How much homemade cottage cheese and sour cream can you eat? Cottage cheese - benefits and harm to the body

Cottage cheese is a very valuable product that has been enjoyed by humanity for many centuries. It contains much more nutrients than milk. Let's learn about the composition and benefits for the body, how best to use it and what contraindications there are.

What is the richness of the popular fermented milk product?

Cottage cheese is a source of healthy dairy products, and. First of all, it contains a lot of , and . Vitamins valuable for the whole body are also included in its composition.
This fermented milk product is very tasty and nutritious, contains many calories (in 100 g fat cottage cheese 230 kcal), but is easily digestible and is included in the diet of people who prefer a healthy diet. Nutritionists recommend including it in various diets.

Benefits for the body

Eating cottage cheese has a beneficial effect on the formation and condition of teeth and strengthens teeth. Doctors recommend it for diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs, gastrointestinal tract.

Valuable and essential amino acids for the body, which are part of milk protein, can replace animal protein. These amino acids have a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and prevent its obesity.
And, included in the product, contribute to the prevention of diseases of the nervous system. It is recommended to be used when chronic gastritis, diseases of the gallbladder and other problems of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as hypertension and heart disease.

Important! You should not eat cottage cheese in large quantities: it contains a lot of protein, which produces additional load for kidney function.


The main benefit for male body benefits from consuming milk proteins, which cottage cheese is rich in. Proteins contribute. All athletes include this useful and nutritious product into your diet. Men who exercise physical labor should consume dairy products.


For women, cottage cheese is useful as a source of calcium and nutrients. Calcium makes you strong and healthy hair, teeth, nails. The low-fat product reduces levels and strengthens bones.
It improves the condition of the reproductive system and helps cure menstrual irregularities.

A large amount of vitamins has a beneficial effect on nervous system .

Pregnant women It is especially recommended to include cottage cheese in your diet. He will bring great benefit the body of a woman and child, replenishing supplies of vitamins, calcium and protein. Developing fetus will receive all the necessary nutrients, bones and other organ systems will be formed.

After the birth of the child during lactation It is very beneficial for women to consume it daily.

Did you know? Milk protein in their own way nutritional properties not inferior to an animal. Necessary for humans daily norm protein is contained in 300 g of cottage cheese.


For children, cottage cheese is one of the healthiest foods. Scientists have proven that it increases the production of growth hormone. For child's body need to receive sufficient quantity protein, calcium and vitamins. A growing body requires healthy food for the formation of all systems, and the fermented milk product is perfect in all respects.

It is easily absorbed and digested, quite nutritious.

Children can be given it from six months old; it helps develop healthy teeth and prevents the development of rickets.

Low fat or fat

Cottage cheese can be fatty - with percentage more than 5% fat, low fat - less than 2% fat, and low fat - 0% fat.

Let's find out which product brings more benefits to the human body. Many people, especially dieters and those who want to lose weight, believe that a low-fat product is more beneficial.

But this is not so - the low-fat type loses some of the nutrients and vitamins during the defatting process. In such a product, vitamins A, E, D are poorly absorbed and lose their useful qualities because they are fat soluble. In this chain, in turn, Without vitamin D, calcium is poorly absorbed.

Very bold look It can also cause harm to the body if consumed frequently and in large quantities. A large amount of fat increases the level and puts additional stress on the digestive organs and liver.

Nutritionists believe that low-fat cottage cheese is the healthiest.

What time of day is best to use?

Cottage cheese can be consumed at any time of the day, but since it is quite nutritious and rich in protein, it is perfect for a complete meal. This useful product relieves hunger for a long time and will give you a boost of energy. Milk protein takes a long time to be processed by the body.

Many nutritionists and doctors advise eating not very fatty cottage cheese for dinner; it contains an amino acid that calms the nervous system, helps faster, and. A fatty product in the evening puts stress on the pancreas.

Important! Athletes and bodybuilders consume nutritious cottage cheese one and a half hours before the start of training and half an hour after it.

For young children, they are the main thing in the diet; the growing body needs large amounts of calcium, protein and vitamins. Cottage cheese can be given to children several times a day, including in the evening, because it stimulates the production of growth hormone. There is an opinion that calcium is better absorbed in the afternoon.

What to eat with

The benefits of fermented milk product increase significantly in combination with

Contraindications and harm

You should not overuse cottage cheese. If you are a fan of this fermented milk product and it is included in your daily diet, then the portions should be small - about 100 g. It is advisable to use it three times a week.

A fatty product in large quantities can cause obesity, increased cholesterol and atherosclerosis. Too much a large number of protein can cause kidney problems.

Cottage cheese spoils quickly, it must be consumed in fresh and store correctly. Otherwise, dangerous microorganisms develop in it and coli which may cause serious disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
When purchasing, you need to carefully look at the expiration date and store it in compressed form without access to air in enamel or glass containers.

Did you know? IN old times when there were no refrigerators, cottage cheese was stored in clay pots after a special heat treatment in the oven.

Cottage cheese, without a doubt, is very valuable and useful, in addition to its taste qualities. Nutrients and vitamins enable many systems and organs of a person of any age to develop and function normally. The main thing is not to overuse, because even the most useful product in large quantities can cause harm.

Very simple, but very tasty dish- cottage cheese with sour cream - many are familiar with it from childhood. And although it is usually appreciated for its taste, very often the question of whether cottage cheese with sour cream is healthy is also of interest. According to experts, the combination of these two components is ideal for dietary nutrition.

What properties determine the benefits of cottage cheese with sour cream?

Both ingredients of the dish are fermented milk products and have high nutritional value. Therefore, the benefits and harms of cottage cheese with sour cream are determined by the properties of each of them. So, cottage cheese contains a large amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, as well as vitamins B and C. Sour cream contains healthy fats, amino acids, vitamin E. And at the same time, sour cream and cottage cheese, due to the content of special microflora, should not be consumed in large quantities. And for people with lactose intolerance, this dish is generally contraindicated.

