Dermatoglyphics of the two index fingers in personality psychodiagnostics. Dermatoglyphics in the service of humans

Dermatoglyphics is a science that studies patterns on fingers. Its founder was the Englishman Francis Galton, who published a monograph on fingerprints at the end of the 19th century. The term “dermatoglyphics” appeared less than a century ago - in 1926 and is translated as “skin engraving”.

According to prof. Bogdanov, “skin engraving” is our second face, which can tell us much more about us than the first.

Papillary patterns on the fingertips are formed in the womb and do not disappear after death (unlike the lines of fate on the palms). They do not change throughout life.

This drawing corresponds to a person’s karmic plans for a specific incarnation.

Fingers are bioresonators that receive vibrations from the information field with which a person interacts, each in his own strictly defined mode. Since the energy bodies open only in the area of ​​the fingers like a fan, then, as a result, each of the bodies gets the opportunity to directly contact the outside world. This bioenergetic code of information interaction is encrypted in the power lines of the papillary pattern. Torsion fields (information carriers), constantly rotating, seem to be screwed into a person’s biofield along the thread of his papillary patterns.
Patterns shape a person’s perception of the world, his reaction to the world around him, the specifics of the nervous system, show some hereditary diseases, endurance, longevity, influence the choice of profession, sports inclinations, creativity, etc.

Knowledge of the morphological characteristics of the skin is widely used today for early diagnosis of diseases, identification of risk groups, hereditary predisposition to diseases or longevity, development of recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, professional guidance, criminology, ethnography, etc. The earliest scientific reports on anatomical and The histological features of skin ribs (ridges) and the depressions between them (grooves) date back to the 17th century, when drawings and descriptions of the features of the patterns of human palms and fingers appeared in anatomical works. Advances in biology in the 19th century. contributed to further research into skin patterns. At the beginning of the 19th century. J. Purkinė gave the first classification of skin patterns on the fingers and identified 9 main types. In the last third of the 19th century. For the first time, fingerprints were used for personal identification. The works of F. Galton played a major role here. At the beginning of the 20th century. special comparative studies of the skin relief of primates and other mammals appeared. The American scientist W. Wilder in 1904 proposed using the features of comb lines and patterns on the skin of the palms and soles as an important ethnic feature. Then began the study of the embryonic development of finger patterns in connection with heredity. Many authors tried to cleanse palmistry of occult ideas, get away from mysticism, and isolate positive knowledge. “Purified” palmistry was at one time called manualism, chirosophy, palmistry, etc. The name “dermatoglyphics” was adopted in 1926 at the 42nd Congress of the American Association of Anatomists. In 1936, G. H. Cummins discovered and described the features of dermatoglyphs (skin patterns) in Down syndrome. At the end of the 50s, when chromosomal hereditary diseases were studied, the study of correlative connections between the characteristics of chromosome sets and skin patterns of the hands began. Modern dermatoglyphics was born, which is increasingly used in various fields of knowledge - from medicine to criminology and ethnography. Recently, fingerprinting and palmoscopy have been most widely studied and used. Galton, who proposed the first classification of finger patterns, identified three main types of patterns: curl (W), loop (L) and arc (A).

During a person’s lifetime, the papillary pattern does not change, but only the thickness of the ridges and their density change. There are 14 fields on the palm, forming separate zones, with the help of which you can determine the topography of the palmar lines.

What can our fingers tell us?

At all times, people wanted to know what awaited them. And there were always people ready to tell him this - fortune tellers, gypsies, witches. To this day, many people are suspicious of such predictions. However, modern scientists believe that there is a rational grain in fortune telling.

Palmists were the first to predict a person's future based on the skin patterns and lines on his hands. Later, criminologists became interested in drawings on fingertips, creating the science of fingerprinting. And now the time has come for geneticists and dermatoglyphics specialists. The first use finger patterns to diagnose hereditary diseases. The latter easily determine how healthy, easy-going, patient, and suitable a person is for certain types of activities.

“Palmists were not so mistaken - the most important information about a person is really encrypted in fingerprints,” says Tatyana Abramova, head of the laboratory of sports anthropology, morphology and genetics of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture. — Skin patterns on the fingers are finally formed in the 3rd–5th month of embryonic development and no longer change throughout life. The skin and the central nervous system develop at the same time and from the same embryonic rudiment. Therefore, finger patterns are called a marker of the organizational features of the human brain. Using fingerprints you can not only learn about the weak points of the nervous system, but also determine a person’s character.”

Of course, errors are inevitable. After all, the structure of fingerprints is extremely complex.

“At a certain stage, the idea arose of creating a device that would provide the doctor with high-quality information about the dermatoglyphic type,” say the developers of such a system from MSTU. Bauman. “The device created by Baumanka scientists allows you to automatically determine the inclination of the elements of the skin pattern, count the number of “ridges” and make the final calculation of the parameters.”

Fingerprints can identify dozens of different diseases that are genetic in nature. By examining papillary lines in women planning a pregnancy, one can obtain an accurate prognosis for the health of the offspring. A consultation with a dermatoglyphologist allows not only to predict the occurrence of inherited diseases, but also to calculate their course.

Dermatoglyphists often say that a fingerprint is a genome turned inside out. Its structure reflects a person’s ability to adapt to the world around him. With the help of fingerprints, it is possible to predict a person’s actions in extreme situations, which is why athletes and rescuers are sent for consultations with dermatoglyphics.

Three main patterns

People whose main finger pattern is the loop have an explosive temperament. They cannot stand long and monotonous work; they learn information slowly, but remember it for a long time. The “sprinting” nature makes itself felt in love. “Loops” are flighty, fickle and often have several parallel connections.

Peacock eye loop

Single or double loop with bend

Double loop

The most complex loop pattern. Its owners are just as complexly organized—quivering, vulnerable, but extremely capable people. They are mobile, active, resilient, easily adapt to any conditions, but at the same time concentrate on their inner world. The more curls on the hand, the more complex the nature and the stronger the tendency towards self-criticism.

Curl elongated

Curl - spiral

Curl - target

An “arc” person has little life potential and is not in the best health. But such a person uses the forces provided by nature wisely and economically. Once having found its place, the “arc” does not waste energy searching for a better life. People who have predominantly arc patterns on their fingers are extremely conservative and authoritarian, and do not get along well with people. But, if such a person has become your friend, he will go through fire and water for you. In married life, “arcs” are distinguished by exceptional devotion, never allowing themselves to have affairs on the side, but demanding absolute fidelity in return.

High arc

Arch with loop inside

Standard arc


A Main arch. The fingerprint indicates a practical and materialistic nature. A person with fingerprint arches is reserved but hardworking. These people can be hard-hearted, insensitive, skeptical and unemotional. On the index and middle fingers, arches can reveal an inability to express oneself.

B Vaulted canopy. It stands out due to the so-called<оперным шестом>, which supports the arch. People with such lines are in many ways similar to those with a major arch, but are more impulsive and emotional. The owners of such fingerprints are very nervous, artistic and obsessive - but stubborn.

A loop

B Main (or ulna) loop. This is the most common fingerprint pattern. The base of the loops points to the thumb, and the starting point of the loop points to the striking side of the palm (percussion). People who have these fingerprints on their hands tend to be soft-spoken and straightforward, with a quick, lively and flexible mind.

D Reverse (or radial) loop. These loops are similar to the main ones, but begin and end in opposite directions. Their owners have the same personality characteristics as the owners of the main loops, but they are more trusting and fearless. Back loops are much less common than main loops.


D Spiral curl. People who have spiral curls in their prints are individualists with a strong and clear personality. Potentially brilliant, they work best when they keep themselves busy. They can be inflexible and take a long time to make decisions, but first, however, they prefer to reserve time to think about matters.

E Concentric curl. A fingerprint consists of several closed circles, one inside the other. This is a rarer pattern than the spiral curl, but it indicates very similar character traits. Most often it occurs on the index or ring finger. A person with 10 such fingerprints will have great opportunities, but will be subject to stress.

F Complex. Complex fingerprints look like two loops stretched in opposite directions. They can often look like the daytime Chinese yin and yang symbols. Although these people are open-minded and able to sympathize with others, they can be indecisive and even clueless individuals.

Peacock eye

At first glance fingerprints<павлиний глаз>look like a loop. However, upon closer inspection, you will see a curl at the heart of the loop, like the eye on a peacock's tail. This fingerprint is very auspicious, predicting great luck for its owner and granting him protection.

