can put it in order before the show. Do not allow your Pomeranian to jump off the table on its own. He may get injured. Take him off and insist that he must wait until you put him on the floor.

To make your pet look neat, you need to follow these rules:

  • Bathe your orange once a month. Most often not required. It is optimal to carry out water procedures once every 2 or 3 months;
  • Dry your pet with a hairdryer. Teach him to this from childhood. You won’t get beautiful fluffy wool when dried naturally;
  • Brush your dog carefully so as not to pull out the undercoat. After all, a new one will grow only after 3 or 4 months;
  • When drying, turn on the mode so that the air comes out warm;

Groom your coat regularly. This takes on average 10 minutes. in a day.

You can read the article about wool.

How to bathe?

No more than once every 1.5 or 3 months. I need to bathe the dog. If the fur on the belly is dirty after a walk, you need to wipe it with a damp towel. You can rinse with warm water without detergent. Dry shampoo removes grease and dirt well. It is sold in cans (aerosol).

When a dog is shedding, you cannot bathe it. Otherwise, the coat will become wavy and too soft. Bathe your pet in 3 stages:

  • The dog needs to be combed so that there is no tangled hair. Before the procedure, give him a good walk so that he stands still. Ears should be plugged with cotton swabs;
  • Pomeranians love to swim. Pour some water into the ladle, add shampoo and mix. Wet the wool with water. Dip a sponge into the soapy solution and apply it to your pet as the hair grows. Rinse it off. Now you need to lubricate the wool with balm or conditioner and rinse off after a few minutes;
  • You can dry it either with a special dog hairdryer or with yours. Separate strands at a time and dry the entire pet thoroughly. Start with the paws, and then move to the sides with the back.

The Spitz should only be dried with a hairdryer because naturally the undercoat can dry for a day or more, and if it’s cold outside, the pet can catch a cold. In addition, wet undercoat is a good environment for the development of bacteria and even fungus.

Taking care of your ears

Try to clean your pet's ears at least once every 7 days. Remove secretions using wet wipes or cotton swabs. Carry out the procedure carefully. The stick does not need to reach too deep into the ears.

If you notice that the discharge from the ears is more abundant and of a different color, especially black, immediately take your pet to a veterinarian. It could be an infection or an ear mite.

Trimming the claws

Buy special clippers for trimming overgrown nails. Do it as shown in the picture. Lay your pet on its back and inspect the claw from underneath. You will notice the pulp. She's inside his claw. Cut off the part where there is no pulp. Step back from it by 3-5 mm.

Did you accidentally touch the pulp? Soak a cotton swab with peroxide and disinfect the claw. Now pour crushed streptocide onto the wound.

During walks and when in contact with other pets, your Pomeranian can become infected with fleas, ear mites and other mites. From the end of February and throughout the summer, lice with fleas, ticks with lice-eaters show great activity. They are not only dangerous in themselves, but can also carry various unpleasant and even life-threatening diseases for your pet.

It is quite difficult to understand that a dog has worms. Therefore, for him and for yourself, for everyone at home who plays with the dog, carry out preventive maintenance once every six months. To accurately determine the dose of the drug, you need to know the weight of the pet and how much medication he should take?

The first time they drive away worms is for babies from 1-2 months. The breeder does this. And at home, all you need to do is worm the dog and all household members once every six months.

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– an affectionate, sociable, fluffy and devoted baby. Once you see this dog, it’s impossible not to fall in love with it! Spitz does not require special care conditions, but there are nuances that definitely need to be paid attention to. How can you make your friend bring you joy?

How can I make it safe for him to stay in the house? What care and maintenance rules should I pay special attention to? Let's look into these issues.

Before purchasing a Spitz, think about whether you need a dog? Please note that you will need not only constantly spend a certain amount of money on it, but also devote time to it.

  • feeding;
  • coat care products;
  • anthelmintic drugs;
  • vaccination against common diseases;
  • other possible expenses.

Please note the following points:

  • The dog always needs time. Walk twice a day, communicate, play. Grooming - bathing, trimming nails, brushing the fur regularly.
  • Spitz dogs can't sit alone at home for long– they get nervous, being without communication with the owner for a long time. If you work from morning to late evening, this breed is not for you.
  • A two-month-old puppy needs to be fed five times a day. In the future, feel free to reduce the number of feedings. The diet should consist of boneless fish, lean chicken and lamb, low-fat fermented milk products, and cereals. Use ready-made holistic food as well.
  • You should not give sweets, fatty foods, or tubular bones. It is acceptable to chew on a raw sugar bone (the head of a tubular bone).
  • Give deworming medications regularly. For the first time, give your Pomeranian this drug at intervals of two weeks, and then once every three months.

