Points on the body to strengthen immunity. Acupressure to strengthen immunity

A few thousand years ago in China, people noticed that by acting on certain points on the human body, for example, pricking with stone or iron needles, one can relieve pain (tooth, headache, stomach, etc.), stimulate the work of internal organs and treat diseases.

In our time, this knowledge has been systematized, atlases have been compiled biologically active points responsible for certain bodily functions. Such an atlas is now freely available in a bookstore.

All these points are interconnected in lines - energy meridians, through which the vital energy "qi" circulates during the day. Every energy channel, or meridian corresponds to a pair of internal organs. For example, one meridian corresponds to the heart and small intestine, the other - the stomach and pancreas, etc.

The time when this or that channel is filled with vital energy "chi" corresponds to maximum activity these internal organs. By influencing biologically active points located on these channels, one can directly influence internal organs, activating their functions and improving their condition.

Now about 700 biologically active points are known on the human body, although no more than 150 are actively used. They cannot be seen, but can be found by sensations. When pressed on them, there is a slight pain.

The diameter of biologically active points varies depending on the state of the person: from 1 mm during sleep to 1 cm after waking up. In the region of the point, the temperature rises, the absorption of oxygen increases and the electrical resistance of the skin decreases. Under the microscope, you can see a large cluster of nerve endings.

Methods of influence on biologically active points:

1 - acupuncture (acupuncture)

2 - point massage (acupressure)

3 - thermal (cauterization, heating, exposure to cold)

4 – cupping massage(creates a vacuum over the dot)

5 - electropuncture (exposure to electric current in the microampere range)

6 - laser

7 - ultraviolet

8 - infrared

9 - microwave

10 - exposure to magnetic and electric fields.

obvious to anyone who was on it. A massage session is soothing, reduces feelings of anxiety, and even helps you sleep better at night. Now a new study suggests that massage can even help prevent disease.

Research details

In a study published in the latest issue of the Journal of Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, the authors recruited 53 healthy adults aged 18 to 45 and divided them into two groups: one received a traditional Swedish massage and the other received light touch sessions that mimicked massage, but without the actual use of any massage therapy methods. Swedish massage were performed by certified massage therapists to ensure uniformity. Each participant's levels of various hormones and immune markers were measured at various intervals.

The authors acted on the theory that massage increases the body's levels of oxytocin, or the "love hormone," which itself helps regulate stress-related hormone levels. However, they found that this was not the case. People receiving "light touch" actually experienced more high level oxytocin than those who were massaged. But unlike " lung groups touch", in those who received massage, the level of stress hormones significantly decreased and production in the body increased various cells which increase the response of the immune system.

One massage session can boost your immune system and help you deal with stress better, even when you're not sick or stressed. "I'm really intrigued by our data," says Mark Hyman Rapoport, MD medical sciences, professor, chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, adding that he was "an incredible skeptic about the benefits of massage before doing this research. I've always wondered why so many people claim to feel better." after the massage," he says. "We found that biological changes occur even in a single massage session, and that even a healthy person can benefit from these changes."

While this may already be enough for most people, Dr. Rapoport also says that his results may help increase the use of massage in folk medicine. Great news for those who are looking for more options to treat their ailments. "Based on survey data, most Americans would rather go to an alternative practice than a doctor, and would rather have an alternative to a traditional medical care", he says. Several massage studies show that the treatment can be beneficial for people suffering from a wide range immune system disorders. Thus, a weekly massage is good for the body and mind.

On our body there are more than 1000 bioactive points associated with various structures and organs of our body. Every day we unconsciously influence them: when we wash ourselves, dry ourselves with a towel, comb our hair, when we think, we rub our forehead, etc. Each such impact activates the work of the organs associated with this point, makes the body once again pay attention to this organ.

  • What is the essence of this technique?

It is on this connection that the methodology of Dr. Alla Umanskaya is based, under the editorship of which two volumes of the book “Shield from All Diseases” were published.

