Pills for men to increase spermogram. How to increase the amount of seminal fluid

More and more often you have to think about how to increase the activity of spermatozoa. After all, the diagnosis of "infertility" is now put to many couples. It is usually placed if conception has not occurred after a year of regular attempts. There is no need to be afraid, because sometimes it is not so difficult to cope with the problem. Enough to pass full examination. This applies to both men and women. Most likely, you will find out what the problem is. Sperm activity analysis is one of the most important studies. If a woman is absolutely healthy, most likely, it is because of the poor quality of sperm that conception does not occur. How to fix the situation?

Source of infertility

In case of problems with conception, it is usually customary to blame women for everything. Indeed, it is often along the female line that various diseases are observed. But in modern world Life is changing rapidly, for men as well. And often just some men's problems interfere with conception.

The most common scenario is poor sperm quality. The point is that low activity sperm interferes with conception. Due to this phenomenon the egg cannot be fertilized. And no matter how often you try, nothing will work. After all, poor sperm quality affects the speed of sperm movement. They die before they reach the egg.


Strictly speaking, it is not so difficult to make an appropriate analysis. It is recommended even when planning a pregnancy to sign up for a spermogram. This is the very study that helps determine the activity of spermatozoa.

You won't have to do anything special. The man must submit fresh sperm for examination. Biological material is placed in an acidic environment (as on the way to the egg in a woman's body), after which the "behavior" is observed. Thus, you can find out how long spermatozoa live. Ideally, their life expectancy is 3-4 days. The spermogram also determines the speed of movement of spermatozoa. If it is low, you will have to somehow increase this indicator. This is not such a quick thing - on average it will take about three months to normalize reproductive function. But most often a longer interval is needed. It all depends on how many spermatozoa are contained in the male biomaterial, as well as on the speed of their movement.

We are looking for a reason

Learning about poor quality sperm, do not rush to panic. Most likely, you will be prescribed a variety of medications to restore reproductive function. This is correct to some extent. But pills don't always help. The first step towards correcting the situation is to find the true cause of the disease. Only by eliminating it, it will be possible to hope for success. Unfortunately, the spermogram indicates how long the spermatozoa live, as well as their speed and concentration in the semen. find out the reason this disease will have to do it yourself.

What are the options? Different. But it's hard to predict them. In the modern world, several options can be combined at once. Among the most common causes of low sperm activity are:

  • overvoltage;
  • stress;
  • strained relationship with a partner;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • bad ecology;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • vitamin deficiency.

As practice shows, infertility in pure form is rare in men. Usually, sperm quality deteriorates due to the above factors. As soon as you can figure out where the trouble came from, you can think about the selection of treatment. When reconsidering their lifestyle, not only men, but also women should. How to increase sperm activity? There are a lot of options: from revising your own lifestyle to taking a variety of drugs. It is desirable to combine the proposed methods. So you can improve the quality of sperm faster.

Breaking habits

No one doubts that when planning a pregnancy, a woman should refuse bad habits. And it is right. Only at the same time a man should give up smoking and alcohol, as well as psychotropic substances. Conception depends on both partners. And if a man has low sperm motility, then he should seriously approach the issue.

If you have had any addiction for a long time, giving it up should be gradual. Do not quit smoking right away - it is a huge stress for the body. But you shouldn't hesitate either. Doctors recommend giving up bad habits about a year before the intended conception.

Be patient - you will see changes in the spermogram no earlier than a month after giving up alcohol, tobacco and other addictions. After recovery, try not to get involved in bad habits anymore - at one fine moment they can lead to infertility.

Are pills needed?

Of course, many, when deciding how to increase sperm activity, decide on drug treatment. It's quite normal phenomenon. It is believed that it is medicines that best and fastest help restore the reproductive functions of the body. To some extent, this is true. But what can you take? What pills should I pay attention to? Usually they are prescribed by the attending physician. But you can also manage on your own. Especially if you are just planning a pregnancy and did not immediately go for an examination of the body.

In general, some point out that improving the quality of sperm is a serious and difficult issue. But it can often be solved without medical preparations. Just vitamins and a revision of your lifestyle are enough. Therefore, it is not always necessary to take pills as directed by a doctor. But they should not be neglected either. After all, drugs to improve sperm prescribed by a doctor will only speed up the process of restoring reproductive function. What medicines should be paid attention first of all?


There is such a drug for the activity of spermatozoa, like "Spermactin". These are the most commonly used oral tablets. They are recommended for daily use with meals. Just one capsule for a month - and sperm will improve significantly. "Spermactin" is prescribed by doctors most often. Its high efficiency is noted.

It is easy to get this tool, which is very pleasing. Pills have certification, doctors have proven positive influence"Spermactina" on male sperm. Women point out that taking pills regularly significantly increases the chances of conception. It is advisable to take this drug before pregnancy.