The benefits and harms of cottage cheese with sour cream - the opinion of nutritionists

Answering the question about the benefits of cottage cheese with sour cream, nutritionists, first of all, note the value of the dish for baby food. Thanks to calcium and calcium, which facilitate its absorption, two products help strengthen the bone tissue of a growing body and help maintain immune system. For the same reason, the dish is very useful for older people. Cottage cheese with sour cream helps teenagers cope with the problem hormonal imbalance caused by adolescence, avoid the appearance of acne, improve the condition of the skin and hair. The same applies to adults, especially women. A tasty and simple dish also helps improve brain activity, optimizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and of cardio-vascular system, saturates the body healthy proteins. However, in large quantities, cottage cheese with sour cream can cause intestinal disorders.

July 7, 2018

A person’s diet should be balanced, nutritious and, of course, healthy. For the body to work as Swiss Watches, it is necessary to include fermented milk products in the menu, the leaders among which are cottage cheese and sour cream. The benefits and harms of such a delicacy is the topic of today’s article.

Component composition

Legends can be made about the benefits of cottage cheese, as well as sour cream. This dish can be a complete breakfast or dinner. Often these ingredients are added to sauces, baked goods, various salads, and snacks.

But if you want to get the most out of fermented milk products, eat them in their original form. We know that cottage cheese is a source of easily digestible protein, as well as calcium. But that's not all.

Components of cottage cheese:

  • sulfur;
  • niacin;
  • vitamin A;
  • casein;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • riboflavin;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamin B12;
  • vitamin D;
  • tocopherol

Each of these elements individually and all together provide the body with incredible benefits. Casein, contained in protein, is necessary for the full functioning of the entire body. This amino acid is also responsible for normal fat metabolism and maintaining cholesterol levels.

Calcium is a building material for teeth, nail plates, and bone tissue. But without vitamin D, it is impossible to imagine the full absorption of calcium by the human body. As you know, B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

As for sour cream, it component composition it will be even richer than cottage cheese. Micro- and macroelements do not need to be listed; just look at the periodic table.

Components of sour cream:

  • vitamin PP;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin H;
  • tocopherol;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • folic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • riboflavin;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin D;
  • retinol;
  • beta carotene.

To appreciate the benefits of cottage cheese with sour cream, you just need to look at the composition of these fermented milk products, of course, we're talking about about quality and natural dishes.

On a note! People prone to obesity should be careful when enjoying such a treat, because the nutritional value sour cream with cottage cheese will be relatively high. But there is always an alternative, for example, choosing low-fat products, the calorie content of which will be much lower even in combination.

To understand the value of cottage cheese with sour cream for the human body, each of the products must be considered separately.

Useful qualities of cottage cheese:

  • saturating the body with easily digestible protein;
  • relief from heartburn and excessive gas formation;
  • strengthening bone tissue and nail plates;
  • prevention of caries;
  • increasing body tone;
  • normalization of digestive processes;
  • restoration of the nervous system;
  • improving the functioning of the pancreas;
  • promoting weight loss;
  • prevention of the development of fatty hepatosis;
  • improved mood;
  • reduction of harmful cholesterol levels;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration processes;
  • even out skin tone;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • treatment of burn wounds;
  • replenishment of calcium deficiency.

Actually on this beneficial features the cottage cheese is not running out. This product is useful for people suffering from ailments digestive tract, including peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis and pancreatitis. Despite the fact that cottage cheese belongs to the fermented milk group, its consumption in no way affects the level of stomach acidity. On the contrary, the digestive organs will begin to work correctly and harmoniously.

Cottage cheese is useful for strengthening bone tissue and building muscles. It can be eaten by people who are constantly exposed to intense physical activity. Cottage cheese contains a real storehouse of B vitamins, without which it is impossible to imagine full-time job nervous system.

On a note! Simple but very effective recipes are made from cottage cheese. cosmetic masks, which are suitable for almost any type of skin.

Cottage cheese is also useful during pregnancy. At that time female body more than ever in need of replenishing calcium deficiency. Health depends on the presence of this element in sufficient quantities. expectant mother, as well as the formation of the baby’s bone tissue.

Useful properties of sour cream:

  • improved appetite;
  • treatment of anemia;
  • recovery of the body in the postoperative period;
  • treatment of intestinal dysbiosis;
  • promoting reproduction beneficial bacteria in the intestines;
  • treatment of constipation, including chronic;
  • prevention of putrefactive processes in the intestinal cavity;
  • increased potency;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • toning the body.

As a rule, sour cream is added to some dishes or combined with other products. Not only cottage cheese with sour cream will bring benefits. You can add grated carrots or honey to sour cream. This delicacy is both tasty and healthy.

On a note! To avoid possible harm, always pay attention to the production date and expiration date of fermented milk products.

Now it’s time to talk about the harm that these seemingly harmless products can cause to the human body.

Cottage cheese is not recommended for people suffering from atherosclerosis, as well as renal pathologies. In this case, it is difficult for the body to absorb large amounts of protein, resulting in clinical picture the disease can only get worse.

Only fresh cottage cheese will benefit, and it can be stored for three days. It is extremely rare, but in practice there are cases of individual intolerance to fermented milk products.

On a note! Too sour cottage cheese is contraindicated for gastritis. As a result of consuming an acidic product, the level of gastric acidity increases, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms occur.

But some doctors do not advise eating sour cream for people suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcers, or those with gallbladder diseases. This is attributed to the content of a large amount of organic acids in it. Although there are no direct contraindications to consuming sour cream.

Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product, without which our life seems impossible. It can be obtained by heating kefir with further deletion serum. As the Roman writer Marcus Terence Varro said, they knew about this product back in Ancient Rome. And the philosopher Columella insisted that this “desirable dish” should be on the table of both rich and poor.

