Inflammation of the hair follicle on the head. Folliculitis and ostiofolliculitis

In structure dermatological pathology pustular diseases are the most common, among which folliculitis occurs on the head. This condition cannot be called severe, but it can become a source of quite tangible discomfort (aesthetic and physical).

Causes and mechanisms

The causative agent of folliculitis is primarily staphylococcus, which lives everywhere: on clothes and skin, household items, in residential premises and street dust. However, the majority healthy people the bulk are non-pathogenic strains. But the pustular lesion of the scalp develops with the assistance of pathogenic species. But they also require the presence of adverse factors that reduce protective properties epithelium. These include:

  • Hyperhidrosis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Microtrauma (cuts, abrasions).
  • Non-compliance with hygiene rules (skin contamination).
  • Influence of chemicals.
  • Immunodeficiencies.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Hypothermia and overheating.
  • Taking medications (glucocorticoids, cytostatics).

Under such conditions, it is much easier for bacteria to penetrate into the mouths of the follicles and manifest their pathogenic properties there. As a result, around the hair develops inflammatory response with the formation of pus. In addition to the coccal flora, E. or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fungi and microbial associations may be involved in the development of folliculitis, although this happens much less frequently.

The causes of folliculitis are staphylococci, which, against the background of a decrease in local resistance, provoke inflammation in the hair follicles and surrounding tissues.


Folliculitis may be superficial or deep, reflecting the prevalence inflammatory process. However Clinical signs the pathologies are very similar. First, painful redness forms around the hair, quickly turning into a cone-shaped nodule, in the center of which a White spot. It is a pustule containing purulent exudate. The latter consists of leukocytes, dead bacteria and necrotic masses.

After a few days, the pustule tire dries up with the formation of a crust. With superficial folliculitis, it leaves without visible traces (only with subtle pigmentation), and with deep folliculitis, small scars remain. At the same time, the inflammatory process around the hair also subsides.

Head folliculitis has no tendency to peripheral spread or fusion. Single or multiple pustules can occupy any area covered with hair, as well as be located on the back of the neck. Often the disease becomes chronic and chronic course.

Additional diagnostics

A doctor detects folliculitis during an examination of the scalp. With a persistent course of the process, pus from the pustule is taken for examination (microscopy, seeding, determination of sensitivity to antibiotics), do general analysis blood, biochemistry (glucose, hormones), immunogram. It is obligatory to consult a dermatologist, according to indications - related specialists (endocrinologist, immunologist).

The diagnostic program for folliculitis is not diverse. The main role in most cases is played by a medical examination.


As with other diseases, the treatment of scalp folliculitis should be comprehensive. Medicines with antimicrobial properties are of primary importance:

  • Antiseptics (salicylic and boric alcohol, brilliant green, fukortsin).
  • Antibacterial ointments and creams (erythromycin, Zinerit, Epiderm).

Ulcers cannot be squeezed out - the tire is carefully removed with a napkin moistened with an antiseptic solution. If identified as the causative agent fungal flora, then the appropriate drugs are used (for example, Nizoral). Shampoos containing vitamins, zinc and selenium are recommended for washing hair, which improve skin condition.

The chronic course of the disease requires more active therapy. Then help cure folliculitis systemic antibiotics or antifungals(based on seeding results). And besides medical methods, others apply:

  • UV irradiation.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Head massage.
  • Mesotherapy.

It is important to have a balanced and good nutrition, the diet should contain enough vitamins and minerals. Some patients will have to deal with correction common diseases negatively affecting the condition of the scalp. How to treat folliculitis in a particular case, the doctor will tell you.

Penetration pathogenic bacteria inside the hair follicles in conditions of reduced resistance leads to the development of folliculitis. This is a pustular pathology of the scalp, which is accompanied by the formation of pustules and can take a chronic course. She is treated by dermatologists.

Folliculitis is a term used to refer to pathology hair bulb . The disease is formed when inflammation occurs in the hair follicle, and purulent formations begin to accumulate in it.

Hair grows on many areas of the skin, which means that the appearance of the disease can be expected anywhere (in men, the back and chest fall into the risk zone).

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the hair follicles is initiated by pathogenic microorganisms: fungi, mites, viruses and bacteria.

The hair follicle becomes the residence of these organisms due to external factors or due to health problems.

Thus, the causes of folliculitis are conditionally divided into:

  • exogenous (external circumstances);
  • endogenous (diseases that cause optimal conditions for the life of pathogenic organisms).

