How to prepare a decoction of celandine for external use. Is it possible to eat celandine

This tall herbaceous perennial shrub with yellow flowers grows almost anywhere. Celandine is considered a poisonous plant, but has medicinal properties; its name indicates the purpose of this plant to “cleanse the body”; the poisonous plant, of course, has contraindications.

The plant bears fruit up to 3 times during the summer, so it reproduces very quickly.

In ancient Rus', the plant had characteristic names: podtynnik, chistukha, warthog, dog soap. Celandine juice is really effective for treating warts and acne.

Plant composition

The stem, leaves, rhizome and bitter milk of celandine contain vitamins C and A, malic, citric, succinic acids, essential oils, resins, saponins, phytoncides (natural antibiotics), toxic substances: chelidonine, protopine, alocryptopine, coptisine, sanguinarine.

The alkaloid chelidonine is similar in composition to morphine. In small doses, this alkaloid has an analgesic effect. Large doses of chelidonine cause convulsions and paralysis of the nervous system.

The rhizomes of celandine contain the largest amount of alkaloids, but the leaves of the plant are also poisonous.

Medicinal properties of the herb celandine

If precautions and dosages are followed, some diseases can be cured with the help of this plant. Celandine has bactericidal, antitumor, antimycotic, wound-healing, expectorant, antispasmodic, anesthetic, and choleretic effects.

Celandine won the greatest popularity in the fight against skin problems. It is used to get rid of papillomas and warts, mycoses, scabies.

Effective plant for the treatment of acne.

The main beneficial properties of celandine are considered to be antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and choleretic.

Celandine is used to relieve joint, menstrual, toothaches, and stop the development of malignant tumors.

Currently, the anti-carcinogenic properties of the poisonous plant are being carefully studied. It has been proven that celandine tincture stops the appearance of metastases.

Medicines from celandine

Ready-made preparations of this plant can be purchased at the pharmacy. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can prepare the medicine yourself.

Recipe for alcohol tincture of celandine

At the beginning of summer, during the first flowering period, collect celandine leaves, wash them thoroughly, chop them and put the resulting raw material in a liter jar, filling it to the top. Fill the contents of the jar with medical alcohol (70%), place the container in a dark, dry place for 14 days. If you infuse the contents of the jar for six months, you can get a highly effective concentrated product.

Even cancer is treated with such a concentrated alcohol tincture. But when starting treatment, you must remember that this remedy is a real poison and you should get used to it gradually.

For the first 3 weeks, the tincture is taken orally, 5 drops per day, in the fourth week it is increased by 1 drop every day, by the end of the week it is increased to 10 drops per day, from the fifth week the dosage of the drug is increased by another 10 drops, evenly increasing the daily dose and thus increase the intake of the product to 50 drops per day. The course of treatment with tincture is long. For tuberculosis and cancer, the tincture is taken for up to six months.

Aqueous infusion of the plant

1 tbsp. celandine herbs pour 250g of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Take the infusion chilled 1 r. per day, 1/3 cup for 20 minutes. before meals. The drug is used to improve the condition of the liver.

Celandine juice

There are two ways to obtain juice.

  1. Scroll fresh washed celandine leaves through a meat grinder and carefully squeeze out the juice from the resulting pulp. Pour the juice into a glass jar, refrigerate for 3 days, then strain, cover with a lid with holes so that gas comes out of the jar during the fermentation process. Leave the jar in this form for 3 weeks in a cool, dark place. When the fermentation process is over, pour the contents into a clean jar, close the lid tightly, and store in the refrigerator. The shelf life is 1 year.
  2. Cut off the stems of the celandine along with the leaves and flowers, wash thoroughly, pass through a meat grinder, and squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass. Then add 0.5 liters of vodka or 250 g of medical alcohol to 1 liter of juice.

The medicinal properties of celandine juice are very strong and effective; they treat herpes, acne, acne, scabies, papilloma and other skin problems.

Infusion of celandine

1 tsp fresh or dried raw materials, pour 200 g of boiling water, close the lid, leave for 15 minutes, filter through gauze.

Take 1/3 cup 3 times. per day for 7 days.

