How to germinate wheat at home. How to properly sprout wheat for food: sprouts, sprouts

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Nowadays, healthy eating has ceased to be a fashionable feature. More and more people are thinking about what goes on their plate every day. One of the areas of healthy food is the consumption of sprouted grains, namely wheat. But not everyone knows how to do it correctly. Instead of a nutritious and healthy mass, the result is a stinking, unappetizing ferment.

How to germinate wheat at home? In principle, it’s not that difficult. By observing several important conditions, you can significantly diversify your diet and get natural beneficial elements directly from the windowsill without leaving home.

First, you need to decide in what phase the sprouted grain will be consumed. There are two options: whole or just greens. The principle of initial germination is the same in both cases, but the timing and methods of use differ.

After you have decided on the method of consumption, you need to choose the grain. You can purchase it:

  1. On the market. Cheapest buy. You can carefully examine the wheat and smell it. Does not guarantee that the grains have not been pre-treated with chemicals. Where and how they were stored is also unknown. But there is no need to buy a large batch at once. You can buy a small handful and see what happens.
  2. In the shop. It turns out much more expensive. But there will be 100% confidence that the grains are unprocessed and can be safely eaten. By the way, they also come across small debris and crushed seeds that are no longer suitable for germination. Choose wheat in transparent bags so that the contents are clearly visible.
  3. In the Internet. We don't recommend it. Buying a pig in a poke for a lot of money. There is a great risk of getting a completely substandard mixture of unknown production. However, if there are good recommendations from friends who have already tried such a purchase, then they choose this option.

In general, devotees of healthy eating do not skimp on this very nutrition. That's why they buy it in stores. Or they have already secured support from private farms that plant wheat for themselves. This makes it cheaper and safer.

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Yes, yes, preliminary preparation is always necessary. You can't just shove wheat into the soil and expect a miracle. You'll have to tinker a little. The first step is to sort out the grains. Remove visible debris, chipped and damaged seeds. Then they are placed in a shallow, wide container and filled with ordinary clean water. The floating grains are removed; such wheat is unlikely to germinate.

Then the water with particles of small debris (there will definitely be some) is carefully poured over the edge, and fresh water is poured in. Repeat until the liquid becomes clear. Now you can drain the wheat into a sieve or colander.

Next, you will have to disinfect the grains if they were purchased at the market. When purchasing in a store, you can skip this point. To do this, apply a weak solution of potassium permanganate and pour it over the wheat for 12-14 minutes. After draining, rinse thoroughly with clean water.

The preparation of seeds ends with soaking. Without any growth stimulants, the wheat is poured with the most ordinary clean, settled water so that the liquid level is 2 cm higher. Place in a warm, dark place for 7-8 hours. After this time, the grains are ready for germination.

If the air temperature is too high at this time, you will have to change the water twice and rinse the seeds. Otherwise, there is a high probability of souring. Then all your work will be in vain; you cannot eat sour wheat.

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After all the procedures, the prepared seeds are scattered into a container in an even thin layer. They can be glass, plastic, ceramic, enameled. Just not aluminum or cardboard. There is no need to put anything on the bottom, just make a few holes to drain excess liquid.

The resulting structure, together with the grains, is slightly moistened with a spray bottle, then covered with any available material. This can be white paper, several layers of newspaper, cotton cloth or regular gauze. The shelter is also lightly sprayed with water. Now all this needs to be put in a warm and bright place.

Typically, wheat begins to germinate within a day. Solid varieties wake up a little longer, but no more than 2 days. If by this time nothing has happened, it means something was done wrong or low-quality seeds were obtained.

During the day, you should periodically open the container and smell the contents. The smell should be specific, but pleasant. If a faint sour aroma appears or there is a moldy smell, immediately wash the grains with clean water to avoid spoilage or poisoning.

When everything is done correctly, tiny sprouts appear within 20-24 hours. Once they reach a length of no more than 2 mm, they can be safely eaten along with grains. For example, eat it whole or add it to porridge.

As soon as the seedlings become more than 3 mm, they can no longer be eaten. But you shouldn’t throw it away either. Let's move on to the next stage.

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What to do if you didn’t have time to eat all the sprouted grains? There are two options here. You can keep them in the refrigerator, but no more than a day. Or sow them to get equally nutritious greens, rich in nutrients and vitamins.

To do this, you can use soil, sawdust, or just several layers of paper. At the bottom of the sowing container, pour soil or sawdust in a layer of at least 1 cm. Or lay loose paper. This could be toilet or kitchen towels. Smooth or newsprint paper will not work.

Now we need to thoroughly moisten this whole thing. Just without fanaticism, grains should not float in water. The sprouted wheat is laid out in a thin layer on a substrate. If sawdust or soil is used, then sprinkle it on top with a layer of no more than 0.5 cm. In the case of paper, nothing is sprinkled on top of the wheat.

Now you need to cover the entire structure with plastic film, transparent plastic or glass. Next, put it in a warm and dark place. The plantings must be ventilated once a day. Shoots usually appear on the third day. As soon as the first loops of sprouts come out, you need to remove the cover and move the container with wheat to a bright place.

Then the seedlings begin to grow quickly. And after 8-9 days you can cut the first greens. They do this with scissors. After cutting, the seedlings are carefully moistened again and left to grow. In a few days they will grow up and you can take them again for your needs.

Typically, these young greens are used for making salads, as part of smoothies, or as a topping for main dishes.

You can cut greens growing in the soil up to 4 times. On sawdust - 3 times. On paper - no more than 2 times. No, wheat continues to grow, but it no longer carries any nutritional or vitamin value.

The most optimal length of sprouts for eating is 12-14 cm. If it is shorter, it will not have time to collect the required amount of vitamins. If it grows larger, it will quickly become coarse and you will have to chew it long and hard.

