Prostate ultrasound tests. How is it done and what does ultrasound of the prostate show? Prevention of diseases of the prostate gland

The prostate (prostate gland) is an organ that has two names. People call it the second heart of a man. Its size can say a lot, for example, about the sexual capabilities and health of a man.

The size and shape of the prostate varies from man to man.

When is an ultrasound needed?

Ultrasound is prescribed for men in whom the urologist began to suspect the presence of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. This may indicate deviations from the norm. The male population after 45 years is recommended to undergo this procedure twice a year. Also, this method is needed as a prophylaxis and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, even in the absence of pronounced signs of the disease.


Size and location of the prostate gland

The prostate is located under the bladder, located around the ureter. Her work in the male body depends on the hormonal background. Change and increase occurs over several years, from a young age up to mature years.

In newborn boys, the prostate gland weighs several grams.

The size of the prostate changes as you get older.

During the maturation period, the prostate sharply gains volume, and by the age of 25 reaches its optimal size. After the 30-year milestone, the prostate gland makes the transition to the next stage and increases even more.

If its growth after 30 years is gaining pathological volumes, which violates all norms, you should undergo an ultrasound examination. It reveals prostate adenoma, inflammation of the prostate gland, hyperplasia. Even a slight overgrowth of the mucosa can cause a narrowing of the canal, which in the future will lead to problems with urination. It is for these reasons that it is necessary to monitor its size and general condition in time using a procedure on an ultrasound machine.


To identify the exact dimensions and find out the norms of the prostate gland, you need to visit a urologist. An assessment of this kind will not cause discomfort to the patient. To determine the dimensions of an organ, a specialist can resort to one of three methods.

Finger research. Conducted by a specialist urologist. He inserts a finger into the anus, gropes for the prostate, evaluates its structure and size by touch. If the doctor has revealed even the slightest deviation from the norm, the patient is assigned an ultrasound.

Determining the size of the prostate can be carried out by means of palpation

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). It is considered a common diagnostic method. Provides an opportunity to see more information than with other surveys. As a rule, deciphering the indicators gives the exact dimensions of the prostate to the millimeter. It is possible to separate normal indicators from pathological ones using a TRUS study. This method of examination is also prescribed during the treatment of the patient to identify positive changes.

X-ray. Rarely prescribed to assess the size of the prostate gland. The information content of this method is quite high. Nevertheless, urologists rarely resort to such a study, since the patient needs to undergo some preparation before starting it.

Prostate norm

With proper functioning in a mature man, the prostate has a length of 3 cm and a width of 2 cm. Organisms are different for everyone, therefore the “second heart” of a man can also fluctuate slightly in size.

The normal size of the prostate may vary depending on the characteristics of the organism.

Optimal dimensions without pathological changes

The interval between the upper and lower edges is from 25 to 45 mm. The width of the organ ranges from 2.3 cm to 4 cm. The thickness of the prostate waltzes from 1.6 cm to 2.2 cm. The norm for each man directly depends on the following factors:

  • genetic feature;
  • body mass;
  • the age of the man;
  • body type.

The weight of the prostate gland does not affect pathological changes.

TRUS of the prostate

This method is known as the most reliable and informative method for examining the prostate gland. When assessing, a specialist can determine its dimensions as accurately as possible.

Transrectal ultrasound provides the most accurate information

A transrectal examination is performed. Note that not every man will go to such a session, since the constraint in men in this regard is more developed than in women. As a rule, you should not be afraid, because the doctor on TRUS is usually male.

In order for the decoding of the prostate gland to be correct, the doctor inserts the device into the patient's rectum. The sensor begins to emit certain waves reflected from the internal organs, this moment makes it possible to see a clear picture on the device.


When conducting ultrasound, several methods are used.

  • Transabdominally. External examination through the abdominal wall.
  • External evaluation through the genitals.
  • Transurethral. The introduction of the sensor through the channel for urination.