Exogenous causes include:

  • injury skin(cracks or microcracks);
  • incorrectly selected clothing (made of "non-breathing" and (or) synthetic materials, tight);
  • high temperatures environment;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • skin pollution caused by poor hygiene or specific human work (work on the ground, activities that require contact with certain reagents, chemicals (mechanic, car service employee, etc.).

Among endogenous factors note:

  • obesity;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • diabetes;
  • liver disease;
  • malnutrition, due to which the body is deficient in certain substances.

Sometimes folliculitis is initiated by strange, not at first glance, causes: caries, tonsillitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis, periodontal disease.

It would seem, how can a hair follicle on the arm become inflamed due to a sore mouth or throat?

The point here is in pathogens localized in the mouth, in the throat. They are carried by blood throughout the body, without bypassing the hands. Weakened immunity is not able to put a reliable barrier around healthy organs: Bacteria (viruses) reach the hair follicles and settle there.

Epidemiology and statistics

There is no exact statistics on the incidence of folliculitis, since often patients do not give special significance disease and self-medicate.

Observations on those who applied for professional help, allow you to select 3 groups of people, more often than others prone to folliculitis:

  1. Representatives of the "unfavorable" environment. In this case, the infection of the skin is caused by a whole range of reasons: poor nutrition, kit bad habits and lack of proper hygiene.
  2. Representatives of certain professions: road workers, combine operators, tractor drivers, etc.. In working conditions, people are forced to experience adverse weather, a long stay in sweaty clothes, the inability to keep the body clean (exposure to road dust, dust from the ground).
  3. Inhabitants of the southern latitudes exposed to hot climates.

Clinical symptoms

The onset of inflammation marks itself skin redness in the region of the hair follicle.

If the focus has arisen around one bulb, they speak of a single folliculitis. In fact, there can be 2, 5, 10, several dozen such formations ... This is multiple folliculitis.

Often the first sign of the disease is ignored, and the disease develops. Grows at the site of injury globular abscess yellowish color . When it is opened, the red surface of the damaged skin is exposed.

With multiple folliculitis, it is noted increase lymph nodes located near the lesion.

Species diversity of folliculitis

Depending on the cause of the appearance of the disease, the place of its localization and the characteristics of the course, several types are distinguished.

candidal folliculitis

It develops under an occlusive (i.e. waterproof) bandage, for example, under a band-aid. The risk of pathology increases if ointments (gels) belonging to the group of corticosteroids are applied to the skin under a bandage.

Eosinophilic type of pathology

Registered only in patients with HIV.


As the name suggests, they are caused by staphylococci. Usually, pathology is recorded at the site of growth of bristly hair (shaving area on the face in men). Repeatedly occurring disease leads to the formation of scars on the skin.


The place of localization coincides with the previous species.

Depilatory folliculitis of smooth skin

Most often observed in hot climates. The disease chooses middle-aged men as victims, affecting their legs. It is characterized by symmetry, leaves scars.

Gram negative

Fixed after acne treatment antibacterial agents. Instead of the expected deliverance, a person acquires strengthening.

Pseudomonas disease or "hot bath syndrome"

Infection occurs after taking a bath of poor quality water containing pathogenic microorganisms.

Folliculitis caused by dermatophytes

Lives on the scalp. The disease first affects the top layer, and then the entire hair follicle, including the hair shaft.

Acne syphilis

An unpleasant consequence of syphilis, it is distinguished by a red color of a faded hue. Elimination of folliculitis is possible only under the condition of treatment and getting rid of syphilis.

Folliculitis caused by fungi

This species affects the neck and face, shoulders and back. Most often recorded in tropical and subtropical latitudes.


The causative agents of the disease are gonococci. Occurs against the background of gonorrhea. Marked on the genitals.

Professional type of pathology

Prefers the flexion zone of the forearms and the back of the hands. Appears as a reaction of the follicle to chemical substances with which a person is forced to contact on duty.


Occurs after a tick bite, requires long-term treatment.

Impetigo Bockhart

Occurs due to excessive sweating or the warming effect of an applied dressing. A pustule (vesicle) swells above the affected hair follicle, the size of which varies from 1 to 8 mm.


Describing the damage to the hair follicles, the doctor analyzes the severity of the disease, the cause of its occurrence, the number of folliculitis. These indicators form the basis of the classification of the disease.

Possible Complications

Usually folliculitis is harmless.

However, due to a number of circumstances, the disease can give a complication.

