Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? What is more harmful: regular cigarettes or electronic ones? What is more harmful: an electronic cigarette or a regular one?

In an environment where smoking in public places is increasingly restricted and tobacco prices are rising significantly, electronic cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular. Many are confident that the harm from electronic cigarettes is much less than from regular cigarettes. And a huge number of articles have appeared on the Internet proving that this type of smoking is not only harmless, but even in some way useful.

Let's figure out whether these new smoking devices are harmful and whether they should be used as an alternative to tobacco.

Composition of liquid for electronic cigarettes

The electronic cigarette was invented at the beginning of this century in Hong Kong. In about ten years, this newfangled invention has become incredibly popular among smokers. Many of them are not even interested in whether electronic cigarettes are harmful to health. Therefore, their market in the US and EU is showing enviable growth, despite the fact that tobacco sales in the same region of the world are constantly declining. Russia is no exception, especially after recent restrictions on smoking and increased prices for tobacco products.

But where is the harm? After all, combustion does not occur when smoking - the device soars and does not smoke. Let's take a closer look at what the smoking liquid consists of. It includes:

  • nicotine;
  • propylene glycol;
  • aromatic additives;
  • water.

In this case, propylene glycol and glycerin are used to dissolve flavors and create steam that simulates smoke.

What is more harmful: a regular cigarette or an electronic one?

Many smokers are interested in what is more harmful - an electronic cigarette or a regular one.

What is the harm of a regular cigarette? In addition to nicotine, it also contains tars formed as a result of the combustion of tobacco and paper. The resulting resins include:

This is not a complete list of toxic chemical compounds that cause cancer. In addition, tobacco smoke contains:

The presence of the radioactive element polonium in tobacco smoke has also been proven.

All these elements, of course, are not present in e-liquid and inhaled vapor. There is much less harm from the composition of e-liquid.

However, although there is much less harm from electronic cigarettes, they are also unsafe. Why this is so, we will talk below, we will see all the components entering the smoker’s body along with the steam.

The harm of nicotine in electronic cigarettes

Both regular and electronic cigarettes contain nicotine, a narcotic substance with a strong neurotropic effect. Nicotine is extremely dangerous for humans - it is a poison for blood vessels and the heart.

In addition, as mentioned above, nicotine is a drug and, with repeated use, causes physical and psychological dependence. Therefore, the advisability of using it in a device that is supposedly created to quit smoking is very doubtful.

The amount of nicotine in certain “strong” varieties of liquids for smoking can reach 25 mg per milliliter. Excessive or improper use of such cigarettes may result. Let us also recall that the lethal dose of nicotine for humans is about 100 mg.

Long-term use of nicotine can cause:

In addition to the fact that nicotine poisons the cardiovascular system, aromatic additives contained in smoking liquid raise many questions. They differ from one manufacturer to another, and the lack of regulation and supervision standards for such products suggests the possible presence of carcinogens in their composition.

Is glycerin in electronic cigarettes harmful?

Consumers are thinking about the dangers of glycerin in electronic cigarettes. It is a trihydric alcohol and tastes sweet. The substance is used in the food industry; in particular, it is added to some food products to increase their viscosity.

Glycerin itself has low toxicity. It is also not hazardous if the vapor is inhaled. However, in some cases, glycerin vapor can irritate the upper respiratory tract and cause allergies. In principle, this substance in the quantities used in this type of smoking is unlikely to cause any harm to a person.

Is propylene glycol in electronic cigarettes harmful?

The issue of the harm of propylene glycol in electronic cigarettes is also of interest to consumers of this innovative method of smoking. This substance is a colorless, viscous liquid with almost no odor. It is a good solvent, and therefore is used in the production of medicines, as well as in the food industry. The addition of propylene glycol to food products as a stabilizer proves that it does not cause harm to humans if not abused.

Propylene glycol is used in e-cigarettes to dissolve flavorings and irritate the upper respiratory tract. At high doses, propylene glycol depresses the central nervous system and can cause kidney damage.

Is e-cigarette harmful to others?