Transabdominal examination

The patient lies on his back. A gel is applied to the desired area to tightly contact the device with the skin. Next, the specialist drives the device over certain areas that can show an image of the prostate. In the evaluation process, sound waves travel through the tissue, which helps to see the important male organ.

Prostate diagnostics can be performed by transabdominal method

External assessment through the genitals

This method is used to examine not only the prostate gland, but also the bladder. As a rule, before the procedure, it is worth drinking a sufficient amount of liquid so that the doctor can thoroughly examine the boundaries of the organs.

Transurethral method

This method is carried out exclusively by a urologist. This is rarely used because the focal area is limited. Decoding does not give definite results, since it is not possible to see the full picture of the inflammatory areas.

TRUS interpretation (normal)

  • The thickness of the prostate is from 15 mm to 25 mm.
  • Deciphering the scale of the prostate (width) starts from 25 mm and ends at 45 mm.
  • The norm of the length of the gland is 2.5 cm / 4.5 cm.
  • Weight and volume multiplied by 1.06 and length, thickness, width, respectively.
  • The structure of the gland during the trusion procedure should be homogeneous.
  • Density is marked as normal.
  • The shape of the prostate should be in the form of a triangle or a circle.
  • Changes in the vessels were not detected.
  • Urine in the remainder - no more than 15 ml.

TRUS will help detect any abnormalities in the prostate

At the slightest deviation from the norm, the specialist may prescribe additional studies. In any case, only TRUS will be the most informative method, and the interpretation of the indicators will be the most accurate.

With the help of ultrasound studies, pathologies such as prostate enlargement due to the growth of soft tissues can be detected; adenoma with the presence of nodes; small formations located in the ducts of the body; cancer that can grow into third-party organs; inflammation of the prostate gland; cyst (the appearance of vesicles with fluid).

Almost all urologists trust ultrasound in terms of the reliability of information. It gives a specific picture of the affected area, but it also depends on the method of examination. This is either an external examination or a rectal examination. Ultrasound is performed both during the initial visit of the patient, and during the course of prostatitis treatment.

How to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the prostate - this can be found in the video:

Men's health can fail regardless of age. The genitourinary system begins to function incorrectly. To prevent the development of serious diseases, doctors prescribe an ultrasound of the prostate and bladder. The survey provides valuable information about. Deviations indicate pathology: inflammation or oncology.

When is an ultrasound of the prostate indicated?

The indications for a visual examination of the genital organs are the patient's complaints about a violation in the work of the genitourinary system. It can be pain, frequent urination, discharge. The age of the examined men became younger.

Pathologies in the field of urology occur in older men and young people.

  • There is pain when urinating;
  • Diagnosed with infertility;
  • Erection is weakened or absent;
  • There are frequent urges to the toilet, especially at night, but when urinating, a small amount of urine is released
  • Enlarged prostate;
  • Tumor markers were identified during the screening examination of the patient.

Preparing for an ultrasound examination

It is important for a man to know how to prepare for an ultrasound of the prostate.

  • Before, when the device is inserted through the rectum, an enema is done. 1-2 hours before the ultrasound of the prostate, the man empties the rectum. For a better examination of the organ, doctors advise doing a cleansing enema. 200 ml of water or medication is injected into the anus.
  • When ultrasound of the prostate is performed transabdominally - through the surface of the abdomen, the patient completely fills the bladder. 1–1.5 hours before the study, a person drinks 1 liter of liquid.
  • Before doing a transurethral ultrasound of the prostate in men, the patient takes medications that reduce pain during diagnosis.

Questions from men about preparing for an ultrasound

How often can I do an ultrasound of the prostate

Ultrasonic waves do not harm human soft tissues. An example of this is the study of the fetus of a pregnant woman.

But to perform an ultrasound of the scrotum and prostate, you still need indications and a referral from a urologist

Even with pathology, for example, the presence of cysts in the prostate gland, andrologists recommend that men be examined once a year. With a malignant tumor, the oncologist may refer for diagnosis more often.