And Tri-radius. If you are having any difficulty distinguishing one type of fingerprint pattern from another, then take a look at tri-radius. This print pattern is determined by the presence, absence or number of these triangular shapes. The joint print does not have a tri-radius, the loop does, and the curl has two tri-radii.

Fingerprints and Compatibility

To see how people with different fingerprint shapes match each other, see the following. table.

Fingerprints and career

Refer to this table to decide and evaluate people's performance abilities according to their dominant fingerprint type.

Live in harmony with the Universe, using all the opportunities given to you! Asto-numerological chart - an individual analysis of all the qualities of data given to you from birth.


A new branch of knowledge has recently emerged that studies the development of finger patterns in relation to heredity. In a certain sense, it is a scientific descendant of palmistry. The term was proposed by American scientists Cummins and Middle. Some researchers are trying to extract from the traditional practice of fortune telling by hand knowledge about the bodily imprinting of a person’s individual characteristics; The hypothesis is being explored that the formation of the skin pattern of the palms, as well as the development of the brain, occurs in the 3-4th month of intrauterine development and is caused by the same influence of the gene set of the parents or chromosomal aberrations in the fetus.

Dictionary of a practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.


(from gr. dermatos - skin + gliphe- carving) - the study of relief patterns on the skin formed by papillary lines (papillary patterns) on the palms, fingertips, and soles of the feet. Papillary patterns are constitutional morphological properties (see. ), which are found in humans and monkeys. D.'s data are of special interest for physical anthropology (for example, in racial studies), genetics and criminology, which has been used since the end of the 19th century. fingerprint method identification personality. (B.M.)

Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .



The skin that covers the inside of the palm has, as is known, a complex relief - it is formed by so-called ridges, and therefore experts call this skin ridge. The combs form characteristic patterns that are unique to each person and remain constant throughout their lives. The study of the signs of these patterns is carried out by the science of dermatoglyphics, which should not be confused with the widely popular palmistry, for the former is connected with the latter no more than astronomy is with astrology or chemistry with alchemy.

Palmistry, which studies the connection between the capillary and especially flexor (flexion) lines of the palm, its very structure with human properties, arose in ancient times. It was known to the Hindus, Chaldeans, Jews, Greeks and Romans. XVI-XVIII centuries - the heyday of palmistry in Europe. Many universities even had departments of palmistry. The connection between palmistry and astrology is indicated by the names of the “seven hills” on the palm - the Sun and six planets: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Moon and Mars. The “state of the hills” is taken into account by palmists in the same way as the three central lines - “life”, “mind (head)” and “feelings (heart)”.

Palmists claim that they can determine the main characterological traits of the person whose hand is being “read” - his hereditary inclinations, inclinations and drives, strengths and weaknesses of the personality. Based on what you “read,” you can supposedly see the past and the future. They usually separate chirognomania, that is, personality analysis, and palmistry itself as predicting the future. In practice, both of them merge into one.

Opinions about the reliability of palmistry are extremely controversial. To this day, no in-depth scientific analysis of its data has been carried out. In the meantime, there are many who believe in it and many who do not believe, while in order for it to acquire scientific status, solid knowledge is needed based on a large number of established correspondences.

As for dermatoglyphics, its roots go back to hoary antiquity. One of the American museums houses a thumbprint of a resident of Ancient China. The imprint was left on a clay jug over three thousand years ago. Most likely the fingerprint is the seal of a potter. The ancient Indians, Babylonians, and Assyrians replaced their signatures with fingerprints. It is interesting that in Sanskrit the concepts “seal” and “finger impression” are homographs, that is, they are written the same way.

However, dermatoglyphics as a scientific discipline is quite young: its origin dates back to 1892, when one of the most original naturalists of his time - Charles Darwin's cousin - Sir Francis Galton published his now classic work on patterns on the fingers.

This date, however, is quite arbitrary. Back at the beginning of the 16th century. in the works of very authoritative anatomists there are already descriptions of dermatoglyphic patterns, and at the beginning of the 20th century. a fundamental classification of finger patterns appears, created by the famous Czech researcher Jan Purkinė. Later, it was largely used by Galton, and then by the authors of the most widespread classification today - the Americans H. Cummins and C. Meadlo.

And in 1880, two authors - G. Foulds and W. Herschel - published in a reputable English scientific journal Nature(“Nature”) their reports on the possibility of personal identification using fingerprints. One of them even suggested that Scotland Yard use this discovery, but was rejected. And yet, it is from this time that fingerprinting, which is so widely used today in forensic science, dates back to its history.

But these are, of course, applied aspects. It is much more interesting to find out: what is behind the ridge patterns and how do they characterize this or that person? And such an approach is quite scientific, since the skin has a common source of origin with the structures of the nervous system and is quite closely connected with them. The results of dermatoglyphic studies are of considerable value for medicine: they are used in the diagnosis of many congenital brain diseases. But that's not all. The role of the nervous system in regulating the functions of the human body is so great that one can find a connection even between the features of dermatoglyphics and many somatic (that is, purely bodily) diseases - peptic ulcers, diabetes, tuberculosis (isn’t this knowledge intuitively used by the most insightful fortune-tellers, predicting various illnesses and illnesses?).

But can skin patterns provide anything for understanding a person’s character, temperament, and behavior? According to Russian psychiatrist Nikolai Bogdanov, this question can also be answered positively. The fact is that, despite all the individual uniqueness of fingerprints, they are quite easy to classify within just three groups.

The most common finger patterns are the so-called ulnar loops, curls are a little less common, and simple arcs are the rarest. Based on these dermatoglyphic signs, which, according to experts, reflect the individual organization of the human nervous system, it is possible to make assumptions about its characteristics, and, consequently, about human behavior.

Statistics show that those whose finger patterns are dominated by arcs are distinguished by purely concrete thinking. They are distinguished by a formal view of the world, they are not inclined to creative manifestations, in the sense that they are not inclined to bring much of their own. These people are quite unambiguous and purposeful; it is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the environment and listen to the opinions of other people. They are truthful, frank, do not like behind-the-scenes intrigues, and easily “cut the truth.” Long trips in public transport can be difficult for them, and they often do not tolerate heat well; many try to avoid alcohol, which does not make them feel pleasantly relaxed. Such people may experience undesirable reactions to medications, especially those that affect the psyche - tranquilizers, antiallergic drugs. In general, we can say that the health of these people is quite fragile, and that is probably why there are few of them in our society. In life, however, they are able to give the impression of real “rams,” but mainly for the reason that they simply have nowhere to retreat. Those around them prefer to avoid conflicts with them, because they very quickly learn their meaninglessness: such people do not learn from their own mistakes or from those of others. Often people of this type make it to all kinds of management (each reader is free to draw his own conclusions from here).

At the first meeting, the owner of a large number of arcs can give the impression of a very smart person, because he speaks weightily, specifically and quite simply, but... If your communication continues, you risk getting into a very unpleasant situation when, due to your experience, professional training, or for some reason -or for other reasons you cannot agree with the interlocutor. And now you are in a trap, because no matter how much you convince the other side, you still will not be able to convince him! The irritation from this can be so great that you are ready to deny the person any dignity.

The situation is completely different with curls. Those on whose fingers such patterns predominate are distinguished by varied and very complex behavior. They often have little idea of ​​what they are capable of. But the realization of their abilities depends mainly on motivation, and if there is no motivation (unfortunately, this is most often the case), then there are no special achievements. Despite their colossal endurance, people of this type do not like (and it seems to them that they cannot) endure unpleasant circumstances. But at the same time, they are constantly - to one degree or another - dissatisfied with themselves, prone to soul-searching, to painful doubts. It can be very difficult for them to complete the work they have started, for example, due to the fact that, having found a thread for solving a problem, they may lose all interest in it. Or they cannot choose which of the many solutions to prefer. In contrast to owners of other finger patterns, such people may experience purely childish joy from some behind-the-scenes maneuvers. And the most amazing thing is that they do this not for the sake of achieving selfish goals, but solely wanting to enhance the variety and severity of life experiences with the help of a gaming environment. Those with curls cannot match the speed of reaction with those with an arc pattern, but they greatly benefit in coordination of movements.