Passive smoking is harmful to others

There is a worldwide practice of banning the use of electronic cigarettes in public places. So, does the vapor from an e-cigarette harm others?

This steam does not contain carcinogenic substances, carbon monoxide. However, it does contain nicotine. And it is not at all different from what is contained in traditional tobacco products.

If you smoke indoors, the air becomes saturated with nicotine. When other people are in such a room, they are forced to breathe this drug. And even if its concentration in the air is not very high, it still manages to have an effect on the people who inhale it. After all, there is no safe amount of nicotine for humans. The harm from nicotine from electronic cigarettes is the same as from regular cigarettes.

Is e-cigarette harmful for pregnant women?

Some women, having learned about their pregnancy, cannot (or do not want) to stop smoking. And in the electronic cigarette they find, in their opinion, a safer way to “deliver” nicotine into the blood.

However, e-cigarettes are not that safe for pregnant women. Let us note that nicotine and pregnancy, as well as the birth of a healthy, strong baby, are absolutely incompatible things. Even small doses of nicotine seriously harm the health of women and children. There is no, even theoretically minimum, dose of nicotine that is safe for humans. And even more so for a pregnant woman.

So the use of electronic cigarettes as a safe alternative to regular tobacco during pregnancy is absolutely unacceptable.

Are e-cigarettes harmful to children?

It would seem, what is the question here? After all, children’s smoking is absolutely unacceptable, including the use of electronic devices. However, buyers of these products are interested in whether electronic cigarettes are harmful to children if they are near a smoker. The answer to this is only positive: after all, children will be forced to inhale nicotine. And a child’s body is much more vulnerable to this narcotic poison than an adult.

There is only one conclusion - you should never use electronic cigarettes if you have a child next to you.

So, an electronic cigarette is clearly not as harmful as a regular one. In any case, the positive fact is the absence of combustion. But it’s hard to call it an absolutely safe product. The presence of the drug nicotine in it, as well as the lack of standards for the production and supervision of this type of product, which is why various impurities, including toxic ones, can get into the liquid, make the use of electronic cigarettes a very dubious alternative to tobacco. You need to quit smoking using special medications once and for all!

Quite recently, Elena Malysheva’s program about the dangers of electronic cigarettes was broadcast on one of the federal channels of Russia. Many vapers responded in bewilderment in a variety of ways, and I’ll add my 2 cents. I will try not to discuss Malysheva’s words too much; I would like to talk more about which cigarettes are more harmful, electronic or regular.

We all understand perfectly well that in the countries of the former Soviet Union no one bears any responsibility for false information or disinformation, especially if it comes from the federal level media. Those. You can tell anything, and words like “it has long been proven” are not proof. By whom it is proven and when they do not say, simply the words “it has been proven” are enough.

People who lack critical thinking, those who consider only one side of the issue, and those who believe everything they say on TV, let them continue to think as they are. And now we will try to understand everything in detail and in order.

Tobacco monopolies will always try to reduce the popularity of electronic cigarettes. Enormous amounts of money are spent on research just to find harmful substances in e-cigarettes. Nobody says that they are harmless, but compared to regular cigarettes, electronic cigarettes are much safer, and there is no antifreeze or large amounts of carcinogens in liquids, now I will try to prove this.

What is more harmful, an electronic cigarette or a regular one?

First, let's figure out what regular cigarettes and e-liquids consist of. Who has seen a detailed description of the composition of tobacco cigarettes on a pack? I did not see. And we can only guess what is added to the tobacco itself. If we google, we will see a lot of harmful substances that are formed during the burning of tobacco leaves. Resins, acids, oxides, metals and many other carcinogens.

What is the liquid in electronic cigarettes made of? These are: , , and . We can understand what nicotine or flavoring is, but we don’t know much about propylene or glycerin. I suggest you look into it in more detail.

What is Propylene Glycol?

Food grade propylene glycol (PG) is an approved certified food additive (E1520) used as a preservative and humectant. For example, any crispy waffles contain propylene glycol, it is this that gives this waffle taste and the “crispness” itself. Propylene also helps to temporarily retain moisture in products and prevents them from becoming stale. Many food products use PG, I advise you to carefully look at the ingredients on the packaging. If you see E1520, you know that this is the same propylene glycol.