How to increase sperm motility? Another medication that will help you cope with the task is SpermActive. Many confuse it with "Spermactin". Doing this is not worth it. After all, the first drug is usually not prescribed by doctors, it is easier to find it in pharmacies, the cost of the drug is lower. But the action is no different.

We can say that SpermActive is a less expensive analogue of SpermActive. These capsules have certification, their effectiveness has also been proven. It is taken 1-2 times a day for a month. Remember to take the tablets with meals. As in the previous case, it is recommended to use the drug before pregnancy.

dietary supplements

Not everyone likes medication. Therefore, some rely on the action of biological supplements. Solving the question of how to increase the activity of spermatozoa, you can stumble upon a huge variety of miraculous dietary supplements. For example, "Parity", "Power of the Emperor", "Alycaps", "Secret of Tibet" and so on.

Doctors do not recommend such drugs when planning a pregnancy. As practice shows, despite vegetable composition biological additives, they still have low efficiency. But the cost of such drugs is often overestimated. You can take dietary supplements, but only to enrich the body with a variety of vitamins and minerals. But not for treatment.

Nutrition Revision

Diet during pregnancy planning also plays a huge role. And not only for women, but also for men. Depending on what a person eats, will change general state organism. Therefore, by reviewing your diet, you can improve the activity of spermatozoa.

What is the best way to eat? Of course, preference should be given healthy food. Eliminate to the maximum fatty, spicy, starchy foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables. IN without fail need to eat nuts. Just a handful a day - and you will notice significant changes in spermogram for the better.

Useful red meat, liver, grain products. Do not forget about dried apricots, dates, pumpkin seeds, bananas, sour cream, cottage cheese and raisins. Basically, any balanced diet enriched with nutrients. Sweets do not need to be completely excluded from the diet. Dark chocolate, for example moderate amounts only positively affects the reproductive function. So eat it at least once a week.


Do not forget about the additional enrichment of the body with a variety of nutrients. This is done by taking vitamins. Do not confuse them with dietary supplements, these are completely different drugs. Vitamins for sperm activity are diverse. What components should be paid attention first of all?

For starters, folic acid. It is prescribed during pregnancy for all women. And men are recommended to take folic acid to improve the quality of sperm. You should start using it in advance - 3-4 months before the planned conception.

Vitamin C is another very important component. Take it daily, and within a month, progress will be noticeable in restoring sperm activity. Usually no pills are required - only ascorbic acid.

It is also helpful to take vitamins A and B. They are most often prescribed in tablets. Injections with these drugs to improve sperm quality are almost never found in practice. Do not forget about vitamin E. Just 2 capsules a day for a month - and the number of spermatozoa with normal activity will increase.

You can drink a course of magnesium. It increases the speed of sperm movement, improves the fertilizing function and prolongs the life of sperm.

Instead of a conclusion

In principle, this is all that can be offered. In addition to the options listed, a man can take Spermaplant, Speman, Verona tablets. They are released without a doctor's prescription in all pharmacies.

Several Yet good advice- Less stress, more rest and build relationships with your partner. Stress is the source of most ailments. Take it into account. Remember, the better the general condition of your body, the higher the chances of conception. If you have any diseases, you must first get rid of them, only then plan a pregnancy. Now it is clear how to increase sperm motility.

A small amount and quality of semen in a man can become serious reason for concern, because these factors can be symptoms of infertility, prostatitis and other diseases. Preparations are an effective means to increase the quantity and quality of sperm.

Pharmacological preparations

To increase the amount of sperm, men often resort to taking various pharmacological drugs, such as:

All of these drugs are available without a prescription, but you still need to consult a urologist before taking them. Based on the tests and spermogram, he will select the most effective drug for the patient.

Biologically active additives

Dietary supplements are often used to treat infertility, prostatitis and other sexual ailments.

In particular, there are many drugs that have a positive effect on sperm count:

Active agent
  • "Spermaplant". The drug "Spermaplant" is intended primarily for the treatment of infertility. It contains: fructose, nettle extract, lemon acid. Active ingredients: carnitine; taurine, as well as arginine, thanks to which all processes of spermatogenesis are carried out. Medicines such as Spermaplant, due to their specificity, are usually prescribed by a doctor based on the results of a spermogram.
  • "Spermactin". This pill is a comprehensive treatment for infertility, which, among other things, increases the quantity, quality and motility of spermatozoa. As well as in the previous remedy, this drug includes fructose and citric acid. In addition, the active ingredients are: acetyl-L-carnitine and L-cartinine fumarate. Each substance plays a role in restoring the male reproductive system.
  • "Profertil". "Profertil" - extremely effective pills that restore the reproductive system not only in men, but also in women. The drug fully justifies its high cost, as it effectively increases the quantity and quality of sperm, restores the reproductive system. The active ingredients are: carnitine, arginine mnohydrochloride, glutathione and others. The drug is enriched with vitamins, including folic acid.
  • Valum capsules. This dietary supplement, in addition to potency and the amount of sperm, has a beneficial effect on the physical endurance of a man, which is why it has gained popularity. The dietary supplement contains only natural ingredients: extracts of Chinese bitter melon, Chinese herbs, cordyceps, asparagus rhizomes and drylizen, solidin and others.