The decoction is taken for diseases of the liver, gall and bladder, and duodenum.

The use of celandine in treatment

The plant is used to treat initial forms of skin tuberculosis, cervical erosion, and polyps. The use of celandine for healing purulent wounds and ulcers gives positive results.

Treatment of psoriasis

Small lesions are lubricated with freshly squeezed celandine milk 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

If psoriasis affects large areas of the skin, take baths with celandine at the rate of: 25 g of chopped grass per 3 liters of water. Pre-brew the herb with boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain, add to the bath.

The most powerful remedy for psoriasis is considered to be a decoction of celandine roots.

Pour the washed roots of the plant with hot water and leave for 2 hours. until softened, then boil in the same water over low heat for 30 minutes, cool, strain. The resulting decoction is used to apply lotions to the affected areas. Soak sterile gauze in the broth and apply to the psoriasis plaque for 3 hours.

How to use for warts and papillomas

At home you can drink fresh celandine juice. Apply fresh plant juice to the wart twice a day. If possible, tear off the stem of the celandine, squeeze out the juice and apply carefully to the wart, being careful not to touch healthy skin to avoid burns. Usually by the end of the first week the wart turns black, and after 10 days not a trace remains of it.

Celandine extract with strong medicinal properties, sold in pharmacies, will help remove papilloma.

Before the procedure, you need to carefully apply baby cream around the papilloma so that the skin does not burn, then carefully apply the product to the papilloma, after a few seconds, lubricate it again with celandine extract. If you do not feel a slight burning sensation, repeat the procedure again. As soon as you feel that the extract has affected the papilloma, cover it with a bactericidal adhesive plaster and leave it for 2 days, then peel it off and inspect the treated area.

A properly treated papilloma will turn black by this time. Lubricate it again with celandine and cover it again with an adhesive plaster. After 2 days, when you peel off the adhesive plaster, you will see the remains of papilloma on the adhesive plaster. Treat a small wound on the skin with calendula tincture, apply it to it, and cover it with an adhesive plaster for a day.

If you do not cover the papilloma with an adhesive plaster, there is a possibility that you will not get rid of it. Despite its seemingly small size, it occupies an impressive space under the skin.

Papilloma should be fought not only by external influences. Her virus attacks a person from the inside. During the treatment period, you can take an infusion of celandine orally.

1 tsp herbs pour 250g of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter. Store the product in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Take 1 tbsp. l. 1 rub. a day before meals.

The same infusion will also work for acne. Wipe problem areas on the skin morning and evening with cotton wool or gauze soaked in the infusion.

Infusion for liver cirrhosis

2 parts dried celandine, 1 part, 1 part adonis, 1 part. 2 tsp pour 250g of boiling water over the mixture, leave for 20 minutes, drink the infusion at one time before meals. It is advisable to drink the infusion in the morning and evening.


To combat metastases, use an infusion of celandine, calendula and nettle. Herbs for infusion are taken in equal amounts. Before use, they are thoroughly crushed.

1 tbsp. The collection is placed in a thermos, 200 g of boiling water is poured. Leave overnight. Filter in the morning, take 0.5 cups in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before dinner.


Although celandine has plenty of medicinal properties, we must not forget that it is poisonous. Therefore, it cannot be used to treat small children, pregnant women, patients with epilepsy, asthma, angina pectoris, neurological diseases, and people suffering from low blood pressure.

Celandine juice should not be used on open wounds.

Celandine is a dicotyledonous plant of the poppy family, growing in countries with temperate and warm climates, including in the Russian Federation. It has a rounded stem up to 1 meter high, pointed ovate leaves. The grass juice is toxic and has a cauterizing effect. Celandine, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been studied since ancient times, has been used to treat ophthalmological and skin diseases. The first use is today excluded from medical practice, but in the field of dermatology, celandine is still actively used at the present time.

Chemical composition of celandine

Celandine juice contains many substances with biological activity.

