What is ultrasound examination? Is preparation required for an abdominal ultrasound and how is the procedure performed? When should you not perform an ultrasound?

The simplest procedure, the fastest and most painless examination that can be done in any medical center is ultrasound. It is performed to examine the density of internal organs, their shape and location, and the main thing that is needed for a high-quality ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is to properly prepare for it. Find out how the examination differs, what it includes, who it is prescribed for and what results it gives.

What is abdominal ultrasound

Examination of the condition of the abdominal organs (stomach, spleen, intestines and appendix) is carried out according to the same principle as for the rest. The basis of the technique was the difference between the reflection of waves by different types of tissue. Ultrasound machines send a signal, and cells reflect it to varying degrees. The return signal enters the sensor. The equipment will make a black and white picture from it showing the condition, shape and location:

  • internal digestive organs and others;
  • cavities;
  • vessels (abdominal aorta).


This is the safest procedure for patients, especially in comparison with diagnostic abdominal surgeries. It is recommended to undergo it when prescribing examinations to clarify the diagnosis for children, the elderly, malnourished people, and pregnant women. It is convenient to carry out diagnostics before surgery. On the screen, the clinic specialist can see any disease, change, presence or absence:

  • cysts, neoplasms;
  • stones in the gall bladder, ducts, kidneys;
  • polyps;
  • inflammation, including previous mononucleosis;
  • neoplasms.

An examination is recommended for internal inflammation and regular pain, when other tests have not shown the exact cause of their occurrence. Important: doctors prescribe ultrasound as an additional measure to identify diseases. To clarify the diagnosis, you still need to do blood, urine and other tests. The “image” of the organ itself is not indicative; it is only on its basis that a diagnosis for the treatment of the disease is not made. Main diseases tested:

  • disruption of internal organs;
  • cancer;
  • pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, gastritis, ulcer;
  • inflammatory processes.

Which authorities check

The examination allows you to identify the source of the problem. When the stomach hurts, the patient cannot indicate the exact source of the sensation. However, ultrasound is not a panacea and does not show everything; gas formation interferes with a detailed study of organs. The hardware technique helps to identify pathology:

  • kidneys, bladder, genitourinary system as a whole;
  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • vessels in the abdominal area (as a consequence - the quality of blood supply to internal organs).


It is somewhat easier for adults to prepare for the examination. To facilitate the diagnosis of diseases, you need to exclude foods that lead to gas formation. The abdomen must be empty for the technique to give a more accurate picture of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gall bladder and ducts. In extreme cases, excess gases are removed with liquid and tablet preparations (Espumizan, Simethicone, activated carbon), adsorbents (Smecta) or carminatives.

If the patient is prone to constipation, laxatives are used (Senade, Bisacodyl suppositories), and for persistent constipation, an enema is given. It is important to follow the rules:

  • meals, diet for 2-3 days;
  • abstaining from food (for 12 hours or more);
  • taking medications (if a course is prescribed or you are constantly taking medications, ask your doctor).

Nutrition before ultrasound of the abdominal organs

A man or woman must abstain from food in the evening; for them, the procedure is carried out on an empty stomach (at the appointed time of the procedure, after lunch, a light breakfast is acceptable, ideally only unsweetened tea). To ensure the accuracy of the diagnostic examination, you must abstain from food for 12 hours, and follow a special diet 2 days before the procedure. Stop using:

  • legumes;
  • sweets and bakery, flour products;
  • raw vegetables and fruits containing fiber;
  • milk;
  • sauerkraut;
  • carbonated drinks (including mineral water);
  • alcohol, nicotine;
  • chewing gum.

Espumisan before ultrasound

If you have doubts about your own health, it is wise to prepare: take tablets or drops (carminative, against gas formation) in advance. These include Espumisan: the product “bursts” gas bubbles, separating liquid from gas. The drug is used the day before the ultrasound and on the day of the examination according to the following scheme:

  • liquid – 50 drops (2 ml) three times a day, plus 1 such dose on the day of the examination;
  • emulsion (Espumizan 40) – 10 ml, or 2 measuring spoons, three times a day, the same dose before the examination;
  • in capsules – 2 units. also three times a day, and 2 capsules in the morning before the ultrasound.