Vitamins are usually distinguished by their low cost. When made well, they are extremely effective.

Examples of vitamins that increase sperm count are:

All of these vitamins can be obtained from food. But drugs will help to make up for their deficiency much faster. One-component vitamins are not expensive at all.

Vitamin complexes

No less effective in the process of increasing sperm can be vitamin complexes, many of which are specialized in improving the state of men's health.

These drugs include:

Vitamins for men
  • "Alphabet". The complex includes the components necessary for increasing sperm. In addition, the root Siberian ginseng. The drug is one of the most inexpensive vitamin complexes.
  • "Parity". The complex includes vitamins A, C, E. In addition, the active ingredients are zinc and selenium. This drug has a positive effect on potency, sperm secretion, general well-being men.
  • "Mens formula". The active ingredients of Mens-Formula are vitamin E and zinc. The complex supports the natural metabolism in the body, supports the functioning of the gonads, relieves fatigue and stress, restores physical endurance and improves mood.
  • "Complivit Classic". This complex is aimed at the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with a disorder of the male reproductive function, including a small amount of semen.

The above vitamin complexes can be taken as a prophylaxis of infertility or as ancillary drugs in the treatment of sexual diseases. In addition, such drugs are suitable for men planning to conceive a child in the future.

Herbal preparations

Fans of traditional medicine and other men to increase sperm volume can be advised drugs created on herbs:

folk medicine
  • Ginseng root. You can buy ginseng root at any pharmacy. The use is carried out as a tincture. In addition, the ginseng root contains the drug Saima Capsules. The root is included in many pharmacological preparations and vitamin complexes.
  • Thyme. Thyme can also be bought at pharmacies. Release it in the form of filter bags. The drug has an extremely low cost.
  • calamus root. To be more precise, calamus is a rhizome. It is sold in drugstores. Release form - dried mass. The instructions have a way to infuse the root.
  • Dubrovnik. Medicines made from dubrovnik extract are sold in pharmacies in the form of chewable plates. In addition, it can be purchased in the form of drops.
  • Nettle. Nettle leaves are sold in every pharmacy. There are many ways to infuse nettle.

Do not hope that herbs will be able to get rid of a serious reproductive disease. However, they can be used as excipient and for prevention. But you need to know in advance whether the drug will cause allergic reaction. All of these drugs increase the number and quality of spermatozoa.

Thus, this is a completely solvable problem. However, any man should pay attention to the fact that a low sperm count can be a symptom of a serious disease of the reproductive system. So, regardless of whether a man can cure the disease on his own or not, he needs to see a urologist.

There is a certain rate of sperm release after intercourse in a man. The normal volume in medicine is 2-4 ml. The only thing that affects the amount of ejaculate released is the process of fertilization.

The fact is that for a normally ongoing process of fertilization of an egg, at least 1.5 milliliters of sperm is needed. This volume will be quite enough, since this amount of seminal fluid contains from 15 to 20 million spermatozoa. Of course, the more sperm a man produces, the higher the chances of a woman getting pregnant. Therefore, sometimes the issue of increasing the volume of ejaculate becomes acute.

What does sperm production depend on?

The volume of sperm produced by a man depends on many factors in male body.

Men, just like women, need to take care of their body in order to be able to conceive a child without problems. sexual function very sensitive to everyone external manifestations, and therefore it is important not to forget about the reproductive organs, monitor your diet and lifestyle, and also undergo examinations on time.

How to increase sperm - the doctor's answer

What can reduce the volume of sperm produced?

A decrease in ejaculate production can occur for many reasons.

The most common problems are general when a man experiences severe hypothermia, significant overwork, or is exposed to viruses and bacteria. In such cases, as a rule, a representative of the stronger half feels a general malaise, deterioration in health, serious condition organism. Basically, with general malaise, the work of many organs, including the gonads, changes for a while.

A more serious and directed problem may be inflammatory processes directly in the organs of the reproductive, reproductive system, as well as in the organs genitourinary system. TO similar diseases include prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and various pathologies in the area of ​​testicles. The most dangerous in this case are diseases of the gonads. If a man does not get timely help and will not cure the inflammation in the testicles, he may forever remain barren.

For any discomfort in the testicles, especially in the presence of pain, noticeable swelling and inflammation, you should consult a doctor. For a man, the testicles are one of the most important organs, since they perform the function of procreation.

How to increase the amount of sperm?

As a rule, the question of how to increase the volume of sperm arises before a man only when he, together with his soulmate, seriously thinks about the need to have a child. In other situations this problem doesn't really matter. Of course, if a man experiences discomfort due to the fact that after sex a small amount of sperm is released, measures must be taken.