In Rus' there is enough cottage cheese for a long time For some reason it was called cheese; it was made from curdled milk. That’s why they call it “syrniki” now. It is still unknown why this name was given, but, as we can see, it is very firmly entrenched.

If you look into the past, go back to the Slavs, who ate it most of all (every day), we can conclude that cottage cheese was and remains the most popular product. Interestingly, they not only added sugar or salt to it, but sometimes even mixed it with wine.

Nowadays cottage cheese is not only eaten separately, but also added to various dishes, such as dumplings, pies, pie, cookies, casserole, salads, cereals and others. But, despite the fact that it is so tasty and, as we think, healthy, cottage cheese also has disadvantages.

Pros and cons of a tasty product

Hippocrates’ phrase that “everything is good in moderation” would be appropriate. So, let's figure out what the benefits and harms of cottage cheese are for the body.

First, about the pleasant things. Let's see what the benefits of cottage cheese are:

  • the prepared product contains vitamin A and B, which helps improve vision;
  • Of all the dairy products, only cottage cheese has the most protein, so it is recommended for consumption, first of all, by children and the elderly;
  • if you have any problems with the stomach or liver, then cottage cheese is what you need;
  • There are also benefits of cottage cheese for weight loss, because it does not contain as much fat as other dairy products.

Although we see so many advantages, so many good things in this product, the harm of cottage cheese for the body, no matter how, is also present here. It can even cause an allergic reaction, sometimes even poisoning, if eaten stale. It cannot be stored for a long time, although after the expiration date it can be added to casseroles, cheesecakes and dumplings. vareniki. If you eat cottage cheese often and a lot, there is a chance of harming the liver or blood vessels. For an adult, 100-200 g 2-3 times a week will be enough, no more. By consuming it fresh, the benefits of cottage cheese for the body are guaranteed.

Low-fat cottage cheese: benefits and harms

As already mentioned, cottage cheese is also useful for weight loss. But people losing weight in this case choose low-fat cottage cheese. Benefit or harm low-fat cottage cheese- what more? Let's figure it out. There is practically no difference in taste; it is not so high in calories and is easily digestible. It seems like there are only advantages. But not everything is as smooth as it seems. Yes, it contains calcium, protein, phosphorus, without which our development and maintenance of vital functions would be impossible. But not everything is so simple; cottage cheese is also harmful when losing weight. Firstly, due to the fact that such cottage cheese contains less fat, it is not such a rich source of the vitamins we need. Secondly, a low-fat product gives us less calcium. And thirdly, it is low in the phospholipids lecithin and cephalin, which are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. benefits or harms of low-fat cottage cheese.

In order for cottage cheese to be beneficial for weight loss, many nutritionists advise eating it at night. But who said that such a diet would be good for health? Where are the guarantees?

Cottage cheese for the night

Only athletes and those people who have a low amount of protein in their body eat it at night. We all know that we need to eat at least an hour before bed. How can we talk about the benefits of cottage cheese at night?

Let's go in order. First, our body digests such dairy products poorly and for a long time. Second, this product can be Bad quality. This is a minus. The harm of cottage cheese at night is not catastrophic, but it does exist.

Cottage cheese is recommended to be eaten after hard physical work and after sports. Many may wonder if the benefits of cottage cheese for muscles really exist. The answer is yes. In this case, a product such as cottage cheese plays special role. Let's take a closer look:

it is rich in phosphorus and calcium, without which the formation skeletal system becomes impossible;

For good development For muscles, a person needs protein, of which the curd product has enough;

strengthens both bone and cartilage tissue.

The effect of cottage cheese on the liver

We mentioned earlier that cottage cheese has a positive effect on the liver, the organ where 20 million chemical reactions. So what are the benefits of cottage cheese for the liver? The most important thing is that it contains the amino acid methionine, which is necessary for the mentioned organ. She is providing good influence for fat metabolism. But fat is deposited on the liver. So much for the connection. Therefore, the benefits of cottage cheese for the liver are simply enormous.

Cottage cheese with sour cream or sour cream and honey – which is tastier and which is healthier?

In order to have at least some of the health benefits of cottage cheese, you need to know, in combination, what it can be used with. Best with sour cream or honey. First, let's discuss the benefits of cottage cheese with sour cream. This is a very simple, but at the same time delicious dish. Experts believe that its useful quality is that the combination of these two components is ideal for those who are on a diet. Each ingredient has its own nutritional value. We have already mentioned the beneficial substances in cottage cheese, and sour cream is in demand due to healthy fats, amino acids and vitamin E. From this it becomes extremely clear what the benefits of cottage cheese with sour cream are.

The benefits of cottage cheese with sour cream and honey - a favorite dessert not only for children, but also for adults - are incredibly huge. Because in combination with the natural sweetness obtained as a result of the work of bees, it is not only healthy, but also tasty. Enjoy!

Benefits of cottage cheese for older people

As for age-old categories and recommendations, there are mixed opinions and advice. Older people are more picky when it comes to food. The years are not the same, the health is not the same, the desires are not the same. Our opinion is that this product should definitely be included in their diet. Why? It's simple: because at their age it is very important to eat proper nutrition, vitamins A, B, D support vision, have a good effect on musculoskeletal system and improve metabolism. Now you can conclude for yourself whether cottage cheese is beneficial for older people, and tell your grandparents about it. If you think about what is harmful from it to old people, let's be honest - the harm of cottage cheese for older people is 0%.

The benefits of cottage cheese for children and adults

Children, especially small ones, should not eat the same things as adults. It is especially necessary at their age to eat nutritious and proper nutrition. The benefits of cottage cheese for children become even more necessary as they age. Children's cottage cheese is made from fresh milk. Cottage cheese provides babies with calcium and protein, which our body needs. Any mother will tell you about the benefits of cottage cheese for children.