Is it possible to eat before an ultrasound

This question usually arises in patients who undergo the procedure rectally. On the day of the examination, it is better to refuse breakfast. If you are going to have an organ diagnosis after dinner, plan a light snack and eat nothing else.

Usually, preparation for ultrasound of the prostate begins 3-4 days in advance. Remove from the diet products that contribute to the formation of gases. Refuse peas, beans, lentils, dairy dishes. Do not eat apples, bananas, carrots, onions, bread and muffins.

High-quality diagnostics will also help taking medications that help cleanse the intestinal walls. These include lavacol, fortrans. In this case, you do not need to put an enema.

How to make an enema

For 1-2 hours, an enema is performed to cleanse the intestines.

  • Take 200 ml of warm water and fill Esmarch's mug.
  • They lie on their side, preferably on the floor, and insert a tip lubricated with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream into the anus.
  • Then they open the access of water and wait until all the liquid enters the intestines.
  • It is recommended to keep the water inside for a few minutes for a better cleansing effect, but this is not always possible. Some people immediately feel a strong urge to go to the toilet.

An alternative to the procedure is microclysters of the Microlax type.

Another option to relieve the intestines is the introduction of a glycerin suppository into the anus.

It is not necessary to refuse the procedure.

With an empty intestine, the organs are better visible, which means that the results of an ultrasound examination of the “second heart” of a man will be more accurate.

Is it possible to have sex before the examination

Some men are concerned about the question: is it possible to practice before an ultrasound of the prostate. Doctors do not impose restrictions on this matter. The exception is situations where other studies impose a ban on sexual intercourse.

What to bring to the procedure

When preparing for an ultrasound of the prostate, men need to take a referral for examination from the attending physician, an insurance medical policy, shoe covers, and two towels. One patient spreads on the couch under himself, the other wipes himself after the diagnosis.

Principle of ultrasonography of the prostate

An electronic sensor sends ultrasonic waves that are reflected from the soft tissues of the human body. The signals are received by a computer, and converting the data, it displays images of the studied areas on the monitor. After the ultrasound of the prostate gland, the doctor deals with the decoding of the results. Analyzing the data, the specialist draws conclusions about the presence of the disease in a man.

Duration of diagnosis

Ultrasound examination of a man, regardless of the chosen method, lasts 5-7 minutes.

Age for ultrasound

Preventive examination of the prostate gland for males is carried out from the age of 40, when the body begins to age and age-related pathologies occur. Diagnosis is prescribed earlier if there are indications - there is a suspicion of a deviation in the health of a representative of the strong half of humanity.

The structure and function of the prostate gland

The organ of the genitourinary system is located in the small pelvis in men. The prostate is located between the urethra and the bladder. It connects the vas deferens. The prostate gland is made up of muscle tissue that helps the urethra empty the bladder. The glandular tissue contributes to the production of hormones and prostate juice. It performs the task of a barrier, preventing seminal fluid from entering the lumen of the bladder.

The role of the prostate in the male body is great - it helps a person to empty the bladder regularly, is responsible for erection.

Forms compounds that help sperm become suitable for fertilization during sexual intercourse.

How is a Prostate Ultrasound Performed?

An ultrasound examination of the genital organ is prescribed to the patient by a urologist. The doctor may offer a choice of types of prostate ultrasound or prescribe one based on the facilities available in the healthcare facility.

In medicine, three methods of diagnostic examination of the prostate in men are used:

  • Organs are examined transrectally by inserting an electronic sensor into the rectum. The examination is also called TRUS.
  • An abdominal ultrasound of the prostate is done through the patient's abdominal wall.
  • A transurethral diagnostic procedure is performed by inserting a probe through the urination canal.