However, its pharmacological properties are due mainly to the following list of components:

  1. Essential oils: have antispasmodic and calming effects. When using drugs based on the plant under discussion internally, it is possible to relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs, including during painful menstruation.
  2. Amines: take part in the regulation of metabolic processes, normalize high blood pressure, and have the properties of peripheral vasodilators.
  3. Alkaloids: Celandine juice contains more than twenty substances of this group, which affect the human body in a calming, analgesic, and locally irritating manner. In addition, alkaloids reduce the level of excitability of peripheral nerves and increase intestinal motility.
  4. Saponins: have a mainly diuretic effect. They are used as part of aqueous decoctions and infusions of celandine.
  5. Flavonoids: natural antispasmodics and immunostimulants. They reduce the level of allergic alertness of the body, relieve spastic phenomena of smooth muscles, and have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects.
  6. Organic acids and vitamins: take part in metabolic processes, stimulate immune mechanisms, and have a general strengthening effect.

It is important to know that the full active substances of celandine are contained only in the juice of a freshly cut plant. The medicinal properties of the herb are preserved even when stored in dried form, but the necessary harvesting rules must be followed (dry in a dry, ventilated place, out of direct sunlight).

What are the useful properties of celandine?

The beneficial properties of celandine are due to the substances that make up its composition.

These include:

  • antispasmodic effect: the plant relieves spasms of smooth muscle organs (uterus, intestines);
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect: Due to the alkaloids and substances contained in the juice that have the ability to block the production of inflammatory mediators, celandine reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes and reduces pain;
  • diuretic and mild laxative action: due primarily to the antispasmodic activity of the herb, as well as the ability of the alkaloid sanguinarine to enhance intestinal motility;
  • antiviral and bactericidal action: flavonoids have a bactericidal effect on bacterial microflora and a virucidal effect on some viruses (FLU);
  • antitumor activity: due to the presence of flavonoids, celandine is able to have a cytostatic effect on malignant tumor cells;
  • restorative: vitamins and organic acids included in the juice increase the level of immune protection.

In addition to all of the above, celandine juice has a cauterizing effect. In small quantities it is used in folk medicine to treat warts and papillomas of various origins.

Note: despite the antitumor activity of flavonoids, celandine is practically not used for the treatment of cancer. The concentration of active substances in it is too low to achieve a lasting clinical effect, and the toxicity is too high for safe long-term use.

Indications for use

The medicinal properties of celandine allow it to be used to treat many diseases. In traditional medicine, plant extracts and extracts are included in medicines. Folk recipes prescribe using the herb in its pure form, brewing it in the form of a decoction or infusion. An alcohol tincture of celandine is also used.

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article we will look at such a wonderful thing as celandine, as well as its medicinal and other beneficial properties, application, contraindications, composition and treatment with celandine. So…

Celandine (lat. Chelidonium) is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the perennial plants of the Poppy family (Papaveraceae).

Other names: warthog, warthog, clear grass, clear grass, light grass, swallow grass, yellow milkweed.

Celandine is a tall perennial herbaceous shrub with a hollow stem and lyre-shaped dark green leaves. It blooms with yellow flowers, in the place of which small pods ripen, which have the property of cracking in two and throwing out seeds. Celandine bears fruit 2-3 times during the summer, so it reproduces effectively and is found almost everywhere.

The Russian-language name of the plant speaks for itself - it “cleanses the body,” for example, from warts, wounds and acne.

The Latin name has its own history: in the time of Avicenna, it was believed that swallows treat festering and blinded eyes of their chicks with bitter celandine juice. Hence the name Chelidonium, which means "swallow".

Types of celandine

Among the most popular types of celandine are:

  • Asian celandine (lat. Chelidonium asiaticum) - 30-50 cm tall;
  • Large celandine (lat. Chelidonium majus) - 50-120 cm tall.

Both types of celandine are poisonous and have a number of useful properties, therefore, they have long been actively used in.

Chemical composition of celandine

The medicinal properties of celandine are due to its rich composition.

The leaves, stems, rhizomes and bitter milk of celandine contain:

  • : And ;
  • organic acids: citric, malic, succinic;
  • essential oils: bitterness, resins and saponins;
  • phytoncides (natural antibiotics);
  • poisonous alkaloids: chelidonin, sanguinarine, protopine, alocryptopine, coptisine.