Let's talk now about the parents of these little ones. Feeding your children such delicacies, the temptation for this dish arises in them too. In general, cottage cheese is needed at any age. We won’t talk much about the benefits of cottage cheese for women. It is important to add to all of the above that when a girl goes through menopause, she is found to have a calcium deficiency (as we remember, this is what our product contains). This usually happens in women after 40 years of age. The benefits of cottage cheese for men are evident from childhood to old age. In adolescence - for the formation of bones, during adult life– to strengthen bones and muscles. Those who play sports especially need it.

Cottage cheese from powdered and goat milk

If we rethink everything that is happening in the world now, we come to the conclusion that food technologies have already reached almost maximum progress. They come up with a lot of products that are considered analogues of natural ones. For example, milk powder, from which cottage cheese is also made. On the one hand, it is convenient, but it less vitamins, this is an ordinary powder that is still quite often bought for children. One cannot help but call it harmful. The benefits and harms of cottage cheese made from powdered milk are also determined.

Agree, dishes made from natural milk are still better. What are the benefits of goat milk cottage cheese, for example? This cottage cheese is considered an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus, magnesium and copper. Doctors recommend introducing it into your diet, as it has a good effect on the entire body as a whole.

The last thing I would like to say, discuss, consider from all sides is the benefits and harms of cottage cheese whey. She has so much unique composition, which seems as if she works miracles. It rids the body of salts, wastes, toxins, and relieves swelling. It not only satisfies hunger well, but also helps keep your figure in great shape. An indispensable drink.

Considering the topic of dairy products, we simply could not help but think of cottage cheese. And just as they say that literally any woman can make a hat, a scandal and a salad out of nothing, she can also make a salad out of cottage cheese. dietary dish, medicine and even a face mask. Don't believe me? Do you have any doubts? World Without Harm, I’m ready to tell you about the properties of cottage cheese that you didn’t know about...

Benefits of cottage cheese

Nutrients contained in cottage cheese

We think no one will argue with the fact that cottage cheese is an excellent and rich source of calcium. However, let's continue this topic. In turn, calcium is a component without which it is difficult to imagine the healthy and beautiful condition of hair, teeth, nails and bones. So we draw our first conclusion, which concerns the benefits of cottage cheese - If you want to be healthy and beautiful, you need to include such a dairy product in your diet.

The same calcium that we mentioned is simply vitally necessary for expectant mothers during pregnancy and for those who have already experienced the joy of motherhood and are breastfeeding their baby. Calcium for mother and child – and all this in one product!

The role of cottage cheese in diets

Those who are familiar with various types diets, will agree with the statement that cottage cheese is very often included in various effective diets. Why is this happening? Yes, because

In addition to calcium, cottage cheese also contains components such as iron and phosphorus. Cottage cheese is also wonderful natural source protein in your diet, and the balanced amount of beneficial minerals, lactose, fats, enzymes, hormones and as many as twelve vitamins impresses not only nutritionists, but also those who are skeptical about all types of diets, since they see them only as harmful to health.

Therefore, if you dream of a diet that would not lead your body to exhaustion and your health to decline, choose either cottage cheese mono-diets or diets that allow the use of low-fat or completely low-fat cottage cheese. This way you will be able to get rid of excess weight and enrich your body with all the useful substances. Well, if you decide to take such a brave but completely justified step as replacing donuts, buns, chocolates with natural cottage cheese - your health and your slimness will be the highest reward.

"Age" benefits of cottage cheese

Another unconditional plus that eating cottage cheese will bring into your life is the fact that cottage cheese is useful for absolutely all age categories.

In other words, this product does not have age restrictions. For children - cottage cheese provides their growing body with useful substances and promotes harmonious development and growth, strengthens bones, teeth, hair and nails.

The benefits of cottage cheese for mothers

For expectant and real mothers, cottage cheese in the diet ensures that as many as two organisms benefit from this product.

It is noteworthy that this dairy product also belongs to the category of easily digestible, so you will not encounter the problem of heaviness in the stomach or the problem of overeating after such a cottage cheese breakfast or afternoon snack. overweight. Well, for those who have already crossed the threshold of middle age, it is cottage cheese that will help replenish calcium deficiency in human body, which manifests itself not only physical symptoms– fragility of bones, loss of hair and teeth, splitting of nails, but also psychological symptomsbad mood, irritability, sudden changes in mood.

Scientists have concluded that the need for calcium in people over forty actually increases, and such changes in our body's needs require us to adjust our diet. And, precisely, by including cottage cheese in your diet, you can fill all the increased needs of your body for calcium.

But this is not all the “age-related” benefits of this product. Cottage cheese promotes resolution problematic issues your body, which are directly related to cholesterol levels in the blood. Ah, the substances contained in this dairy product, contribute normalization of the work of brain centers, which are particularly responsible for the feeling of hunger and the feeling of satiety. If the work of these centers is disrupted, a person does not control either one or the other sense, and as a result, he begins to eat more food, which simply does not have time to be digested. IN human blood at this time, glucose levels increase, which, remaining unclaimed, is transformed into fats, and then into fat folds and leads to obesity. That is why,

Of all the dairy products, cottage cheese is the one that best fits the description of such an ideal product!

Video on how to choose cottage cheese:

The role of cottage cheese in the prevention of diseases

We all know together with you that for prevention various diseases, and also, during the treatment of such diseases, it is necessary to observe certain type nutrition, or even diet. So, cottage cheese can, without any doubt or fear, be included in the diet of those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, liver...

So, for example, when hypertension also very important proper diet nutrition, which excludes, among other things, the use of salt and other products, including cheeses. But, if cheeses contain salt, cottage cheese does not contain it, so you can safely replace cheese with this particular dairy product.

The benefits of cottage cheese in cosmetology

But, and this is not all the secrets of the benefits! With such an inexpensive, easily accessible and effective product, you can prepare cosmetic face masks at home. The effect after such cosmetic procedures it will be simply fantastic, because

Cottage cheese contains vitamin B2, which promotes epidermal regeneration processes.