People with a predominance of loop patterns on their fingers are a kind of “golden mean” between the two described above. They usually have a fairly wide range of interests, although they do not have the same intensity and depth as people with curls, nor the unambiguousness and specificity that some people like, but irritates others, like people with arcs. Owners of loops easily get along with others, tolerate their any oddities, while quite adequately assessing what is happening. They are ready to participate in endeavors whose benefits or intent they do not share or even understand. With all their “pros” and “cons,” these are ideal leaders who are capable of satisfying everyone, albeit to a minimum. Moreover, they do not put pressure on others (as people with arcs do) and do not torment anyone with ephemeral and constantly changing plans (like those with curls). Those with loops on all fingers turn out to be the most sociable, tolerant, friendly, and understanding. In the service, such a person will take on any job; at school he will listen to the teacher when necessary, and play around when everyone is “on their ears”; on a hike, he will sing with a guitar (no need for much persuasion) and will cope with duty after a difficult trek. If something is wrong with such a person, it means either there are serious troubles at home, or those around you have exhausted your patience with unfounded claims.

All these characteristics, of course, are not absolute and are very generalized. Especially when you consider that people with a predominance of one type of finger patterns are not particularly common. In fact, it is important not only whether a person has this or that pattern, but also on which finger and which hand it is located. The fine topography of dermatoglyphic features is somehow related to the fine organization of different areas of the brain. Loops, as already mentioned, are the most common pattern, and the features of their localization are not so important. As for the curls, they, as patterns of higher complexity, are most often located on the fingers of the right hand, and mainly on the index and ring fingers. This is the norm, quite close to the loops. But if the asymmetry in the distribution of patterns of varying complexity exceeds two signs, then such a person is most likely distinguished by severe imbalance. When the curls are noted mainly on the right hand, then he is quick-tempered, but easy-going, however, the greater the asymmetry, the less easy-going. If the picture is the opposite, which, by the way, happens much less often, then such people are more likely to digest everything is in himself, and this gives a person great originality, because he can harbor a grudge for an extremely long time, and who knows when and how it will suddenly remind of itself. Such people are vulnerable and secretive, and sometimes even vindictive and vindictive. Once they have ideas, it is extremely difficult for them to leave them. But at the same time they are artistic, sometimes musical or have the ability to draw. They do not tolerate alcohol well and can become aggressive under its influence.

The owner of a single curl on the thumb of his right hand can torment those around him with lengthy arguments on a variety of issues (what experts call reasoning). In stressful situations, when it is necessary to quickly make an important decision, or even just during an emotional conversation in a raised tone, he can completely lose orientation and commit actions that seem to be in no way consistent with his experience and level of intelligence.

And if this single curl is located on the index finger of the left hand, while on the same finger of the right hand there is a loop, then we have a hereditary left-hander. There are legends about left-handed people, but such a person does not always differ from others in some peculiarities of thinking and behavior.

A) typical arch - the rarest of the common finger patterns. Most often found on the index and middle fingers of the left hand

B) the most common of the finger patterns is the typical loop. Always accompanied by one so-called “delta” (in this case, to the left of the loop)

C) a typical curl is always accompanied by two “deltas” (in the photo - to the left and right of the curl). Most often found on the index and ring fingers of the right hand

The area of ​​application of dermatoglyphics is not limited to finger patterns, because ridge skin is also found on the palms. True, patterns such as arcs, loops and curls are very rare here. People who have them are a bit of a mystery. More often than others, they are found among patients of neuropsychiatric clinics, but perhaps this is a price to pay for some unique abilities?

An extremely interesting phenomenon can be considered the closeness of dermatoglyphic patterns in married couples. If one of the spouses has rare patterns on the palms, then they are most often noted on the other side. It is interesting that owners of rare patterns still find each other, no matter how rare these signs are. The only exception is people with an arc pattern, which never connect with each other. The owner of the arcs, as a rule, unites in an alliance with the owner of the curls and, as a rule, is the leader in a married couple.

dermatoglyphics- dermatoglyphics... Spelling dictionary-reference book

Dermatoglyphics- (Greek δέρμα, (gen. δερματός) “skin” and γλυφω - cut, engrave) a science that studies the signs of patterns on the skin of the palmar side of the hands and feet of a person. The skin of the palmar side of the hands has a complex relief, it is formed ... Wikipedia

Dermatoglyphics- * dermataglyphics * dermatoglyphics section of the morphology of humans and animals. Study of capillary epidermal lines and patterns on the skin of the palms and fingers, on the soles of the feet of humans and primates, in cattle, patterns of the surface of the nasal... ... Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

DERMATOGLYPHICS- (from dermato... and Greek glypho cut out engrave), study of the details of the relief of the skin of the palms and feet (for example, papillary lines). Dermatoglyphics data are used in racial studies, human genetics, criminology, etc. See also Fingerprinting... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

DERMATOGLYPHICS- (from the Greek derma, gender dermatos skin and glypho I cut out, engrave), a section of animal and human morphology that studies papillary lines and patterns. D. data are widely used in anthropology, genetics, and criminology (fingerprinting). .(

There is an assumption that absolutely all information about a person is recorded in the papillary patterns of the skin (the science of dermatoglyphics studies them). Information is stored in encoded form, like a kind of genetic matrix. It’s just not possible to extract it entirely yet. If, under a strong microscope, you carefully study and record the papillary image, and then find the key to decryption, you can know your every day, both the past and the upcoming. However, you will have to constantly scan your palms and compare them. When something does not happen as “written”, due to your own or someone else’s will, the lines “float”, line up into a new picture, fate is adjusted. This way you can track and verify every step. Is it really necessary?

Recently, a new theory was born, based on a study of the back of the hand and, especially closely, the articular folds. The drawings on them can also be deciphered, fans of the system say, almost literally: a tall man on the joint of the index finger, visible under high magnification (and, apparently, a strong imagination), can mean problems with the authorities. Personally, I am not a supporter of palmistry updated in this way, but I also do not call quackery something with which I am simply not very familiar.

For now, only the papillary pattern of the fingertips is known reliably: it is unchanged and is the most reliable means of identifying a person. Let's consider how finger patterns and abilities and character traits are connected. Since we are talking about the unchangeable, it can be assumed that the information conveyed by papillary drawings belongs to the category of fundamental, reflects properties acquired by inheritance and determining the backbone of the personality. Even by changing, improving, developing yourself, or, conversely, without paying any attention to working on yourself, you will never be able to completely get rid of the qualities recorded in dermatoglyphs.

Finger drawings are divided into several main types.

Curl It is a spiral that folds into a circle, or less often an oval. This is a good mark; it distinguishes a person from others if there are a lot of curls, or highlights the sphere of prosperity (depending on the finger on which the figure is located). This is a sign of a bright “I”, independence and giftedness, innovative thinking, creative nature and freedom of action. A curl is a sign of an individualist and an intellectual. Higher education, independence, energy, ambition, self-esteem. Abilities above ordinary. No financial setbacks are expected. Will achieve good results in life.

Arc (arch) resembles a wave and testifies to practicality, balance, and reliability. It distinguishes a person who is a craftsman, one who knows how and loves to work with his hands. The owner of several arches on the fingers manages to invest money correctly. Down to earth, generally low intelligence. Restraint, reliability, realism, perseverance. Sense of self-preservation. To pair them, it is better to look for a person with a loop pattern. A strongly raised loop is tension.

Tent shaped arc (tent arch) has a vertical line in the middle, as if dividing it into two parts. It adds sensitivity and idealism to the properties of a simple arc. Practicality meets enthusiasm here. Impulsivity, impulse, feeling.

Loops occur most frequently and therefore reflect commonness. A finger with the stamp of ordinary means that a person has average abilities in this area. At the same time, he is good-natured, easy to communicate and adapts well to life. The nervous system is labile. His success is not so much from his intellect as from his sociability, from his conformist attitude to life. Openness, warmth, good nature, flexibility, friendliness, collectivism. But the abilities are generally moderate.

Double loop (composite drawing), on the contrary, it reveals a remarkable mind, the ability to look at a problem from different angles, and a dualism of nature. It characterizes the analyst. However, it is precisely these qualities that often become a stumbling block in decision-making. A double loop is a sign of a versatile but indecisive person. It is suitable for a scientist, but will interfere with a businessman.

"Peacock Eye" speaks of creativity. Artist, writer, dancer.

It can be added that unconventional drawings, especially on the left, “genetic” hand, can mean sharp deviations, abnormalities both in character and in health. More complex patterns on the thumb and index finger are an identifier of the “main” hand.

