Pine cones on bee honey recipe. The secret recipe for making pine honey

The recipe for feijoa jam is quite simple. Of course, there are several cooking methods, but all of them do not take much time, but the result is a tasty and healing delicacy.

Classic Feijoa Jam Recipe

Required products:

  • one kilogram of feijoa;
  • one kilogram of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the berries well, cut off the dry tails, chop them into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and turn them into puree using a blender. To make the sugar dissolve faster, you can add a little water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and after it has cooled, transfer to prepared sterilized jars. Close the lids and put away for storage.

How to cook a blank without cooking?

If you don’t want to mess around, then make feijoa jam without cooking. It will save its useful properties, but it will be stored a little less.

Required products:

  • one kilogram of feijoa;
  • one kilogram of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the feijoa, dry it well, cut off the tails and interrupt in a blender until smooth.
  2. Pour the mass with sugar, let it stand until it is completely dissolved.
  3. With what happened, we fill the prepared containers, cover them tightly with lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Feijoa jam "through a meat grinder"

Required products:

  • feijoa - kilogram;
  • sugar - kilogram.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the feijoa well, remove the tails, cut into medium-sized pieces. Fill with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Then we reduce the fire, wait until all the liquid has boiled out and pass what is left through a meat grinder. Most likely, you will have to do this several times to get the composition of a homogeneous consistency.
  3. We fill the mass with sugar and wait for it to completely dissolve.

Mix the jam and arrange in jars. Cover with lids and store in a cool place.

blender recipe

Required products: all the same.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the feijoa thoroughly. If desired, you can lightly pour boiling water over them, as the fruits are cooked along with the peel. We cut off the dry tails and dry the berries.
  2. We turn them into small pieces to make it easier to process. We send the berry slices to a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour sugar into it, let it stand for as long as it takes for it to completely dissolve. To make the process go a little faster, you can add just a little warm water.

Cooking process:

  1. As always, first rinse the berries thoroughly and dry at room temperature or wipe with paper towels. Remove dry tails and cut feijoa into pieces.
  2. We send them to a blender or you can use a meat grinder, but then, most likely, you will have to scroll the berries a couple of times. The result should be a mass that resembles mashed potatoes.
  3. We put half a liter of water in a saucepan, wait for it to boil, and pour sugar.
  4. Then add the twisted feijoa to the same place, bring the mass to a boil again and keep it on fire for about five minutes.

The finished mass is immediately, hot, distributed in pre-prepared sterilized jars, closed with lids, wrapped with something and left to cool. You can store in the refrigerator.

With walnuts and oranges

Required products:

  • kilogram of feijoa;
  • one orange;
  • sugar - kilogram;
  • any nuts, for example, walnuts - 100 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. First of all, decide whether you will crush the nuts heavily or do you want them to crunch in jam? When choosing the second option, it is enough to crush them with something hard, for example, a rolling pin, so that the grains are not too small. In the first case, they will need to be killed in a blender.
  2. We wash the feijoa well, dry it with napkins, remove the tails and cut into pieces.
  3. We move them to a blender or meat grinder and bring them to a puree state.
  4. We clean the orange from the skin, remove all white films and seeds. You can also pass it through a meat grinder, or you can just knead it with your hands.
  5. Mix feijoa puree with orange, and then with nuts.

We lay out the resulting mass in jars, close them and put them in a cold place where they will be stored.

Feijoa jam with persimmon

Required products:

  • five pieces of persimmon;
  • 500 grams of feijoa;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash persimmons and feijoa well, dry them, remove tails from all fruits. Grind the berries and fruits into small pieces, mix by adding sugar, and let the mass stand for about two hours.
  2. After the allotted time, we shift everything into a saucepan and begin to cook, setting a low heat level. After the contents boil, continue cooking for 25 minutes.

After complete cooling, we distribute it among the banks, close it well and put it away for storage in a cold place.

Winter preparation with lemon

The benefits of feijoa for the human body are simply enormous.

And if you add lemon to it, you get just a vitamin “bomb”!

An exotic fruit appeared in our country about 10 years ago and immediately appealed to many. Feijoa has an interesting taste, in which the aromas of kiwi, pineapple and strawberry are felt. The berry has health benefits, so it is recommended to include it in your diet.

The disadvantage of feijoa is its short shelf life, so it is widely used in cooking. Jams and preserves are prepared from it, which are not only tasty, but also healthy desserts. There are many recipes for its preparation, often combined with other fruits and nuts.

Useful properties and composition of feijoa

Feijoa fruits contain a large number of vitamins and minerals. In addition, they contain pectin, essential oils, acids. Energy value is about 50 kcal.