Important! If there are children in the apartment, explain to them that a dog is not a toy! She should be given only her own food, it is unacceptable to feed her sweets, and she cannot be constantly teased and coddled. The puppy needs sleep and should not be woken.

How to care for your Spitz's claws

Trim your pet's claws periodically. If the dog walks a lot, then the claws are partially worn down on the asphalt surface. Long claws cause inconvenience: they break and cause pain when walking.

To prevent this from happening, the paws should be examined and the claws trimmed once every two weeks. The dog will not resist this procedure if it is accustomed to it from an early age.

Buy nail clippers designed for small breed dogs. The claw consists of a stratum corneum and a pulpous part, which contains blood vessels and nerve endings. The horny part needs to be trimmed. The procedure is carried out in bright light.

Press on the pad so that the claw is better visible and determine where the horny part ends - when held up to light, it will be lighter than the pulp. Cut off the tip by about one millimeter. If you inadvertently cut more and blood appears, be sure to treat the area with peroxide to stop the bleeding and disinfect the wound. Finally, carefully file the claws with a coarse nail file.

How to properly wash a Pomeranian

You can bathe your dog approximately once every month and a half, some veterinarians believe that this is allowed to be done even less often.

If she gets very dirty during a walk, then bathe the dog without any schedule. If the fur and paws are slightly dirty, simply wipe them with a small waffle towel, first wet and then dry.

Use this remedy only if your pet has caught fleas. For bathing, you will need not only shampoo, but also conditioner - this will help make combing the coat easier after the water procedure.

Bathing consists of the following stages:

  • Brush the coat thoroughly with a brush, starting from the head to the tail. To make the procedure easier, wet the fur with a spray bottle.
  • Roll up cotton balls and insert them into your dog's ears. This will help protect your Spitz's ears from water, the ingress of which can cause inflammation.
  • Dilute a small amount of shampoo in a container. Place your dog on the shower tray or in the bathtub. Wet the wool thoroughly with a shower.
  • Apply shampoo evenly throughout the entire coat. You need to wash your hair very carefully so that the product does not get into your eyes.
  • Massage the coat in a circular motion and, while showering, thoroughly rinse off the shampoo. It’s good if you have an assistant - it’s much more convenient for the two of you to bathe the owner of such a luxurious coat.
  • Let the dog shake itself off. If she doesn’t want to, then this can be provoked by persistently scratching your pet behind the ear.
  • Place the dog on the table and dry it with a hairdryer on the “warm” setting. You cannot dry it with hot air, so as not to burn the baby, and also not to spoil the wool, making it brittle.
  • We start by drying the fur on the paws, then move on to the sides and back. Drying is accompanied by combing with a massage brush.
  • The final stage is drying the mane and applying conditioner. Check that the undercoat is well dried, as it is quite thick and may remain wet in the middle.

Attention! You need to accustom your dog to bathing from an early age, then he will not object to such a procedure.

Care and maintenance of a Spitz in an apartment

If you have a small Spitz, be prepared for the fact that some changes will need to be made:

  • Prepare a sleeping place. It should be located away from heating devices, not in a draft, but in some corner. Equip the sleeping area with a special sofa, or lay out a mattress with a removable mattress cover.
  • Prepare a toilet tray and cover it with disposable diapers, which are sold at the pharmacy. Do not use newspapers for these needs. The puppy will have dirty paws after using the toilet, and pieces of newspaper will be lying all over the room;
  • Until the puppy has received all the necessary vaccinations, you cannot walk with it. When you come in from outside, thoroughly dry your shoes and put them in a closet, as the soles can carry pathogens of any diseases. Small Spitz dogs up to six months old have weak immunity.
  • If you have a slippery floor, cover it. Puppies have weak ligaments, it is easy for him to slip and dislocate his paw. For the same reason, do not let your baby walk on a wet floor.
  • Put the wires out of reach - the baby will probably be interested in them, and he will start gnawing on them.

Important! Remove all objects that pose a danger to the puppy! For example, containers and boxes with cleaning and detergents - Pomeranians love to try and chew everything.

  • Hide all your shoes in the closet for the same reason.
  • Remove books, magazines, and paper documents from accessible places. Rushing them is one of the puppy’s favorite pastimes.
  • Seal the trash can. Otherwise, the baby will take it out and eat either something dangerous or inedible.

