What is the thickness of the myometrium - the norm, what deviations are acceptable? Method for manufacturing shells with local thickening Visualization is difficult due to local thickening of the myometrium.

In the myometrium, local thickening can be both on the front wall and on the back. Why is this factor dangerous for pregnancy, and what are the permissible deviations?

Why does the myometrium thicken

In some pregnant women, a thickening of the myometrium is found during diagnostic studies. In gynecology, the muscular layer of the uterus is called the myometrium. Its thickness varies depending on what stage of the menstrual cycle the woman is in, or during pregnancy. In order to prevent the development of pathological processes, you need to know what caused the thickening of the myometrium.

Quite often, local thickening occurs on the anterior wall of the uterus. This is due to hormonal disorders or gynecological, obstetric and even endocrinological diseases of a woman.

Changes can be detected during menstruation, which gradually disappears. The level of progesterone and estrogen changes, which contributes to normal fluctuations in the thickness of the myometrium. Thus, the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle can affect the local thickening of the myometrium up to one and a half centimeters, and at the end of the menstrual cycle, the thickness can be only a couple of millimeters.

The myometrium can also thicken in connection with the gestational age. This is due to the fact that the fetus increases, hormonal and physiological changes occur. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to detect not only normal thickening, but also to identify pathologies such as:

  • uterine myoma;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • adenomyosis;
  • endometriosis.

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Why there is a threat of termination of pregnancy

After an ultrasound examination performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, the specialist registers a local thickening of the myometrium along the anterior wall of the uterus. Thickening indicates pathological disorders after 5 weeks; before this period, thickening indicates implantation of the fetal egg, which is not a pathological process.

The threat of termination of pregnancy may arise due to the following reasons:

  • if the embryo has a drop-shaped or navicular shape;
  • if the uterus is in a state of hypertonicity;
  • if the external contours of the uterus are greatly changed.

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Adenomyosis and endometriosis

Quite often, with inflammatory processes in the uterus, adenomyosis develops. With this disease, the endometrium is able to grow into the layers of the walls of the uterus. This disease can be detected in the presence of such signs as: spotting type discharge; menstrual irregularities; the presence of pain; during the study, both local and posterior can be detected. Adenomyosis is a form of endometriosis, subject to significant violations of the muscular layer of the uterus.

The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. In inflammatory processes, endometrial cells are disrupted, and endometriosis develops. Previously, medical experts believed that this ailment is a sign of some gynecological diseases. Modern medicine singled it out as an independent nosological unit. One of the forms of this disease is, which indicates the location of inflammatory foci in the thickness of the endometrium. With endometriosis, local thickening of the myometrium along the back wall is often detected. This form of thickening can lead to the development of malignant neoplasms of the uterus. In this case, not only thickening is observed, but also a pronounced asymmetry of the uterus due to the development of a focus in its wall.

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What causes uterine hypertonicity

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy requires maximum attention. This is due to the fact that the fetus needs a normal supply of nutrients and oxygen. This significantly affects the further outcome of pregnancy. Most often, hypertonicity is accompanied by vascular compression, and the significance of these vessels lies in the fact that they contribute to the nutritional and oxygen supply of the fetus. This factor adversely affects the fetus. However, it is not always due to provoked premature birth or miscarriage.

What are the reasons for development? Often these factors are:

  1. When hormone levels drop. This condition is especially dangerous for pregnancy for up to 10 weeks. This is due to the fact that the placenta is only being formed during this period.
  2. With an increase in the level of androgens, the myometrium lends itself to hypertonicity.
  3. Diseases transferred during pregnancy. Tumors, inflammations, abortions and infectious diseases are also the cause of an increase in the tone of the uterus.
  4. Multiple external factors also affect myometrial tone. These include malnutrition, lack of sleep, alcoholism, smoking, or constant anxiety.
  5. Another factor in hypertonicity of the myometrium is the underdevelopment of the uterus or its small size.

How to properly prevent myometrial hypertonicity is a question of interest to many pregnant women.