Prescription data varies. The minimum recommended dose of this sorbent is 2-4 tablets, three times a day. The average dosage is 1 tablet/10 kg of patient weight, the calculated dose is taken three times. The product should be used as follows:

  • 1-2 days – at least the day before the study;
  • in the form of a single dose - on the day of the study.

Preparing for a child study

More lenient requirements for preparing ultrasound procedures in children:

  • babies can be fed on the day of ultrasound (3 hours before) +1 hour to abstain from any drink;
  • under the age of 3 years - you must abstain from food for at least 4 hours (stomach juice should not be diluted with water);
  • over 3 years – 6-8 hours.

What not to do before an ultrasound

No special preparation is required before ultrasound of the kidneys and soft tissues. It is recommended to undergo an ultrasound for an accurate diagnosis, giving up bad habits (alcohol, smoking - at least on the day of the procedure). Otherwise, you may get an incorrect clinical picture and treatment. Relaxation - a light breakfast before 10 am - can be done if the study is scheduled from 14-15 hours. Prohibited:

  • carbonated drinks – 2-3 days in advance;
  • food and drink, chewing gum and candy - on the day of the examination;
  • conducting X-ray contrast examination of this area (gastroduodenoscopy, irrigoscopy).

How is an abdominal ultrasound performed?

The patient is asked to undress down to his underpants and lower them to free the abdominal area. Ultrasound of all organs is performed depending on diagnostic tasks. To study the function of the gallbladder, take a “choleretic breakfast”, which may include 100 g of sour cream / chocolate / 2 bananas / 2 raw eggs. Follow the instructions of the sonologist, who uses an ultrasound sensor to “highlight” each organ:

  • lie on your back;
  • turn on the left or right side;
  • lie on the stomach;
  • stand up (if it is necessary to compare the shape, position in space, state of the organs while lying and standing);
  • hold their breath;
  • After the procedure performed with the gel, wipe the stomach with napkins.

How long the procedure will take depends on the organs being examined:

  • several organs – from 10-15 minutes;
  • the entire gastrointestinal tract system – from 20-30 minutes;
  • if the procedure is performed for data on gallbladder function - about 1 hour of free time.

Features of abdominal ultrasound in children

Preparing for a gastrointestinal ultrasound includes both the right attitude and calming the baby. The child must be dressed in such a way as to easily free the area being examined. To prepare, it is important for the child to hear that there will be no pain, and the doctor simply moves the sensor (a special sensor) over the tummy. It is recommended to carry out the procedure as follows:

  1. turn the baby on his back, side, tummy;
  2. for children 2-3 years old and older - hold your breath;
  3. After the procedure, wipe the area with napkins.


On the form, the doctor indicates the size of the organs and their position, the condition of the tissues. Ultrasound reveals:

  • free fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • the presence of an aneurysm, dissection, vasoconstriction;
  • condition of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes – enlargement, homogeneity of structure.

The results (conclusion) of ultrasound diagnostics will describe and indicate the size of the organ, position, and specific foci with a violation of the echostructure. This indicates the likelihood:

  • cyst;
  • abscesses;
  • tumors – malignant/benign.

Ultrasound signs of some diseases

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity is very informative. The table shows the most commonly detected diseases and their signs on ultrasound:


Possible diseases

Enlargement, rounded edges

Fatty hepatosis

Changing the echo structure

Presence of tumors


Thickening of the gallbladder walls, “double contour”


Chronic cholecystitis

Dilation of the bile ducts

The stone blocks the exit of bile

Change in direction, shape of bile ducts (curved, thin)

Congenital anomalies, bile stagnation

Acoustic shadow, thickening of walls

Calculous cholecystitis

Increased density, uneven contours

Reducing Density





Blood diseases

Cirrhosis of the liver


Heart attack, trauma and damage to the spleen

Lymph nodes



Malignant formation

Abdomen, pelvic organs

Presence of liquid

Internal bleeding

Abdominal injuries

Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract


The cost of an abdominal ultrasound varies depending on which organ is being examined. Often, a comprehensive ultrasound of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, taking into account all indicators, helps determine the cause of the disease. For treatment, you have to find out which clinic conducts high-quality examinations and the best specialists. For effectiveness, an ultrasound procedure of the pelvis and all organs is performed. If you were prescribed this method of examination during a medical examination, consider how much an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity costs with study on the monitor and printing of the results:

  • one or two organs with the study of blood flow - 900-1100 rubles;
  • all abdominal organs (AB) - 1500-14000 rubles, depending on the quality and modernity of ultrasound devices.