On a note! Buy toys from a pet store - they must be durable. Playing with your own toys will distract your little Spitz from damaging household items. You can’t buy children’s ones: they can be dangerous! The puppy will easily bite off a piece and swallow it.

Remember that when you purchase a Spitz, you get pleasant emotions and delight, but also a responsibility to this baby who will adore you! The puppy will constantly require patience, attention, and care. But the joy it will give you will make it all worth it!

Useful video

Video about caring for a Spitz:

At first glance, caring for and maintaining a Pomeranian may seem complicated. But this impression is deceptive. Even a young family member can master the basics of how to properly raise and care for a pet.

Conditions of detention

The versatility of this breed allows dogs to feel comfortable both in a small apartment and in a huge country house.

A Spitz puppy, like a small child, will try to test everything. Therefore, you definitely need to prepare for the arrival of your furry friend:

  1. Remove cords, medications, chemicals and small objects.
  2. Secure all unstable objects.
  3. The trash can is often of particular interest to the dog. Make sure it is out of reach of the animal.
  4. Rid the room of areas that are dangerous for your pet, move the refrigerator and cabinets as close to the walls as possible.
  5. Pay special attention to the balcony; if you store seasonal or unnecessary items there, then keep the door closed.
  6. Features of the content include the prohibition of walking on stairs. Until six months, the dog should not put stress on ligaments and fragile bones. The floor should not be slippery.
  7. Make sure that the puppy does not jump from a height exceeding his height. Often injuries occur as a result of simply jumping off the couch.
  8. The place for the Spitz must be determined and prepared in advance. It is better to place the pet next to you, for example in the bedroom. A small bed with a mattress is suitable for him to sleep.
  9. If your Pomeranian will be left alone at home, then for his safety in your absence, purchase a special enclosure. Place your favorite toys and treats there.

How to care?

The miniature size makes it much easier for owners to care for their animals. The concept of care includes a whole range of activities.

You can feed your Pomeranian Spitz with both dry mixtures and natural products. From one to three times a day, at the discretion of the owner. The required amount of food is indicated on the packaging.

For those who prefer ready-made food, it is worth remembering and following the recommendations:

  • Having selected food, you should not change it often; Regular changes in diet can cause indigestion, dehydration and subsequent illness;
  • pay attention to the composition of the feed; it must be both animal and vegetable, with a protein content of at least 25%;
  • It is necessary to have vitamins A and B.

If you are a supporter of natural products, remember:

  • food should be at room temperature;
  • You can’t feed your Spitz pork;
  • Do not give sausages, sweets, smoked, salty, spicy foods;
  • milk - no more than once a week, with strict stool control;
  • use only high-quality products for cooking;
  • legumes, cabbage and peas provoke bloating and cramps.

Feel free to feed your pet lean meat, sea and river fish, buckwheat and rolled oats porridge, and dairy products. Periodically cook millet and semolina. Fruits, vegetables and crackers will be a pleasant and healthy treat.

You need to take your Pomeranian for regular walks. The puppy will be able to go out into the world only after all vaccinations have been completed. Until then, the baby can only be carried into the fresh air in your arms. The first walks should not be long, 25 minutes in the morning and evening. The dog can get the necessary physical activity at home. Gradually increase your walking time, depending on weather conditions.


The main decoration of the Pomeranian Spitz is its thick coat. It needs to be combed regularly and efficiently. For care you will need: several combs with different teeth, a slicker brush, a natural bristle brush, a special massage comb with metal teeth.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the length of the coat, once a week for short hair and a couple of times for long hair. Experts advise following the following care rules:

  • comb only against the grain;
  • pay special attention to areas with soft skin - the groin area, the area behind the ears and the chin;
  • give your spitz a haircut; the hair on the paws and groin area should be shorter to avoid the formation of tangles;
  • use a massage brush daily;
  • You need to start cutting your dog’s hair at three months;
  • intensive combing only during the molting period.

How to wash a Spitz?

Water treatments should be infrequent. Once every 1.5 months will be enough. It is better to purchase detergents from one brand.

  1. Before bathing, thoroughly comb your four-legged friend.
  2. Use a metal toothed comb first and then a slicker brush.
  3. Afterwards, wet the Spitz’s coat and apply a special shampoo evenly. When applying detergent, it is convenient to use a sponge.
  4. Rinse off the shampoo and apply conditioner. This will make your dog's coat easier to comb and will give it more shine.
  5. When drying, be sure to use a hairdryer, since due to the close proximity of the hairs, it is extremely difficult to dry them completely when drying naturally.