In order to increase the volume of sperm, it is necessary to use both drug treatment and additional funds associated with lifestyle changes. Among the drugs that increase sperm can be distinguished individual components such as folic acid, vitamins C and E. In addition, minerals (zinc and selenium) must be consumed. Good drugs, contributing to the acceleration of the process of producing ejaculate, are L-carnitine and L-arginine.

Often, special biological preparations are used to improve the process of ejaculate production in the body and increase the volume of sperm. active additives. These funds are convenient in that they can be used by almost all men, since dietary supplements, as a rule, are made on natural basis. Most natural ingredients do not cause allergic reactions.

In addition, biologically active additives, in addition to the main focus, also help to strengthen immune defenses and generally increase the tone of the body.

Popular drugs that increase sperm count:

  • Speman,
  • Spermaplant and others.

You can use the drugs yourself, however, it is still better to first consult with a specialist in order to prevent side effects.

In addition to the use of medications, important point also is a change in lifestyle and the rejection of many bad habits. If a man has a specific question - how to increase the volume of sperm, you need to understand that the first thing you should pay attention to is bad habits.

Before conceiving a child, it is advisable to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs at least a few months in advance. Ideally, the rejection of bad habits should occur long before the conception of a child, so that all bad habits toxic substances a man could leave the body, and the affected cells could recover.

To work out more sperm should start leading active image life, play sports, bring your weight back to normal. Physical activity has a positive effect on the functioning of the sex glands. However, it is important not to overdo it. Too much stress that causes severe stress on the body, on the contrary, will harm the process of sperm formation in the testicles.

It is also desirable to bring into your life as many new pleasant experiences and positive emotions as possible. This creates a favorable background for the work of the sex glands and helps to get rid of any stress and grief.

Methods to increase sperm count


Weak potency, flaccid penis, lack of long erection- not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male power is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man get a stable erection for sex, but they all have their drawbacks and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as prevention and accumulation male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

What foods increase sperm volume?

We all know that the protein in the body of a man on how the amount of sperm secreted increases. The fact is that most of the ejaculate consists of protein. Therefore, the more protein a man eats, the more material there is in the body to produce sperm.

Any representative of the strong half needs to eat as many natural protein foods as possible. These products include:

  • meat,
  • bird,
  • fish,
  • nuts and beans.

It is better to use meat and fish that are not too fatty, as fatty food on the contrary, it reduces the production of sperm.

Also, for the normal production of ejaculate, a man needs antioxidants, which are found in vegetables and fruits, and in quite a lot. in large numbers. natural products, with a real "sperm" effect are broccoli, avocado, pumpkin seeds, which also have a good effect on potency, grapes, beef liver and avocados. These products will help to quickly improve the functioning of the sex glands.

What medicines are used for better ejaculate production

Every man should remember that the question of how to increase sperm production should only be asked if it is a specific problem related to failure to conceive a child. As a rule, such a diagnosis is made by a doctor during an examination for infertility. Only in this case should resort to the use of drugs.

If the issue of childbearing is not in front of a man, then you should not worry about a small amount of seminal fluid. Of course, time dictates other standards, according to which the amount of sperm after intercourse speaks about the sexual capabilities of a man, however, in reality this is not so. The norm for any man is the release of sperm no more than 4 ml. Therefore, do not panic if the amount of semen released did not live up to expectations.

You can very quickly increase the volume of ejaculate produced by. As a rule, a large amount of sperm is a side effect of such drugs, so sometimes they can be used for other purposes.

Prolongators today are presented in a large assortment, so every man can choose something suitable for himself. The most popular options are: Stimul Potency Pills, Stimul Erection Cream, and Men Energy. You can buy such drugs in pharmacies and erotic goods stores.

The increase in semen production is often long-term and gradual process. Of course, in emergency cases you can use prolongators, but it’s better to take care of your lifestyle and put it in order. After all, drugs that prolong the duration of sexual intercourse will help to increase the amount of sperm only once. At the same time, without their use, the volume will again become small. And, besides, the state of the body will not get better, but for the conception of a healthy strong child you need good health, a strong and clean body. Therefore, if you are serious about conceiving a child, you need to work hard on yourself.

You serious problems with POTENTIAL?

Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • Increased irritability;
  • Lack of desire;
  • flaccid erection;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait and don't act radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! and find out how experts recommend treating...

The drug was developed in the USA to increase the total volume of semen during orgasm by as much as 500%, thanks to this you will experience an incredible erection with a super intense orgasm.

Semenax is a combination of 100% natural amino acids and strong herbal concentrates from China, Europe and South America, which stimulate an increase in the overall volume and quality of sperm.

