Permitted psychotropic drugs. List of modern antipsychotic drugs

Psychotropic drugs are aimed at changing the mental and emotional state person.

Depending on the effects they have and their mechanisms of action, all psychotropic drugs can be divided into several main groups.


Neuroleptics, or otherwise antipsychotics, are used to treat psychosis, mania, and schizophrenia. The main property of antipsychotic drugs is their ability to eliminate hallucinations and delusions in patients with these disorders.

Antipsychotics are especially often used to treat schizophrenia, a disease characterized by significant disturbances in thinking, inadequate perception surrounding world with accompanying hallucinations and delusions.

This group of drugs includes derivatives of phenothiazine (chlorpromazine, etc.), butyrophenone (haloperidol, droperidol), thioxanthene (chlorprothixene).

To the so-called atypical antipsychotics include clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, aripiprazole and others.


The main property of antidepressants is the elimination of symptoms depressive state: depression, sad mood, feelings of despair, self-blame. Antidepressants must be used in a course; their main effect, as a rule, is delayed in time and appears after 2-3 weeks of use. Based on the type of action, antidepressants are divided into several classes.

  • Monoamine reuptake inhibitors. This group includes tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine, amitriplitine), which prevent the uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine, as well as selectively disrupt the uptake of serotonin (fluoxetine, citalopram, paroxetine) and norepinephrine (maprotiline).
  • MAO inhibitors. Non-selective MAO inhibitors (nialamide, phenelzine, transamine) and MAO-A inhibitors(moclobemide).
  • Atypical antidepressants: mirtazapine, nomifeshin, venlafaxine, nefazadone.

Tranquilizers (anxiolytics)

Anxiolytics - psychotropic substances used for treatment anxiety disorders. They reduce feelings of fear, anxiety, eliminate emotional tension and anxiety.

The most common drugs in this group are benzodiazepine derivatives: diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, alprazolam, oxazepam.


Psychostimulants - group psychoactive substances that improve mental activity, enhance concentration and improve performance, as well as give a feeling of vigor and energy and temporarily reduce the need for sleep.

Amphetamine, for example, is a potent psychostimulant, but its use is limited due to side effects and the development of addiction. In practice, the drug mesocarb (sydnocarb) is more often used. In addition, caffeine has a psychostimulating effect.


A group of synthetic and plant origin, which have a general calming effect, and also reduce irritability and improve sleep.

Sedatives include bromides (sodium and potassium), valerian and motherwort preparations, and benzodiazepines also have a sedative effect. Combined sedatives include Corvalol, Valocordin, Validol, and Bekhterev's mixture.


Nootropics - drugs that stimulate metabolic processes in the brain and have an antihypoxic effect. In some patients, nootropic drugs improve memory, increase learning ability, prevent hypoxia, and improve blood circulation. Nootropic drugs: piracetam, glycine, GABA, Semax, ginkgo biloba and others.

Psychotropic drugs are drugs that, when introduced into the human body, affect the central nervous system resulting in changes in higher mental functions(perception, thinking, memory, emotions, drives, motivations, etc.). Until now no unified classification psychotropic drugs. In 1969, the WHO Committee proposed a classification of 7 headings: 1) neuroleptics; 2) anxiolytic drugs (tranquilizers 1); 3) antidepressants; 4) normothymic drugs (anti-manic drugs); 5) nootropic drugs; 6) psychostimulants; 7) psychodysleptics (hallucinogens).

The most widespread classification of psychotropic drugs at present is proposed by J. Delay and P. Deniker (1961) and supplemented by S.N. Mosolov (2000). According to this classification, psychotropic drugs are divided into 4 groups depending on the predominance of inhibitory or excitatory effects:

    Psycholeptics (or psychodepressants) are drugs that reduce painfully elevated or normal mental processes:

    1. neuroleptics or antipsychotics (old name: major tranquilizers);

      anxiolytics or tranquilizers (old name: minor tranquilizers;

    Psychoanaleptics are drugs that increase normal level painfully reduced mental processes:

    1. psychostimulants;


    Psychodisleptic hallucinogens (psychotomimetics) are drugs that painfully enhance mental processes.

    Thymoisoleptics (normothymic drugs) are drugs that prevent painful mood swings and stabilize it at a level normal for a healthy person.

The presented classification does not include 2 groups of drugs, which are traditionally also discussed in this section - sedatives and nootropics. This is due to the fact that the psychotropic effect of these groups of drugs manifests itself only in pathological conditions; they do not have a noticeable effect on healthy individuals. A number of authors believe that the psychotropic effect of nootropic drugs is not the main, but a side effect in the spectrum of their action.

Psychotropic drugs find their use mainly in psychoneurological practice. These drugs are used to treat schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, and neuroses. But certain drugs have firmly taken their place in the treatment of somatic pathology in humans.

Part 1. Neuroleptics

If they used to say: knowing syphilis means knowing medicine, now we can say that knowing phenothiazines means knowing pharmacology.

Cornman, 1962

Neuroleptics are drugs of various chemical groups that, when introduced into the body, suppress specific manifestations of psychosis and have a tranquilizing and sedative effect. Neuroleptics got their name due to their ability to induce a state of neurolepsy. This symptom complex was described in 1955 by J. Delay and P. Deniker. It was characterized by a peculiar suppression of emotional-volitional and mental activity against the background of clear consciousness and without impaired criticism, which manifested itself in people after taking the drugs. As a result, a person developed a special feeling of peace, internal tension weakened, psychomotor agitation significantly decreased, instincts were suppressed, and lethargy set in with characteristic indifference to the environment and psychopathological productive symptoms. In parallel with this, a striking extrapyramidal syndrome and a number of neurological and autonomic side effects developed.

For a long time this characteristic was considered undeniable, but after its introduction into clinical practice leponex and sulpiride, it was shown that neurolepsy is not the main, but a side effect of these drugs. Therefore, currently abroad this group is usually called not antipsychotics, but antipsychotics.

Definition of concepts. Since the leading area of ​​application of antipsychotics is psychiatry, let us dwell on the definition of basic concepts. Psychosis– a group of the most severe mental illnesses, accompanied by severe mental disorders (blurred consciousness, productive symptoms, severe motor and affective disorders). Among psychoses, schizophrenia ranks first both in terms of prevalence in the population (0.1-1%), and in terms of the severity of socio-economic consequences. In the clinic of psychosis, as is clear from the definition, it is customary to distinguish between productive and negative symptoms.

“Productive” are symptoms that are a specific product of a sick psyche, arising in the absence of any real adequate stimuli. Productive symptoms are delusions (or delusions) and hallucinations. Rave- an objectively false, distorted assessment of the facts of reality, false judgments and conclusions that arose in the patient without an adequate external reason, completely taking over his consciousness and not amenable to any correction. Hallucinations– disturbances of perception in the form of sensations and images that arise involuntarily without a real stimulus and acquire the character of objective reality for the patient.

“Negative”, on the contrary, is the loss of any manifestations of mental activity in response to the influence of adequate external signals. Negative symptoms include abulia, apathy, etc. Abulia– loss of will, aspirations, desires. Apathy– indifference to surrounding persons, phenomena, emptiness of the emotional-volitional sphere. Autism– withdrawal into oneself, loss of interest in the environment, absorption in personal experiences. Mutismcomplete absence verbal communication with others. Negativism– resisting demands or performing counter-actions.

Historical reference. Phenothiazine (thiodiphenylamine) was synthesized in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century during the search for new aniline dyes based on methylene blue. Until the 40s of the 20th century, phenothiazine was used in medicine as an anthelmintic for the treatment of enterobiasis and an antiseptic for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. Subsequently, the introduction into medical practice of more effective and less toxic drugs led to the fact that phenothiazine remained in the arsenal of veterinary medicine (for the treatment of helminthic infestations) and the disinfection service (a means for destroying mosquito larvae).

At the end of the 30s of the 20th century, it was discovered that the N-substituted phenothiazine derivative, promethazine, has a powerful antihistamine and sedative effect. The French scientist A. Labori decided to create fundamentally new anesthetics based on N-substituted phenothiazines, which would not only cause anesthesia, but would also be able to stabilize the functions of the ANS and have an antihistamine effect. In 1952, on the instructions of A. Labori, the chemist Charpentier synthesized chlorpromazine (chlorpromazine). During testing, it was found that chlorpromazine potentiates the effect of anesthesia, reduces body temperature, promotes sleep, but does not cause loss of consciousness. The idea of ​​​​developing a new generation of anesthetics turned out to be untenable.

Also in 1952, the French psychiatrist J. Delay at the Parisian Val-de-Grâce hospital successfully used chlorpromazine to treat a young man suffering from schizophrenia with attacks of mania. Until this time, the “3 pillars” of psychiatry were reserpine, bromides and electroconvulsive therapy. However, for this one, they all did not bring the desired effect. After the patient was administered 855 mg of chlorpromazine for 20 days, stable remission occurred. In the same year, J. Delay and P. Deniker began to widely use chlorpromazine, and in 1955 they proposed the term “neurolepsy” to characterize its action. In 1958, several compounds of this group were synthesized at once - teralen (French company Teraplix), frenolone (Hungarian scientists Borsy and Toldi). In 1959, the Janssen laboratory (Belgium) synthesized haloperidol, thereby discovering a new promising group of antipsychotics.

Classification of neuroleptics. The classification was originally based on chemical principle, but, as it turned out later, the chemical structure of antipsychotics is closely related to their pharmacological and clinical properties. Currently there are:

    TYPICAL NEUROLEPTICS (characterized by clear antagonism of dopamine receptors, a classically complete set of all pharmacological and undesirable effects):

    1. Phenothiazine derivatives ( "azins"):

      1. aliphatic structure: chlorpromazine;

        piperazine structure: fluphenazine, trifluoperazine, thioproperazine;

        piperidine structure: thioridazine.

    2. Thioxanthene derivatives: chlorprothixene, flupenthixol.

      Butyrophenone derivatives ( "peridols"):haloperidol, droperidol.

      Diphenylbutylpiperidine derivatives ( "up"):fluspirilene, pimozide.

    ATYPICAL NEUROLEPTICS (characterized by the absence or low risk of developing unwanted extrapyramidal effects):

    1. Dibenzodiazepine derivatives: clozapine, olanzapine.

      Indole derivatives: molindone, sertindole.

      Benzamide derivatives ( "pridy"):tiapride, sulpiride, remoxypride.

      Imidazolindinone derivatives: risperidone, ziprasidone.

Psychotropic drugs include drugs that affect human mental activity. Seizures symptoms that appear despite the use of anticonvulsants require discontinuation of treatment with psychotropic drugs.

It must be remembered that when treating mentally ill patients with psychotropic drugs, the dosages used significantly exceed the highest daily doses of psychotropic drugs indicated in the Pharmacopoeia. Psychotropic drugs often cause side effects, in some cases so severe that because of them it is necessary to stop treatment and use medications to eliminate the complications that have developed.

It is necessary to immediately stop treatment with psychotropic drugs, as acute yellow liver atrophy may develop.

A drop in the white blood cell count below 3500 with the simultaneous disappearance of granulocytes requires immediate cessation of treatment with psychotropic drugs. Skin allergic dermatitis more often occur with additional action ultraviolet light. Therefore, patients are not recommended to be in the sun during treatment with psychotropic drugs.

General principles of classification Since 1950, after the synthesis of largactil (synonym: chlorpromazine, aminazine), psychotropic drugs quickly found use in psychiatric practice. Regular daily dose-50-200 mg; max, additional - 500 mg. Major and minor tranquilizers make up the main group of psychotropic drugs - neuroplegics.

See also Psychotomimetic drugs. 1. Control applies to all products and substances specified in this list, no matter what brand names (synonyms) they are designated by.

Psychotropic drugs

These are typical antipsychotics that have all the basic properties of this group of drugs. Aminazine potentiates the effect of anesthesia, anticonvulsants, hypnotics, and analgesics. Triftazin can also be used as an antiemetic.

The occurrence of thrombosis and thromboembolism during treatment with psychotropic drugs requires immediate cessation of treatment. The drugs in each of these groups differ in the intensity of action (at equivalent dosages).

Characteristic individual drugs In psychiatric practice, doses are often used that are many times higher than those indicated in the pharmacopoeia. They are designated in this article as maximum.

The usual daily dose is 3-10 mg; max. - 20 mg. 3. Haloanisone (sedalant).

List II[edit edit wiki text]

Minor tranquilizers The most commonly used minor tranquilizers (in part, these are minor antidepressants) include the following drugs. For more detailed pharmaco-clinical characteristics of the drugs in the group listed above, see Neuroplegics.

Psychotropic substances[edit edit wiki text]

Substances classified as neuroleptics, such as nosinan, taractan, and frenolone, are quite widely used as antidepressants. The list of substances for which criminal liability occurs is not limited to this list.

Drugs of each of these groups are prescribed for corresponding mental illnesses and neuroses. Antipsychotic drugs have an antipsychotic (eliminate delusions, hallucinations) and sedative (reduce feelings of anxiety, restlessness) effect.

List of narcotic drugs

Triftazin has an antiemetic effect. Release form: tablets of 0.005 g and 0.01 g; ampoules of 1 ml of 0.2% solution.

THIOPROPERAZINE (pharmacological synonyms: mazeptil) is an antipsychotic drug with a stimulating effect. Side effects thioproperazine, indications for use and contraindications are similar to those for triftazine. PERICIAZINE (pharmacological synonyms: neuleptil) - the antipsychotic effect of the drug is combined with a sedative - “behavior corrector”.

Mental disorders manifested by lethargy are primarily various depressive syndromes- Treated with antidepressants.

Side effects that occur most often in the first two to four weeks after the start of treatment. These phenomena special treatment not required. Rare functional disorders thyroid gland or disorders in the form of Itsenko-Cushing syndrome (see Itsenko-Cushing disease) require cessation of treatment.

Side effects that appear in different terms after starting treatment. Some of them are able to eliminate hallucinations, delusions, catatonic disorders and have an antipsychotic effect, others have only a general calming effect.

In a similar way, we can talk about “big” and “small” antidepressants. Substances that cause mental disorders include mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide, psilocybin, and sernyl.

The most commonly used psychoanaleptic drugs (antidepressants) include the following. 3. Transit through the territory Russian Federation narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors included in this list are prohibited.

Psychotropic drugs - in in a broad sense- these are all medications that have a certain effect on the human psyche. These include: sleeping pills, sedatives, psychostimulants or painkillers. In a narrow sense, these are drugs that affect the activity of the central nervous system. Psychotropic drugs are divided into three groups: antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers.


Based on their tolerability and safety, antidepressants can be differentiated into two groups - 1st and 2nd line drugs. The first of them consisted of thymoleptics, which belong to the “new” generations of medications. The second is drugs that have more pronounced side effects.


Neuroleptics - antipsychotic drugs, have a calming effect, weaken or stop hallucinations, delusions, reduce aggressiveness and other manifestations mental disorders.


Tranquilizers - medicinal substances, have a calming effect on the central nervous system, eliminate fear, and help to relax. For example, Valium (diazepam), lithium and a hallucinogen, as well as caffeine and the popular psychostimulant drug amphetamine. These funds increase physical strength, endurance, and improve mental performance.

Indications for use

  • Depression, psychosis.
  • Schizophrenia.
  • Phobias (fears), mental stress.
  • Decreased performance, loss of strength.

When should psychotropic medications be used?

Psychotropic drugs are used to treat mental disorders. Antidepressants are primarily used to treat depression. They are prescribed if the patient has long time there is lethargy, decline in physical and mental performance in the absence of obvious somatic causes. Antipsychotics are commonly used in the treatment of schizophrenia. Tranquilizers are prescribed if a person suffers from a phobia, severe mental stress. Lithium is prescribed for prophylaxis in the treatment of manic-depressive psychosis. Tablets containing caffeine and amphetamine are used for recovery physical strength. Psychostimulants are used to treat hyperactivity syndrome in children.

Advantages and disadvantages

Psychotropic drugs are used to treat severe mental illness(for example, schizophrenia and severe forms depression). Positive effect in the treatment of these diseases is scientifically grounded and practically confirmed. Psychotropic medications alleviate symptoms of mental illness. However, psychotropic drugs should not be used too often to treat mild mental disorders. Today psychotropic drugs can only be auxiliary, used in conjunction with other (mainstream) psychiatric treatment methods. For example, when treating depression, it is not enough to use only antidepressants; it is necessary to establish the real reason diseases and apply appropriate treatment.

Drug addiction

Most psychotropic substances long-term use cause drug dependence. Overdosing on many medications used to treat depression can cause epileptic seizure. Some antidepressants cause problems heart rate, when used, changes blood pressure. Antipsychotics can cause dyskinesia - involuntary movements.

Impaired consciousness

Psychoactive substances have a depressant effect on the central nervous system, causing the development of severe side effects and complications with impaired consciousness, respiratory and circulatory disorders. For example, a person taking sedatives, becomes indifferent, apathetic. Neuroleptics and sedatives block the ability to learn something new and resolve conflicts.

Psychotropic drugs only alleviate the symptoms of mental disorders. With their long-term use, it is possible to develop drug addiction. If there are mental disorders, then you need to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can determine their true cause.

Psychotropic drugs are medications that influence the human psyche. However, it must be said right away that if, after using such drugs, a person begins to experience seizures that cannot be relieved even with the help of anticonvulsants, then psychotropic drugs must be stopped, otherwise things may end badly.

It must be taken into account that when treating mentally ill people with such medications, the daily dose of such drugs should be significantly greater than the most high doses psychotropic drugs that are indicated in the Pharmacopoeia. These medications can often cause various kinds side effects, and such side effects are sometimes so dangerous, then the doctor decides to stop taking such medications, and sometimes it is generally necessary to prescribe medications that eliminate the resulting complications.

We must remember that as soon as any kind of side effects, taking psychotropic drugs should be stopped immediately, otherwise yellow liver atrophy may develop, and it may be in acute form, which is extremely dangerous.

If the white blood cell count drops to below 3500 and granulocytes disappear at the same time, then such medications should be stopped immediately. And people who are under the influence of such medications are strongly advised not to stay in direct sunlight for long periods of time, as this may cause serious danger development of dermatitis allergic type, they develop very well when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

Types of psychotropic drugs

We are primarily talking about typical antipsychotics, which have all the properties of this group of medications. If during healing process If psychotropic drugs cause thrombosis and thromboembolism, then treatment with such drugs is stopped immediately, otherwise the situation may worsen greatly. It should be noted that such drugs vary in their degree of impact and intensity, and each product also has its own purpose. It is best to know what the list of psychotropic drugs looks like.

Sleeping pills

Such drugs have widespread, since a person spends more than a third of his life during sleep. Of course, if we take into account sleeping pills, which act very strongly, then a prescription is required to purchase them. Here we are talking, first of all, about time-tested barbiturates. However, there are also many sleeping pills, which can be freely purchased without a prescription.

The fact is that they do not have the strongest psychoactive inhibitory effect on the body, and even with an overdose there should not be significant problems. If a person’s sleep disorders are not the most complex, then such remedies will certainly provide significant support to the body. It is better to talk in more detail about the most common drugs of this type; it should be noted that sleeping pills are very often sold without a prescription.

List of sleeping pills

  • Melaxen, which contains melatonin, is what regulates sleep cycles. The main function of such a remedy is to induce a drowsy effect, so that a person falls asleep quite quickly. This drug also has a sedative effect, that is, a calming effect. The product has the following advantages: there is no need to worry about an overdose, since the drug disintegrates very quickly. The sleep here is of a physiological nature, which is clearly positive. There are no sleep disturbances, no nightmares, awakening is normal. It also does not cause a feeling of weakness; it is possible to drive a car. However, there are also disadvantages: it can cause allergies, swelling peripheral type, and it’s not cheap either. This drug is well suited for moderate and mild insomnia, and the medicine also perfectly helps adapt to sleep during a sudden change in time zones;
  • Donormil is essentially an antihistamine type drug. However, its direct purpose is not to fight allergic reactions, and counteract insomnia and other sleep disorders. This sleeping pill is rightfully considered one of the best of its kind, it can be used by young, healthy people, and there is no need to fear any consequences. The advantages are undoubtedly: the tablet is effervescent, dissolves very quickly, a person falls asleep quickly and sleeps for a long time. However, there are disadvantages: there are side effects common to many antihistamines, namely, dryness appears in the mouth, it is difficult to wake up, and it can also make you sleepy in daytime. And this remedy should not be used by people who have liver problems and who have disturbances during sleep. respiratory process, here sleeping pills are simply irreplaceable;
  • Corvalol has been tested by time; it is the only medicine that contains a barbiturate. So such a remedy has significant power, and its low cost ensures popularity that does not fall already long years. It has a mild antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles internal organs, it can be used even in the presence of tachycardia. If we talk about disadvantages, then we need to mention the strong specific smell that permeates the entire room, if such a product is used on on a regular basis. Women who are breastfeeding should refrain from taking Corvalol; it is better not to use any sleeping pills in this condition.

A few more popular sleeping pills

  • Novo-passit is good because it is made on the basis of herbal remedies, a combined type product, it has a calming effect, and also has an anti-anxiety effect, so it is excellent for sleep disorders. If we talk about the advantages, then this is, first of all, very quick effect, and if you use syrup, the action is even faster. Cons: There may be drowsiness during the day, and in cases of overdose there may be a depressed feeling. It should not be used by children, and should not be used by those who suffer from chronic alcoholism;
  • Persen-forte is a combination type drug that contains mint, valerian and lemon balm. The action is soft, has sedative effect, no unpleasant odor No. If we talk about the advantages, then this product is specifically intended for use at night, if a person cannot fall asleep due to nervous excitement, then this remedy fits perfectly. There are also disadvantages, since the product cannot be purchased in liquid form, if a person has biliary tract disorders, then you should not use such a remedy; it is also not needed for children who are not yet 12 years old. You should not use it for a long time, as this can lead to constipation;
  • Phytosedan, contains several types medicinal herbs, such as thyme, valerian, oregano. Its effect is very soft, soothing, and what is very important, natural, falling asleep very easily. It should not be used if a woman is expecting a child or is breastfeeding. It can be consumed only in the form of an infusion, and only in a warm form, all this takes time, the product is not available in tablet form, but drugs in tablets are very popular.

It must be said right away that if a person simply cannot sleep because he slept for 10 hours yesterday, then it is better to refrain from taking sleeping pills.


Such medications got wide use for various kinds of neuroses and conditions close to psychopathic. That is, such means provide significant support when a person experiences fear, panic, is very irritated and his emotionality is not stable. Such drugs are successfully used when a person has psychosomatic disorders.

If we talk about contraindications, then they certainly exist. Tranquilizers should not be taken by elderly people, as well as people with weakened bodies, and children until they are 18 years old. Also, tranquilizers should not be used by pregnant women and those women who are breastfeeding. Tranquilizers should not be used by people who are in a state of alcohol intoxication and also under the influence of drugs. If there is renal or liver failure, then you should also refrain from such drugs. Concluding the conversation about contraindications, it must be said that if you are supposed to do work that requires close attention (for example, driving a car), then you should also abstain here.

It should be borne in mind that there are many tranquilizers, therefore, you should not rack your brains when choosing drugs, you need to consult a doctor who will definitely give necessary advice. If it comes to the point that a person starts taking tranquilizers, then it is recommended to start with those that have a minimal degree of impact; you should not start treatment with the most by strong means, believing that this will help quickly. When choosing such funds, it is very important to take into account the person’s age and health status. For example, there is such a very strong psychotropic drug, like phenazepap, it is often recommended by a person’s family and friends, however, one must take into account that such a remedy has great strength. Because if a person does not really serious problems with the psyche, it is better to use it on initial stage standard sedatives.

Now I need to say one more thing important point- many people believe that such drugs are used only by mentally ill people and drug addicts. However, this is a completely wrong opinion. Of course, such drugs are very strong, however, they are by no means narcotic. However, in Lately, such products are entering the market under completely new names so as not to traumatize the people’s psyche. For example, today we hear such a name as anxiliotics, if we speak literally, then these are drugs that are ways to suppress feelings of fear and anxiety, and for suppressing neurosis, anti-neurotics have become very popular. However, all these drugs are called tranquilizers, they are also sedatives.

How do tranquilizers work?

Such medications are prescribed to reduce feelings of panic and fear. Now we need to talk about how such drugs differ from other psychotropic drugs, in particular from antipsychotics. The fact is that such means do not in any way affect a person’s consciousness, that is, a person will definitely not become delirious from them. Also, there will be no hallucinations or psychoses, so such remedies can be used safely. However, they can only be used by those people who are mentally healthy, but find themselves in a situation where their mental health needs help. These are very good anti-anxiety sedatives.

If we talk about the mechanism of action of such drugs, it has not yet been fully studied.


If a person is under the influence of a depressed emotional state, then he should use antidepressants. Such products perfectly lift your spirits and create a positive emotional background and are excellent remedies that relieve depression.

It should be noted that there are many such drugs that are available without a doctor’s prescription, however, this does not mean at all that uncontrolled use is possible. If you take antidepressants for a long time, then there may arise Negative consequences. To avoid this, you should always consult your doctor first.

It should be noted that all psychotropic medications can be taken only after a person has consulted with a doctor, who will choose the most appropriate one from the entire list of medications.

It should also be said that you shouldn’t get too carried away with antidepressants; the same should be said about antipsychotics. Even the safest medicine still affects the body, so you should take them only if the need really arises.



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