Benefits of fried tomatoes. Fried eggs with tomatoes, potatoes, sausage, eggplant: recipes with photos

It seems that this vegetable from the nightshade family has always been known and loved. Alas, it is not. The tomato, a close relative of the potato, turned out to be her companion in misfortune - like the potato, the tomato. for a long time they did not recognize it, considering its fruits inedible and even poisonous ...

Text: Tatyana Soboleva

Meanwhile, the Spaniards, who, among other trophies, captured from Central America and "tomatl" (which in Aztec means " large berry”), very willingly consumed tomatoes already in the 16th century. What can not be said about other Europeans: in best case they cultivated the tomato as an ornamental plant. And in Rus', at first, tomatoes were completely dubbed “dogs”, “mad berry”. It took almost three centuries for them to become firmly established in peasant gardens. And now any amateur summer resident will look at you with condescending bewilderment, sincerely not understanding how the salad variety "Bull's Heart" can be confused with the pickling hit "Lady's fingers".

Medicine also did not stand still in the good deed of tomato rehabilitation: it turned out that ripe tomato fruits not only do not pose a threat to health, but are also extremely useful for it. The calorie content of tomatoes is only 23 kcal per 100 g, but at the same time they are rich in almost all the vitamins found in plants (especially vitamins C, B, P and provitamin A), and contain a large amount of minerals. Well, suppose everyone knows about the benefits of potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and phosphorus. But besides them, tomatoes also contain zinc, which is necessary for the restoration of skin cells and wound healing, as well as chromium, which promotes rapid satiety and prevents bouts of "brutal" hunger.

We have all known for a long time that heat treatment or conservation, the vitamin content in vegetables is reduced. And here the tomato presented a pleasant surprise! ..

IN Lately scholars attach special meaning contained in mature tomatoes lycopene - a natural organic pigment from the group of carotenoids. It is a very strong natural antioxidant and significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular and, most importantly, oncological diseases. In addition, lycopene dissolves in fat, and fat is absorbed in the intestines faster and better than others. nutrients(in other words, tomato gravy sauces are no less healthy than salads from fresh tomatoes with vegetable oil or sour cream). So, American researchers have found that if tomatoes are subjected to heat treatment, then after two minutes the content of lycopene in them will increase by a third, and after fifteen minutes - by one and a half times!

But! Doctors do not advise to abuse tomato diet at serious illnesses kidneys (weakened kidneys do not remove potassium well, which is abundant in tomatoes), as well as with cholelithiasis (a large amount of organic acids causes spasm of the muscles of the gallbladder).

Speaking of acids: many people refuse tomatoes for fear that the oxalic acid contained in them is allegedly in huge number, completely violate salt metabolism. Studies have shown that tomatoes mainly contain apple and citric acid, but oxalic acid in them is almost ten times less than, for example, in beets or potatoes.

Ripe tomatoes - red, pink, yellow, orange and even black (there is such a variety - "Black Prince") - can be eaten at your discretion. But green tomatoes - unripe tomato fruits - are really poisonous, as they contain. Therefore, they are suitable for eating only after appropriate cooking (pickling, baking, etc.) or after ripening. To do this, several ripe fruits are placed in a box with tomatoes of milk and brown maturity, which emit ethylene gas, which accelerates the ripening process of their counterparts. Agree, not every vegetable is capable of such feats.

And how, one wonders, after that not to like tomatoes? ..

Recipe for Dutch tomato soup from Zdravkom magazine

We take:

750 g ripe tomatoes

One onion - chopped;

How to resist such a bright handsome man - a tomato, especially in summer, when the beds turn red and yellow from the abundance of this vegetable. Most tasty dish from it - this is undoubtedly a fresh salad - fragrant and spicy.

There are practically tomatoes in stores all year round, but not a single purchased vegetable will be as useful as a homemade one. They contain a maximum of useful substances and a minimum of chemistry.

The composition of the tomato - useful substances, vitamins

The composition of the tomato is very diverse and rich necessary for the body micro and macro elements, vitamins and minerals.

Most of all they contain potassium. In lower concentrations there are:

  • Rubidium;
  • Copper;
  • Chlorine;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus.

In not in large numbers the composition includes calcium, sulfur, fluorine, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, iodine, iron.

Of the vitamin composition, most of all are carotene, vitamin C, B9, K, choline and biotin. Other vitamins of group B, PP, E are also present.

What are the benefits of fresh tomatoes?