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  1. Never ask the seller about the expiration date of wheat if they intend to purchase it on the market. He can say anything. To the point that the harvest is finished this morning and the wheat is fresh. Focus on color and smell. The grains smell practically nothing and are dark beige or golden in color. Everything else is from the evil one.
  2. In order to eat sprouted grains every day, and not greens, you will have to use the flow method. In order not to get confused in the endless number of containers and not to miss outgrowing, simply label each container. The date and time of the bookmark is sufficient.
  3. How much wheat to germinate? The recommended daily dosage per person is 2 tbsp. l. It is calculated from this volume. You can eat more, it does no harm. Less is also possible, but it is impractical, since the benefit is too small.
  4. There are recommendations to germinate wheat directly in a glass jar, spreading it in a fairly thick layer. We do not recommend doing this. Because the bottom layer of grains will suffocate from lack of oxygen. And the rate of germination of layers will vary greatly.
  5. For the same reason, you cannot pour seeds into containers in more than two layers. It is better to place two vessels, but scatter the wheat thinly rather than separate the grains that have already sprouted from those that have not yet sprouted.
  6. Some sources claim that if a cloudy film appears on the surface of the liquid when beans are soaked, this is a sign of pesticide treatment. This is only partly true. A cloudy film may also appear if the water itself is of poor quality with chlorine impurities or is hard. Poorly washed wheat also causes cloudiness.
  7. Another recommendation: sprout wheat in the refrigerator. This will help avoid spoilage and mold. Dubious advice. Firstly, germination time in the refrigerator increases almost three times compared to a warm place. Secondly, if you do not wash the grains, they will become moldy and spoil even in the most sophisticated refrigerator.
  8. The benefits of green sprout juice or sprouted grains are great. Just don't abuse it. Only 30 g of liquid (milk) per person per day is enough.
  9. From time to time it is necessary to spray the wheat plantings on the greens with settled water. If you simply cut off the seedlings and do not moisten them, they will slow down their growth and soon dry out.

How to germinate wheat at home? It's not difficult at all. A wide container, clean water and grains - that’s all you need to get valuable vitamin-rich greens or tasty healthy grains.

how to germinate oats at home

Hello, dear readers! Vladimir Zuikov is in touch. Lately you've been asking me a lot of questions about winter nutrition. And one of the most exciting: where can a raw foodist get his greens in winter? After all, during the cold season, only greenhouse production is available. And the quality of greenery in a big city leaves much to be desired.

I know how it is. And I understand you perfectly. Greens are food for our microflora. Without fresh greens, I experience a specific “withdrawal”; my body simply requires greens and that’s it. But where can you get high-quality fresh herbs in winter?

Friends, the solution to this issue is simple - grow your own greens at home. And today I am starting a series of articles on this topic. Let's start with the simplest and most accessible: how to grow and consume wheat sprouts.

Inexperienced people very often confuse the concepts: sprouts, sprouts, sprouts, wheatgrass. Such words are new that many people simply have their heads spinning... So that from the further presentation of the material you do not make a mess in your head, my dear reader, now I will clearly explain each word.

  1. Sprouts - hatched seed, sprouted grain. There was an article about how to germinate seedlings here. Be sure to read it, you will find a lot of useful information on this topic there.
  2. Sprouts are already green shoots that form in seedlings after a few days of germination. That is, it is green, grass.
  3. Sprouts (aka sprouts) are the same thing as sprouts. This word is taken from the English language. Sprouts are called sprouts to avoid confusion with sprouts.
  4. Wheatgrass - juice from sprouts. Wheatgrass is often called wheatgrass, but this is not true and causes confusion. Wheatgrass is a JUICE made from sprouts. By the way, we will talk about wheatgrass in the next article. I’ll tell you a lot of interesting things, don’t miss it!

Now I will answer a question that is often asked. Why consume these same green sprouts, since the entire Internet writes about the incredible benefits of sprouted grains? And there is very little information about Sprouts. So maybe they're just grass!?

Yes, sprouts are useful, I don’t argue. But maximum nutrients found precisely in young green sprouts. Few people know about this. There is calcium, and a huge range of vitamins, and most importantly - chlorophyll, which wonderfully nourishes and cleanses our body.

Go ahead. Both in theory and in practice, this is what has long been confirmed. Regular consumption of wheat sprouts and juice from them helps normalize metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, and increases energy levels.

Without exaggeration, sprouts help maintain youth and beauty, and also prolong life. That's why they are so popular in the diet of Hollywood stars.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of wheatgrass, read the research of biologist Anne Wigmore. For example, her book “Sprouts - the food of life.” This woman herself was cured of cancer and helped hundreds of people recover from serious illnesses, primarily thanks to green sprouts and living food.

The obtained research results forced the global community of adequate doctors and scientists to pay attention to unsightly green sprouts, which many call grass. Since then, medical journals have published dozens of articles revealing more and more new healing properties of wheat sprouts.

Friends, therefore, for the above reasons, you should not neglect Sprouts. You can eat sprouts as well as sprouts. Next, I will describe the technologies for growing such healthy greens for food in ordinary home conditions. Read on, you will be surprised how simple it is.

I will look at how to grow green sprouts using the example of wheat, or rather spelt (wild wheat). This is the most affordable cereal, it is easy to buy and it germinates quickly and easily. But to obtain sprouts, you can use almost any other grains and seeds: barley, oats, rye, as well as green buckwheat, mung bean, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

If this is your first time growing sprouts, I recommend using wheat to produce them. The wheat itself must be chosen, not treated with any chemicals, and environmentally friendly. It is best to take it marked BIO or ORGANIC, sold in raw food stores.

Now let's move on to the technology itself. There are 2 ways I know of growing sprouts: without using soil and using soil.

The method is convenient and many people like it, because... no need to mess with the ground. 5 years ago, when I first started my raw food diet, I didn’t know that wheat sprouts could be grown this way. I thought that without land there would be no point. It turns out it will.

However, I will warn you. With some seeds, this method can be very cumbersome or even practically impossible, because the seeds begin to suffocate and rot. In this case, you need to plant them in the ground, as nature intended.

So, we need a tray or tray, as well as gauze folded in several layers. And the most important thing is to constantly keep this gauze moist (for example, using a spray bottle), otherwise the sprouts simply will not grow.

Let's get down to the technology of growing sprouts without land.

1. First of all, we need the grain itself: wheat / spelt. As well as a bowl or other container.

2. Fill the container with dry grain no more than halfway. Pour water and rinse the grain well, you can do this by hand. Remove floating empty grains and other small debris.

Drain the water. Fill the grain with new water; it is best to use shungite water. And leave it at room temperature for 6-8 hours.