Modern research by Boris Akimov and Oleg Avdeychik proved that rare variants of ridge patterns indicate reduced adaptive abilities of the owner. According to statistics, 85% of fingerprints belong to the main 3 types. People with unusual dermatoglyphs, due to the characteristics of the nervous system, have problems with social adaptation and implementation. An example is the maniac Andrei Chikatilo. It had several rare patterns: on the thumb of the left hand, a curl resembled the growth rings of a tree cut, and on the thumb of the right hand there were loops that looked like tongues of flame.

Many creative people had several curls: 3 for Mayakovsky, 4 for Mandelstam, 7 for Einstein.

The Chinese have a proverb: “1 swirl curl means poverty, 2 – wealth, 3 or 4 – open a pawn shop, 5 – you will become a commission agent, 6 – a thief, 7 – expect misfortune, and 9 curls and 1 loop – a comfortable life in which there is enough food until old age."

Among the Japanese and Indians, those with curves were considered tough and emotionally cold, people with loops on their fingers were considered sweet, friendly, but uninitiative, and those with curls were considered cunning and lucky.

Centenarians usually have more loops. Although “curls” have the greatest physical potential. But “loopers” know how to adapt, suffer less from stress, and eternally dissatisfied critics with “curls” quickly burn out and are prone to self-destruction. Another sign of longevity is the absence of abnormal dermatoglyphs. After all, abnormal fingerprints reflect damage to genes. Men have more curls than women, and on average their patterns are more complex. The following situation was found among representatives of sexual minorities. True homosexual men have a curl on their little finger (unusuality in gender, in relationships) and a curl on their thumb (the ability to defend their rights and freedoms, a sign of independence).

Loops in other places of the palm

Between the index and middle fingers is the raja loop, or charisma loop. Between the middle and the nameless is a loop of seriousness and balance. Between the ring and little fingers is a loop of humor. Around the nameless is a loop of vanity. The loop on the Mount of the Moon in the lower part is a love of nature, the power of imagination. Double loop on the Moon - creativity, daydreaming, love of travel and water. The loop on the Mount of the Moon near the end of the head line is a memory loop.

Let's reveal the secrets of geniuses, presidents and maniacs using fingerprints

People have long believed that you can learn all the secrets of a person by looking at your hand. Even in the Bible, in the Book of Job, chapter 37, verse 7, it says: “God sets a seal on the hand of every man, so that all people may know His work.” The Prophet Moses argued that “the hand is a man’s mirror, in which his whole life is indicated.” Aristotle had no doubt that hidden information about a person was encrypted in the lines on his hand.

And today scientists are finding more and more evidence that the patterns on the fingers and palms are truly “magic letters” in which the character, potentials and even the future of a person are encoded. Researchers compare the lines on the palms with barcodes used to mark products in stores. The cashier runs a reading device along the lines of the code and sees what it costs, who the manufacturer is... The barcode of fate is more complex, and a reading device has not yet been created. But a new scientific direction, studying skin patterns on the hands, has emerged. It's called dermatoglyphics. We can say that the ancestor of this science was palmistry, just as astrology is the ancestor of astronomy.

One of the largest experts in unraveling human secrets from fingerprints is a psychiatrist, candidate of medical sciences, senior researcher at the laboratory of experimental pathology and therapy at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the international organization for the study of the brain Nikolai Bogdanov.

“We are accustomed to judging people by their faces,” says Nikolai Nikolaevich. “However, sometimes even a cursory glance at a person’s hands is enough to make you want, to put it mildly, to “clarify” this opinion. Isn’t it true that this part of the body is so expressive that it can sometimes tell much more about its owner than his face, statements, and in other cases even actions?

The fact that hands hide the deepest secrets of a person was noticed by ancient artists. Very realistic images of hands are already present in the cave paintings of primitive people. Therefore, the importance of the upper limbs was emphasized by the tradition of making, along with removable masks, also casts of the hands. This tradition is still alive. And Francisco Goya, for example, even charged a separate fee for the depiction of hands in portraits.

“Meanwhile, the impression from the outer, back side of the hand (which, alas, has not yet received due attention) cannot be compared with the information that can be gleaned from its inner surface,” Dr. Bogdanov is convinced. – For understanding human characteristics, the importance of such information cannot be overestimated. The skin here is represented by specific ridges, for which it is called “comb”. In some places on the palms and fingers, these ridges form intricate patterns that contain fantastic reserves of information!

Identification of a person by the pattern of his ridged skin - fingerprinting - is just one of the areas of use of skin patterns. Another area - much broader and much more intriguing - is the use of these features as markers of morphological, physiological and even psychological (!) characteristics of a person. Dermatoglyphics, the science of skin patterns, studies this issue. After all, they - patterns - remain unchanged throughout life, are unique for each person and can be classified. The origins of dermatoglyphics were the famous English psychologist and anthropologist Francis Galton, so it has a long historical past - right back to the mid-1800s.

– What are the main types of finger patterns?

– Curl, loop and arc. People with arches are extremely rare - 5-10 percent. Loops are found in most people - 60-65 percent. Curls appear much less frequently - 30 percent. And just imagine: the entire human individuality passes through the eye of a needle of these types of patterns! For example, there is even an old Chinese proverb regarding curls, the meaning of which, however, does not seem clear everywhere. It sounds something like this: “One vortex curl means poverty, two - wealth, three, four - open a pawn shop, five - become a commission agent, six - you will be a thief, seven - meet misfortune, eight - eat straw, nine - you don’t have to work, food You’ll have enough until you die!” Something similar is found in the folklore of the Indians and Malays.

– But why is our ridged skin capable of forming very intricate patterns? What could be the explanation for this?

– I will take the liberty of making the following assumption. It seems very likely that at some stages of evolution, specific fields of the ridge skin began to develop depending on what new functions were acquired by those parts of the brain with which a connection was once established. The human brain has many different sections and structures. Some of them are responsible for receiving, others for the primary processing of information. In particular, in the cerebral cortex of each of us there are specific zones called “tertiary”. There are only two of them - the frontal, also known as the frontal, cortex and the so-called parieto-temporo-occipital cortex. To greatly simplify the picture, we can say that they are the ones who are most responsible for the highest mental functions of a person - his thinking and speech.

I would especially like to emphasize that dermatoglyphics is not interested in “lines of fate”, like palmists, but only in ridge patterns on the fingers, or more precisely, on the nail phalanges. There should be no patterns on the palms of a healthy person; this is a very rare sign. It points to peculiarities in behavior. For example, among patients in psychiatric clinics, the percentage of people with patterns on their palms is higher than the population average.

The patterns of the ridge skin, having been established by the thirteenth week of intrauterine development of the fetus, will never change. Behind them are complex processes of growth and differentiation of body tissues during its development. Considering that human skin, or rather its upper layer, comes from the same embryonic rudiment as the nervous system, the assumption about the marker role of skin patterns for the organization of the brain can be considered fair.

Psychological portraits of people based on dermatoglyphics, compiled by Nikolai Bogdanov

Owners of an arc pattern on the fingers differ in purely concrete thinking. These are unambiguous people; it is difficult for them to adapt to changes in the environment. They are not inclined to listen to other people's opinions and often strive to insist on their own. However, this is partly redeemed by the easy switching to other topics and general forbearance. Other “positive” qualities include truthfulness and frankness; such people do not understand the “taste” of behind-the-scenes intrigues and easily cut the “truth” right in the eyes. It is worth noting that they are indifferent to alcohol, which does not give them a feeling of pleasant relaxation.

In everyday life, owners of arches are able to give the impression of real battering rams, perhaps because, due to psychological inflexibility, they have practically nowhere to retreat. Often such people make it to all kinds of management positions.

They are a completely different type owners of a large number of curl patterns . This type of personality is such that he often has no idea what he is capable of. They say about such people: “Without a king in your head!” On the one hand, they are distinguished by extraordinary complacency, they are lazy, prone to scattering, and it is very difficult for them to complete the work they have begun. Having caught the thread of solving the problem, they immediately lose interest in it. Or they cannot choose which solution to prefer.

They tend to artificially complicate the problems they face. They experience purely childish joy from behind-the-scenes maneuvers, and they do this not to achieve a goal, but out of “love of art”, in an effort to enrich the surrounding reality with a playful environment. To one degree or another, they are dissatisfied with themselves, feel unsure of their own abilities, and are prone to fruitless soul-searching. In terms of reaction speed, it is difficult for them to compete with the owners of arcs, but they gain a lot in fine coordination of movements.