Fresh tomatoes contain many unsplit and not weakened vitamins, which in other vegetables lose their properties during various heat treatments. In the case of tomatoes, the influence temperature regime on them only increases the amount of useful substances.


The sunny fruits of a yellow tomato differ from red ones not only in color, but also in more low level acid content and the presence of fleshy pulp. Also, the concentration of nutrients in them is much higher than in red tomatoes.

Note! Yellow tomatoes can be safely consumed by people prone to allergic reactions.

They won't harm moderate amount those who suffer from problems with the digestive system and kidneys.

There are many in the yellow tomato dietary fiber, which has a positive effect on bowel function, gastric motility, intestinal peristalsis. It effectively helps with constipation. Even people with diabetes you can eat a tomato.

If it is regularly eaten, then significantly getting better hair condition, cracks in the corners of the lips disappear. It also reduces the effect external factors on vision and fragility of the nail plate.


The benefits of red tomatoes lies in their composition. They are useful for:

  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system, central nervous system and of cardio-vascular system;
  • Lowering the level of cholesterol, hematopoiesis and strengthening the immune system;
  • Combat stress and improve mood;
  • Maintaining the beauty and youth of the skin and hair;
  • Reducing the feeling of hunger, which is useful for obesity;
  • Fight against the formation of cancer cells.


Many consider green tomatoes unhealthy due to their solanine content. But, if you use them wisely, the benefits will be enormous.

Green tomatoes are useful because they can prevent a heart attack cancerous tumors and changes in DNA structure.

They also improve mood, thanks to serotonin, especially when eaten in combination with vegetable oil.


Cherries are considered very healthy little tomatoes. They contain only 15 kcal per 100 g. Because of this, they are recommended to be included in diets and used for obesity or a tendency to gain weight. extra pounds ov.

How to cook tomatoes with health benefits?

There are many ways to cook delicious tomatoes. They can not only be added to salads and make sauces, but also dried and dried for the winter, canned, salted and marinated.


To dry tomatoes at home for the winter, any variety from the store and from your garden will do. For this case, the most important thing is that the fruits are ripe and clean. Cream is ideal for drying because it is meaty and does not contain much moisture. Overripe tomatoes are not suitable.

Optionally, you can remove the skin from the tomato using blanching. Then after drying you will have pulp.

If the fruits are medium in size, then cut them into 2 parts, if large - into 4 or more.

To dry, place the tomatoes on a baking sheet in a single layer tightly next to each other. Optionally, you can not only add salt, but also season with other spices. In the oven, it is necessary to set the temperature no higher than 65 degrees. This process is lengthy and will take 12-24 hours. Make sure the tomatoes dry evenly on all sides.

You can dry them completely, like mushrooms, or leave them slightly soft and store in a glass jar with olive oil.


When drying tomatoes, they retain all the vitamins. They are useful constipation, diets, depression, blood clots, availability excess fluid in organism.

cook at home Sun-dried tomatoes is also possible. The main thing is to know how to do it right.

You can dry them in a conventional oven for 1-2 hours. In this case, they will be more fleshy. If the fruits are kept for 4-7 hours, then they will be drier.

The dried tomatoes themselves should not be watery. Here, cream, cherry tomatoes and other tomatoes similar to these varieties are best suited for this.

It is necessary to add spices after heat treatment of tomatoes so that they do not give bitterness. They can fill the oil with which you will fill the dried fruits.

IN classic recipes basil, rosemary and thyme are used, but you can choose herbs to your liking.

fried tomatoes

It turns out that tomatoes are suitable not only for cooking and preservation, but also for frying.

  • Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs. big size;
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp.
  • Fresh garlic - 1 clove;
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Salt, ground pepper, any herbs to taste.

Mix finely grated garlic with semolina. In this mixture, roll on both sides slices of tomato, no more than a centimeter thick. Fry in hot oil for a minute and a half on each side.

Canned - salted, pickled

canned tomatoes can also be beneficial to the body if consumed in moderation. They have a positive effect on the work of the heart, blood vessels and the state of the cervix.

It is very easy to pickle tomatoes, because all winter you will enjoy the wonderful taste of this vegetable along with other homemade dishes.

Canning begins with the marinade. Based on 1.5 liters of water, you need to add 6 tbsp. sugar and 2 tbsp. salt, bay leaf and 5 black peppercorns. Bring this brine to a boil, remove from heat and leave to cool. Pour washed tomatoes and jars with warm marinade so that the vegetables do not crack.