What is the essence of this technique?

Of the 32 most important bioactive points, the author of the technique selected the 9 most important (fundamental) points, by massaging which, you can improve your health, increase protective functions organism, getting rid of chronic inflammatory processes as well as stimulation mental capacity person. As the author himself says: “Influence on 9 point zones is not a massage! Figuratively speaking, the region of the sternum, neck and head is the body control panel, and 9 point zones are buttons on the remote control, by acting on which, a person activates the main systems and organs responsible for the vital activity of the body.

Zone 1 - Region (middle) of the chestZone 2 - Jugular fossa

Zone 3 - Front of the neckZone 4 - Upper back department neck
Put your fingers on both sides of the Adam's apple to clearly

Zone 5 - Depression between the 7th cervical and 1stZone 6 - Nose area

thoracic vertebraLocated on the edges wings of the nose,

Tilt your head forward, swipe across back side above the canine teeth, where dimples are foundMore on Medkrug.RU: http://www.medkrug.ru/article/show/tochechnyj_massazh_dlja_povyshenija_immuniteta More on Medkrug.RU: http://www.medkrug.ru/article/show/tochechnyj_massazh_dlja_povyshenija_immuniteta

neck until you find a large protruding

vertebra is the 7th cervical vertebra.

The area between the 7th cervical and next

vertebra is zone 5

Zone 7 - The area where the eyebrows begin to grow (slightly belowZone 8 - Ear area

Zone 9 - area of ​​the hands
If pressed thumb to the palm, then top part the resulting ledge will be point 9

How many times a day to massage bioactive zones?

For the prevention and improvement of the body, it is recommended to act on the points 5-6 times a day, and as often as possible during the period acute stage diseases. Impact on point zones should be carried out systematically, that is, every day. A break of 1-2 days quickly leads to a decrease in efficiency. However, it is better to massage at least 1-3 times a day than not to do at all.

Additional Tips

In addition to influencing bioactive points, Alla Alekseevna Umanskaya advises performing daily sanitation of the mouth, nose, and pharynx. According to the doctor, such daily actions help the body fight bacteria, which frees up the body's reserve forces to fight various chronic diseases and leads to more speedy recovery. The first volume of the book "Shield from all diseases" is devoted to this topic.

Caring for the child's health- is priority for each parent, and its implementation begins with the strengthening of immunity.

If a child practically did not get sick in the first three years before kindergarten, this causes serious concern among immunologists - it means that he was isolated from life, and this will come back to haunt him later with more serious illnesses and complications after them. The child simply needs to train the immune system. Another thing is that childhood illnesses should not last long and have a "bouquet" of subsequent complications.

If children get sick at an early age and preschool age- this is normal, so they kind of train their immune system to fight with harmful effects environment(these are viruses, bacteria, some antigens). It’s worth starting to worry about a decrease in immunity when a pediatrician or immunologist put your child in the group "frequently or long-term ill children".

Currently, this category includes children with acute respiratory infections:

- under the age of 1 year more than 4 times a year,

- at the age of 1 to 5 years - 5-6 per year,

- at an older age - more than 4 diseases per year.

Many drink vitamins, eat vegetables, play sports, observe healthy lifestyle life. Vitamins are a useful thing, but that's not all that can be done for a child's immunity.

strengthens child's immunity

To improve the child's immunity
yat Eleutherococcus extract.

Eleutherococcuseffective remedy for prevention infectious diseases. Medical scientists claim that the use of its extract reduces the likelihood of developingof infectious diseases in children by 2-3 times.

Liquid is allowed to be given to children from 2 years old, with water in the number of drops equal to the age of the child (2 years old child - 2 drops, 3 years old child - 3 drops per reception). The last dose of the drug should be no later than 18 hours, 15 or 20 minutes before meals at least three times a day.

For preventive purposes, the following course is recommended: a month - a reception, a month - a break. Such treatment must be carried out at least three times a year. The use of this scheme will significantly increase the immunity of a weakened child.

Useful properties of Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus contains almost all the substances that are found in ginseng, which is why it is sometimes called " Siberian ginseng". This plant has the ability to increase endurance, increase the level of efficiency. It is used to increase the tone of the body and as a tonic. Also eleutherococcus improves performance nervous system, relieves the symptoms of overwork and improves not only mental, but also physical activity organism.

There are several dosage forms preparations from this plant: creams, dragees, tablets, syrup or Eleutherococcus tincture.

In almost every pharmacy you can find " Eleutherococcus syrup natural". The syrup has a tonic and general tonic. How to use: Take 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day as an additive to tea or other drinks.

Drink this drug in the morning, so as not to cause insomnia, increased pressure, excessive arousal.

The use of Eleutherococcus

Can cook healthy drink, which will increase child's immunity. We take 2/3 cups of water, add 1 tsp there. honey and Eleutherococcus extract. We take as many drops of Eleutherococcus as the child is. We take only in the morning or in the afternoon.

After a prophylactic course aimed at increasing the immunity of a weakened child, his body's resistance to infections is maintained for two months due to the production of interferon by the immune system.

Pediatricians often prescribe eleutherococcus children with thymomegaly, as well as babies attending children's preschool institutions where the risk of infectious diseases is extremely high.

Unlike antibiotics, eleutherococcus does not pose a risk to the health of the child.

Eleutherococcus Contraindications

No matter how wonderful Eleutherococcus tincture However, there are contraindications. So, you should not use the extract for people suffering from chronic hypertension, insomnia, arrhythmias. Patients who have had a myocardial infarction are better off looking for alternative treatment.

In the event of any anxiety symptoms the drug should be discontinued. It is worth consulting with a specialist.

Acupressure increases child's immunity

There are quite a few hardening methods using acupressure, but the most effective is the method of the candidate of medical sciences A.A. Umanskaya.

The essence of the method lies in the impact of fingers on 9 bioactive point zones on the baby's body. These points - like buttons on the remote control, control the entire body.

During the finger massage, irritation of the receptors of the skin, fingers, muscles, tendons occurs, the impulses from which pass simultaneously to the brain and spinal cord, and from there the command is already received to get involved in the work. various bodies person. Massage enhances protective properties membranes of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs.

Point 1 - the area of ​​​​the entire sternum, which is associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, as well as bone marrow. When massaging this point, coughing decreases, blood formation improves.

Point 2 - associated with the mucous membrane lower divisions pharynx, larynx, and thymus ( thymus), regulating immune functions organism.

Point 3 - associated with special formations that control chemical composition blood and at the same time increasing the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx. Massage of this point improves blood circulation, metabolism, hormone production.

Point 4 - associated with the mucous membrane rear wall pharynx, larynx and upper cervical sympathetic ganglion. Massaging this point activates the blood supply to the head, neck, and torso.

Point 5 - located in the region of 7 cervical and 1 thoracic vertebra. It is associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, pharynx, esophagus, and most importantly - with the lower cervical sympathetic ganglion. Massage of this point contributes to the normalization of the activity of blood vessels, heart, bronchi, lungs.

Point 6 - connected with the anterior and middle lobes of the pituitary gland. Massage of this point improves the blood supply to the nasal mucosa, maxillary cavities, and most importantly the pituitary gland. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose disappears.

Point 7 - associated with the mucous membrane of the lattice formations of the nasal cavity and frontal sinuses, as well as with the frontal parts of the brain. Massage of this point improves blood circulation of the mucous membrane upper divisions nasal cavity, as well as eyeball and frontal regions of the brain. Vision improves, mental development is stimulated.

Point 8 - massage of this point, located in the region of the ear tragus, has a positive effect on the organ of hearing and the vestibular apparatus.

Point 9 - massage of this zone on the hands normalizes many functions of the body, because. man's hands through cervical regions spinal cord and certain areas of the cortex hemispheres associated with all of the above.

Order of influence

You need to start the massage from the first zone, and then sequentially massage individual areas in accordance with the numbering.

You need to massage the points with the pads of the thumb, index or middle finger with rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise, for 4-5 seconds in each direction. In this case, it is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of exposure.

In the area of ​​the third and fourth zones, you need to massage differently. To do this, make rubbing movements with your fingers from top to bottom from the back to the front of the neck. In symmetrical zones, you can act simultaneously with both hands.

Having well kneaded all areas and spending only 3-4 minutes on massage, you will quickly mobilize defensive forces The child has. If in one of the zones during the massage the baby feels soreness, this signals trouble in the body.

For example, if an increased pain sensitivity noted in the area of ​​the first zone, this indicates "breakdowns" in the hematopoietic system; if in the area of ​​the second zone there is a disorder with immunity, etc. So it is necessary to repeat this procedure every half an hour until the pain goes away.

How many times a day to massage?

For the prevention and healing of the body, it is desirable to do such a massage in the morning, afternoon and evening - at least every 5-6 hours, and as often as possible during the acute stage of the disease. In the morning, for quick activation of the body, more strong pressure to zones. Before going to bed, the effect should be carried out with light, calm movements.

Impact on point zones should be carried out systematically, i.e. every day. A break of 1-2 days quickly leads to a decrease in efficiency.

Foot massage enhances child's immunity

The next way to increase child's immunity is a foot massage

To do this, take sand, pebbles or expanded clay. Pour into different basins Walking in each basin for 1-2 minutes. You can buy a special rug with bulges, or make your own. Stick various pebbles on a regular rug.

Stop, or even just walking barefoot on sand, grass or pebbles - good remedy strengthening immunity.

In children who walk barefoot, there is a significant restoration of immunity. This is due to the fact that on the sole of a person's feet is a large number of active points, the stimulation of which significantly increases immunity.

Eastern medicine has used acupressure since ancient times as a means to strengthen the vitality of a person, as an affordable and effective method recovery. After all, many internal organs are associated with points on our skin, and when exposed to skin are activated vitality, work of all systems of an organism is adjusted.

If you have patience and are ready to devote 15-20 minutes a day to your immunity, then acupressure is for you!

How to do such a massage? Press on the points without friction with the middle or index finger. Start with 8-9 pressures clockwise and then counterclockwise and gradually increase their number to 16 per point.

Press lightly, slightly increasing the pressure at those points where pain is felt. Perform acupressure daily, you can 2 times a day - after waking up and before bedtime, but you can do it more often. First, warm up your hands by rubbing them together, and proceed, moving from point to point.

1. The first immunostimulating point is located in the middle between the eyebrows (in the East it is believed that the third eye chakra is located there). Work on this point.

2. Then work with both hands at the same time symmetrical points located in the middle of the eyebrows, or rather, right above them. Acting on all symmetrical points, rotate clockwise with the finger of one hand and at the same time counterclockwise with the finger of the second hand, and then vice versa.

3. Now go to the dots in the middle lower parts eye sockets, under the lower eyelids.

4. Act on the points located symmetrically on the wings of the nose.

5. Press down on a point just under your nose.

6. Find a point located in the center of the chin, as if on the border of the teeth and gums, and press on it.

7. Tilt your head and look for a strongly protruding seventh vertebra. Impact on this point also improves immunity.

8. Move on to the auricles, walking along them from the bottom up. After acupressure of the ears, rub auricles, pull them to the sides, down, up, twist in different sides laying their hands on them.

9. There are also dozens of healing and restorative points on the foot. To make the impact on them effective, purchase any massage mat or put it in a box, for example, pebbles, peas. In the morning, while you wash your face, trample on such a rug or on stones in order to properly massage the soles. This activates the huge reserves hidden in your body. And besides, you will finally wake up from such a massage and be ready to actively meet a new working or day off!



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