Feijoa Composition

  • IN 1 has calming properties, improves immunity, activates digestion.
  • AT 2 required by the liver full-fledged work, and also provides therapeutic effect with hepatitis. In addition, the mineral is used by the central nervous system.
  • AT 5 necessary for normal operation brain and maintain memory function.
  • AT 6 has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, keeping them clean and preventing the deposition of cholesterol. Vitamin relieves spasms, cramps, numbness of the legs.
  • AT 9 participates in the synthesis of serotonin and is the main element involved in cell division of the nervous system.
  • WITH required by the body for good immunity And better fight with allergens. Due to the fact that it is used by many organs, its enough prevents premature aging organism.
  • RR dilates blood vessels, stimulates oxygen metabolism, stabilizes hemoglobin levels.

Feijoa composition of microelements, macroelements:

  • Iodine is the main element for the function thyroid gland. It depends on the production of hormones. Deficiency of the element negatively affects the state of the whole organism: metabolism worsens, the condition of hair and nails, the brain suffers, immunity decreases.
  • Iron is of high importance for the production of hemoglobin and immune cells. This mineral is important for normal functioning digestive tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is involved in the work of the kidneys, intestines, vascular system and heart. Its sufficient amount in the body allows you to maintain heartbeat and pressure at the same level.
  • Calcium one of the main components in the composition bone tissue. He cleanses vascular system from cholesterol, stimulates metabolism, helps the body resist allergens.
  • Manganese- This is an element that is required by the heart, digestive system and central nervous system.
  • Magnesium soothes nervous system, supports reproductive ability body, good for the heart and endocrine system.
  • Copper- an element that is necessary for the liver, spleen, bones. Required by the brain to maintain memory function.
  • Sodium provides water-salt balance and is important for normal neuromuscular connections.
  • Phosphorus necessary for bones and maintaining the strength of tooth enamel.
  • Zinc is a mineral that is involved in many brain processes, is needed for the body's ability to conceive a child.

The benefits of feijoa for the body

One of the main reasons to introduce feijoa into the diet is high content it has iodine in it. According to the concentration of the element, the fruit is ahead of seafood. Deficiency leads to thyroid dysfunction and leads to the development of many diseases.

In addition, feijoa has the following properties:

  1. Strengthens the body's immune abilities.
  2. Increases performance.
  3. Calms the nervous system.
  4. Increases the body's resistance to stress.
  5. and keep it stable.
  6. Lowers cholesterol.
  7. It has a healing effect on indigestion.
  8. It is used in the treatment of bronchitis.
  9. Reduces the growth rate of malignant neoplasms.

Feijoa is recommended for people with heart and vascular problems. Fruits are good for the brain, stimulating the function of its cells. The fruit is included by nutritionists in the diet of those who want to get rid of excess weight. It has a low calorie content, enhances metabolism, stimulates the removal of toxins and toxins. Feijoa is recommended for people with various violations GIT.

The benefits of feijoa for the body of a man

Feijoa has a positive effect on man's health. It can cure most diseases genitourinary system and provide preventive effect. Feijoa improves the reproductive ability of the body and is effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The benefits of feijoa for a woman's body

fruits render positive influence for many systems female body. Calming abilities help to cope with mood swings during PMS and menopause. Important for women old age, since the fruit reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The fruit is recommended for expectant mothers. It will be of particular benefit in the region of the 12th week of pregnancy, when it is formed thyroid. Also useful material feijoa are necessary for the full formation circulatory system child.

Many doctors recommend that you stop eating exotic fruits during breastfeeding, as they can cause allergies in your baby. But feijoa is unique product since there were no confirmed cases allergic reaction. At the same time, some experts do not advise introducing it into the diet for up to 3 months.

Is it possible for children to feijoa

Due to the large number of vitamins and elements, the fruit is very useful for a growing organism. It is necessary primarily for children living in places with a lack of iodine. It can be introduced into the diet from the age of one, adhering to all the rules for adding new products to the children's menu.

Feijoa contraindications

Feijoa has no strict contraindications. It is recommended to eat it with caution for people with problems and diabetes. Therefore, people with these ailments should first consult a doctor.

Healthy people should not overeat feijoa, since an excess of iodine is no less dangerous than a deficiency.

The fruit is not combined with milk. This food conflict leads to indigestion.

Preparing fruit for jam

Before you start the process of making spins, you need to know a few rules.

  1. It is important to choose the right feijoa. Only those berries that do not have brown spots are suitable for harvesting. This sign indicates that the product has already begun to deteriorate and is unsafe to use. The ideal fruit has a transparent pulp and a green skin.
  2. Feijoa is a large fruit, so the fruits are not used whole, they must be crushed.
  3. Before preparing the blanks, the fruits should be thoroughly washed and the tails removed.

Berry preparation options

  1. Cut into cubes.
  2. Pass through a meat grinder. The presence of an electric unit will speed up and simplify the process of grinding feijoa. In this case, the fruits should first be cut into several parts, and then placed in a meat grinder. If there is only a manual meat grinder, then you can use it. It does not take much effort to twist the fruits, they are easy to grind.
  3. Grind in a blender. The device can be used regardless of its type, but you need to pay attention to the materials from which the mechanism is made. The grinding process takes a long time, so plastic parts can not withstand the load and fail.