To get an idea of ​​the important role of healthy ejaculation and male pleasure, let's take a look at how climax works. male orgasm occurs during the peak of sexual pleasure, when all types of muscles contract, including:

  • The pubococcygeus muscle - Pubococygeus muscle
  • The anal sphincter - Anal sphincter
  • Rectum - Rectum
  • Perineum - Perineum
  • Ejaculatory ducts - Ejaculatory ducts
  • Muscles around the penis - Muscle surrounding the penis

Contracting muscles are the key to ejaculation. The first contractions occur together, with an interval of approximately 0.8 seconds. With further orgasm, contractions decrease in intensity and duration, and occur less frequently. However, the more fluid you have that can be used for each orgasm, the more contractions are required to fully eject it, and the more pleasure you get!

... And each contraction is stronger and more intense!

Semenax can significantly increase the amount of ejaculatory fluid... reproductive system It's a complex interplay of different parts...

And for maximum pleasure, each of them must be in working order!

In addition to an increase in sperm count, you may also experience an increased libido.

This new method can also help in increasing erection hardness!

Supporting the body in a healthy and vigorous state is important for each of us, regardless of age, and any means that have healing power are good for this. If you take care of your masculine strength available means, without any side effects, then as a result you experience real pleasure received together with your partner. Semenax tablets, based on the complex herbal ingredients, favorably affecting the increase in the amount produced by the body, sperm, and this is not the only useful property of this drug.

The physiology of a man is such that an increase in the amount of sperm produced affects quality and duration of ejaculation. At the same time, the orgasm is much more intense and brighter, and both partners get real pleasure from each other. And this effect is exactly what Semenax helps to achieve. In addition, this drug has a beneficial effect on increasing fertility. In other words, Semenax tablets have a positive effect on a man's ability to reproduce. The fertility drug Semenax is most valuable for older men who aspire to procreate.

Drugs that improve sperm quality, affect certain areas of the body, not only improving male strength, but also positively affecting blood circulation in the reproductive system. Thus, there is a natural high-quality stimulation of all its organs, which has a positive effect on increasing the likelihood of fertilization of the egg. In addition, Semenax has a positive effect on the functioning of the prostate gland, the improper functioning of which leads to the first manifestations of prostatitis - one of the most common and very problematic male diseases. In general, Semenax tablets have a complex effect on the male body, so this drug is of interest even to absolutely healthy people For example, athletes, the stimulation of blood circulation is extremely important for the body.

The penis has always been and remains now a symbol of masculinity, success and superiority. It appears in sculpture, architecture and painting, and is also an object of fantasy in the cultures of different peoples. Mankind often focuses on the size of the penis and often the representatives of the stronger half seek to increase it. Men tend to dream of more long period erections, and therefore they try in every possible way to prevent premature ejaculation. The strong half of humanity wants to achieve more powerful orgasms.

That is why much attention is paid increase in sperm volume(seminal fluid). The concepts of sperm production and male power have become, in fact, inseparable. Men see that certain aspects of their sexuality and, as a result, pleasure directly depend on the volume of the ejaculate. As a result, almost every man wonders how to increase the amount of sperm.

Today, there are many methods and products that help to significantly increase the volume of sperm, however, Semenax, created on the basis of medicinal herbs, and having a versatile positive effect on the body of a man. However, the main function of Semenax remains an effective increase in the amount of sperm, which improves the physical proximity, and helping to speed up the process of conceiving a child.

    The main advantages of Semenax:
  • increase in sperm count up to 500%
  • prolonged ejaculation
  • longer orgasm
  • more vivid sensations during orgasm
  • improved sperm quality
  • for men is the best multivitamin
  • improving fertility, that is, improving the reproductive qualities of sperm
  • has the most high recommendations leading Urologists and Andrologists, as the best remedy contributing to the improvement of quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm

The mechanism of the male reproductive system

Initially, seminal plasma must accumulate in the ejaculatory canal until the onset of sexual arousal. The function of plasma is to protect and nourish the sperm as they move through the female reproductive system. The culmination of male sexual arousal is, directly, the orgasm itself, which is achieved due to the simultaneous contraction of different muscles: the pubococcygeal muscles contract simultaneously with contractions of the sphincter, perineum, rectum, ejaculatory canal, and other muscles in the area of ​​the penis. The main purpose of muscle contraction is to push seminal fluid through the canal of the penis. The strongest are the first few contractions, the interval between which is approximately one second. In the future, the intensity of muscle contractions decreases, and they appear with a frequency of two to three seconds.

semen volume depends on many factors, including diet, heredity, ecological situation, general health status, frequency sexual relations, age criterion. However, in almost all men, the composition of the ejaculate is the same. It consists of spermatozoa and a set of elements, the list of which is similar to the label of a medicinal product - vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), citric acid, choline, chlorine, creatine, calcium, cholesterol, hyaluronicase, fructose, inositol, glutathione, lactic acid, phosphorus, nitrogen, purine, vitamin B12, pyrimidine, sodium, pyruvic acid, potassium, magnesium, sorbitol and zinc. Moreover, each of the listed microelements is presented in a very small amount, and the average volume of ejaculate can be 1.5 - 5 milliliters.