Chelidonin and its derivatives also deserve attention in the composition of celandine, since this alkaloid is a direct relative of morphine, although this is not strange, because this plant is a relative of the poppy. Chelidonin in small doses has an analgesic effect, and in large doses it causes convulsions and paralysis of the nervous system.

Most of the alkaloids in the rhizomes of celandine (up to 0.5%), however, the leaves are also poisonous, so cattle on pastures bypass it.

Celandine - medicinal properties

The use of celandine is advisable for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • From the skin: papillomas, acne, burns, wounds, ulcers, mycoses, fungus, ;
  • Respiratory system: , ;
  • Gastrointestinal organs: , enterocolitis, ;
  • Genitourinary system: vaginitis, cervicitis, endometriosis, cervical erosion;
  • Nervous system: , ;
  • Musculoskeletal system: , arthrosis, ;
  • Other: , painful .

In addition, the use of celandine inhibits development and prevents the appearance of metastases from them.

Celandine has the following beneficial properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • anesthetic;
  • wound healing;
  • antifungal;
  • antitumor;
  • antispasmodic;
  • bile and diuretic;
  • expectorant.

Celandine - contraindications and harm

The benefits and medicinal properties of celandine are numerous, but, unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

I repeat once again: celandine is a poisonous plant! When using this plant, you must be extremely careful or use it in small quantities along with other herbs and only as directed and with the permission of a doctor.

Contraindications to taking celandine:

  • Decompensation of cardiac activity I and II degrees;
  • various ;
  • easily excitable people;
  • diseases of the central nervous system and mental health;
  • epilepsy;
  • psychosis;
  • children;
  • pregnancy;
  • for celandine

If you are allergic to celandine, you will notice it upon first contact, because... in this case, severe itching, redness and swelling appear. For these allergic reactions, the use of celandine is not recommended.

When taking celandine orally, or may appear. This can happen because celandine juice can cause disruption of the intestinal microflora. To get rid of this, you can use the following recipe: heat 300 ml of milk (until warm), dissolve 30 g of butter in it and give an enema. When administering an enema, you should lie with your head slightly below your pelvis. It is enough to do the procedure 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Overdose or poisoning with celandine

You should not use celandine juice if there is a possibility of it getting on damaged areas of the skin, as it can cause a severe inflammatory process.

Also, celandine can cause severe irritation and inflammation of the entire digestive tract.

In case of overdose or poisoning with celandine, the following symptoms occur:

  • strong thirst;
  • heaviness of the stomach and head;
  • in rare cases, loss of consciousness or hallucinations.

Important! If you are poisoned by celandine, you must immediately stop consuming it, rinse your stomach and consult a doctor!

Recipes for using celandine for medicinal purposes

Celandine juice. There are two ways to prepare celandine juice.

Method number 1. Take fresh, just collected celandine stems up to 15 cm long, along with flowers. Pass the leaves through a meat grinder or blender, then squeeze. Place the juice in the refrigerator for 3 days, then strain through cheesecloth, pour into a clean container and cover with a lid that has small holes to prevent gas from accumulating in the jar during the fermentation of the juice. After 3 weeks, the fermentation process of the juice in the jar will end and the finished celandine juice will be able to stand in the refrigerator until the next “harvest” of the herb.

Method number 2. Cut the grass stems 12–15 cm long along with the flowers, pass through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice, as in the first option. Add alcohol or vodka at the rate: per 1 liter of juice 250 g of alcohol or 500 g of vodka.

Celandine decoction. To prepare the decoction, you will need fresh or pre-dried raw materials (you can buy ready-made ones at the pharmacy). Pour 1 teaspoon of dry celandine into a glass of boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Water infusion of celandine. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of dry celandine into 1 cup of boiling water. Cover and leave for 30-40 minutes. Strain, take the infusion chilled, 2/3 cup 15 minutes before meals.

Alcohol tincture of celandine. This tincture can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it at home. To prepare it at home, you need to pick the grass at the beginning of summer, when the celandine has bloomed for the first time and the leaves are still fresh and fleshy. Wash well, chop finely and fill a liter jar with it. Fill with 70% medical alcohol and leave in a dark, dry place for 2 weeks. If it is possible to infuse celandine tincture for 5-6 months, you will get an even more concentrated and highly effective medicine.