Most often, ultrasound of the prostate for men is done by the transrectal method. The person lies on his side and presses his legs to his chest. The specialist inserts a sensor through the anus, through which he receives information about the state of the genitourinary system.

The diameter of the sensor is about 1 cm. The length is 5-7 cm. Men will feel discomfort, but there will be no pain. It is better to tune in to temporary inconveniences in order to make it easier for yourself and the doctor to diagnose.

In this position, they are also performed if oncology is suspected. A special needle takes the test material. A man may experience short-term pain.

Contraindications to the use of transrectal ultrasonography may be:

  • Cracks or hemorrhoids of the rectum in a man;
  • Postponed surgical interventions on the human rectum;
  • Patient's bleeding disorder.

Transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate

Sometimes in urological practice, a less uncomfortable method of diagnosing patients is used. Sparing transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate gland is an examination of organs through the surface of the abdomen. In some cases, this method is considered more informative. When diagnosing, data are obtained on the presence of stones in the prostate gland, changes in the size of the penis, fibrosis.

How is transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate performed?

  • The patient lies on his back;
  • The doctor gel lubricates the surface of the stomach with a special gel;
  • Then he drives the sensor along the surface of the abdomen and sees the state of the organs on the monitor screen;
  • The results of the examination are entered immediately into the computer and printed out to the patient.

Transurethral diagnostics

Examination of an organ by inserting an electronic probe through the urethra is rarely used. Recognized as an uninformative way in medicine - the doctor sees only a limited area of ​​​​the patient's genitourinary system. Deciphering the ultrasound of the prostate does not allow to fully assess the state of the organ, the inflammatory process and other changes. The lack of examination is in the unpleasant sensations that a man experiences.

What does a prostate ultrasound show?

The patient should not worry about how to decipher the indications of ultrasound of the prostate gland. Even during the examination, the specialist will tell about the results. After that, he will enter the data into the computer and into a special form the parameters. At the appointment, the urologist will explain to the patient the significance of the changes that have occurred, the presence of pathology.

Ultrasound screening shows the size of the organ, its shape, the condition of soft tissues, including density.

In medicine, monitoring the state of the body of a representative of the stronger sex using instrumental methods is the starting point for further diagnosis and treatment.

Indicators of prostate diagnostics are normal:

  • The thickness of the prostate gland should be within 15–25 mm;
  • Body width 25 - 45 mm;
  • Prostate length 2.5 - 4.5 cm;
  • Homogeneous structure of the gland;
  • Normal density;
  • Triangular or round shape of the prostate;
  • There are no changes in the vessels;
  • The amount of residual urine is not more than 15 ml.

An increase in the size of the prostate gland indicates a change in the glandular tissue or fibrosis. Pathology is characteristic of the male sex over the age of 40 years.

  • Hyperplasia - overgrowth is associated with metabolic disorders. Epithelial cells begin to predominate over fibrous structures. Violation of the tissue ratio becomes the cause of diseases.
  • Fibrosis is a pathology in which the working tissue is replaced by scars left after inflammation, as well as connective structures.
  • Adenoma is a benign tumor of glandular tissue. Possibly knot formation.
  • A malignant tumor is a neoplasm in which the epithelium of the alveolar-cellular elements changes. Prostate cancer is fraught with germination in neighboring organs of the human genitourinary system.
  • Inflammation of the soft tissues of the prostate.
  • The appearance of cysts - cavities with fluid.

In addition to determining the size of the prostate, the results of ultrasound of the prostate after decoding show the state of the tissue structure. For the doctor of change, most often the tumor process serves as an indication for the appointment of a biopsy.

Ultrasonography helps to detect stones in the lumen of the prostate. Formations cause frequent urination in men, and urination itself is difficult.

According to medical statistics, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, prostate adenoma have ceased to be age-related diseases. The “second male heart”, as the prostate gland is otherwise called, does not withstand the totality of negative factors affecting a man, which include:

  • hypodynamic lifestyle;
  • malnutrition;
  • unstable intimate relationships;
  • bad habits;
  • regular stress.