These reasons include:

  • no treatment for deep folliculitis;
  • weak immunity;
  • lack of measures to eliminate the root cause of the onset of the disease (careless attitude to hygiene and wardrobe).

Under these conditions, complications such as deep skin lesions. We are talking about abscesses, boils, follicular scars, carbuncles and dermatophytosis of the scalp.

Weak immunity can further aggravate the situation: an infection from the hair follicle with a blood stream can be carried anywhere.

With the connivance of the weak immune system pathogenic organisms get a new license. Jade, meningitis, pneumonia... This is far from complete list serious illnesses initiated by such a frivolous, at first glance, folliculitis.


To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor performs:

Examination allows the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis. This conclusion is built on the basis of the localization of the pathology (around the hair) and the characteristic red rim (it is denoted by the term "hyperemia").

For more successful treatment the doctor asks the patient questions to determine the cause of the pathology.

To reinforce the presumptive diagnosis, the doctor writes out a referral for laboratory tests:

  • Gram smear;
  • skin biopsy;
  • sowing contents from the pustule;
  • blood sugar test.

These studies are needed to exclude the suspicion of other skin diseases that have similar features with folliculitis (Devergy's disease, ingrown hair, or acne vulgaris, Kirle's disease).


Treatment of the disease depends on the degree of damage to the hair follicle.

If the inflammation is superficial, it is enough to treat the abscess with a well-known brilliant green, fucorcin, salicylic alcohol (2%) .

A deeper lesion requires the opening of abscesses. After that, the wound is treated twice a day with the means indicated above.

IMPORTANT. The opening of the abscess should be carried out by a doctor. Self-extrusion is not allowed, as this aggravates the pathology and can cause complications.

For chronic folliculitis antibiotics are being used.

If diabetes mellitus has become the cause of a chronic illness, the patient should observe strict diet . This prevents recurrence of the disease.

Medical therapy

The prescription of medicines takes into account the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to active ingredients drugs, so different drugs are prescribed for different types of folliculitis.

Let's give some examples.

Dandelion decoction taken orally, for which one tablespoon of the raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered, cooled and divided into 4 doses.


Folliculitis - disease with a favorable prognosis.

The average duration of the disease is one week (with the exception of severe cases of the disease: acne syphilis, gonorrheal folliculitis, etc.).

IN rare cases inflammation of the hair follicle leaves a small scar as a memory of itself.


If folliculitis happens to someone once in a lifetime, then it is immediately forgotten. And only if the disease began to recur with sad regularity, the question of its prevention appears on the agenda.

The main condition for healthy hair follicles is clean skin . The selection of free-cut clothes made from natural fabrics will help to avoid illness. At the same time, the wardrobe should create a feeling optimum temperature: "and not cold and not hot."

Inflammation of the hair follicle, characterized by purulent inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin. Folliculitis leads to the natural opening of these nodules and the release of pus. In this place, over time, a small ulcer forms, which overgrows, leaving behind a scar.

According to statistics, this skin disease occupies a leading position among the diagnoses leading to temporary disability of patients. No sexual or age differences for the onset of the disease. As a rule, folliculitis appears in people working as miners, builders, metallurgists and transport workers.

Symptoms of folliculitis

The clinical manifestations of folliculitis are determined by the infectious agent that affected the follicles and the type of disease, but, as a rule, the following symptoms appear:

The process is localized on the hairy areas of the body:

  • axillary area;
  • head;
  • legs;
  • face.

Associated symptoms include itching and possible local boost temperature. Symptoms upon occurrence severe forms diseases are caused by the occurrence of foci of folliculitis, which merge and purulent contents spread under the skin.

Folliculitis treatment

When the first symptoms of folliculitis appear, you need to seek help from a doctor. After the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes individual treatment, V as soon as possible relieving symptoms and preventing the development of complications.

Treatment of folliculitis is complex and includes the following components:

In terms of hygiene, it is required to protect the patient from hot water which stimulates inflammation. Towels, bed linen and clothes should be changed, washed and ironed regularly.

For local treatment antiseptic agents, ointments or gels are prescribed, which are applied directly to the place where the disease is localized:

  • iodine and brilliant green;
  • salicylic and camphor alcohol (2%);
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • synthomycin or erythromycin ointment.

In advanced cases, the doctor does a "cleansing", opens the papules and processes antiseptics. It is strongly not recommended to do this on your own.

In the treatment of folliculitis, antibiotics are used:

  • acyclovir;
  • sufraks;
  • clarithromycin;
  • amoxiclav.

