3 styles of speech in Russian. business speech style

Depending on the purpose and situation of communication in Russian, there are five main F. s. R.: conversational style, scientific style, formal business style, journalistic style and ... Dictionary of literary terms

Speech is a historically established system of speech means used in a particular area of ​​human communication; a kind of literary language that performs a specific function in communication. There are 5 functional styles: scientific value ... ... Wikipedia

Styles distinguished in accordance with the main functions of the language associated with a particular area of ​​human activity (see language functions). Functional styles do not form closed systems, there is a wide interaction between styles, influence ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

FUNCTIONAL STYLES- FUNCTIONAL STYLES. Styles are distinguished in accordance with the main functions of the language associated with a particular area of ​​human activity. F. s. do not form closed systems, there is a wide interaction between styles, the influence of one on ... ... A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

Functional styles in relation to colloquial speech and artistic speech- - see Artistic style of speech, or artistically pictorial, artistically fiction; Conversational style...

This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

Main article: Functional styles of speech The scientific style is a functional style of speech, a literary language, which has a number of features: preliminary reflection on the statement, monologue, strict selection of linguistic means, ... ... Wikipedia

Artistic style of speech, or artistic and graphic, artistic and fiction- - one of the functional styles (see), characterizing the type of speech in the aesthetic sphere of communication: verbal works of art. The constructive principle of H. s. R. – contextual translation of the word concept into the word image; specific stylistic trait - ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

Functional style, or functional type of language, functional type of speech- - this is a historically established, socially conscious speech variety, which has a specific character (its own speech system - see), formed as a result of the implementation of special principles for the selection and combination of language means, this ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

SPEECH DEVELOPMENT at school- purposeful ped. activities to form the speech of students, arming schoolchildren with practical skills. ownership of native lit. language as a means of communication. In the course of work on R. r. students master pronunciation, lexical, morphological. And… … Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia


  • Russian language. Culture of speech, T. E. Timoshenko. The textbook characterizes the language as a sign system for transmitting information; functions, basic units and types of communication are considered; functional styles of speech are described; presented… eBook
  • functional styles. Textbook, Shenikova Elena Viktorovna. The textbook presents a description of the functional styles of the modern Russian literary language, identified within the framework of the classical system of five styles. The guide is for…



Compiled by: Zhdanova Oksana Valerievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature




Text these are several sentences or paragraphs connected into a whole by a topic and a main idea. The text can consist of one paragraph, or it can be an article, a book.

The main features of the text:

    thematic and compositional unity of all its parts;

    the presence of a grammatical connection between the parts (chain, parallel);

    semantic integrity, relative completeness.

Relationship of sentences in the text

    Chain connection - this is a connection in which sentences are connected to each other sequentially, in a chain (the second sentence is connected with the first, the third - with the second, the fourth - with the third, etc.).

The peculiarity of this type of connection is the repetition of a keyword, its replacement with a synonym, synonymous turnover, pronoun, repetition of one or another part of the sentence.

For example:

The cherished goal that Nikolka thought about all these three days, when events fell into the family like stones, the goal associated with the mysterious last words of the prostrate in the snow, Nikolka achieved this goal. But for this, he had to run around the city all day before the parade and visit at least nine addresses. And many times in this running around, Nikolka lost his presence of mind, and fell, and rose again, and yet he achieved it.

(M.A. Bulgakov)

2. Parallel communication - this is a connection in which sentences are not linked to one another, but are compared, subject to the first sentence. With such a connection, all sentences complement, clarify the meaning of the first one.

The peculiarity of this type of connection is the same word order, the members of the sentence are expressed in the same grammatical forms, sometimes by repeating the first word of the sentences. Parallel connections are very often used in poetry.

For example:

How many excellent words exist in the Russian language for the so-called celestial phenomena!

Summer thunderstorms pass over the earth and fall over the horizon. People like to say that the cloud did not pass, but fell.

Lightning now strikes the ground with a direct blow, then blazes on black clouds, like branched golden trees uprooted.

(K. Paustovsky)

Theme of the text - this is the general thing that unites the sentences in the text, this is what or who the text is talking about.

Text idea - this is what this text calls for, what it teaches, for the sake of which it was written.


Literary language serves different aspects of people's lives, so it is divided into functional styles. The choice of style depends on the purpose of speech and the speech situation, which, in turn, is related to the conditions in which communication takes place. Depending on the tasks of speech, styles are divided into two groups: colloquial and book(scientific, artistic, journalistic, official business). Each of the styles has its own characteristics.


The conversational style is presented both orally and in writing - notes, private letters. The sphere of colloquial style of speech is the sphere of domestic relations.

Target: communication, exchange of ideas.

General signs: informality, ease of communication; unprepared speech, its automatism; the predominant oral form of communication.

The colloquial style is widely used in fiction for the figurative display of certain events, as well as for the speech characterization of characters.

    in vocabulary and phraseology - words that have a colloquial coloring; specific vocabulary; many words and phraseological units with expressive and emotional coloring; common and neutral words;

    widely used suffixes of subjective assessment with the meaning of indulgence, disapproval, magnification, with the coloring of colloquialism (noodles, chills, overnight stay, dead meat, doctor); the formation of adjectives of estimated value, verbs (big-eyed, thin, lose weight, talk); to enhance expression, doubling words is used (big-large, big-eyed-big-eyed);

    in morphology - there is no predominance of a noun over a verb, verbs are more common, pronouns and particles are used more often, possessive adjectives are very common; participles are rare, gerunds are almost never found, short adjectives are rarely used;
    the tense meanings of the verb are varied (past and future in the meaning of the present), verbal interjections are widely used (jump, lope, bang);

    syntax - incomplete sentences; interrogative and incentive sentences; word order in a sentence is free; impersonal proposals are widespread.

The phone rang in the Golikovs' apartment:

- Ale! Mishka, is that you? No? Call me Mishka. Faster!

- What's wrong?

- I want to know: did his problem agree with the answer?

- And who says it?

- Sanka.

“Tell me, Sanya,” the grandmother of the Golikovs asked in a whisper, “this problem doesn’t ask whether it’s convenient to get out of bed at one in the morning with a phone call?”

- No, - Sanya was taken aback, but immediately found: - What's wrong with that?

(A. Sukontsev)

Fedor pulled out a canvas on a stretcher, a box ...

Savva Ilyich raised his head:

- Fedyushka, what are you doing?

- Sleep, sleep, Ilyich.

- Where there. I sleep like a bird of God. What are you?

- I want to prime the canvas.

- Time something, like, not working - night?

- Need it in the morning.

- That guy is careless, I see. By the morning it is necessary, but not ready.

Savva Ilyich began to rise.

- Go to sleep!

- I'll help ... careless, upset me. You don't take things seriously.

(V. Tendryakov)


Scientific style - variety of book styles of the literary language. It is used in speech and writing.

The main function is a conclusive presentation of scientific information. Scientific speech is monologue speech. The scientific style is characterized by accuracy, strict logic, clarity of presentation.

The main type of speech: reasoning and description.

The most characteristic language means:

    in vocabulary - terms, uniqueness of the word, frequent repetition of keywords, lack of figurative means;

    word-formation features - suffixes that give an abstract meaning; international roots, prefixes, suffixes;

    in morphology - the predominance of nouns, the frequent use of abstract verbal nouns; deprecation of pronouns I, you and verbs of the 1st and 2nd person singular; uncommon exclamatory particles and interjections;

    syntax - direct word order; the widespread use of the phrases "noun. + n. in rp"; the predominance of indefinitely personal and impersonal sentences; rare use of incomplete sentences; an abundance of complex sentences; frequent use of participial and adverbial phrases.

An important means of logical organization of a coherent text is its division into paragraphs.

A paragraph is a piece of written text from one red line to another. In terms of content, a paragraph serves as an expression of the completeness of a part of the whole, a separate link in the general dynamics of thought and a transition to the next part, to the next link of thought. Properly organized paragraphs help a lot to follow the logic of the author's thought. The inability to divide the text into paragraphs leads to a decrease in the logic of speech, significantly complicates its perception.

(B. N. Golovin)

Autumn is the season that lasts in the northern hemisphere of the Earth from the autumnal equinox (September 23) to the winter solstice (December 21 or 22). In everyday life, autumn is usually called the months of September, October and November.

(Encyclopedia article)


Journalistic style - it is a style of newspapers, magazines, public speaking, which is used for propaganda purposes. The main function is the function of influence (agitation, propaganda).

Target: impact on listeners or readers.

Publicistic style is characterized by a strict logic of presentation, accuracy of facts, as well as emotionality, imagery, appraisal, appeal.

Genres of journalism - an article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, reportage, interview, feuilleton, oratorical speech, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.

The most characteristic language means:

    in vocabulary - widespread use of socio-political vocabulary, vocabulary denoting the concepts of morality, ethics, medicine, economics, culture, words from the field of psychology, words denoting the internal state, human experiences; much attention is paid to evaluative vocabulary; the use of figurative means, the figurative meaning of words;

    word-formation features - use of foreign words (time out, consensus, know-how);

    syntax - frequent use of nouns in the genitive case as an inconsistent definition; verbs in the form of imperative mood, reflexive verbs often act as a predicate; frequent use of interrogative and exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions, appeals; the use of homogeneous members of the sentence, introductory words and sentences, participial and adverbial phrases, complex syntactic constructions.

The greatest value of a people is its language. The language in which he writes, speaks, thinks. Thinks! This must be understood thoroughly, in all the ambiguity and significance of this fact. After all, this means that the entire conscious life of a person flows through his native language. Emotions, sensations only color what we think about, or push the thought in some way, but our thoughts are all formulated in language.

(D.S. Likhachev)

Why don't you raise your voice with authority against the madness that threatens to envelop the world in a cloud of poison? Every moment, under the scythe of death, a man falls somewhere, and every moment, in some other corner of the earth, a woman, triumphing over the elements of destruction, gives the world a new man ... Thousands and thousands of your sons have covered themselves with brilliance and glory over the centuries. They enriched our lives with great discoveries, their work, the work of your sons, created man from the beast - the best of everything that has been seen on earth. How can you allow the person you have born to descend again into a beast, into a predator, into a murderer.

(M. Gorky)


Official business style of speech used in the field of legal relations, service, production. Its main function is the accurate transmission of business information. It is used for writing various official documents, business papers.

The official business style is characterized by accuracy, brevity of presentation, standardization and stereotyping of text construction. All documents are devoid of emotionality, expressiveness.

The most characteristic features:

    in vocabulary- lack of vocabulary of limited use (dialecticisms, colloquial words, etc.); lack of emotionally colored vocabulary; widespread use of standard turns of speech, special terminology, stable phrases of an unemotional nature;

    in morphology- the use of imperfective verbs (in statutes, codes, laws); perfect form (in more specific documents - protocols, orders, acts); short adjectives; a large number of denominative prepositions and conjunctions; verbal nouns in the genitive case; masculine nouns to refer to females by their profession;

    syntax- complicated simple sentences; strict word order in a sentence; impersonal and infinitive constructions, complex sentences prevail.

Business letter

Exchange members are banks that have received a license to carry out transactions with securities and have assumed all obligations arising from the operation of the Law on Securities and the Charter of the Stock Exchange.

Banks are required to approve and submit a list of individuals authorized by them to carry out transactions with securities, who must also obtain a license for the right to carry out transactions with securities.


Fiction style- this is the style of works of art: stories, novels, novels, plays, etc. The main function is to influence the reader, as well as to inform him about something.

The artistic style is distinguished by figurativeness, expressiveness, emotionality.

Target: impact on listeners or readers of works.

The most characteristic features:

    in vocabulary - use of vocabulary and phraseology of other styles;

    the use of figurative and expressive means (metaphor, hyperbole, aphorism, epithet, comparison, personification, etc.);

    the use of rhetorical questions, sentences of various syntactic constructions;

    manifestation of the creative individuality of the author.

The sun was already descending behind the forest; it threw several slightly warm rays ... Then the rays went out one after another; the last ray remained long; he, like a thin needle, pierced into a thicket of branches, but even that went out.

(I. S. Turgenev)

wavy cloud

Dust rises in the distance;

Equestrian or on foot

Can't be seen in the dust!

I see someone jumping

On a dashing horse.

My friend, distant friend,

Remember me!

(A. Fet)


The objects of our statements are the surrounding objects, phenomena, animals, people; various concepts; life situations. Depending on this, texts are divided into three semantic types: narrative, description, reasoning.


Narration - a semantic type of text that describes events in a certain sequence.

Narrative text comes in the form of colloquial and artistic styles.

An artistic narrative text is built according to the following compositional scheme: exposition, plot, development of the action, climax, denouement. Narrative-type works can begin immediately with the plot and even with the denouement of the action, i.e. an event can be transmitted in direct, chronological order and in reverse, when we first learn about the denouement, and only then about the action itself.

The expressive and pictorial power of the narrative lies primarily in the visual representation of the action, the movement of people and phenomena in time and space.

Since the narrative reports on events, incidents, actions, a special role here belongs to verbs, especially the forms of the past tense of the perfect form. They, denoting successive events, help to unfold the narrative.

So it took about an hour. The moon shone through the window, and its beam played on the earthen floor of the hut. Suddenly, a shadow flickered across the bright strip that crossed the floor. I got up and looked out the window, someone ran past him a second time and disappeared God knows where. I could not believe that this creature had escaped along the steep bank; but otherwise he had nowhere to go. I got up, put on my beshmet, girded my dagger, and quietly left the hut; towards me a blind boy. I hid near the fence, and he walked past me with a sure but cautious step. Under his arms he carried some kind of bundle and, turning towards the pier, began to descend along a narrow and steep path.

(M. Yu. Lermontov)


Description - the semantic type of the text, which describes the signs of objects, phenomena, animals, people.

Descriptive text can be in any style.

The composition of the description, its most characteristic elements:

    general idea of ​​the subject;

    description of details, parts, individual features of the subject;

In the description, words denoting qualities, properties of objects are widely used.

Verbs are more often used in the form of the imperfect form of the past tense, and for special clarity, figurativeness - in the form of the present tense; agreed and inconsistent definitions, denominative and incomplete sentences play an important role.

The sea hummed menacingly under them, standing out from all the noises of this anxious and sleepy night. Huge, lost in space, it lay deep below, far whitening through the dusk with manes of foam running towards the ground. The erratic rumble of the old poplars behind the fence of the garden, which grew like a gloomy island on a rocky shore, was also terrible. It was felt that in this deserted place now the night of late autumn reigned imperiously, and the old large garden, the house packed for the winter and the opening of the gazebo at the corners of the fence were eerie in their abandonment. One sea hummed evenly, victoriously, and seemed to grow more and more majestic in the consciousness of its strength. A damp wind was blowing down on the cliff, and for a long time we were not able to get enough of its soft, penetrating freshness to the depths of the soul.

(I. Bunin)


Reasoning - a semantic type of text in which some phenomenon, fact, concept is affirmed or denied.

Reasoning differs from narrative and description in more complex sentences and vocabulary.

Text-reasoning is in the form of a scientific style and its varieties. Reasoning can appear in different genre forms: in the form of a letter, an article, a review, a report, a student essay, a polemical presentation in a discussion, a polemical dialogue.

The discussion proceeds according to the following plan:

    thesis (an idea is expressed);

    arguments proving it;

    conclusion or conclusion.

The thesis must be provable and clearly formulated.

The arguments must be convincing and sufficient to support your thesis.

This book is strange. There is in it, it seems to me, something mysterious, almost mystical. Here comes the next new edition - and immediately somewhere in the statistics it already appears. But in fact, although the book is, but it is not! Not until at least one reader reads it.

Yes, a strange thing is a book. It stands on the shelf quietly, calmly, like many other items in your room. But now you take it in your hands, open it, read it, close it, put it on the shelf and ... that's it? Hasn't something changed in you? Let's listen to ourselves: didn't some new string sound in our soul after reading the book, didn't some new thought settle in our head? Didn't you want to reconsider something in your character, in your relationships with people, with nature?

Book …. After all, this is a piece of the spiritual experience of mankind. Reading, we voluntarily or involuntarily process this experience, compare our life's gains and losses with it. In general, with the help of the book we improve ourselves.

(N. Morozova)


    A.I. Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkova “Russian language. Grammar. Text. Speech styles” textbook for grades 10-11 of educational institutions. M.: "Enlightenment", 2006

    M.T. Baranov, T.A. Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikova "Russian language" reference materials. Textbook for students. M.: "Enlightenment", 1993

    Lessons in the development of speech 5, 6, 7 cells. Methodological guide for teachers. Under the editorship of G.I.Kanakina, G.V.Prantsova. M.: Vlados, 2000

    T.M.Voiteleva, K.A.Voilova, N.A.Gerasimenko and others. "Russian language" is a great reference book for schoolchildren and university applicants. Moscow: Bustard, 1999

The fastest way to transfer information from one person to another is the printed word. Depending on the tasks set and the target audience, the set of expressive means of the Russian language can change significantly. It is important for both the reader and the writer to know how to determine the style of the text, because this will give an understanding of what is written, and it will also allow you to outline a number of possible techniques with which it is easy to convey thoughts to the reader.

What is text

It is customary to call a text any speech that is recorded on paper or in electronic form, while it can be artistic or journalistic, in the form of a document, letter, etc. In fact, the text contains at least two sentences, and they must be united not only by meaning, but also by grammar. The description of events or objects, destinies or actions in the text is always predetermined by the main theme, message. Regardless of the style, the subject of the written should be clearly outlined.

As a rule, it is not so difficult to understand what will be discussed in the text, because the authors bring the topic up, making it the title. For convenience, intermediate subheadings are also used, which give direction, explain to the reader what awaits him in one or another semantic part of the text. Interestingly, the same information can easily be presented under a different “sauce”, for diametrically opposed audiences or cases. So, how to determine the correct text style?

The concept of functional speech style

In various fields of journalism and literature, there are varieties of language. The word "style" has many definitions used in fine arts, architecture, design (in addition to literature). If we talk purely about literary meaning, then this is a set of expressive (artistic and other) elements inherent in writing a text. Functional speech styles look like this:

  1. A narrative is a time-bound account of events that take place. The sequence in this type of text does not always correspond to chronology, but is always related to it. The narrative form requires the use of words: “while”, “after which”, “then”, etc. These words mark events, tying them to a specific section of the chronology.
  2. Description - a statement of the qualities of the object of discussion. This type of text often uses adjectives that reflect the distinctive features of the subject: "beautiful", "big", "wide", "thin", "light", "fast". The description can use adverbs to compare with other objects of the same category "longer", "faster", "smaller", "deeper".
  3. Reasoning - this type of text contains three mandatory elements: assertion, proof and conclusion. Initially, a certain thesis is indicated in the argument, for example: “Does UFO exist?”. After that, evidence follows, an analysis of the veracity or inaccuracy of this statement and, based on the evidence, a conclusion is made about the correctness of the original statement.

What are the styles of speech

In the Russian language, there are four main language styles that differ from each other in different sets of techniques and characteristics and have their own main features of the text:

  • official business;
  • colloquial;
  • art;
  • journalistic.

In each specific case, the author must know how to correctly determine the style of the text, which functional styles of the modern Russian language to use in order to convey its essence to the final audience. For example, the question of what is text style is easy to answer if you know that:

  • For correspondence with business partners, superiors and subordinates, the official business genre is suitable.
  • And for personal communication and correspondence, conversational is more suitable.
  • The description of events, places, emotions and experiences is best achieved with the help of an artistic style of presentation.
  • The journalistic style of speech is designed to convey thoughts through the media - magazines, newspapers, the Internet. However, media texts cannot always be called journalism; in some cases, a colloquial or scientific genre is used.


As a result of this style of presentation, an article, report, interview or essay is obtained. The grammar and style of the genre provide for ease of reading and perception by the widest masses of the target audience. The journalistic style almost always does not imply an appeal to the reader, because the presentation is in the third person. You can find examples of this style in any newspaper.

In a separate variant, the scientific and journalistic style is sometimes distinguished. In this case, the text uses reasoning on scientific topics. The author makes an assumption at the very beginning, and throughout the article, essay or note provides evidence of the veracity or inaccuracy of this thesis, and at the end draws a conclusion based on the arguments given. Scientific style language tools involve the use of precise definitions. Examples of journalistic style are common, it is difficult to confuse them with others.


The main application of the style is oral speech, and its expressiveness and understandability for the general public makes it popular in journalism. Such text uses colloquial expressions and accepts a direct appeal to the reader, asking questions and provoking an emotional perception of what is written. Written colloquial style differs from oral, because. using text, it is more difficult to convey emotions expressed by facial expressions or gestures.


Unless we are talking about literary magazines, this genre is not used in periodicals. What is a literary text? It involves lengthy reasoning, descriptions, dialogues, analysis. The task of the artistic style is not the transfer of information, but the maximum immersion of the reader in the work, the excitation of emotions, fantasies, and the impact on feelings. This genre provides for the possibility of lengthy reasoning, subjectivity in assessing facts, events and phenomena. The length of the text for those who use the book style of speech is not limited.

Official business

The official style of speech is intended for business communication both within the team and in correspondence with third-party organizations. Official business is also used in oral communication when it comes to business relations. The goal of this text style is to convey as many facts as possible from one person to another without the use of evaluative adjectives. Standard phrases and repetitions are widely used, which in other styles are perceived as flaws or even errors.

The official business style provides for a dry enumeration of facts, figures, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, a certain system that determines the construction of written sentences. This type of text is different from all the others, it necessarily contains two elements:

  • Descriptive part - here the accomplished facts are stated, the possible consequences.
  • Action - a requirement, a request, a proposal for the commission of certain acts is indicated here.
Watch a video about speech styles.

Examples of texts of different styles of speech

Several models of using different genres to present the same situation using text:

  • Publicistic. “This morning, Baba Nyura, going out into the barn to milk her cow Zorka, was quite surprised. She found an open door to the utility room, but the animal was not inside. “Who took Zorka away and what should I do without her?” Baba Nyura turned to the local district police officer Ivan Golovin with such questions. An investigation is underway."
  • Colloquial. “I go, Stepanovna, into the barn, but Zorka is not there! I already called her, shouted, went to my neighbor Petrovich - maybe he saw something ... But since yesterday evening he has gotten so drunk that he still does not leave the house. I went to the district police officer, he said: "Write a statement, we'll figure it out." Well, I wrote. I went home through the cemetery, I look, and my Dawn is grazing in the clearing!
  • Art. “The light morning haze had just begun to dissipate, and the first rays of the sun touched the lush grass of the front garden. The roosters began to yell their simple morning calls, and the village of Gulkovo began to wake up. The door, which had not been oiled for a long time, creaked lightly and Baba Nyura appeared on the threshold of the rickety wooden hut. She was looking for her cow."
  • Official business. “06/17/2014 at 9-30 a citizen of the Russian Federation Egorova Anna Zakharovna applied to the police station in the village of Gulkovo with a statement. On the merits of the questions asked, she explained that on 06/17/2014, at approximately 4:50, she discovered the loss of livestock (cows) on the territory of her own household. The animal was in a separate outbuilding. Egorova A.Z. stated that the cow could not leave by itself and demanded that an investigation be opened under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The application was registered in the register of crimes and offenses. 06/17/2014 at 16-00 Egorova A.Z. again turned to the police department of the village of Gulkovo with a statement that the animal she was looking for had been found and the applicant had no claims against anyone.”

Speech style chart

A great tool for those who don't know how to define text style. The proposed table contains the main style features. With its help, you will learn how to determine the style of the finished text, what are the styles of speech in Russian, the stylistic affiliation of the document that needs to be created:




Official business

Style functions

depict, describe

Communication, conversation

Report, prove a point

Convey information

Scope of style


Household communication, personal letter

Social activities, cultural, political, economic relations

Office work, lawmaking, creation of normative documents

Style genres

Poetry, fairy tale, drama, novel, short story


Reasoning-explanation, message, essay, newspaper article

Certificates, statements, instructions, orders, samples, laws, plans

Characteristic features of the style

Use of any kind of syntactic and lexical constructions in all possible combinations

Emotionality, simplification or ignoring of grammatical rules, slang words

Imagery, logic, evaluation of events and phenomena, accessibility to the general public

Accuracy, impersonality, standardity

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….

1. Style. General characteristics of functional speech styles …………

2. Official business style of speech ……………………………………….

3. Scientific style ………………………………………………………………

4. Journalistic ………………………………………………………..

5. Artistic ………………………………………………………….

6. Conversational …………………………………………………………………

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….

Application …………………………………………………………………

List of used literature ………………………………………..


§1. General understanding of styles

The Russian language is a broad, comprehensive concept. Laws and scientific works, novels and poems, newspaper articles and court records are written in this language. The Russian language has inexhaustible possibilities for expressing thoughts, developing various topics, and creating works of any genre. However, it is necessary to use language resources skillfully, taking into account the speech situation, the goals and content of the statement, its targeting. How different, for example, in style are a private letter and a memorandum addressed to the boss! The same information receives a different language expression.

What is style?

The word style comes from the Latin language (stilus), where it meant a pointed stick for writing. At present, the word style, in short, means the manner of writing. In linguistics, there are more detailed definitions of the term.

1) Style - a kind of language, fixed in a given society by tradition for one of the most common areas of social life and partially different from other varieties of the same language in all basic parameters - vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

2) Style - a generally accepted manner, the usual way of performing any particular type of speech acts: oratory, newspaper article, scientific lecture, judicial speech, everyday dialogue.

3) Style - an individual manner, the way in which a given speech act or literary and artistic work is performed.

§3. Functional styles of speech (general characteristics)

Our speech in an official setting (lecturing, speaking at a scientific conference or at a business meeting) differs from that used in an informal setting (talk at the festive table, friendly conversation, dialogue with relatives).

Depending on the goals and objectives that are set and solved in the process of communication, language means are selected. As a result, varieties of a single literary language are created, called functional styles .

Functional styles are understood as historically established and socially fixed systems of speech means used in a particular area of ​​communication or professional activity.

In the modern Russian literary language, there are bookstores functional styles:


formal business,


Literary and artistic

which appear primarily in written language, and

· colloquial , which is characterized mainly by the oral form of speech.

Each of the five styles has a number of specific speech characteristics.

In the field of scientific activity (when writing scientific articles, term papers and theses, monographs and dissertations), it is customary to use scientific style, the main properties of which are the clarity and logic of presentation, as well as the lack of expression of emotions.

Formal business style serves to convey information in the field of management. The official business style is used in statements, powers of attorney, business letters, orders and laws. For him, even more than for the scientific style, clarity and unemotional presentation are important. Another important property of the official business style is standardity. People who draw up statements, orders or laws are obliged to follow tradition and write as they wrote before them, as is customary.

Another bookish style of literary language - journalistic. It is used in cases where it is necessary not only to convey information, but also to influence the thoughts or feelings of people in a certain way, to interest them or to convince them of something. Journalistic style is the style of informational or analytical broadcasts on television and radio, the style of newspapers, the style of speaking at meetings. Unlike the scientific and official-business style, the journalistic style is characterized by expressiveness and emotionality.

As opposed to all book styles, as mentioned above, conversational style. This is a style that is used in informal everyday, everyday communication between people in an unprepared oral speech. Therefore, its characteristic features are incompleteness of expression and emotionality.

In a special way correlates with all listed styles style fiction. Since literature reflects all spheres of human life, it can use the means of any styles of the literary language, and if necessary, not only them, but also dialects, jargons and vernacular. The main function of the language of fiction is aesthetic.

The main feature of the style of artistic speech is the search for the specifics of the artistic text, the creative self-expression of the artist of the word.

§4. Genres of functional speech styles

Functional styles of speech are realized in various genres.

1. Scientific: textbooks on the specialty, monograph, scientific article, abstract, abstract, synopsis, theses, term paper, lecture, diploma work.

2. Official business: documents, business letters, reports, orders, orders, contracts, decrees, business conversations.

3.journalistic: parliamentary speech, reports, interview, essay, feuilleton, discussion speech, informational note.

4. Art Key words: novel, short story, short story, short story, essay, poem, poem, ballad.

5.Colloquial: conversations in the family, showdown, discussion of plans, friendly communication, anecdote.


§1. Official business style of speech (general characteristics)

Official business style is a style that serves the legal and administrative-public spheres of activity. It is used when writing documents, business papers and letters in government agencies, courts, as well as in various types of business oral communication.

Among book styles, the formal business style stands out for its relative stability and isolation. Over time, it naturally undergoes some changes, but many of its features: historically established genres, specific vocabulary, morphology, syntactic turns - give it a generally conservative character.

The official business style is characterized by dryness, the absence of emotionally colored words, conciseness, compactness of presentation.

In official papers, the set of language tools used is predetermined. The most striking feature of the official business style is the language stamps, or the so-called clichés (French. clich). A document is not expected to show the individuality of its author, on the contrary, the more clichéd a document is, the more convenient it is to use.

Formal business style- this is the style of documents of different genres: international treaties, state acts, legal laws, regulations, charters, instructions, official correspondence, business papers, etc. But, despite the differences in content and variety of genres, the official business style as a whole is characterized by common and most important features. These include:

1) accuracy, excluding the possibility of other interpretations;

2) locale.

These features find their expression a) in the selection of language means (lexical, morphological and syntactic); b) in the preparation of business documents.

Consider the features of the vocabulary, morphology and syntax of the official business style.

§2. Linguistic signs of an official business style of speech

Lexical features of the official business style of speech

The lexical (dictionary) system of the official business style, in addition to common book and neutral words, includes:

1) language stamps (stationery, cliches) : raise a question, based on the decision, incoming-outgoing documents, impose control over the execution, after the expiration of the period.

2) professional terminology : arrears, alibis, black cash, shadow business;

3) archaisms : I hereby certify this document.

In the official business style, the use of polysemantic words, as well as words in figurative meanings, is unacceptable, and synonyms are used extremely rarely and, as a rule, belong to the same style: supply = supply = collateral, solvency = creditworthiness, depreciation = depreciation, appropriation = subsidization and etc.

Official business speech reflects not individual, but social experience, as a result of which its vocabulary is extremely generalized. In an official document, preference is given to generic terms, for example: arrive (instead of arrive, arrive, arrive etc.), vehicle (instead of bus, plane, Zhiguli etc.), locality (instead of village, town, village etc.), etc.

Morphological features of the official business style of speech

The morphological features of this style include the repeated (frequency) use of certain parts of speech (and their types). Among them are the following:

1) nouns - names of people on the basis of the action ( taxpayer, tenant, witness);

2) nouns denoting positions and titles in the masculine form ( Sergeant Petrova, Inspector Ivanova);

3) verbal nouns with a particle Not- (deprivation, non-compliance, non-recognition);



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