Does semen volume really matter? Not only does it have, but also huge, regardless of whether there is a desire to become a father or just a man feels the need to increase the amount of seminal fluid for more pleasure in sex.

How to increase the volume of seminal fluid?

Exist hormonal preparations, antibiotics, drugs, the use of which can cause the production of increased sperm volume, as well as help get rid of hormonal imbalances and infections. At the same time, Semenax was being developed for this purpose. Its ability to increase the amount of seminal fluid produced by the body causes an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse, and real pleasure for both partners. Given the absolute harmlessness of Semenax for the body, it can even be used for the purpose of prevention for young people over the age of 18 years.

However, first of all, doctors recommend focusing on proper nutrition. Zinc must be present in the diet. This trace element is very important for the health of the body and its normal functioning in general, not to mention the production of normal sperm and testosterone. At the same time, excessive doses of zinc can be hazardous to health.

This is where Semenax will help, which contains a balanced composition of trace elements required to increase the production of healthy seminal fluid. Semenax was specially developed for the harmless increase in ejaculate. The drug helps naturally achieve an increase in ejaculate volume through a normal increase in testosterone in the male body. When it high content hormones increase semen and sperm production. Therefore, it becomes possible to increase the volume of ejaculate safely for the body. The Semenax preparation contains natural and herbal elements that affect the activation of the tone of the epididymis, ejaculatory canal, testicles, seminal vesicles, prostate gland and vas deferens. In other words, every part of the male reproductive system will benefit if there is a desire to increase naturally volume of seminal fluid produced.

She will be enough not for one, but for several ejaculations in a row.

Increasing the volume of sperm allows you to make ejaculation more powerful, and orgasm longer and more intense.

When does Semenax begin to act and what is the period of taking the drug?

For maximum results, Semenax is recommended to be taken daily for 2 to 4 months. Feedback from our customers suggests that the effectiveness of the drug becomes noticeable after a few days of regular use.

What side effects can occur while taking Semenax?

Semenax is natural product produced from and extracts of herbs and other natural ingredients, therefore, for all its effectiveness, it is harmless, safe and undesirable consequences does not call.

Composition of Semenax

Semenax - unique drug from 17 carefully selected high-quality natural ingredients, which together give stunning results for men's health. Each ingredient brings its own individual benefits, and has an impact when interacting with other components, selected in a strictly defined proportion.

Pollen from swedish flowers- enriches with useful microelements, enzymes and amino acids, heals the reproductive and genitourinary systems, lowers cholesterol levels, protects the liver, is a source of energy, strength and masculinity, improves immunity.

L-Arginine HCL- increases the amount of sperm, makes it more mobile and active, increases fertility, promotes the production of nitric oxide, which improves erection by dilating blood vessels, relieves anxiety, increases stamina and activity, and also improves immunity. Semenax Reviews confirm that it also helps in sports training, affects the growth muscle tissue, accelerates wound healing.

L-LYSINE- in combination with zinc, this amino acid stimulates more active production of not only sperm, but also testosterone, affects the quality of sperm, enhances the effect of L-arginine, which is the main task Semenaks.

Goryanka arrow-leaved- increases testosterone levels, increases libido, increases nitric oxide levels, which increases erection by increasing blood flow, is an aphrodisiac.

Zinc oxide and zinc aspartate- affects the production of testosterone, promotes the production of more sperm, improves its quality, improves consistency and color, normalizes the activity of the prostate, supports reproductive functions.

L-carnitine- healthy sperm should contain significant amount this amino acid, it increases the concentration of sperm, sperm motility, serves as a prevention of male infertility.

Catuaba bark- Brazilian aphrodisiac, increases libido and endurance, is an antidepressant, stimulates the central nervous system, has a general strengthening and healing effect on the entire reproductive system.

pumpkin seed- contributes to the normalization of hormone production, together with zinc strengthens the health of the prostate gland, improves the quality and volume of sperm, helps to prevent and treat prostatitis.

Maca Peruvian- aphrodisiac, increases libido, endurance, sexual desire and potency, adds energy and sexual activity, increases the volume of sperm, has an anti-inflammatory effect in relation to prostate. Semenaks reviews talk about the prevention of infertility.

Vitamin E- strengthens erection, is strong antioxidant, improves the activity of the CCC, normalizes the hormonal background by improving the absorption of nutrients.

Pine bark extract- promotes the production of nitric oxide, which is necessary for the health of the male reproductive system, helps to enrich the body with flavonoids and antioxidants, relieves erectile dysfunction.

muira puama- sometimes called the "potency tree", improves erection, increases libido, acts as an aphrodisiac, tones, relieves fatigue, increases mental activity.