And do not confuse propylene glycol with ethylene glycol (which can actually cause poisoning)! How does “doctor” Malysheva and her colleagues do it.

About the dangers of propylene glycol

For potential danger to the body, the required PG ratio is 2 ml. per 1 liter of blood. We have approximately 6 liters of blood in our body. At the same time, we exhale most of the propylene glycol. A tiny amount of PG enters the blood. According to rough calculations, it is necessary to evaporate more than 150 milligrams of propylene glycol in order to achieve at least some harm to the body. But as you understand, this is basically impossible, especially if our fluids are 40/60 or 30/70.

The average amount of PG evaporated in one day is about 2-5 milligrams.

Propylene glycol can cause potential danger to the kidneys, since they need to remove everything with urine, it can cause arrhythmia, bradycardia, cardiovascular diseases, BUT! This is provided if you evaporate more than 150 ml. propylene glycol every day, while the above-mentioned diseases are only POSSIBLE.

In its pure form, propylene glycol can cause a burn to the mucous membrane (but not in the form of vapor, but in the form of a liquid, that is, if you drink it). PG diluted with glycerin (at least 10%) cannot cause any burn even if you drink it. In the form of vapor, it acts as a small, harmless irritation to the mucous membranes in the throat and lungs, which is called TH (throat hit).

What is Glycerol (VG)?

Glycerin, which is used in the food industry or for cosmetic purposes, is extracted from animal and vegetable fats. During the evaporation process, fats are mixed with alkali to produce soap and glycerin. VG then goes through a purification stage, where it is purified many times in a variety of ways. The one that is purified as much as possible goes into the food industry, while weakly purified glycerin goes into cosmetics.

How to determine the purification of glycerin “with the naked eye”?

  • 1. No foreign color. Glycerin should be completely transparent.
  • 2. No smell at all. Ideal cleaning is glycerin without foreign odors.
  • 3. Sweetish taste. Taste the glycerin; if it is not bitter, it is pure.

Briefly about metabolism

What happens when glycerol enters the lungs? It dissolves with the fluid in the lungs and enters the blood (not all). 14% of glycerol is excreted unchanged from the body, i.e. it enters the liver, biotransformation occurs there and it is excreted along with urine. The remaining 86% goes to nourish the body! i.e., it is converted into fat, which gives us energy. It turns out, in terms of biochemistry, glycerin does not cause any harm to the body at all.

About the dangers of glycerin

The potential danger of glycerin is that it is hygroscopic, i.e. it absorbs moisture. If you vape a high-glycerin liquid (70% or more), there is a danger of drying out the surface of your lungs, which perform a protective function. When the lungs are dry, the protective function does not work well, and some impurities in the air can enter the blood. But in our case, it’s just enough to drink water after or while vaping. Surely you have noticed that after intense vaping MaxVG dries out and you feel thirsty; you took a few sips of water and there are no problems for the body in this regard.

Let's sum it up small summary above what is written. A potential danger to our body can be caused by an overdose of propylene glycol (which, in principle, cannot be achieved), and drying out the lungs with glycerin, which is also difficult to achieve if you do not set yourself such a goal.

Flavorings - what are they made of?

Flavors are divided into two types, natural and natural identical, what is the difference between them? For example, vanillin (the kind sold as baking sugar) is synthetic. Its molecules are identical to the molecules of real natural vanillin that grows in pods. It is simply not profitable to crush pods on an industrial scale. If it says that the flavor is identical to natural, there is no reason to worry.

There are also so-called “Fantastic” tastes that do not exist in nature. For example, if you mix the molecules (taste) of cola with chocolate and prunes, our brain may mistake it for the taste of some exotic fruit, especially if it is painted on a bottle with a bright name like “Dried Durian”.

Natural flavorings include extracts from berries, fruits, tobacco or any other ingredients. In theory, you can make similar “squeezes” at home by pouring, for example, a tobacco leaf with propylene glycol, keeping them for a long time at the required temperature. But cleaning at home will be difficult; such “self-kneading” will simply quickly clog the coil in the cigarette.