Well, it's time to sum up our results. Eat this healthy and delicious product(we are talking about natural cottage cheese, without preservatives and additives!) - means taking care of your health, your beauty, and your inner harmonious mood!

Well, as food for thought, here’s a video about when cottage cheese can be harmful:

Harm of cottage cheese

Despite his useful composition, cottage cheese can also harm our health. Are you surprised and want to ask how this is possible? The fact is that cottage cheese, when compared with other fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, yogurt), is the most perishable product, and in it E. coli multiplies the fastest. Therefore, if you are not sure that this is fresh cottage cheese, you should not buy it. Likewise, if you doubt whether it was manufactured under sufficiently sterile conditions, and where and how it was packaged, it is not worth risking your health.

As for the permissible shelf life of this product, it is only 72 hours from the moment of its manufacture, and then provided that such cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator at low temperatures.

“Other” cottage cheese is already potentially dangerous to your health and can cause gastrointestinal disorders.

However, if you look at the cottage cheese that is sold in stores, then on its packaging it is stated that this product can be consumed within 5-7 days from the date of manufacture, or even longer. How is this possible? The fact is that

The more natural the cottage cheese, the shorter its shelf life. But, at the same time, using the membrane filtration process, when the curd is heated to maximum high temperatures– the shelf life of such a product can be extended in some cases even up to a month. It would seem that the nutritional value of such a product is preserved, extraneous microflora is suppressed, E. coli do not multiply, but... most of the nutrients, vitamins and microelements simply disappear.

And, in this case, you are not buying cottage cheese, but who knows what. And it would be too bold to expect benefits from this incomprehensible product.

Likewise, if the product packaging indicates not “cottage cheese”, but “ curd product» and this product contains vegetable fat(coconut or Palm oil) - this product will not bring any real curd benefits to you and your health... Although some nutritionists believe on the contrary that

Fatty cottage cheese contributes to atherosclerosis and increases cholesterol levels in the blood, while the cottage cheese product is not so harmful to the functioning of our blood vessels.

But you pay money for cottage cheese, and therefore expect benefits from this product...

Well, as you can see, in order to extract maximum benefit from such a fermented milk product as cottage cheese - it is necessary to take into account a sufficient number of different nuances, including not only the shelf life and composition of this product...

But if you're lucky and you find natural product– your body is guaranteed to receive all the benefits of natural and fresh cottage cheese!

Shevtsova Olga, World without Harm

Cottage cheese, its benefits and harm

Milk and cottage cheese are the first products of animal origin that a person becomes familiar with. Cottage cheese appeared several thousand years ago and was initially produced by simmering for many hours sour milk or curdled milk in a warm place, followed by separating the whey from the flakes by straining through a canvas bag. The resulting curdled pulp was then placed under a press overnight, and the resulting product was called "cheese".The traditional method is still relevant for home production, but on an enterprise scale they now use enzymatic or acid method obtaining a product that began its distribution around the world from Rus', Western and of Eastern Europe. Is cottage cheese really so useful and why exactly, how is this proven by its composition, what are the weak and strengths low-fat and fatty product? Which valuable vitamins contained in cottage cheese and what is its content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates?

Chemical composition of cottage cheese

The main raw materials for the production of this fermented milk product are cow's milk. The quantitative content of substances depends on which one is used, natural or reconstituted from dry. Found in cottage cheese:

  • vitamins – PP, A, C, D, E, B1, B2;
  • beta-carotene and carotenoids;
  • mineral elements - potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, copper, fluorine, zinc;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • cholesterol;
  • ash;
  • fatty acid;
  • amino acids;
  • organic acids.
How much protein, fat and carbohydrates are in cottage cheese?

This is a product with high content easily digestible protein(about 18-21 g) and a small amount of carbohydrates 3 g.

Based on the mass fraction of fat, the product is classified into the following types:

  • fat ~18%;
  • bold ~ 9%;
  • low fat ~ less than 3%.

The calorie content of semi-fat classic cottage cheese is 136 – 154 kcal / 100 g.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is an excellent source of quickly digestible casein, phosphorus, calcium and other microelements. Regular consumption of the product promotes:

  • strengthening bones, teeth, hair and nails;
  • formation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes at the cellular and tissue level;
  • improving performance;
  • restoration of vision;
  • preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • reducing the risk of anemia and regulating iron levels in the blood.
Protein structures contained in cottage cheese, unlike proteins in meat and legumes do not cause a feeling of heaviness, bloating. Their splitting does not require a large number of complex digestive enzymes, but they are equivalent meat proteins in quality and degree of saturation. Cottage cheese is useful for allergies, as it helps relieve all symptoms: rash, itching, redness, etc.

In addition, this fermented milk product is excellent amino acid supplier, many of which are essential and are needed for the intracellular synthesis of protein structures - hormones, enzymes, antibodies.

It is also used in cosmetology, effectively combating skin diseases and fungal infections, as well as helping to maintain youthful and elastic skin.

Possible harm and contraindications

Regular use of the product supports the optimal functioning of all organs, but this does not mean that it is harmless. The product is undesirable on the table when it is individual intolerance as a whole or any individual milk component.

Cottage cheese can become dangerous if it is not stored properly, when the grains develop under the influence of heat. pathogenic microflora and pathogens. Harm can also occur if the technology for obtaining the product is broken, if the milk was initially unsuitable for processing.

The fermented milk component is contraindicated for bile and urolithiasis, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. In some cases, there is a question of choice: either classic or low-fat.

Use in healthy eating

The product perfectly normalizes the condition of the intestines, restores the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, helps prevent many diseases, including inhibiting the development cancer cells, helps improve the condition of ulcers and gastritis. Cottage cheese is useful for people watching their weight and those who are sick diabetes mellitus, because it reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels, restores metabolism, and speeds up metabolism.