Ultrasound examination (sonography) is one of the most modern, informative and accessible methods of instrumental diagnostics. The undoubted advantage of ultrasound is its non-invasiveness, i.e. during the examination there is no damaging mechanical effect on the skin and other tissues. The diagnosis is not associated with pain or other unpleasant sensations for the patient. Unlike the widespread method, ultrasound does not use radiation hazardous to the body.

Operating principle and physical basis

Sonography makes it possible to detect the slightest changes in organs and catch the disease at a stage when clinical symptoms have not yet developed. As a result, a patient who undergoes an ultrasound in a timely manner increases the chances of a complete recovery.

note: The first successful studies of patients using ultrasound were carried out in the mid-fifties of the last century. Previously, this principle was used in military sonars to detect underwater objects.

To study internal organs, ultrahigh-frequency sound waves - ultrasound - are used. Since the “picture” is displayed on the screen in real time, this makes it possible to monitor a number of dynamic processes occurring in the body, in particular, the movement of blood in the vessels.

From a physics point of view, ultrasound is based on the piezoelectric effect. Quartz or barium titanate single crystals are used as piezoelements, which alternately work as a signal transmitter and receiver. When exposed to high-frequency sound vibrations, charges arise on the surface, and when current is applied to the crystals, mechanical vibrations are generated, accompanied by ultrasound radiation. The fluctuations are caused by a rapid change in the shape of single crystals.

Piezoelectric elements-transducers are a basic component of diagnostic devices. They represent the basis of sensors, which, in addition to crystals, contain a special sound-absorbing wave filter and an acoustic lens for focusing the device on the desired wave.

Important:the basic characteristic of the medium under study is its acoustic impedance, i.e., the degree of resistance to ultrasound.

As the wave beam reaches the boundary of zones with different impedances, it changes greatly. Some of the waves continue to move in the previously determined direction, and some are reflected. The reflection coefficient depends on the difference in the resistance values ​​of two neighboring media. The absolute reflector is the area bordering the human body and the air. 99.9% of the waves travel in the opposite direction from this interface.

When studying blood flow, a more modern and in-depth technique is used, based on the Doppler effect. The effect is based on the fact that when the receiver and the medium move relative to each other, the frequency of the signal changes. The combination of signals emanating from the device and reflected signals creates beats, which are heard using acoustic speakers. Doppler study makes it possible to determine the speed of movement of the boundaries of zones of different densities, i.e., in this case, to determine the speed of movement of liquid (blood). The technique is practically irreplaceable for an objective assessment of the condition of the patient’s circulatory system.

All images are transmitted from the sensors to the monitor. The resulting image in the mode can be recorded on digital media or printed on a printer for a more detailed study.

Study of individual organs

A type of ultrasound called echocardiography is used to study the heart and blood vessels. In combination with assessing the state of blood flow through Doppler sonography, the technique makes it possible to identify changes in the heart valves, determine the size of the ventricles and atria, as well as pathological changes in the thickness and structure of the myocardium (heart muscle). During the diagnosis, sections of the coronary arteries can also be examined.

The level of narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels can be determined by continuous wave Dopplerography.

Pumping function is assessed using pulsed Doppler.

Regurgitation (the movement of blood through the valves in the opposite direction than normal) can be detected using color Doppler mapping.

Echocardiography helps diagnose serious pathologies such as latent forms of rheumatism and coronary artery disease, as well as identify neoplasms. There are no contraindications to this diagnostic procedure. If you have diagnosed chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system, it is advisable to undergo echocardiography at least once a year.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs

Abdominal ultrasound is used to assess the condition of the liver, gallbladder, spleen, great vessels (in particular the abdominal aorta) and kidneys.

note: For ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, the optimal frequency is in the range from 2.5 to 3.5 MHz.