In addition, many men do not seek medical help in a timely manner. Diseases continue to progress and "get younger". To prevent the development of serious complications, you should regularly visit a urologist or andrologist (a specialist in men's health), and, if necessary, undergo a simple prostate ultrasound procedure.

Briefly about the "second male heart"

To understand how an ultrasound of the prostate is done, you need to understand a little about the anatomy of the gland. The prostate is a small, unpaired gland of external secretion. Depending on the size of the man, its weight ranges from 25 to 55 grams. The structure of the body consists of muscle and glandular tissue. The prostate includes three parts: identical right and left parts, consisting of 30–50 scanty lobes, and the anterior part, where the vas deferens and the urethra are located.

The body serves to produce a secret containing immunoglobulins, enzymes, vitamins and acids. This substance is the basis of sperm. The prostate gland begins to function fully by the age of majority of a young man. The decline in performance, as a rule, is observed at the age of 50+. Above the gland is another important organ of male health - seminal vesicles or vesicles. They provide protection for spermatozoa, are involved in the production of seminal fluid and disposal of its residues.

Anatomical location of the prostate in the body of a man

Purpose of the study

Ultrasound of the prostate is done with previously diagnosed pathologies of the organ in order to control the dynamics of treatment, as well as according to the symptoms that the patient presents. The direction for ultrasound is given by a urologist or andrologist. Diagnostics is assigned in the following cases:

  • inability to conceive (infertility);
  • incontinence (urinary incontinence);
  • unstable erection or erectile dysfunction;
  • regular pain in the perineum;
  • unstable emptying of the bladder (pain when urinating, a decrease in the amount of urine, the need to strain the muscles during the process itself, frequent false urge to urinate);
  • purulent or blood clots in urine or semen;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • cystitis and urethritis (inflammation in the bladder and urethra);
  • deviations from the normative indicators in urine tests, PSA (prostate specific antigen and spermograms;
  • hyperplasia (adenoma) and chronic prostatitis (inflammation) of the prostate gland.

For preventive purposes, ultrasound of the prostate is performed in men who have crossed the fifty-year milestone.

Methods for conducting ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound of the prostate is performed in two ways. Transabdominally. This type of procedure is usually done as part of an abdominal ultrasound, through the anterior wall of the peritoneum. There are no contraindications for carrying out. Transrectal. In this case, the ultrasound transducer is inserted through the rectum. Contraindications are: hemorrhoids in the acute stage and the postoperative period after intestinal surgery. The second diagnostic option is more informative, since the proximity of the sensor to the prostate is higher. This allows a detailed assessment of changes in the gland. In addition, rectal ultrasound makes it possible to take biomaterial for differentiated diagnosis of cancer.

Transrectal study of the prostate

Preparatory activities

Before a transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate, a man must fulfill the following preparation conditions. Two days before the procedure, eliminate carbonated drinks and kvass from the diet, as well as foods that provoke intense gas formation (beans and peas, pastries and black bread, cabbage, sweets). On the eve of the study, take carminative drugs (Espumizan, activated charcoal). On the day of the examination, do not have breakfast, two hours before the diagnosis, drink at least 1.5–2 liters of water and do not empty the bladder.

The last condition must be observed for better visualization of the prostate gland. The rules for preparing for transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) are more stringent. This is due not only to the medical need to obtain objective results, but also to the patient's comfortable state of health. With regard to diet, before TRUS, you must follow the same dietary rules as before a transabdominal examination. Further:

  • Carminative medications should be started two days in advance.
  • In the evening, before the procedure, you should have a light meal, but no later than 19 hours.
  • 2-4 hours before the procedure, an enema is performed with plain water, with a volume of about two liters. As an alternative, an enema "Microlax" is used.
  • The bladder is filled in the same mode as with a conventional ultrasound.