There are two fundamental different ways: with and without cooking. Since the fruits do not appear before summer, it is recommended to cook such a number of blanks that they are enough until this time. The dessert turns out to be very tasty and healthy and is able to prevent spring beriberi.

The simplest canning method involves the use of two components: feijoa and sugar. In order to make the taste more interesting, it is recommended to add a variety of ingredients to them.


  1. Feijoa - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 1 kg.
  3. Apples - 0.15 kg.
  4. Oranges - 0.2 kg.

The advantage of this cooking method is that there is no need to cook, which significantly speeds up the production process. Fruit must be washed thoroughly. Peel oranges and apples from the skin and seeds, tear off the tails from the feijoa. Pass the components through a meat grinder, mix the mass with sugar and pour into clean jars and close with lids. After 4 hours, put in the refrigerator.

Feijoa, like any other fruit, is best eaten raw, as heat treatment kills some of the nutrients. Such jams are easier and faster to prepare. But they need to be kept cold, so owners of small refrigerators will not be able to stock many cans of this dessert.


  1. Feijoa - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 1 kg.

The fruits are cleaned and washed thoroughly, the tails are removed. They are passed through a meat grinder or crushed with a blender. The fruit mass is combined with sugar, the components are well mixed with each other and poured into clean jars.

To make the dessert even tastier, you do not need to rush to put it in the refrigerator. By infusing at room temperature for several hours, feijoa gives juice. The jars are then placed in the refrigerator for storage. In this case, the jam is ready for use immediately after preparation.

Recipe for long-lasting jam without cooking

The basic recipe for making feijoa jam allows you to store blanks for a short time. There is a similar jam recipe that can be stored for 5 months with all its usefulness preserved.


  1. Feijoa - 2 kg.
  2. Sugar - 2 kg.

When preparing a dessert according to this recipe, you need to pay Special attention cleanliness issues. The jars into which it will be poured must be sterilized. To do this, they can simply be held over hot steam or boiled. It is recommended to use nylon lids that are doused with boiling water.

Feijoa fruits are washed and dried very carefully paper napkins. Then they are crushed with a meat grinder or blender. Sugar is poured into the mass and the components are thoroughly mixed until the sugar is completely dissolved. At the end of the process, the jam is laid out in prepared jars and closed with lids.

"Five Minute" is a popular way to make jam from a wide variety of fruits and berries. It is believed that during this time the main component releases the maximum amount of juice, is disinfected, but all useful substances are preserved.


  1. Feijoa - 0.5 kg.
  2. Powdered sugar - 0.5 kg.
  3. Water - 0.25 kg.

The berries are thoroughly washed and peeled, ground in a blender to a puree state. It is necessary to boil and cool the water, dissolve the powder in it. The ground berries are transferred to the syrup. The mass is placed on a minimum fire. When it boils, you need to boil for 5 minutes. Hot jam is poured into clean jars and rolled up with lids.

Feijoa jam with lemon and walnut

As a result of making jam according to this recipe, it is possible to make extraordinary delicious dessert which will appeal to both adults and children. In addition, it will contain a large number various vitamins, and the concentration of vitamin C in it will be the highest. Therefore, it will perform the function of a natural immunostimulant, which is important for the autumn-winter period.


  1. Feijoa - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 0.7 kg.
  3. Cranberries - 0.1 kg.
  4. Walnut - 0.2 kg.
  5. Lemon - 1 pc.

Jam cooks incredibly quickly, it does not need to be boiled, so all components must be thoroughly washed, and tails removed from feijoa. Then all components, including nuts, are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with sugar. The finished dessert is poured into jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Feijoa jam with orange

Orange goes very well with feijoa, making the taste brighter. In addition to the incomparable aroma, this duet gives a vitamin and energy charge. It is useful to eat jam during SARS, as it speeds up the healing process. This dessert recipe is very easy and quick to prepare. However, it does not require cooking.


  1. Feijoa - 10 pcs.
  2. Sugar - 0.8 kg.
  3. Squeezed juice from 1 orange.

Wash the feijoa and remove the tails, pass through a meat grinder. Add sugar and stir the ingredients until it is completely dissolved. Pour in Orange juice and mix again. Arrange the jam in jars and close the lids.

The combination of honey and feijoa is especially good for curing infections and is recommended for children. You need to eat 1 tsp. of this dessert 2 times a day (in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed). Jam can be used as prophylactic with a similar pattern.


  1. Feijoa - 5 pcs.
  2. Walnut - 0.1 kg.
  3. Honey - 0.1 kg.

Wash and peel the feijoa fruits from the tails, cut into several pieces. Peel nuts from shells. Grind the components in a blender and mix with honey, which should be completely dissolved. Divide into jars and store in the refrigerator.

Feijoa with pomegranate

Useful jam that can increase hemoglobin levels. This delicious dessert is prepared very simply and quickly. Jam is distinguished by its maximum usefulness due to the fact that it is not subjected to heat treatment.