An inquisitive mind and quick wit are one of the main characteristics of the Pomeranian. With the right approach, raising a Pomeranian Spitz will not be difficult. The animal learns with pleasure while playing.

  1. You should start working on behavior from the moment your baby arrives in your apartment. You need to immediately make it clear who is boss in the house, what can be done, and what is unacceptable.
  2. Methodical action is required. If you do not allow your dog to climb on the bed, then under no circumstances should you allow him to do this activity.
  3. Gradually socialize the animal. In the first months, choose a quiet place to walk your puppy and gradually add new experiences.

Remember that raising a Pomeranian is a lifelong process.

Would you like to get yourself a Pomeranian?

Once you see a Pomeranian, it will forever take a place in your heart. It's very difficult to take your eyes off these furballs. And if this miracle appears in your home, then happiness settles with it. These dogs are very active and inquisitive. They quickly get used to their new home and fall in love with the owner and all family members. Still, many may be alarmed by its fur, which must be carefully monitored. These fears are unfounded. The Pomeranian Spitz, the care and maintenance of which does not require much time and effort, will more than repay the effort expended. To care for the coat, it will be enough to devote only 10 minutes a day. Not too much of a beauty sacrifice.

Character of the Pomeranian Spitz

Each dog has a unique and inimitable character. But belonging to a certain breed leaves an imprint on behavior.

Pomeranians have an affable and good-natured character. They love to loudly express their emotions and feelings by barking. But this can be quite simply corrected by education. They love children immensely and are ready to devote all their time to them. You will need to watch more not the dog, but the child. So that he does not harm the little dog.

The Pomeranian takes great pleasure in walking. He will happily run through sand, grass, jump in water and snow. And they remain like this until old age.

The Spitz will quickly find a common language and get along with other pets. He will find a certain approach both to the owner and to other inhabitants of the house.

Who is it suitable for?

A Spitz will definitely not get along with a lazy and passive person. He needs an active life, many ways to throw out his energy. He will be a wonderful companion for both teenage children and the elderly.

The Spitz is not the best choice for the company of small children under 7 years old. A child can inadvertently injure a pet. But when the child grows up a little, a Spitz is what you need.

History of the breed

The country of origin of Pomeranian Spitz is Germany. Work on breed selection began in the 18th century. They were popular among noble people. Individuals whose weight did not exceed 6 kg were considered valuable.

Larger representatives of the breed were used for hunting and protecting property. Sailors took them with them on voyages.

Until the 19th century, the dwarf Spitz was the most common decorative breed. They were favorites of many famous people: Ludwig Richter, Mozart, Empress Catherine the Great, Queen Marie Antoinette.


Spitz wool requires special attention. It consists of guard hair, which is an elongated spiral, and undercoat. It is the undercoat that provides the dog with fluffiness and volume. It also supports guard hairs.

Mats can form in the groin area, behind the ears and on the paws between the toes. Mats may appear on the rest of the coat if nothing is done to the dog for months. But still, it is advisable to brush your pet daily. If there is not enough time, then it will be enough to devote 2 to 3 times a week to this procedure. A lack of daily brushing will not be noticeable in appearance. But you need to accustom your puppy to this procedure from a young age. And at first you need to try not to cause him pain.

The puppy must be taught to be brushed on the table. During the procedure, he is not allowed to jump onto the floor on his own. He can get injured and needs to be taught that only people can remove him from the table. Whether it's the owner or the hairdresser.

Thanks to the unique structure of the Spitz's coat, it appears to be constantly combed and neat. They don't have to be combed every hour. But here are some rules you just need to know:

  • You should bathe your Spitz no more than once a month. Better once every 2 - 3 months.
  • You only need to dry your dog with a hairdryer. Natural drying for a Spitz is categorically not encouraged.
  • When combing, you should try to remove as little undercoat as possible. Otherwise, the attractive appearance of the coat will be lost. And a new undercoat is formed over the course of 3–4 months.
  • When drying, you need to use warm air, not hot air.

Caring for the Pomeranian's coat does not require much time, but should be done regularly.


You need to bathe your Spitz once every 1.5 – 3 months or when it gets very dirty. An alternative to washing can be dry shampoo in aerosol form. It neutralizes dirt and grease particles.

The main rule is not to bathe your dog while shedding. The coat will change from standing and harsh to wavy and soft.

Bathing consists of three stages:

For Spitz dogs, natural drying is strictly not recommended, because the dog can dry out “on the outside”, while the undercoat remains wet. This can cause more than just colds. Bacteria and fungal spores can also begin to multiply there.