In both cases of preparation, it is strictly forbidden to take alcohol-containing drinks.

Carrying out the procedure

Ultrasound is most often scheduled in the morning. The method of carrying out is determined by the doctor.

Transabdominal ultrasound diagnostics

The patient is in a horizontal position on the back. The abdomen and the sensor of the device are treated with a medical gel. A picture of the internal organs is displayed on the monitor. With the help of a special program, the main dimensions of the organ are measured, its structural and contour parameters are evaluated. The time interval is a quarter of an hour.

The choice of examination method is the prerogative of specialists

Transrectal method

A man is examined in a position on his left side, with his knees pressed to his stomach. A thin rectal probe placed in a condom is slowly inserted into the rectum, approximately 9-11 cm. The biopsy (tissue sampling) is performed under the control of the image of the internal organs on the monitor. The duration of the procedure without a biopsy is about half an hour, and with the analysis of a biopath a little more.


With a standard prostate examination, the doctor may prescribe an additional ultrasound of the seminal vesicles and examination of the scrotum. This is necessary if you suspect inflammation of the testicle (orchitis), inflammation of the testicle and its epididymis (orchiepididymitis), expansion (enlargement) of the veins of the spermatic cord (varicocele). A man is given a protocol with ultrasound diagnostic indicators, according to which the doctor who sent him for ultrasound (TRUS) makes the final diagnosis.

Decoding results

The results are deciphered by comparing the data obtained with the standards, according to the age of the man. The main parameters for assessing the organ and the norm: the shape of the prostate gland is round (rarely triangular), the lobes are symmetrical, the outlines are clear, not blurry, without pronounced bulges, the structure is granular, homogeneous (homogeneous), the vessels are without abnormal changes (narrowing, expansion) .

  • Width, length, thickness must correspond to the digital values: 40 mm, 45 mm, 25 mm.
  • Upper anterior size, anteroposterior, transverse: 24–41 mm; 16–23 mm; 27–44 mm.

Seminal vesicles are normally no more than one millimeter.

An example of a prostate ultrasound protocol

Signs of pathological changes in diseases: the presence of inclusions and an increase in the size of the gland are signs of prostate adenoma, increased conductivity (echogenicity) - inflammation (prostatitis), the absence of even outlines against the background of an increase in lymph nodes - an assumption of oncology (for confirmation / refutation, biopsy results are needed). According to the bladder, the organ should not contain foreign substances (sand, stones). The norm of wall thickness is from 3 to 5.2 mm.

Prostate volume

The volume of the prostate gland is calculated according to the Gromov formula, which takes into account the age of the man (in the graphical formula, this indicator corresponds to the letter B). V=0.13*B+16.4. The maximum value of V=30. An increase in volume always indicates serious violations. With severe violations, the urologist prescribes conservative treatment with medications.

If the ultrasound shows serious changes, an additional examination is carried out, a consultation with the surgeon is appointed. In this case, the issue of surgical intervention is decided. Do not be afraid of a rectal examination, it is painless. This is evidenced by the reviews of men who have successfully completed TRUS. With timely diagnosis, diseases of the “second male heart” are successfully treated. Ultrasound is the only informative option.

Ultrasound of the prostate is a method of ultrasonic diagnosis of the condition of the prostate. This is an informative method of organ assessment, which is recommended for men over 45 years of age at least once a year to prevent prostate diseases.

Ultrasound of the prostate and seminal vesicles is a method for diagnosing diseases of the male genital area (prostatitis, potency disorders, pain in the perineum, infertility). This procedure allows you to identify pathological changes in the prostate gland in the body, determine how much the size of the prostate is enlarged, narrowing of the urethra, pathological growth of the gland, and the absence of cancerous formations.