3. Drain all the water, rinse the swollen grain. Now the grain is ready and you need to germinate it.

Here I will show one of the methods: tray + 2 rags. You can do this in a sprouter if you have one. The essence of the method is simple:

  1. We place one of the rags on the bottom of the tray, after wetting it in water.
  2. Spread the swollen grain in a thin layer.
  3. Cover the top with another damp cloth or gauze.
  4. And leave it like that for 12-18 hours, periodically checking and maintaining the moisture of the rags.

4. When you see white sprouts hatching, the wheat (spelt) has sprouted. Like in the photo:

5. Take a tray (low tray) and a piece of gauze. We soak the gauze, fold it in several layers and place it on a tray. Spread the grain on cheesecloth in a thin layer.

6. And put the tray in the light. For example, you can put it on a windowsill where there is a lot of sunlight.

To make sprouts quickly turn into sprouts, there is one little trick. For the first couple of days, cover the top of the sprouts with another damp gauze. But only at night, and take it off during the day.

7. From time to time, do not forget to irrigate the sprouts and gauze with a spray bottle so that the germination environment is always moist. The root system constantly needs water, do not let it dry out. However, don’t overdo it, you need moisture, not a puddle!

8. If you do everything as I wrote above, then in a day or two you will already have sprouts like these:

9. And after 3-5 days the sprouts will be completely ready. You can cut it!

Advice for those who have flies or grains rot. Guys, when the roots intertwine into a single layer, carefully lift the gauze and wipe the tray with a clean rag. This should be done once every 2-3 days.

I prefer growing sprouts in the ground. I believe that such sprouts are more useful, because... grain receives maximum nutrients from the soil. In addition, you can cut the greens several times; some cereals will grow new ones.

See for yourself. Wet gauze gives the grain the bare minimum to survive. Water and the use of internal reserves of the grain itself. I think you get the idea. For a plant, earth is earth!

Now let's move on to the technology of growing sprouts using soil.

1. We need a container, wheat for germination, a deep tray, soil (preferably pure black soil), water.

2. First you need to soak and germinate the grain. For example, use the method I gave above. It is advisable to overgrow the grain even a little, like this:

3. Pour soil into the tray no more than halfway. Spread the sprouted grain on top in an even thin layer. We fill it with a thin layer of earth, about 7-10 mm. And moisten the soil well with water. This is best done from a small watering can.

A little advice for those who want to get Sprouts quickly. Guys, you can cover the top of the tray with a tray (you can use a piece of plywood or a plate instead). It is important to leave small gaps for air circulation. In this way we create a moist microenvironment inside and the grain will grow more actively. After 2 days, the tray needs to be removed; you will see white sprouts 2-3 cm long.

4. Place the tray on a bright windowsill and wait a few days until the green sprouts grow. Congratulations, you can harvest your harvest!

Wheat sprouts can simply be eaten, chewing very thoroughly. However, they are quite tough and only the youngest specimens are suitable. Therefore, it is best to make the following from them:

  • Make green smoothies. This is especially true in winter, when there is a shortage of other fresh greens for them.
  • Making juice from sprouts - wheatgrass. This is a very powerful, biologically active drink. Therefore, it is better to start using it in small quantities and watch the body’s reaction.

I almost forgot, you need to consume cut sprouts within 15 minutes, because... they quickly lose most of their medicinal properties when separated from the root. I think this won’t be a problem if you grow them at home and cut them for food as needed.

IMPORTANT!!! Cut only green sprouts; the grains themselves cannot be used for food! The optimal size of sprouts for eating is 7-20 cm. Longer ones are tasteless, and they say even poisonous.

Guys, this is the information for today. Sprouts are power and green in winter! If you have questions, as always, write them in the comments. Well, don’t be lazy, grow sprouts at home. Just the sight of such a green lawn can lift your spirits on a gloomy winter morning. Let them inspire you.

P.S. If you liked the article, don't forget to share it with your friends. I'm not saying goodbye, I'll see you soon. Good luck to everyone and success in growing sprouts!

Today we’ll talk about how to germinate wheat at home for wheatgrass. My wheat has already grown up and is waiting for me to send it to wheatgrass 🌿🌿🌿 In the summer I don’t want to sprout wheat at all, there are already enough vitamins. But in winter, the body directly asks: “Grow the wheat, germinate it!” In general, I don’t argue and germinate. Not only is it useful, but green grass also pleases our eyes on the window 🌿 Well, it’s nice to look at the greenery in winter!
You can eat both sprouts, the length of which is no more than 2 mm, and green grass, turning it into juice. I add sprouts to smoothies, but more and more often I want green grass, so I sprout wheat for wheatgrass.

What are the benefits of sprouted wheat and how to germinate wheat at home, we will now look into it. Sprouted wheat- this is real living food, it couldn’t be more alive. This is a very useful product that gives a powerful boost of energy, strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body, and in general completely strengthens and heals you and me. Why sprouted wheat? - but because during germination a natural fermentation process occurs - the enzymes that make up the grain come into play and begin to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. As a result, starch is converted into maltose, proteins into amino acids, and fats into fatty acids. These processes are similar to those that occur in the body, which means that further absorption of food is greatly facilitated. The body no longer has to do much of the work of breaking down microelements.

And in a dry state, wheat “sleeps”. It is after germination, when a sprout is ready to hatch in the grain, that it mobilizes all its contents in order to put into the sprout all the necessary substances for active growth. Moreover, the active substances are balanced in such a way as to ensure maximum absorption. Therefore, sprouted wheat is not just a healthy product, it is a biologically active natural supplement that has virtually no contraindications and is completely absorbed by the body.

What are the benefits of sprouted wheat?

The nutritional value of sprouted wheat grains is enormous. The highest concentration of biologically active substances is found in grains with a sprout of 1–2 mm. They contain various fatty acids, ash, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, 8 essential amino acids and 12 non-essential ones. They are rich in minerals, including rare ones: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc. Eating sprouted wheat saturates the body with many vitamins; B vitamins, youth vitamins C and E are especially important for us; in addition, sprouts contain a lot of vitamin PP. Sprouted wheat does not contain sugars, which makes it especially useful for people with diabetes.

