Schedule of illnesses military enlistment office. Classification of categories of fitness for military service

An employee in the army is subject to physical activity. The Government of the Russian Federation has developed a classification of fitness categories.

What are categories of fitness for military service?

Conscripts are interested in what the categories of fitness for military service. This is a set of health eligibility criteria for a recruit to serve in the military. Eligibility groups have been developed for the classification of military personnel. people with bad physical condition do not join the army. The purpose of eligibility is to avoid health problems in military service.

The shelf life contains medical problems, diseases interfering with military service. Groups operating in the Russian Federation:

The ideal soldier is a man with good health. He is classified as category "A" and enrolled in the elite troops of the Russian Federation. Group B includes people with minor health problems. The remaining three degrees suggest severe pathologies. Disabled men are removed from the register, given a deferment from service.

How and by whom is a conscript assigned a category?

Conscripts are interested in how to find out the category of fitness for military service. Degree awarded medical commission and fit into the military ID.


  • with a draft letter to visit the military registration and enlistment office;
  • undergo an examination. Doctors of the medical board send the recruit to:
    • surgeon
    • psychiatrist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • neuropathologist;
    • dentist
    • allergist;
    • infectious disease specialist;
    • venereologist;
    • therapist
    • otorhinolaryngologist.

Analyzes are given, hardware diagnostics are carried out. The commission can send a man:

  • for additional examination in a hospital;
  • come to the meeting of the commission with certificates from doctors and an outpatient card. Members of the commission analyze the conclusions of doctors and classify the man as fit.
According to its purpose, the schedule of diseases serves to assign a category of validity. Which, in turn, is determined by the conscript's existing diseases.

The closer the onset of draft age, the greater the interest in the issue of conscription arises among young people. When studying this issue, a document called the schedule of diseases is often neglected. The importance of this document for conscripts is underestimated. ABOUT key points contained in the document, read on.

The document - the schedule of diseases is an addition to the "Regulations on military medical expertise". The document regulates the issue of conscription into the army of citizens with various diseases and on its basis, the doctors of the military registration and enlistment office must decide on the suitability of the conscript for service. Both documents are approved by the government and violation of these regulations is illegal.

According to its purpose, the schedule of diseases serves to assign a category of validity. Which, in turn, is determined by the conscript's existing diseases. According to the schedule of diseases, the letters of the Russian alphabet from A to G are used to indicate the category of suitability. It is these letters that determine the near future of recruits.

  • Young people with categories A and B are recognized as fit for military service.
  • Temporarily unfit for service and re-passing a medical commission, category G is assigned.
  • Exempted from military service are young people with categories B and D.

The same disease can be assigned to a different category. The fact is that the schedule of diseases has 3 columns.

Young men who are registered with the military commissariat for the first time and called up on the agenda for military service go through the first column of the disease schedule. The second, for the military in reserve, the third for contract soldiers. If you have difficulty understanding the schedule of diseases, you can always ask for help from Izhevsk conscripts.

Schedule of illnesses for people of military age.

And so, the medical commission gives the conscripts a conclusion, based on the schedule of illnesses and according to its first column. To understand which category you fit into, refer to the schedule of illnesses and get ready for a trip to the military registration and enlistment office.

The articles of the disease schedule for 2016-2017 are divided into 88 articles grouped in 16 sections. Each section corresponds to a specific body system. For example, musculoskeletal or hematopoietic system. Articles contain up to five additional clauses that provide final specifics in determining the category of suitability.

Additionally, for each article of the schedule of diseases, an extensive commentary is given explaining the meaning of all paragraphs of the article and procedures related to the confirmation of diagnoses and other similar information. To determine your present article, you can ask for help from conscripts of Izhevsk.

Changes in the disease schedule

The schedule of illnesses is a regulatory document and to make any changes, it must go through a long approval procedure. All changes made must be evaluated by experts. Therefore, it may take several years to make any, even minor changes. Keeping up to date with disease schedule updates is essential. The adopted changes may concern exactly the article under which the conscript intends to receive a deferment or release and transfer categories C, D and D for categories A and B. For 2016 and 2017, the schedule of diseases is up-to-date as amended on October 1, 2014. If it is impossible to find up-to-date information For changes in the schedule of diseases, please contact us, we have been providing assistance to conscripts of Izhevsk for many years.

How to use the disease schedule?

Knowing about the presence of specific health problems, it is enough to open the disease schedule in the desired section and find necessary disease in the list. For example, a young man has flat feet, you need to go to article 68. It contains four points, one classifies the conscript to category D and two to category B, as well as one paragraph classifies the conscript in point V-Z. Category V-Z usually means being sent to the army as a driver or as a member of the crew of transporters or military installations.

Doctors of the medical commission often make an incorrect assessment of the health of the conscript, adjusting the value to the categories A and B of the disease schedule. Allows such manipulations by doctors, allows ambiguous formulations. Such decisions of the medical commission must be appealed in court, court decisions are most often taken in favor of the plaintiffs. The doctors of the medical commission do this in order to fulfill plans to send young people to the army. Defend your rights in court correct solution. But remembering folk wisdom about preparing a sleigh in the summer, and carts in the winter, it is better to prepare in advance for going to the military registration and enlistment office to pass a medical commission. You can apply for help to conscripts in Izhevsk on our website.

Where do Izhevsk conscripts get help?

The ideal option is when a young man expects to receive a military ID under an article in the schedule of diseases that does not provide for categories A and B. In order not to give doctors the opportunity to assign the category they need. There are not many such articles. We provide assistance to conscripts of Izhevsk in determining correct diagnosis from the disease schedule. And avoid violation of your rights in the military commissariats when passing a medical commission. We have rich experience and hundreds of grateful conscripts. If you are not indifferent to your future, feel free to contact us for a primary free consultation. We provide assistance to all conscripts of Izhevsk.

Diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders
mental illness
Diseases of the nervous system, epilepsy and epileptic seizures
Diseases of the nervous system (continued, articles 25-28)
Diseases of the eye and its accessory organs
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process
Diseases of the circulatory system
Respiratory diseases
Diseases of the digestive system
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (continued, articles 69-70)
Diseases of the genitourinary system
Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
Congenital anomalies, deformities and chromosomal abnormalities
Consequences of injuries, poisoning and other influences of external factors
Other diseases

Diseases with which they do not take into the army

Many conscripts and their parents want to know what are diseases with which they do not take into the army where to find this list of diseases. On this page we have collected the entire list of diseases, in the presence of which they are not taken into the army.

Some diseases guarantee exemption from conscription, others only limit the suitability to certain branches of service or provide a reprieve. Each conscript in without fail examined by a complex of specialists, which includes a dermatovenereologist, dentist, ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, neuropathologist, therapist and surgeon. These experts study list of requirements for the health of conscripts to further determine the category of suitability at a meeting of the draft board. The law defines and approves list of diseases (disease schedule), and in accordance with it four shelf life categories. Disease Schedule contains more than a hundred names of the main diseases and their varieties in order to determine the requirements for the health of conscripts and distribute them by branch of service, or to release the conscript from the army for health reasons. To quickly find the name of the disease, you can use the site search. Want to get a guaranteed exemption from military service? Then you will need the knowledge of specialists from the company "".

After the client chooses a package of services and concludes an agreement, the doctors of will select and thoroughly study disease schedule articles in accordance with the client's health status, as well as a range of necessary examinations to reveal accompanying illnesses, which can exempt from conscription. Professional lawyer provide legal support, explain the rights and obligations of the conscript, help to collect a package of documents proving the non-conscription category of fitness provided to the military registration and enlistment office. Legal assistance is carried out until the moment of receiving a deferment or a military ID, depending on the selected service package.

Diseases and the army

Schedule of illnesses uses regardless of the region in which the recruiting station is located. It is freely available, may serve as a reason for deferment, restriction or exemption from conscription. Our service will allow the conscript not to hide from the subpoenas, but to carefully study the state of health and use the services of lawyers without violating the law. Schedule of illnesses for conscripts is official document which our specialists are guided by. They work in contact with the members of the medical commission of the military commissariat, they are aware of all the changes. Thus, obtaining a military health card becomes a simple and understandable procedure with our help, improves the legal literacy of conscripts and parents. Articles 1 to 86, which exempt a conscript from service, contain diseases:

Having studied all list of diseases, you will know under what conditions do not join the army with a particular disease, but one diagnosis is not enough to determine the final category of suitability. Despite the fact that in a list of diseases in which they give a deferment from the army or a military ID your disease is present, you need to understand what dysfunctions this disease causes and what kind of medical history you have today. You can get free advice on this matter. medical specialist our company.

For most diseases, the absence of dysfunction or minor changes in the organ impose restrictions on fitness for service, significant organ damage makes a person unfit for service.

(newest) (Appendix to the Regulations on the military medical examination).

Disease Schedule- this is a document in accordance with which the category of fitness of a citizen is determined during a medical examination.

List of diseases, exempting from conscription in the army is contained in the Schedule of Diseases.

As our experience shows, more than 97% of conscripts have non-conscription diseases and at the same time consider themselves to be absolutely healthy.

We understand how difficult it is to understand the medical terminology contained in the schedule. Therefore, you can use ours and ask your question.

Also, a service has been developed on our resource - according to the Schedule of Diseases (and in our own database).

Instructions for using the Schedule of Diseases.

1. First, let's open the Disease Schedule.

Open it.

Scroll down the slider in the window that opens until you find the tables.

The table has its own structure and logic, which we will analyze with you

First of all, we are interested in the list of diseases, in accordance with which the category of suitability of a conscript for the army is determined. This list of diseases is presented in the form of articles of the schedule of diseases. In turn, each article is arranged in the form of a table.

In total, the Schedule of Diseases contains 88 articles, which corresponds to approximately 2000 diseases in one form or another.

Let's take a look at the table structure.

2. Graphs of the disease schedule.

As we can see, there are 3 columns in the table. Each column is intended for a certain category of citizens. The first column is the most popular - it is intended for conscripts and pre-conscripts. Let's decipher each column of the disease schedule:

Column I - citizens at the time of initial military registration, conscription for military service, citizens who have not completed military service or who have completed military service by conscription (with the exception of citizens specified in column III), entering military service under a contract for military positions, filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, in the mobilization human reserve, in military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations higher education(hereinafter referred to as military educational institutions), military personnel undergoing military service by conscription and entering military educational institutions or for military service under a contract for military positions, replaced by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and those who have not completed military service (who have completed military service by conscription), when they are called up for military training held in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations, for military positions filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen (with the exception of citizens who are in the mobilization human reserve);

II column - military personnel who do not have military rank officers who are or have completed military service by conscription (with the exception of the military personnel indicated in column I), citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and have not completed military service or have completed military service by conscription (with the exception of citizens who are in the mobilization human reserve ), when examining them for registration purposes and during the period of military training held in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations, on military positions, replaced by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen;

Column III - citizens undergoing or having completed military service under a contract, reserve officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation who did not perform military service under the contract, when they enter the military service under the contract, enter the mobilization human reserve, citizens who are in the mobilization human reserve. ";

3. Category of validity of the article Schedule of diseases.

We have decided which specific column of the disease schedule is suitable for us. Now let's decide what these letters "D", "C" mean (there are also "A", "B", "G"). This is the category of validity, i.e. what a citizen can count on if he has a disease. Let's decide what categories of suitability are:

A - fit for military service; (subject to call)

B - fit for military service with minor restrictions; (subject to call)

B - limited fit for military service; (exemption from conscription)

G - temporarily unfit for military service; (deferment from conscription for 6-12 months)

D - not fit for military service. (exemption from conscription)

Let's go down a little below the table ..

4. Health requirements.

As a rule, each article of the Schedule of Diseases is divided into sub-items in accordance with the degree of dysfunction. After all, you and I know that each disease can be manifested to a greater or lesser extent. Depending on the degree of manifestation of a particular disease, a citizen can count on different categories validity. Let's look at this in more detail.

At the bottom of each disease schedule table, as a rule, there is an explanation for the article. These explanations play a big role in determining the category of suitability and classifying a particular disease. Therefore, an explanation should be given Special attention when studying disease schedule tables and when comparing an existing disease with a table.

5. How to look for a disease in the Disease Schedule.

If, for some reason, you do not want to use our service, you can use the built-in search in the text editor with which you opened the Schedule of Diseases (just enter the desired diagnosis and search). It should be understood that for each disease there are a whole lot of synonyms, for this reason, do not be discouraged if the disease suddenly turned out to be not found.

6. The ratio of height and body weight (table 2).

The requirements for height and body weight when determining the category of suitability are specified in Article 13 of the Schedule of Diseases.

Nutritional status is assessed using body mass index (BMI), which is determined by the formula: BMI = [body weight (kg)]/[squared height (m)].


If you can't find legal grounds for a health exemption, don't despair. As our experience shows, more than 97% of recruits have non-conscription diseases. Perhaps the fact is that you formulated the search request incorrectly, or did not conduct a medical examination of the body so carefully. We are always ready to help you.

We have:

  • Free consultations on;
  • Convenient service by;
  • We provide services for organizing an independent medical examination and legal support of the conscript (full package);

And remember, there is a way out of any life situation- Always.

Serving in the army is the duty of every adult male citizen of the Russian Federation. Conscription in the army of 2018 has a number of important features, because almost every year there are new requirements for military service.

Regulatory legal acts define the conditions that must be met, because military service must be carried out by men who are ready for this according to their physical data, and they must also correspond to the draft age! The defense of the Fatherland in Russia, a multinational country, is strictly obligatory and has always been honorable, but in some regions there are also quite specific and important features for potential recruits.

Military service in 2018

What are the main features of urgent conscription into the army? In Russia, all adult male citizens of the country who have no contraindications due to their status or health must serve. Future recruits must pass whole complex major events which is strictly necessary for everyone to pass:

  • at the age of 16, you must register with the military and receive a registration certificate;
  • having reached military age and having received a summons, it is strictly necessary to visit the military commissariat at the designated time;
  • the summons must be handed over personally to the conscript against his signature;
  • in case of failure to appear on the agenda, the legislation provides for administrative and criminal liability.

Passing a medical examination

After receiving the summons, a strict medical examination will follow, all future privates will certainly pass it. Russian army, except for those with a legal deferment. Medical Commission after a thorough comprehensive examination, will make a decision on whether the conscript is fit for full-fledged military service. In total, current legislation provides for 5 categories of fitness for military service:

  • fit;
  • suitable with few restrictions;
  • has a limited validity;
  • temporarily unfit for military service;
  • unfit.

It happens that the commission cannot, due to various controversial circumstances, make an unambiguous decision. In this case, the conscript is redirected to an inpatient or outpatient examination in a licensed medical institution. After the full treatment and the decision of physicians, a new term for conscription is assigned. Next milestone sending to the army will be a medical report. A qualified draft board will issue its final verdict to the recruit. According to this conclusion, the future date is sent to send:

  • for military service;
  • call him for alternative civilian service;
  • grant a reprieve;
  • conduct an exemption from conscription;
  • put in reserve;
  • on legitimate grounds to grant freedom from military duty.

Russian legislation provides for enrollment in the reserve upon reaching 27 years. Since that time, a man is not subject to military service, regardless of the state of health.

Service life and time of organization of conscription into the army

The terms of conscription in the future 2018 provide for two calls - spring, which starts from April 01 and ends on July 15, and there is also an autumn one, which will last from October 01 to December 31 inclusive. Russian Federation possible only during these periods.


There are several important exceptions to the rules - citizens of military age from the Far North will receive their summonses from May 1 to July 15, and also from November 1 to December 31. Those who live in countryside and are engaged in harvesting, as well as sowing work, have a full right to implement the draft in the autumn - from October 15 to December 31. Teachers have such an opportunity - for the spring call from May 01 to July 15.

The main types of troops where they can be called up for service

In 2018, a potential conscript can get into following kinds troops:

  • ground troops;
  • air Force;
  • Navy;
  • strategic missile troops;
  • space troops;
  • airborne troops.

The specialty possessed by the conscript and the state of health are important. Traditionally, the Airborne Forces take only the strongest and most physically hardy young people with strong psyche and good health.

Who will not be drafted into the army in 2018?

A citizen will not be obliged to join the 2018 army if he:

  • has permanent job in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • works in Federal Service security;
  • belongs to the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

There is an important limitation - if a citizen nevertheless decides to quit from there, but at that moment he is not 27 years old, then he will definitely receive a mandatory summons from the military registration and enlistment office!

Active military service will be avoided by:

  • adult men who have one or more convictions that are not expired;
  • will avoid conscription by citizens who are under investigation for committed crime or under court;
  • serving their sentences in a penitentiary.
  • a university student will not serve if he receives full-time education;
  • graduate students;
  • the appearance of a second child in a legal marriage;
  • fathers who, due to insurmountable circumstances, are forced to raise the baby on their own and without support, are not subject to conscription;
  • guardians of elderly citizens who have sick relatives as dependents:
  • young men with very serious health problems will not join the ranks of the Russian army.


There are several other categories of citizens who are legal grounds may not serve in the army - foreigners who served in the armed forces of another state and future military personnel who lost their older brothers during military clashes in hot spots. They will take you into the army if you were expelled from the university and you are studying by correspondence.

Diseases for which they are not called up for service

Diseases for which they do not take to serve in the army are quite numerous. You can divide them into several large subgroups.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Musculoskeletal disorders that are not accepted into the army - scoliosis of the 2nd degree with a deformation of at least 11 degrees, flat feet, called the bear foot in the 3rd stage, deformities and other diseases of the hands or feet - for example, the absence of several fingers, arthrosis and arthritis of the second degree or higher, affecting the legs.

Diseases of the organs of vision

Poor vision - an important barrier to military service is cataracts, retinal detachment, severe myopia of more than -6, progressive farsightedness, glaucoma, eye injuries or the absence of one eye.

Cardiovascular pathologies

If the conscript has hypertension - pressure exceeding the threshold of 150 over 90,
chronic vegetovascular dystonia, flowing quite hard - periodic fainting and constant dizziness, the presence of heart disease and ischemia. We have listed the most important deviations that occur in real practice.

hearing problems

The presence of chronic otitis media and complete deafness can become an insurmountable obstacle to military service.

Diseases of the digestive system

Difficulties with digestive system may well lead to a delay in military service. Such a reason may be a hernia, which limits the patency of the intestine, pancreatitis in its chronic form, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids. Cholelithiasisserious illness The that prevents the service.

Problems with the genitourinary system

Do not take into the army conscripts with chronic enuresis, urolithiasis and hydrocele, sexual dysfunction and hyperplasia.

Other chronic diseases

A barrier to service will be stuttering, which seriously distorts speech, diabetes, obesity above the 2nd degree. Patients with chronic hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis, oncological diseases will also not be useful in military service. mental problems are a serious reason for exemption from the army:

  • the appearance of obsessive states;
  • pronounced phobias;
  • chronic schizophrenia;
  • pathology of the respiratory system.

The presence of chronic alcoholics and drug addicts in the army is contraindicated, but it will be strictly necessary to confirm the presence of a permanent persistent addiction, which is confirmed by the relevant documents!

You can find a complete list of diseases with which they are not taken into the army in 2018 (disease schedule) at.

What categories of citizens are granted a deferment from military service?

A deferment for a potential soldier is just a temporary opportunity to avoid the obligation to serve in the army. Together with its end, you will have to repay your homeland. The official reason not to go to the service for a strictly defined period is:

  • state of temporary unfitness for service;
  • caring for a sick relative who this moment no one to look after;
  • the presence of a disabled child under 3 years;
  • pregnant wife for more than 26 weeks;
  • PhD students defending their thesis;
  • postponement due to studying at a higher or secondary educational institution;
  • a deferment for a student who needs to get time to enter a university or college.


Postponement will only take place if required documents— a diploma of education, a certificate of admission to graduate school, a medical certificate indicating the presence serious problems with health

The number of implemented deferrals is unlimited - you can get them not only after graduation, but also when a student transitions from a bachelor's program to a master's program. You can only take advantage of the call-up delay when studying at an officially licensed institution!

Various forms of military service

Since 2017, the state has been providing conscripts with the opportunity to independently choose the form of implementation of military debt to the country. Can choose:

  • alternative service for 21 months;
  • contract service with the receipt of full monetary and clothing allowance;
  • complete military service for a year.

By 2018, you can independently choose which military service seems more attractive to you.


It is planned to gradually reduce the proportion of conscripts in the army, gradually replacing them with professionals. By 2020, more than 85% of its personnel should serve in the army on a contract basis.

Features of conscription in the army in 2018

According to the constitution, men from all regions of Russia are subject to service, but there are several features of the call. Conscripts from Crimea serve only on the territory of their peninsula, and in the Chechen Republic for several previous years, young men were not called up because of some local specific features. Natives of Chukotka, the Yamalo-Nenets District and Yakutia must serve, but the draft there is adjusted, starting only on May 1 and ending on July 15. In terms of its term in 2018, the service life will remain familiar - 1 year.



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