Hawthorn- operates in Semenax as an antioxidant and bioflavonoid, promotes circulation and promotes health of cardio-vascular system, normalizes blood pressure, eliminates cholesterol and body fat, strengthens erectile function.

Cranberry extract- aphrodisiac, strengthens the health of the urinary tract, effectively fights urological infections, helps in the treatment of prostate problems, enriches with vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants, increases libido, maintains an erection.

Tribulus/Tribestan- promotes more active production of the hormone lutoenzin (LH) and testosterone.

Avena sativa extract- general strengthening effect, giving strength, sharpening the senses, increasing libido, awakening sexuality, increasing the level of free testosterone, improves erection.

Sarsaparilla- used to solve the problems of infertility, impotence, urological and dermatological diseases, increases sexual desire.

How to increase the amount of sperm? quantitative and qualitative composition sperm largely determines the process of conceiving a child, and in more than a third of cases of infertility it is male spermatozoa become the culprit of pathology. In principle, increasing the volume of sperm is not very difficult, if it is correctly established what caused it to decrease. Basically, the issue of increasing the amount of sperm is associated with lifestyle and domestic reasons, which is easily corrected by the man himself. However, in some cases the reasons lie in pathological processes in the body, and here you can not do without serious treatment.

The essence of the problem

Any sexual contact should end with ejaculation, i.e., the release of a certain amount of sperm. It is this process that ensures the conception of the fetus and the emotional perception of sex. If in the latter case the emotional effect depends only on the quantitative parameter, then the birth of offspring is ensured both by the quantity and quality of the seminal fluid.

A sperm count of at least 2 ml is considered normal (average 2.5-4.5 ml). If this indicator becomes below the norm, then we can talk about an insufficient volume of sperm - oligospermia (hypospermia). When such a phenomenon is not associated with other pathologies, it is not dangerous to health, but leads to male infertility and incomplete satisfaction from sexual contact.

The number of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid determines its quality and, most often, the volume of ejaculation. The main indicators for evaluating sperm health include the quantity, quality and motility of spermatozoa. The normal number of spermatozoa is estimated at 20 million per 1 ml of semen. Although only 1 sperm is enough to fertilize a female egg, quantitative characterization increases the likelihood of fertilization and forms the total volume of sperm. Extreme option- their complete absence, leading to azoospermia, which is recognized as a disease and requires treatment.

The quality of spermatozoa is assessed by their shape (oval head and long tail) and fertility. Quality semen should contain at least 50% healthy sperm from their total number. Any seminal fluid contains both mobile and immobile spermatozoa; A healthy composition is one in which there are more than half of the mobile elements.

How to determine insufficient volume

The volume of seminal fluid plays a significant role in the completion of sexual contact. An increased sperm count causes good male potency and increases the chance of conception. Increased semen volume causes more muscle contraction during ejaculation, which increases emotional perception (pleasure).

If a man has suspicions about the lack of volume, then it can be assessed independently. To do this, just do the following. The entire amount of released sperm is collected in a condom and kept there for 45-60 minutes. The liquid is then transferred to a beaker or syringe reservoir with a graduated scale. The resulting volume should be at least 2 ml. However, it should be borne in mind that the amount in the range of 1.7-2 ml does not always indicate pathology. In addition, there may be isolated cases decrease in the number under the influence of a number of objective factors.

In progress medical examination the condition of the testicles is checked. A decrease in their size and softness may indicate a deficiency of hormones involved in the formation of sperm. With reduced and dense testicles, a reduced sperm count can be suspected.

Etiology of the phenomenon

A decrease in sperm volume, starting at about 40 years of age, is considered a normal physiological process and the age factor plays a role. important role in its formation. However, other reasons can lead to such an annoying phenomenon:

  1. Bad habits lead to ejaculation problems. alcohol, nicotine, drugs significantly reduce the number of spermatozoa.
  2. Nervous stress is considered the most important factor in reducing the production of sex hormones and sperm count. Similarly, constant psychological stress and depression affect.
  3. Excessive body weight causes an increase in the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which inhibits the function of seminal fluid production.
  4. Prolonged and frequent overheating of the testicles contributes to oligospermia. Harm can be caused by wearing tight and tight underwear, excessive stay in the bath, sauna, hot tub. To the group increased risk include professions associated with prolonged sitting in warm conditions, as well as foundry workers, workers servicing furnaces and furnaces, and truck drivers. They are recommended preventive exercise therapy for the pubococcygeus muscle.
  5. Oligospermia may develop if various toxins enter the body due to industrial pollution at the workplace or poor environmental conditions of the air. Vapors of gasoline, solvents, varnishes, paints, pesticides, etc. are especially dangerous. Selenium is often used as a substance that neutralizes toxic effects.
  6. A decrease or cessation of sperm ejection occurs with a number of infectious diseases genitourinary system and sexually transmitted diseases. A significant role is played by inflammatory processes in the testicles and their appendages, testes and prostate gland (vesiculitis, prostatitis). The transferred injuries of the genital organ or spinal column, diabetes, stroke.

The important role of nutrition

Diet plays an important role in shaping the composition and volume of seminal fluid. Spermatogenesis is significantly improved when using natural ecologically clean products. In order to have a lot of sperm and have the right quality, foods enriched with the following beneficial substances should be included in the diet:

  1. Vitamin E: the minimum requirement is 12-16 mg, and in the treatment of hypospermia, the norm should be increased by 2.5-3 times. It is provided with walnuts and hazelnuts, almonds.
  2. Vitamin C: important antioxidant for the body, the daily requirement is 90-120 mg, any excess of the norm is perceived positively. Rose hips, red pepper, parsley, dill, kiwi, citrus fruits, strawberries, asparagus, green peas are considered natural sources.
  3. Vitamin A: helps. Sources of the vitamin are dried apricots, oatmeal, carrots, dairy products, spinach, sweet potato, lettuce, broccoli.
  4. Vitamin B9 (folic acid): important for increasing the chance of conception. Found in cereals legumes, avocado, greens.
  5. Vitamin B11 (carnitine, arginine): useful for male potency. Contained in meat and meat products, nuts, pumpkin seeds.
  6. Polyunsaturated acids: increase potency and increase blood flow to the penis. You can use walnuts, sardines, salmon fish, chicken, shrimps, crabs, arugula.
  7. Minerals: zinc (daily requirement - 14-16 mg) and selenium (75-110 mg) are especially needed. The right amount is found in seafood, pistachios, corn, beef, turkey, eggs, natural yogurt, you can apply universal remedy- Selzink.

If there are problems with normal ejaculation, then it is recommended to exclude such dishes from the diet: fatty foods, pastries, muffins, sweets, smoked products. You need to forget about eating in fast food establishments.

Therapeutic impact

Therapeutic treatment is aimed at eliminating the main pathological causes of a decrease in sperm volume. Medical therapy at infectious lesions It is based on antibacterial agents, and with hormonal imbalances, appropriate hormonal preparations are prescribed. Vitamin therapy helps to improve ejaculation, homeopathic remedies, dietary supplements. A positive effect is noted when using physiotherapeutic technologies, especially treatment in a pressure chamber, magnetotherapy, laser exposure, reflexology.

Medications can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, since their intake does not always have an unambiguous effect. Thus, the use of Viagra leads to an increase in potency, but can significantly reduce sperm motility, which worsens the quality of sperm. The deterioration of the composition of sperm in terms of conception can be caused by antibiotics, steroid drugs, some analgesics and antiallergic drugs. It is recommended to use products based on medicinal herbs: SpermaPlant, Spermaktin, Profertil, Tentex forte, Speman. Useful restorative means: Tribestan, Viardot, Verona, Indiga plus.

To increase the volume of sperm, you can also recommend drugs that increase the content of testosterone - Tribulus, Terrestis, Enanthate, Undecanoate. A positive effect is found in the appointment of Glutamine, Arginine, Taurine, Carnitine, Tyrosine, amino acid complex. To the last modern drugs include preparations of the Volume - Volume 500 group based on natural ingredients used in oriental medicine, and Volume Pills based on herbs and amino acids, as well as Performer 5.

To resolve the issue of saturation with the necessary vitamins, vitamin complexes are prescribed. The positive role of such drugs is especially noted: Alphabet, Parity, Complivit (classic), Mens Formula.

The use of folk remedies

Traditional medicine does not stand aside from sexual problems. The following folk recipes allow you to normalize the volume and quality of sperm:

  1. Drink from nuts and honey: walnut (10 pcs) is crushed and infused in water (200 ml) for 3.5-4 hours, after which honey (1 tablespoon) is added, drunk with meals.
  2. Mixture: used 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning with breakfast.
  3. Decoction: wild rose (10-12 berries) is mixed with elecampane root (1 tablespoon) and poured with water (0.5 l), boiled for 25-30 minutes, 1 tbsp is taken. spoon after 2-2.5 hours for 3 days.
  4. Infusion: sage (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and infused for 35-40 minutes, taken 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals.
  5. Fresh nettle borscht - eaten at dinner.
  6. Compote of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs is especially useful in winter with vitamin deficiency.

Except listed recipes, it is recommended to drink more decoction of plantain seeds, eat pine nuts and sprouted wheat grains. Long ago in medicinal purposes a composition based on aloe leaves is used, which are mixed with figs, dates, honey, walnuts, lemon, raisins, dried apricots in equal proportions. All ingredients are mixed with a blender. The remedy is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Reduced sperm production leads to male infertility and erectile dysfunction. This problem should be dealt with in various ways, but first of all, you need to get rid of bad habits, normalize nutrition and correct the daily routine. Most often, by correcting his lifestyle, a man manages to correct the situation on his own.



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