Retinal dystrophy treatment drops. Dystrophy of the “snail traces” type

A person receives most of all information coming from the outside world through the eyes. Eyes allow a person to easily navigate space, respond to dangers in a timely manner, admire the beauty of nature, and much more. And therefore, any negative changes in the usual visual perception are experienced painfully by a person and serve as a source of anxiety, fear and even irritation.

There can be many reasons for vision impairment. And a whole group of disorders is associated with changes in the retina of the eye - retinal degeneration (dystrophy). This can be either the destruction of retinal tissue or its degeneration, when the tissue remains, but its properties and the processes in which it participates change.

What are these processes? What role is assigned to the retina by nature?

Sunlight is reflected from objects that surround us, passes through the iris, is focused by the lens and then through the vitreous body reaches the retina, which is sensitive to light. The retina is a nerve sheath, approximately 0.4 mm thick. It absorbs incoming photons and converts the light signal into an ion code. And this code is already nerve fibers enters the temporal and occipital regions of the brain.

Each light-sensitive cell in the retina receives its own piece of the whole image. This can be compared to forming a picture from pixels. And if the work of some cell of the retina is disrupted, this is equivalent to the loss of one “pixel” from the picture of the surrounding world. When it is really one “pixel”, it may not be so critical for perception. Well, what happens when there are more such broken “pixels”?

If a person’s visual acuity, color and shape rendition decrease, and dark areas appear in the center of the picture, then the disturbances have arisen in the central part of the retina, where largest cluster cones. This degeneration is called macular (central).

Macular degeneration of the retina

Basically, retinal disorders in the macula area appear in people over 50 years of age ( age-related macular degeneration or chorioretinal dystrophy), especially if there is a genetic predisposition to it.

With age, various types of waste can be deposited between the retina and the choroid. If they accumulate there, they form piles of yellow or white “garbage” - the so-called drusen.

These drusen, remaining small, may practically not manifest themselves. “Practically” means that in this case a person needs to write and read bright lighting, otherwise vision remains unchanged. But as they increase and merge with each other, the drusen displace the retina enough for part of the retina to move out of the focal zone of the lens. Then this part of the retina does not receive “its” photons, and the person either loses the “pixels” of the image (black spots appear in front of the eyes closer to the center of the picture), or distortions of the picture appear (can be compared to looking through glass with water) . This is an example of dry retinal degeneration and is the most common form of retinal degeneration.

In the wet (neovascular) form of retinal degeneration, the retina is displaced due to fluid accumulated underneath it - exudate. Exudate penetrates there through vessels that grow under the retina and in normal structure eyes are not observed. This is a rapid process, and visual acuity deteriorates sharply, up to complete blindness.

But not only age causes the appearance of macular degeneration. For example, during pregnancy, the load on the cardiovascular system in the mother’s body increases: the uteroplacental circulation is added and the amount of circulating blood increases, and the metabolic rate also increases. Blood pressure decreases in a pregnant woman, small vessels, including in the eyes, those feeding the retina may not receive sufficient blood flow with nutrients, and as a result, disruptions in the functioning of the retina of the eyes. The impetus for the appearance of macular degeneration can also be diseases (diabetes, work disorders of cardio-vascular system: hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction), and lifestyle (eg, smoking, poor diet).

If macular degeneration appears as a complication of diabetes, then it is called diabetic maculopathy, or diabetic retinopathy.

At diabetic maculopathy the retina can be affected either due to vascular hyperpermeability: these are focal and diffuse edema, or due to obstruction of the retinal vessels: ischemic maculopathy. With edema, thickening of the retina is observed, caused by the accumulation of fluid (exudate), protein and fatty deposits (solid exudate). This leads to the appearance of a veil before the eyes, the image becomes unclear.

On initial stage central retinal degenerations in traditional medicine may be applied various drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring blood vessels and their functions: vasodilators, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity.

With pronounced pathological changes Both surgical interventions and laser treatment are possible.

But we must always understand that any chemicals pollute the body and may cause side effects unwanted reactions, do not always provide a lasting positive result. And although laser or surgical treatment produces results, it does not eliminate the causes of dystrophy.

Peripheral retinal degeneration

A person may think that “if I see well, then I don’t have vision problems.” But there is one treacherous enemy, as disorders of the peripheral retina. There are no cones there: there are generally few photoreceptors in the periphery. And this tells us that any changes in the retina in this area are initial stage may not have any effect on vision. But if the problem is neglected, it can lead to retinal tears, fluid leakage underneath it, and detachment. A detachment in one place will pull the entire retina with its weight. After all, the retina is attached to the choroid (choroid) only in a few places; for the most part, it is loosely adjacent to the choroid, pressed against it by the vitreous body. And if retinal detachment progresses, the central zone of the retina will begin to suffer, which means that very soon and quickly vision will begin to deteriorate. First twilight, then daytime. The presence of this type of problem can be revealed by examining the fundus. Depending on the picture that the ophthalmologist sees, one of the types of peripheral retinal degeneration and the degree of its development can be excluded or, conversely, suspected.

There is a serious reason to think about and conduct periodic examinations of the fundus if there were visual impairments in parents, grandparents, or if diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, lymphadenitis, myopia, retinovasculitis, uveitis, age over 40 years.

Lattice retinal degeneration, this also includes retinal degeneration of the “snail traces” type as one of the types of lattice retinal degeneration

With lattice degeneration, a very characteristic pattern appears on the retina, which resembles a lattice or rope ladder of whitish-yellow stripes. These stripes are nothing more than vessels that have lost their properties choroid. The fact is that the tissues of these vessels can grow, closing the passage for blood. Between these obliterated vessels, the retina, not receiving enough nutrition, becomes thinner - and from here it’s a stone’s throw to retinal tears and detachment.

The causes of both dystrophies are said to be heredity, although there is a possibility of lesions of this type occurring due to complications from myopia (myopia), diabetes, inflammatory processes, for example, uveitis, retinovasculitis, etc. In particular, with age, blood supply may deteriorate (vascular sclerosis), which can also lead to lattice type dystrophy.

Frost-like retinal degeneration

With this type of degeneration on the retina, yellowish or whitish spots, resembling a snow pattern, usually appear around partially obliterated vessels. As a rule, this pathology affects both eyes, progresses slowly and is hereditary.

Cobblestone Retinal Degeneration

Elongated, uneven formations appear on the retina, usually located in a ring. Near the formations you can sometimes see accumulations of pigment.

This degeneration is more often observed in older people and with moderate and high myopia, and the “cobblestone” form of retinal degeneration can become a complication after uveitis.