Sprouted wheat grains, when consumed for a long time, can create a real miracle for the body. Living food improves the proper functioning of organs and metabolic processes in the body. The overall tone improves, the body's resistance to infections increases, immunity increases, and metabolism normalizes. Living food fills the body with energy and strength.
Sprouted wheat grains are a unique complex for rejuvenating the entire body, as they stimulate restoration and cleansing processes in our body. This is also facilitated by the rich content of youth vitamins and enzymes in the sprouts. 50–100 g of sprouted wheat per day will return you healthy skin and complexion, strengthen your hair, nails and teeth. They will give you strength and energy.

Some useful tips to help you germinate wheat at home quickly and correctly:

The grains to be taken for germination must be whole, uniform in color without any spots;

The shelf life of grain should not exceed one year (otherwise there is a high chance that the grains simply will not germinate);

After you have soaked the grains, the floating grains should be removed immediately, since these are “dead” grains and will not germinate;

Those grains that still have not sprouted should not be eaten;

Sprouts more than 2 mm long. We do not use it for food, but place it in a tray for germination of wheatgrass.

Read about how to germinate green buckwheat in the article: “HOW TO GROW GREEN BUCKWHEAT”

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Dear readers, do you know how to sprout wheat for food at home? Of course, it is very convenient to use special devices for this purpose. But if they are not available, then it is quite possible to get by with simple “manual” methods. Sprouting wheat at home (by the way, not only this plant, but also many others) is a rewarding task, because it makes it possible to enrich our diet with a large range of biologically important substances.

In this article you will learn which seeds can be germinated and which are not suitable for this. What are 10 ways to germinate wheat at home and what germinators should you use?

Wheat confidently holds the lead among all sprouts used for food. But when choosing a way to germinate wheat at home, do not forget about other useful seeds. The same techniques can be used for them. The most important thing is to choose useful rudiments that can bring maximum benefit. This considerable list includes:

  • legumes (soybeans, peas, lentils and others);
  • corn;
  • millet;
  • barley;
  • rye;
  • oats;
  • pumpkin;
  • buckwheat;
  • sunflower;
  • milk thistle;
  • sesame;
  • almond;
  • radish;
  • clover;
  • alfalfa;
  • fenugreek;
  • cabbage;
  • mustard;
  • watercress.

Both wheat and all other seeds, when germinated, become very valuable for our health. What are their benefits, I recommend reading in the article “ Properties of sprouts«.

  • cucumber;
  • zucchini;
  • watermelon;
  • pepper;
  • squash;
  • chokeberry;
  • potato;
  • tomato;
  • eggplant.

Regardless of which method you choose, you must follow the general rules:

  • To sprout wheat for food at home, you need to purchase only environmentally friendly raw materials. Those seeds intended for sowing can be treated with pesticides.
  • First, the grains are washed well under running water. Then they are filled with water to remove all floating specimens from the total mass. They are “empty” and non-germinating, so they are not suitable for germination. If the proportion of floating seeds is more than 2%, then the entire volume of grain is not suitable for germination for food.
  • For soaking and germination, it is recommended to take glass, enamel (without damage) or ceramic dishes.
  • Soaked seeds should be washed 2-3 times a day with clean water. If the raw materials are soaked in melt, silver or flint water, then you can limit yourself to one wash.
  • The water remaining after soaking is unsuitable for drinking or cooking, as it contains harmful breakdown products.
  • Grains that have not sprouted within the allotted time cannot be used for food. They are thrown away. Slightly hatched seeds can be left for repeated germination.
  • Store the sprouts at a low positive temperature (from 2 to 8°C) in a sealed container. The shelf life is a maximum of 4-5 days. At the same time, the grain is washed daily, with the only exceptions being milk thistle and flax. By the way, the last seeds make a very tasty porridge (you can read about its benefits here).

Method 1

Place a small amount of washed grains on a plate. Cover the top with gauze or cotton cloth soaked in water. Leave the plate with the seeds in a warm place. If the fabric dries out, it should be moistened again.

Within a day the first white roots will appear. The wheat must be washed again and after that it can be used for cooking.

The washed grains are poured into a container with a flat bottom. Fill with warm water so that the water does not completely cover the topmost seeds. Place a paper napkin on top and place in a warm place. This type of wheat germination at home also produces finished products within 24 hours. The grains are washed and used for food.

It is convenient to use for sprouting small disposable portions. The rudiments of the selected plants are placed in gauze or poured into a tea strainer. Then such a “container” is lowered into a glass of warm water. For the next portion, after 24 hours, change the water in the glass to fresh one. Sprouted wheat is eaten immediately without leaving it for storage.

You can germinate wheat at home using a technique similar to the previous one. The seeds are also tied in a gauze bag. Just don’t put it in a glass, but regularly spray it with a spray bottle. In this case, the bag with embryos must be suspended.

The bottom of a large flat plate is covered with filter paper or napkins. Sprinkle the washed seeds in a not very thick layer and add a little water. Then cover the plate with a lid. It is important that it does not fit tightly to the seeds and that they have free access to air. After 1-2 days, the grains are ready to eat.

Not only small sprouts are suitable for eating, but also green sprouts (sprouts). They are high in chlorophyll, which is very beneficial for our body. How to sprout wheat at home to get sprouts? To do this, you should use the technique shown in the video, as well as the two following methods.

The washed wheat (or other selected grains) is placed in a glass jar. Their volume should occupy 1/3 of the container. Fill the contents with warm water for 10-12 hours. Then the liquid is drained and the seeds are washed. They are put back into the jar, the neck is tied with gauze and the jar is turned upside down on a plate.

You need to place a spoon under the bottom of the container, which is now the neck covered with fabric. Excess moisture will drain from the jar, and the seeds will receive the necessary oxygen. The product will be ready for use in 4-5 days.

Sometimes the question arises about how to germinate wheat at home for food using soil and whether it can be done at all. Of course you can. This is a proven method - it allows you to get mature green sprouts.

To do this, the seeds are pre-soaked in warm water for 10-12 hours. Approximately 1 cm thick soil is poured into a flat container. Moisten it as well as possible to obtain the consistency of sour cream.

After soaking, the seeds are sprinkled in an even thin layer on the surface of the soil. There is no need to press them into the soil. The top of the container is covered with a lid or polyethylene, in which a small (about 0.5 cm) hole is made. Such a greenhouse is placed in a warm place.