Types of ultrasound of the prostate

Ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed in 2 ways:

  • Transabdominally, i.e. through the anterior abdominal wall. This method of diagnosing the prostate is used for a preliminary assessment of the state of the gland, but not its structure.
  • Transrectal, i.e. through the rectum. This method of diagnosing the prostate gland is more informative, as it makes it possible to assess the condition, structure of the gland and changes in it.

There are two research methods:

  • Transrectal ultrasound, that is, the device's sensor is inserted through the rectum. At the time of diagnosis, the patient should lie on his left side, bending his knees. A condom is put on the sensor to prevent infection.
  • Abdominal ultrasound prostate, that is, through the wall of the abdominal cavity. This method is more convenient and does not bring discomfort. But the results are less accurate than with the transrectal method of research.

Indications for use

  • Inflammation of the prostate, in which there is a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of discomfort and pain at the time of urination, discharge from the urethra;
  • Abnormalities in blood and urine tests;
  • Pathology determined by rectal examination;
  • Deviations in the spermogram;
  • Various dysuric disorders;
  • Infertility;
  • Symptoms of kidney failure.

Indications for ultrasound of the prostate

  • Diseases of the prostate, which are characterized by:
    • Pain in the perineum
    • Decreased potency
    • Difficulty urinating
    • Feeling of a full bladder
    • Infertility
  • Evaluation of the dynamics of treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system

How to prepare for research?

To obtain accurate results, you need to carry out the following preparation:

  • Since the study is carried out with a full bladder, you need to drink at least 1 liter of fluid or refrain from going to the toilet for more than 3 hours.
  • With a transrectal examination method, clean the intestines with an enema. Before the study, do not eat for several hours.

Preparing for an ultrasound of the prostate

When performing ultrasound of the prostate gland in a transabdominal way, a full bladder is required. To do this, 1-2 hours before the study, you must drink at least 1 liter of liquid. For transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, it is recommended to follow a non-slag diet, and on the eve of the study, empty the intestines by performing a cleansing enema or drinking a laxative.

How is an ultrasound of the prostate performed?

During the examination of the prostate gland by the transabdominal method, the patient lies on the couch on his back, while freeing the lower abdomen from clothing. After completing the examination, the ultrasound doctor may ask the patient to empty the bladder in order to assess the level of residual urine.

When conducting a transrectal examination of the prostate, the patient lies on the couch on the left side, the legs are bent at the knees and pressed to the body. A narrow elongated sensor is inserted into the rectum, a condom is first put on it and treated with a gel. The probe is inserted to a depth of about 6 cm, which allows you to assess the condition of the prostate gland from all sides. The duration of the procedure is about 15-30 minutes.

In the MedElit clinic, you can perform an ultrasound of the prostate gland on the direction of a doctor or at your own request. The clinic's urologist can provide advice on the results of the diagnosis and, if necessary, recommend a course of treatment for prostate diseases. The competence of urologists and the high-tech equipment of the MedElit clinic have positively proven themselves and have been tested by many patients who have regained their male health. If desired, everyone can choose a clinic that is convenient in location and undergo an ultrasound of the prostate gland on Victory Park or perform an ultrasound of the prostate gland on Molodyozhnaya.

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Many people face problems and discomfort during urination, deterioration of potency and other diseases of the prostate gland. In order to determine what exactly worries, at what stage of development the disease is and to choose an effective treatment, a man needs to conduct an ultrasound examination of the prostate gland.

Types of examinations and methods of their implementation are different, depending on the alleged diagnosis.

What is ultrasound, and what types of studies are there?

Ultrasound examination is a display of the internal organs of a person on a computer screen. A special sensor emits ultrasonic rays that are reflected from the tissues of the human body, after which the information is processed and displayed on the monitor. Thus, you can see the state of the organ under study, its functioning, possible pathologies, size and weight.

There are several types of diagnosis of prostate diseases:

  1. Trasurethral ultrasound passed through the urethra. Basically, it is used during operations, since, despite the small size of the sensor, the method is very painful.
  2. Transabdominal examination passed through the abdomen. This type of study does not provide enough information due to the fact that the waves emitted by the transducer pass through the muscles and the bladder cavity. And this can distort the data.
  3. Transrectal (TrUS) through the opening of the rectum. This method is considered the most accurate, since it can be used to get the most amount of data needed.

In the presence of what symptoms does a specialist prescribe an ultrasound or a prostate ultrasound?

The TRUS procedure is prescribed to the patient if the following signs are detected:

  1. Pain in the groin area when urinating.
  2. Violation of the strength of the jet during urination (weak jet, often interrupted).
  3. Pain under the testicles, as well as in the perineum when walking or sitting on a chair.
  4. Suspicion of infertility (in cases where spouses cannot have children for a long time).
  5. Poor spermogram indicators (sperm is liquid, mixed with blood; short viability of spermatozoa).
  6. Suspicion of the possible presence of cancerous neoplasms.

When a specialist performs an ultrasound examination of the prostate, the size of the prostate gland and its tissues is always checked for compliance with the norms.

Attention! All males after 60 years of age are recommended to undergo ultrasound for prophylaxis in order to prevent the development of cancerous tumors in the initial stages.

How to Prepare for a Prostate Ultrasound

  1. Before the procedure, 48 hours before the procedure, exclude bakery and dairy products, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables from the menu.
  2. Before the start of the study, do not eat anything.
  3. Ultrasound is performed with a full bladder, so it is recommended to drink at least 5 glasses of water 60 minutes before the examination.

When preparing for a TRUS, the following conditions should be observed:

  1. Since the ultrasound probe will be in the anus during the study, it is recommended to follow a diet for several days before the procedure.
  2. The day before the procedure, the specialist will advise you to take appropriate medications to cleanse the intestines.
  3. It is required to go for an ultrasound with a completely cleansed intestine (enema, glycerin suppositories).
  4. The bladder should be filled with fluid. Therefore, before a transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, it is necessary to drink enough water.

How is a prostate ultrasound done?

For a detailed review on the Internet, you can watch a video of prostate ultrasound. Or limit the information in this article.

Ultrasound of the prostate through the abdomen

This type of examination is used in cases of minor violations of the functioning of the prostate gland in the male body. Transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate will not show structural changes in the tissues of the organ.

The procedure is performed lying on your back, with a bare stomach. To improve scanning, the abdominal region is lubricated with gel. Further, using an ultrasonic sensor, the doctor examines the condition of the prostate.

Important! This type of scan helps physicians make a diagnosis based on the volume of the prostate gland, size and normal position between other organs of the pelvis. The procedure is absolutely painless and has no contraindications - it just does not suit obese people.

Transrectal examination

This type of examination provides more accurate information about the size of the prostate, its structure and compliance with the rules of location. Between the ultrasound scanner and the prostate gland there is only a small wall of the rectum - this helps the doctor accurately determine the volume and condition of the prostate, as well as blood supply, possible cancers or other changes in the organ.

To start the procedure, the patient needs to expose the lower part of the body. The man lies sideways on the couch with his back to the specialist. The legs should be bent at the knees, this will help to avoid discomfort when the device is inserted into the anus.

Before insertion, a condom is put on the ultrasound scanner to ensure easy glide and better sound conduction. The size of the sensor does not exceed 10 mm in diameter. The depth of insertion is not more than 7 cm (in cases of ultrasound of the prostate and bladder). The duration of the examination is approximately 15-20 minutes.


  1. Haemorrhoids.
  2. Tumor in the anus.
  3. Ulcers in the rectum.

Deciphering indicators (norm for the prostate)

  1. Volume - within 24-26 cm.
  2. In length - from 25 to 30 mm.
  3. In width - from 25 to 40 mm.
  4. Thickness - no more than 20 mm.
  5. The structure of the prostate is uniform. Outlines should not be blurry or broken.
  6. The structure of the body is normal - symmetrical.


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