Treatment with celandine is necessary only when the expected benefit is greater than the possible risk. Remember that at its core this is a potent plant poison that you need to gradually get used to. For the first 3-4 weeks, the tincture is taken 5-10 drops per day, and then every week the dosage is increased by 10 drops, and so on up to 50. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the type of disease: for example, for tuberculosis and cancer, celandine tincture is taken for at least six months.

Celandine ointment. Wash the fresh grass (can be with the roots) well, pass through a meat grinder and mix in a 1:1 ratio with baby cream.

Baths with celandine. Boil 3-5 liters of water and add 100 g of dry celandine herb, then remove the container from the stove and leave the product to infuse for 1 hour, strain and pour into a bathtub with warm water. The water in the bathroom should be ½-1/3 of the volume. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes, without soap, do not rinse after it, but simply dry with a towel. If necessary, a celandine bath can be taken daily.

Treatment with celandine - recipes

Acne. If your skin is dry and sensitive, then it is better to get rid of acne with the help of lotion. To prepare, take 2 tbsp. spoons of dried celandine, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, let stand for 3 hours, strain and refrigerate. Morning and evening, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in lotion.

If your skin is oily, then use alcohol lotion. Take the juice of 1 cucumber, 100 ml of alcohol and 50 ml of freshly squeezed celandine juice. Mix all ingredients and refrigerate for 10 days. Wipe your skin with lotion morning and evening.

Warts and papillomas. You can cauterize and remove a wart or papilloma using fresh celandine juice. Clean the skin around the papilloma or wart with baby cream and apply celandine juice to the wart or papilloma itself, repeat every 2-3 hours every day until the wart dries completely and the skin heals.

Gastritis. Take in equal parts: mint, chamomile and St. John's wort. Prepare the infusion in the evening, for 1 tbsp. spoon of raw materials 1 glass of boiling water. In the morning, strain and divide into 3 doses. The infusion heals the mucous membrane, normalizes acidity and eliminates heartburn.

Cholecystitis. Alcohol tincture of celandine (purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently) take 10 drops per day for 14 days, while following a strict diet prescribed by a doctor (for the acute phase of cholecystitis, use -).

. For 2 parts of dried celandine, take 1 part each:, adonis and. Prepare an infusion twice a day: pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave to stand for 15-20 minutes and drink completely before meals.

. Treatment of hemorrhoids with celandine is carried out using enemas. Take celandine herb at the rate of half a gram per 1 kg of the patient’s weight, fill it with 10 times the volume of hot water, leave to brew for 2 hours. The solution should be approximately like this. The person is placed on his right side and the medicine is injected into the rectum using a bulb. You should try to do this for a couple of hours. Enemas with celandine heal and relieve pain.

Osteochondrosis and rheumatism. Mix 0.5 cups of celandine juice with a glass of alcohol or vodka, heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil. Take a large piece of clean gauze and make a compress by wrapping a warm scarf around your sore back or limb. Leave the compress on all night.

. Take 3 tbsp. spoons of chopped celandine herb per 3 liters of boiling water. Steam, cool and sit in a basin for 10-15 minutes.

. Take 2 parts each of yarrow herb, as well as 1 part each of cinquefoil and fresh celandine. Mix, add 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture and brew with 1 glass of water. Divide into 3 doses and drink every day for a month.

Endometritis. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of fresh celandine leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave to brew for 2 hours, strain, divide into 3 doses and drink throughout the day. Endometritis must be treated in this way for at least 20 days for a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect to occur.

Cervical erosion. For 3 liters of boiling water, take 2-3 tablespoons of crushed celandine, steam in a basin and wait until it cools to room temperature. Take sitz baths for 15-30 minutes every day for 10 days in a row.

In the article we talk about celandine - how to brew a plant. You will find out whether you can drink celandine, what decoction and infusion recipes are available, as well as contraindications.

Is it possible to take celandine inside

Celandine is used not only externally, but also inside Celandine is known for its cleansing properties.. From the name of the plant it becomes clear that celandine has a cleansing effect on the entire body, both externally and internally.