It is used as stand-alone product and is mentioned in many recipes, most often this is:

  • bakery;
  • confectionery;
  • some types of bread;
  • casseroles;
  • vareniki;
  • church dishes;
  • syrniki;
  • creams, mousses, puddings;
  • curd mixtures with fillings.
Curd products can be baked, boiled, stewed and fried, up to 85% of all nutrients are retained. Special sauces, curd pates and snacks are prepared from it, but cottage cheese is most valuable when eaten fresh. To improve the texture and achieve a homogeneous mass, it is recommended to beat the product with a blender or mixer.

Cottage cheese goes well with many natural products:

  • fresh, frozen or canned berries (cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn);
  • pieces of fresh or prepared fruit (apples, pears, apricots, watermelon, grapes, plums, lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, banana, grapefruit, persimmon, pomelo, kiwi);
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, dates, prunes, figs);
  • honey;
  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, pine, Brazilian);
  • sour cream, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk;
  • jam, jam or confiture;
  • greens;
  • herbs and spices.

Combinations with chicken, turkey, and fish pastes are possible.

Cottage cheese for weight loss Developed on the curd component several types of fermented milk diets and fasting days, for example, curd-apple or curd-apricot.

The special advantage of cottage cheese is that its rapid digestibility allows you to eat it at any meal or in the interval between them. as a lung snack.

Consumption rate

If you overeat the product, it is possible excess calcium in the body, therefore, according to the recommendations of nutritionists, it is permissible for adults, pregnant and lactating women to consume per day 80 g classic cottage cheese or 150 g low fat (low fat).

You can season it with low-fat sour cream, and use natural sugar instead of sugar. Bee Honey or berries/dried fruits.

Cottage cheese for babies can be introduced into complementary foods with 3-4 months age, a dessert spoon per day. When making baby cottage cheese yourself, it is important to rub the product through a fine sieve several times and dilute it with a few tablespoons of boiled milk so that it is not too thick.

How to choose cottage cheese

When buying a product in a supermarket, pay attention to the label - natural cottage cheese does not contain anything except milk and starter cultures. The presence of preservatives, thickeners, emulsifiers, taste and smell enhancers, and other additives is unacceptable, especially in children's cottage cheese.

If the composition contains vegetable oils and fats, then this is a curd product, it has much less benefits, but the price is also lower.

Low fat product has a creamy milky color and granular texture, classic cottage cheese has a homogeneous mass.

Remember that the more fruit components there are in cottage cheese, the higher the chance of getting a food allergy.

How to store cottage cheese

Fresh cottage cheese is stored for three to six days at t 0+4 °C, curd product – up to half moon. Frozen curd products can be kept in the refrigerator until the first defrosting, since re-freezing will negatively affect the safety of the product during the second defrosting.

Cottage cheese is an amazing fermented milk product, because it can easily act both as a dessert and as a second course, pairing perfectly with a huge number of dishes. food components. It is quickly absorbed, saturates with energy, protects the body, normalizing the functions of all systems, and prevents the development of many diseases. Cottage cheese is tasty, healthy and is included in the recipes of dozens of national cuisines, which will allow each family member to find “their own” cottage cheese dish. Share on comments your experience using this product. To date, it is certain exact time The invention of cottage cheese has not been established. Most likely, cottage cheese came into being by chance, when milk simply soured and whey gradually leaked out of it. It is not known exactly when this wonderful fermented milk product originated.

This product is considered truly universal. Different nationalities have their own traditions of using it, for example, they mix it with sour cream, milk, cream, wine, honey, fruits, berries, and you can even eat it salted. It is great as a filling for various baked goods. Cottage cheese has both benefits and harm on the body.

Making your own cottage cheese

This product can be prepared quite easily at home; of course, in this case it is better to stock up on village fresh milk, which should be poured into a container and left indoors for a day. After which it is necessary to heat it almost until it begins to boil, and then quickly cool and filter through a layer of gauze.

Next, the gauze bag with the curd mass should be squeezed out and hung so that excess whey drains, and you can also drink it or use it for baking. Product homemade it will be much fatter. From three liters of milk you can get about three hundred grams of healthy cottage cheese.

Benefits of cottage cheese

If we talk about its benefits, the uniqueness of this product is explained by its high nutritional value. It surpasses all fermented milk products in the amount of valuable protein, and at the same time is perfectly absorbed by the body. Those proteins that are present in it are very quickly broken down into amino acids important for life.

Due to its nutritional value and excellent digestibility, it is actively recommended to be included in the diet of children, the elderly, as well as those categories of people who are recovering from a long illness. It should be eaten when chronic diseases digestive tract, as it does not irritate the stomach.

Cottage cheese is a dietary product, therefore it contains minimal amount fat It is ideal for those who want to reduce their waist size, but at the same time want to gain muscle mass. As for him energy value, then it is quite variable, so one hundred grams can contain from one hundred to more than two hundred calories.

It is worth noting that low-fat cottage cheese contains about thirty percent pure protein. But this does not include glazed sweet cheeses; they should not be consumed for dietary purposes, as they are extremely high in calories.

In addition to proteins, cottage cheese contains great amount others are vital important substances, for example, vitamins P, B, A, E, folic acid. Mineral substances include magnesium, calcium, zinc, fluorine, copper, iron and phosphorus. Thanks to these compounds, this useful product is easily digestible.

There is simply no better source of calcium, this is especially important for nursing and pregnant women. Children are given it as early as five one month old as complementary food. Low-fat cottage cheese is included in the children's diet. It is also useful for restoring bone tissue in the body, for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as nervous activity.

There is an opinion that it is capable of strengthening bone tissue. Yes, this is true, but there is one caveat: in this case it is worth purchasing a low-fat product. This is because fats in large quantities can interfere with the absorption of minerals such as calcium.