  1. Feijoa - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 1.1 kg.
  3. Pomegranate - 1 pc.

Peel the pomegranate from the skin and disassemble into grains. Wash the feijoa and remove the stems. Grind the components in a blender, add sand and mix. Do not rush to put the jam in jars. You must first insist it, when the sugar is completely dissolved, you should pour it into sterile jars, close it with airtight lids and put it in the refrigerator.

Feijoa and Kiwi Jam

Dessert from these components is stored no more than three days, so it should not be prepared in reserve.


  1. Feijoa - 5 pcs.
  2. Kiwi - 3 pcs.

Fruits are washed, kiwis are peeled, in feijoa from ponytails. Then they need to be passed through a meat grinder and add honey to taste. Transfer to a jar and refrigerate.

Feijoa with nuts and oranges

Not all housewives like to make jam without heat treatment. It cannot be stored for a long time. In addition, if cleanliness is violated, it can quickly deteriorate. The cooking process makes the dessert less healthy, but many of the nutrients are retained.


  1. Feijoa - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 0.5 kg.
  3. Water - 0.5 l.
  4. Nuts - 1 cup.
  5. Orange - 1 pc.
  6. Citric acid - 1 tsp.

If citrus zest is added to the jam, it must be poured over with boiling water to kill everything. harmful substances.

It is necessary to peel the orange and disassemble it into slices. Wash the feijoa, remove the tails and cut into several pieces. Put the fruits in one container, cover with sugar and leave for 1 hour. During this time, they will release juice. Cut off orange peel white part and cut into narrow strips. Put the container with fruit on a minimum fire and pour in citric acid.

After boiling for 10 minutes, pour the roasted nuts and zest into the mass. When the jam boils for 5 minutes, it must be poured into jars, rolled up with lids and turned upside down. When the dessert has completely cooled, the jars can be turned back and put in a cool place.

Feijoa is frequent components jam thanks to the bright and unusual taste, useful properties and compatibility with other ingredients. Exists great amount jam recipes from this fruit. Some of them require traditional cooking, others do not require heat treatment.

18.11.2016 5

Nature is infinitely generous with useful gifts, you just need to know how to use them. Herbs give them to us in the form of decoctions, infusions and honey. But not always bees can help in creating natural medicine. Pine honey is prepared without their participation. Jam made from young shoots and pine cones was known for its healing properties even to our distant ancestors.

It is no coincidence that sanatoriums for tuberculosis patients were always built in the pine forest. There, the air itself, saturated with coniferous phytoncides, heals. For us city dwellers, such a pleasure as a daily walk in the forest is not always available. But we can prepare a medicine for ourselves in the form of pine honey.

Composition and useful properties

Why is pine cone jam called pine honey? Probably because it is just as sweet and healthy. Young shoots - buds and milky pine cones give numerous useful properties to the infusion, from which delicious syrup is then brewed.

Honey from pine cones contains essential oils, tannins, phytoncides, mineral salts, turpentine, trace elements and amino acids. True, the vitamins contained in the prepared raw materials are partially destroyed during cooking.

Pine honey is not intended to be eaten as an ordinary delicacy - its composition is too strong. Main therapeutic effect it has on the respiratory system. It's all about the phytoncides contained in it. These are substances that can kill pathogenic bacteria. In fact, it is a natural antibiotic.

In addition, it has other effects on the body:

  • normalizes fat content, removes cholesterol, positively affecting metabolism;
  • diuretic and choleretic;
  • thanks to selenium and iron, it is able to improve blood composition, it is useful for anemia;
  • improves immunity;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • tones.

Procurement of raw materials

In order for honey from pine cones to turn out to be truly healing, it is necessary to properly prepare raw materials.

The forest area should be removed from the city and roads, since young pine cones have the ability to absorb harmful substances from the soil and air. Young pine plantings are also not suitable for collection - the tree begins to bear fruit only after 30 years.

You need to collect them immediately after the end of pine flowering. In the southern regions - this is April and May, in cooler regions - 1-1.5 months later. You need to cut off the shoots or cones of a pale green color, soft to the touch. Both very small and grown cones are suitable for making pine honey. If you are collecting young shoots, then do not take the central one - the one where the growth point is located. Side shoots are suitable for jam.

cooking recipes

What is honey made of? To prepare it, you only need cones or shoots and sugar. But there are several cooking technologies.

Recipe number 1. The prepared raw materials must be thoroughly washed. Although opinions differ here. Someone thinks that it is necessary to wash it, experienced harvesters say that by washing off the resin from the cones, you can destroy some of the useful substances.

If you decide to wash the raw materials, then you will have to tinker a little with the shoots. First they need to fill cold water for 10-15 minutes, so that possible insects and adhering large needles fall off it. Then rinse with running water. Before cooking, the shoots must be cut.