Best of all, it helps get rid of warts and growths, improves the condition after skin diseases, and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The plant helps to get rid of worms. It is used as a prophylaxis or for the purpose of primary treatment.

Many people are interested in the question, is it possible to drink celandine? The plant can be taken orally or applied to the skin, but with caution, as celandine is poisonous. Ingestion of celandine should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.

Why take celandine internally?

By taking infusions and decoctions of celandine internally, you can achieve an antimicrobial, antispasmodic and bactericidal effect.

The plant contains active substances - alkaloids. If you regularly take celandine in an uncontrolled dosage, it produces a toxic effect, but in therapeutic doses, alkaloids have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, expectorant, and antitumor effects.

The plant is used internally for the following diseases:

  • gastritis, ulcer, colitis, hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • neurosis;
  • migraine.

How to take celandine

How to take celandine internally? You can take the plant in the form of tincture, fresh juice, decoction and infusion. Start taking celandine in minimal doses so as not to harm the body.

If it is a tincture or juice, then for the first time take no more than 1-2 drops of the product. Take 1-2 tablespoons of decoction and infusion. If no consequences are observed after using the plant, then the dosage can be adjusted over time.

Do not ingest fresh plant juice; it must be diluted before use. Do not take celandine for longer than 14 days.


You can take decoctions and infusions of celandine. Decoction of celandine is recommended to be consumed warm. After preparation, do not store the broth for more than a day.


  1. Dry celandine herb - 1 tbsp.
  2. Boiling water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over dry herbs and boil for 5 minutes.

How to use: Take 1 tbsp. 1 per day.

Result: Has an anthelmintic effect. The decoction is also taken to improve immunity and added to baths to cleanse the skin of warts, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases.


How to brew celandine for oral administration? Preparing the infusion is quite simple. You can collect, dry and brew the herb yourself or purchase ready-made filter bags. Such bags are sold in pharmacies.


  1. Dry celandine herb - 1 tsp.
  2. Water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Fill the plant with water. Insist 30 minutes. Strain.

How to use: Use the finished infusion in 4 doses throughout the day as a choleretic agent and for urolithiasis. To prevent stomach ulcers, take 50 ml 20 minutes before meals.

Result: Has choleretic, diuretic effects. Inflammation in the body goes away.


Despite its medicinal properties, use the plant with extreme caution, as celandine is poisonous. Always follow the recommended dosage. Overdose may cause side effects.

Side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • dysbiosis.


  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • angina pectoris;
  • neurological diseases;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance;
  • age up to 18 years.

To avoid getting burns when consuming, be sure to dilute the celandine and do not take it in its pure form. Before using celandine, even as a preventive measure, make an appointment with a specialist to select the dosage.

For more information about the benefits of celandine, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. Before use, learn how to brew and drink celandine.
  2. Fresh plant juice can only be consumed in diluted form.
  3. Celandine should absolutely not be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Celandine is a herbaceous perennial plant of the poppy family. Tincture of celandine with vodka is in great demand in the treatment of skin diseases. The instructions offered today will tell you how to drink and take the solution, and what medicinal properties it has.

Properties of celandine

The medicinal properties are due to the medicinal composition of its milky thick juice (in air it quickly turns orange). Celandine contains alkaloids of the isoquinoline group: chelidonine, which is similar in structure to morphine and papaverine. Homochelidonin is a convulsive poison and at the same time a local anesthetic. Sanguinarine – increases intestinal motility and stimulates salivation. Chelerythrine – has a local irritating effect and protopine, which reduces the reactivity of the ANS (autonomic nervous system).

Celandine, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were known by our ancestors, is recommended to be taken for dry calluses, pimples, papillomas, polyps, warts and other formations on the skin. The stems and leaves of celandine have a cauterizing, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antispasmodic and antipruritic effect.

The medicinal properties of celandine on water allow it to be drunk as an antimicrobial and choleretic agent. The use of celandine has been recognized as official medicine, it can be purchased at a pharmacy, in the form of a dried herb in the flowering phase, preparing folk recipes. You can also buy it in the form of an extract or tincture, it can be part of various creams and balms.