In order to prevent such a condition, even when planning a pregnancy, a woman should be fully examined for all infectious diseases and eliminate existing ones.

Infections during pregnancy are fraught not only with hypertonicity, but also with much more dangerous effects (during childbirth, a child can acquire many rather unpleasant diseases that cause blindness or even death). In addition to hypertonicity, there is also a state of uterine hypotonicity, which during pregnancy may not cause any inconvenience, but problems may arise during childbirth.

During pregnancy, a woman should be as nervous and physically overstrained as possible. She better learn not to worry. When the first signs of increased myometrial tone appear, you should not panic, but consult an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

You should not think that thickening is a consequence of factors only of the threat of pregnancy, often the cause can be a hormonal surge that remains within the normal range. The hormonal background is corrected when visiting a gynecologist or endocrinologist. These doctors prescribe the right treatment, thanks to which a woman can not worry about pregnancy.

In a local thickening of the myometrium, it can be both on the front wall and on the back. Why is this factor dangerous for pregnancy, and what are the permissible deviations?

Why does the myometrium thicken

In some pregnant women, a thickening of the myometrium is detected during diagnostic studies. In gynecology, the muscular layer of the uterus is called the myometrium. Its thickness varies depending on what stage of the menstrual cycle the woman is in, or during pregnancy. In order to prevent the development of pathological processes, you need to know what caused the thickening of the myometrium.

Quite often, local thickening occurs on the anterior wall of the uterus. This is due to hormonal disorders or gynecological, obstetric and even endocrinological diseases of a woman.

Changes can be detected during menstruation, which gradually disappears. The level of progesterone and estrogen changes, which contributes to normal fluctuations in the thickness of the myometrium. Thus, the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle can affect the local thickening of the myometrium up to one and a half centimeters, and after the end of the menstrual cycle, the thickness can be only a couple of millimeters.

The myometrium can also sweat in connection with the gestational age. This is due to the fact that the fetus increases, hormonal and physiological changes occur. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to detect not only normal thickening, but also to identify pathologies such as:

  • uterine myoma;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • adenomyosis;
  • endometriosis.

Why there is a threat of termination of pregnancy

After an ultrasound examination, which is performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, the specialist registers a local thickening of the myometrium along the anterior wall of the uterus. Thickening indicates pathological disorders after 5 weeks; before this period, thickening indicates implantation of the fetal egg, which is not a pathological process.

The threat of termination of pregnancy may arise due to the following reasons:

  • if the embryo has a drop-shaped or navicular shape;
  • if the uterus is in a state of hypertonicity;
  • if strongly altered external contours of the uterus.

Adenomyosis and endometriosis

Quite often, with inflammatory processes in the uterus, adenomyosis develops. With this disease, the endometrium is able to grow into the layers of the walls of the uterus. This disease can be detected in the presence of such signs as: discharge, smear type - menstrual irregularity - the presence of pain - the study can reveal both a local thickening of the anterior wall of the uterus and the back. Adenomyosis is a form of endometriosis in the condition of significant violations of the muscular layer of the uterus.

The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. In inflammatory processes, endometrial cells are disrupted, and endometriosis develops. Previously, medical specialists believed that this disease is a sign of some gynecological diseases. Modern medicine singled it out as an independent nosological unit. One of the forms of this disease is the internal form of endometriosis, which indicates the location of inflammatory foci in the thickness of the endometrium. With endometriosis, there is often a local thickening of the myometrium along the back wall. This form of thickening can lead to the development of malignant neoplasms of the uterus. In this case, not only thickening is observed, but also a pronounced asymmetry of the uterus due to the development of a focus in its wall.

What threatens uterine hypertonicity

Hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy requires maximum attention. This is due to the fact that the fetus needs a normal supply of nutrients and oxygen. This significantly affects the further course of pregnancy. Most often, hypertonicity is accompanied by vascular compression, and the significance of these vessels lies in the fact that they contribute to the nutritional and oxygen supply of the fetus. This factor adversely affects the fetus. However, not always due to hypertonicity of the myometrium, premature birth or miscarriage is provoked.