Prepared cones or shoots are placed in a saucepan and filled with water so that its level covers them by 1-1.5 cm. After boiling, cook for half an hour over low heat, removing the foam. After that, the broth should be infused for half a day. We continue to cook pine honey, after straining the infusion. The proportion of infusion of pine shoots (or cones) and sugar is 1:1. The syrup is brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for 1.5-2 hours until it thickens.

Recipe number 2. The preparation of raw materials is the same as in the first recipe. Chopped shoots or cones are sprinkled with sugar at the rate of 1:2. During the day, the kidneys will give juice. They must be put on fire, let boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Then cool and boil again for 5 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3 times, after which they are laid out in jars, adding a teaspoon beforehand. citric acid and mix well.

Recipe number 3. The washed and chopped raw materials are laid out in jars, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Banks are placed in a bright sunny place. Gradually, the sprouts give juice and, mixed with sugar, a syrup is obtained. Banks need to constantly turn to the light with different sides.

Unlike the classic bee honey Jam with pine cones should be stored in the refrigerator.

pine pollen

At times enhances the effect of honey pine pollen. It is harvested during the flowering period of pine - in the first half of May. Pollen is found on small inflorescences resembling corn cobs. Usually they are located on the branches facing south. When they become yellow color, which means that they are covered with pollen.

Inflorescences are collected and sent to dry in a dark place. Pollen crumbled during the drying process is collected and stored in a plastic container.

Pollen contains a large amount of biologically active substances that help fight cancer. For treatment, a mixture of tincture of pollen and honey is prepared.

The inclusion of pollen ancillary treatment in tuberculosis increases its effectiveness several times. To do this, 1 liter of honey and a tablespoon of pollen are thoroughly mixed and infused. Take 3 times a day, 2 teaspoons on an empty stomach, washed down with milk.

How tonic make a mixture of bee honey (100 g), pine (50 g) and pollen (10 g).

You can cleanse the body with a drink of 1 liter of green tea, where a tablespoon of a ready-made mixture of honey and pollen, half a lemon and a spoonful of vodka are added.

Honey with pollen is used to treat adenoma prostate and disorders of the digestive system. It will strengthen the body before surgical interventions.

How to take pine honey?

Pine honey can be taken in pure form, and can be combined with other folk remedies.

For the prevention and maintenance of vitality and health, honey is eaten in the morning and in the evening 1 tablespoon. With whooping cough, children mix honey from cones with olive oil and ordinary bee honey. For treatment urolithiasis it is added to a decoction of femur and wild rose, with hypertension it is prepared vegetable juice with the addition of pine honey.

Children can use pure pine honey from the age of 5.

Video: pine honey recipe.


This amazing product does not cause allergies. Rarely meets him individual intolerance. However, there are a number of conditions in which it is not recommended to consume pine honey.

pine honey excellent tasty remedy for children and adults. As you know, bees do not collect nectar from pine trees, pine trees do not secrete it, so you have to be smart and cook this sweet healing treat himself.

You can prepare healing pine honey from pine cones, its anthers, young shoots. Pine honey obtained from pine anthers has the best healing properties, but honey made from pine cones has excellent healing qualities.

A remedy obtained from any of these pine gifts has a pronounced healing effect with bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchitis, tonsillitis, colds, as well as with influenza. Pine honey has a positive therapeutic effect on digestive system, on the blood, kidneys and liver. It is extremely necessary to use pine honey in case of metabolic disorders.

When preparing pine honey, first of all, a rich decoction of green pine cones is obtained and insisted for several hours. All the medicinal components of the cones pass into a decoction, of course, while part of the vitamins are destroyed, but they can be replenished from other sources, vitamins do not treat flu and colds, and we are preparing medicine specifically for these purposes. After insisting, we separate the infusion from the cones, draining it through 3-4 layers of gauze into a cooking container, add sugar and cook. Everything, healing pine honey, which children like so much, is ready.

Pine honey recipe
from young green pine cones

Cones 5 kg
Water 5 l
Sugar 5 kg
Citric acid 0.5 tablespoons

Preparing the infusion: Sort the cones, remove spoiled, twigs and debris, rinse the cones under running water, pour into an enameled cooking container, pour water and boil for 1 hour. After that, remove from heat and leave to cool completely and infuse for 8 hours. After 8 hours, again put on fire and boil for 1 hour and insist 8 hours. And so 3 - 4 times, until the bumps become soft. When ready, drain the infusion through a colander covered with 3-4 layers of gauze. Pour into a cooking container, add 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of infusion and boil for 20-30 minutes. Everything, healing pine honey is ready.

Add 0.5 tablespoons of citric acid so that pine honey does not become candied, pour into sterilized jars and roll up with lids.
Store pine honey in the refrigerator.
Take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals 1-3 times a day for prevention and treatment bronchopulmonary diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Very pleasant in taste, pine honey, this is exactly the means of treating and preventing diseases that a child will not refuse, this can be guaranteed.

Flavonoids contained in pine honey significantly reduce blood cholesterol and lipids. Magnesium and iron, which are part of pine honey, significantly activate the enzyme system and serve as carriers for nutrients.