When green leaves appear, remove the lid and place the container in the sun. If wheat develops a root system that is too lush, this means that you either do not sufficiently moisten the substrate or overheat the greenhouse. With this germination method, sprouts are ready for consumption in 7-14 days. Green sprouts will already have a height of 6 to 20 cm.

There is a method that differs from the usual germination of wheat at home. This option applies exclusively to legumes - peas, beans, beans. They can be germinated under pressure. To do this, you need to have cylindrical stainless steel dishes. There should be holes in the bottom and walls with a diameter of 5 mm at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other. After soaking, the beans are placed in this bowl.

The container with the seeds is placed in another one - larger and without perforations. Small objects (spoons or pebbles) should be placed under the first dish to create a gap for air and excess water. Cover everything on top with a lid. It must be remembered that legumes are washed longer and more thoroughly during germination than seeds of other plants.

Three days later, a weight is placed on top so that it presses down the lid and the beans are under pressure. After another day or two, the seedlings can be used for food, after first removing the skin from the cotyledons.

Some legumes - soybeans and peas - are kept in boiling water for several minutes before consumption, as they contain harmful compounds. Under the influence of boiling water, these substances are destroyed.

It is used to prepare nuts, particularly almonds. The shells are removed from the nuts and soaked for a period of 12 to 24 hours. The almonds will swell, but will not germinate. This is enough for the biochemical reactions in the rudiments to be launched. In this state, the nuts can already be eaten and used to make yoghurts, almond milk, salads and other dishes.

All of the above methods can be called manual. But it is much more convenient to germinate wheat at home if you use special devices. They are also called “smart germinators”. They greatly facilitate the process of obtaining sprouts and greens. The seeds in them will never rot or dry out. For someone who leads a healthy lifestyle and prefers only healthy natural products, such a unit is simply necessary in the household.

Recently, a new trend has been gaining momentum - the consumption of “live” food products. Such food is grown independently and is considered the most beneficial for the body. For example, many people eat sprouted wheat grains at home. Find out how to germinate seeds, what is needed for this and what products they are best combined with.

What are the benefits of sprouted wheat?

Plant foods have always been distinguished by their beneficial qualities. Sprouted wheat is also no exception. This nutritious cereal has many beneficial functions. Before germinating wheat, you should learn about its main advantages:

  • grains help strengthen the immune system, which often suffers during cold seasons;
  • normalizes metabolism, promoting weight loss;
  • significantly improves intestinal microflora, treats the gastric system;
  • contains many vitamins and microelements, thanks to which the skin rejuvenates;
  • removes waste, toxins, cholesterol;
  • effectively strengthens the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • wheat germ is very beneficial for men's health.

What kind of wheat is needed for germination?

To improve your body’s health and get only positive results, you need to know not only how to germinate wheat, but also which seeds to choose. Also study the information about their preparation. Here are some useful tips from adherents of healthy and proper nutrition:

  1. It is recommended to purchase special grains that are not suitable for sowing.
  2. Seeds can be stored for no more than one year.
  3. Before germinating wheat, you need to make sure that the grains are ripe, without stains or damage.
  4. Before the process begins, wheat grains are soaked. Before and after soaking, they are thoroughly washed with running water.
  5. It is better to place the cereal in a container made of clay, porcelain, glass or enamel dishes.
  6. It is not recommended to germinate a large number of grains at a time (80-100 grams of sprouts are enough for one adult).
  7. You can only eat those seeds that have settled at the bottom of the dish; any that float up must be thrown away. The first stage of soaking is from 6 to 12 hours. After this, the liquid is drained and the grains are soaked a second time so that no bitter taste remains.

Under what conditions do wheat sprouts appear?

How to germinate healthy wheat at home? For everything to work out, you should adhere to certain rules for obtaining grains with shoots. The conditions for proper germination of cereals are as follows:

  1. For sprouts to appear successfully, you need: optimal room temperature (22-24 degrees), a dark, warm place, moisture and indirect rays of light.
  2. The seeds are washed 3 times every day (morning and evening) with cold water. This is necessary to provide nutrient fluid and protection against mold.
  3. To get sprouts, wheat is soaked for 2 days, and for green sprouts - 8-10 days.
  4. When calculating the soaking interval for grains, it is worth considering that more active growth occurs at night.
  5. The length of the sprouts should not be more than 3 mm, otherwise they will become poisonous and, instead of benefiting, will only bring harm to the body.
  6. It is not recommended to eat wheat that has not sprouted. This indicates that the grains are affected by a disease or have already died.

Germinating seeds at home

There is nothing complicated in the procedure for obtaining cereal sprouts; the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. Sprouting wheat at home occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. Pour a glass of grains into a bowl or small saucepan and fill with water.
  2. Mix thoroughly so that each grain settles to the bottom of the container.
  3. Seeds remaining afloat must be removed and the water changed. Leave overnight.
  4. In the morning, drain the liquid and rinse the wheat grains with clean running water.
  5. Pour the seeds onto a plate and cover the top with damp gauze, which has been previously folded three times.
  6. We wash the cereal every 6 hours.
  7. Within 12-15 hours the first shoots should appear.

How to eat wheat germ

Many people are interested in how and with what to eat sprouted wheat? To provide the body with all the necessary substances, 3 tablespoons of sprouts is enough for a period of 24 hours. Before eating cereal, rinse it with water. It is advisable to eat sprouted grains at lunchtime. The “live” product must be chewed thoroughly.

You can mix wheat sprouts with other grains (chickpeas, lentils, mung bean), because together legumes and grains are better accepted by the digestive system. Sprouted seeds are mixed with various dishes (porridges, salads, soups), eaten with nuts, honey, butter, and a variety of dried fruits. If the sprouts are not eaten immediately, place them in the refrigerator (store for no more than 2 days).

The simplest recipe for preparing sprouted wheat at home is to grind them using a blender along with vegetables or fruits. Wheat flatbreads are often prepared and are an excellent alternative to bread. Still ground sprouts can be added to fresh juice, which is prepared in a juicer, or to a nutritious smoothie. It is not advisable to mix this healthy cereal food with dairy products to avoid severe gas formation or even stomach upset.

