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Chips are one of those many delicacies that we hear about on every corner and still can’t resist. It is unlikely that a sane person has any doubts that such food is categorically contraindicated. But what to do if you really want to, because any desire to eat something often turns into a real mania, when it seems: either I’ll eat it right now, or I’ll just die? So, maybe it’s still possible in small quantities?

are not natural product , they contain practically nothing that could be gleaned from, but at the same time they are very high in calories, easily satisfy hunger and, accordingly, occupy the place in ours that was intended for natural food(or, even worse, they add extra calories during especially dangerous times).
There are a lot of tasty things in the world that are not healthy, but with chips everything is not good at all.

Did you know?In 2018, the chips will celebrate their 165th anniversary. This dish was born, as often happens, thanks to a happy accident that brought together in one place a too capricious client and a chef who is not distinguished by angelic patience. Several times in a row, a visitor to one of the American restaurants returned the fried one brought to him, complaining that it was cut too thick. Angry, the cook (his name was George Crum) cut the potatoes as small as possible, fried them and served them to the picky eater. Oddly enough, the client was delighted, and the dish not only caught on, but also made its creator rich, allowing him to open his own restaurant.

Thus, chips began as thinly sliced ​​potatoes fried in oil. Not the best healthy food for any person, and even more so for an expectant mother.

  • Firstly, not very easy and safe product is the potato itself. It contains a lot of cholesterol and the already mentioned kilocalories. This vegetable should generally be consumed in limited quantities; it is better to use other healthy vegetables as a side dish.
  • Secondly, fried foods, and even in a large amount of oil, need to be eaten with great caution, preferring healthier ones to this type of heat treatment - boiling, stewing, baking, steaming.
  • Thirdly, salt present in this dish in large quantities is an independent enemy of the expectant mother. The kidneys at this time are already overloaded, the body, due to natural reasons during the period, retains moisture in every possible way, and salt significantly enhances this process. Swelling and heaviness in the legs occur, as a result - additional load on the heart.

Another unpleasant consequence of fried potatoes is... She delivers a ton discomfort, and to fight them with help means to expose additional risk.
So, for any person fried potatoes is heavy and junk food, because the as a result of abuse of such a dish:

  • The level of cholesterol in the blood increases, which is fraught with problems with work cordially- vascular system, formation of blood clots, deterioration of brain activity;
  • are violated metabolic processes in the body, obesity develops;
  • the risk of the second type increases, as well as the appearance of neoplasms, including malignant ones;
  • work is going wrong gastrointestinal tract, peptic ulcers also occur;
  • Testosterone levels decrease and reproductive function is inhibited.

Needless to say, eating fried big amount Potato oil is very harmful for a pregnant woman, since such a product enters the body great amount calories, cholesterol and carcinogens, and even after this method of processing very little remains.
And now - the most important thing. Chips, in the form in which we buy them today, for the most part have the most indirect relation to fried potatoes.

Important! Contrary to the opinion of most naive ordinary people, most manufacturers have been making modern chips for a long time not from natural potatoes, as it was in the time of George Crum, but from flour and starch. Wheat, corn, soybeans (the most frequently genetically modified product) are the best that can be found in chips disguised as potatoes.

Think about why crispy pieces, made from who knows what, taste so much like potatoes. And at the same time, about how long fried potatoes (even if they are potatoes) can stay in the refrigerator without becoming moldy. And the chips are not stored in the refrigerator and, as you can read on the packaging, are suitable for consumption for up to seven months. We believe that the conclusions suggest themselves.

What harm do they do?

First, about the most harmless things. As it was said, In chips, potatoes are often replaced with cornstarch, which is easy to explain: it costs less than potato. And how can a greedy businessman be stopped by the fact that corn starch very often causes serious problems? Consumption of allergens during pregnancy, according to latest research, does not increase the risk of predisposition to this disease in women, but is nevertheless unsafe for the woman herself. Further, oil usually used for making chips inferior quality (for reasons of the same savings on production costs, preference is given to palm oil, which contains acid that is extremely harmful to the heart and vascular system).

Did you know?By the way, the inventor of chips mentioned above lived a long and comfortable life, which ended when the American was 92 years old. It is interesting that George Crum himself never ate his “know-how”; moreover, according to rumors, he hated it. Perhaps this explains the secret of his longevity.