Pine honey contains significant amount antioxidants and trace elements, for example, selenium, limits the excessive oxidation of proteins and lipids, respectively, slows down the aging process. Pine honey is exactly the remedy that is necessary for everyone who takes care of their health, a person.

Proven for centuries folk remedy
from respiratory diseases,
including asthma

Pine honey is used for respiratory diseases, rheumatism, dropsy and metabolic disorders. It has antimicrobial, disinfectant, diuretic, choleretic, blood-purifying properties. And if you have the opportunity, be sure to prepare this potion.

Honey from young pine shoots

Prepare young pine shoots, those that grow from the central pine bud, wash them with running water from dust, cut (about 1 cm) and cover with sugar (1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of shoots), leave for a day.

The next day, cook honey: add 1 liter of water, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 5 minutes, let cool. We put it on the stove again, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and so on 3 times. Ready pine honey is poured into containers and stored in the refrigerator so that it does not get candied, you can add 0.5 tsp. citric acid.

You can consume pine honey 1 tablespoon at a time 1-3 times a day. Honey perfectly treats bronchial - lung diseases, flu, cold. If you use pine shoot honey daily as a preventive measure, then you will forget about the flu.

Pine honey from pine cones

Pine honey requires a lot of cones (collected before July 15): 80–90 pieces per liter of water. And for every liter of water, 1 kg of sugar is required. First, you count the bumps into the pan, say, 400 pieces per 5 liters of water.
Boil them at a light boil until they become quite soft. After straining the cones, you throw them away, and pour 5 kg of sugar into the broth and boil again until all the sugar has dissolved. Pine honey is ready.
To keep it from sugaring, put an incomplete teaspoon of citric acid. Pour pine honey into jars and put it in the refrigerator - it does not deteriorate.

With leukemia, cancer of the lungs, stomach and intestines, and almost all malignant tumors I give the patient a mixture of pine honey and tincture of pine pollen (I mix in different proportions, depending on individual indications), and I usually prescribe a teaspoon 3 times a day, and in some cases a tablespoon 3 4 times a day before meals, always in complex with the necessary herbal infusions.

After the first course of treatment, oncological patients themselves begin to ask for pine honey with pine pollen to be included in the course of treatment. And the treatment, it should be noted, is becoming more effective.
I tried to give only one pine honey or a separate tincture of flowers with pollen - their effect is completely different, not so noticeable, although there is an undoubted benefit from them. After all, you can’t add honey to small children with leukemia alcohol tincture, and for diabetics, only tincture without honey will go.

For preventive purposes, use 1 tablespoon in the morning for 20 minutes. before the first meal and in the evening before going to bed. Pine honey can be added to tea.

Pine honey has an excellent taste and smell, which is especially liked by children.
Contraindications - exacerbation of kidney disease.

Video - Pine honey

Treatment of diseases with pine honey

  1. Pine cone honey for kidney disease: Grind 1 kg of parsley with roots and 1 large celery root, add 1 kg of bee honey, 0.5 kg of pine cone honey and 1.2 liters of water. Put the mixture on a slow fire and bring to a boil, stirring. Insist 3 days. Add another 0.5 l of water, bring to a boil again, strain, not allowing the mixture to cool. The resulting syrup, take 2 tablespoons before meals;
  2. Honey tea - from urinary stones: Pour a handful of femur and rose hips into 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes, add 300 g of pine honey, and then take it warm with 1 tablespoon, 1-2 cups a day;
  3. Rose honey - for asthma: Take 100 g rose petals, 500 g grated raw pumpkin, 5 finely chopped plantain leaves, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 liter of dry red wine. Bring the mixture to a boil, but do not boil. Insist for a day, then strain. Drink a tablespoon 5 times a day;
  4. Pine cone honey for whooping cough: Proportions (2:2:1). Stir bee honey with warm olive oil, add pine cone honey and give your child a teaspoon 3-4 times a day;
  5. Pine honey for bronchitis: Take 100 g of pine honey, 50 g of bee honey, 100 g butter, 100 g goose fat, 15 g aloe juice and 100 g cocoa. Mix all this, heat, not boiling. Take a tablespoon in a glass of hot tea 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening;
  6. Treatment of hypertension with pine honey: Take a glass of beetroot juice, carrot juice, horseradish or radish juice (the grated horseradish must first be infused in water for 36 hours) and the juice of 1 lemon. Mix this mixture with 1 tablespoon of honey and 0.5 cup of pine cone honey. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times daily 1 hour before meals or 2-3 hours after. Course of treatment: two months. Store such mixtures in a well-closing glass container in a cool place;
  7. Honey inhalations: Fill the teapot with a spout one-quarter full of water. Bring the water to a boil, remove the kettle from the heat, add a tablespoon of bee and pine cone honey to the boiling water, inhale the vapors through a rubber or cardboard tube put on the spout of the kettle. The duration of inhalation is 15-20 minutes. It is better to spend it at night;
  8. Pine honey with plantain - from gastritis: Mix 500 g of honey with 500 g of plantain juice and boil over very low heat for 20 minutes. Take chilled juice before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Store in a dark place;
  9. Honey dried fruits for constipation: Pass through a meat grinder 400 g of dried apricots, 400 g of prunes. Add 200 g of pine honey to this mass and mix well. Take 1 teaspoon at dinner with warm water;
  10. Radish with honey - from gallstones: Mix a glass of pine honey and a glass of black radish juice. Take this solution 3 times a day for 0.5 cups for 1 week.