Nicotine - secondhand smoke and vaping

Eternal debate swirls around passive smoking and passive vaping. Let's take a closer look to understand whether an electronic cigarette or a regular one is more harmful not only for us, but also for those around us. Let's compare some facts.

The composition of cigarette smoke is very different from the composition of e-cigarette vapor. Vapor is: PG, VG, nicotine and flavorings. The composition of the smoke is: tar and nicotine, which, unlike liquid nicotine, is in a sublimated state. What does it mean? At high temperatures, combustion occurs; nicotine does not burn, but evaporates and immediately crystallizes in the air. This happens when you exhale while the nicotine cools down. Thus, when exhaled smoke enters the lungs of another person, nicotine enters the bloodstream.

When vaping, the combustion temperature is not as high as in a cigarette, nicotine evaporates along with glycerin and propylene glycol, and crystallization does not occur when these molecules bind. Almost all nicotine is instantly absorbed into the body’s cells along with propylene glycol and glycerin. When exhaling steam, the amount of nicotine is negligible and close to zero. Those. passive vaping as such is, in principle, impossible to achieve. Of course, some microparticles of nicotine will enter the body of another person, but approximately the same amount of nicotine is constantly in the air of any city.

In our rapidly developing age, people have a wide variety of gadgets. In the kitchen, a smart multicooker prepares dinner itself, a robot vacuum cleaner cleans the apartment, and the modern telephone has long ceased to be just a means of communication. And such examples can be given endlessly.

Of course, technological progress is a wonderful phenomenon that makes our lives easier and in some cases much more convenient. Unfortunately, not all innovations can be called completely safe or useful. Electronic cigarettes can serve as a prime example of this.

On the one hand, this invention allows heavy smokers to “smoke” wherever they please, regardless of prohibitions. But on the other hand, there is reliable evidence that they cause no less, and in some cases, more harm to the health of both the smoker himself and the people around him.

What are electronic cigarettes and why are they harmful? What happens if you smoke them constantly? What harm does the device cause to human health? Can pregnant women smoke e-cigarettes? We will try to answer these and other popular questions on the topic in this article.

What are electronic cigarettes

An electronic cigarette, steam generator, vaporizer or vape is a device that creates a highly dispersed aerosol, in simple words, steam, intended for inhalation. Steam is generated from a special liquid that evaporates when heated. Externally, the device may be similar to either a cigarette or an electronic smoking pipe.

1 - battery; 2 — power button; 3 — cartridge; 4 - electronic chip (processor); 5 - atomizer

The design of the electronic steam generator is simple and consists of two main parts:

  • a battery pack that powers the device;
  • an atomizer or vaporizer consisting of a wick and a heating element. The evaporator is designed to uniformly supply liquid to the heating element.

True, there is one significant difference between these devices. Steam in an inhaler is produced due to an increased level of pressure, and in an electronic cigarette by evaporation of liquid when the heating element operates.

Usually, beginners are interested in two main points in the operation of the device - how to refill it and how to smoke it correctly.

In order to smoke a regular cigarette, you just need to set it on fire, and the combustion of the tobacco will do its job and give the smoker the much-needed dose of nicotine.

When a vaporizer operates, a special liquid is heated, so there are some nuances to the smoking process, therefore:

  • puff slowly and do not take too deep breaths so as not to burn your airways;
  • between puffs, do not forget to take a short break, this way you can avoid overheating of the evaporator springs (atomizer);
  • Always check for liquid before smoking an electronic cigarette, otherwise the device will immediately burn out.

True vaping connoisseurs say that you need to take a puff slowly and slowly savor the aroma. Regular cigarettes can be smoked by quickly inhaling so that the body receives the dose of nicotine it needs. This is also possible with a vaporizer, but then you will not be able to appreciate the full range of flavors collected in one or another type of liquid.

Quite often, vapers are interested in what can be used to refill electronic cigarettes other than liquid. Device manufacturers speak out against any experiments with liquids for refilling. The thing is that the “factory” liquid is a carefully calibrated solution, which, if used correctly, will not harm human health, nor will it damage the vaporizer itself.