Chips contain a huge amount trans fats, or, speaking scientific language, trans isomers fatty acids. These specific fat molecules have the nasty ability to integrate into the structure of the cell, where they are carried by the blood, initially ending up in the intestines. IN cell membrane trans fat molecule is foreign body, replacing a molecule of “healthy” polyunsaturated fatty acid. The affected cell actually begins to poison itself with products of its own processing.
Beneficial substances are also denied access to such a cell, and it gradually dies. This process, as proven by modern science, gives rise to the development of the most various diseases, in particular obesity and diabetes mellitus second type, coronary disease heart and atherosclerosis (due to an increase in the number of " bad cholesterol"and reducing the amount of "good"), multiple sclerosis, liver pathologies, oncological diseases and many other problems.

It is for this reason that in many countries threshold levels of trans fats in food products are controlled at the state level. In Europe and the USA it is extremely permissible norm these harmful substances ranges from two to five percent, in Russia - no more than eight. To make it clear how dangerous chips are from this point of view, let’s just say that their content of trans fats sometimes reaches 30–50%!
During the frying process in cheap fat (even if natural potatoes are fried), another harmful and dangerous substance - acrolein. It causes severe tearing, primarily affecting the eyes and Airways(imagine that you walked into a kitchen where something was burned, frying in a lot of oil - what you feel is the effect of acrolein). Compliance with the technology requires constant oil change when frying, but this is unprofitable for the manufacturer, and therefore, unfortunately, is ignored in most cases.

The next toxin released during the cooking of chips and the resulting reaction between sugars is called acrylamide. It is extremely harmful to nervous system, liver and kidneys. As acrylamide decomposes, it forms a new compound - glycidamide, which is a dangerous carcinogen and also presumably provokes the development of malignant tumors and DNA destroyer.

And we haven’t yet talked about dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers, that is, about those very notorious “foods” that are replete with the composition of any salty snacks in bright bags.
Let's take for example packaging of the famous Lay's chips and study the information that the manufacturer openly declares about its product.

Did you know? Lay's chips today are perhaps the most famous brand under which chips are produced. It's hard to believe, but their manufacturer, the American company FritoLay (which also produces many other salty snacks) began its history with the fact that its founder, Having practically gone broke selling ice cream, he decided to change something in his life and bought a recipe for potato chips for $100. This was back in 1922. Today the company's annual volume is five million tons of potatoes per year (that's about one million tons of chips)!

In addition to potatoes (we believe that they are present in the product), vegetable oil (we are not told what kind of oil we are talking about), salt and spices, the chips contain a flavoring “identical to natural.” Thus, we're talking about not about a natural additive, but about a compound obtained through artificial synthesis, that is, as popularly expressed, about “chemistry”.
The manufacturer honestly admits that he used sucrose as a “flavor and aroma enhancer”, wheat flour, lactose, dry, soy protein, as well as:

  • monosodium glutamate (E621);
  • disodium guanylate (E627);
  • sodium inosinate (E631);
  • calcium lactate (E327);
  • acid (E330);
  • acid (E296);
  • paprika resin oil (E160c) as a dye;
  • sugar color (E 150) is also a dye.

Monosodium glutamate, contained in the famous chips, is a poison that acts like a drug: it excites the brain and causes addiction. In large quantities, this substance can damage the kidneys, cause asthma, and impair hormonal balance, cause irreversible destruction food system and have the most negative impact on vision.

Important! Monosodium glutamate is especially dangerous during pregnancy because it active substance can penetrate the placental barrier and affect the baby’s brain and nervous system.

Also completely contraindicated in pregnant women and disodium guanylate. This substance can cause severe intestinal disorders, and in the mother herself, provoke an allergic reaction up to Quincke’s, asthma, affect the joints, increase, cause, etc.
The next “eeshka” in the composition is - sodium inosinate, can cause allergies and high blood pressure, nausea, heaviness, redness of the face and excessive sweating. During pregnancy it is absolutely forbidden to eat it.

Calcium lactate It is also by no means a safe supplement. This calcium salt is permitted in most developed countries, but is still a product of chemical synthesis, and its use should be treated with extreme caution by people with a history of thrombosis, atherosclerosis and allergies. Even in a healthy person, calcium lactate often causes heartburn, and to the expectant mother definitely worth watching out for.