Hello dear readers. So I waited for the young cones. Today I will make jam from young pine cones. Or rather, not only jam, but also honey from pine cones, and an infusion of pine cones with sugar. In general, yesterday we were in the forest with the whole family, we specially went to the forest for cones. I thought to leave with a cultural program, as it should be with barbecue, since I am not tied to time, and the children are already on vacation. But the weather let me down. It started raining in the morning. Or rather, I looked out in the morning, there is no rain, although the entire Internet predicts rain all day. I didn’t want to believe this, and my daughter had been waiting for this day for a long time, she really loves barbecue, and not only barbecue, but also walks in the forest. We always go for barbecues, we always take a walk through the forest. And we always go to the same place.

A railroad runs through the forest, our places are hilly, and the soil is sandy. And in order to lay railway, the hills along the canvas were leveled. And it turned out to be a sand hill, 12 meters high and somewhere at 45 degrees. It turns out that the sun constantly shines on this hill, if the weather is sunny. So my kids loved to run from this hill into the sand. I let you take off your shoes and T-shirts, and I show you how to jump. Sometimes we even take small pieces there, make a castle or just play in the sand.

In general, as soon as we started to dress, it started to rain. And you imagine, the packages have already been collected, the mood is camping, and then it's raining. In general, the daughter is in tears. And in order to at least somehow reassure my daughter, because she was waiting for barbecue, I decided to fry the barbecue in the oven. You will not believe, but the kebabs turned out. Not the same, of course, as at the stake, but they turned out.

How I fried them in the apartment. I took a wide baking sheet, put a microwave grate on it (such a round grate with long legs). He laid as much meat as he could on this grate and put it in a gas oven. Made the flame to the maximum and opened the window and the door to the balcony wide open. Of course, the kitchen smelled of smoke (it smelled to put it mildly). But the main thing is that the kebabs turned out.

In general, we did not have time to finish the kebabs, as the rain ended and the sun came out. Without hesitation, we quickly got dressed and ran to the car. Before we had even driven a kilometer away from the house, it began to rain again. But we didn't go back. Arriving in the forest, we waited another 20 minutes for the rain to stop. And it ended and the sun came out again. And the whole family went to collect pine cones.

We collected more cones than we needed. Now the question is about the recipe. I called my school friend, his wife was already making honey from pine cones. He told me that the cones should be taken young and soft. When you cut the cone, the pulp should be pressed through at the place of the cut. You can try with a fingernail or a knife. I showed it on video. Video at the end of the article.

The first recipe is honey from young pine cones. Today I will take one kilogram of cones. We fill one kilogram of pine cones with 3 liters of water and put it on fire. Cook for four hours on low heat. Then set aside for 12 hours in a cool place to infuse. I boiled the cones in the afternoon, so I managed to leave them to infuse overnight.

In the morning I strained the decoction with cones. I threw away the pine cones themselves, but I will continue to use the cloudy broth to make pine honey. My pine cones turned out to be whole, and on the Internet I read that they are boiled soft. Although I have a hard time believing this.

Further, according to the recipe, one kilogram of sugar must be added to 1 liter of broth. I got 1.5 liters. I added a pound and a half of sugar. Brought to a boil and sweated for 5 minutes. Set aside until the evening. In the evening, I still sweated for about an hour, although according to the recipe it was said that 5 minutes would be enough. But even after an hour of languor, the honey did not become transparent, and I did not like its consistency. In general, honey will be liquid if you do not add more sugar to it.

This recipe will be without heat treatment. For the recipe, I used one kilogram of young buds and two kilograms of sugar. This is probably the only one of all the recipes in which I did not make changes. Probably because you don't have to cook it. Just take and cut the cones into small pieces. It is not necessary to grind strongly, the cones are not so easy to cut.

To cut one kilogram of pine cones, it took me 40 minutes of time, a cutting board (preferably plastic or old wooden, in any case this board will not be used later), one rubber glove, and a good large knife. I use a rubber glove for its intended purpose, I put it on the hand of which I will take the bumps.

The fact is that the cones are rich in resins, and these resins are not very easy to wash off later. I cut the cones into a large bowl with sugar. After slicing, I mixed everything well and put everything in jars. As you can see in the photo, I got 5 cans of 700 grams.