And people with ten curls are contemplators who prefer not to interfere in anything, lazy people and couch potatoes who observe the world from the outside. Since this pattern is more common in the East, here is the basis for the development of Eastern philosophy.

People with loop patterns represent a kind of “golden mean” between the two described above. The nervous system of these people is designed in such a way that it is easy for them to adapt to any situation, they are quite sociable, tolerant and resilient. They have a wide range of interests, although they do not have the intensity and depth of people with curls, nor the specificity and simplicity of people with arches.

They are ready to participate in those endeavors whose benefits or intention they do not share or even understand. With all their “pros” and “cons,” these are ideal leaders who can at least satisfy everyone. They never put pressure on others, like the owners of arcs, and do not torment anyone with ephemeral and constantly changing plans, like the owners of curls.

“All these characteristics, of course, are far from absolute,” notes Nikolai Bogdanov. “In addition, people with a predominance of one type of finger pattern are not so common. The vast majority of us have very diverse compositions of two, or even all three types of patterns. Sometimes there is a rather pronounced asymmetry in the distribution of patterns across the fingers. For example, curls tend to be located on the fingers of the right hand. If asymmetry exceeds two signs, then the person is unbalanced. He can even be quick-tempered, but, as they say, he is easy-going. When the picture is the opposite and the curls occupy mainly the fingers of the left hand, then the person, despite vulnerability, will rather digest all the grievances within himself, which is much worse, because who knows how and when mental wounds will suddenly remind themselves. I’ll tell you straight, it’s better not to quarrel with such people, because the anxiety that lives in them gives them a colossal strong-willed spirit, drowning out the fear of overcoming difficulties. Add to this artistry, the ability to empathize with another person. Oh, these are dangerous opponents! At the same time, they are characterized by dreaminess, musical or artistic abilities, sometimes very pronounced. But you have to pay dearly for originality.

– Nikolai Nikolaevich, are there any more subtle characteristics of patterns?

- Yes. Loops are divided into radial and ulnar. Ulnar is the most common type. These patterns resemble a lasso and are directed towards the little finger. Radial ones, directed towards the thumb, are more rare. Even one such loop on the thumbs, ring or little fingers makes a person marginal. I was once invited to a company whose manager received consent from all his employees to take fingerprints. The commercial director had two radial loops. “This is marginal,” I said. In response: what are you talking about, this is an honest man, devoted to the core of the company to the affairs of the company! And a week later he was fired because, as it turned out, he was collecting classified information to open a competing case.

And one day they gave me a book from the external surveillance service of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. It turned out that among scammers and swindlers there is an extremely high concentration of radial loops on the thumb or ring finger of the right hand. This pattern demonstrates the extreme rarity and originality of the owner. Think for yourself: in order to successfully carry out his, so to speak, “activity,” a swindler requires remarkable imagination, life experience, the ability to understand people, the ability to persuade, personal charm, and artistry. That's a lot of talent at once!

– Do people find their other half with the same fingerprints as theirs or others?

– In married couples, as a rule, the nature of the patterns coincides. The percentage is not equal to one hundred, but it is quite large and grows depending on the length of the marriage. In general, couples who have been together for two years are less similar in patterns than those who have been together for ten years. But since dermatoglyphics does not change during life, we are talking about elimination - the disintegration of marital unions that are not similar in patterns. It's hard to believe, but even people with the rarest patterns still find each other. I once had an amazing couple at my reception. My husband has patterns in the spaces between his fingers, which occurs in one person out of ten thousand. Imagine my surprise when I discovered exactly the same anomaly in his wife. This man found himself a wife blindly, but how accurate!

– Do future spouses find each other intuitively?

– By behavior – it is determined by the psyche. Dermatoglyphics marks the characteristics of the nervous system, while the nervous system determines the characteristics of the psyche. People are selected based on psychological traits. If one spouse has schizophrenia, the other often does too. If one is sick with epilepsy, then the other is sick or displays epileptoid character traits.

– Yes, for example, people with ten arches on their fingers never pair up with each other. They choose only those with many curls and tyrannize them for the rest of their lives. “Arcs” are very straightforward, they do not compromise, and therefore their cohabitation is impossible. But if this does happen, the family quickly falls apart.

– What are the rarest and most mysterious cases you have encountered?

– This is when the finger patterns are on the palm of the hand on the pad near the thumb. These peculiar “black marks” are most often found in patients of neuropsychiatric clinics. But maybe this is payback for some unique abilities? Fortunately, such signs are very rare.

– What patterns did geniuses have?

– The famous film director Sergei Eisenstein’s “picture” of hands was completely banal: all ten fingers were “loops.” This explains his amazing tolerance. It is known that he had no enemies. He endured such difficult people as director Vsevolod Meyerhold and the head of Soviet cinema Boris Shumyatsky. Many times clouds gathered over Eisenstein, but he worked as if nothing had happened. He experienced triumphal celebrations after the release of the first part of the film “Ivan the Terrible,” and vilification and disgrace after the release of the second. As you know, Eisenstein died of a second heart attack, and precisely at the age that the famous palmist Cairo predicted for him - at fifty years old.

More interesting patterns on the fingers of Vladimir Mayakovsky. Three of his four “curls” were located on the fingers of his right hand, and only one on his left. This confirms the extreme instability and temper of the poet’s character. Hence his notorious “hooligan” mask, which so irritated his contemporaries, and his fear of loneliness, and his attachment to those few people who often did not understand or appreciate him, whom he nevertheless considered “his own.” Hence the inability to use one’s talent and the lack of firm convictions. His suicide was an act of a momentary outburst of feelings that could easily be stopped by anyone nearby. Although it’s not clear here: he shot himself with his left hand, but he has no signs of left-handedness! And he did not harbor the idea of ​​self-destruction and was not suicidal.

Osip Mandelstam's prints showed that he was a very complex and secretive person. There are many complex patterns on the fingers and partial asymmetry is a sign of being left-handed and right-handed at the same time. These patterns characterize him as a broad-minded, strong-willed person. He digested everything within himself - it accumulated in him and burst out at the most unexpected moments. Once he even slapped Alexei Tolstoy out of the blue. But this is from memoirs, everything else is based on dermatoglyphics.

Albert Einstein had seven curls: on the thumb, index and ring fingers of both hands and on the middle finger of his left hand, the rest of the patterns are ulnar loops. These are signs indicating an even more complex character than Mandelstam’s. Such people try in every possible way to avoid conflicts, because they themselves suffer from them in the first place. They are distinguished by high potential, a tendency to playful, rational activities, to analyze and calculate situations. These are secretive, late-forming types, infantile, extremely lazy. However, that’s how it happened, right? Einstein wrote that he was formed late and did not study well at school.

– Nikolai Nikolaevich, have you ever studied the hands of criminals?

– I studied the fingerprints of the maniac Andrei Chikatilo. When he was executed, the fingerprints were thrown out of the file cabinet, considering that they would not “show up” anywhere, and one operative gave them to me. Chikatilo had a very rare type of pattern on his fingertips. On the thumb of the left hand there is a “curl”, while on the thumb of the right hand there is a “loop”. But in normal people, the patterns on the fingers of both hands are located symmetrically! Of course, those people who immediately discovered such “marks” in themselves should not fall into despair. They can be considered as warnings about the characteristics of the nervous system, which must be carefully monitored. It is possible that people with the “Chikatilo sign” will be able, for example, to direct their energy with all their passion to the development of some remarkable talent. After all, Chikatilo could have been a completely different person: the characteristics of his nervous system are such that he could have realized himself as a talented person. I've met people with very similar hand patterns who have done a lot of good things. For example, in one provincial town I was introduced to a man who built a private museum with his own money. And so we sit with him on the porch, and he laments: “Lord, why did I do this, why did I spend all my money in the museum? Maybe the children will come here, look at all this beauty and not go, like Chikatilo, with a knife to cut someone...” Such a strange person. Word by word, we started talking. Can I have your hand? Please. I say: you have patterns on your fingers, like... Chikatilo. He was scared. But I reassured him: after all, this only indicates the lack of pragmatic behavior characteristic of people with curls on their fingers.

Later I – S.K. – showed a photograph of fingerprints to the Chairman of the Russian Scientific Chirological Society, Candidate of Medical Sciences Boris Akimov. He studied the lines on Chikatilo’s palm and these are the hidden character traits of the maniac he spoke about:

Presence of patterns on the lines of Jupiter, Sun and Moon inherent in a person with a high threshold of excitability and anxiety.