Citric and malic acids, of course, do not have this toxic effect on the body, and yet in large doses may cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Substances used in Lay's chips as dyes, according to those available modern science data are not harmful, however beneficial properties they don't have it.
We have analyzed chemical composition chips from one of the most famous brands in the world and discovered what they contain whole line substances that are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. It is easy to assume that products from other manufacturers may contain other toxic additives not mentioned in our list, so one can only guess what consequences the irresponsibility of one’s own mother may have on the child.

Should it be completely excluded from the diet during pregnancy?

It seems to us that we have already given the answer to this question. But if, in spite of everything, the expectant mother wants to enjoy crispy slices “like before she died,” we will try to give some tips on how to satisfy your desire with minimal risk for a child. We emphasize - with minimal risk, since any chips and food for a pregnant woman are incompatible.

If possible don't buy ready-made chips, make them yourself at home. Use products - potatoes and vegetable oil - only of the highest quality and absolute freshness. Add minimal salt. Do just a little. Store-bought chips, if that's what you prefer, don't eat at all for at least early stages . This period of pregnancy is the most dangerous, because the placental barrier has not yet fully formed, and this is when the formation of the main organs and systems in the baby’s body occurs. For this reason, any poison that enters the mother’s body during this period can cause the development of serious pathologies in the mother.

Carefully study not only the picture on the label, but also all the text indicated on it, including the smallest letters (sometimes the most important thing is hidden in them). Too lazy to read and understand - refuse chips, where after the word “ingredients” there are a large number of ingredients. There are only three of them in natural chips - potatoes, oil, salt. In industrial conditions, various “improvers” are added to the product, and all of them, as a rule, are far from natural. The more such additives, the more harm from chips.

Important! Avoid buying chips that contain additives E621, E627 and E631.

Check expiration date of chips. And not only to ensure that the product is not expired. The longer this period, the greater the percentage of preservatives used in the manufacture of its contents. It is better to buy a package with a shelf life of two months than to opt for a product that does not lose its properties for six months.
The following rule, unfortunately, does not guarantee complete safety, but still: don't buy the cheapest product. We have already said above that even chips from the most famous brand contain a large amount of poison, but if the most expensive product does not guarantee high quality, then the cheapest one definitely guarantees its absence.

Share the sachet with your loved one, do not destroy the entire contents of the package yourself. If you eat just a few crispy slices, your unbridled desire will be satisfied, and the absolute harm and potential danger which this product is modern chemical industry bears on your baby will be kept to a minimum.

And finally, the last thing. Before you pounce on the treat, remember everything that was said above. Understand why pregnant women should not eat chips. Think about the little defenseless creature inside you that you are going to poison with your own hands. Who knows, maybe your irresistible desire is not so irresistible?
To summarize, let's say that the only thing more harmful than chips during pregnancy is chips combined with beer. The period of bearing a baby, fortunately, does not last so long, and during this time it is quite possible to limit yourself in consuming foods that are really dangerous for the development of the fetus. There are enough other joys in life that no one restricts access to for the expectant mother. Enjoy them and your baby will respond with gratitude and love!

Any future mommy wants to feel good throughout pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby, and helps with this healthy image life and proper nutrition. But very often pregnant women are overcome by the desire to eat something that is not at all healthy or even downright harmful. One such temptation is chips. Often, crispy pieces of golden potatoes seem like a real gastronomic masterpiece to pregnant women. But is it possible to eat chips during pregnancy, how will they affect the mother’s health and will they harm the baby?

Why are chips considered a harmful product?

We all know that chips are made from potatoes. This vegetable, beloved by many, although it is not a leader in the amount of nutrients, does not itself harmful product. Potato tubers contain a lot of starch, iodine, vitamins B, A, C, E, H, PP, as well as minerals and even some vegetable proteins.

Potatoes contain folic acid - most valuable substance, without which it is impossible normal development neural tube of the fetus.

Why then do almost all nutritionists in the world classify chips as definitely harmful foods? It's all about the way they are prepared. Most manufacturers have long abandoned the costly technology of frying chips from chopped potato tubers. Often the plates are formed from a mixture of wheat and corn flour, as well as modified starch.

To make the finished product look like natural potatoes, dyes and flavors are added to it. Then the pseudo-potato pieces are sprinkled with a mixture of spices and other flavorings, giving the product the taste of chicken, mushrooms, herbs, etc. All huge assortment chips - the result of mixing starch plates with spices and flavoring additives. Of course, there is nothing useful left in such a product, and it should not be consumed during pregnancy, since it is unrealistic to predict its effect on the body of the mother and fetus.