But a day later, the pine cones sank and I scattered one jar over the other four. The photo above shows what bumps became in a day. I want to warn you that the lid does not need to be tightly closed. Sugar is sugar, and interacting with the bumps, it wanders a little. Although it is difficult to call this fermentation, nevertheless, it is better not to close the lid of the jar tightly, or simply close it with a nylon lid.

After our mixture of chopped pine cones and sugar is in jars, we send them to a cool place until autumn. And already from the beginning of autumn, you can drink tea with tincture of pine cones on sugar, even for prevention purposes. You can drink simply by adding hot water. You can’t use the cones themselves, we filter them and throw them away.

The next recipe will be pine cone jam. I got this recipe from the internet. But judging from the experience already gained, the one who wrote, and the recipe was without photos, never tried to make it. The recipe said that the cones should be poured with water to cover 1 centimeter, let stand for a day.

After a day, drain the water and boil in new water. Bring to a boil, and add sugar at the rate of 1 kilogram of sugar per liter of water. Cook over low heat for 1.5 hours. At first it seemed suspicious to me, but I decided to try it anyway. Firstly, it was said that during the boil, remove the foam. And explain to me how to remove the foam if all the bumps have surfaced. And it is not possible to remove the foam normally.
Of course, if possible, I removed the noise, but far from perfect. Second, after a light boil for 1.5 hours, the syrup pine jam was too liquid, but beautiful and slightly transparent Pink colour. When I decided to simmer more to evaporate the water, the buds began to open and the color of the syrup turned red-pink and clouded in addition.

I have already decided to deviate from the recipe, next time I will be more careful to take recipes without photos. I added another kilogram of sugar so that at least this pine cone jam could be stored in the apartment.

In general, I got my own recipe for making jam from pine cones. Now this recipe will look like this. For one kilogram of young pine cones, add two liters of water. Bring to a boil. Now I would drain this water and boil it again with new water. Because when boiling, a green foam formed.

In boiled cones, I recommend adding 3 kilograms of sugar. And simmer on the stove until thickened. This is about one and a half to two hours, look at the thickening of the syrup. As a result, it turned out for 1 kilogram of cones, two liters of water and 3 kilograms of sugar.

I also want to warn those who want to cook jam from pine cones, then be sure to remember. Any item that comes into contact with pine cones will smell like pine afterward and will also be smeared with resin. For example, I washed the knife, I specially took a rarely used cutting board, but I had to tinker with the pan to wash it. The resin was so strongly ingrained into the walls of the pan that I had to clean it with an iron mesh.

Why I decided to stock up on pine honey and jam this year. The fact is that in the last winter my children often suffered from diseases of the upper respiratory tract And I don't want this to happen again. Why pine honey and not elderberry honey. I wrote on my blog. But this honey was not to the taste of my children, and besides me, few people ate it. If only by deception I mix a little into tea, and then they refuse tea.

The benefits of pine honey or jam

Pine honey has a truly unique properties for our body. Firstly, it is rich in vitamin C, which we are especially lacking in viral diseases and especially in winter. Secondly, it helps to quickly cure almost any disease of the upper respiratory tract, as if it was created for this. It has a good expectorant effect.

Thirdly, it is very useful for the stomach, when taking jam or honey from pine cones, the secretion of the stomach improves, and it is also an excellent antiviral agent. Pine honey is also useful for bile stasis, has a diuretic effect, and has an excellent tonic property. From my experience I can say the following, it really invigorates. I decided to check it out, and when I felt sleepy during the day, I went and made myself tea from pine honey. Drowsiness vanished.

And I also recommend that you go to this article in winter or spring. I will try all my preparations, and probably in the comments I will describe all the recipes I have prepared from pine cones and buds, which is tastier, which, in my opinion, had a greater effect on the body. In general, I will tell you my feelings. By palatability while honey is in the lead pine buds, but I haven't tried half of it yet.

After my children saw pine cone jam, they immediately remembered their favorite cartoon Masha and the Bear. There, in one episode, Masha just cooked jam from everything that came to hand. So the children remembered that they saw pine cones there. And they asked me to turn on this cartoon to watch it again. And I suggest you watch a video about how I made pine honey and cones with sugar.

P.S. It's been two years. I still harvest cones and make beautiful ones out of them. antiviral agent. I stopped my preference on a workpiece without heat treatment. This year, too, did, even more than described for the first time.

Why did I opt for pine cones? We prepare not only jam from cones, but also others useful blanks. For example, from dandelion, elderberry, plans to make from linden. We try to drink tea with honey and lemon every evening.

Tea with honey from pine cones. The recipe is as follows: a dessert spoon of pine cone honey (or just infused cones with sugar), a dessert spoon of herbal honey (dandelion, elder) and a slice of lemon. I try to crush the lemon with a spoon. Pour boiling water over and leave for 5 minutes. I pour it into two mugs and dilute it with cold or warm boiling water, depending on how much I insisted. It is better to drink warm. Has a warming effect.

Thanks to this tea, our children this winter colds didn't get sick.



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