Small cystic retinal degeneration Blessin-Ivanov

With this pathology, the formation of small cysts is observed on the retina, in the periphery, mainly in the ring. The causes of damage can be eye injuries, as well as age-related changes.

Retinal pigmentary degeneration

Rare hereditary disease, in which the rods are predominantly damaged. The destruction of the outer layer (photoreceptors) of the retina begins at the periphery and progresses to the center. It shows up in the following way: a person’s visual perception narrows to a tubular one, visibility in the dark and in low light deteriorates. The disease is caused by disturbances in the genes that are responsible for the nutrition and functioning of the retina.

Pediatric Leber's taperetinal amaurosis

The disease is a type of pigmentary dystrophy. It is observed in children as early as two or three years old. Accompanied by the deposition of pigment mainly along the vessels in the form of “bone bodies”.

Treatment, as a rule, does not bring results.


This is a whole group of diseases, the main characteristic of which is retinal separation. The name speaks for itself: retina(retina) + shisis(split). Highlight primary(senile, degenerative, acquired), hereditary And secondary retinoschisis.

The essence of any retinoschisis is that the process of transmitting information from photosensitive cells to the nervous ones, that is, the relationship between the layers of the retina is disrupted.

This may be caused by the appearance of cyst-like formations, as is the case with primary retinoschisis. Also, due to genetic damage, folds of the internal limiting membrane of the retina may appear, and with further progression of the disease, this structure of folds grows in height, leading to delamination. All this can be combined with degenerative changes in the retinal pigment epithelium or in the vitreous body.

In case of retinal dystrophies, either in order to prevent the development of detachment, or in order to limit the area of ​​rupture (this can simply be an area of ​​stratification, thinning, an area of ​​cysts) of the retina, in order to exclude the possibility of progression of the disease and further retinal detachment, the method of laser coagulation is used. Coagulation is the coagulation of proteins. To understand what this process is, you can remember how, during the process of cooking meat broth, white-gray flakes appear on the surface. This is a protein coagulated under the influence of temperature (make it a footnote or insert). In this case, coagulation of the tissues of the eye membranes occurs under the action of a laser beam. When the retina is exposed to a laser beam, the tissues of the retina and the choroid are bonded (chorioretinal adhesions).

There are cases when this method is not suitable for treatment due to the fact that the passage of laser beams through the vitreous body is impaired, for example due to a change in its color. And then surgical treatment is applied.

How can you get rid of retinal degeneration?

Considering different types degenerative changes in the retina of the eyes, we saw that disorders in most cases begin with the fact that the supply of nutrients to the retina. Therefore, the first and most obvious relationship between work visual And circulatory systems .

Thanks to the vessels of the choroid, all layers of the retina are nourished and waste products of cells are eliminated. And these nutrients themselves provide us digestive system , as well as the removal of waste and toxins. But the digestive processes and metabolism in the body can be disrupted due to improper operation hormonal (endocrine) system . It also plays an important role in cleaning the body, including blood, from viruses, bacteria and other foreign substances. lymphatic system .

These are only the most obvious relationships, but the work of each of the listed systems depends on many factors, including the work of other body systems, and on a person’s diet, his lifestyle (whether it be smoking, alcohol, or, conversely, playing sports, etc.) ...), from the state of his soul. This means not only emotional states(stress or depression), but also a person’s habits, his thoughts. After all, the subtle bodies of a person, or his essence (soul), are in a close and continuous relationship with the physical body.

What to choose in Luch-Nik software for retinal degeneration?

The Luch-Nik software includes a “PREVENTION” section. This list includes prevention. dystrophic changes in the retina of the eye, called retinal degeneration. Its use is possible both separately and together with other general and acute prophylaxis.

Among acute prophylaxis, it is advisable to consider and choose: lymphadenitis ( because waste, toxins can cause increased load on lymphatic system), stress(since any violation is, as a rule, stress for the body) , uveitis(if dystrophy has become a complication of this disease).

If dystrophy began as a complication against the background of another disease, then it is advisable to select prevention of this disorder in the “PREVENTION” section: atherosclerosis, myopia, diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, hypertension, stroke. You can also choose to prevent such disorders that are associated with the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the provision of nutrients to cells, for example: mixed connective tissue diseases, spinal circulatory disorders, venous circulation, disorders of cerebrospinal fluid circulation, hypotholemic syndrome, prevention retinal detachment, optic nerve atrophy.

You can change the inclusion of options in Luch-Nick based on personal feelings and observations of your body and the changes occurring in it. It is also important that the use of Luch-Nick is possible with any chosen correction method. Its action will promote restoration processes in the body.

Instead of preventing disorders in Luch-Nika, you can choose “BODY SYSTEMS” and mark those that are somehow “to blame” for degenerative changes in the retina.

These are BODY SYSTEMS associated with the functioning of blood vessels: cardiovascular; skin, hair, connective tissue(the outer layer of blood vessels consists of connective tissue), muscular (middle layer vessels is muscle, including regulating the lumen of the vessel).

BODY SYSTEMS associated with the regulation of metabolism: digestive; lymphatic, immune; endocrine; Bone marrow, blood; urinary.

BODY SYSTEMS involved in visual perception of information: visual system, nervous system, brain.

Together with the body systems in “Luch-Nika” you can select the types of “CORRECTION OF THE CAUSES OF DAMAGE TO SYSTEMS AND ORGANS”. You can choose no more than three. This is due, first of all, to the regulation of the load on the human body. For retinal dystrophy, it makes sense to include the following types of corrections: viruses, bacteria, bacteriophages– for example, with diabetic maculopathy, accompanied by edema. Cellular waste, toxins, genetic disorders– in the presence of drusen and any other deposits. All this can be alternated with violation of the biofield And correction of external influences and select options based on the individual characteristics of the violation, or the function "By choice "LuchNik".

And it is also important to remember that any changes - both positive and negative - are perceived by the human body as a deviation from the norm (thanks to the work of the reticular formation of the brain) and the reaction to such changes can sometimes be painful. Here it is important to monitor your condition and regulate the load by the amount of time the Luch-Nika operates.

This is a painless condition that affects the macula, the part of the retina that focuses central vision and is responsible for reading, driving and focusing on faces and other objects. There is still no cure for retinal dystrophy, but certain lifestyle changes, eye surgery and preventive measures can really help. Start with step 1 below to begin working to reduce the progression of retinal dystrophy.