Kidney ultrasound

Ultrasound of the kidneys can detect cystic neoplasms, dilation of the renal pelvis and the presence of stones (). This kidney study must be carried out when.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland is indicated for this organ and the appearance of nodular neoplasms, as well as if there is discomfort or pain in the neck area. This study is mandatory for all residents of environmentally disadvantaged areas and regions, as well as regions where the level of iodine in drinking water is low.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

A pelvic ultrasound is necessary to assess the condition of the organs of the female reproductive system (uterus and ovaries). Diagnostics allows, among other things, to detect pregnancy in the early stages. In men, the method makes it possible to identify pathological changes in the prostate gland.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands

Ultrasound of the mammary glands is used to determine the nature of neoplasms in the breast area.

Note:To ensure the tightest possible contact of the sensor with the body surface, a special gel is applied to the patient’s skin before the start of the study, which, in particular, includes styrene compounds and glycerin.

We recommend reading:

Ultrasound scanning is currently widely used in obstetrics and perinatal diagnostics, i.e., for examining the fetus at different stages of pregnancy. It allows you to identify the presence of pathologies in the development of the unborn child.

Important:During pregnancy, routine ultrasound examinations are strongly recommended at least three times. The optimal periods during which the maximum useful information can be obtained are 10-12, 20-24 and 32-37 weeks.

An obstetrician-gynecologist can detect the following developmental anomalies using an ultrasound:

  • cleft palate (“cleft palate”);
  • malnutrition (underdevelopment of the fetus);
  • polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios (abnormal volume of amniotic fluid);
  • placenta previa.

Important:in some cases, the study reveals the threat of miscarriage. This makes it possible to promptly place a woman in a hospital “for preservation”, giving the opportunity to safely carry the baby.

It is quite problematic to do without ultrasound when diagnosing multiple pregnancies and determining the position of the fetus.

According to a report by the World Health Organization, the preparation of which used data obtained in leading clinics in the world over many years, ultrasound is considered an absolutely safe research method for the patient.

note: ultrasonic waves, indistinguishable to the human ear, are not something alien. They are present even in the noise of the sea and wind, and for some species of animals they are the only means of communication.

Contrary to the fears of many expectant mothers, ultrasound waves do not harm even the child during intrauterine development, that is, ultrasound during pregnancy is not dangerous. However, to use this diagnostic procedure there must be certain indications.

Ultrasound examination using 3D and 4D technologies

A standard ultrasound examination is carried out in two-dimensional mode (2D), that is, the monitor displays an image of the organ under study in only two planes (relatively speaking, you can see the length and width). Modern technologies have made it possible to add depth, i.e. third dimension. Thanks to this, a three-dimensional (3D) image of the object under study is obtained.

Equipment for three-dimensional ultrasound provides a color image, which is important when diagnosing certain pathologies. The power and intensity of ultrasound is the same as that of conventional 2D devices, so there is no risk to the patient’s health. In fact, the only disadvantage of 3D ultrasound is that the standard procedure takes not 10-15 minutes, but up to 50.

3D ultrasound is now most widely used to examine the fetus in the womb. Many parents want to look at the baby’s face even before his birth, but only a specialist can see anything in an ordinary two-dimensional black and white picture.

But examining a child’s face cannot be considered an ordinary whim; The three-dimensional image makes it possible to distinguish structural anomalies of the maxillofacial region of the fetus, which often indicate severe (including genetically determined) diseases. Data obtained from ultrasound, in some cases, can become one of the grounds for making a decision to terminate a pregnancy.

Important:It should be taken into account that even a three-dimensional image will not provide useful information if the child turns his back to the sensor.

Unfortunately, so far only a conventional two-dimensional ultrasound can provide a specialist with the necessary information about the state of the internal organs of the embryo, so a 3D study can only be considered as an additional diagnostic method.

The most “advanced” technology is 4D ultrasound. Now time has been added to the three spatial dimensions. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain a three-dimensional image in dynamics, which allows, for example, to look at the change in facial expressions of an unborn child.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is an examination procedure without internal intervention, which includes the diagnosis of internal organs and tissues of the human body. During the study, the condition of the organs, their structure, placement, as well as the presence of pathologies and abnormalities in operation are checked.

What organs are checked on an abdominal ultrasound?

The abdominal cavity is the internal space in the body below the diaphragm that includes organs called the abdominal organs.

The cavity can be divided by the peritoneum (lining) into the abdominal cavity itself and the retroperitoneal space. The liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen are organs that are located in the abdominal cavity.

During ultrasound, the presence of tumors, defects, diseases and consequences of injuries is clarified. What pathologies can be identified during diagnosis:

  1. An ultrasound of the liver can determine: acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis, transformations (which may relate to abnormalities in the functioning of the heart) and benign formations of a local location: cyst, hemangioma, adenoma, hyperplasia. Malignant formations: primary and metastatic cancer.
  2. Diagnostics allows us to identify abnormalities in the formation of the bile ducts and gallbladder on ultrasound, the formation of stones (stones) and complications of cholelithiasis, forms of cholecystitis (acute and chronic), polyps and tumor formations of varying quality.
  3. An ultrasound scan of the pancreas reveals disturbances in its formation, as well as inflammation of the organ, pancreatitis (acute and chronic), cysts, pseudocysts, abscesses, and fatty infiltration. Benign and cancerous tumors, consequences caused by aging, are visualized in the retroperitoneal space.
  4. Ultrasound diagnostics of the spleen will show whether there are developmental problems, injuries received from physical bruises, inflammatory processes, formations, heart attacks, abscesses, modifications of the spleen due to diseases of the circulatory system.
  5. Vascular ultrasound will show the main and intraorgan parts of the circulatory system, visualize their condition, and detect blood clots.

Using an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the doctor identifies the characteristics of organs, the presence of changes or neoplasms in them, checks the correct location of the organs and compliance of their sizes with established standards

An ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed if the following indicators are present:

  • bloating and lack of lightness in the stomach after eating;
  • heaviness under the right hypochondrium;
  • feeling of pain in the upper abdomen;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bitter taste;
  • strong formation of gases.

A timely examination of the abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space, which should be done once a year for prevention, makes it possible to prevent or diagnose the disease at the initial stage.

Carrying out diagnostics

To diagnose the peritoneal cavity, the patient must lie on his back. Sometimes, to get a clear image, a person needs to lie on his side, then take a deep breath or not breathe for several seconds. In some cases, for example, with an unusual arrangement of organs, the examination must be done in a sitting or standing position. The work of a sonologist during an ultrasound of the abdominal organs has the following tasks:

  • establish, clarify and determine the nature of development of the abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space;
  • detect deviations and disturbances in the functioning of the spleen, assess the density and possible damage to tissues, the size of the organ;
  • find out the reason for the unexpected appearance of pain with cramps in the abdominal area;
  • check for the presence of cysts, hemangiomas, deposits of calcium salts in tissues and other formations;
  • document the data in the diagnostic report.

The study is carried out using a special ultrasonic sensor working with a conductor gel. The patient usually lies on his back, but the position can be changed at the request of the doctor. This is usually necessary when there is an abnormal location of organs or poor visibility of one of them

Research Opportunities

Ultrasound, as a diagnostic method, has a number of advantages and capabilities and allows you to eliminate or confirm suspicions of hypertension and identify various disorders. Ultrasound is also performed to monitor paracentesis and biopsy. Abdominal surgical operations are necessarily preceded by echographic diagnostics. Inflammatory processes, various types of formations and neoplasms, types of disorders in diseases are determined. Deviations in organ development are also easily determined using ultrasound.

Often, in addition to ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in women, an ultrasound procedure of the uterus and appendages is included. The examination includes purposes such as establishing pregnancy, detecting uterine polyps, ovarian cysts and tumors. Diagnostics can also be done during pregnancy: an ultrasound performed in advance allows you to see disturbances even in the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Ultrasound of the OBP is considered to be most effective and does not require other types of examinations and tests. After the examination and conclusion, you can immediately begin treatment. Another positive aspect of ultrasound is its affordability. Often patients have a question about where it is better to have an ultrasound scan: in a public hospital or in a private medical institution. In reality, there is no difference. The main thing to pay attention to is the availability of a modern ultrasound machine and the experience of the doctors who perform the procedure.

During the diagnosis of the abdominal cavity and its retroperitoneal part, the patient may not experience any unpleasant sensations, except for a feeling of slight cold from the applied gel, which quickly passes. You may also notice pain in the hypochondrium when the sensor is adjacent to the skin.

If the patient feels acute pain, then diagnosis using ultrasound is not the cause of its occurrence. In this case, the patient needs to be examined by a surgeon. The procedure generally lasts no more than twenty minutes. It will take much longer to prepare for the inspection.

Preparing for an ultrasound

First of all, it is necessary follow a diet - eat:

  1. boiled chicken or veal;
  2. steamed or baked fish;
  3. oatmeal, buckwheat or pearl barley porridge;
  4. hard cheese;
  5. The liquid should be consumed at least one and a half liters per day.


  1. eat legumes;
  2. It is not recommended to drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  3. Rye bread;
  4. milk and fermented milk products;
  5. sweet products;
  6. raw fruits and vegetables.

In order for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs to be performed correctly, the patient must follow a special diet for three days. It is necessary to reduce gas formation and empty the intestines

You must stop smoking a couple of hours before visiting the clinic. Excessive air makes it much more difficult to scan the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. An important nuance during preparation is the elimination of air from the intestines. Overweight people should prepare especially carefully for the examination, since excessive thickness of the fat layer prevents ultrasound from reaching the insides.

Carrying out an ultrasound of the abdominal organs also requires mandatory bowel cleansing, which is performed in the evening before the procedure. It can be done by washing with an enema or an Esmarch mug with 1 - 2 liters of not very cold, but not too hot, unboiled water. After the procedure, you need to take medications with sorbent properties or Simethicone, you need to take them the required number of times.

At the patient's request, an additional ultrasound of the kidneys is performed. In this case, the patient should prepare as follows: drink at least a liter of water or unsweetened tea an hour before the ultrasound examination, and then go to the procedure with a full bladder.

Ultrasound of the peritoneum is one of the popular types of examinations. What does an ultrasound of the abdomen reveal and what does the doctor reveal during the examination?

The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach, in the morning. For several days before the examination, the patient will have to limit himself in food: due to the fact that gases accumulate in the intestines, through which ultrasound does not pass, the examination result may be either invisible or incorrect. It is necessary to exclude alcohol and carbonated drinks, beans, fatty, spicy, salty foods and black bread from the diet for 3 days.

To completely cleanse the intestines, doctors recommend taking a laxative the day before the examination. In addition, pharmaceutical preparations, such as activated carbon, will help get rid of gases. In the morning before the examination, you should not have breakfast, smoke, drink water or suck hard candies, so as not to cause stomach spasms and get a distorted result. It is better to suffer hunger for several hours than to receive an incorrect diagnosis or a repeated referral for an ultrasound scan of the abdomen.

The liver is responsible for breaking down fats and ridding the body of accumulated harmful substances. Therefore, for example, when taking potent drugs, doctors recommend taking hepatoprotectors, that is, drugs that protect the organ, improve its functioning and remove poison.

Normal liver values ​​should be approximately as follows:

  • The dimensions of the right lobe are up to 12 cm, the left lobe is up to 7 cm;
  • The diameter of the portal vein is up to 13 mm, the vena cava is up to 15 mm;
  • The diameter of the bile duct is up to 8 mm;
  • The angle of the right lobe should be no more than 75 degrees, the angle of the left lobe should be no more than 45.

The edges should be smooth and clear. The liver should be equally dense in structure, without compactions and neoplasms. The ultrasound should show blood vessels and ligaments.

As a rule, the condition of the gallbladder is described together with data on the liver, since these organs are not only located nearby in the abdominal cavity, but also perform the same function: bile, necessary for the breakdown of fats that occurs in the liver, is produced and stored in gallbladder. Diseases such as cholecystitis and the formation of gallstones are associated with improper functioning of the gallbladder.

Normally, this organ should have the following parameters:

  • Length – from 6 to 9 cm;
  • Width – from 3 to 5 cm;
  • The thickness of the organ walls is up to 4 mm;
  • The lower edge of the bladder may protrude from the lower edge of the liver by 1 cm.

Ultrasound also shows the size of the gallbladder ducts, through which fluid enters the duodenum and liver. The diameter of the bile duct should be no more than 6 mm, the diameter of the hepatic duct should be no more than 5.

The pancreas produces digestive enzymes, as well as insulin and glucagon. Improper functioning of this organ is fraught not only with pancreatitis and stomach problems, but also with the appearance of diabetes.

A normal pancreas test result should be something like this:

  • Head – no more than 32 mm;
  • Body – no more than 21 mm;
  • Tail – no more than 35 mm;
  • Pancreatic duct – no more than 2 mm.

The structure of the pancreas should be homogeneous, and the density should correspond to the density of the liver or be slightly higher. The contours of the organ must be clear. As in other cases, blurred contours and increased sizes indicate tissue inflammation and swelling. Cysts, tumors and stones in the ducts will also be noticeable during an ultrasound examination.

Ultrasound of the intestines and stomach is rarely done, since these are hollow organs through which ultrasound passes poorly, making it impossible to detect mucosal lesions. But the test shows the presence of fluid or foreign bodies in the cavities, which can be useful in making a diagnosis.

Spleen and lymph nodes

The spleen, along with the kidneys and liver, is involved in blood purification. This organ produces antibodies, filters the blood from bacteria and protozoa, and destroys spent blood cells.

Disturbances in the functioning of this organ are less common and do not lead to such fatal consequences as disturbances in the functioning of the liver or pancreas. In its normal state, the organ will be approximately 12 cm in length and 8 cm in width. With inflammation and the appearance of neoplasms, the dimensions of the organ will increase, and the echostructure will be heterogeneous. If the transcript of the ultrasound results indicates that the spleen is enlarged, you should take a closer look at your health: often inflammation of this organ indicates an infectious disease or problems with blood circulation. If an ultrasound shows a heterogeneous echostructure, this may indicate the death of spleen tissue.

The conclusion describes the number of examined and pathologically changed lymph nodes, their location, shape, size and internal structure. As with the spleen, pathologies in the lymph nodes often indicate diseases of other organs.

Kidneys and ureters

Ultrasound of the kidneys is often prescribed separately from ultrasound of other organs. This study helps to identify organ dysfunction, tumors, the presence of stones and other unpleasant diseases. Normal kidney parameters should be something like this:

  • Size – 5*6*12 cm, thickness of the parenchyma, that is, the outer shell – up to 25 mm. One kidney may be slightly larger than the other, but not more than 2 cm;
  • The structure is smooth, the contours are clear, echogenicity is at the level of the liver or slightly lower;
  • Mobility during breathing – no more than 3 cm.
Along with the kidneys, the doctor may examine the ureters and adrenal glands. They should be free of new growths, stones and sand.

Ultrasound of abdominal vessels

Vascular ultrasound is often performed together with Doppler diagnostics, which allows one to assess not only the condition of the vessels, but also the blood flow in them. Ultrasound is carried out in parallel with the examination of the abdominal organs, that is, together with the condition of the tissue, the condition of the adjacent vessels and the level of blood supply to the organ are assessed. The following are assessed separately:

  • Portal venous system;
  • Iliac arteries;
  • Vena cava;
  • Arteries and veins of the liver, spleen and other organs.

Examination of the abdominal vessels helps to most accurately make a diagnosis, find out the cause of the disease and assess the general condition of the patient’s abdominal organs.

Interpreting an ultrasound is a complex process, and it must be done by a doctor. Often patients who do not have the necessary knowledge try to interpret the examination results themselves, and when the results do not fit the norm, they panic. Only a qualified doctor can correctly interpret the results, distinguish the disease from the characteristics of the body, and make an accurate diagnosis.

The indication for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity is most often abdominal pain, so any doctor involved in this area can refer you for an ultrasound: gastroenterologist, gynecologist, surgeon, oncologist, urologist or therapist. The main purpose of the examination is to determine the source and cause of pain. Recently, apparently in order to save time, people without a referral, on their own initiative, also visit the ultrasound room. In this case, they go to the doctor after receiving a printout with the results.

If you want to undergo an abdominal ultrasound and get a high-quality result, sign up at the NEOMED clinic. The examination is carried out using the latest expert ultrasound device SonoAce X8, which is capable of displaying images in color format, which greatly increases the accuracy of diagnosis. The equipment is endowed with high sensitivity and resolution, which eliminates the possibility of medical errors. After the examination, you can get a consultation with an experienced specialized doctor directly in the clinic.

Conditions for accurate diagnosis of the abdominal cavity

Unfortunately, ultrasound waves can only visualize organs that do not contain air, and fat can also be a problem during the examination. Therefore, the main condition for a successful diagnosis is proper preparation, which allows you to eliminate gases in the intestines.

The effect is achieved by taking antifoaming and enzymatic drugs in advance (2-3 days) and following a diet. The diet should be free from foods that increase gas formation (legumes, brown bread, etc.) 8-12 hours before the ultrasound, it is recommended to refrain from eating any food. This will allow the specialist to conduct a full examination, and the procedure will not take more than 40 minutes.

What can an abdominal ultrasound show at the NEOMED clinic?

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity is the most important diagnostic procedure, allowing to detect and identify a wide range of diseases and conditions: cirrhosis and hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis (acute and chronic) and pancreatitis, various tumor processes, problems with ducts, veins, the presence of foreign objects.

At the time of the procedure, the specialist gets the opportunity to visualize the organs of the specified area, partially the retroperitoneal space, part of the pelvic organs, which is very important in case of extensive processes or unknown causes of pain.

  • Liver. This organ, like a sponge, absorbs all the decay products of the body, and therefore is often susceptible to destructive factors. Ultrasound will allow you to clearly see diffuse changes in the liver tissue, which characterize cirrhosis or hepatitis, and various formations of a tumor nature. The doctor can also see clear contours of the liver, and using the color rendering function, he will examine areas of necrosis, if any.
  • Spleen. The organ associated with the liver with general functions must therefore be considered without fail. If the spleen is malfunctioning, its size and shape may change, which is quite clearly demonstrated by ultrasound. In addition, during the analysis it is possible to determine the presence of developmental anomalies, heart attacks, focal and oncological diseases of the spleen.
  • Gallbladder. The most important organ of the abdominal cavity is scanned along with the bile ducts. This makes it possible to diagnose kinks and constrictions that form as a result of improper development of the organ, and to detect disturbances in the outflow of bile caused by improper functioning of the bile ducts. Ultrasound is also an excellent way to confirm a patient’s gallstone disease of any severity and acute or chronic cholecystitis. And for identifying polyposis and cancer, this technique will be the most informative of all known to science today.
  • Pancreas. A unique organ that simultaneously takes part in digestive and endocrine metabolism. The enzymes that this gland produces help break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates into simpler compounds, thereby performing the main function of digestion. At the same time, the production of the hormone insulin regulates blood glucose levels, protecting the body from hyper- and hypoglycemic conditions. Due to such a huge load on the pancreas, its tissue regenerates very slowly, which leads to numerous diseases, such as acute and chronic pancreatitis. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs can also detect abnormalities in the structure of the organ, cysts and tumors, fatty infiltration and disorders caused by diabetes mellitus.
  • Vessels. They are responsible for the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to all organs, and therefore early detection of their blockage (thrombosis) can play a decisive role in the patient’s medical history. Vessels located in the abdominal cavity are also amenable to ultrasound diagnostics. In addition, this technique allows you to assess the state of the lumen and physiological abnormalities of the vascular system.
  • Retroperitoneal space. They are examined to determine the parameters of the lymph nodes.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity shows the general condition of the above-described organs, allows you to assess their size, shape and tissue structure. The diagnostic results will become the basis for determining the diagnosis and prescribing relevant therapy.



2023 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs