Essential oil of bay leaf. Laurel noble: application and properties

Laurel in most cases is associated with the Olympic Games, success, victories. In addition, we know this plant as a fragrant seasoning for soups and broths. However, laurel has a wider scope. From it is obtained essential oil- concentrated and potent agent. Laurel ether is used in medicine and cosmetology, the product improves physical and psycho-emotional state person. At correct use Laurel oil will become an effective cosmetic and medicine.

Composition of laurel essential oil

The essential oil is obtained from the leaves of Laurus nobilis. The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of this evergreen plant, but it is currently cultivated in China, Turkey, and Russia. The healing properties of laurel leaves and fruits have been known since ancient times. In ancient Greece and Rome, a decoction of bay leaves stimulated tribal activity, sprigs of laurel were placed in the baby's crib for more sound sleep. Laurel essential oil - concentrated and potent substance, which fully contains the beneficial properties of the leaves and fruits of the tree.

Mediterranean plant can be grown at home

The broadcast includes:

  1. Cineol and terpinen-4-ol are powerful natural antiseptics.
  2. Eugenol is characterized by high antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity.
  3. Limonene has disinfectant, wound healing, antispasmodic and tonic effects.
  4. Camphor enhances blood flow, tones, speeds up metabolism.
  5. Pinene renders irritant effect on nerve endings(relieves joint pain).

Laurel essential oil is a viscous liquid of a yellowish or olive hue with a specific spicy smell and pungent taste.

The ether of noble laurel should be distinguished from tamanu and bay oils. and basic tamanu have their own useful properties, but they have nothing to do with the noble laurel. In order not to be mistaken, choose a vial of oil with the Latin marking laurus nobilis.

Thanks to its evergreen leaves, laurel in the Christian tradition is a symbol of immortality, eternity and renewal.

Cosmetic properties of laurel ether

Laurel essential oil is an extremely active substance, therefore, it should be used in cosmetology, to care for delicate facial skin with great care so as not to harm health and beauty.

So, laurel ether:

  • struggling with overwork sebaceous glands;
  • narrows pores;
  • helps to get rid of blackheads;
  • treats acne, acne, furunculosis;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds, abrasions, hematomas;
  • lightens age spots;
  • smoothes scars and scars;
  • stimulates cell renewal and promotes rejuvenation;
  • has an anti-cellulite effect;
  • has a sunscreen property;
  • strengthens nails;
  • relieves dandruff;
  • nourishes hair and accelerates their growth.

Applying oil to skin care

Due to the strong antiseptic substances in its composition, laurel ether fights skin problems caused by excessive sebum production. Apply laurel oil to pure form do not, as it can irritate the skin.

Before use, laurel ether must be diluted with base oil

Laurel oil in cosmetology use:

  1. To improve the skin of the face, it is enough to add 2-3 drops of ether to a regular caring cream (for one application).
  2. For the treatment of acne, diluted essential laurel oil is applied pointwise. A few drops of laurel ether are diluted in base oil - argan, tamanu, sesame.
  3. Ether is good at fighting colds on the lips. In this case, it is applied pointwise (if it does not cause acute skin irritation, then in its pure form), 2-3 times a day until drying and the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.
  4. To moisturize, tone and rejuvenate the lips, a drop of ether is added to shea butter and the resulting composition is used as a hygienic lipstick.
  5. For pigmentation:
    • To even out the color and whiten the skin, you can prepare a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. castor and sea ​​buckthorn oils, a couple of drops of laurel ether. Apply the mixture to your face and let it soak in. This procedure can be carried out regularly.
    • Also, in the fight for an even skin tone without spots and freckles, a mask of grated green apple(without peel), 1 tbsp. l. castor oil and a couple of drops of bay oil. Apply to face, hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and use a moisturizer.

As an anti-cellulite agent

Laurel essential oil tones the skin, accelerates cellular metabolism, enhances lymph outflow and removes excess fluid from the body, so it is effective tool in the fight against cellulite.

Ether can be added to anti-cellulite creams (a few drops), dissolved in base oil to prepare a mixture for self-massage or aroma bath.

Laurel oil is often used in wraps as an additive in a purchased cosmetic composition. However, mixtures for body wraps prepared at home from natural products are no less effective.

One of the effective folk remedies is a honey wrap. In 70 g of honey (preferably liquid), add 2-3 drops of lavender, bay and lemon oils. We apply the composition to problem areas, wrap it with cling film, warm it with a towel and hold for 30 minutes.

If you add sea salt to the honey mixture, you get an effective anti-cellulite belongings.

Laurel hair oil

Laurel ether improves hair quality no worse than expensive purchased means. Suitable for owners of normal and oily scalp. As part of masks, shampoos and rinses, essential oil fights excess sebaceous glands, dandruff, strengthens hair, and activates their growth.

Uses of Laurel Oil:

  1. Ether can be added in 2-3 drops to purchased hair cosmetics (for one application).
  2. Instead of a conditioner, a decoction of chamomile or nettle is used with 2-3 drops of laurel ether. This will strengthen the hair and eliminate excess oil.
  3. To awaken dormant hair follicles, a composition of burdock oil(base) with 2-3 drops of bay and cinnamon oils. Next, cover the head with polyethylene, insulate with a towel, hold for 1 hour, rinse.
  4. To nourish the hair and fight split ends, an aroma combing procedure with laurel ether is carried out. 4-5 drops of oil are applied to a wooden comb along the comb and the hair is combed along the entire length for 5 minutes.

Laurel oil in the treatment of diseases

The disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, irritating properties of laurel ether have been used in medicine since ancient times. Essential oil is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases various systems human body:

  • used for the prevention and treatment of influenza and colds, tonsillitis;
  • fights sinusitis;
  • is a means of preventing and treating skin and nail fungus;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • reduces the level of anxiety and nervousness, relieves nervous tension;
  • relieves the symptoms of joint pain;
  • eliminates muscle tension and muscle pain;
  • removes salt from the joints;
  • lowers sugar levels;
  • lowers pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves headaches;
  • tones the cardiovascular system.

Psychologists advise to conduct aromatherapy sessions with laurel oil for people prone to depression. The scent is uplifting. No wonder the laurel is a symbol of victory.

Joint treatment

Laurel ether, in addition to antispasmodic, has a warming property, therefore it is successfully used to relieve joint pain, arthritis, rheumatism, inflammation.

  1. Aromavanna. Add a couple of drops of laurel and lavender esters to sea salt. Dissolve salt in warm water, take a bath for 15 minutes. This procedure will soothe the pain, relax.
  2. Rubbing and massages of diseased parts of the body. Dissolve 3 drops of bay, rosemary oils in the base (olive oil, jojoba oil). Ready composition rub sore joints. Massage combined with healing properties oils will give excellent results.
  3. To remove salt from the joints. One drop of laurel essential oil is dissolved in a piece of sugar, then the product is absorbed. Reception schedule: 3 times daily for 3 days, then a week break.

Laurel essential oil for blood vessels

Laurel ether eliminates headaches caused by vasospasm. For relax disease state use aromatherapy or apply a pre-diluted agent pointwise to the temples. The soothing scent of the oil, combined with its antispasmodic action, relaxes, soothes and relieves headache.

Aromatherapy with laurel ether will soothe a headache, bring relaxation after a hard day

Laurel oil is used to treat hypertension. To reduce pressure, an aromatherapy session with laurel is performed before bedtime. Or they mix the ether with the base oil and apply it to the points of the body where the pulse is felt (wrists, areas behind the ears, top part sternum).

In the treatment of varicose veins, it is important to reduce the load on the vessels in order to speed up their recovery. Remove toxins and get rid of excess fluid can massage and compresses with laurel essential oil:

  1. For a compress: 5-7 drops of bay and rosemary ether are dissolved in the base oil (unrefined sunflower), pour into a liter of water, soak the fabric with the composition and apply it to the affected area, hold for an hour.
  2. For massage: add 5 drops of bay, rosemary and cypress oils to the base oil (3 tablespoons). The resulting mixture is gently rubbed into the skin until completely absorbed from the bottom up, bypassing the vein itself. This procedure can be carried out 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Laurel ether for the treatment of colds and sinusitis

Laurel ether - excellent tool for prevention colds. Aromatherapy sessions with essential laurel oil help to strengthen the immune system and disinfect the room.

However, if a cold still overtook you, the laurel will also come to the rescue. In addition to aromatherapy, for acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis, it is useful to carry out inhalations and rinses with the addition of ether:

A runny nose not treated in time can lead to a serious problem - sinusitis. In combination with drug treatment methods will help traditional medicine. Laurel ether, which has a disinfecting, immunostimulating effect, removes mucus and reduces inflammation. The treatment regimen is similar to therapy for a cold:

  1. Aromatherapy.
  2. Inhalations.
  3. Compresses. Add 5 drops of laurel ether (dissolved in base oil or milk) to warm water, soak gauze with the composition and put it on the bridge of the nose and forehead, leave to cool, then soak again, and so on at least 3 times. The procedure is carried out every day before going to bed until complete recovery.


Essential oil of laurel contains not a small amount of cineole, which has powerful antiseptic properties. This substance in high concentration causes irritation and allergic reactions. Therefore, it is impossible to use bay ether inside or apply to the skin in its pure form. Before using the product, be sure to test the oil tolerance: leave a drop of diluted ether on the elbow for a while, if redness and discomfort no, the product can be used.

Laurel essential oil should not be used:

  • when an allergy to the drug is detected;
  • with dry and sensitive skin, since the agent is able to increase sensitization;
  • skin care for more than 3 weeks;
  • under reduced pressure.

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 2 years of age, taking ether is categorically contraindicated.

An overdose of the drug can lead to allergic reactions(ingestion and external use) and headache (aromatherapy).

In the presence of chronic diseases consult your doctor before using the oil.

Many people know the bay leaf exclusively as a spice. However, an oil has long been prepared from the plant, which has many useful properties. Laurel product is widely used in home medicine and hair care. But before you independently embark on such a practice, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of using the tool.

Laurel oil is a viscous substance produced from the leaves of the plant of the same name by pressing and distillation. The final product has a light yellow or pale green color. The smell of the product is spicy, and the taste is specifically spicy.

The composition of the oil contains the following components:

  • vitamins (C, A, PP, B),
  • eucalyptol,
  • camphor,
  • myrcene,
  • phytoncides,
  • alcohols,
  • pinene,
  • cineole,
  • acetic, formic and caproic acids,
  • tannins,
  • minerals (copper, potassium, selenium, zinc, iron).

These substances determine the beneficial properties of laurel oil and its other features. For example, you need to know that the emulsion is one of the most toxic, since cineole is present in its composition. The latter makes up more than half of the volume of the product and can cause severe irritation at the site of application.

Laurel oil, prepared at the factory, is essential, so it is used very carefully and in small quantities.


Useful properties of laurel ether are divided into several groups:

  • Healing. If oil is used in medicinal purposes, it has the following effects on the body:
    • Serves as a natural antiseptic.
    • Prevents the appearance of tumors, strengthens immune system and raises general tone organism.
    • Reduces blood sugar levels, which is especially valuable for diabetics.
    • Fights any fungal infections.
    • Improves the process of digestion.
    • It removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
    • Relieves itching.
    • Improves sleep.
    • Clears the airways.
    • It has a stimulating effect on regeneration processes.
    • Fights infections.
    • Reduces blood pressure, which is especially important for hypertensive patients.
    • Renders positive influence to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Cosmetic. When applied externally for personal care, laurel oil acts in the following way:
    • Cleanses the surface of the epidermis from accumulated impurities.
    • Fights blackheads.
    • Relieves inflammation.
    • Helps rejuvenate skin cells.
    • Accelerates hair growth.
    • Strengthens hair follicles.
    • Helps shrink pores.
    • Fights age spots.
    • Helps eliminate cellulite.
  • Psycho-emotional. Laurel ether has the following effect on a person:
    • Stimulates brain activity.
    • Helps improve self-esteem.
    • Calms the nerves.
    • Helps relieve stress.


The main indications for the use of laurel ether are:

  • Nervous disorders: hyperexcitability, absence or poor quality sleep, bad memory, depression, constant stress, chronic fatigue.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • postoperative period.
  • Colds: runny nose, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, sinusitis ( different degrees severity).
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels: stroke, varicose veins, etc.
  • Headache.
  • Neurological abnormalities: neurosis and neuritis.
  • Poor condition of the epidermis: uneven color, loss of elasticity, etc.
  • Cellulite in the first stages.
  • Skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis.
  • Poor functioning of the urinary system.
  • Work disruptions gastrointestinal tract: constipation, flatulence, gastritis, pancreatitis, diarrhea, etc.
  • Diseases associated with musculoskeletal system: rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, etc.
  • Poor hair condition: brittleness, lack of shine, split ends, etc.

Remember that laurel oil can be used for medicinal purposes only after consultation with your doctor. The fact is that the tool is very strong, which is why the approval of a specialist is simply necessary before independent use product.

Combination with other esters

Laurel oil is best combined with esters from:

  • pines,
  • juniper,
  • incense,
  • sage,
  • rosemary,
  • anise,
  • nutmeg,
  • black pepper
  • tangerine,
  • lemon,
  • grapefruit.

Esters made from:

  • Basil and mint. The products have pain relieving properties.
  • Ravintsary. Known for antiviral activity.
  • Lavender. Has antibacterial properties.
  • Tea tree and cloves.
  • carrots.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • thyme. Effectively fights infections.

As a base oil when preparing products with laurel ether, it is better to take an emulsion made from:

  • hazelnut,
  • argan,
  • sesame,
  • hypericum,
  • evening primrose,
  • wheat germ,
  • coconut,
  • almond,
  • olives,
  • sunflower,
  • jojoba.

How to get

There are several ways to obtain laurel oil:

  • Industrial. The oil is obtained by distillation. The steam under high pressure, combined with essential substances. The latter are captured by the ferry. After this, cooling occurs, during which the resulting substance is stratified into two components: water and laurel ether. The production time of the product in this way is about four hours. The final emulsion is 35 times smaller in volume than the initial raw material.
  • Home. Laurel oil, if desired, can be prepared independently. In this case, you will be sure of the quality and safety of the product. There are several options for preparing bay ether at home:
    • With olive oil. You will need 35-40 bay leaves and 1 glass of oil emulsion. Heat the latter to 45–50 ° C in a water bath. Grind the leaves and pour in a warm mass. Shake the product and cover the container with a lid. Important: for cooking it will be more correct to use glassware. Keep the oil in a dark, dry place. Shake the container daily. After a few weeks, strain the remedy and squeeze out the leaves. The product is recommended to be stored in a dark place. Expiry date - 6 months.
    • WITH natural oil sunflower. The product will complement the laurel ether, enhancing its properties. It is not difficult to prepare the product: pour dry leaves (1 ordinary pack) with a glass of oil. If you pre-crush the plant, active substances from it will stand out better in the bulk. Close the container with a lid, put in a dark place and wait 10 days. After the set time, you must do the following: boil water and lower the slightly ajar (not completely) bottle of oil into the hot liquid. Leave until cool. Then keep the product in a dark place for another 10 days. After that, it is necessary to strain the resulting product. Laurel oil of the described preparation method is stored for no more than six months.
    • cold method. Dry or fresh bay leaves are crushed and poured vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. Put the product in a dark cool place. Two weeks later, the product is filtered, and the leaves are squeezed. Nothing needs to be warmed up. The method is the fastest and safest. The product is stored in this case up to 10 months.

Please note that oil own cooking is not ethereal, because it is made on the basis of another product.

Video: how to cook laurel oil at home

Features of choice

When choosing laurel oil, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

To check the purchased ether for authenticity, you need to put a few drops on a handkerchief or any rag made of natural material. Carry a cloth with you and smell it periodically. The aroma of this product changes throughout the day and manifests itself differently in the building and on the street, warm and cold.

Bay oil and bay oil - what's the difference

In some sources, bay oil is equated with bay oil, but this is wrong. The second one is very easy to find, it is sold in any Russian pharmacy. But real beya oil is a rare guest on domestic shelves. The fact is that the tree from which the product is made can only be found in Central America. Yes, the plant is also called American Laurel, but the esters are similar only in smell and some properties.

Some unscrupulous sellers actively use the similarity of laurel and bay oils, passing off a cheap analogue as a rare product.

Application of laurel oil

The main direction of using laurel ether at home is the fight against various diseases. It should be borne in mind that the oil is not a panacea and serves only as an addition to the main treatment.

For diarrheal diseases

There are several colds that laurel oil can help treat.


The simplest and effective method fight against sinusitis - inhalation. Just add 2-3 drops of bay ether to a liter of hot water. You can also pour fir, eucalyptus or golden mustache oil (2 drops each). Thanks to additional ingredients, the effect of the procedure will increase. Lower your head over the liquid and cover yourself with a towel. Breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. The session can be carried out only after washing the nose.

If you have heat, inhalation should not be done. It is necessary to carry out the procedures daily before going to bed. The course is 10 sessions. Then you need to rest for a few days and, if desired, resume inhalation.

If sinusitis has passed into chronic stage, then more effective method treatment will be the instillation of a drop of a mixture of almond and bay oil, taken in a ratio of 5: 1, into each nostril. This should be done in the mornings and evenings until the condition improves or the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.


Inhalations are also suitable for the treatment of angina. However, the mixture in this case will be more concentrated: 7 drops of ether per 500 ml of boiling water. Procedures are carried out with the same frequency as with sinusitis.


It is recommended to fight cough with rubbing. For this, laurel ether is mixed with base oil in a ratio of 1:5. The resulting mass is rubbed on the back and chest before going to bed. The procedure is carried out daily until the patient's condition improves.


There are several ways to prevent colds with laurel ether:

  • Aromapla. Add a few drops of laurel oil to the water and leave the lamp lit for an hour. Thus, you will disinfect the room and protect yourself from the disease.
  • Aroma baths. Who doesn't love to soak in warm water after a hard day at work? The procedure will become even more pleasant and useful if you add 5-6 drops of bay and lavender oil. Esters must first be dissolved in 20 ml of heavy cream.
  • Aromaculon. Such medallions, as a rule, are made in the form of vessels. A few drops of ether are poured into the latter. The pendant is worn around the neck during the day. The fact is that most viruses and bacteria die from the smell of ether.
  • Aroma massage. Make an ordinary relaxing massage, but add 5-6 drops of laurel oil to the usual composition for the procedure. The session is recommended to be carried out 1 time in 7-14 days.

For joints

Laurel oil helps to heal bruises, sprains and other joint injuries that are accompanied by severe pain. In this case, it is enough to lubricate the affected areas vegetable product. It is important that the remedy be prepared independently according to one of the above recipes. It is recommended to lubricate the damage twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. In this case, you can use bay oil until the problem is solved.

Against foot fungus

To rid yourself of unpleasant disease, it is enough to make a foot bath with laurel ether. Add 10-15 drops of oil to hot water. Dip your feet in the liquid, hold for 10-15 minutes. After the allotted time, you need to wipe your feet with a towel. After the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the legs nourishing cream. The bath has a powerful antifungal effect on the epidermis, and also fights excessive sweating. You can conduct a session daily until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated.

For nervous disorders

If you have no appetite, insomnia and other symptoms nervous breakdown, use aromatherapy with laurel oil. There are several methods of treatment with ether:

  • Oil burner. Water diluted with laurel oil in a ratio of 10:1 is poured into the device. You can add any ester that is compatible with the main component (citrus or other). The procedure is carried out as needed, there is no need to take breaks.
  • Aromaculon. Can be worn daily by adding 2-3 drops of laurel ether.
  • Aromavanna. The perfect end to a day filled with stressful situations. Enough 10 drops of oil for the whole bath. You can add salt and foam. The duration of the procedure is no more than a third of an hour. It is not necessary to take a shower after the aroma bath so that the aroma stays on the skin longer.

To improve digestion

Many people are facing digestive problems these days. The first include constipation, diarrhea, indigestion and so on. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you should take a remedy with laurel oil daily. 1 drop of ether must be combined with a teaspoon of honey. Take the remedy twice a day after meals. Honey with laurel ether has additional effect: strengthening the walls of the stomach. After the lapse of three weeks stop using the method for a month, and then, if necessary, resume reception.

With gastritis

From gastritis, a recipe from the following ingredients helps well:

  • 1 drop of laurel ether,
  • 1 tsp yarrow herb,
  • 1 cup boiling water.

First of all, you need to prepare a decoction: pour dry grass with boiling water and wait 1 hour. Add ether to the prepared infusion. Take half a glass before and after each meal. After three weeks, you need to rest for 20 days and, if necessary, resume treatment.

In home cosmetology

There are several ways to use laurel oil in home cosmetology:

For hair care

Laurel oil restores hair, stimulates the growth of hair, regulates the work sebaceous glands and treats dry ends. There are several ways to use ether to care for curls.


Masks are considered the most effective and fastest way to put your hair in order. Most effective recipes with the addition of laurel oil look like this:

  • Corn and laurel oil in a 1:1 ratio. The first can be replaced with olive. Mix ingredients. The resulting substance must be rubbed into the root zone for several minutes. Then wrap your head in a towel and wait 20 minutes. After the allotted time, you need to wash your hair with shampoo. The mask accelerates hair growth. It is recommended to perform the procedure once a week. Course - 10 sessions. Then it is necessary to interrupt for several weeks and, if desired, resume the procedures.
  • 100 ml coconut oil, 6 drops of bay ether, 5 drops of lavender ether. Mix the components and apply the resulting product to the root zone. Distribute the rest of the emulsion along the length of the curls. Wash off with shampoo after 15 minutes. You can make a mask 1-2 times a week. The course is 15 procedures. Then you need to rest for a month and, if you wish, continue the sessions. The mask nourishes and moisturizes curls.
  • Burdock oil - 6 parts, avocado oil - 1 part, coconut oil - 2 parts, homemade butter laurel - 1 part. Mix the components and grease the curls with the resulting composition. After half an hour, wash off the product using shampoo. It is recommended to use the mask no more than once a week. The course is 10 procedures. Then you need to break for a month and, if desired, resume sessions. The mask strengthens the hair roots. To increase the effectiveness, it is recommended to add 2 drops of patchouli and ylang-ylang esters to the composition.
  • 10 ml of almond oil, 10 ml of jojoba oil, 4-5 drops of bay ester, 3 drops of rosemary and grapefruit oil. Combine the ingredients and apply to the entire length of the hair. After 30 minutes, wash your hair in the classic way. The procedure is performed 1 time in 7 days. The course is 10 sessions. After treatment, they are interrupted for a month, and then, if necessary, resume procedures. The mask strengthens curls and gives them shine.
  • 10 ml of jojoba oil, a few drops of bay ether, 1 drop of rosemary ether, 2 drops of juniper ester. Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mass on the scalp and the entire length of the hair. After 30 minutes, wash off the product with shampoo. The mask actively restores curls. The procedure is carried out in courses. The latter, as a rule, are 10-15 procedures. At the end of the course, you should rest for a month, and then, if you wish, resume sessions.
  • 1 tbsp honey, yolk of one egg, 1 tsp. cognac, 2-3 drops of laurel ether. Combine the components and lubricate the roots and length of the hair with the resulting substance. Put on a plastic cap. After 60 minutes, rinse off the product, you can not use shampoo. The mask strengthens the hair follicles and actively fights dandruff, so most of the composition is recommended to be applied to the skin. It is recommended to use the recipe once every 10-15 days on an ongoing basis.
  • 1 tbsp castor oil, 2 tbsp. homemade laurel oil. After mixing the ingredients, apply the resulting emulsion to the length of the hair. The roots should not be touched. Wrap your head with plastic wrap or put on a special hat, it is also recommended to tie a towel. The duration of the procedure is one and a half hours. After the allotted time, it is necessary to wash off the composition copious amounts water with shampoo. It is recommended to perform the procedure in a course. The latter includes 10 procedures. The frequency of sessions is 1 time in 7 days. At the end of the course, it is necessary to interrupt for a month, and then, if desired, resume the procedures. The mask deeply moisturizes the hair and fights against the occurrence of split ends.

Aroma Combing

It is also useful for the health of curls to carry out aroma combing. It will take 4-5 drops of laurel oil and an ordinary hair brush. It is necessary to drop the ether on the device and comb the hair for 5-6 minutes. Pay attention to each strand to achieve maximum effect. The procedure is performed daily, 1-2 times a day. After a week, you need to stop. After 10 days, the course is repeated. Aroma combing additionally nourishes the hair and saturates them with oxygen. Split ends look better, and hair grows faster.

Contraindications, precautions and side effects

Of course, like any cosmetic product, laurel oil has its contraindications. The latter include:

  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Chronic low blood pressure (hypotension).
  • Mental disorders.
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Age up to 2 years.

In cases of overdose and misuse of the product, the following side effects may occur:

  • rash,
  • skin redness,
  • headache,
  • dizziness.

To minimize the risk of side effects take the following precautions:

  • Do a sensitivity test: apply a little ether to inside elbow and do not wash off during the day. If, after the allotted time, irritation does not occur, feel free to use the oil.
  • Do not use the product for more than three consecutive weeks. Be sure to take breaks to give your skin time to rest.
  • Do not use expired ether, this can lead to an unpredictable reaction of the epidermis.
  • Observe the storage conditions indicated on the packaging.
  • Avoid contact with mucous membranes. Ether can cause severe damage tender places.

At the word laurel, everyone has their own associations. One represents a laurel wreath, a symbol of valor and honor. Others remember a bowl of soup and a leaf of seasoning.

Oils of various plants, Lavra Noble, Kamara, Alexandria, Pimento have a different composition, are used in various fields. Cooks of all countries use the leaves of a noble laurel. Folk healers have been treating for hundreds of years with the help of Bay, Tamanu essential oils, the beneficial properties of which can be listed for a very long time. They treat physical and mental ailments, clean joints, kidneys from salts. They help to get rid of insomnia, nervous tension. They prepare masks for beauty, youthfulness of the skin of the face. Growth, strengthening of hair.


  1. Laurel Noble. The homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean. In nature, it grows more than 15 meters in height. All parts of the plant contain essential substances. The largest amount is found in the leaves, from which the ether is prepared. Laurel essential oil is used in cooking and folk medicine.
  2. Laurel Kamara- one of the varieties of noble laurel, most often found in indoor floriculture. The content of essential substances is inferior to other varieties. The leaves (of a home grown tree) are used for cooking various dishes. The plant also purifies the air in the apartment.
  3. Laurel of Alexandria very tall (up to 20 m) evergreen. Grows in all tropical countries, South India, Africa, Australia are considered the homeland. Valued for Tamanu oil, the oil of Alexandrian laurel, which is harvested from the fruit of the tree. Oil dark green, has a spicy nutty smell, the consistency resembles a thick cream. Tamanu is used in medicine and cosmetology. Has anti-inflammatory and healing effect.
  4. Pimenta racemose(American laurel) belongs to the myrtle family. An evergreen tree, depending on the variety, grows from 2 to 15 meters in height. The trunk is thin with white bark. The leaves are dark green, shiny. Bay essential oil is produced from the leaves, for the perfume industry (making refreshing lotions), traditional medicine (treatment skin diseases, depression), for the manufacture of hair care products. Widely used in aromatherapy.

Acquisition Methods

Industrial. Ether can only be obtained industrially by steam distillation. Steam, under high pressure, combines with volatile vapors of ethereal substances, carries them along, and then, when cooled, stratifies into water, laurel ethereal substance. The process of making one portion lasts 4 hours. The weight of the raw materials used is more finished products 35 times.

Color from light yellow to olive green or just green.


  • myrcene;
  • camphor;
  • pinene;
  • linalool;
  • organic fatty acids;
  • hydrocarbons;
  • alcohols.
Before you start making oil, look at the expiration date of your leaves. Fresh leaves are green, olive in color, not very dry. If you rub them a little, you can clearly feel the spicy smell.

How to cook at home?

At home prepare not essential, but oil from bay leaf.

Another homemade recipe:

Beneficial features

  1. Psycho-emotional impact. Helps stimulate mental activity, soothes nervous system. It is recommended as an aromatherapy for people who have doubts, with low self-esteem, insecure and artistic, excitable natures.
  2. Bioenergetic impact. It has a positive effect on the aura. With bioenergetic exhaustion, overwork, the use of bay leaf oil relieves stress, the negative charge changes to a positive one.
  3. healing action. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic, anti-infective action. Used for treatment musculoskeletal system, lowers blood pressure, recommended to improve digestion. It cleanses the skin, has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
  4. cosmetic action. Cleans pores, removes black spots, reduces inflammation. Stimulates the work of cells and their rejuvenation. When oil is added to masks, it promotes hair growth and strengthens hair follicles. Rinsing with decoction gives splendor and shine. The use of a bath with a decoction of the leaves or a few drops relieves tension, relaxes and improves muscle tone.
Baths with decoction and bay leaf oil are contraindicated for people with low blood pressure.

Adding to massage creams improves blood circulation, promotes weight loss, and helps fight cellulite.

Medicinal properties, use in traditional medicine

Folk healers have long noticed the healing properties of the plant. Decoctions were used to treat colds. The gruel from fresh leaves anesthetized the places of insect bites. Smoking twigs were smoked at home during epidemics.

  1. Colds. Application for strong cough and angina as inhalations. We drip 5-7 drops of oil into a container with boiling water, breathe over the steam for ten minutes. If there is no oil, you can make a decoction. Pour a handful of leaves with boiling water, insist under the lid for several minutes. Essential substances, mixing with steam, when breathing, enter deep into the lungs, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. For the prevention of colds, an aromamedallion is worn, with a few drops of essential oil.
  2. In order to get rid of salts in the joints prepare a decoction. 10 chopped laurel leaves are poured into a half-liter thermos, poured with boiling water and insisted for 10-12 hours. Then strain and drink throughout the day. After three days of taking the decoction, take a break for 7 days. Treatment consists of 3 courses, then take a break for 6 months and repeat everything. When using essential oil, proceed as follows: drop one drop of oil on a sugar cube and dissolve. Three pieces are eaten per day. The regimen is the same as in the treatment of decoction.
  3. Foot fungus treatment. IN hot water drip 10-15 drops of essential oil, hold your feet in water, wipe dry, spread oil (not essential!) from the leaves on the feet and between the fingers. Rub into the skin with massaging movements. Put on clean socks. The essential oil has antifungal action and treats excessive sweating of the feet.


In case of lack of appetite, increased excitability and insomnia and other problems, aromatherapy sessions will help. For achievement best result In aromatherapy, several components are used.

  1. Compatibility. Best of all, laurel is combined with essential oils of citrus, juniper, lavender, cypress, rosemary and pine. An unusual combination is obtained with incense.
  2. One session will require 3-4 drops, a larger amount can lead to headaches and allergic reactions.

Use in cosmetology. Dosage

  • For body use cosmetical tools with the addition of 1 tsp. leaf oil or 3 drops of essential oil.
  • For lips. In the treatment of catarrhal rashes, pure oil is used, for chapped and weathered it is better to use in combination with almond or shea butter, 2 drops.
  • Around eyes. It is not recommended to use in its pure form, and 1-2 drops can be added to special creams.
  • Face. The best use of laurel oil for oily and combination skin. It tightens pores and clears blackheads. Removes inflammatory processes, restores protective functions skin. To make a mask, add a teaspoon of leaf oil or 3-4 drops of essential oil to the base.
  • For hair. For 30 grams of the base of the mask, add 5 drops of essential oil or a teaspoon of leaves. At oily seborrhea you can rub into the head a mixture of leaves with 3 drops of essential oil.
  • Aroma combing. Apply to a wooden comb in different places 4-5 drops of oil combing is performed along the entire length of the hair, for 5 minutes. After the procedure, it is desirable to ventilate the room. Aroma combing is carried out 1-2 times a day for a week, repeated after 10 days. This is an additional nutrition for the hair, they are saturated with oxygen. Split ends are restored. Hair is strengthened and grows better.
  • Aromatic baths. To relieve tension or stress, with nervous stress and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, baths with essential oil or decoction of the leaves are recommended. 15-20 drops of essential oil are pre-mixed with sea salt, coniferous concentrate, milk, and then this mixture is placed in a bath, stirred well. Bath take no more than 20 minutes. The shower is not rinsed. A decoction is prepared from one pack of dried leaves. Which are poured with boiling water and insist on low heat or a water bath for 15 minutes. The decoction can be poured into the bath along with the leaves. The course of treatment is 10-15 times, every other day.

Miracle hair mask:


Contraindicated for children younger age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Not recommended for patients with chronic diseases.

Never self-medicate. Consult your doctor. Do a personal tolerance test before use.


In cooking, laurel is used to improve digestion and give dishes a distinctive taste and smell. It is indispensable for the preparation of marinades, sauces, meat and fish dishes. When canning vegetables and mushrooms. However, you should know the measure in everything. If you hold the bay leaf longer than it should be or increase its amount, the dish will be spoiled.

Other application

  1. The fight against harmful insects. Repellent solutions are made for processing cabbage seedlings. Fresh leaves or cotton swabs, with a few drops of the product, are laid out to prevent the appearance of moths and cockroaches.
  2. Laurel leaf oil is used in soap making, for making Aleppo soap. Soap is very expensive, the price depends on the amount of laurel oil. Valued for antiseptic properties.

How to choose, buy and store

Essential oil is called so conventionally and is not. To check its authenticity, you need only two drops. The first drop on a handkerchief and carry with you. Smell the handkerchief periodically. The smell should change within a few hours, differently appearing indoors, outdoors, warm or cold. We drip the second drop on a napkin. After evaporation, no stains should remain. Otherwise, it is not an essential oil.

Real essential oils are sold in specialized online stores. They are expensive. Price for 5 ml. oils from 200 rubles. The price can be more, less - no. Packed in glass bottles with a tightly screw cap. Store at home in a dark, cool place.

IN culinary skills hardly anyone doubts the leaf of a noble laurel. This spice is so popular that in almost any kitchen you can find a bag with a prosaic inscription "Bay leaf". But this is only one of the benefits that an evergreen Mediterranean tree brings to people. From its leaves, a wonderful bay oil is prepared, which has powerful healing properties.

The healers of ancient Rome and Egypt knew about the healing qualities of the oil and used it to heal patients. Folk healers used and apply it in their magical practice. And, I must say, not without success. How can this fragrant fluid substance help a person?

Laurel oil for health

The healing power of bay leaves lies in the essential oil contained in them. Its healing properties are multifaceted and are based mainly on antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. In addition, the oil is capable of:

  • Relieve spasms and pain associated with them;
  • Reduce pain syndrome;
  • Calm the nervous system;
  • Increase sweating;
  • Raise the general tone of the body;
  • Stimulate mental activity.

And the fragrant product perfectly repels annoying insects, which is also very beneficial for health.

Laurel oil has proven itself well in the treatment of varicose veins and joint diseases. It relieves inflammation lymph nodes, headache attacks and is successfully used in the treatment of ENT diseases, especially ear.

If you do not have aspirin at the right time, use laurel oil, it has lovely property lower the temperature quickly. The oil will help with pain in the stomach and intestines, normalize the function of the kidneys and liver, and improve appetite. To normalize the work of the gallbladder, it is enough to add a few drops of a bay product to a glass of kefir, which we drink before going to bed.

In the slushy off-season, when colds and viruses are activated, bay leaf oil will be excellent. prophylactic, it will increase resistance to infections and raise the body's immunity. And if there is a good immunity, then the work of the body will not go wrong, any kind of allergy will not appear, including.

For beauty

The antiseptic properties of noble laurel oil have found application in cosmetology. Many products for the care of problematic and oily skin are made on its basis. Cosmetic product lines for combination skin also often include this component. Cosmetologists advise using a bay product for skin care prone to inflammation and acne.

Creams, lotions, masks and other cosmetic products with "lavrushka" act very delicately, they:

  • Gently and gently cleanse the skin of the face;
  • Soften her;
  • Dissolve and remove sebum, remove excess fat;
  • Relieve irritation, promote healing of scratches, cuts and wounds;
  • Normalize metabolic processes in the skin.

Bay leaf oil contains species fatty acids that regulate lipid metabolism. Therefore, laurel oil is used in the treatment of certain skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis). It is extremely beneficial for the skin.
Including on the scalp, which means that the oil product from bay leaves will help in hair care. Its ability to disinfect and strengthen, increase blood circulation in the tissues is very useful for improving the condition of your hair.

Laurel oil for hair is used as a stimulant and tonic, it prevents the formation of dandruff and eliminates the one that has appeared. Restores the structure of lifeless, damaged, unnecessarily oily hair. Strengthens hair follicles, eliminating the cause of hair loss.

There is a very good universal mask for the growth and strengthening of hair, which is able to revive them to life, restore health and radiance. Recipe:

Mix bay leaf oil with jojoba or coconut oil so that the total volume of the mixture is 20 ml. Add essential oils to it:

  • Lemon, rosemary, lavender - 3 drops each;
  • Laurel essential oil - 4 drops.

Mix all ingredients and apply to scalp and hair. Wrap the head tightly with cling film, tie a terry towel over it. Hold for half an hour, then wash your hair.

Since the product has serious activity, bay oil at home should be used with caution. It is completely necessary to exclude its use by pregnant and lactating women, babies under 2 years old.

If you do not fall into these categories, play it safe - do a simple test for allergic tolerance. It's very simple: put a little oil on delicate skin back side at the elbow. Rub a little and wait. There should be no irritation.

Do not overdose to avoid unpleasant consequences. Laurel oil can lower blood pressure and has mild narcotic properties. Therefore, the reception must be under control.

How to make healing oil at home

To get laurel oil in industrial conditions, dry and fresh leaves laurel not older than 2 years of age. They are extracted by steam distillation. useful product. During the USSR large production for manufacturing valuable oil was in Georgia.

But there is an opportunity to cook it at home. There are several ways, this is the most simple and available recipe bay oil: put 2 fresh bay leaves in a glass of olive (sunflower oil is also suitable), leave for a week in a dark place. You will get a wonderful oil infusion.

It is good to rub it into dry skin, smear it with elbows, heels, dry areas of the skin. Can also be used as a face cream. Apply to the skin an hour before bedtime and small mimic wrinkles will be smoothed out.

You can make a useful cosmetic product for yourself in this way: count 30 pieces of fresh dry bay leaves and grind them in a coffee grinder. Pour a glass of sunflower or olive oil and insist a week. Then strain and use. Such an oily liquid can lubricate the nose with sinusitis, it will help to heal wounds or cuts faster.

A wreath of noble laurel was a symbol of strength and power. In beautiful fragrant leaves, great reserves of health are hidden, and they are available to almost everyone. Look in the kitchen cupboard, for sure there is a bag of "lavrushka". Now you know how to use it not only for culinary purposes. A laurel wreath of beauty and health will adorn any of us.


Since ancient times, the laurel plant has been the personification of victory and is perceived as ordinary life, rather as a condiment during cooking than an aromatherapy agent. This plant is common in the subtropical Mediterranean and on the Black Sea coast.

Derived from these plants, laurel essential oil has a wide range of beneficial properties due to big amount saturated fatty acids.

Externally, the oil looks like a luscious green ointment with a characteristic bright aroma and is obtained by steam distillation. Main components:

  • sabinene;
  • camphene;
  • linalool;
  • borneol;
  • citral and other components.

A large list of components contributes to the widespread use of the drug.

Properties and characteristics

Laurel oil, which is produced from natural material, has a remarkable ability to restore and protect skin covering. Due to this property, it is used during the treatment of eczema and psoriasis. In addition, the oil is endowed with a strengthening and stimulating blood circulation property, which makes it possible to widely use it in cosmetology and medicine. Masks with this oil are used to restore hair and treat headaches.

A few drops taken before meals increase appetite.

Bay leaf, as well as extracts from it, received widespread use in cooking.

The essential oil from this plant goes well with a number of other oils and is used in massages, to relieve pain during sprains and prolonged physical activity. Muscle tension is relieved in a few minutes.

The essential concentrate added to the aroma lamp has a unique property to create a solemn atmosphere and a feeling of joy and cheerfulness. It is this oil that psychologists recommend using for people suffering from low self-esteem.


Studying the beneficial ingredients included in laurel oil, one can note its antiseptic properties, namely:

  • perfectly eliminates inflammation of the skin;
  • prevents the spread of acne and all kinds of rashes;
  • removes age spots.

In small quantities, essential oil is added to simple face and body skin care creams. It is advisable to use such mixtures before bedtime, as they have a rather specific and unusual aroma. The action of drugs that contain laurel essential oil is manifested in what happens with their help. fast healing all kinds of scratches, cuts and inflammation. Wide application this component was also found in cosmetology, where, along with the struggle, it is used for cosmetic wraps and massages.

Laurel oil, which has a specific strengthening and stimulating blood circulation property, is very useful for hair. It is added to regular shampoo or masks are made. Thanks to this care, hair growth is accelerated, as well as the prevention of their weakening and premature loss.

Mask recipe: laurel essential oil and any other (corn and olive oil is suitable) are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and applied to the hair surface with thorough rubbing. After that, the head is wrapped with a film and a towel. After fifteen minutes, the product is thoroughly washed off with shampoo. An additional effect of such a mask is the fight against dandruff.

medical properties

To stimulate blood circulation, oil is applied to the temples (best done in the morning). The same quality is used during treatment inflammatory processes lymph nodes and varicose disease veins. The dermatological effect of the oil is to fight fungal diseases and prevent fungal infections. Exclusive properties:

  • prevention of flu and colds;
  • removal of inflammation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • antipyretic.

The preventive effect of the oil is very effective, but it can also be used in case of an ongoing disease - it is necessary to apply a few drops on the temples and wings of the nose for a while.

The beneficial properties of the oil are not limited to this and it can be safely included in the list of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cosmetic properties

For the cosmetic industry, oil is invaluable due to its productive moisturizing properties, which significantly slow down skin aging.. Even taking into account the fact that the structure of the oil is quite viscous, preparations based on it are perfectly absorbed into the skin and moisturize it. In parallel with this effect, the substance has a tonic property.

Stimulating and toning characteristics make it possible to use cosmetic laurel oil for dry skin types with minor damage. It can also restore the hydro-lipid layer of the skin. The uniqueness of the oil is that, due to its antiseptic characteristics, preparations based on it can also be used for oily skin with acne.

Based on laurel oil, anti-cellulite creams and shampoos are made that treat hair loss and dry scalp. These same drugs help get rid of dandruff and rapid growth hair.

Cosmetic companies actively use laurel essential oil in the production of creams, massage oils and body lotions. Also on this basis, whole line antiseptic soap.


People who suffer high blood pressure, can safely use oil to stabilize it, but hypotensive patients should be careful about its use. It is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, people with hypersensitivity of the skin. Contraindications for the use of drugs with bay leaf oil can be: some diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and stomach. The dosage should be handled very carefully, as an excess can lead to allergies.



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