Instructions for use

Today, celandine recipes are widely used as a folk and official remedy for the treatment of many diseases. Alcohol tincture of celandine has been used in the treatment of skin diseases. Having decided to take a solution of celandine at home, you need to remember that it is poisonous, you should not exceed the dosage, in which the instructions will help you. When starting to drink the infusion, be sure to consult your doctor. If you drink celandine juice for a long time, you can provoke intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Instructions for use: take the solution externally or internally, depending on the disease itself. The use of the solution includes such indications as: angina pectoris, arterial hypertension, hepatitis, cholecystitis, intestinal polyposis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, polyarthritis, periodontal disease, rheumatism, skin tuberculosis, eczema, trophic ulcers, psoriasis, endocervicitis, colpitis and the rest.

In case of skin diseases, treatment at home with celandine is carried out externally, in all other services, the solution should be taken internally. Medicinal recipes suggest the use of celandine in the following forms:

  • in the form of an ointment containing celandine;
  • as a solution (alcohol or aqueous);
  • in the form of a decoction;
  • celandine juice;
  • celandine oil.

Celandine, the use of which in the form of a decoction is recommended for peptic ulcers and cholelithiasis, bladder diseases and renal colic, is recommended to be taken as follows: fill the herb in an enamel container with water, bring to a boil over moderate heat, and then boil for a while. Treatment with celandine depends on the severity and type of disease.

The method of using celandine should include precautions; its recipes require tincture of water or alcohol. Recipes for water infusion are prepared in a water bath: the required amount of herb is poured with boiling water, heated for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered. If you prepare the solution at home without a steam bath, it is advisable to infuse the celandine longer. You can also use a thermos for these purposes.

The alcohol solution can be made on both dried and fresh grass. The use of celandine on alcohol is justified only in critical cases, for example, in the case of cancer. Recipes for alcohol infusion at home are simple: pour celandine (fresh or dry) up to half into a bottle or jar of 0.5 liters, pour vodka to the top and leave for 2 weeks. The resulting infusion should be taken at home by diluting vodka with 350 ml of vodka per 150 ml of tincture. Take drop by drop, increasing the dosage evenly. Alcohol dissolves alkaloids, so the effectiveness of such a solution is much greater than alcohol.

Recipes for the use of celandine externally also imply compliance with the rules of caution: getting its juice on damaged skin can cause severe inflammation. To take celandine externally at home, it is recommended to apply the remedy precisely on the affected areas of the skin (warts, papillomas). Treatment with such a drug should be as careful as possible so as not to harm the skin or cause burns.

Wart cleanser

Warts are an unpleasant, but often harmless, growth on the skin that is of viral origin. In their shape, they can resemble nodules or papillae protruding above the skin, and therefore can be subject to painful injury. Treatment of warts can be extremely difficult, they tend to increase in number and grow, so celandine is an excellent way to combat warts.

The method of using celandine for warts is to cauterize the growths with its juice. According to some methods, in order to speed up treatment, after cauterization, it is recommended to carefully scrape off the dead part of the wart, repeating the procedure until the wart completely disappears. Fresh, undiluted milky juice should be taken externally 3 times a day. For warts, you can also use celandine in the form of an ointment, since fresh juice is not always available.

There is a way to prepare an ointment using celandine juice at home. To do this, mix celandine juice with Vaseline (4 tablespoons of Vaseline and 1 tablespoon of juice) and add a quarter spoon of carbolic acid (so that the ointment does not spoil). You can also use an ointment based on dry crushed celandine herb in a 1:2 ratio. As a base, in addition to petroleum jelly, you can use pork or lamb fat, butter, baby cream or lanolin.

You can prepare celandine juice for future use - it can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. To do this, during flowering, you need to collect celandine grass (in some cases, roots are used) and grind them in a meat grinder. Place the resulting composition in a glass container in the refrigerator for three days to release the juice, and then squeeze the crushed herb through cheesecloth. To get 1.5 liters of juice you will need a bucket of grass. This method of preparing juice is intended not only for external use as part of ointments, but also internally, according to the doctor’s testimony.