Tomato juice contains the same useful material, which is in the tomato itself. In this form, they are much faster and easier to digest, bringing more benefits for human body especially if it's freshly made. To please yourself with fresh and fragrant tomato juice, you need to remove the peel from the fruit and pass the pulp through a juicer, meat grinder or blender. Grind the resulting mass through a sieve. Salt and season with spices if desired.

The same juice can be preserved for the winter. One has only to boil it for 20 minutes in an enamel saucepan and pour it into sterilized jars.

Tomatoes with garlic

Tomatoes with garlic can be consumed not only in the ripening season, but also in winter.

  • tomatoes;
  • Water - 1.5 liters;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Vinegar essence - 1 tbsp.
  • Fresh crushed garlic, 1 dessert spoon per one and a half liter jar and 1 tbsp. - for 3 liters.

Jars and lids for them must be sterilized and washed whole tomatoes should be put in them. They must be filled with boiling water. Do not add any spices at this stage. After 10 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan. From 1.5 liters, brew the marinade from all spices (except for vinegar, it is added to the brine after removing from heat). Arrange chopped garlic in jars and pour hot marinade over. Can be rolled up.

Tomato salads are the most delicious in summer and early autumn, when homemade fruits every day delight with ripe cheeks on the bushes. Of them we make delicious salads, which can be used with any side dish and meat. Yes, and just like that, you can treat yourself to fresh vitamin yummy.

Most easy salad recipe from tomatoes like this: chop the vegetable into small pieces (it will be very beautiful if you use different varieties and colors). To it, add onion in half rings or finely chopped garlic with herbs and season with vegetable oil.

Pepper, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, meat and bacon can be added to this salad using different dressings. This will make your salad even tastier.

Why is it good to eat tomatoes?

For women

Women always strive for a slim figure. A dietary tomato will help them with this. He helps remove excess fluid from tissues and fight fat deposits. It is also important that with a diet, you can eat a vegetable in any form.

Tomatoes are widely used in cosmetology, because they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

For men

A handsome tomato is incredibly useful for a man's body. Thanks to the rich vitamin composition, people who regularly eat tomato and dishes from it are several times less susceptible to the risk of a heart attack.

For children

Due to the red color, the tomato can cause allergies. To avoid this, babies need to be given yellow or orange tomatoes.

It is worth starting complementary foods from 10 months in the form of juice or mashed potatoes, but not more than 1 tsp.

Can be given per year raw tomato, and already in three different dishes from it. Tomatoes have the same effect on children as they do on adults.

For pregnant

Tomatoes have laxative effect, therefore it is useful to use them for constipation, which often bothers pregnant women. Due to the iron content, tomatoes are indicated for iron deficiency anemia.

Note! The presence of vitamins, macro- and microelements in tomatoes allows and expectant mother, And developing fetus receive all the necessary substances.

Medicinal properties of tomatoes

IN medicinal purposes tomatoes of any cooking method are used. But, due to the speed of absorption and impact, it is most often recommended to drink tomato juice.

Tomato treatment practice when:

  • Diseases of the digestive system (stomach ulcer, gastritis with low acidity);
  • Disorders nervous system and depressive states;
  • colds and viral diseases upper respiratory tract;
  • skin diseases;
  • vision problems;
  • Skin injuries (light burns and wounds);
  • Oncological diseases.

Harm tomato for health

There is no doubt that tomatoes of any variety, size and color are useful. But, in some cases, they should be abandoned or used very little.

  • If you eat tomatoes in combination with starchy foods, this can lead to the formation of sand or kidney stones;
  • If you're allergic, don't risk your health to get the benefits of a tomato;
  • If you have a stomach ulcer in a state of exacerbation, arthritis or gout, eliminate this product from the diet.

The health benefits of tomatoes have been known since ancient times, which is why this vegetable is very popular all over the world. It includes, mainly elements of categories B and E. Tomatoes, the benefits and harms of which have been sufficiently studied, have good taste and able to get out of depression. Latest Research scientists have proven that the vegetable has an abundance of tyramine. Being processed useful into serotonin, it brings euphoria.

The benefits of tomatoes for the body lies not only in their saturation with vitamins, but also in trace elements that replenish the daily balance and affect digestion, as well as circulatory and genitourinary system person.

The benefits of tomatoes and their extensive possibilities

In many diets, tomatoes are very common, the benefits and harms of which are scientific rationale. First of all, they have and contribute to the removal of excess fluid. The same properties of the vegetable have a beneficial effect on prevention. kidney disease and getting rid of excess salt.

Eat tomatoes, the benefits and harms to the body of which are also determined by the characteristics of each individual person, it is necessary for people suffering from diabetes and problems with endocrine system. Vegetables are very good for digestion. To normalize the process of food processing, it is necessary to use tomato juice. The health benefits of tomatoes also lie in their ability to expel urine and bile.

Tomatoes contain leukopine, which is ahead of vitamin E in its usefulness. Thanks to this element, the benefits of tomatoes for men have been proven. They have a positive effect on prostate and are an excellent preventive measure.

Determined that constant use tomato helps to avoid prostate cancer. Their role is also great in the normalization of potency.

The benefits of tomatoes for women have also been proven. The vegetable has a beneficial effect on the health of the cervix. Great content leukopine is found in cooked vegetables, especially in their concentrate, such as tomato paste.

The benefits of tomatoes are also due to the fact that the vegetable is red, which has a beneficial effect on human blood. Tomatoes can be used to prevent thrombophlebitis.

Undoubtedly, the benefits of tomatoes for the body in any form. Boiled vegetables have concentration necessary for a person elements, salted tomatoes contribute to the intensive work of the intestines.

The benefits of tomatoes for smokers are great. The vegetable contains unique substances, which contribute to the removal of unnecessary elements from the body, such as tar and nicotine. Tomatoes are able to normalize taste buds and rid teeth of yellow plaque.

Ways to use tomatoes for medicinal purposes

Tomatoes, the benefits and harms to the body of which sometimes lose their importance before the excellent taste, must be consumed daily. Exist various ways cooking this vegetable.

Nutritionists say that the best nutrients of tomatoes are revealed and absorbed in combination with vegetable oil. The question arises whether they fresh tomatoes benefits and harms and more. Like every product, a vegetable is perceived differently by an individual organism.

Tomato juice can be called the elixir of life, as it is able to reduce arterial pressure, improve digestion, cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol and relieve stress. At the same time, tomatoes have health benefits and harms.

Fresh and fried tomatoes: health benefits and harms

Fresh tomatoes, the benefits and harms of which have long been known, cannot compete with technically processed vegetables. The combination of tomato and oil when frying reveals lycopene, which is a carotenoid. Fried tomatoes, the benefits and harms of which are individual character, more useful, but also high in calories. In this regard, it is necessary to make an appropriate choice, which is more important.

There are contraindications for this vegetable. Tomatoes have health benefits and harms that you need to know when eating them.

  • The presence of a digestive allergy is a ban on eating vegetables.
  • In the presence of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, one must be careful, as tomatoes can provoke the release of stones.
  • With an ulcer, you can not use salted vegetables.

The harm of tomatoes is less noticeable than their benefits. IN rare cases a person must completely abandon the product. Most often, it is necessary to use them in the diet with certain restrictions.

Tomatoes, the health benefits and harms of which are based on individual indications, must be consumed in pure form, without bread, meat, eggs or fish. It is best to eat related products through certain time. The benefits and harms of tomatoes cause some controversy, because they contain all the elements necessary for humans. When using them, you must rely on your own perception. For example, with pancreatitis, green tomatoes, the benefits and harms of which are also known, should not be consumed. Better to wait for them to ripen.

Green and yellow tomatoes: benefits and harms

Tomatoes have health benefits and harms, and this may in some cases depend on their color and degree of maturity. The yellow hue of the fruit indicates the absence of lycopene and carotene in it. In this regard, yellow tomatoes, the benefits and harms of which are clearly observed, are well suited for people with allergies. They are also good for stimulating the stomach and intestines. But they should not be combined with starchy foods to avoid kidney stones. yellow tomatoes benefits are greater than harm.

Green tomatoes have benefits and harms, as they can cause allergies or become a source of vitamins. People suffering different forms arthritis or gout, must be ruled out this product from the menu. In other cases, there are no contraindications.

The benefits of tomatoes for women are also undeniable. They help get rid of various diseases, cleanse the blood and remove excess moisture. One hundred grams of the product contains only 23 kilocalories.

Tomatoes have benefits and harms during pregnancy, as they are, in some way, an allergen. Before childbirth, this product should be eaten extremely rarely. Having kidney problems and gallbladder may also be a contraindication.

Tomatoes, the benefits and harms of which depend on color, degree of maturity and method of preparation, should be on every table. Their value as a supplier of vitamins and microelements is invaluable.

Everyone knows that a healthy lifestyle is not only giving up bad habits, staying on fresh air, complete exercise stress and timely rest. This is, first of all - proper nutrition because "man is what he eats". Of course, the best option is to follow all of the above points at the same time. However, life modern man, unfortunately, it is arranged in such a way that there is too little time left for oneself: not everyone can follow the rules of a healthy diet, play sports, take time for walks. We, for the most part, do not live for the sake of life, but rather, we work for the sake of work. It is not surprising that many diseases that just a few years ago were the lot of the elderly are rejuvenated, our immunity is weakened, and the syndrome chronic fatigue became almost pandemic.

Basically, only at such moments when our body gives a serious failure, we begin to think about the fact that we did not give a damn about our health and begin to feverishly (you can’t say otherwise) to reconsider our previous lifestyle. As a rule, the first thing people start to “correct” with is nutrition. Only here is the paradox - healthy, at first glance, food may not be so useful, and all because the usefulness of the products that we eat directly depends on the way they are prepared. So it turns out - people think they use healthy food, but in fact continue to "poison" your body with toxins.

What are the most common mistakes people make when it comes to healthy eating? The most common: the belief that vegetables and fruits, as well as dietary meat, are useful in any form. No no and one more time no!

For example, a tomato is famous high content vitamins, minerals and various other useful elements, is a powerful antioxidant (uplifts mood and increases stress resistance) and helps fight many diseases. But all this is only on the condition that this vegetable eaten raw. Allowed heat treatment(exclusively cooking), but it should be borne in mind that in this case, the tomato loses many useful properties. Eating fried tomatoes, we absorb acrylamide, the most dangerous carcinogen, with food. Just think, the acrylamide mentioned above is used in the production of adhesives and plastics! It has been scientifically proven that eating it leads to weakness and the most unfavorable effect on the nervous system.

By the way, not only fried tomatoes are “rich” in acrylamides. In flour dishes, the content of this carcinogen is also very high. Also, keep in mind – bread is number one on this list! Now you understand how shallow our knowledge of healthy food is?

Will not bring any benefit to our body and rich in protein fried chicken white meat, tk. instead of protein - we saturate our body with the same acrylamide.

It should be said that the formation of a carcinogen is promoted not only by frying, but also by cooking on an open fire. So, getting out into the forest on one of the weekends, think about it: is it worth planning a barbecue? After all, even many hours of exposure to fresh air will not “block” the content of acrylamide in your body and will not reduce its negative impact in any way.

Surprisingly, the formation of a dangerous carcinogen in food is characterized by the appearance of a tempting tasty aroma and an appetizing-looking crust (or simply a darkening of the color).

Each of us can and should protect ourselves from the use of carcinogens. First of all, you need to give up fried food. Regarding vegetables and fruits - it is permissible to cook them (but for a short time). Meat can be stewed, but on low heat. by the most the best option is steamed food.

In a word, remember that healthy eating- it's not only healthy foods, but also their proper cooking. Otherwise, there will simply be no point in such a “healthy” lifestyle.

Tomato is delicious healthy vegetable, sauces, salads, marinades, first courses, juices are prepared from it. Tomato is valued for containing a complex of vitamins, valuable trace elements including potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. The vegetable is rich in antioxidants: these substances remove toxins. Experts believe that the antioxidants present in the tomato are more powerful than vitamin E. The vegetable is low in calories, therefore it is part of the diet.

Composition and useful properties

Tomato is rich in fibers, organic acids, it contains a small amount of protein. Tomato contains acids:

  • glycolic;
  • lemon;
  • apple;
  • wine.

Vegetables comprehensively heal the body:

  1. 1. Provides prevention of cancer due to antioxidants in the composition.
  2. 2. Strengthens the immune system, improves the functions of the organs of vision, prevents ophthalmic diseases.
  3. 3. Provides prevention of atherosclerosis - a disease in which cholesterol plaques form on the walls of blood vessels.
  4. 4. Improves the functions of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to sodium, iron and potassium, eating tomatoes is good for preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  5. 5. Removes swelling, normalizes blood pressure, so it is useful for hypertensive patients. But it is recommended to use without salt.
  6. 6. It has a diuretic effect, therefore it is useful for diseases of the urinary system.
  7. 7. Improves blood composition, replenishes the lack of vital important substances recommended for anemia.
  8. 8. Relieves inflammation in prostatitis, provides prevention of prostate cancer.
  9. 9. Thins the blood.
  10. 10. Cleanses the liver. It is recommended to use stewed tomatoes.
  11. 11. Prevents the development of varicose veins.
  12. 12. Fights toxins and free radicals, also removes resin.
  13. 13. Restores the water-salt balance.
  14. 14. Promotes the production of "hormones of happiness."
  15. 15. Stimulates sex drive, so tomatoes are useful for men and women.
  16. 16. Displays bad cholesterol recommended for the elderly and diabetics.
  17. 17. Facilitates well-being in case of toxicosis in pregnant women, helps to cope with nausea.
  18. 18. Promotes weight loss.

The fruits are of particular value to smokers and those who have recently quit smoking. bad habit. Coffee and linoleic acid break down nicotine resin, remove it from the lungs and get rid of dark plaque on the teeth.

Characteristics of varieties

Yellow tomato holds the record for lycopene content. This component strengthens the heart, has healing action with gastritis, also provides the prevention of cancer. Pink fruits contain vitamin C in excess. Selenium in the composition improves immunity. Green tomatoes - dietary product, they are suitable for those who need to lose a few extra pounds. Dried vegetables are useful, they contain vitamins, minerals, fiber. The latter improves digestion and stimulates mental activity.

Cherry tomatoes are sweetish, they contain a large amount of organic acids. Such vegetables are stored longer, there are as many vitamins in them as in ordinary tomatoes. Cherry strengthens the immune system, provides prevention of cancer. It is recommended to eat no more than 5 pieces per day.

The benefits of tomato juice

The drink contains vitamins and minerals, they lower cholesterol levels. Phytoncides in the composition help in the fight against inflammatory diseases. Tomato juice gives energy, has a tonic effect, improves digestion. The drink is ideal for those who want to lose a few pounds.

To improve digestive processes, it is recommended to drink a glass of juice 20 minutes before meals. You can drink the product instead of one meal, but you should not abuse it.

If you drink juice large quantities, there will be heartburn and abdominal pain.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the benefits, the vegetable has contraindications:

  1. 1. Gallstone disease. This is due to the fact that the tomato has a powerful choleretic effect. If the stone gets stuck in the ducts, emergency care will be required.
  2. 2. Chronic pathologies of the kidneys and nephrolithiasis.
  3. 3. Diseases of the joints.
  4. 4. Gout.
  5. 5. Individual hypersensitivity. Sometimes when eating tomatoes, shortness of breath occurs.
  6. 6. Gastric ulcer. The vegetable is rich in organic acids, if these components are in large quantities, the mucous membranes are irritated.
  7. 7. Pancreatitis in the acute stage.

In exceptional cases, tomatoes cause an exacerbation of arthritis.

During pregnancy, it is necessary in moderationeat a red vegetable - no more than 100 g 1 time in 2-3 days. If it is consumed in excess, the health of the unborn child may suffer.

Features of the use of tomatoes

Pickled fruits do not benefit the body, moreover, they aggravate the course of hypertension, as they contain salt. As you know, it retains fluid in the body, which is why the vessels are poorly cleaned.

If acidity is high gastric juice, you can eat boiled tomatoes with sour cream. Borscht is not prohibited, but it is better to refuse ripe fruits.

Eating canned vegetables is also good for human health. During heat treatment, pathogenic bacteria die. Canned tomatoes are definitely not infected with salmonella, coli. If there are no contraindications, it is recommended to use them washed. In this case beneficial features preserved, and the vegetables become less salty. For any heart disease, it is not recommended to eat canned tomatoes.

These vegetables are recommended for gastritis, which occurs against the background of low acidity. In this case, red, pink, yellow varieties will be useful. It is necessary to thoroughly wash them before eating and eat with sour cream.

The product is in demand among fans diet food. It has a low calorie content: 100 grams contains 23 kcal. If you use no more than two 2 pieces per day, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract will improve.

Tomatoes are useful for people who abuse meat. The vegetable contains components that normalize metabolism and promote better assimilation animal product. If a person eats meat with tomatoes, he does not feel heaviness in the stomach after eating.

It is not forbidden to eat fried tomatoes, as heat treatment increases the amount of lycopene. They should be fried in vegetable oil. Burnt vegetables should not be eaten: if eaten, they can harm the body.



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