Presence of a line of the Sun indicates fame around 40 years of age, which gains strength after 50 years and becomes clear after 55. A spot in the area of ​​​​intersection with the Heart line indicates popularity associated with the sensual sphere. Unfortunately, it gets a bad rap.

A very complex line of Fate. An interesting sign is her intersection at the age of 55 with the belt of Venus - this indicates a change in fate as a result of passions ( The police finally caught the maniac. -S.K.). This line is well expressed on the Mount of Saturn, which is an unfavorable sign, indicating that the business in which the subject is engaged will turn against him.

Rectangular palm, where the index finger is equal in length to the ring finger, is typical for a person who is insecure and suffers from an inferiority complex.

Fuzzy marriage line on the hill of Mercury speaks of the absence of serious family relationships.

Straight line of the Heart, starting at the base of the Mount of Jupiter, is a sign that speaks of selfishness and problems in relationships with the opposite sex. With age, after 40 years, under unfavorable conditions, such people become misogynists, and, judging by the two spots on the Heart line, such conditions have developed. ( At this age, according to investigative materials, Chikatilo stopped sleeping with his wife. -S.K.).

Loop on the Hill of the Moon- a sign of a tendency to mental disorders.

Life Line, wide at the beginning, becomes thinner after 35 years, which indicates a loss of vitality and the onset of illness. The line ends at about 60 years of age. ( The maniac was shot when he was 58 years old. -S.K.).

Straight Line of Mind, starting from a well-defined Mount of Jupiter, characterizes an aggressive and hot-tempered nature. With age, this leads to cruelty towards people. In two places the line of the Mind makes bends - which means that between the ages of 20 and 40 his worldview changed. In addition, this line is poorly defined in the middle, which indicates instability of the nervous system.

- Nikolai Nikolaevich, just by examining the child’s fingers, can you say that he has a tendency to become a criminal?

- Yes. After all, what is violent tendencies? In a sense, this is mental vulnerability. After all, Chikatilo did not suddenly become a murderer... In general, you cannot say from fingerprints whether a person is a murderer or not, but you can explain why he committed the murder, which, in my opinion, is more important. The drawings on the fingers show how easy it was to drive such a person to the point where he took a knife and began to kill. If you spit on one, he wiped himself off and moved on, but on the other, let alone spit, you can’t look askance. Will kill.

– Have you ever looked at the palm prints of the leaders?

– Yes, I studied the handprints of Joseph Stalin. I didn’t see all the patterns, because on the personal registration card they are cut off or not readable, but I know three patterns: the thumbs and the index of the right hand. The picture is not complete, but it is clear: he is not a maniac and not a fringe.

– What types of patterns correspond to a person who is eager to be a politician and occupy big positions?

– If it “breaks”, then most likely it is a loop-arc combination. And these are precisely the people who will not be able to “resolve” a difficult situation.

- Who can?

– Owners of curls, but they just won’t tear!

– But only by observing a person from the outside, can you guess what patterns are on his fingers?

- Can. For example, I assume that Vladimir Putin has patterns on his fingers - loop-curl, and nothing else. It's unlikely that he has arcs. The fact that he wears a watch on his right hand indicates that he is left-handed. I assume that his asymmetry of patterns goes along the second and third fingers. This is a vulnerable person, he remembers insults - and in this sense, I would think a hundred times whether to offend him. And it gives him a fighting spirit. In addition, he is a strong-willed person who knows how to achieve goals. And, for example, Mikhail Kasyanov is less bright for a characterologist, so I could be wrong. He is not as motivated to solve problems, not as successful in achieving goals - not as strong-willed, although his range and adaptive potential may be higher than Putin’s. In general, Mikhail Mikhailovich gives the impression of a man with almost ten curls.

In conclusion, I want to say that dermatoglyphics quite strictly marks our temperament, but not our character. So dermatoglyphics is by no means a death sentence for a person, but a guide to action.

Let's use our fingers to figure out future Olympic champions

For more than twenty years, another well-known specialist has been studying dermatoglyphics - Tatyana Abramova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of the laboratory of sports anthropology, senior researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports. Her laboratory studies, first of all, “elite” athletes - members of the country’s national team, that is, those who have maximally realized their natural potential in any type of activity. It turned out that in order to achieve outstanding results in each sport, the determining role is played by the hereditary characteristics of the body, reflected, in particular, by dermatoglyphics. And representatives of different sports differ in the nature of the patterns on their fingers.

– For example, among participants in those sports that require short-term, but maximum realization of physical potential, the simplest patterns are noted in finger dermatoglyphics - arcs or loops with a low ridge count ( ridge count is the number of “ridges” of the skin, “stripes” in the patterns of loops, arcs or curls. -S.K.), says Tamara Fedorovna. – On the contrary, the most complex pattern in combination with the maximum ridge count is typical for athletes of those types where complex coordination of movements is required.

Intermediate positions in these indicators are occupied by Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergey, athletes who demonstrate remarkable endurance and statistical stability. In team sports, the same trend can be traced: the expansion of the field of activity, the complication of the athlete’s work functions corresponds to the complication of the finger pattern, and the increase in ridge count.

Thus, a person with “arches” will achieve victory only in sports such as sprint speed skating and short track speed skating, because he needs to give his best in the shortest possible time. And the most complex pattern - “curls” or double “loops” - is found among champions in freestyle wrestling, weightlifting, and fencing. After all, they require complex coordination of movements and speed-strength endurance. Why does the Caucasus dominate in wrestling? They have more curls, which means they have better coordination of movements, and they shoot better.

“At an early stage, it is difficult to assess a child’s capabilities, which is why markers associated with genetics are so important, indicating extraordinary potential,” continues Tamara Abramova. – If in sports schools we find children with complex patterns on their fingers from “loops”, “curls” and “arcs”, then we assign them to ski racing, biathlon, road cycling, that is, where endurance is required.

We also noticed that if a person was born with “arches” and “loops,” then he is not destined to turn into a giant and strongman. And if nature has endowed him with only “loops”, then he will be a “heavy truck”: big, big and strong. Patterns on the fingers help the future athlete find a place in life. After all, if a child is a born sprinter, then what is the point of tormenting him over long distances? And we advise many to find another profession.

By the way, about the fate of athletes. Specialists in dermatoglyphics demonstratively dissociate themselves from chirology. But one of them secretly drew my attention to the lines on the palms of the famous figure skaters Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov, who died in 1995. Katya’s Life line ends with a fork - this is a sign of possible emigration. And today Gordeeva lives in America. And Sergei does not have a line of Fate ( compare: on Katya’s fingerprint this line is indicated by an arrow, but on Sergei’s this place is empty). In most cases this means dying at a young age. Sergei died at 28 years old. So don’t trust gypsy fortune tellers after this. Although, why do we need street sorcerers? After all, quite serious scientists have recently begun to study palmistry.

We find out what a person hides in his biography by the lines on his palms

In recent years, more and more experts are inclined to believe that by looking at the patterns not only on the fingertips, but also on the palms, many secrets of a person’s past, present and even future can really be unraveled. Thus, in 2009, scientists from the Institute of Science and Technology at the University of Manchester (UK) publicly stated: “Health, intelligence and even a person’s character are encoded in the lines of the hand from birth.” The relationship between human characteristics and skin patterns has been studied by specialists for more than twenty years. They collected data on thirty thousand people of both sexes, which fully meets the scientific criteria for reliability. And scientists have figured out exactly how information about a person, his character, past and future is written on the hand.

“Since there is a direct connection between the hand and the brain,” explains Richard Lee, MD, “the hand is a reflection of the program that is written in our head and is almost 90 percent inherited.

What can you see on your palms?

What do the lines mean?

Lines can begin and end in different places, and each option characterizes a person in its own way.

Life line does not, as a rule, show how long a person will live. Its length corresponds only to a very approximate life expectancy. But it is believed that the longer the better. Much more important is that it shows a person’s inherent potentials. If it breaks in the middle of the palm and ends with a fork, but is generally clear and deep, then the person is desperate by nature, ready to take risky actions. The shorter and weaker the line, the weaker and timid the person. If it resembles a chain, that is, it breaks or consists of small segments, then this means illness at that moment in time, which can be determined by the location of the chain. A long, clear and deep Life line speaks of enviable internal energy and an objective view of life. If it ends at the Mount of the Moon, that is, on the opposite side of the palm, it means that the person loves to travel and can even immigrate to another country.

Line of fate during life it can appear and disappear. It happens that it is absent in the first half of life, and then appears clear and deep. Some people don’t have it at all - this means that people do not strive to achieve their goals, but, as they say, are waiting by the sea for weather. In the most extreme cases, its absence indicates death at an early age. A clear line is a sign of a firmly defined life path. This option is often found in the hands of politicians and artists. This line can also tell the palmist how a person deals with life's problems.

Mind line symbolizes intelligence. It is usually clearer on the right hand than on the left. This means that a person makes full use of his gifts. If it’s the other way around, it means you haven’t opened up yet. If the line runs straight across the entire palm, then the person is consistent and purposeful, with an aptitude for natural sciences and mathematics.

Heart line reveals the sensual nature of a person. The line may change throughout life. If it is located very high, then in front of you is a pleasant and successful person in all respects. If it is very low, then internal experiences will not provide career opportunities. Ideally, the Heart line should be deep and clear.

What do the hills mean?

If there are no bumps on the palms and the hand looks flat, this means a cold and lethargic person. Ideally, the mounds should be firm and springy to the touch.

The largest hill is named after VENUS, located under the thumb. Not very large and well decorated, it means increased emotionality, a desire to please everyone. It really stands out on the hands of artists, singers and musicians.

Hill of the MOON located opposite Venus, under the little finger. Indicates creativity and rich imagination. Strongly manifested in the hands of romantics, idealists, artists and writers.

Hill of MARS – under the hill of Mercury. Speaks of energy and enthusiasm. If it’s too big, then the person is a bully and always gets into trouble.

If well developed MERCURY Hill under the little finger, then the person loves change. He has a good sense of humor and knows how to make money. But a very large hill speaks of greed.

Hill of APOLLO lies at the base of the ring finger. Tall and elastic, it speaks of a person's inherent sense of beauty. And it is often found on the hands of artists and art lovers.

Hill of SATURN under the middle finger indicates that a person loves solitude and music. If the hill is high and the middle finger is very long, the person is prone to melancholy and depression.

Hill of JUPITER at the base of the index finger, responsible for the desire to lead, is well developed among high military ranks, leaders of new movements, as well as among people who are not afraid to express their opinions.

– You need to look at both hands! – advises Dr. Lee. – The left one shows the qualities that we inherited from our ancestors. And the right one is how you developed your talents and inclinations throughout your life (for left-handed people the opposite is true). It is also noticed that lines denoting fateful events appear on the left hand only after their occurrence. And the right one can show them many years in advance. If the difference between the lines of both hands is small, it means that the person has changed little throughout his life.

The lines on the palms will tell you who is in front of you - the favorite of fortune or the loser

The famous American palmist Rita Robinson has devoted more than thirty years to studying people's palms. About seven thousand visitors who wanted to know their fate passed through her hands. She published her observations in her book, Hand Reading.

Sign of intelligence

Scientists and fortune tellers are unanimous that the indentation of the palm with many lines indicates rich intellectual potential. The deeper they are, the smarter the person. Narrow-minded people have relatively smooth palms.

Sign of sexuality and genius

The abundance of points and branches on the line of the Heart, which palmists interpret as a predisposition to love affairs, is regarded by palmists primarily as a sign of creative nature and vivid imagination. However, it has long been known: there is a relationship between increased sexuality and artistic talent.

Sign of great success

One of the most noticeable signs on the hand is the four-finger line, for some reason called the monkey line. It represents a complete fusion of the line of the Mind and the line of the Heart. It is a sign of great energy and extreme manifestations of personality. This is a clear indicator of great success.

Leader's sign

“Lattice” – intersecting thin lines on the Mount of Jupiter. Additionally, the longer your index finger, the greater your ability to become a leader. The “finger of influence” is often found among politicians and military leaders.

Sign of success

An asterisk - several crossing lines - will bring good luck to its owner, no matter where in the palm it is located. On the Mount of Apollo it means success and fame in everything, but most likely in the acting profession. On the Mount of Mercury - in business or science. On the hill of lower Mars - in military service. On the Mount of Venus - in love.

Sign of wealth

This pattern in the form of short strokes is located between the little finger and the ring finger. Another sign of financial success is the line of the Mind, which first curves down and then goes to the upper Mars.

Protection sign - square

The square protects the line or hill on which it is located. Often this is protection from people who wish evil. If it is on the Heart line, it protects you from failures in your personal life. On Mercury and the line of Fate - from financial losses. On Venus - from excessive passion. On the line of the Mind - from emotional breakdowns. On the line of Life - from death. On Jupiter - from notoriety. On Saturn - from diseases.

Signs of love

If the Heart line is clear, deep and even, then you are lucky in love. A red line indicates that you will love passionately. Pale, on the contrary, betrays a desire for cold and calculating relationships. Owners of a very wide Heart line are not interested in the opposite sex at all. Don't be alarmed if the line is broken. This is just a reflection of your penchant for winning many hearts. An asterisk on the line means a happy marriage.

Healer's Mark

These are short lines on the Mount of Mercury. They are found not only in the hands of born doctors. Rather, they are characteristic of people who attract others and are capable of making the world around them a better place.

Same-sex love sign

If the Heart line is short and begins under Apollo's ring finger, is very wide or looks like a chain, then the person is not interested in and may even be repelled by the opposite sex.


The most unlucky sign is a cross, wherever it is. Being on the Mount of Venus, he complicates his personal life. On Saturn - brings an accident. On Apollo - failure in art. On Mercury - a sign of lies. If it comes into contact with the line of the Mind, it means a head injury.

“Islands” that look like small circles will also bring trouble. On the Life line it is a sign of illness, often associated with the genitals. On the line of Fate there are problems with your career. The Health Line notifies you of a serious illness.

Lines crossing the Life line and touching the Heart line often mean someone's bad interference in your personal life. And going up towards the Hill of Apollo, they indicate a scandal or trouble.

A person whose Mind line begins inside the semicircle of the Life line, in the area of ​​​​the hill of lower Mars, will find it difficult to make friends and loved ones, because he is irritated by those around him.

Breaks in the Mind line indicate fatal views of fate, usually caused by tragic events in a person’s life.

If the Heart line breaks or runs closer to the Mind line, then this speaks of unhappy love. When the lines of the Heart and Mind merge into one, then in this case a person can become a religious fanatic. He cannot draw the line between the heart and the mind, which leads to internal confusion.

It is bad if the Travel line ends with an island or a cross, indicating that the trip will be unsuccessful.

Date of death

Everyone is worried about the question: is the date of death written on the palm? As palmists and scientists assured me, no. The hand rather shows the quality of life and warns of a tragedy that may occur if you do not pay attention to the signs of alarming events. You can be cowardly, go with the flow, or you can not bend to the changing world. After all, by and large, the signs on the palms are a detailed map of possibilities and at the same time a guide that allows you to maximize your potential.

Example of a lucky hand

The diagram was drawn up by the famous French palmist Hell De Barol

1. Well-being and prosperity throughout life (double line of Life).

2. Absolute happiness (the line of Fate is straight).

3. Excessiveness in love and kindness (branches at the beginning and end of the Heart line).

4. Will be a faithful friend for life (cross under the index finger).

5. Huge reserves of energy (Ring of Venus, located between the index finger and little finger).

6. Perfect genius (fork on the Mind line, reaching to the edge of the palm).

7. Success in the arts, fame (the line of Apollo goes vertically to the hill of Apollo, passes close to the line of Life).

8. Insight in business, love and happiness (conjunction of the ring of Venus with the hill of Mercury).

9. Good temperament (the presence of a genetic line that not everyone has).

10. A triple massive bracelet on the wrist promises a long life.

11. Unique, passionate and deep love (cross on the hill of Venus).

Special signs on the palms will indicate a person’s true talent

There are marks on our hands that from birth determine our future profession. We are advised by Vsevolod Grabovetsky, candidate of psychological sciences, chirology specialist.

Politician signs

Example: Napoleon Bonaparte

The index finger is very long, it is much higher than the middle finger, the third. It is often called the finger of a dictator or one who dictates laws for others. A long line of Mind, with one branch coming directly from the Mount of Jupiter. This means enormous mental potential. In addition, the line of the Mind decreases slightly towards the top of the Mount of the Moon. This speaks of a great imagination, foresight of events and dreams of power of a super-ambitious type.

Tourist signs

Example: Fedor Konyukhov

The Life Line comes close to the edges of the palm. The branch from the Life line bends towards the Mount of the Moon. Strong line of the Sun. Numerous Travel lines begin on the Mount of the Moon or rise from the Bracelets on the wrist.