Video: how to germinate wheat

The valuable properties of sprouted wheat have been known since ancient times. It was used as a medicine for many ailments, and also as a miracle cure for preserving youth. Today, sprouted wheat sprouts are considered the most useful food product for improving human health.

Wheat grains have three components:

  • germ - the central part of the grain, enriched with fats and vitamins;
  • grain shell - the hard covering layer of the wheat fruit, which consists of fibers and is called bran;
  • core (endosperm) - a voluminous starch layer between the germ and the shell saturated with carbon.

Wheat sprouts differ from ordinary wheat in their properties. During germination, the proportions of nutrients in the grain change. The sprouts produce a large amount of protein, and the grain reduces the amount of carbon that is used during the growth process.

Wheat germ contains vitamins A, B, E and D, and also contains eighteen amino acids. In sprouted grains, active breakdown of all nutritional components found in wheat germ occurs. This process makes it easier for the body to absorb nutrients.

Sprouted wheat is valued for its beneficial constituent elements:

  • vegetable protein mass;
  • vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals.

Sprouts contain a significant proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Sprouted seeds contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and many other trace elements. Wheat is also a source of fiber.

Wheat germ contains germ oil - octcosanol, which is a source of vitamin E and helps remove cholesterol from the body. In medicine, wheat grains with sprouts are used as an additional remedy in the complex treatment of many diseases. Doctors advise using sprouted grains, as they help:

  • normalize metabolism;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • remove cholesterol;
  • increase immune system protection;
  • stabilize intestinal microflora;
  • increase the body's resistance to cold;
  • improve vision;
  • prevent the formation of toxins in the body;
  • saturate the blood with oxygen;
  • stop inflammatory processes;
  • fight infections;
  • heal wounds.

Wheat germ helps restore many vital functions of the human body. By regularly taking such a nutritious product, you can significantly strengthen your nail plates, improve your hair structure and significantly rejuvenate your skin.

Research by scientists has led to the conclusion that eating sprouted wheat prevents the occurrence of tumors and forms a protective reaction in the body against cancer.

For men, wheat germ is an essential source of zinc. Thanks to a sufficient amount of this element in the embryos, male reproductive cells have the opportunity to fully realize the function of fertilization.

Despite the beneficial and amazing properties of sprouted grains, sprouted wheat is not beneficial for everyone. Before consuming the product, you need to know that taking wheat germ is contraindicated:

  • children's age category up to twelve years;
  • for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if you have an allergic reaction to gluten;
  • during the postoperative period;
  • with stomach ulcers.

Before introducing sprouted wheat grains into your daily diet for the treatment of various diseases, you should first consult with your doctor.

Properly germinating wheat at home is not at all difficult. To do this, you must initially select high-quality selected material, which can be purchased in the store. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the integrity of the grain.

To form sprouts you need to prepare:

  • deep glass or enamel container;
  • gauze cloth;
  • purified water at room temperature;
  • sieve;
  • flat tray

The germination process consists of several step-by-step actions:

  1. The grains are washed under running water. All debris and floating unusable seeds are removed.
  2. The raw materials are placed in a prepared container and filled with water. The seeds should soak for eight hours.
  3. After a set time, the water is drained and the grains are washed again.
  4. Clean material for germination is placed again in the container and covered with gauze soaked in water, which is folded several times.
  5. At room temperature, seeds usually germinate in less than ten hours. The appearance of small white sprouts indicates the final result of the preparation of the product. The grains are washed again before use.

If there are no sprouts after two days, the grains become unfit for consumption. There should be wheat seeds with sprouts up to one millimeter in length. The finished product must be kept in the refrigerator for a maximum shelf life of two days.

If the sprout has reached three millimeters, then the healing properties of the product are significantly reduced, since a significant part of the nutritional components goes into the sprouts themselves. Wheat shoots acquire a greenish tint and a sweet taste.

Ten-centimeter sprouts are separated from the already unnecessary seeds and used as healthy greens for making salads. Nutritious juice is often made from long shoots using a blender. The crushed pulp is used as a wrinkle-smoothing face mask.

Sprouted wheat is used for food not only in its raw form. Various dishes are prepared from this healthy product - porridge, jelly, soups and salads.

Wheat sprouts should be consumed before lunch, as the body needs considerable time to digest this product. Sprouted wheat is introduced into the menu little by little, otherwise stomach upset may occur.

  • The first portions of the product should consist of two teaspoons.
  • The volume of sprouts consumed gradually increases over three months.
  • The maximum daily dose consists of eighty grams of wheat raw material.

You can prepare various baked goods from crushed grains with sprouts, but during heat treatment a significant proportion of valuable substances disappears. To obtain all the beneficial components contained in sprouted wheat, it is best to consume it raw.

Often wheat seeds with sprouts are poured with dairy products. Before combining food ingredients in this way, you should first eat a small portion and check for stomach tolerance of this combination.

Initially, taking wheat seeds with sprouts may cause weakness, dizziness and diarrhea, but after a couple of days such symptoms will disappear. The first results of wheat nutrition begin to appear after a couple of weeks.

For weight loss

Sprouted grains are taken in their natural form as a means of weight loss. To combat excess weight, you need to eat no more than three tablespoons of the product in the morning. This morning portion of sprouted wheat saturates the body for the whole day, relieving the feeling of hunger for a long time. The kilograms do not disappear quickly, but the result remains for a long time.

Oatmeal porridge with sprouted wheat:

Hot boiled milk is poured over oatmeal and left to swell for five minutes. Raisins, nuts, honey and one spoon of ground sprouted wheat grains are added to the finished porridge.

Sprouted wheat jelly:

Add crushed grains with sprouts to a pan of water and cook for three minutes. Then cover with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Before use, the finished jelly is filtered.

Wheat flatbreads:

Ground sprouted wheat is mixed with a small amount of water, chopped seaweed, salt and sautéed onions. These components are formed into flat cakes, which are fried in olive or sunflower oil on both sides. You can add nuts to the dough.

Avocado salad:

In a plate, put a few raisins pre-soaked in water, a handful of sprouted wheat grains and peeled, grated avocado. Mix all ingredients. Adding vegetable oil. This salad is very healthy, as it contains many essential vitamins.