There have been cases when users refilled their vape with alcoholic beverages. In some cases, this ended badly because the device instantly ignited and exploded.
You can see how to refill an e-cigarette with liquid in the video below.

What are the health risks of electronic cigarettes?

Harmful or not e-Sigs for a person? If so, what harm does a steam generator cause? How harmful is liquid for refilling cigarettes? If, after all, electronic cigarettes are absolutely harmless, then what real evidence is there for this? This is just a small part of the questions that should be answered before purchasing such a device.

Before we answer whether electronic cigarettes are harmful to the human body, let’s take a short excursion into history. After all, few people know that the first patent for the invention of a steam generator was filed back in 1963, but the official date of birth of the vape is considered to be 2004. Electronic cigarettes have always been and are still presented by manufacturers as the safest alternative to conventional tobacco products.

However, back in 2008, the World Health Organization (hereinafter referred to as WHO) stated that there is no scientific basis for manufacturers' claims that their product is effective in nicotine replacement therapy.

Moreover, experts unanimously argued that the harmfulness of an electronic cigarette is no less. The WHO report at a conference on tobacco control in 2014 sounded tough and uncompromising; it completely debunked the myths about the benefits of electronic cigarettes. In addition, emphasis was placed on their health hazards.

As a result, it was decided that:

  • The free sale of liquids with various flavoring additives should be prohibited, as they increase the attractiveness of vapes;
  • there is insufficient evidence that vaporizers help smokers overcome nicotine addiction;
  • Electronic cigarettes should be subject to exactly the same restrictive measures (on sale, in advertising, in use) as on all tobacco products.

This means that the world's most authoritative health organization has answered the question of whether e-cigarettes are harmful to health. In addition, at the same conference, WHO expressed concern about how popular e-cigarettes have become among teenagers.

Children who have never smoked before decide to try them as a safer alternative to conventional tobacco products. What’s even sadder is that many parents themselves purchase vapes for their children, thinking that in this way they will protect their beloved child from even greater danger.

Unfortunately, not all adults themselves ask themselves whether electronic cigarettes are dangerous to health, and how harmful the liquid for refilling them is, let alone teenagers. Currently, in countries such as Canada, Brazil, Turkey, Denmark, Italy, Norway, Uruguay, Australia, Jordan, Thailand, advertising, as well as the sale of electronic cigarettes, is prohibited by law.

But despite this, the global market for electronic steam generators shows stable growth from year to year. It turns out that people are ready to buy electronic cigarettes, knowing that they can be harmful to health. The cost of a reusable vapor generator can vary from 50 to 150 US dollars, and disposable e-cigarettes will cost several times less (2-15 US dollars).

What is the harm from electronic cigarettes with liquid?

The main danger of vaporizers lies in the composition of the liquid for refilling them, which contains:

  • potent carcinogens nitrosamine And diethylene glycol . Scientists have proven that their content is approximately ten times higher than in conventional cigarettes;
  • formaldehyde , a poisonous and highly toxic compound, poisoning with which can be fatal;
  • acetaldehyde is a carcinogen that not only poisons the body, but also forms an addiction (dependence) to smoking, and also increases the risk of developing .

In addition, experts have identified, in the vast majority of cases, a clear discrepancy in the actual nicotine content in the vaping liquid and that declared by the manufacturer. It is important to emphasize that the concentration of all of the above compounds increases significantly when the e-cigarette overheats.

Another way e-cigarettes with liquid are harmful, according to the scientific community:

  • Aggressive marketing by vaporizer manufacturers, based on the unproven benefits of the device, actually contributes to the development of nicotine addiction, rather than combating it. Electronic cigarettes are very popular among teenagers and promote smoking among them.
  • When manufacturers are asked about the dangers and how harmful e-cigarettes are, they unanimously claim that there is no reason to worry, since their devices simply generate water vapor, as pure as the air itself. This is a criminal and blatant lie, because... in the composition of vape liquid in addition to nicotine , contains other substances that poison the body.
  • Due to the fact that vaporizers have appeared relatively recently, there are still no uniform standards in the world regulating their production, as well as quality and safety testing.
  • Electronic cigarettes are dangerous devices that can explode or catch fire if used incorrectly.
  • Vape liquid is also extremely dangerous, especially for children. The replacement cartridge for an electronic cigarette contains a dose of nicotine that is lethal for an adult. Therefore, especially strong packaging should be used to store it.
  • Nicotine contained in vaping liquids is classified as neurotoxins And alkaloids , which form persistent physical and mental dependence, which negates all arguments about the benefits of electronic cigarettes in the fight against nicotine addiction.
  • Vaporizers, like regular tobacco products, increase the risk of developing diseases common to smokers.

The video below outlines interesting facts about electronic cigarettes and their effect on human health.

We think we have answered the question of whether smoking electronic cigarettes is harmful. However, every coin has two sides, so it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the arguments of vaping supporters. Moreover, there are not only nicotine-containing liquids, but also nicotine-free cigarettes. Are they harmful to human health?

Electronic cigarettes without nicotine

Let's imagine such a situation. A person has firmly decided to quit smoking, but to make this process as easy and painless as possible for his health and psyche, he decides to resort to the help of a vaporizer and chooses e-cigarette liquid without nicotine. According to the manufacturers, such a device will be absolutely safe and suitable for everyone.

Are e-cigarettes without nicotine actually harmful or does this variety also have a detrimental effect on human health? Let’s say right away that there is no consensus on this matter. Even ardent supporters of nicotine-free e-liquids admit that they also have their negative aspects.

The main advantage of such vaporizers is relative safety in comparison with classic tobacco products. It has long been proven that regular cigarettes are harmful not only because of nicotine. Combustion products and tar cause irreparable damage to both the lungs of the smoker himself and the people around him.

Smoking is prohibited in public places, but vaping is permitted. This device is convenient to use. There is no unpleasant smell from electronic cigarettes, because the liquid for refilling them can emit pleasant enveloping aromas. In addition, vaporizers are affordable and help you save money.

A smoker has to buy cigarettes every day. Vapes are bought once and filled with liquids that last for a long time, and they cost on average no more than a regular pack of cigarettes. And, perhaps, the main advantage of nicotine-free liquids is that they really help a person gradually forget about conventional tobacco products.

True, there is one fat but. A person does not cease to be a smoker, he becomes a smoker. That is, he changes a regular cigarette to an electronic one. The dependence does not disappear anywhere.

Harm of electronic cigarettes without nicotine:

  • Imaginary safety for health forms persistent addiction (equally dependence), both on the physical and psychological levels;
  • Due to the lack of nicotine saturation sensations familiar to a smoker, a person begins to “vape” more often and more;
  • A person’s lungs are injured both when smoking regular cigarettes and electronic ones. The more often a vaper uses a vape, the more damage he causes to his respiratory system.
  • The use of nicotine-free electronic cigarettes, like nicotine-containing ones, is not recommended for some categories of people, for example, teenagers or pregnant women. The thing is that the influence of vaporizers on human health has not been fully studied.
  • The lack of mandatory certification of vapes in some countries entails serious consequences for buyers of untested electronic cigarettes, as well as their liquids. Without proper control by the state, a person literally gets a “pig in a poke”, because the manufacturer does not bear any responsibility in the event, for example, that the actual composition of the liquid does not correspond to what is stated on the packaging. There is also a high probability of buying a fake instead of a product from a well-known and trusted company.
  • Liquids without nicotine still contain propylene glycol , which, when heated, negatively affects the respiratory system, and also contributes to the development or exacerbation of many serious diseases ( , , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , , bronchospasm ).
  • Contained in nicotine-free liquids glycerol harms blood circulation.
    At first glance, the composition of liquid for electronic cigarettes is completely safe without nicotine transforms into strong toxic compounds (carcinogens, aldehydes) when exposed to temperature.

From everything said above, only one conclusion arises - smoking nicotine-free electronic cigarettes is just as dangerous to health as those containing nicotine. In addition, when used for a long time, they cause no less harm than regular tobacco cigarettes.

What is more harmful than electronic or regular cigarettes for human health? As they say, it is better to choose between two evils.

New-fangled and completely unstudied vapes, the real effect of which on the body can appear in all its glory only after several generations of vapers, or well-known and truly extremely harmful tobacco products.

Proponents of vaporizers clearly answer the question of what is more harmful: cigarettes or e-cigarettes.

Vaporists give the following arguments in defense of vaping:

  • The composition of liquid for electronic cigarettes contains thousands of times fewer components, unlike tobacco, which, when burned, also produces additional harmful compounds (combustion products).
  • when vaping, no harm is caused to surrounding people (the so-called “passive smoker” effect). Another thing is that people may still experience discomfort from smoke or flavorings.
  • Electronic cigarettes can be smoked anywhere, because... they are not prohibited by law for use in public places.
  • Steam generators do not cause seizures in the steamer cough .
  • Vaporizers do not cause yellow plaque on the teeth or on the skin of the fingers.
  • A wide selection of liquids for refilling vape pens gives the vaper the opportunity to independently regulate the amount of nicotine, taste, and aroma.
  • Electronic cigarettes are more profitable and economical than regular tobacco products.
Tobacco cigarettes E-Sigs
The composition contains more than 4 thousand toxic substances. When heated, the composition of the liquid for electronic cigarettes changes, and toxic and poisonous compounds such as carcinogens and aldehydes are formed.
Combustion products (cigarette smoke contains over 70 carcinogens). When the vape overheats, finely dispersed vapor is formed, which settles on the vaper’s lungs and provokes the development of serious diseases and complications.
Smoking harms people around the smoker (passive smoking). According to recent data, vaping also affects others. Flavors used in e-liquids can cause allergies and breathing problems in people suffering from respiratory diseases.
Tobacco burns the lungs because... its combustion temperature is 1100 C, and the temperature of the steam entering the lungs reaches 300 C. Although when vaping, the temperature of the vapor entering the lungs does not exceed 50 C, electronic cigarettes can adversely affect the lungs with frequent use.
In the process of smoking, tooth enamel is destroyed and plaque forms. Electronic cigarettes do not harm your teeth.
After smoking a cigarette, a person’s (hair, skin, bad breath, clothes) smell of tobacco for a long time. There is no such problem when vaping.

Scientists and doctors absolutely do not support the arguments of vapers, although they accept some of the advantages of electronic cigarettes and do not undertake to unequivocally state that vapes and nicotine-containing liquids are more harmful than regular cigarettes. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to the question of which cigarettes are less harmful and which are no longer harmful.

The thing is that, in principle, smoking or vaping (it doesn’t matter what you call this process) causes irreparable harm to the human body. Therefore, it is better to think a hundred times than to become dependent on a regular or electronic cigarette for life.

In educational, medical, sports, cultural institutions and on their territories. Smoking will also be prohibited in common areas of residential buildings, in entrances, stairwells, playgrounds and equipped beaches. Smokers will have to move 15 meters away from the entrance to railway stations, bus stations, airports, sea and river ports, and metro stations.

A close alternative to regular cigarettes, which do not smell and cause less discomfort to others, but they too will be banned in Russia. Electronic cigarettes, Canada, Brazil, Australia, some European countries and Turkey.

Electronic cigarettes were developed in 2003 and have become quite popular. At first, manufacturers positioned them as cigarettes for smoking in places where smoking is prohibited, later as an effective way to quit smoking, and then as a less harmful way to smoke.

How does an electronic cigarette work?

In fact, despite numerous clinical studies, there is no consensus on the health effects of e-cigarettes. On the one hand, the use of these cigarettes is associated with adverse health consequences, especially in children. Depending on the nicotine content of the cartridges, e-cigarettes can even cause nicotine addiction in those who were not previously smokers.

It turns out that e-cigarettes themselves are not safe and have not been sufficiently studied, but they are safer than regular cigarettes: they cause less harm to others and produce fewer toxic components of tobacco smoke.

Despite a complete ban on their sale since 2014, e-cigarettes can be smoked, like regular cigarettes, in specially designated areas.



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