Actor signs

Example: Alexandra Zakharova

A deep, curved line of the Heart that begins on the Mount of Jupiter. The Line of Mind ends on the Mount of the Moon. The Hill of Apollo is marked with a star.

Doctor signs

Example: Leonid Roshal

“The Healer’s Seal” is in the upper part of the palm under the little finger on the Mount of Mercury. It is formed by a bunch of vertical and intersecting horizontal lines. The sign indicates that the person has the gift of healing. The Heart line is long and curved, and the Mind line cuts straight across the palm. The health line begins on the Mount of Venus and crosses the Life line.

Signs of an oligarch

Example: Roman Abramovich

The lines of Mind and Life are very distant from each other. There is a clear genetic line. The forks at the end of the Uma line come very close to the edge of the palm. A strong, clear line of Fate ends under the index finger. The branch goes from the line of Fate to the hill of Mercury. The line of the Sun comes from the line of Life. There is a star on the line of the Sun.

Other profession signs

Lawyer sign

A very straight line of the Mind. A clear and deep line of Life. The Line of Fate is dominant.

Architect's sign

Line of the Heart with branches to the hills of Jupiter and Saturn. Straight line of the Mind.

Banker or accountant sign

A strong branch from the Heart line to the Mount of Saturn. Straight and long line of the Mind. A clear and straight line of Fate. The Heart Line, which cuts straight across the palm.

Top manager sign

There are many vertical lines and grooves on the fingertips. They are also called stress lines. The palm is covered with a dense network of minor lines: the ring of Solomon, the ring of Saturn (located under the middle finger), the belt of Venus (passes between the base of the fingers and the Heart line), and the lines of Travel. There is a line of Intuition - a curved line on the hill of the Moon. Long, straight line of the Heart.

Designer's sign

The curved line of the Mind, often with a fork or extends to the Mount of the Moon. The Heart Line rises along the Mount of Jupiter.

Seller's sign

The Heart Line rises along the Mount of Jupiter or Saturn and ends on the Mount of Mercury. The straight line of the Mind is connected with the Mount of Jupiter.

Journalist badge

The curved or forked line of the Mind, dotted with numerous branches, goes to the Mount of the Moon and/or to the Mount of Mars. The Heart Line rises to the Mount of Jupiter.

Athlete Badge

As a rule, straight, clear lines, especially the Life line. Chains on the top bracelet on the wrist.

Judge's mark

There is Solomon's ring. Straight line of the Mind. The Heart Line is connected with the Mount of Jupiter.

Sign of a scientist, technologist

A strong, clear, straight line of the Mind tends to the line of Life. The Heart Line rises between the mounts of Jupiter and Saturn. Strong Life Line. The branches connect the lines of the Heart and Mind.

Curved line of Mind. There is a line of Intuition. The curve of the lines of the Heart, which rises along the Mount of Jupiter.

Farmer's sign

A short straight line of the Mind that strives to reach the top of the Mount of the Moon. The Heart Line, which cuts straight across the palm. A strong, definite line of Fate.

Artist's sign

The Line of Mind bends sharply towards the Mount of the Moon. Strong line of the Sun. There is an Apollo ring under the little finger.

Find out what illnesses a person is hiding from you

We will show “marks” that from birth indicate a predisposition to certain diseases

Signs on the Genetic Line

This line is located at the very edge of the palm next to the line of Intuition and runs strictly vertically. There may be disease warning signs on it. If:

There is no genetic line - rejoice: you are healthy.

An oblique line is a curable disease.

Rupture – weakness, poor liver condition.

Chains are a disease of the respiratory system, especially the lungs.

The cross is a serious illness.

Island is a chronic disease of internal organs.

Specks - bad with nerves, migraines.

Star - possible complications with childbirth.

Grooves – relapse of the disease.

Triangle - you are able to solve painful health problems.

Signs of a long-liver

Example: Fidel Castro

A long, strong line of Life, the line of Mars runs parallel to the line of Life. Three strong bracelets on the wrists without breaks. A clear, open palm without many secondary lines indicates a strong nervous system.

Signs of heart disease

Example: Boris Yeltsin

A cross on the Heart line means heart problems, and a cross on the Life line means a complex surgical operation. The Health Line touches the Life Line, after which the Life Line becomes thinner - this is also a sign of cardiovascular disease, often hereditary. A small area of ​​thin grooves in the center of the palm indicates problems with digestion. A thin lattice on the very edge of the palm is a sign of rheumatism.

Signs of a madman

Example: Vincent Van Gogh

The Mind line is built from small short wavy branches. Several grooves cross the line of Life on the lower mount of Mars. The nails are short and red, with many lines crossing the palm indicating a very nervous person. A sign of schizophrenia: on the pad near the thumb, the Mount of Venus, there are not lines, but arcs and curls, which are usually found on the phalanges of the fingers. Dark dots on the Mind line are a predisposition to mental illness.

Signs of weak immunity

Example: Natalya Gundareva

A Life Line that is torn or consisting of pieces is a sign of very poor health. Allergies to medications are marked by a horizontal line crossing the Mount of the Moon. Islands on the Life line indicate reduced resistance to diseases. A cross between the index and middle fingers indicates possible infertility. When the upper Bracelet on the wrist is curved in the form of an arch towards the palm and a large rhombus is visible in the middle of the Life Line, gynecological diseases are possible.

Signs of maniacs

Example: Anatoly Onoprienko (52 murders) Very thin, hard, long hands indicate mental instability. The thumb is long, with well-developed phalanges, which indicate the willpower required to kill. The long and thin line of the Mind goes higher than usual and comes close to the line of the Heart - this denotes animal instincts. A cross on the Lower Mount of Mars indicates psychopathy.

It would be better if these lines didn't exist

Usually there are several lines of Health, they go down from the Mount of Mercury, under the little finger. It is best if there are none at all, because the task of these lines is to warn a person about possible problems. And the longer these lines, the greater the danger.

1. A deeply incised line indicates weakness of physical resistance and a constant feeling of fatigue. May indicate hypochondria.

2. A sinuous line indicates diseases of the genitourinary system.

3. If the Health line touches the Life line, then you need to take emergency measures in time to protect your health.

4. If the lines consist of several short straight lines, it means that the stomach is not in order (for example, an ulcer).

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2.36. To improve the health of your fingers. Fast, cheerful blood circulation throughout the body. The blood, in a cheerful, joyful, swift stream, washes, washes, washes all my bones, washes away, washes away, washes away all the salts from the bones, all the bones always

What's happened dermatoglyphics- this is not palmistry or fingerprinting. Dermatoglyphics is the science of patterns and patterns on the skin of the palms and soles of the feet, including the pads of the fingers, which studies the genetic connection of the higher nervous activity of a person with the papillary lines, arches and curls on them.

Recently it has become fashionable, mainly among progressive teenagers, biometric fingerprint testing. The purpose of this “genetic test” is to determine by papillary patterns on the fingers many psychophysiological characteristics of a person, including somatic predispositions, health and personality traits: temperament, character, orientation, inclinations, abilities...

And most importantly, a computer program for genetic testing based on fingerprint patterns, how to determine: what is better for a person to do, what to reveal his talents and self-realization - in what sport, in what profession... etc.

Is this so: Is it possible to determine a person’s abilities and capabilities using a biometric genetic test based on dermatoglyphics? Is it a myth or reality?

Fingerprint testing - dermatoglyphics

Fingerprint testing, or rather along the papillary lines of the palms and patterns of the fingertips: arches, curls - it is really carried out. And with the help of dermatoglyphics, you can determine some personality traits. And indeed there is a certain genetic, innate connection between the higher nervous activity of a person and the patterns on the skin of the fingers and toes.

But dermatoglyphics cannot determine a person’s exact predisposition to a particular profession or sport, or discover his abilities and talents. it is a myth.

This type of biometric testing can be used as an auxiliary tool for a practicing diagnostic psychologist. And only a real psychologist can provide you with a real opportunity to choose the right profession or discover your talents, with personal professional counseling and testing...

If you have already passed biometric testing and made your choice in a profession or something else, then it is better for you not to waste time and money and specifically consult and be tested with a professional psychologist.

Consultation with a psychologist online - MAKE AN APPOINTMENT

- psychological testing, where you can undergo some psychodiagnostics for professional suitability - free of charge (if you are not too lazy).

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2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs