No artificial colors or flavors. Interaction with other drugs

When winter, autumn and spring come, the child’s need for vitamins increases, parents think about purchasing strengthening vitamin complexes. Vitamins for children immediately come to the aid of parents. Vitamin complexes Vitamishki are biologically active substances that include calcium, iodine and many others, and are approved for use by children aged 3 years and older. And the price is pleasantly pleasing.

Vitamins supply the body with all the necessary elements, help improve the immune system, the calcium it contains helps strengthen bones and teeth, the active substances improve memory, vision and the functioning of the digestive system. Children mistake them for sweets, so you don't have to beg your child to eat vitamins. With sweetness, the baby will get the required minerals and trace elements.

Immuno+ with sea buckthorn for immunity

The Immuno+ complex includes sea buckthorn, which has immunity-stimulating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and general strengthening properties. It contains more than a hundred substances beneficial to the body:

  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, protects cells from damage and activates the body’s immune defense;
  • Selenium creates favorable conditions for the body to function;
  • Zinc limits the possibility of ARVI.

Sea buckthorn is valued due to its properties of not losing nutrients when frozen and preserved. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' sea buckthorn was called the “Queen of Health and Longevity.” It is an additional source of vitamins C, E and Selenium.

Multi Plus with iodine and choline for the brain

Modern society is filled with progressive new technologies. Early education programs for schoolchildren and before entering school have become more complex for children. An important factor for learning new things more easily and quickly is memory and concentration. Iodine and choline will help your child with this, thanks to a number of benefits:

  • Iodine in the complex can regulate normal metabolism and increase the functioning of brain cells;
  • Choline helps improve concentration, attention and memory.

Multi Plus contains more than 13 useful elements and vitamins that maintain the balance of essential substances in the body.

  • For children aged 3 years, take one tablet after meals 1 time per day;
  • From seven years and over, 1 tablet during meals, 2 times a day. The duration of the course is 1 month.

Calcium Plus for bones and tooth enamel

Teeth are destroyed due to changes in the structure of the enamel that are invisible at first glance. Changes occur if calcium and phosphorus are present in the body in insufficient quantities. Therefore, many pediatricians and dentists advise giving children vitamins containing calcium. Many parents like Calcium Plus because:

  • Phosphorus and calcium in the composition are the main structural elements for a child’s teeth;
  • The group of vitamins D in the complex helps regulate the amount of phosphorus and calcium present in the body;
  • Reduces the chance of developing caries.

Directions for use: one piece 2 times a day during meals for children over three years old. Children aged seven years and older take 2 lozenges after meals, 2 times a day. Take vitamins according to the instructions, then calcium in the body will be in the required amount.

  • Read in more detail:

Bio Plus for digestion

Excellent functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is a sign that the body of a teenager or child receives all the required elements during the digestion process. You can ensure smooth functioning of the intestines by maintaining the balance of nutrients. The Bio Plus complex is filled with probiotics (ingredients that stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora in the body).


  • Fennel, which stimulates the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the manifestations of flatulence;
  • Biotin, Vitamin groups B1 B3 B6, choline.

If the child does not have any difficulties with digestion, he will always be in a good mood and with an excellent appetite.

Focus Plus with blueberries to improve vision

Since ancient times, blueberries have been used to prevent the quality of vision. Many military fighter pilots always consume this berry before a night flight. Blueberries are good at reducing fatigue and eye strain that occurs when working with computers and phones for a long time, or when watching TV for a long time.

In the Focus+ complex with blueberries you will find:

  • The content of many useful elements that strengthen visual acuity, reduce the percentage of occurrence;
  • The composition includes a group of vitamins A, E and B2, which help strengthen vision;
  • Zinc helps in overall growth development and repairs eye cells.

Instructions for use: use 1 piece per day during meals for children over three years old. Children from seven, 1 piece 2 times a day during meals.

Calcemin Advance for the prevention of dental diseases, restoration of the normal content of minerals and vitamins. - marmalade, which is filled with many vitamin groups. Designed to improve memory, growth, and intelligence of children aged three years and older. Multitabs Malysh is a multi-vitamin complex with a wide range of effects. Contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, copper, chromium and many others. It is useful to use for children from 1 year to 11 years inclusive.

Choosing the most suitable vitamin complex is not at all easy. It is best to seek advice from a professional who, after conducting the necessary tests, will tell you what substances your child's body needs and in what quantities.

VitaMishki: instructions for use and reviews

VitaMishki is a biologically active food supplement (BAA) for children, an additional source of vitamins and minerals.

Release form and composition

Dietary supplements are produced in the form of chewable pastilles in the form of bear figures: 5 different vitamin-mineral complexes (30 or 60 pieces in a plastic bottle, 1 bottle and instructions for using VitaMishek in a cardboard box).

VitaMishki Immuno (Immuno) + sea buckthorn (with orange, peach, grape and lemon flavor) in 1 lozenge contains:

  • active ingredients: ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 45 mg, d-alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - 6 IU (international unit), zinc (zinc citrate) - 5 mg, selenium (sodium selenate) - 0.015 mg, fruit extract and sea buckthorn leaves – 0.06 mg;
  • auxiliary components: fractionated coconut oil, sugar, sugar syrup, citric acid (acidity regulator), natural flavors (peach, grape, orange, lemon), lactic acid (acidity regulator), natural colors (annatto, carrot juice, turmeric), maltodextrin (stabilizer), beeswax (thickener), gelatin.

VitaMishki Multi (Multi) + iodine + choline (with orange, cherry, strawberry and lemon flavors) in 1 lozenge contains:

  • active ingredients: ascorbic acid - 10 mg, pantothenic acid [calcium pantothenate (vitamin B 5)] - 3 mg, biotin (vitamin B 7) - 0.015 mg, d-alpha tocopherol acetate - 8.25 IU, retinol palmitate (vitamin A ) - 800 IU, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12) - 0.002 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B 6) - 0.4 mg, folic acid - 0.13 mg, cholecalciferol (vitamin D 3) - 40 IU, zinc (citrate) – 1.2 mg, iodine (potassium iodide) – 0.05 mg, inositol (vitamin B 8), choline bitartrate;
  • auxiliary components: glucose syrup, natural flavors (orange, cherry, lemon, strawberry), sugar, citric acid, natural colors (annatto, vegetable juice concentrate, turmeric), fractionated coconut oil, beeswax, lactic acid, maltodextrin, gelatin.

VitaMishki Calcium (Calcium) + vitamin D (with strawberry, orange, cherry and lemon flavor) in 1 lozenge contains:

  • active ingredients: ergocalciferol (vitamin D 2) – 200 IU, tricalcium phosphate: calcium – 200 mg, phosphorus – 100 mg;
  • auxiliary components: apple pectin, sodium citrate, citric acid, lactic acid, maltodextrin, sugar syrup, natural flavors (strawberry, orange, lemon, cherry), sugar, natural colors (fruit juice concentrate, turmeric, annatto, vegetable juice concentrate).

VitaMishki Bio (Bio) + prebiotic (with cherry, peach, raspberry and grape flavor) in 1 lozenge contains:

  • active ingredients: inulin – 1000 mg, fructooligosaccharides – 50 mg, fennel fruit extract (5:1) – 10 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride – 0.3 mg, thiamine chloride (vitamin B 1) – 0.2 mg, biotin – 0.005 mg , niacin (vitamin B 3) – 3 mg, choline (choline bitartrate) – 20 mg;
  • auxiliary components: sugar, sugar syrup, lactic acid, citric acid, natural flavors (cherry, peach, raspberry, grape), fractionated coconut oil, natural colors (annatto, vegetable juice concentrate, turmeric), beeswax, gelatin.

VitaMishki Focus (Focus) + blueberries (with raspberry, cherry, strawberry and blueberry flavors) contain:

  • active ingredients: d-alpha-tocopherol acetate – 3.8 IU, riboflavin (vitamin B 2) – 0.6 mg, beta-carotene (retinol palmitate) – 0.24 mg, zinc (zinc citrate) – 3.5 mg , blueberry fruit extract – 50 mg, elderberry flower extract;
  • auxiliary components: sugar, sugar syrup, citric acid, fractionated coconut oil, maltodextrin, lactic acid, natural flavors (cherry, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry), natural colors, beeswax, gelatin.

Pharmacological properties

VitaMishki are 5 types of biologically active food supplements developed specifically for children over three years of age. The mechanism of action of the complexes is aimed at enriching the growing body with essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, the formula of each dietary supplement contains components, the effect of which helps strengthen the functions of various systems.

VitaMishki Immuno + sea buckthorn strengthens the child’s immunity. A diet using ascorbic acid helps prevent or reduce most colds. The presence of vitamin E provides a powerful antioxidant effect, stimulates the immune system, and prevents cell damage.

Sea buckthorn strengthens the immune system and has many healing properties, including restorative, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Contains more than 100 vitamins and minerals beneficial to humans. Zinc helps improve immunity and reduces the risk of acute respiratory diseases caused by hypothermia. Selenium is actively involved in the formation of the body's immune defense and ensures the normal function of the immune system.

VitaMishki Multi + iodine + choline – an additional source of 13 vitamins and microelements. It has a pronounced general strengthening effect and promotes the mental and intellectual development of the child. By regulating metabolism in the body, iodine stimulates the functioning of brain cells and improves memory. Choline (vitamin B 4) is an organic compound that has a beneficial effect on cognitive and behavioral reactions, helps increase concentration, improves memory and the ability to reproduce information. Inositol is an important component of all cells of the body; its largest amount is found in the membranes of the brain. It ensures the normal formation of the central nervous system and increases the child’s ability to concentrate.

VitaMishki Calcium + vitamin D – a special complex for growth, strengthening of teeth and bones. Calcium and phosphorus are necessary structural elements of teeth, and it is important to maintain their ratio of 2 to 1 (respectively) in food. Vitamin D is necessary to regulate the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus. Taking dietary supplements reduces the risk of developing caries and promotes the formation of normal bone structure.

VitaMishki Bio + prebiotic restores intestinal microflora, normalizes digestion and appetite in a child. Prebiotics are ingredients that enter the body with food. They are able to selectively stimulate the growth and reproduction of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are beneficial intestinal microflora. The action of fennel extract (dill), inulin, fructooligosaccharide stimulates the intestines, reducing the manifestations of flatulence. A complex of vitamins B 1, B 6, B 3, biotin and choline helps improve digestion processes and regular bowel movements.

VitaMishki Focus + blueberries – a special formula for the health of children's eyes. Lozenges with vitamins and microelements in combination with blueberry extract help strengthen vision and reduce the risk of developing myopia, enrich the child’s body with vitamins and minerals. An extract with anthocyanins from blueberry fruits increases visual acuity, relieves eye strain and fatigue. A complex of vitamins A, E and B 2 ensures strengthened vision. Zinc is an essential element in the processes of division, development, growth of eye cells and their restoration.

Indications for use

The use of a vitamin-mineral complex is indicated for children over three years of age as a biologically active food supplement for additional intake of the following vitamins and minerals into the body:

  • VitaMishki Calcium + vitamin D: calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D;
  • VitaMishki Immuno + sea buckthorn: vitamins C and E, selenium, zinc;
  • VitaMishki Multi + iodine + choline: zinc, iodine;
  • VitaMishki Bio + prebiotic: vitamins B 1, B 3 and B 6, choline, biotin, inulin, fructooligosaccharides;
  • VitaMishki Focus + blueberries: vitamins A, E and B 2, zinc.


  • age up to three years;
  • individual hypersensitivity to components in VitaMishek.

VitaMishki, instructions for use: method and dosage

Chewable gummy lozenges are taken orally with meals.

  • VitaMishki Immuno +, Multi +, Focus +: children 3–7 years old – 1 pc. per day, over 7 years - 1 pc. 2 times a day;
  • VitaMishki Calcium +: children 3–7 years old – 1 pc. per day, over 7 years - 2 pcs. 2 times a day;
  • VitaMishki Bio +: children 3–7 years old – 2 pcs. per day, over 7 years - 2 pcs. 2 times a day.

Course duration: VitaMishki Immuno +, Calcium +, Bio +, Focus + vitamins – 30–60 days, VitaMishki Multi + vitamins – 30 days.

Side effects

It is possible to develop hypersensitivity reactions due to intolerance to individual components of the product.


Overdose symptoms have not been established.

special instructions

VitaMishki are not a medicine.

Chewable lozenges do not contain artificial colors or flavors.

Due to the combination of blueberry and elderberry extracts in VitaMishek Focus + blueberry, lozenges may change color from dark brown to greenish brown during storage.

Use in childhood

The product is contraindicated for children under three years of age.

Drug interactions

Taking lozenges can be combined with the use of medications.


Analogs of VitaMishek are: Vitamin-mineral complex VitaMin, Alphabet Shkolnik, Vitamins Alphabet Kindergarten, Alphabet Our Baby, Pikovit, Vitrum Baby, Supradin Kids, Complivit ophthalmo, Solgar Omega-3.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep away from children.

Store at temperatures up to 25 °C in a place protected from moisture.

Shelf life – 3 years.

The taste preferences of adults and children do not match. Moms and dads are primarily concerned about their benefits, that is, about the composition of the drug. Kids want their vitamins to be tasty and not remind them of pills. VitaMishki for children will appeal to both, satisfying all requirements.

The advantage of this brand’s supplements is the variety of directions, taking into account the different needs of the child’s body. The vitamins are rich in composition and do not contain artificial colors or preservatives, so they can be used. Let's consider whether the supplements of this brand are as good as the VitaMishek advertisement claims, the reasons for prescription, composition, contraindications and possible side effects.

Indications and contraindications

VitaMishki vitamins are prescribed in the following cases:

  • to prevent nutritional deficiencies in the child's body during the period of active growth;
  • to eliminate symptoms caused by hypovitaminosis;
  • with increased mental and physical stress baby;
  • in case of an unbalanced diet a child associated with the need to adhere to certain diets;
  • in autumn-winter period ;
  • to maintain the body after an illness in the recovery period.

But parents should not forget that taking vitamin supplements does not replace the need for proper nutrition. It is important to ensure that nutrients reach the child primarily through food.

VitaMishkas for children are well tolerated, therefore they have minimal contraindications - these are the age of the child under 3 years and individual sensitivity to the components of the supplement. The instructions for use of the complex do not contain information about side effects, provided that the dosage is observed. An overdose of the drug can cause indigestion, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and weakness. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Types and composition

This brand produces 5 types of multivitamins, differing from each other in the direction of action. You can buy them in a small package (30 candies for a course of 1 month) and in a large jar (60 candies for 2 months).

This manufacturer’s line of supplements for children includes the following varieties:

  • Multi+;
  • Immuno+;
  • Bio+;
  • Focus+;
  • Calcium+.


A modern multivitamin complex for children over 3 years of age, designed to improve the general condition of the body, increase memory and attentiveness of the child.

VitaMishki Multi Plus includes 9 vitamins, 2 and 2 microelements:

  • (AT 4);
  • (AT 8);
  • (vitamin C);
  • tocopherol();
  • (AT 5);
  • retinol();
  • pyridoxine();
  • (AT 9);
  • (H);
  • (AT 12);
  • calciferol();
  • zinc;
  • iodine.

VitaMishki Multi Plus is a modern multivitamin supplement containing natural extracts of vegetables and fruits. The main purpose of these vitamins is to strengthen the health of a child over 3 years old and prevent deficiency of nutrients. Iodine and choline in VitaMishki Multi Plus improve metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on brain cells, improve the baby’s intelligence and memory, and help him concentrate.


VitaMishki Immuno+ are designed specifically to strengthen the immune system of a growing body, increasing resistance to viruses and bacteria during the cold season.

This complex includes extract, as well as 2 vitamins and 2 minerals:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

The VitaMishki Immuno+ supplement improves the functioning of the immune system, reduces the likelihood of catching a cold, helps the body defeat the disease if it develops, and speeds up the recovery period. This effect of the drug is explained by the properties of its components.

Vitamins C and E, being strong antioxidants, protect cells from damage, improve all metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the immune system, and increase the child’s body’s resistance to bacteria and viruses. The microelements zinc and selenium in the VitaMishki Immuno+ complex have a beneficial effect on the immune system and the condition of the body. Sea buckthorn extract relieves inflammation, strengthens the immune system and overall health.


Unlike the VitaMishki Immuno+ and VitaMishki Multi Plus complexes, this drug is enriched with prebiotics for healthy digestion.

Bio+ contains prebiotics inulin and fructooligosaccharide, fennel extract , as well as 4 vitamins and 1 vitamin-like substance:

  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • thiamine (B1);
  • nicotinic acid (B3);
  • biotin (H);
  • choline

The supplement helps normalize digestion, improves appetite, and helps cope with flatulence.


VitaMishki Focus+ are created specifically to maintain eye health during the baby’s growth period and under increased stress at school. The main active ingredient is blueberry extract .

The complex also included the necessary vitamins and 1 microelement that ensure visual acuity:

  • retinol (A);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • zinc.

Blueberries are a source of anthocyanins, which strengthen vision. Vitamins A, E, B2 and zinc are necessary for the eyes, metabolic processes, and maintaining visual acuity.


The VitaMishka Calcium+ complex is designed to strengthen the baby’s bones and teeth. It includes calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3, which is necessary for the full absorption of these minerals. Microelements in the supplement are presented in the required quantity and ratio to ensure the health of the child’s musculoskeletal system and teeth.

Advantages of the complexes

The entire line of these additives is represented by gelatin candies in the shape of a bear cub. This makes taking vitamins much easier. Gummies attract the child's attention, unlike tablets. The sweets are available in four fruit flavors.

The drug is made on the basis of natural extracts of fruits and vegetables. According to the instructions, vitamins do not contain artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Therefore, their use in children prone to allergies is possible.

A big plus is that the manufacturer took care of the different needs of the baby and presented several types of multivitamins. Thus, VitaMishki Immuno is suitable for children who are often ill, VitaMishki Multi Plus will strengthen the body, Focus+ will take care of the eyes, Calcium will strengthen bones, and Bio will help improve digestion.

All complexes in this line are recommended to be taken in the same dosage. For babies up to 7 years the daily norm is 1 candy, and for the kids over 7 years old -2 pieces. The average course of taking multivitamins, as indicated by the instructions for use, should be 1-2 months. If necessary, it can be extended or repeated after some break. The decision on this is made by the pediatrician depending on the child’s health condition.

It is known that children's bodies need additional vitamins more than others, since their immunity is in the process of formation. Adaptation in preschool institutions, school, constant stress, mental and physical stress deprive children of their strength. For this reason, it is extremely important to choose a vitamin complex for your child that is suitable for him. The VitaMishki series is intended for children of different age groups. Before you start using them, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Instructions for use

The manufacturer of VitaMishek is the large Canadian pharmaceutical company PHARMAMED. It is known that the complexes are popular not only in our country, but throughout the world. The advantages of the line include its rich composition, the absence of additives and dyes, therefore, even parents of children suffering from allergies can use it.

Beneficial features

The main beneficial properties of VitMishek are:

  • strengthening the body's defenses;
  • improving the functioning of the intestine and its microflora;
  • improvement of mnestic processes of the brain;
  • strengthening the organs of the visual system;
  • increasing stress resistance;
  • normalization of physical growth;
  • increased mental activity;
  • strengthening the central nervous system.

Chewing pills have a pleasant taste, and therefore many children ask for an additional portion of “candy.” However, we should not forget that this is still a prophylactic drug to strengthen the immune system, and therefore its overdose can cause a number of side effects.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of VitaMishek are:

  • prevention of shortage of valuable elements in the child’s body during his active physical and mental development;
  • the need to eliminate symptomatic manifestations indicating impending hypovitaminosis;
  • heavy mental and physical stress;
  • unbalanced diet of children, the need to adhere to a diet;
  • the need to strengthen the immune system;
  • recovery period after suffering from an illness with a burdened anamnesis.

Despite the benefits of vitamin complexes, it is worth paying attention to a balanced diet. First of all, the child receives nutrients through food.


The list of contraindications to taking complexes from the vitamin line is minimal. These include:

  • the child belongs to the age group under three years old;
  • individual intolerance to the constituent drugs.

Side effects

The vitamin line has no side effects. However, in case of overdose, symptoms such as:

  • indigestion;
  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • severe pain in the head area.

If you have at least a few symptoms, you should consult a doctor and stop taking the drug for a while.

Types and composition

There are several types of drugs in this series. They all differ in composition. It is worth drawing the attention of adults to the age restrictions of this or that type of VitaMish. The manufacturer offers customers two packaging options for gummy “bears” - one of them contains thirty tablets, the other sixty.


The complex with sea buckthorn primarily takes care of strengthening the child’s immunity. It also includes vitamins C, E, and minerals - zinc, selenium. They have an antioxidant effect and accelerate the regeneration of cells and tissues. Sea buckthorn helps relieve inflammatory syndromes. The age of the child taking "" should not be less than four years. Otherwise, you should pay attention to other means of increasing the body's defenses.


The VitaMishki Multi+ complex is intended for children aged three years and older. It strengthens memory, increases attentiveness and perseverance. It contains vitamins (A, group B, C, E, D) and minerals (zinc, iodine). Children under seven years old use one chewable tablet per day, over seven years old - 2 tablets per day. The “bears” should be given for a month, after which a break is taken for two weeks. In extreme cases, continuous intake of vitamins is prescribed, but before doing this, you should consult a doctor.


The VitamiShki Bio+ complex has a unique composition. The main substances in it are prebiotics, fennel extract, vitamin elements that help improve the digestion process (choline, biotin, B vitamins). It is prescribed from the age of three, 2 tablets per day. If the child is over seven years old, he should take four tablets a day. Chewing lozenges can be used for two months, after which you need to take a break.


“VitaMishki Calcium Plus” reduces the risk of developing caries, strengthens teeth and bones, and helps fill the child’s body with calcium and vitamin D. The preparation also contains a sufficient amount of phosphorus, which is one of the main structural elements of dental tissue. It is recommended to take them for two months. Children over three years old can use 2 tablets per day, over seven years old - 4 lozenges per day.


"Vitamishki Focus+" strengthens the health of children's eyes. Taking it helps maintain visual acuity, reduces the possibility of developing myopia, and helps relieve fatigue. It contains blueberry extract, vitamins A, B2, E, and the mineral zinc. The complex is taken by children from the age of three for several months a couple of times a year. Children under seven years old use one lozenge per day, over seven years old use two.

Despite the fact that the entire line of VitaBears is intended for children over the age of three, there are situations when they begin to be used from 1 year. Such decisions can only be made by a doctor, and therefore it is worth consulting with him on this issue or considering drugs that are analogues to those indicated.

VitaMishki Immuno+ - delicious gummy bear lozenges, contain natural fruit and vegetable extracts, suitable for children from 3 years of age. They contain a healthy, balanced complex of vitamins and minerals. They help reduce the risk of colds during the cold season and strengthen the immune system.

VitaMishki Immuno+: composition

VitaMishki Immuno+ is a Biologically Active Food Supplement. Not a medicine:

  • sugar syrup;
  • sugar;
  • natural flavors (peach, grape, orange, lemon);
  • natural dyes (annatto, carrot juice, turmeric);
  • extract of sea buckthorn fruits and leaves.

Nutritional value of 1 lozenge: carbohydrates - 2 g, energy value - 8 kcal / 33 kJ.

Package: 60 lozenges.

Also on our website you can buy VitaMishki Immuno+ in a package of 30 lozenges.

VitaMishki Immuno+: properties

VitaMishki Immuno+ for children from 3 years old, with natural fruit and vegetable extracts:

  • Reduces the risk of developing colds.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Enriches the children's body with essential vitamins and minerals

VitaMishki Immuno+: indications and contraindications

Contraindications: allergy to active ingredients.

VitaMishki Immuno+: instructions for use

Children from 3 to 7 years old, 1 chewable lozenge per day, children over 7 years old, 1 chewable lozenge 2 times a day with meals. Duration of treatment: 1-2 months.

VitaBears Immuno+: price and sale

You can buy VitaBears Immuno+ on our website. The price is indicated next to the image. The order is placed through the shopping cart on the website, by calling our operators on a toll-free number or by writing to our employees in the chat. We will deliver the goods throughout Russia as soon as possible.

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