Salad with apples and cucumbers:

Cut the washed cucumbers and apples into cubes without peeling them. Pour sour cream over everything, adding a couple of tablespoons of sprouted wheat and chopped garlic. Mix the salad, pour honey on top and garnish with fresh berries.

Cutlets made from sprouted crushed grains:

Grains, zucchini, salt and pepper are passed through a meat grinder. Add an egg to the vegetable mince and mix. The cutlets are fried in a frying pan greased with olive or sunflower oil.


Shredded sprouted wheat is mixed with nuts and dried fruits. Balls are made from the resulting dough and rolled in sesame and poppy seeds. The cookies are baked in the oven for twenty minutes over medium heat.

Wheat milk:

Sprouted grains and water are mixed in a blender in a ratio of 1:4. During the process, nuts and raisins are gradually added. The resulting milk mixture is filtered. This milk can be stored in a cold place for two days.


Add half a glass of ground wheat grains with sprouts to one and a half liters of water and cover the container with a piece of gauze. This kvass should steep for three days, after which it is filtered. To prepare the next portion of the drink, you can use the same grains.

Sprouted grain soup:

Pour four hundred milligrams of water into a saucepan, add finely chopped vegetables - carrots, potatoes and onions. Boil the soup mixture and remove from heat and let cool for ten minutes. Afterwards you need to add three tablespoons of sprouted wheat grains, pepper and bay leaf. No salt is added to wheat soup. Bring the soup to a boil and remove from heat, let it steep for ten minutes. By adding this soup to your daily diet, you can significantly improve your immunity.

Dessert of sprouted grains with yogurt:

Add peeled and diced apples to slightly salted sprouted wheat grains. Mix the ingredients and pour over the yogurt. This dessert is great for a light diet breakfast.


I know a grandmother and grandfather who have been eating wheat all their lives; they look like their grandfather is 65 years old, but they’re still walking, so try to catch up and estimate that they are both already over 90 and practically don’t go to doctors, so draw your own conclusions: eat sprouted wheat now or take pills later

I have been eating wheat for a couple of months and I have felt a great surge of energy and my mood has become much better. I am 25 years old. Previously, every winter I had lethargy, fatigue, weakness, I wanted to sleep all the time. Everything was attributed to dystonia. It is difficult to say exactly what has changed. General vigor and tone appeared. My nails really started to look better, my hair also improved, I don’t have gray hair, so I don’t know if it helps or not. Myopia has decreased by 0.5. I don’t know whether it’s related to wheat or not, but for the last 5 years my vision has not changed (I check it once a year). I am not overweight. Every morning I cook oatmeal in water and add wheat.

Sprouted wheat - benefits and harm. Recipes and tips: video

Sprouted wheat grains can be used as a breading for meat dishes and as a seasoning for side dishes. Such a valuable product can be taken regardless of the time of year, filling the body with valuable life-giving substances.

Sprouted wheat grain is called “living food”. Wheat sprouts are a powerful biostimulant with antioxidant properties. Let's take a closer look at all the beneficial qualities of this product for the human body.

What it is

The food additive looks like slightly swollen grains, with young white shoots 3-5 mm long emerging from them. The sprouts have the characteristic taste of wheat with a pronounced taste of starch.

Studying the composition

The composition of the product is balanced and ensures maximum absorption of all the beneficial substances contained in it. The body does not need to spend energy on breaking down minerals, proteins and fats. During grain germination, its proteins are broken down into amino acids and then into nucleotides.

Starch turns into maltose, fats into acids. Grain substances that are not immediately absorbed by the body break down into elements that are components for the formation of nucleic acids - the genetic material of our body. During this period, vitamins and enzymes are formed in large quantities.

Important! You should not germinate a sprout over 5 mm in length. The sprouts should be stored for no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator. Before each use, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the grain to avoid the development of fungal diseases.


Sprouted wheat grains have a rich vitamin composition (per 100 g):

  • tocopherol (E) - 21.0 mg;
  • niacin (B3) - 3.087 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 3.0 mg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - 2.6 mg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 2.0 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.947 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.7 mg;
  • folic acid (B9) - 0.038 mg.


Wheat sprouts are rich in minerals (content per 100 g):

  • phosphorus - 197 mg;
  • potassium - 170 mg;
  • magnesium - 79 mg;
  • calcium - 68 mg;
  • sodium -17 mg;
  • copper - 259 mg;
  • iron - 2.16 mg;
  • manganese -1.86 mg;
  • zinc - 1.7 mg;
  • selenium - 430 mcg.

Calorie content

The calorie content of sprouted wheat is 200 kcal per 100 g.

Did you know? Wheat flour, like fire, water, milk, clothing and iron, is mentioned in the Bible as a food necessary for life (Sirach 39:32).

BJU ratio

During the process of grain germination, its nutritional value increases:

  • fats - content increases from 2% to 10%;
  • proteins - from 20% to 25%;
  • fiber - from 10% to 18%;
  • but the carbohydrate content drops (and this is good) - from 65% to 35%.

The benefits of sprouted wheat

There is no doubt that sprouted wheat is extremely beneficial for the human body.

This product is useful for the following:

Did you know?In Kievan Rus, funeral “kutya” and “sochivo” were made from sprouted wheat grains for Christmas. This tradition has been preserved to this day.

Possible harm and contraindications

For all its usefulness, sprouted wheat sprouts also have contraindications:

  • They should not be used by children under 12 years of age, as well as by people with duodenal ulcers and those who have recently undergone surgery;
  • joint consumption with fermented milk products can cause increased gas formation;
  • people who are allergic to gluten should use this product with caution;
  • At the beginning of the course, dizziness, diarrhea, and weakness may occur.

Can grains be used?

At certain periods of your life, you should pay special attention to the foods you eat, in particular during pregnancy, while breastfeeding and in the children's diet. This also applies to the product we are considering.

Important! The daily norm of sprouted wheat is no more than 100 g.

Pregnant and lactating

The vitamin and mineral complexes contained in the product are of natural origin, so taking sprouts is recommended both during pregnancy and lactation. If you are not allergic to gluten, taking sprouts is not only possible, but also necessary.

In addition to all the above beneficial qualities, sprouts contain a fair dose of folic acid, which is necessary for the proper formation of the fetal nervous system. The nutritional supplement will help restore strength to a young mother after childbirth and improve the nutritional quality of breast milk.