One of the main dangers of chips is the large amount of salt. It retains fluid in the body, which causes swelling and increased blood pressure.

Another danger that delicious chips pose is a large amount of fat and carbohydrates. This is a very high-calorie dish and regular consumption can lead to obesity. In addition, they are rarely used for frying quality oil. Palm oil is most often used, and its effect on the human body has not yet been studied enough.

What harmful substances are contained in chips?

Depending on the recipe and the integrity of the manufacturer, the composition of the chips may vary greatly. It's no secret that some of them resemble rather a product chemical laboratory activities than food. But even the most natural chips made from... high quality products, cannot be named useful product, since they contain the following substances:

  • Trans fatty acid isomers or trans fats. These substances have not yet been studied well, but it has already been proven that most of them have a negative effect on human health. They increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and disrupt work endocrine system person. There is also an opinion that trans fats increase the likelihood of developing cancer and can provoke diabetes.
  • Acrylamide. It is formed when starchy foods are fried. Considering that most chips are thin pieces of fried starch, the amount of this substance in them is very high. It is believed that it negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system and internal organs. Some experts classify it as a carcinogen. Small amounts of acrylamide usually do not cause any harm to humans, but there is too much of it in chips.

To eat chips or not to eat?

What to do if you want chips and... common sense suggests that this is a harmful product? It is very important to understand that even the cheapest and low-quality chips are not poison. If the product ends up on the store counter and does not have the appropriate label warning about possible harm, such as cigarettes or alcohol, it is considered safe. Therefore, nothing will happen from a few chips, but you shouldn’t overeat on them.

Majority food additives easily penetrate the placenta. Although all of them are considered safe, it is better not to take unnecessary risks by consuming harmful foods.

You can allow yourself a few chips in some situations:

  • If you want them so badly that you can't concentrate on anything else. Pregnant women have unusual taste preferences. If this is your case, allow yourself a few chips just to get rid of the obsessive desire.
  • If the first trimester is over and the formation of fetal organs has already ended.
  • If you do not suffer from heartburn, swelling and high blood pressure, and eating chips does not cause discomfort.

In other cases, you need to think about whether a few minutes of pleasure justify the risk to which you expose yourself and your baby.

Rules for safe consumption of chips during pregnancy

True fans of chips who cannot give up their favorite product during pregnancy should remember the rules for their safe consumption:

  • Try to give up chips in the first weeks of pregnancy, when all organs are formed.
  • Never eat more than 10 grams at a time;
  • Allow yourself chips no more than once a week, less often is better.
  • Give preference to chips that are made from pre-cooked potatoes. This product contains less acrylamide.

One of the best ways to reduce the harm from chips is to cook them at home without frying them in oil. They can be baked in the oven or microwave with a minimum of salt and natural spices.

How to make chips at home

To make homemade chips, you need to take potatoes, preferably large and without blemishes, salt and any spices to taste. But remember - excess salt during pregnancy is harmful, and many spices have abortifacient Therefore, it is important to observe moderation in everything.

Chips in the oven

Prepared potatoes must be peeled and cut into thin slices or grated with a shredder. The finished plates should be salted and peppered, and then mixed by sprinkling olive oil. If you wish, you can add a little chopped garlic, and dried herbs would also be useful.

Garlic is rich in folic acid, so it can be beneficial for pregnant women. But women who have kidney problems should not use this product when preparing food.

After the potato slices have rested for a while and are soaked in salt, they must be carefully placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment and placed in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 100-120 degrees. They should remain there for about an hour. Periodically, you need to take out the baking sheet, turn the chips over and monitor the degree of drying. The finished dish should be allowed to cool and you can enjoy the taste of a natural and healthy delicacy.

Chips in the microwave

Another way to cook chips is to dry them in the microwave. The recipe is practically no different. The prepared potato slices should be placed on a glass plate from the microwave, previously covered with parchment paper. Then it is placed in the microwave and the future chips are heated at maximum power for about 2 minutes. After this, they are taken out, turned over, swapped if necessary, and fried for another two minutes. Since the maximum power may vary from oven to oven, exact recipe No. You just need to continue heating and turning until the product is ready.

These homemade chips are much healthier than the store-bought counterpart. They do not contain excess fat and salt, as well as artificial dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers. This dish can be included in your diet even daily, but little by little, keeping in mind the principles of proper nutrition.