Fasting days on cottage cheese

To improve metabolism, it is recommended to arrange cottage cheese fasting days. In this case, you need to eat it in approximately one hundred and fifty grams with the addition of low-fat sour cream four times a day. This portion is the most optimal; it contains about thirty-five grams of pure protein.

If you carry out such unloading regularly, then within a few months you can notice significant improvement skin condition, the overall tone of the body will increase and you can lose some extra pounds.

About the dangers of cottage cheese

Despite all the benefits, there are also harms to cottage cheese. Sometimes it can cause poisoning of the body or allergic reactions, if you eat it not very fresh. Accordingly, it is recommended to store it for no more than two or three days. After this time, it is only suitable for casseroles or cheesecakes.

If you consume it in excess, it can negatively affect the functional activity of the liver; accordingly, moderation is good in everything. For better digestibility, it should be combined with sweet fruits and berries. You should not eat more than two hundred and fifty grams of this product per day. It is quite enough if it is included in the diet two or three times a week.

You should not buy a variety of glazed cheese curds; not only are they fatty, they are also harmful, since they contain various preservatives and emulsifiers that are not beneficial to our health. It’s better to eat natural cottage cheese with added fresh berries and fruits.


Of course, cottage cheese should be present in our menu, optimally if it is eaten at least twice a week, in which case this product will only have an effect on the body beneficial effect. It is better to purchase its low-fat version.

Cottage cheese. benefit and harm.

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Cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese. Benefits and harm

We all love cottage cheese for its excellent taste, you can eat it with sour cream, you can add milk, kefir, fermented baked milk to it, a very tasty dish is obtained by adding any berries or fruits to the cottage cheese. But the main advantage of cottage cheese is that it is an excellent dietary product, very useful for people of all ages, and especially for children and people who are elderly or weakened by illness.

But cottage cheese is different from cottage cheese. I think everyone will agree with me, really. Of course, what we see now on store shelves is sometimes very difficult to call cottage cheese. I wholeheartedly advise everyone, especially those who have small children, not to be lazy and prepare homemade cottage cheese.

Homemade cottage cheese made from milk. Recipe. Photo

Pour a liter of raw fresh milk into a saucepan, close the lid and place in a dark place; at normal room temperature, the milk sours in about a day.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and place it under the lid in a dark place until it ferments.

Next, it is best to use a water bath, placing a saucepan with sour milk in another, larger saucepan, this makes it easier to control the process of separating the whey. But sometimes I put a saucepan with yogurt directly on the stove, placing a special metal stand under it, reduce the heat to minimum and do not leave the stove so as not to overheat.

Place the saucepan with yogurt in a water bath.

Watch when the yogurt moves away from the edges of the pan, yellowish whey appears, and characteristic curd clots appear, this takes about 25-30 minutes, then remove the pan from the stove and leave until it cools.

Keep it on the fire until curd clots appear and the whey is completely separated (it took me 35 minutes)

Drain the cooled cottage cheese in a colander, but preferably onto a clean gauze napkin, tie the corners of it and hang it so that the whey drips off. The cottage cheese will be very tasty!

Pour the contents into a colander and squeeze a little.

This is how the cottage cheese turned out.

And this is the serum left.

The most delicious and healthy cottage cheese It’s made from raw milk, but when I don’t have the opportunity to buy farm milk, I make cottage cheese from pasteurized milk, which turns out to be an excellent product that is much tastier than store-bought milk.

Making cottage cheese at home from kefir

To prepare cottage cheese, take a liter of kefir, it is advisable that the kefir is fresh; for better separation of the whey, you can add a spoonful of sugar syrup, but this is not necessary.

Place the kefir in an enamel bowl in a water bath and heat it over low heat for about half an hour, then leave it covered to cool. During this time, the curd will finally separate from the whey, and we again pour all this onto a sieve or cheesecloth and get a delicate, nutritious product.

Making low-fat homemade cottage cheese

As a rule, farm milk is quite fatty, and the cottage cheese produced from it is also high in fat; this must be taken into account if, for any indication, a low-fat diet is recommended for you.

Low-fat cottage cheese can also be prepared at home, but it requires low-fat milk. There is pasteurized one percent milk on sale, and you need to make low-fat cottage cheese from it.

This kind of milk takes much longer to ferment, and to speed up the process you just need to add two tablespoons of kefir to a liter of milk. Otherwise, we do everything the same as with regular milk, the cottage cheese will not be so loose, but tasty and containing all the useful substances.

Low-fat cottage cheese is good for anyone who has problems with overweight, who have problems with the liver, pancreas, so as not to overload them.

How long can cottage cheese prepared at home be stored?

You can store this cottage cheese for 3 days in the refrigerator. Now imagine how much extra there is in store-bought cottage cheese, if it has a shelf life of 2-3 weeks, or even more. It's all chemistry. It is up to everyone to decide whether to buy such cottage cheese or prepare cottage cheese at home.

So what are the benefits of cottage cheese? Is everything in it actually useful? Let’s talk about this in more detail.

Cottage cheese. Benefit. Beneficial features

  1. Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein, the fatter the cottage cheese, the more protein it contains, in fatty cottage cheese its content reaches 15 percent, in low-fat cottage cheese - up to 9 percent. Moreover, the protein obtained from cottage cheese is completely absorbed by our body, which is not unimportant. 300 grams of cottage cheese contains daily dose animal protein.

Of course, this is a lot, we hardly eat that much cottage cheese, but we get protein not only from dairy, but also from other products, but for children and especially older people, the proteins that make up cottage cheese are simply not replaceable. And probably many of you know about protein diet. The diet is based specifically on the benefits of protein for weight loss and slimness. And the plus to this is that we also strengthen our hair and nails.

  1. Everyone knows that all dairy products contain calcium, but whole milk It is not suitable for everyone due to the fact that the body of many adults lacks the special enzyme lactase, which breaks down milk sugar. As a result, drinking milk can result in intestinal upset.