Celandine for papillomas

The medicinal properties of celandine allow you to get rid of papilloma, since they are also of a viral nature. Warts are a special case of papillomatosis. Papillomas are soft formations of a benign nature, broad-based or pedunculated, round, flesh-colored or brown. Papillomas can affect the vulnerable and delicate skin of the face, neck, armpits and groin area. Just like warts, papillomas have a tendency to spread.

Since, according to most doctors, papillomas are accompanied by polyps in the intestinal area, which are also viral in nature, treatment with celandine for papillomas should be comprehensive: externally and internally. For internal use, an aqueous infusion of celandine is effective in courses of 7 days (three times a day, 100 ml, 25 minutes before meals). After a week's course, it is recommended to take a break for several days.

For external use, celandine extract in ampoules is suitable (you can buy celandine in any pharmacy), as well as alcohol tincture and fresh juice. It is recommended to lubricate the skin near the papilloma with cream, and apply extract or juice to the papilloma itself. Celandine for papillomas in this form should be taken externally, three times a day for three days, after which the papilloma will turn black and die.

For maximum effect, accompanying polyps in the intestinal area should be eliminated, since, otherwise, the papillomavirus may remain in the body, and neoplasms will reappear on the skin. For this purpose, special enemas are done.

Treatment of polyps with celandine

Polyps are formations on the mucous membrane of a benign nature. If left untreated, over time they develop into a malignant tumor and therefore require treatment. Treatment of polyps with celandine is extremely effective, and includes not only taking the product orally, but also injecting it and enemas.

Treatment with celandine polyps in the stomach can be carried out by taking an aqueous infusion of herbs or herbal collection based on it. The dosage is recommended to be increased gradually from one teaspoon to a tablespoon, then a break of 7-10 days is required. The course of taking the infusion should be carried out two more times.

Treatment of polyps with herbal celandine is highly effective for the treatment of both gastric and rectal polyps. The collection includes: three parts of the large celandine herb, two parts of the common agrimony, three parts of meadowsweet flowers, two parts of calendula flowers (in some cases, 2 parts of St. John's wort are also added to this collection). During the treatment of rectal polyposis, the effectiveness of treatment is increased by microclysters of 50 ml of this infusion (set 60 minutes before bedtime).

Enemas based on celandine

First of all, it is necessary to put an enema with lemon juice (a tablespoon of juice per 2 liters of water), an hour later, a microclyster with celandine is put (two tablespoons of table herbs are poured with 400 ml of boiling water and infused for 2 hours). A course of cleansing enemas according to this scheme is carried out over seven days.

Treatment of polyps in the stomach with the help of celandine is also carried out on the basis of the spore of the herb celandine and chamomile flowers (1: 1).

Celandine for acne

Celandine for the treatment of acne is used in the form of a water infusion: pour a tablespoon of the herb into one and a half glasses of water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Next, the broth is infused for about 6 hours and filtered. This procedure itself involves lotions, and you can notice the first positive result after a few days.

In some cases, celandine for acne is recommended to be used in the form of juice, which should be applied to the face and then washed off after 25 minutes. However, it should be noted that this method can cause irritation and even more acne. However, after repeating two or three times, all acne should disappear completely.

Treatment of celandine for female diseases

Celandine is an extremely effective remedy in the treatment of various diseases in the female reproductive system. It can be used for various inflammations, uterine fibroids and other diseases. Before starting treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.

Contraindications for use

Celandine, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, should not be taken uncontrolled. This plant is poisonous, its use must be agreed with a doctor. Celandine, the contraindications of which should be described in the instructions adjacent to it, cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to the body and for the treatment of people with mental disorders, epilepsy, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, neurological disorders, organic lesions of the kidneys and liver.

Self-prepared or pharmacy celandine should not be taken by women during childbearing, while breastfeeding, as well as by young children. It can also have a number of side effects, among which are: constipation, dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the digestive tract, vomiting, lowering blood pressure, dizziness, diarrhea, and even hallucinations. Therefore, it is recommended to take it very carefully, without violating the dosage.

Despite all of the above, the presence of contraindications and side effects, celandine remains a highly effective remedy in solving numerous diseases. In some cases, such a drug is completely irreplaceable. And lastly, you should not self-medicate, before you start taking celandine, be sure to consult your doctor.



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