Pregnant women, as has been noted by more than one expectant mother, often want to eat something special. The tastes of pregnant women can be completely surprising; it happens that you just want incompatible products. And sometimes I openly crave fast food - the same one that is tasty, but harmful. If you really want chips, what should you do? How many times a month can you eat them? Is there an alternative to them?

Why you can’t eat chips during pregnancy

Of course, if you allowed yourself a few chips once during your entire pregnancy, nothing bad will happen. But only this product is such that taste qualities he is forced to ask for more. You want chips again, and this is already becoming a food habit. Harmful, by the way. Why is it harmful? Because you are not eating thin slices of potatoes fried in oil, as it looks in advertising.

Most manufacturers make chips from corn flour and a mixture of starches, and sometimes it’s even soy starch, which is made from genetically modified soybeans. And it turns into glucose in the human body. Excess of this same glucose accumulates in the liver. And this is already fraught with obesity.

Something else about store-bought chips:

  • This is a dough that is fried in boiling fat;
  • Fat is used more than once, which means carcinogens accumulate in chips;
  • Fats for frying are often cheap and unrefined;
  • Sodium glutamate is an element in the composition of almost all chips, an additive that causes food addiction.

It is glutamate that is to blame for the fact that you want to eat this food again and again. And the consequences of such a food habit, alas, are sad. Excess weight, problems with the liver and blood vessels - there is little good in this. Also, some large-scale studies revealed glycidamide in chips. This dangerous substance destroys DNA and promotes the formation cancerous tumors. Do you have enough reasons not to look at brightly colored packages of chips anymore?

Pregnancy and food: is it possible to eat chips rarely?

Rarely - this is once every six months, and if you want chips more often, then it will only increase. Eating store-bought chips and crackers once a month is not a rare occurrence. It happens that during pregnancy you crave such food more often, but this is not best time there is “Lace” and other hits of “harmful” sales.

Why pregnant women should give up chips:

  • Excess salt - by the way, because of it, the baby may lag behind in growth and development of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Chips make a pregnant woman feel thirsty, they are also increased load on the kidneys;
  • The product leads to metabolic disorders.

And speaking seriously, an expectant mother who is addicted to chips is a person who jeopardizes her health and the health of her baby. If you systematically consume salty foods, even absolutely healthy person, then this is fraught with an increase blood pressure. And appearance allergic reactions the child too possible consequence love for chips.

Homemade curd chips: is it possible?

Food, the preparation and quality of which you control, will a priori be healthier than store-bought food. If you love crispy slices so much, then try making them yourself. And you can start with curd chips, which are moderate amount Maybe for expectant mothers too.

To prepare curd chips you need:

  • A pack of cottage cheese;
  • 1 large egg;
  • A little salt;
  • Pepper to taste (optional);
  • Dill;
  • Favorite spices, dried herbs.

All ingredients need to be mixed, add a spoonful of kefir to the too crumbly mass, mix everything until it becomes a paste. Line a baking sheet with a silicone mat. Place the mixture one tablespoon at a time, smoothing it slightly to form flat circles. Bake at 200-210 degrees for 20 minutes. The chips should be browned. Be sure to let the dish cool, although it looks so appetizing that you want to eat it right away.

The product can be eaten on its own, or used as a base for a sandwich. That is, put cheese, butter, and vegetable mixture on top. These curd crackers are delicious with tea. And if in the early stages of pregnancy you are simply tormented by the desire to eat something salty, then let it not be store-bought chips, but these curd product. He has rave reviews, and if everything is done correctly, then well deserved.

Alternative: what can you replace chips with?

It will surprise some, but this is a fact - almost any junk food can be replaced useful analogue. And salty chips can easily be replaced with feta cheese or Adyghe cheese, lightly salted cucumbers, fish. But if you just want potato chips and nothing else, then make them yourself.

How to make your own chips:

  • Lightly drizzle the potato slices in oil (there is no need to drown them or bathe them);
  • Line a baking sheet with a silicone mat and place the potatoes there;
  • The slices need to be baked in one layer, and only before serving can you salt them and add herbs if desired.

By the way, lemon salt will be delicious. This is coarse salt, ground with lemon zest, an excellent seasoning for making crispy potatoes. In general, try to fall in love with baked vegetables - it may be easier than you think. Peppers, carrots, zucchini and eggplants, baked tomatoes may be your favorite dish. They can be eaten without any additions, or you can sprinkle them with olive oil, add seeds or sesame seeds, and you will get a warm vegetable salad. Which, by the way, is also allowed for nursing mothers. Just don’t make a vegetable mix right away, introduce new products gradually, observing the baby’s well-being.