To maintain immunity, the patient is prescribed vitamin complexes:

  • immunal;
  • vitaferon.

When the disease subsides, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, the purpose of which is to prevent the formation of scars on the surface of the skin. Such procedures are done once every one or two days, the course of therapy consists of 7-10 sessions. For this use:

  • dermabrasion;
  • laser treatment;
  • UV irradiation.

Treatment certain types folliculitis:

Staphylococcal folliculitis is treated with antibacterial drugs inside (cephalexin, diclosacillin, erythromycin, etc.). The antibiotic is selected based on the result of tests for the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drugs. Antibiotic ointments are applied externally.
Pseudomonas folliculitis is treated in a similar way. Shown in severe cases antibiotic therapy ciprofloxacin.
For bacterial folliculitis, which is caused by Gram-negative bacteria, use preparations based on benzoyl peroxide.
Folliculitis of fungal origin is treated with the use of antimycotic agents - terbinafine, iracanozole, fluconazole.
Herpetic folliculitis is treated with acyclovir.
Affected skin should not be washed with water. It is strictly forbidden to take a hot shower and visit the bath.

Diet for folliculitis

If folliculitis occurs, a change in diet is required, subject to the following rules:

Folk remedies for the treatment of folliculitis

The use of folk remedies can supplement the treatment of folliculitis.

Common recipes of traditional medicine:

Used to treat damaged areas of the skin Fresh Juice plantain.
A decoction of wild rose and viburnum: 200 gr. viburnum berries and wild rose, 100 gr. dried nettle, 10 gr. green shell nuts, 50 gr. homemade cottage cheese and honey, 0.5 liters of water. Combine viburnum with rose hips with nettles and nut shells, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes on low heat. Infuse the mixture for a day, then strain. Make a mixture of cottage cheese with honey and add 100 gr. prepared decoction. Apply the resulting mixture on the skin affected by folliculitis for half an hour.
50 g of dry thorn root, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes. Insist 2 hours. The decoction is used in the form of baths and compresses.
Regularly lubricate the affected areas of the skin with a decoction of chamomile to relieve inflammation.
The flowers of the tenacious bedstraw are dried, ground into powder, diluted with a small amount of water to make a paste, and applied to damaged areas of the skin.
Herbal decoction of dandelion is taken orally. Prepared from roots and leaves: pour a glass of boiling water 50 gr. dried leaves and boil. Strain the broth and take 50 grams throughout the day.
In 1 cup boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l. yasnotki white, insist 5 minutes and take 1 glass twice a day.
Apply a mixture of the green mass of woodruff fragrant to the affected area of ​​the skin under a bandage. Change the bandage 2 times a day.
A decoction of burdock is taken orally. To prepare a decoction, you need 50 gr. crushed root of the plant boil in 500 gr. water for 10 minutes, leave for an hour, strain. Take 50 gr. during the day.

Causes of folliculitis

Folliculitis - pathological condition skin, caused by exposure to staphylococcus and other bacteria. The occurrence of folliculitis is affected by the presence of skin lesions: cracks, wounds and scratches that have not been treated with antibacterial agents. The causative agents of the disease penetrate the hair follicle when the skin is damaged or when hair is removed. Often, infection occurs when personal hygiene is not followed.

The development of the disease is provoked by the following factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • skin damage;
  • taking antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • increased sweating;
  • tight-fitting clothing;
  • malnutrition;
  • avitaminosis;
  • decrease in immunity.

In addition, the following diseases affect the occurrence of folliculitis:

  • diabetes;
  • thyroid gland;
  • infectious;
  • AIDS and HIV infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological;
  • liver.

The risk group includes:

Folliculitis in children

The disease is dangerous for babies. The disease manifests itself in the form of bubbles that appear on the skin, inside the formations there is a light or bloody liquid. As a rule, fungal folliculitis of the scalp occurs in children, which is characterized by the formation of flat white plaques on the skin with a border around.

Inflammation hair follicle in children occurs for several reasons:

  • improper hygiene of the skin;
  • unsettled immunological barrier;
  • HIV transmitted from the mother;
  • accompanying illnesses.

In children, the disease proceeds in a complex form due to the inability of the body to fight the inflammatory process (clinical signs are intense). But hairline children suffer less losses (this does not apply adolescence) - after the inflammation subsides, the skin quickly recovers.

Complications of folliculitis

If the disease is not cured when the first symptoms appear, complications develop.


Necrosis occurs sebaceous gland and adjacent tissues. Occurs on the head, face, or pubis painful induration with a softening area in the center. At multiple localization we are talking about furunculosis.


Neighboring follicles undergo necrosis with the formation of a necrotic rod. Characterized by pain, swelling, fever.


With the further course of the inflammatory process, total purulent fusion of tissues occurs with the formation of a cavity. The abscess is delimited from the surrounding tissues by an inflammatory capsule.


There is a spread of pus beyond the capsule to the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Unlike an abscess, purulent process unlimited and prone to further distribution. The course of the disease is sometimes severe and requires urgent surgical intervention.

Folliculitis classification

Depending on the degree of damage to the skin:

Depending on the reason:

Staphylococcal: classic look. Pathogen - Staphylococcus aureus, present on the skin and causing purulent inflammation when it penetrates the hair follicle.
Acne: A lesion of the upper layer of the skin occurs due to the development of syphilis. The follicles have a pale red hue after appearing on the body. Without treatment of the pathogen (syphilis), it is impossible to eliminate the pathology.
Gram-negative: develops against the background of prolonged use of antibiotics. There is a suppression of gram-positive microflora (including staphylococcus aureus). Klebsiella, Escherichia, Serratia and other representatives of gram-negative flora multiply on the skin. Outwardly, this type of folliculitis resembles acne.
Occupational: defeat occurs as a result of prolonged exposure dangerous chemistry. In this case, the forearm is affected and backside brushes.
Candidiasis: develops in severe bedridden patients with a strong decrease in immunity, with massive hormone therapy, the use of occlusive dressings.
Gonorrheal:` occurs due to untreated gonorrhea.
Pseudomonasal: occurs after high-temperature water procedures, with insufficient chlorination of water and when swimming in dirty water.
Eosinophilic: Appears as a papular rash on the head, trunk, and extremities. This type of folliculitis accompanies HIV and is considered a marker.
Herpetic: localized in men in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle and chin and occurs after shaving.

Depending on the number of pustules:

  • single - with inflammation of one nodule, it passes on its own for a week, leaving no traces behind;
  • multiple.

Diagnosis of folliculitis

By the presence of a rash characteristic localization on the head, face and limbs with pustules in the follicular orifices, the doctor makes a diagnosis after examining the patient. If necessary, microscopy of the purulent contents of the pustules is prescribed, sowing on nutrient medium with an antibiotic susceptibility test.

Diagnostics includes:

  • study of the hair follicle;
  • identification of the pathogen that caused inflammation;
  • exclusion of syphilis, gonorrhea;
  • identification of other diseases that provoke the development of inflammation.

In the diagnostic process, it is also important to distinguish folliculitis from others. skin diseases:

  • pink lichen;
  • acne;
  • perifolliculitis;
  • toxidermia;
  • furunculosis;
  • inflammation of the follicles of a non-infectious nature;
  • follicular keratosis.

Prognosis for folliculitis

Typically, in adults folliculitis lung while observing personal hygiene measures. At the same time, folliculitis in children becomes a dangerous disease, since the disease provokes the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the baby's body: nephritis, meningitis and pneumonia.

The child's body reacts sharply to inflammatory processes. Therefore, at the first manifestations of skin diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor to prevent undesirable consequences.

Prevention of folliculitis

To prevent recurrence of the disease, long walks are recommended. fresh air, good sleep, balanced diet and adherence to personal hygiene rules. In the event of microtrauma of the skin, it is necessary to treat the site of damage with an antiseptic. If the formation of a pustular rash is noticed, it is not recommended to try to treat it yourself, consult a doctor.

To prevent folliculitis, you need to follow the simplest rules:

Do not use other people's towels, washcloths, hygiene products and other bath accessories.
Try to prevent disease traumatic injuries skin, as well as damage caused by wearing too tight underwear and clothing.
You need to wash with cool water, this will reduce the excretion sebum and help prevent the onset of the inflammatory process.
When shaving, it is better to give preference to an electric razor.
If you have diabetes, you need to periodically undergo an examination in the clinic.
When visiting a sauna or swimming pool, be interested in the pH level of the water and the degree of chlorination. To prevent folliculitis, it is desirable that the proportion of chlorine in the water is at least half a gram per liter, and the pH does not fall below 8. Only this ensures that there are no conditions for the reproduction of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, and therefore reduces the risk of infection.
With an exacerbation of folliculitis, it is better to avoid swimming in open water, pools or saunas.

Questions and answers on the topic "Folliculitis"

Question:Hello! A year ago I went to Thailand, I was 20 weeks pregnant. There, the hair on the legs began to grow strongly, inflammations and small spots of red and bluish color appeared. A very unaesthetic picture. The method of epilation did not change. Initially sinned to change hormonal background. I consulted with the doctors, I did not hear anything sensible. And only now I realized that it was folliculitis. Please advise how to save yourself in such cases?

Answer: Read the previous answer.

Question:Hello. I am 51 years old. The skin on the body is clean, there have always been acne on the face since childhood in the area of ​​the nose, mustache, chin. Now they do, but not as often. When he treated the gastrointestinal tract, there was no improvement. In 2011, he treated pyelonephritis, the rashes disappeared (he took antibiotics). But it all started again.

Answer: Hello. I recommend that you contact a qualified dermatologist to clarify the diagnosis. Unfortunately, it is impossible to clarify the diagnosis in absentia, and the formation of folliculitis can be characteristic of several diseases, there can be no universal approach to treatment.

Question:Hello. Constant feeling itching and inflammation of the hair follicles for three years on the left side of the head. I went to a dermatologist in the district clinic, they did a blood transfusion. Did not help. IN diagnostic center Zinerit solution, Momat cream, Keto plus shampoo were prescribed. Treated for 6 weeks. After stopping treatment about a week later, everything started again. I tried not to wash my hair - even worse. There are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Has passed or has taken place course of treatment by antibiotics. It's been 4 months. The problems remain. What to do?

Answer: Hello. Folliculitis is bacterial inflammation hair follicles. It usually heals fairly quickly. But if there are diseases endocrine system or immunodeficiency states, then you must first eliminate the root cause, on the basis of which this process endlessly recurs. Without the data of your examination, I cannot say for what reason the treatment is not effective in your case.

Question:Hello. My son is 6 months old. About a week ago he developed what looked like dry pus in one nostril. We visited an ENT doctor, they told us that it was folliculitis. They prescribed hyoxysone ointment and sinomarin drops. But the doctor said that a maximum of 3-5 days. Tell me, please, what is folliculitis in general and what can you advise? We have been using these drugs for 4 days, so far there are no special changes.

Answer: Hello. Folliculitis is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. Try Aquamaris ointment with dexpanthenol.

Svetlana Nagornaya


Articles written

Folliculitis - skin infection, which is accompanied purulent inflammation hair follicle. The prevalence of this disease among the population is 40%, and therefore almost no one is immune from it. It is often localized on the scalp, as well as other areas of the skin throughout the body. We will find out the main causes and symptoms of the disease, as well as find out how and by which specialist to treat it.

Folliculitis is a purulent inflammatory process that occurs in upper parts hair follicle. During the disease, a vesicle with pus appears, surrounding sebaceous gland and a hair shaft. When probing this place, painful sensations appear.

Depending on the depth of the inflammatory process, there are superficial and deep folliculitis. The first type is localized more often on the face and neck, hands (especially forearms) and legs (shins and thighs). The second form appears mainly on the scalp, as well as on the back of the neck and on the back.

Types of folliculitis

Depending on the cause that caused folliculitis, there are several types of it:

The infectious agent penetrates deep into the skin through small lesions on the skin and causes an inflammatory process.

Risk factors

However, it often happens that a person comes into contact with pathogenic microflora, but folliculitis does not develop in him. This is due to the fact that pathogens begin to progress in special, suitable conditions for them. Factors that can provoke the onset of the disease include:

  • stay in a hot climate;
  • wearing tight clothes, especially from synthetic material;
  • strong sweating;
  • skin allergic reactions and dermatosis, trauma to the integument;
  • diseases accompanied by a weakened immune system, such as AIDS, diabetes;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • taking some medicines(immunosuppressants, glucocorticosteroids);
  • wearing adhesive plasters and pressure bandages for a long time.

Knowing about these risk factors, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of folliculitis.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms vary depending on the form of folliculitis.

On the surface:

  1. ulcers up to 0.5 cm in diameter are formed on the surface of the skin, they are painless to the touch;
  2. an inflammatory rim appears around the abscesses, which has a reddish or pink color;
  3. on the 3rd day, the abscesses begin to dry out and become covered with a brownish crust;
  4. peeling remains in place of the abscesses, and skin pigmentation may also occur.

Deep folliculitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. painful reddish nodules about 1 cm in size appear on the skin;
  2. an abscess appears on the surface of the nodules, through which the hair passes;
  3. after about 5 days, this abscess opens, and a yellow crust appears on it;
  4. gradually the abscess disappears.

Chronic folliculitis has the following symptoms:

  1. there is a constant appearance of more and more new pustular formations on different stages development;
  2. foci of the disease can merge and form a large surface with pustules;
  3. there is a slight soreness of the formations;
  4. pustules in the middle are riddled with hairs and contain dense green or yellow pus inside.

Decalvating (epilating) form - scalp folliculitis in men, you can recognize it by the following signs:

  1. a painful pustule (vesicle) forms on the surface of the skin;
  2. then a brown crust appears at this place;
  3. a scar remains in place of the removed crust, and the hair stops growing here, and focal alopecia begins.

Hoffmann's undermining folliculitis develops in young men and adolescents on the scalp, it is characterized by peculiar symptoms:

  1. soft swellings in the form of a circle, oval or bean form on the head in the region of the crown or occiput;
  2. the color of the skin over the formation is unnatural - from yellow to bluish;
  3. there are no hairs on the surface of the swelling, the skin is thinned;
  4. such foci are gradually connected, forming rollers;
  5. when pressed, pus comes out.

Hoffmann's undermining folliculitis is quite aggressive, its signs are shown in the photo.

Pustules may appear on different areas body, their localization is usually due to the type of disease:

  • on the nasolabial triangle and chin, staphylococcal folliculitis usually occurs, and there may also be candidal or herpetic;
  • fungal and staphylococcal folliculitis develops on the scalp;
  • in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits due to shaving, a disease of the staphylococcal or pseudomonas form may appear;
  • the buttocks are usually affected by staphylococcal folliculitis;
  • folliculitis develops on the face, caused by staphylococcus or gram-negative microflora.

Features of the disease in children

The greatest danger is the disease for children infancy. It is usually caused by bacteria. The disease manifests itself in the form of bubbles that appear on the skin, inside the formations there is a light or bloody liquid.

Often in children, fungal folliculitis of the scalp occurs, it is characterized by the formation of flat white plaques on the skin with a border around.

If you suspect the appearance of an ailment, you should immediately consult a doctor. Oil is used to treat folk remedies for folliculitis in young children. tea tree, which is smeared several times a day on the affected areas.

Diagnostic and therapy methods

Should folliculitis be treated? Despite the fact that the disease seems simple, it is imperative to consult a doctor who can diagnose and select the appropriate therapy.

Diagnostic measures

When folliculitis occurs, it is important to determine its causative agent and comorbidities that exacerbate the inflammatory process. To do this, the dermatologist conducts a visual examination and dermatoscopy, collects the secreted substance from the pustules for microscopy and bacteriological culture.

Sometimes an immunogram, a skin biopsy, a blood test for glucose, and other examinations are additionally prescribed.

Medical treatment

Treatment of folliculitis is mainly aimed at destroying the pathogen. The disease is most easily amenable to therapy on initial stage, but there is effective drugs able to cope with severe forms.

The main methods of treatment:

  1. abscesses must be treated with a solution of brilliant green and fucarcin;
  2. the surface of the skin should be wiped with salicylic or camphor alcohol 1-2% concentration;
  3. with abundant accumulations of pus and multiple rashes, papules are opened, but only a doctor should do this;
  4. after opening, compresses with ichthyol ointment, for this, twice a day, apply the ointment to a piece of gauze and apply to the affected area;
  5. in severe cases, antibiotic treatment is required, the doctor selects drugs based on data after bakposev;
  6. sometimes immunomodulatory drugs (Immunal, Vitaferon, Timalin) may also be required.


When the disease begins to subside, physiotherapy is prescribed. Their purpose is to prevent the formation of scars on the surface of the skin. For this use:

  • dermabrasion;
  • laser treatment;
  • UV irradiation.

Such procedures are carried out once every one or two days, general course therapy consists of 7-10 sessions.

Folk recipes

cure various forms folliculitis is possible at home with folk remedies. In this case, the following recipes will come in handy:

  1. decoction chamomileeffective remedy against inflammation, prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. dry flowers per 1 liter of water, steam the raw materials and insist for half an hour, wipe the affected areas with a filtered solution 3 times a day;
  2. medical applications - for this, pour 2 tbsp. water, rose hips and viburnum (200 g each), and also add 100 g of dry nettle and 10 g of green walnut shells, put on fire and simmer for 10 minutes, insist the remedy for a day, then combine cottage cheese and honey in a separate bowl (according to 50 g), dilute the mixture with a prepared decoction, apply applications for 15-20 minutes three times a day;
  3. fragrant woodruff - bandages are applied to the abscesses from the gruel of the leaves of this plant, the procedure is performed twice a day;
  4. dandelion decoction - take 1-4 cups three times a day, to prepare it, pour 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves and roots of the plant, boil all for 15 minutes, insist for half an hour and filter;
  5. burdock decoction - take 50 ml twice a day, and for its preparation pour 1 tbsp. l. crushed plant root 0.5 l of water and boil for 15 minutes, leave for an hour and filter.

Treatment with folk remedies is quite effective and is recognized official medicine, all recipes are quite simple and easily applicable at home.

The resulting folliculitis must be treated, as its consequences can be severe. And it should be borne in mind that it is better to prevent the onset of the disease than to engage in its long-term therapy.

Staphylococcal folliculitis usually localized in areas of growth of bristly hair, most often it is the chin and the skin around the mouth. It occurs mainly in men who shave their beard and mustache. May be complicated by the development of sycosis.

Pseudomonas folliculitis popularly known as folliculitis hot bath”, because in most cases it occurs after taking a hot bath with insufficient chlorination of the water. Often develops in patients undergoing antibiotic therapy for acne. Clinically expressed in a sharp increase acne, the appearance on the face and upper body of pustules penetrated by hair.

Syphilitic folliculitis(acne syphilis) develops with secondary syphilis, accompanied by non-scarring alopecia in the growth zone of the beard and mustache, as well as the scalp.

gonorrheal folliculitis is a complication of untreated and long-term gonorrhea. Favorite localization is the skin of the perineum in women and foreskin in men.

candidal folliculitis observed mainly when applying occlusive dressings, in bedridden patients and with prolonged fever.

Dermatophytic folliculitis characterized by the onset of inflammatory changes from the superficial stratum corneum of the epidermis. Then the process gradually captures the follicle and hair shaft. It can occur against the background of trichophytosis and favus, leaving behind cicatricial changes.

Herpetic folliculitis characterized by the formation of vesicles at the mouths of hair follicles. It is observed on the skin of the chin and nasolabial triangle, more often in men.

Folliculitis caused by demodicosis is manifested by reddening of the skin with the formation of characteristic pustules in the mouths of the hair follicles, around which pityriasis peeling is noted.

Impetigo Bockhart- another variant of folliculitis. It develops with maceration of the skin. It is most common in hyperhidrosis or due to warm compress therapy.

Diagnosis of folliculitis

Diagnostic measures for suspected folliculitis are aimed at examining the condition of the hair follicle; determination of the pathogen that caused the inflammation; exclusion of a specific etiology of the disease (syphilis, gonorrhea); detection concomitant diseases favoring the development of an infectious process.

At the consultation of a dermatologist, an examination of the rashes and dermatoscopy is carried out, which helps the doctor determine the depth of the follicle lesion. The detachable pustules are taken for microscopy and bacteriological culture, examination for fungi and pale treponema. To exclude gonorrhea and syphilis, PCR diagnostics and an RPR test are performed. If necessary, the patient is assigned an immunogram, a blood test for sugar and other examinations.

In the course of diagnosis, folliculitis is differentiated from ostiofolliculitis, frinoderma, Hoffmann's perifolliculitis, furunculosis, nodular cystic acne, streptococcal impetigo, Zhiber's pink lichen, drug toxicoderma.

Folliculitis treatment

Therapy of folliculitis should correspond to its etiology. With bacterial genesis of folliculitis, ointments with antibiotics are prescribed, with fungal - antifungal drugs, treatment of herpetic folliculitis is carried out with acyclovir.

enough at the onset of the disease local therapy and treatment of lesions with solutions of aniline dyes (fucarcin, brilliant green, methylene blue). To prevent the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin, they are treated with salicylic or boric alcohol. Additionally, UFO is used.

Cases of severe recurrent folliculitis require systemic therapy. With staphylococcal folliculitis, cephalexin, dicloxacillin, erythromycin are prescribed orally. Treatment of severe forms of pseudomonas folliculitis is carried out with ciprofloxacin. Fluconazole and itraconazole are used for candidal folliculitis, and terbinafine for dermatophytic folliculitis. At the same time, concomitant therapy is carried out diabetes or immunodeficiency states.



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