But fermented milk products, including cottage cheese, do not have such features; during their production, milk sugar is completely broken down, so cottage cheese is an excellent source of calcium for us, and calcium is the health of our teeth and skeletal system.

  1. Vitamins A, E, D, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP were found in cottage cheese in large quantities; the lack of these essential vitamins may lead to a decrease protective forces body, to nervous and digestive system. In addition to calcium, cottage cheese is rich in other minerals, for example, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, which makes it a primary product for many diseases.
  2. The protein content of cottage cheese contains the essential amino acid methionine for humans, which prevents the liver from fatty degeneration; cottage cheese in the diet is especially important if metabolic disorders have already been detected in the body, such as gout, obesity, and thyroid diseases.
  3. Cottage cheese contains the complex protein casein, rich in all necessary for a person amino acids, this protein has a lipotropic effect, that is, it helps normalize fat metabolism and lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Cottage cheese is necessary for all of us, and especially for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, it is necessary for those suffering from anemia and tuberculosis, people with problems of the liver, gallbladder, stomach and intestines, for everyone who has excess weight, elderly people.

I suggest you listen to the thoughts of the famous bodybuilder Denis Semenikhin about the benefits of cottage cheese, how he uses it himself and what advice he gives for all of us.

Grain cottage cheese. Benefits and harms

The most popular is cottage cheese, and this is understandable; it is a very tasty product that is liked by both adults and children. However, in addition to taste, grain cottage cheese has many advantages; it is a low-calorie product with big amount protein and low fat content, it is much easier to digest than regular cottage cheese, which is very important in children's, sports and dietary nutrition.

Grain cottage cheese is useful for people with diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, after past diseases V recovery period, it can be consumed even late in the evening, the benefits of grain cottage cheese at night are obvious, since it is a very easy product for the body.

Grain cottage cheese. Contraindications. Harm

Eating this type of cottage cheese has virtually no contraindications; there are minor restrictions due to the fact that grain cottage cheese is usually slightly salted. If you use in in moderation grain cottage cheese, there will be much more benefit than harm, it should not be abused only by those who are prescribed a salt-free diet.

Skim cheese. Benefits and harms

Low-fat cottage cheese is made from skim milk, and although in addition to fat it contains all the healing substances inherent in milk, it is less caloric and is especially popular among vegetarians, people watching their figure, those who want to lose weight, and athletes.

The benefits of using such cottage cheese are undeniable. It is rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, but is depleted fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, in low-fat cottage cheese their content is much lower.

There is another disadvantage of low-fat cottage cheese, when reduced content fats, calcium from this product is absorbed worse by the body, but, nevertheless, this cottage cheese will not bring harm and will only benefit those who fatty foods contraindicated.

Cottage cheese with honey. Benefits and harms

Many people love cottage cheese with sugar, but if you like sweet cottage cheese, it is better to put a spoonful of honey in it, it will be almost like a treat, a very healthy dish for breakfast, it can be used as a snack or late in the evening.

Cottage cheese with honey is doubly useful, since honey complements the benefits of cottage cheese biologically active substances and antioxidants that affect all functions of our body, we not only get protein and calcium, which cottage cheese is rich in, but also strengthen the immune system, improve metabolic processes in our body.

If we are talking about the dangers of such cottage cheese, then we need to say the following. Cottage cheese with honey should not be consumed by anyone who is allergic to honey products. And use very carefully for diabetics. Those who have problems with excess weight should not lean heavily on cottage cheese with honey.

The benefits of homemade cottage cheese

The benefits of cottage cheese prepared at home are obvious; not only do we prepare it with our own hands and can take good quality milk for its preparation, it is also important that homemade cottage cheese does not contain preservatives and other additives that may be present in store-bought cottage cheese.

In addition, when making cottage cheese, a fairly large amount of whey remains, which is useful dietary product, you can simply drink it as a drink, cook pancakes and okroshka with it, and add it to borscht. Whey contains proteins, vitamins, microelements, lactic acid bacteria, and its benefits have been proven and recognized official medicine. However, people with intolerance milk sugar and with increased secretion gastric juice this drink is contraindicated.

Serum is widely used in cosmetology; at home, it is best to simply wash your face with fresh serum, this will improve skin color, make it clean, smooth and toned.

Goat curd. Benefits and harms

On sale now goat milk, goat cheese and goat curd, these products are becoming more and more popular in dietary nutrition. Goat curd The protein content is on par with meat, and is absorbed much better.

This type of cottage cheese is very important in the diet of people prone to osteoporosis, as it contains a record amount of easily digestible calcium, as well as vitamins B12 and B2, magnesium and phosphorus.

However, it is better to buy non-fat varieties, especially for those who have problems with blood vessels and are at risk of atherosclerosis.

Daily intake of cottage cheese

For an adult, the daily intake of cottage cheese is 200 grams.

Allowance for cottage cheese for children

Who is cottage cheese harmful to? It’s hard to call this harmful wonderful product, like cottage cheese, cottage cheese is contraindicated only for people with individual intolerance, everyone else can eat it, the only thing is that it needs to be limited to those suffering from atherosclerosis and severe kidney damage. They cannot easily tolerate excess protein. With gastritis you also need to be very careful. You can't eat sour cottage cheese.

Always pay attention to the expiration date of cottage cheese and all fermented milk products. Never eat cottage cheese that has expired. Such poisonings are very serious.

If you do buy cottage cheese in a store, pay attention to the sales deadlines. If it is more than 5-7 days, I do not recommend buying such cottage cheese. Can you imagine how much chemistry there is? And, of course, if you buy cottage cheese with some additives, be careful whether you are allergic to the additives themselves. AND Special attention to all these tips if you give cottage cheese to children. I am always for natural cottage cheese and my own natural additives. You can also add jam, but your own. The same berries, but our own. Be careful and wise. Harm of carrots



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