Nail trimming

In addition to bathing and brushing, your dog needs to have its nails trimmed. This can be done conveniently with special nippers. The dog should be placed on its back and look at the nail from the underside. This way the pulp, which is located inside the claw, will be clearly visible. You need to cut off the area of ​​the nail that the pulp does not reach.

If the pulp was accidentally touched, then the first thing you need to do is disinfect the wound and sprinkle it with a hemostatic drug (white streptocide powder).

To prevent the nails from growing too long, the dog must exercise sufficiently. She must run on asphalt and hard ground, dig the ground.

  • This procedure should be carried out regularly not only for dogs, but also for all people who come into contact with animals;
  • accurately determine the dog’s weight for the correct dosage of the drug;
    For the first 2–3 months of life, puppies should be given anthelmintic medications once every 2 weeks.

Video on caring for a Pomeranian:

Training and education

Spitz dogs adapt perfectly to any conditions. Raising a Pomeranian Spitz will not be difficult. The main thing is to do everything correctly and socialize the puppy. If raised incorrectly, a dog can grow up to be aggressive, disobedient or insecure.

Only the owner can be to blame for a dog's bad behavior. The dog will behave as its owner allows it to. Therefore, allow your dog only what you think is necessary. And this should not be done when the pet’s behavior has already been formed. You need to start training from puppyhood.

A dog needs to show its displeasure when it does something inappropriate. Reward when doing everything right. Do not use rudeness or physical punishment.

Spitz training is even simpler than education. This dog breed is very sensitive. And because of their great love for their owner, they will do everything to please him. Both a pensioner and a schoolchild can cope with training a Pomeranian.


After the little Spitz has received all the necessary vaccinations, he can go outside. Before this time, you can only carry it in your arms.

To begin with, a 10-minute walk will be enough for the puppy. Gradually this time can be increased. First of all, you need to look at the dog's behavior.

You should take your teenage puppy for walks regularly and preferably at the same time.

For the safety of your pet, you should only take him out for walks wearing a collar and a leash. Otherwise, there is a risk of the dog being killed by larger animals or cars.

If it's raining outside, you can put on a special protective overall for your dog. If the weather outside is very hot and sunny, then it is better not to linger for a walk.


Both a puppy and an adult dog need toys. The puppy will sharpen his teeth on them, and the adult dog will throw out excess energy.

Toys for a Spitz should be appropriate for its size. Don't be too small or too big. Rubber toys with squeaks and small metal or plastic parts are dangerous. Children's plush toys are suitable, from which small plastic elements must first be removed.

Still, it is better to buy special toys in pet stores that are harmless to the health of dogs. A whole apple or carrot is suitable as a toy for a Spitz.


When purchasing a puppy, you need to ask the breeder what he fed the puppy. You need to change the diet gradually, carefully monitoring the dog’s condition.

Feeding the Pomeranian Spitz should include most meat and offal, sea fish, dairy products, and cereals. Dogs do not need fruits and vegetables. But if your Pomeranian likes to chew carrots or apples, there is no need to forbid him from doing so.

You can also feed your dog prepared food. You just need to choose one that will give your dog normal stool. Preference should be given to premium or super-premium food.


When feeding ready-made food, no additions are required. They contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. When choosing food, it is better to follow your veterinarian's recommendations.

Below are three brands of popular dry dog ​​food:

You can eat

Products that it is advisable to feed your dog during natural feeding:

Can't eat

To keep your dog healthy, you should exclude some foods from its diet:

Feeding frequency

It is advisable to feed the dog at the same time at regular intervals. A puppy up to 8 weeks is fed 6 times a day, up to 4 months 4 times, up to 8 months 3 times. And then feed 1 – 2 times a day, like adults.


Spitz dogs have fairly good health. But since they have been bred for many years using artificial selection methods, there may be hereditary diseases. Most of them do not cause trouble to the dog and it lives a long life.

More serious hereditary diseases of Spitz include epilepsy. Breeders carefully ensure that sick dogs are not allowed to breed.

Violation of the functions of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland can be inherited. The disease is not curable. It affects the appearance of the animal and the quality of its coat.

Particular attention should be paid to teeth. There is a high risk of developing tartar. You need to brush your teeth with special devices that can be purchased at a pet store.

The Pomeranian Spitz is a very smart and quick-witted dog. With proper upbringing, you can raise not just a pet, but a true, loyal friend. Keeping a Pomeranian Spitz in an apartment will not cause much trouble. And the joy of communicating with him cannot be measured by anything.



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