Part 1

Taking care of your eyes

    Avoid smoking. In addition to the many destructive effects that smoking has on the entire body, it can also lead to retinal dystrophy. Smoking can double your chances of developing retinal dystrophy compared to those who don't smoke. It's bad for you, for your eyes, internal organs and even for those who are close to you. Fighting retinal dystrophy is just one of many reasons to quit smoking.

    • Even if you stop smoking, it may take several years for the effects to subside. Understand that it is better to quit smoking sooner rather than later.
    • Smoking contains tars that can stimulate the formation of drusen (formation of the optic nerve). In addition to this, smoking contains caffeine, which is a known stimulant that increases blood pressure. With high blood pressure, the blood vessels in the retina and macula can easily burst.
  1. Exercise regularly. Exercise has many health benefits, including the health of your eyes. Drusen (those growths we just talked about) are associated with high cholesterol and fat levels. Exercise helps burn fat and eliminates bad cholesterol, thus preventing these formations.

    • It is advisable to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 6 times a week. Make sure you spend time doing aerobic exercise (called cardio), which will make you sweat and help burn fat.
  2. Take your vitamins! The eyes are constantly exposed to harsh ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun and pollutants from smog. Continuous exposure of the eyes to these elements can cause oxidative damage. Oxidation of cells in the eyes can lead to retinal degeneration and other eye diseases. To counteract this process, you need to eat foods rich in antioxidants. The most common antioxidants that can help you are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B, zinc, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids and beta-carotene. Here's where they are contained:

    • Sources of Vitamin C: Broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower, guava, Bell pepper, grapes, oranges, berries, lychees, squash
    • Sources of vitamin E: almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, spinach, peanut butter, greens, avocado, mango, hazelnuts, chard
    • Sources of vitamin B: wild salmon, skinless turkey, bananas, potatoes, lentils, halibut, tuna, cod, soy milk, cheese
    • Sources of zinc: lean beef, skinless chicken, lean lamb, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, soybeans, peanuts, starchy beans, sunflower oil, pecans, lutein, kale, spinach, beet tops, lettuce, asparagus, okra, artichokes, watercress -lettuce, persimmon, green peas
    • Sources fatty acids Omega-3: wild salmon, rainbow trout, sardines, canola oil, flaxseed oil, soy, seaweed, seeds, chia, mackerel, herring
    • Sources of beta-carotene: sweet potatoes, carrots, turnip greens, pumpkin, melons, spinach, lettuce, red cabbage, watermelon, apricots
  3. Wear eye protection such as sunglasses. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun can damage the eyes and may contribute to the development of retinal dystrophy. For achievement best results use special sunglasses to protect against blue light and with protection from ultraviolet rays.

  4. Use adaptive devices such as a magnifying glass. When it comes to retinal dystrophy, the most affected part of the eyes will be the central vision, while the peripheral vision will remain partially intact. For this reason, people with retinal dystrophy can still use their peripheral vision and thereby compensate for other vision problems. For this purpose, there are adaptive devices, such as special lenses in glasses, magnifying glasses, large fonts for reading, special systems television, reading from a computer screen and much more.

    • You may want to use these remedies preventively - that is, before you really need it. Don't be ashamed to use a magnifying glass or large print, even if you don't think it's really you need.

    Part 2

    Medical treatment
    1. Get your eyes checked regularly. It should be noted that the occurrence of retinal dystrophy cannot be prevented, as it is associated with aging. However, regular checks can help. early detection problems and surgical treatment. When retinal dystrophy is detected early enough, you can still delay vision loss.

      • From the age of 40, you should regularly visit a specialist for an eye examination. This should be done at least every six months or as advised by your ophthalmologist.
    2. Let your doctor diagnose you. Diagnosis is made during a routine eye examination, during which the ophthalmologist uses eye drops to dilate the pupils. In case you are suffering from dry macular degeneration, the ophthalmologist can easily detect the presence of drusen or yellow deposits during the examination. You will also be asked to look at an Amsler grid, which is similar to a chessboard. If you see that some of the lines are wavy, it is safe to say that you have retinal dystrophy.

      • There is also a method ocular angiography, in which dye is injected into a vein in the arm and then monitored as it moves through the veins in the retina. The doctor may detect a leak, which is important sign wet macular degeneration.
    3. Consider testing by injecting anti-VEGF agents. VEGF or vascular endothelial growth factor is the main chemical, which causes abnormal growth of blood vessels. When given chemical compound inhibited by anti-VEGF agents, it is possible to inhibit the growth of blood vessels. Your doctor will be able to tell you whether this method is right for you or not.

      • One good example of an anti-VEGF agent is bevacizumab. The usual injection dose is 1.25-2.5 mg of the drug into the cavity vitreous eyes. This drug is prescribed every 14 days.
      • The procedure is performed using a very fine needle along with local anesthesia to prevent pain. In general, the entire procedure is painless and causes only minor discomfort.
    4. Consider using photodynamic therapy. During this procedure, you will be given a drug known as verteporfin intravenously 15 minutes before photodynamic therapy. Your eyes, particularly the problematic blood vessels, will then be exposed to light at the correct wavelength. The light activates the Verteporfin that you were given earlier, which will help eliminate problematic blood vessels

      • Your doctor should know how safe this procedure is for you. It will be used only in cases where retinal dystrophy is already very pronounced.

    Part 3

    Understanding the disease
    1. Know what dry retinal dystrophy is. Dry retinal dystrophy occurs when there are too many drusen in the retina. The "dry" form of macular degeneration is more common compared to the "wet" variety. Below are the signs and symptoms of dry macular degeneration:

      • Blur of printed words
      • Lack of light when reading
      • It's hard to see in the dark
      • Difficulty distinguishing faces
      • Significant deterioration of central vision
      • Presence of a blind spot in the field of view
      • Gradual loss of vision
      • Misidentification geometric shapes or if you mistake inanimate objects for people
    2. Know what “wet” retinal dystrophy is. Wet retinal degeneration occurs when blood vessels begin to grow under the retina. Due to the increasing size, the blood vessels rupture, causing fluid and blood to leak into the retina and macula. Although wet retinal dystrophy is less common than dry retinal dystrophy, it is a more aggressive disease that can lead to blindness. Its signs and symptoms include:

      • Straight lines that look wavy
      • Visual blind spot
      • Loss of central vision
      • Scarring of blood vessels can lead to permanent vision loss if the problem is not addressed quickly.
      • Rapid loss of vision
      • No pain
        • The cause of retinal dystrophy is unknown, but several studies have shown that there are risk factors that can lead to this problem.
        • Learn as much as you can about retinal dystrophy to better prepare yourself to deal with this disease.
        • People who live in warm climates are also at risk because they tend to be exposed to more sun than others.