What are the reasons for the development of myometrial hypertonicity? Often these factors are:

  • When hormone levels drop. This condition is especially dangerous for pregnancy for up to 10 weeks. This is due to the fact that the placenta is only being formed during this period.
  • With an increase in the level of androgens, the myometrium undergoes hypertonicity.
  • Diseases transferred during pregnancy. Tumors, inflammations, abortions and infectious diseases are also the cause of an increase in the tone of the uterus.
  • Multiple external factors also affect myometrial tone. These include malnutrition, lack of sleep, alcoholism, smoking, or constant anxiety.
  • Another factor in hypertonicity of the myometrium is the underdevelopment of the uterus or its small size.
  • How to properly prevent myometrial hypertonicity is a question that interests many pregnant women.

    In order to prevent such a condition, even when planning a pregnancy, a woman should be fully examined for all infectious diseases and eliminate existing ones.

    Infections during pregnancy are dangerous not only with hypertonicity, but also with much more dangerous actions (during childbirth, a child can acquire many rather unpleasant diseases that cause blindness or even death). In addition to hypertonicity, there is also a state of uterine hypotonicity, which during pregnancy may not cause any inconvenience, but problems may arise during childbirth.

    During pregnancy, a woman should be as nervous and physically overstrained as possible. She better learn not to worry. When the first signs of increased myometrial tone appear, you should not panic, but consult an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

    You should not think that thickening is a consequence of factors only of the threat of pregnancy, often the cause can be a hormonal surge, which remains within the normal range. The hormonal background is corrected when visiting a gynecologist or endocrinologist. These doctors prescribe the right treatment, thanks to which a woman can not worry about pregnancy.

    Contraction of the uterus is a normal condition, as for any other muscle. With the contraction of muscle fibers, the uterus is in good shape, that is, in tension, the pressure on its internal cavity increases. observed in most women and does not harm health, but in some cases this condition is dangerous when carrying a child, requires special examination and treatment.

    Myometrium hypertonicity during pregnancy requires increased attention, because the provision of the fetus with oxygen and useful nutrients depends on the condition of the uterus. On the anterior and posterior wall, hypertonicity of the myometrium is the cause of the transferred vessels through which oxygen enters the child.


    During a routine examination in the gynecologist's office, such a diagnosis as frequent uterine contractions is made very often. The course of this symptom can be harmless or, conversely, dangerous to the health of the expectant mother and child. The reasons for the tone can be very different. The female body during pregnancy is rebuilt and works in a different way, not like always. The behavior of the uterus is influenced by both external and internal factors:

    • diseases of the uterus;
    • the presence of chronic diseases;
    • abnormal shape of the uterus;
    • hormonal deficiency;
    • repeated abortions or operations on the uterus;
    • bad habits;
    • poor sleep, stressful situations;
    • multiple ovarian cysts;
    • polyhydramnios.
    • infantilism size, underdevelopment).

    A more accurate cause can be determined after an ultrasound examination. The doctor writes out a referral for blood tests to determine the level of hormones.

    In early pregnancy

    Myometrial hypertonicity at the beginning of pregnancy indicates that insufficient progesterone is produced in the woman's body or there is an excess of male hormones.

    The reason for the increased tone of the uterus in the second trimester is:

    • disturbed fat metabolism;
    • constant stress;
    • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
    • magnesium deficiency;
    • large size of the fetus;
    • multiple pregnancy.

    Severe toxicosis, accompanied by profuse vomiting, leads to frequent contraction of many muscles, including the uterus. The most dangerous phenomenon that can accompany pregnancy is the Rh conflict, which causes the rejection of the fetus, a clear symptom of this is the tone of the uterine myometrium.

    There are causes that cause increased tone, which are not at all dangerous, for example, strong gas formation in the intestines. Painful sensations are associated with gases that press on the walls of the uterus. In this case, celery, garlic and salty foods should be excluded from the diet.

    Symptoms of increased tone

    Any woman will be able to determine the hypertonicity of the uterus, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. This does not require a paid gynecologist:

    • drawing pains, similar to those that occur during menstruation;
    • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
    • back pain radiating to the sacrum;
    • spotting, but not always.

    At a later date, to all the listed reasons, the hardness of the abdomen is added.

    Treatment of myometrium

    If during the examination it turned out that the tone of the uterine myometrium does not pose a direct threat to the life and health of the woman and the fetus, treatment is carried out at home. In critical situations, the expectant mother is sent for hospitalization. For outpatient treatment:

    • "Papaverine";
    • "No-Shpa";
    • "Magne B 6";
    • sedatives;
    • products containing magnesium: Partusisten, Brikanil and Ginipral.

    All medicines are prescribed by a doctor, during their use the condition is monitored, blood pressure, blood sugar and heartbeat are checked. All these drugs are used to eliminate pain symptoms and alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman.

    "Magne B 6" take 1-2 tablets daily, with meals, drinking plenty of water. The drug should be taken under medical supervision. The drug reduces the level of iron in the blood, and this leads to anemia. Side effects are expressed in the form of nausea, constipation, flatulence, vomiting.

    With a deficiency of progesterone in the initial stages of pregnancy, hormonal preparations are prescribed to preserve it - Dufostan or Utrozhestan. It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe and cancel treatment, since it is necessary to stop taking hormonal drugs gradually.

    Treatment in the second and third semesters

    In the second trimester, stronger and more effective means are prescribed, for example, Ginipral. If there is a risk of placental abruption, the medicine is not used. By the third trimester, the fetus is quite mature, but there is such a pathology of pregnancy as excessive detachment of the placenta. Here, an emergency decision is made to induce labor or a caesarean section in order not to lose the child and save the life of the mother.

    You can relieve the pain by kneeling on a chair and slowly arching your back on all fours. The head is raised up. Next, you need to gently arch, like a cat, as far as the stomach allows, the chin is pulled to the chest. After this exercise, you need to sit down in a comfortable position, stretch your legs and relax.

    Hospital treatment and diagnostics

    The increased tone of the uterus is easily determined by the usual doctor feels the fossil of the uterus. The woman lies on her back during palpation (examination), bending her legs at the hips and knees to relieve tension in the abdomen.

    But the most accurate and common method is ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Scanning will determine the degree of development of pathology. There are special preparations, myometers or tonusometers. Such equipment is rarely used in more complex cases, because the pathology is easily detected by other methods.

    The decision to hospitalize is made as a last resort, when the pregnancy is initially difficult or all attempts have been made to relax the muscle, but myometrial hypertonicity does not change. The woman is provided with absolute peace in the hospital, the doctor monitors the condition of the future woman in labor and the child and takes measures in case of any changes in the behavior of the uterus.

    In the hospital, "Magnesia" is prescribed for intramuscular injection. Orally treated:

    • magnesium gluconate;
    • magnesium lactate;

    In case of violations in the functioning of the kidneys, drugs are not prescribed or are used as carefully as possible.

    How to help yourself with sudden pain?

    Sudden hypertonicity of the myometrium: what to do? First of all, you need to take the most comfortable position and relax, breathe evenly and calmly. It is recommended to drink a sedative, such as motherwort. Take medicines for increased uterine tone, the pain should go away within 15-20 minutes. If this does not happen, you need to call an ambulance.

    Consequences of uterine hypertonicity

    In some cases, uterine hypertonicity is a real pathology of pregnancy, which can lead to premature birth or miscarriage. Compressed vessels often cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or malnutrition (growth retardation) of the fetus.

    Myometrial hypertonicity can also lead to the following effects:

    • prolonged childbirth;
    • indication for caesarean section;
    • postpartum bleeding.

    The uterus cannot contract on its own, therefore, in the hospital, the doctor monitors its tone. If the woman is exhausted and unable to give birth herself, a decision is made on a caesarean section in order to save the child.

    If it so happened that the myometrium is heterogeneous, it causes a lot of problems, so it is important to monitor your health and the behavior of the abdomen. If it often becomes hard and pain is felt, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. This will save you from many troubles and allow you to bear a healthy baby.


    • pathology can cause miscarriage;
    • inhibit the development of the fetus;
    • premature detachment of the placenta.

    Heterogeneous myometrium

    Obvious signs that a woman's myometrium is heterogeneous - a painful sensation in the lower abdomen, blood discharge. This condition appears due to the influence of the following factors:

    • hormonal disbalance;
    • abortions and other intrauterine curettage;
    • multiple pregnancies;
    • injury to the lining of the uterus.

    Preventive actions

    To avoid many of the problems associated with bearing a child, pregnancy must be planned. It is important to prepare for it in a timely manner, undergo an examination, and conduct a course of treatment for chronic diseases.

    Every woman must register with the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy and regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, it would be useful to visit a private clinic where a paid gynecologist will conduct an examination.

    It is important to provide yourself with good sleep and quality rest, switch from hard work to lighter work, eliminate emotional overstrain and physical exertion.

    The main condition for preventing the appearance of uterine hypertonicity is an attentive attitude to one's health and a planned examination by a gynecologist. This condition is regarded as therefore it is very important to seek medical help in a timely manner.

    The invention relates to the mechanical processing of metals, in particular to the processing of sheet material by a combined method, and can be used in the manufacture of parts such as bottoms. To achieve the stated task in the method of manufacturing shells with local thickenings formed by rotational extrusion of a rotating billet by rolling rollers, a billet is made from the sheet with an inner surface corresponding to the inner contour of the thinned part of the shell, then the resulting billet is locally compressed by rotary extrusion, and the specified wall thickness is obtained by subsequent machining of the outer surface of the shell, while the amount of crimping is determined by the dependence, taking into account the thickness of the thickened part and the thin part of the shell, taking into account the upper and lower tolerances and the magnitude of elastic residual deformations. The quality and accuracy of the parts obtained are improved. 3 ill., 1 pr.

    Drawings to the RF patent 2460605

    The technical solution proposed for protection as an invention relates to the mechanical processing of metals, in particular to the processing of sheet material by a combined method, and can be used in the manufacture of parts such as bottoms.

    From the scientific and technical literature, two main methods for obtaining a thickening are known: sediment, in which the entire thickened zone is formed simultaneously, and rolling with a roller, in which the sections of thickening formation move along the thickening zone. (Sheet stamping. Calculation of technological parameters. Reference book. V.I. Ershov, O.V. Popov, A.S. At the same time, several schemes for implementing methods for obtaining thickenings are known: by expanding a round hole (see ibid. p. 275, 276, fig. 2.83, 2.84, 2.85), rolling a sheet blank with a roller (see ibid. p. ), upsetting a tubular billet (see ibid p. 283, 288, fig. 2.90, 2.93), thickening the flange of a pipe previously subjected to expansion (see ibid p. 288, fig. 2.94), obtaining a thickening by local deformation by a rotating roller (see ibid p.464, fig.3.82).

    The possibilities of the process of thickening the edges are determined by two values: the ratio of the thicknesses of the thickened zone and the original workpiece and the ratio of the width of the thickened zone to the thickness of the original workpiece. The limiting factor of the thickening process is usually the loss of stability in the deformation zone (see ibid. pp. 275, 277, fig. 2.86). In addition, for materials with low ductility, several transitions with intermediate heat treatments are required.

    There is also known a method for compressing axisymmetric shells on a spinning machine, in which the workpiece, which can be obtained in various ways: extrusion, drawing, folding with welding, etc., is fixed in a chuck driven by the machine spindle. The pressing tool is reciprocated along the axis of rotation of the workpiece. When changing the direction of movement, a transverse feed of the tool occurs by a given value, determined empirically. (M.A. Greditor. Pressing and rotary extrusion. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1971, p. 45).

    The disadvantage of the known method is that in the process of compression the wall thickness changes. In this case, both thickening and thinning of the material are possible. (M.A. Greditor. Pressing and rotary extrusion. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1971, p. 46). This does not make it possible to obtain a guaranteed required wall thickening.

    From the patent literature, a method for manufacturing shells by rotational extrusion is known, which can be chosen as the closest analogue. This method consists in deforming a rotating workpiece by rolling rollers installed with a gap between them and the mandrel, and the maximum possible thickening and thinning along the thickness of the shell wall is obtained by adjusting the gap between the rollers and the mandrel by an amount determined from the calculation of permissible errors according to the following relationship: Su= So-So(e±Ae). (RF, Patent No. 2360760)

    The disadvantage of analogue is the variable thickness of the shell being made along the generatrix and the limited amount of thickening, determined by the plastic properties of the material of the workpiece, insufficient to obtain the required thickening of the edges for materials with low plasticity. The method does not allow to obtain a shell of constant thickness, accurate in thickness and configuration, with local thickenings on the inner surface.

    The technical problem solved by the invention is to improve the quality and accuracy of the parts obtained.

    The problem is solved by the fact that in the method for manufacturing shells with local thickenings formed by rotational extrusion of a rotating workpiece by rolling rollers, a workpiece is made from the sheet with an inner surface corresponding to the inner contour of the thinned part of the shell, then the resulting workpiece is locally compressed by rotational extrusion, and the specified thickness the walls are obtained by subsequent machining of the outer surface of the shell, while the amount of crimping is determined by the dependence:

    Su n + control-So in Su a + control-So n, where

    Estimated value of workpiece crimping

    Su in and Su n - the thickness of the thickened part of the shell, taking into account the upper and lower tolerances, respectively;

    Upr - experimentally determined value of elastic residual deformations, depending on the mechanical properties of the material and the geometric parameters of the workpiece;

    So in and So n - the thickness of the thin part of the shell, taking into account the upper and lower tolerances, respectively

    Figure 1 shows a section of the original workpiece along a plane passing through its axis of rotation, figure 2 - section of the workpiece after local rotational stretching, figure 3 - section of the finished shell.

    The manufacture of shells with local thickenings is carried out as follows:

    A sheet flat workpiece is placed in a tool stamp, in which it is drawn out until a part is obtained in the form of a glass 1 with the formation of an inner surface corresponding to the inner contour of the thinned part of the shell.

    The resulting workpiece is subjected to local rotational extrusion, for which it is fixed on the mandrel of the machine and set in rotation, then local crimping is performed with a rolling roller in zones, for example 2 and 3, determined by the shell design.

    The amount of compression depends on the size of the thickened and thinned parts of the shell, taking into account the upper and lower tolerances, as well as elastic residual deformations,

    Su n + control-So in So in Su in + control-So n.

    The specified wall thickness 4 of the shell with thickenings 5 ​​and 6 is obtained by subsequent machining of its outer surface on CNC machines.

    An example of the implementation of the method.

    It is required to make a shell from an aluminum alloy with a wall thickness So=1.5±0.1 mm, having thickened sections Su=2-0.1 mm.

    Drawing from an aluminum alloy sheet in a tool stamp, a workpiece 1 is obtained in the form of a glass with a wall thickness of the cylindrical section of 3.0 mm and a variable wall thickness in the bottom part of 2.3 mm to 3.0 mm.

    The resulting part in the form of a glass 1, after trimming the end, is installed on a rotary drawing machine. The open end of the cup is crimped over a length of 25 mm by a roller along the radius by a value of . Then, an annular recess with a depth and width of 25 mm is formed on its bottom part.

    The value is determined by the dependence Su n + control-So in Sy in + control-So n.

    When crimping by a value >Sу in + control-So n, the value of the thinned part will be less than the permissible value, and when crimping by a value

    For a part, the mechanical properties of the material and the geometric parameters of which correspond to control = 0.1 mm, the crimp value is 0.4 0.7. The calculated value of compression can be experimentally refined.

    After the formation of annular recesses on the surface of the cup 1 corresponding to the given design of the part, the outer surface of the cup is machined on a CNC machine, providing the required wall thickness. After opening the hole in the bottom part 7 of the shell, a finished part is obtained with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm and thickened edges 5 and 6 with a thickness of 2.0 mm on the inner surface.

    Thus, the above set of operations performed makes it possible to produce an accurate shell with thickenings on the inner surface.


    A method for manufacturing shells with local thickenings formed by rotational extrusion of a rotating billet by rolling rollers, characterized in that a billet with an inner surface corresponding to the inner contour of the thinned part of the shell is made by preliminary drawing from a sheet, then the resulting billet is locally compressed by rotary extrusion, with a crimping value depending on the values ​​of the thickened and thinned parts of the shell, taking into account the upper and lower tolerances, as well as elastic residual deformations, determined by the dependence.

    Induration in the breast (induration in the mammary glands) is a sign of many different conditions and diseases of the mammary glands, which is characterized by a sensation of a change in the structure of the tissue of the gland, usually of a diffuse nature.

    The detection of nodular formations and local seals should be interpreted as the presence of nodular formations in the mammary gland. It is worth saying that the seal in the chest is a rather subjective sign, however, if it is found, it is recommended to conduct an examination in order to determine the nature of this change.


    Consolidation in the chest can be cyclic and acyclic in nature, it was one- and two-sided. Cyclic seals in the mammary glands are associated with the days of the menstrual cycle. So in the second phase of the cycle, most women experience some changes in the mammary glands. This process is physiological.

    The seal in this case has an unexpressed character, and after menstruation, this symptom independently undergoes regression.

    Seal in the mammary glands is also observed in cases of taking combined oral contraceptives, as well as other methods of hormonal contraception. In this case, the mechanism of the occurrence of seals is due to the fact that there is fluid retention in the body under the action of the components of the drug. These sensations can be different about the degree of manifestation. If the seal in the chest brings some discomfort, then it is necessary to change the drug to another one that has antimineralcorticoid activity.

    Another of the physiological conditions in which changes in the structure of mammary gland tissues are observed is pregnancy. This is lactostasis and mastitis. Lactostasis is characterized by local compaction of the area of ​​the mammary gland, as well as an increase in the mammary gland on the side of the lesion. Palpation of the focus of lactostasis is painful. With mastitis, the seal in the chest can be large, and it is due to the fact that an inflammatory infiltrate is formed around the focus of inflammation. If an abscess is formed, then against the background of a dense infiltrate, you can feel the area of ​​softening (fluctuation), which indicates the formation of a purulent cavity.

    Diseases that are characterized by the formation of seals in the chest are as follows:

      Various types of mastopathy.

      Breast cysts.

      Tumor processes of the mammary gland.

      Various subcutaneous neoplasms that are not anatomically associated with the mammary gland, but are located in its zone.

    Most often, a sign of mastopathy is the presence of seals in one or two mammary glands. There may be extensive changes in the structure of the gland, which is observed in diffuse forms of mastopathy, and there may be single or multiple seals in the form of nodules, the size of which can also be very variable. In the case of the predominance of lesions of the glandular tissue with mastopathy, the seals occupy a small area at the beginning, and in the future, the spread of processes is observed. Strengthening of symptoms occurs immediately before menstruation.

    Seals of gland tissue with cysts can be caused both by the cyst itself and by changes in nearby tissues. In the case of large cysts of the gland, the seals are soft-elastic in nature, of various sizes and localizations. In the case of a long process, changes in adjacent tissues of the gland, due to the progression of mastopathy and reactive inflammation, come to the fore. Seals in this case are more pronounced, have large sizes.

    In the case of breast cancer, the seals have indistinct borders, a bumpy surface, are often motionless and soldered to the skin. In these cases, as well as in the presence of bloody discharge from the nipples, changes in the color and structure of the nipple and skin, a quick visit to the doctor is required.

    Various neoplasms of a benign structure, such as lipomas or atheromas, can create the illusion of the presence of seals in the mammary gland. However, a more thorough examination allows us to determine the fact that the formation is located under the skin and is not associated with the mammary gland itself.


    The appearance of neoplasms in the breast can be observed at absolutely any age. Only with timely access to a specialist, diagnosis of the disease and appropriate treatment, it is possible to completely cure malignant tumors.

    Modern methods are used to diagnose seals:

      Mammography or X-ray examination, which makes it possible to detect a seal in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe breast with a size of five microcalcifications. It should be noted that in younger individuals, against the background of the predominance of glandular tissue, the chest is not clearly visible under x-rays.


      Ductography or a method in which contrast agents are introduced into the streams of the mammary glands, with the help of which intracurrent neoplasms are determined.

      A biopsy is a method expressed in the collection of tissue for research. Precisely determines the nature of the compaction (cyst, malignant tumor or fibrocystic mastopathy). Distinguish aspiration, stereotactic, ultrasonic and surgical biopsy.

      Puncture - sampling of material for research.

    Treatment for lumps in the chest

    If a woman is diagnosed with mastopathy, she is recommended to be observed by a specialist twice a year. The doctor will monitor the development of the process in the mammary glands. At a young age, once every two years, at a more mature age, a woman should do a mammogram and breast ultrasound every year. Often the doctor prescribes vitamins, bromcamphor, potassium iodide for taking.

    Hormonal and non-hormonal therapies are used for treatment. With a diffuse form of mastopathy, treatment is aimed at eliminating the main cause of the disease, which provoked a disorder in the function of the pituitary gland and ovaries. Often, therapy begins with the treatment of diseases of the female genital area, restoration of the functions of the liver and nervous system. Hormone therapy is expressed in the appointment of antiestrogens (tamoxifen, fareston), oral contraceptives, progestogens, androgens, substances that inhibit the secretion of prolactin. In the nodular form of mastopathy, specific immunotherapy agents are used (allergen vaccine in gradually increasing doses to achieve remission of the disease), as well as surgical treatment (in most cases), which involves the excision of nodes as they are detected.

    In order for the disease not to turn into a malignant form, it is necessary, if the slightest seals occur, to immediately contact a mammologist and treat them.

    Among the methods of non-hormonal treatment, one can single out the preparation of a personal diet, the selection of the right bra, the appointment of anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal, diuretic, and blood circulation-improving drugs. They also prescribe a course of taking antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on liver function, in particular, B-keratin, phospholipids, zinc, selenium, as well as complexes of vitamins A, B, E and iodine.

    If seals are found, you should not do physiotherapeutic procedures on the chest area without first consulting a doctor. In addition, you should refuse to visit baths, saunas, solariums, do not stay in open sunlight for a long time.


    When seals appear, you should not get carried away with folk remedies without first visiting and consulting a specialist. In most cases, it is the delay in seeking medical help that causes the death of women from malignant tumors.

    Breast self-examination

    Each woman should conduct an independent examination of the mammary glands every month, in the first week after menstruation. This will allow you to identify the slightest seal, deviation or change in the chest, thereby taking the necessary measures in a timely manner. Any woman should be alerted by the following signs: a change in the shape of the breast, palpation of nodules or bumps, in particular in the axillary areas, tissue swelling, folds, bulges, thickenings, dimples. Any deviations should be the reason for an immediate appeal to a mammologist.

    The examination itself should be carried out, standing in front of the mirror, fingertips. First, raise one hand to the top and feel the chest “in a spiral” with the fingertips of the other hand, in the direction from the armpits to the nipples, then from top to bottom. Further, all the same manipulations are carried out with the other breast. Then you need to do an examination in the supine position. One hand is thrown behind the head, with the fingers of the other hand, feel the gland from the base to the nipple. Then do the same with the other breast. After that, it is necessary to slightly squeeze the nipple with two fingers, thereby checking for the presence of discharge from it.

    Consequences of non-intervention

    Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis - it is impossible to determine on your own and by touch whether the detected tumor is benign or whether you will have to undergo treatment with an oncologist.

    On the one hand, many women are reassured by the fact that not all breast growths are a sign of cancer. But even in the presence of a benign tumor, treatment by a doctor is necessary. Otherwise, serious problems may appear, up to the degeneration of the tumor into a malignant one.



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