Infants and older children

Children under 12 years of age are not recommended to consume sprouted wheat grains, since the child’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready to properly digest such food. For this reason, a child can be given a little sprouted grains only after the specified age.

How to lose weight on wheat

If you decide that you need to lose a few extra pounds, try preparing a few simple dishes with sprouts:

  • For breakfast, eat a cocktail of the following ingredients: green apple - 2 pcs., wheat sprouts - 2 tbsp. l. The components should be crushed using a blender. This healthy breakfast is high in iron and fiber, and its calorie content is about 240 kcal. The next meal (including tea, coffee and various drinks) should be taken no earlier than 4 hours later, meals should be fractional;
  • take sprouts - 3 tbsp. l. and honey - 2 tsp. Pass the sprouts through a meat grinder and mix with honey. The resulting mixture should not be washed down; the next meal should be no earlier than three hours later;
  • mix 100 g (daily requirement) of sprouted wheat with two diced cucumbers. Add herbs to taste and a spoonful of olive oil;
  • mix 3 tbsp in a blender. l. sprouts with a spoon of nuts. Add 1 tsp. honey;
  • Soak 8 pcs overnight. prunes In the morning, drain the water, add grated apple and 0.5 cups of wheat sprouts to the prunes.

You can make this dietary dessert:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • prunes - 4 pcs.;
  • sprouts - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • yogurt or kefir - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh fruit (chopped) - 1 cup.
The prunes need to be finely chopped and all ingredients mixed. Season with lemon juice and you are ready to eat.

Germination rules

  1. We sort out the wheat, rinse it with water, remove dry seeds and debris.
  2. Fill with water and leave for a day. After 12 hours you need to change the water.
  3. After a day, drain the water, spread the wheat in a thin layer on a clean surface and cover with a damp towel.
  4. Periodically wet the towel so that it is constantly damp.
  5. After 2-3 days, the seeds are ready; they need to be stored in the refrigerator.

Important! Regardless of how you eat sprouts (ground or whole), you should grind or chew them very carefully. The smaller the particles, the better and faster they will be absorbed.

How to take wheat germ

Sprouted grains take a long time to be digested by our body. This quality contributes to long-term preservation of the feeling of satiety. The daily intake of this dietary supplement is from 60 to 100 g.

You can divide your daily intake into two parts, eat one for breakfast and the other for lunch. You should not do this in the evening, so as not to burden your body with work overnight. It is believed that sprouts are most successfully combined with salads, dried fruits, honey and various types of nuts.

While white flour is one of the top five foods that people should avoid using first. Sprouted wheat is very important for those who fast, do not eat meat, or want to cleanse their body of toxins, that is, to seriously address their health issues. Well, besides, you can prepare wonderful dishes from wheat sprouts and grains.

To germinate it correctly, you need to do everything according to this plan:

  • What do we need for wheat to germinate?
  • How to choose wheat for germination?
  • How long can wheat germ be stored?
  • What is the benefit of sprouting wheat at home?

First, before germinating wheat at home for food, you need to collect the following:

  1. Wheat, in the amount of a faceted glass.
  2. Three-dimensional plate or tray.
  3. A piece of clean gauze.
  4. Purified water (at least 1 liter).

If you need to always have sprouted wheat on hand. How to germinate? To start, take a large dish, or at least a tray. You can use an enamel tray if you are sprouting a large enough volume of wheat, about half a kilogram. But when you are only growing 1-2 meals for one person, a small plate or even a saucer will suffice. Over time, everyone will understand how much sprouted wheat they need and will sprout only the right amount. Usually, the daily intake of wheat sprouts is about 80-100 grams per eater, but this, of course, is not important; larger or smaller quantities can be consumed.

Choosing the right grains

If you have a chance to buy wheat at the market by weight, this will be the best choice. The fact is that wheat is treated with chemicals before sale in order to store it in storage without loss. But such wheat is not suitable for food. We need wheat that can germinate and not be treated with anything. Of course, the best and safest option is when a person can grow it himself.

In addition, sprouted wheat can vary greatly in taste, depending on the variety and quality. In any case, it is better to take soft wheat varieties.

The shape of the wheat seeds should be round, the color rich, bright, without visible defects, the smell clean, pleasant, bready or without any smell at all. The taste of the grains, when chewed, is mealy, without visible mustiness, bitterness, and not oxidized.

How to germinate wheat?

Need some tiny wheat sprouts? How to germinate them correctly? Yes, you need sprouts that are barely visible. The best indicator that the wheat has sprouted enough to be live food and is ready to use is that the sprouts appear to be about 2.5-3.8 mm, or slightly lower. As soon as this happens, you should rinse the wheat germ, of course, only with clean drinking water, and then put everything in a clean bowl.

And in order to germinate properly, it is necessary to wash the grains. For this, it is better to use purified water, because the chlorine in tap water is not good for the stomach. To purify water, you can use a simple household filter. So, all debris from wheat and damaged and spoiled grains are removed. So, grains of wheat that float on water are already dead and will not germinate. These grains should be thrown away immediately.

And then put it on a tray, or whatever you have, preferably in one layer. Cover it all with a regular gauze cover. The gauze must be folded in 2-4 layers to prevent water loss; it must be slightly constantly moistened with clean water so as not to dry out. After this, put the plate or tray in a warm place.

How long does it take to germinate wheat seeds?

From 12 to 16 hours, this is the time it takes for wheat to germinate, in a suitable place. Of course, this time is not the same, because the time for all varieties of wheat and the temperature in houses are different. Therefore, germination time may be longer in cool conditions, and shorter if it is warm enough. If possible, place the wheat in the sun, this can also provide the sprouts with additional vitamins. Alternatively, you can use any phytolamp, the same effect will be achieved, although less pronounced.

How to store wheat germ?

When you want to store such wheat longer, you should remember that it cannot be stored in a warm place for a long time, and the wheat should only be kept in the refrigerator, but not more than 2-3 days. Otherwise, it will outgrow and the wheat germ will become sprouts, and such, overgrown ones, are not very good for nutrition. You just need to throw them away. And, of course, the sooner such wheat is eaten, the more useful it will be.



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