Main symptoms:

  • Loss of areas of the visual field
  • Blurred vision
  • Distortion of vision
  • Inability to distinguish an object at rest or in motion
  • Erroneous perception of objects in space
  • Color vision disorder
  • Decreased vision
  • Decreased visual acuity at dusk

Retinal dystrophy – dangerous illness, which affects retina eyes. Whatever the cause of this disease in humans, with untimely and unqualified treatment, the outcome of dystrophy is the same - atrophy or complete death of the tissues that make up the retina. Because of this, the patient will have irreversible damage vision, even to the point of blindness. It is worth noting that the timing of vision loss directly depends on the type of disease. Retinal dystrophy occurs rather slowly, but as it progresses, the patient’s condition only worsens.

The disease is characterized by an asymptomatic course, especially at the initial stage of development. Very often people do not even know that they are a carrier of such a problem. The likelihood of dystrophy occurring is very low. Medical statistics is such that among all possible disease states affecting visual apparatus, problems associated with retinal dystrophy account for less than a percent. Elderly people (after reaching fifty years of age) are most often susceptible to it. At a younger age, the disease occurs only in women during pregnancy.


The main role in the progression of this disease belongs to hereditary predisposition. Typically, it is because of this etiological factor that progression of retinal dystrophy in children is observed.

In addition, the following reasons can provoke the progression of the disease:

  • visual impairment such as;
  • infectious diseases of the body;
  • deviations from normal weight human body;
  • alcohol and nicotine abuse;
  • various disorders blood circulation;
  • heart problems;
  • long lasting direct influence sun rays on the eyes;
  • pregnancy;
  • poisoning;
  • exposure to stressful situations;
  • removal of half or all of the thyroid gland;
  • unbalanced diet, as a result of which the body lacks vitamins and nutrients;
  • variety of eye injuries.


Based on the reasons for its formation, the disease is divided into:

  • natural (arising due to genetics);
  • acquired.

These types of disease have their own division into subtypes. Thus, congenital form illnesses happen:

  • pigmentary dystrophy of the retina, cases of which are very rare. It is transmitted only from mother to child;
  • spot – appears at a young age, and progresses in old age.

Acquired or age-related dystrophy is divided into:

  • peripheral retinal dystrophy. Appears against the background of myopia or eye injuries. As a result of its progression, it does not reach the eye. sufficient quantity oxygen and nutrients. If not detected or treated in a timely manner, this type of disease will lead to retinal detachment or rupture;

In turn, peripheral retinal dystrophy is classified into:

  • lattice;
  • frost-like;
  • fine-grained;
  • pigmented.

Macular degeneration of the retina can be:

  • dry - expressed by yellowish granules in the retina;
  • wet - blood gets into the eye.


At the very beginning of its appearance, retinal dystrophy does not show any signs. The first symptoms of the disease begin to appear in the middle or advanced stage.

Despite the many types of this visual disorder, they all have approximately the same symptoms:

  • decreased clarity of vision;
  • a feeling of fogginess and “goosebumps” in the eyes;
  • distortion of the visual image;
  • blurred vision at night;
  • impaired ability to distinguish colors;
  • inability to distinguish an object or person at rest or in motion;
  • erroneous perception of something in space.

If one or more of the above signs of retinal dystrophy appear, a person should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, the disease can quickly spread, leading to deterioration of vision or its complete loss.


After an initial examination by an ophthalmologist, to determine the correct diagnosis, you will need to undergo several examinations and tests:

  • visometry - to measure visual acuity;
  • perimetry - the method makes it possible to recognize changes in the size of the visual field;
  • refractometry is a method of examining the retina;
  • biomicroscopy. With its help, it is possible to identify concomitant pathologies in visual system;
  • electroretinography – with hereditary dystrophy, no changes in the analysis will occur;
  • adaptometry – measures visual ability in the dark;
  • fluorescent angiography - to indicate areas where laser restoration will be performed;
  • retinal tomography;
  • ophthalmoscopy with artificial dilation of the pupil (using special drops) - to give the doctor an idea of ​​the condition of the fundus of the eye;
  • Ultrasound of the eyes.

These diagnostic measures are able to detect signs of retinal dystrophy on early stages.


Today, one of the most common and effective means of treating retinal dystrophy is laser correction. This method is not only highly effective, but also has a number of positive aspects:

  • prevents surgical opening of the eyeball;
  • eliminates the possibility of contamination or infection;
  • protects from stressful situations;
  • non-contact intervention during surgery;
  • does not require time for postoperative recovery.

Treatment of the disease with drugs is aimed at improving microcirculation. Most often prescribed:

  • vitamin complex;
  • eye drops;
  • vasodilator medications.

Children with hereditary retinal dystrophy are recommended to visit a psychologist. This is done so that the child does not have problems communicating and is able to adapt to society.

Direct surgical intervention It is used only when the two methods described above have not helped, or when the disease is severe. Operations are prescribed and performed only by highly qualified specialists.

In addition to clinical treatment methods, there are folk remedies that are used simultaneously with medications or after laser treatment. The most common folk methods include recipes using:

  • goat milk diluted with water. The resulting liquid is instilled into the eye;
  • decoction of rose hips, onion peels and pine needles;
  • tincture of caraway seeds, mustard, birch leaves, horsetail and lingonberries;
  • crushed celandine. After dilution, heating, filtering and cooling, drop it into the eye.


To prevent any vision problems, it is recommended:

  • proper lighting of living and working spaces;
  • provide rest to the eyes while working at the computer, watching TV, reading a book, using mobile phone;
  • undergo examinations by an ophthalmologist every six months;
  • Perform eye exercises daily.

Is everything in the article correct from a medical point of view?

Answer only if you have proven medical knowledge

Diseases with similar symptoms:

Night blindness is a popular designation for vision pathology, which in medicine is called hemeralopia or nyctalopia. The disease manifests itself in a significant deterioration in visual perception in low light conditions environment. At the same time, a person’s coordination is impaired, visual fields are narrowed, and there is an incorrect perception of things in blue and yellow shades.

Retinitis is a disease in which inflammation occurs in the retina of the eye. Similar illness quite rarely occurs in isolated form, which is why it is often accompanied by damage to the choroid. Ophthalmologists identify a large number of predisposing factors that influence the occurrence of such a disorder. It is for this reason that they are usually divided into two large groups- endogenous and exogenous. The main clinical manifestation is a decrease in visual acuity, but the danger of such a disease is that it can lead to the development large quantity complications, including loss of an eye.

Enophthalmos is an ophthalmological disease that is characterized by improper placement of the eyeball in the orbit. Both its deepening and protrusion are observed. A pathology of this kind can be caused by trauma, then they talk about post-traumatic enophthalmos, or caused by other etiological factors.

Retinal dystrophy is a severe pathology associated with disturbances in the structure of the retina. The disease is caused by decreased immunity, hereditary predisposition, bad habits, improperly performed ophthalmological operations, etc.

The main symptom of dystrophy is decreased vision. Popular treatment method - laser coagulation. Rehabilitation lasts about two weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. Used in treatment conservative methods, injections, physiotherapy, gymnastics and folk methods.

Old people are most susceptible to pathology; in general, they need to especially carefully monitor their vision. In this article we will talk about retinal dystrophy, its symptoms, contraindications and treatment methods.

The retina is an important part of the eye

The retina is an important part of the eye
Source: The retina is an important part human eye, which is responsible for the organ’s ability to perceive light pulses, as well as for the interaction of the visual system and the brain.

Accordingly, pathological processes occurring in its structures can lead to partial or complete loss of vision. One of the diseases characterized by tissue destruction and dysfunction of the vascular system is called retinal dystrophy.

It entails serious complications Therefore, it requires timely diagnosis and competent treatment.

The retina of the eye is the connecting component between the optical components and the visual center of the brain. It is involved in the transformation of light into a visual image. When the retina becomes thinner for some reason, vision begins to decline.

Retinal dystrophy can appear regardless of a person’s age, and it may not manifest itself in any way, but at the same time, irreversible changes occur.

Retinal dystrophy: what is it?

Source: Retinal dystrophy is a vision pathology that is caused by irreversible destructive processes in the retina. This degenerative disease characterized by slow progression, but is one of the most common causes of vision loss in old age.

Retinal dystrophy is most often found in older people. The risk group includes people with myopia, vascular diseases, diabetics and hypertension. This disease can be inherited, so those whose parents had similar problem, it is recommended to be examined regularly.

Most often, pathology is detected in adulthood, and is associated with changes that occur in eye tissue over time.

Factors that provoke the development of the disease can be divided into intraocular and general. The first include eye pathologies, acquired or hereditary - myopia, uveitis, iritis, etc.

TO external factors risk of retinal dystrophy include:

  1. systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension), hormonal disorders;
  2. viral diseases transmitted “on your feet”;
  3. decreased immunity;
  4. history of ophthalmological operations, as a result of which the process of scarring began in the tissues;
  5. unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins in the diet, especially vitamin A;
  6. nicotine addiction, alcoholism;
  7. obesity due to metabolic disorders.

The disease is a degenerative transformation that has occurred in the macula of the eye. It is also called “macular degeneration of the retina,” which literally means “yellow spot.” The reason for this color is a special pigment that is found in the cells of the central part of the retina.

Classification of the disease, symptoms in children and adults

Source: Depending on the clinical course of the disease and the localization of the pathological process, retinal dystrophy is divided into several types, each of which requires appropriate treatment. There are two main types of retinal dystrophy, which also have their own classification.
  • Central

With this form of the disease, the pathological process affects the central area of ​​the eye, mainly corpus luteum and vessels that penetrate the eyeball.

  • Central chorioretinal

The chorioretinal form of the disease occurs mainly in adulthood, and affects the pigment and inner layer of tissue. Develops as a congenital pathology, and also due to mechanical damage or infectious eye diseases.

The main cause of the disease is a violation of microcirculation in the structures of the retina. CCDS can occur in two forms: non-exudative (dry) and wet (exudative).

In the first case, the disease does not produce symptoms for a long time, after which distortion of contours appears when examining objects, later individual segments disappear from the field of view, and in the final stages, patients have decreased central vision.

The wet form is characterized by a specific deterioration in vision (a person sees as if through a veil of water), spots and flashes appear before the eyes.

  • Macular

This form of dystrophy develops due to pathological processes in the macula - the segment of the retina that is responsible for the sharpness and acuity of vision. The mechanism of development of the disease is the disruption of blood vessels and insufficient supply of oxygen to tissues.

The main risk factor is old age (over 60 years), but the disease also occurs due to gene mutations, family history, hormonal disorders and poor lifestyle.

The clinical course of macular degeneration also has two forms - dry and wet, and the second is considered more dangerous for the patient.

  • Peripheral

Unlike central dystrophy, the peripheral form affects tissue on the periphery (at the edges) of the retina and develops most often in people with a family history. In addition, myopia and systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension) are significant risk factors.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that in the first stages it is asymptomatic, and characteristic signs (flashes and spots before the eyes, blurred vision) appear already when the pathological process is advanced.

Depending on the nature of cell damage and clinical course disease, there are several forms of peripheral dystrophy.

  1. Lattice dystrophy. Most often it develops in old age or is inherited, with women getting sick less often than men. Upon a detailed examination of the patient's eye, the affected tissues resemble lattice cells. There are no symptoms, sometimes there is a distortion of vision or a decrease in its acuity.
  2. "Snail trail" The main reason is myopia. The least amount is found in people with farsightedness and ametropia. Foci of the pathological process are presented in the form of characteristic ribbons, reminiscent of a snail's trail. In the final stages, it manifests itself as blurred vision and blurred vision.
  3. Frost-like form. A hereditary disease that occurs equally in men and women. Small inclusions of a yellow-white hue appear on the retina; in the first stages, frost-like dystrophy occurs hidden.
  4. "Cobblestone pavement." The pathological process affects distant areas of the retinal periphery, and large lumps of pigment can separate from the tissue. People at risk include people with myopia and those who have reached old age.
  5. Small cystic dystrophy. This form of the disease develops as a result of mechanical injuries and is characterized by the presence of small cysts on the retina. It produces virtually no symptoms, progresses slowly and does not lead to blindness.
  6. Pigmentary dystrophy. It is of hereditary origin, the first signs appear in childhood. In the initial stages, there is a narrowing of visual fields and night blindness, and if left untreated, it leads to loss of visual function.
  7. Retinoschisis. Retinoschisis, or retinal separation, which can be congenital or acquired, and most often develops in people with a family history.

Disease in pregnant women, contraindications

During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences major changes: surge in hormone production, increased blood circulation in all organs, activation of metabolic processes, surges in blood pressure.

These factors lead to the development of retinal dystrophy in pregnant women who previously suffered from ophthalmological diseases, and the pathology is especially common in expectant mothers with myopia.

The development of retinal dystrophy during pregnancy has a significant impact on the method of delivery. The decision of specialists depends on the age of the mother, general condition health and the stage of the pathological process, but natural childbirth with this disease is rarely carried out, since the risk of retinal detachment is too great.

A woman is allowed to give birth on her own only in the case of laser coagulation of the retina, which is carried out before the 35th week of pregnancy in the absence of contraindications.


The main causes of retinal dystrophy include:

  • Various eye diseases And inflammatory processes(myopia, uveitis).
  • Infectious diseases and intoxications.
  • Eye injuries due to bruises, blows, etc.
  • Genetic predisposition to dystrophy.
  • Various systemic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, problems with thyroid gland and kidneys, atherosclerosis and so on).

All these reasons, except for genetic predisposition, may not always contribute to the appearance of retinal dystrophy, but they are risk factors. Doctors say that people with overweight body and bad habits Great chance the appearance of retinal dystrophy.

Low blood pressure during the second trimester of pregnancy leads to poor circulation and poor nutrition of the retina. Therefore, pregnant women are also at risk.

The causes of retinal dystrophy, first of all, lie in age-related changes that occur in the vascular system enveloping the eyeball - mainly a circulatory disorder, the cause of which, in turn, is vascular sclerosis.

As a result of research, it was revealed that retinal dystrophy is a hereditary disease and if parents had it, then the risk of its occurrence in children is also very high.

Symptoms of retinal dystrophy

Sources: Signs of retinal dystrophy appear due to disruptions in color and central vision. main reason manifestations of symptoms of retinal dystrophy - disruptions in color and central vision:
  1. Visual acuity decreases: we can also mention this alarming symptom, also associated with the disease, is a distortion of the image, which becomes most obvious when looking at an object representing a straight line, be it a pole or a tree.
  2. Emergence dark spots before the eyes may also indicate the development of a disease such as retinal dystrophy.
  3. Blurred outlines of objects when viewed with an eye affected by retinal dystrophy is also a symptom of this disease, which refers to a general decrease in visual acuity.
  4. Color perception is impaired: here we can talk about a change in the color of objects when looking at the affected eye.

Symptoms of dystrophy depend on its type. Thus, peripheral retinal dystrophy can occur without any symptoms for a long time, so it is usually diagnosed completely by accident. The first signs (“floaters” and flashes) appear only when ruptures appear.

With central dystrophy, a person sees straight lines as distorted, and parts of the visual field fall out.


With retinal dystrophy, there is a danger that a person will lose vision. To prevent this outcome, laser coagulation is performed, but even when the disease goes away, it is too early to relax.

There are some restrictions after the laser coagulation procedure. The recovery period lasts from one to two weeks, it all depends on the person’s health.

  1. watch TV and sit at the computer;
  2. strain your eyesight with glasses and contact lenses;
  3. take hot baths, saunas;
  4. go to the beach.
  • eat foods with salt,
  • drinking alcohol,
  • drink plenty of fluids.

Be sure to use eye drops prescribed by your doctor. It is also necessary to avoid any physical activity, playing sports. You cannot drive a car for the first week after surgery.

People getting sick diabetes mellitus must control normal amount blood sugar. If you have problems with the vascular system, you need to constantly maintain normal pressure. After surgery, be sure to visit an ophthalmologist once every three months.

Risk factors

When touching on such an issue as retinal dystrophy, one cannot fail to mention what factors contribute to an increased risk and who is more predisposed to this disease than others:

  1. these are, first of all, people whose age is over 50 years;
  2. it was found that women are more likely to suffer from this disease than men;
  3. hereditary factor;
  4. people with white skin and blue irises;
  5. persons who have vascular diseases;
  6. poor nutrition;
  7. cholesterol problems;
  8. smoking;
  9. obesity;
  10. frequent stress;
  11. lack of vitamins in food;
  12. sunburn of the eye;
  13. environmental problems.

Is the disease dangerous?

Retinal dystrophy is a common disease that is most often observed in old age and in people who suffer from hereditary ophthalmological pathologies.

It rarely leads to complete blindness, but if left untreated, the patient may lose the ability to do minor work, read, write, and even take care of themselves.

The main danger of the disease lies in the absence of symptoms in the first stages, so those who are at risk need to undergo examinations by specialized specialists twice a year.


Source: Diagnosing a disease such as retinal dystrophy requires in-depth analysis and careful research and includes the following steps:
  • Determination of visual acuity. Examination of vision perimetry, that is, determination of its boundaries.
  • Optical coherence tomography, which produces a three-dimensional image of the retina.
  • An electrophysiological study that allows you to determine how viable the cells of the retina and optic nerve are.
  • Ultrasound. Examination of the intraocular fundus and measurement of intraocular pressure.

To diagnose retinal dystrophy, the following examinations are necessary:

  1. Visual field examination;
  2. Study of color perception;
  3. Visual acuity testing;
  4. Fundus examination using a Goldmann lens;
  5. Fluorescein angiography (examination of eye vessels);
  6. Ultrasound and electrophysiological examination of the eyes;
  7. tests to determine the state of the body's metabolism.

Treatment of retinal dystrophy

Source: It may take a long time to cure retinal dystrophy. This is quite difficult, and it is not always possible to get a positive result. It will not be possible to restore vision when dystrophy has already worsened.

In this case, treatment is aimed at slowing the progression of dystrophy, strengthening the blood vessels and muscles of the eyes, and restoring metabolism in the eye tissues.

Treatment medicines based on the use of medications such as:

  • Antioxidants;
  • Angioprotectors;
  • Corticosteroids;
  • Vitamin preparations;
  • Lutein-containing drugs;
  • Vasodilator and vascular wall strengthening drugs.

You need to know that these drugs can only be effective in the early stages of retinal dystrophy. At the beginning of the disease, physical therapy gives good results. It is aimed at strengthening the retina and eye muscles.

The most commonly used physiotherapeutic methods are:

  1. Electro- and phonophoresis;
  2. Laser irradiation of blood;
  3. Ultrasound and microwave therapy;
  4. Surgical intervention is performed to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the eyes and metabolic processes in the retina.

In the case of wet dystrophy, surgery is needed to remove fluid from the retina. One of the modern methods of treating retinal dystrophy is laser coagulation. It allows you to prevent detachment. When carrying out laser coagulation, damaged areas are cauterized to other areas to a certain depth.

The laser does not touch healthy areas. Unfortunately, laser coagulation cannot restore lost vision, but further retinal destruction can be stopped.

Photodynamic therapy, laser photocoagulation and injections of Anti-VEGF drugs are used in the treatment of such a form of the disease as peripheral choreoretinal retinal dystrophy. In the case of injections we're talking about about a special protein that has beneficial influence on the macula of the eye and inhibits the development of the disease.

Photodynamic therapy involves the use of substances - photosensitizers, which are administered intravenously and also stop the development of the disease.

This type of therapy is not indicated for every patient, so it is used based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Laser photocoagulation is based on cauterization of diseased vessels: after manipulation, a scar is formed and vision in this place cannot be restored, but the disease can also spread this technique allows you to prevent.

For retinal pigmentary dystrophy, treatment is based more on physiotherapeutic techniques - magnetic stimulation and electrical stimulation of the eye and its tissues.

If an operation called vasoreconstructive (affects the blood supply to the retina) is proposed for retinal dystrophy, it is worth keeping in mind that the effect of its implementation is considered very limited.

Retinal dystrophy during pregnancy, unfortunately, is a well-known phenomenon and ophthalmologists, regardless of the presence of vision complaints, recommend undergoing observation, and 10–14 weeks of pregnancy in this case is the ideal period.

If, nevertheless, retinal dystrophy is detected in a pregnant woman, then in this case peripheral preventive laser coagulation is recommended, which is carried out before the 35th week of pregnancy.

Pregnancy and childbirth in combination with the disease in question is a reason to be vigilant. If the expectant mother is diagnosed with retinal dystrophy, then this disease is an indication to abandon natural childbirth in favor of cesarean section.

With age, the body especially lacks the substances lutein and zeaxanthin, which are necessary for eye health and visual acuity. These substances are not produced in the intestines, so their content must be regularly replenished.

If people over 45 years of age complain of progressive vision loss, they need to follow a diet. In addition to zeaxanthin and lutein, the diet should include vitamin C, tocopherol, selenium and zinc, which nourish, repair and protect eye tissue.

In addition to following a diet, to prevent the development age-related changes retina, you need to take multivitamins. For example, the vitamin and mineral complex "Okuwite Lutein Forte" with lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eyes from negative influence sunlight, vitamins C, E, zinc and selenium.

It has been proven that this composition prevents the development of age-related changes in the retina of the eye, allowing even older people to enjoy sharp vision.

Laser coagulation of the retina

Today, laser coagulation of the retina is performed under local anesthesia. In more than 90% of cases, this operation can be considered successful. As a result of laser coagulation of the retina, partial destruction of the retina protein occurs, which leads to sealing of the affected area.

If the procedure is carried out on time, then the disease will stop progressing. Restrictive laser coagulation of the retina of the eyeball should be performed in specialized medical centers.

Doctors will put a special lens on the patient, which will guide laser beams V desired layer eyeball. Immediately after the operation, physical activity is prohibited.

Despite the fact that ophthalmological research methods are perhaps the most accurate in medicine, determining the true visual acuity of a patient, being a subjective method, often causes significant difficulties.

The latter are aggravated by the fact that in practical activities An ophthalmologist may encounter facts of conscious or unconscious distortion of the truth, when a patient simulates a disease that he actually does not have, or aggravates, that is, exaggerates the severity of an existing disease.

Conscious simulation most often pursues personal gain (obtaining a disability group, exemption from military service and so on.). Unconscious simulation occurs in hysteria and essentially related traumatic neurosis. An expert ophthalmologist placed in the position of investigator and judge should always remember this.

He should try not to miss a single case of simulation, but even more so - not to state simulation when it does not exist.

Contraindications and complications

The main contraindications to laser coagulation of the retina are associated with eye diseases. The main one is the insufficient transparency of the eyeball, lens and cornea. In addition, the list of restrictions includes a number of rare diseases.

In general, the appointment for surgery depends on the doctor’s examination. There are no other serious restrictions for the procedure.

The operation itself requires high concentration from both the surgeon and the patient, who is forced to sit motionless for a long time. The perseverance of the patient and the professionalism of the doctor largely determine the success of the operation.

Any complications after laser coagulation of the retina associated with the effects of the laser are most often minor and temporary; for example, swelling of the cornea, which goes away within a few days.

In addition to this, in rare cases the following may occur:

  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • decreased transparency of the vitreous body;
  • change in the shape of the iris and lens;
  • appearance of visual field defects.

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What should you not do before and after surgery?

Before surgical procedure the patient needs:

  1. avoid intense physical activity, as this is one of the causes of rupture and detachment of the retina;
  2. avoid traumatic situations;
  3. wear sunglasses during the day and in bright sunshine;
  4. Beware of various types of intoxications.

Also, the occurrence of complications can be affected by childbirth in the presence of this pathology. Before giving birth, a woman must undergo laser coagulation.

What not to do after retinal surgery:

  • Firstly, the patient should follow all the ophthalmologist’s recommendations. He will tell you what is contraindicated and can cause relapse or complications.
  • Secondly, you will have to limit yourself in sports and others heavy loads. Swimming or running, for example, are not prohibited, but lifting weights is strictly contraindicated.
  • Thirdly, you should not tilt your head down: tie your shoelaces, sleep on your stomach, or work in your dacha on a plot of land.
  • Fourthly, thermal procedures (baths, saunas, solariums) are prohibited.

Even in the absence of complaints, the patient must appear for an appointment with an ophthalmologist after one month.

The patient should also avoid excessive sun exposure, public places in the early postoperative period to avoid getting infectious diseases. In addition, it is important to take all medications that your doctor prescribes.

They will help the retina recover faster. If you experience any symptoms, such as spots before your eyes, you should go to the hospital immediately.

Possible complications

Most often, inflammation of the conjunctiva occurs. For prevention purposes, ophthalmologists prescribe eye drops. If you don't use them, it won't end well.

It happens that the retina of the eye is exfoliated again. This happens when the cause of the disease is not eliminated, or it is impossible to do so. Sometimes a person does not comply with the restrictions and contributes to poor “soldering” of the retina, for example, on the very first day after the procedure, physical work or decided to watch TV.

Sometimes the patient develops various visual disturbances. Typically, problems occur immediately after surgery and resolve as swelling decreases.

They are accompanied by the appearance of various spots and points in the field of view. But there are also cases of the development of disorders some time after coagulation due to violations of the regime during the recovery period.

There are cases that doctors call “dry eye syndrome.” This occurs due to a lack of tear fluid. Symptoms include a burning sensation and discomfort that may go away when the person yawns.

Other complications occur rarely and are associated with complication of the disease. The main thing is not to forget that the retina of the eye is a very fragile thing.

Treatment with folk remedies

Eyes are one of the the most important organs any living creature. The most important component of the eye is the retina. It is this element of the visual system that is responsible for connecting the eye with the brain and transmitting optical images. Thanks to it, the eye perceives light, shadow, colors and outlines.

This concept covers the presence of several diseases in combination; they can appear independently or become a consequence of other ailments. As a rule, retinal pigmentary dystrophy and lattice retinal dystrophy occur more often in old age and do not decline, but, on the contrary, constantly progress.

Macular degeneration of the retina greatly affects vision loss and sometimes leads to blindness. The disease does not show pronounced symptoms for a long time, but over time it leads to significant changes in the visual system. First of all, the receptors that are responsible for distinguishing colors and determining the amount of light entering the eyes are affected.

In essence, retinal pigmentary dystrophy is a thinning or destruction of the normal structure. Most often, its predecessors are astigmatism and myopia, but the disease can also occur with normal vision. The danger is that thinning can lead to ruptures, and this is fraught with its detachment.

It does not contain pain receptors, so painful processes often occur without symptoms. The first complaints arise when the process has already reached an irreversible stage. Therefore, most often the disease is detected by chance, during a general diagnosis or during treatment of central chorioretinal dystrophy of the retina and the resulting diseases.


Most often, lattice retinal dystrophy occurs due to vascular damage. Vascular damage can be caused by a number of other complicated, third-party diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • injuries;
  • myopia;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis.

Of course, there is a hereditary form of this disease. Therefore, if there have been cases of at least one type of this disease in your family, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics and visit an ophthalmologist as often as possible.

It is known that owners are at risk blue eyes and fair skin, and it has also been proven that men are more susceptible than women.

Types of dystrophy

Depending on which area is undergoing transformations or disruptions of normal functioning, three main types of retinal dystrophy can be distinguished:

  • generalized;
  • central retinal dystrophy;
  • peripheral chorioretinal retinal dystrophy.

With generalized retinal dystrophy, all areas of the eye are affected, including central and peripheral ones. Basically, frost-like dystrophy is caused by old age - age-related macular degeneration of the retina, since with age the structure changes, the vessels weaken, and the fluid under the retina forms edema. Central and lateral vision deteriorates.

Central lattice retinal dystrophy is the most common, occurring in 80% of patients. The problem with the grid is that central vision is impaired, making it difficult to see objects directly in front of the eyes, but side vision is not affected in any way, functioning as before.

There are dry and wet forms of pvhrd.

  • In the dry form, the ability to see clearly is limited. small items, visibility in the dark is weakened, it is impossible to see clear contours of the surroundings or the faces of other people. This happens due to the fact that metabolic products of the visual system accumulate between the retina and the membrane of the blood vessels.
  • In the wet, more severe form, vision begins to sharply decrease; if retinal dystrophy is detected, then the symptoms quickly appear; after just a few days or weeks, a blind spot appears that does not allow you to see clearly. This occurs due to the weakening of the walls of the blood vessels; fluid can leak through them, forming swelling that prevents the receptors from responding to light.

Peripheral vitreochorioretinal dystrophy

With PPD, the modifications do not affect the area of ​​​​focusing vision, but on the contrary, the eyes cease to clearly perceive what is happening around the main objects, that is, from the side. The disease occurs due to progressive myopia, which has not been treated, or as a consequence of eye injuries. With AMD, the blood supply to the lateral parts of the eye is disrupted, and the supply of oxygen and nutrients deteriorates.

It is peripheral retinal dystrophy that is most difficult to detect, because the disease proceeds for a long time without showing its symptoms. The exception is rare cases, when patients may notice flashes or black dots that interfere with a normal view of objects, but this does not cause discomfort or pain, so the patient does not immediately seek help, but these symptoms are a signal that the retina has begun to peel off and can rupture at any moment.


Currently the most effective method CHRD definitions – coherence optical tomography. This method allows you to examine the layers of skin and membranes without surgery.

To select the optimal treatment method for retinal dystrophy, one must select individual approach The approach to each patient mainly depends on the stage of retinal dystrophy. It is important to know that it is impossible to completely restore visual acuity as before the disease.


When cone dystrophy is detected in time and is still in its initial stage, treatment can be carried out with medication, injections are prescribed. Drugs that dilate and strengthen blood vessels, antioxidants, angioprotectors, diuretics, corticosteroids, biogenic stimulants, means for improving metabolic processes, simulator.

Treatments are also used in the early stages to help slow the disease. This is photodynamic therapy (the use of photosensitive substances and visible waves of light), injections special drugs, helping to suppress dystrophy.

With any treatment method, even in the early stages, it is important not to forget about taking vitamins. The best effect for retinal dystrophy is contained in vitamin preparations Lutein is a special pigment found in plants that has the ability to absorb light and antioxidant properties. Specialized vitamin complexes are able to protect the organ from excessive radiation, which causes harm during the period of retinal dystrophy.

For the dry form of the disease effective methods There is no medical treatment today. The only way out here is prevention.

How to treat the disease wet form: It is treated by administering drugs inside the eyeball; the drugs can reduce swelling and reduce the growth of new blood vessels. The administration of drugs may be limited to 3–8 injections, but the course of treatment lasts up to two years; you can try treatment with folk remedies.


For the wet form of retinal dystrophy, it is often necessary to carry out surgery, allowing you to remove accumulated fluid and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Surgeries are also used to improve ocular blood circulation and metabolism. This operation is called vasoreconstruction, which involves ligation of blood vessels.
There are also physiotherapeutic techniques, although they do not have much effect. But ultrasound, electrophoresis, microwaves and laser are still used as concomitant therapy.

Today, the most effective way to treat all types of degenerative pathologies, as well as retinal pigmentary degeneration during pregnancy, is laser therapy (strengthening). The main goal of this type of therapy is to prevent detachment and serious complications. Also, the procedure can be used in complex treatment affected eye vessels, with some types of tumors and even with complete loss of vision.

The problem is complicated by late detection, so for patients who have even the slightest predisposition, prevention is very important. To prevent the disease it is necessary healthy image life, abandonment bad habits, taking essential vitamins. Regular visits to an ophthalmologist are mandatory, at least once a year, and more often after 50 years. It’s a good idea to keep your weight under control, pay attention to other ailments and fight them.

When choosing an ophthalmology, you need to pay attention to the possibility of undergoing full examination, the clinic must provide all types of services and have modern equipment. Equally important is the level of service, the competence of specialists and the reputation of the institution.



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