Note to expectant mothers: can pregnant women eat chips (video)

Chips are a product that has nothing to do with health. If you have not yet given up the habit of eating them, then pregnancy is best period refuse, moreover, in favor of proper and truly tasty food.

Healthy choices!

Expectant mothers are forced to severely limit themselves in delicacies for the sake of... healthy formation and child development. But sometimes you really want to indulge in something unhealthy, for example, salty potato chips.

Unfortunately, there is nothing useful in this semi-finished product, so we will only talk about the dangers of chips during pregnancy. Another question is how big bad influence components on the body, and what can be done to minimize it.

How are chips made?

To understand why this snack is so harmful to health, it is necessary to consider the features of its production and quality composition.

Most companies produce chips not from natural potatoes, as shown in advertising, but from dry starchy material, rice flakes or corn flour. Classic potato chips consist of 30% mashed powder, 60% starch and 10% harmful chemical components designed to improve the gastronomic performance of the dish.

Let's look at the approximate composition of the chips:

  • potato components (starch, powder);
  • salt (the average pack of 50 g contains daily dose seasonings);
  • low quality vegetable oil;
  • carcinogens;
  • acrylomide;
  • glycidamide;
  • flavorings;
  • hydrogenated fats;
  • flavor enhancers;
  • preservatives;
  • dyes;
  • spices.

Potato preparations are fried in oil at high temperatures(about 120°C), as a result of which absolutely all possible useful components disappear. But cooking at such degrees leads to the formation of acrylamide and carcinogens, real toxins for the pregnant body.

Harm of chips for expectant mothers

It is a known fact that the placenta is not a 100% barrier that protects the child from harmful substances. In addition, chemical additives and salt that accumulate in the mother’s body provoke swelling, which negatively affects pregnancy and can aggravate the signs of toxicosis.

Harm from chips for women and children:

  1. Flavor enhancers and acidity regulators lead to digestive disorders (heartburn, gastritis, ulcers, flatulence, constipation, poisoning, etc.).
  2. Trans fats and oils cause excess calories to be deposited in the body. There are enough lipids even in a small bag of chips (about 30 g), which significantly exceeds daily norm and leads to excessive weight gain in pregnant women.
  3. A significant amount of salt retains fluid in a woman’s body, as a result of which the outflow of urine is disrupted and kidney dysfunction is observed. Also high level sodium chloride leads to imbalance water-salt metabolism and general metabolism.
  4. Soy starch, which is also often used in the production of the product, is processed by the body into glucose. It is deposited in the liver and leads to obesity.
  5. The original taste of the snack is given by monosodium glutamate, an additive that is addictive. That is why, no matter how large the box of treats is, in most cases a person eats everything to the end, purchasing it again and again.
  6. The additive glycidamide is a carcinogen that increases the risk of cancer and can damage DNA, as numerous studies have proven.
  7. Acrylamide is obtained from fried starch and negatively affects the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system and internal organs.
  8. Hydrogenated fats, which are absorbed by chips during the frying process, lead to the formation of “bad” cholesterol. It, in turn, can cause diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems of the expectant mother (thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and others). It is believed that fats increase the risk of diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes, and can impair glucose tolerance in the expectant mother.
  9. Regular consumption of chips increases the risk of breast diseases, including tumors, in a pregnant woman.
  10. Overuse of snacks can weaken the peripheral nervous system, resulting in numbness in the limbs.

How to take during pregnancy

Of course, it is difficult for an expectant mother to often deny herself anything. In what cases can you afford a small package of chips?

  1. The desire to enjoy snacks does not leave the head for several days and haunts the pregnant woman.
  2. The desire to eat chips appeared in the 2-3 trimester, when the formation of all organs and internal systems baby.
  3. You can control your appetite and know for sure that you will only satisfy your need with a small pack, no more.
  4. Your health status allows you to eat chips (no increased acidity stomach, swelling, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, pregnancy pathologies, etc.).

It is also advisable for a pregnant woman to eat natural chips, which can be made at home. To do this, just thinly slice fresh potatoes and thoroughly grease the slices with olive oil. The dish is cooked in the microwave until completely dry (usually a few minutes at medium power), after which it needs to be slightly salted.

Such natural chips retain at least a little useful components, inherent in potatoes: vitamins (group A, B, C, E), minerals (for example, iodine), vegetable proteins and natural starch. In addition, potatoes contain folic acid, which is necessary for a pregnant woman in the early stages. It prevents fetal malformations and promotes the formation of its neural tube.

Nutritionists and gynecologists do not advise women to eat chips during pregnancy. If you really want to, you can eat no more than 10 g of industrial chips once a week. It is important to give preference to products famous brands, having previously studied the composition. Homemade treats can be consumed several times in amounts up to 30 g. Be sure to monitor the salt level.

The fact that chips are harmful for a pregnant woman has been proven. It is very important to take precautions if you dare try the treat. It is also advisable to opt for homemade products.

Video: 10 strict “don’ts” during pregnancy

To avoid harming the baby, you should know what is included of this product and what effect it has on the body, as well as permissible quantity for consumption while expecting a baby.

General Product Information

The product was created in 1853 in the USA. Industrial chips are not made from natural chips, as advertised, but from semi-finished potato products ( mashed potatoes), the quality of which is questionable.

The product contains 30% puree powder, 60% starch and 10% various food additives, flavorings, flavor enhancers, as well as salt in large quantities.

A 50 gram pack of chips contains the daily dose of salt.

Preparing store-bought chips involves frying the resulting preparations in vegetable oil at a temperature of 120 degrees. As a result, the slightest useful material disappear, and are replaced by carcinogens and acrylamide.

European standards allow acrylamide content in 1 kg of products up to 0.1 mcg. In chips this figure is equal to 100 mcg, which is 10,000 times the norm.

There is no need to talk about any benefits of such a product as industrial chips. Their only advantage can be considered their wonderful taste, which is rather a competent combination of flavors and additives that are harmful to health.


The product is harmful to the body not only for pregnant women, but for all people, therefore, its consumption should be reduced as much as possible, and when a woman is expecting a baby, it should be practically excluded from the diet.

The product can cause particular harm to an unborn child who is just developing and whose body is not yet able to resist harmful substances.

Many scientists argue that there is a relationship between the use of the product and the occurrence of the following unpleasant consequences in pregnant women and the fetus:

  • risk of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • a sharp rise in insulin in the blood due to large number carbohydrates in the composition;
  • toxicosis;
  • DNA changes caused by substances formed in the product due to non-compliance with cooking standards;
  • increased risk of developing cancer diseases due to increase cancer cells in many times;
  • swelling of the limbs due to large quantity salts in the composition;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

The placenta is not able to protect your child from food additives and preservatives that enter the body when eating chips. The accumulation of harmful substances increases the risk of developing various diseases.

One more a powerful argument against eating chips is high content harmful calories that contribute to weight gain overweight body, which will be difficult to get rid of even after the birth of the child.

This is due to the content of vegetable oil and trans fats in the chips, which can be disguised on the label in the form of ingredients - spread and margarine.

Doctors noticed that children whose mothers ate chips during pregnancy, they are more likely to be born with reduced body weight.

Calorie content of chips – 520 kcal. The energy ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 4%, 52% and 41%.

10 facts about chips

Indications for use

So, is it still possible to eat chips during pregnancy? While waiting for the baby a woman can afford to eat some chips in the following cases:

  • with intolerable desire;
  • in the 2nd and 3rd trimester;
  • if you consume chips in small quantities;
  • in the absence of heartburn and symptoms.

Under no circumstances should the product be used in when all the organs and systems of the child are formed, and Negative influence chips are especially dangerous.

If you decide to eat chips during pregnancy, choose the least harmful option - a product made from extruded potatoes with little oil content.

Cooking methods

If you decide to eat chips during pregnancy, their volume should not be more than 20 grams per day. The product can be included in the menu no more than once a month.

Store-bought chips salad recipe. To prepare, cut 1 medium size, 1 small and boiled chicken into cubes.

Lightly sprinkle the top of the chips with salt and turn on the microwave for 5 minutes with the power set to 800 W. The chips turn out crispy and golden brown.

Recipe in the oven. To prepare homemade chips that can be consumed during pregnancy, you need to peel and wash 2 potatoes, then cut the vegetables into circles no more than 2 mm thick and add vegetable oil and.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed so that the potato mugs are coated with oil on all sides.

Cover the baking tray with greased baking paper vegetable oil, and the blanks are laid out on it. The chips are baked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

If you have an unbearable desire to consume a product such as chips during pregnancy the best option They will be prepared independently at home and included in the diet in small quantities.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs