The computer spoils vision or not. How not to ruin your eyesight with a smartphone? “People with low vision need to read as little as possible and work with small objects, for example, embroidery”

We receive the lion's share of information about the world around us through visual perception, so the first question when vision suddenly deteriorates is: “What to do?”

There are two main reasons leading to decreased vision: any disease or conditions of our life that not only worsen eye health, but also provoke the development of a variety of ailments.

Why does vision deteriorate?

As a rule, we ourselves are to blame for our perceptions, not fulfilling basic safety standards in relation to our basic knowledge of the world around us. The eye can be called a high-precision instrument that should be treated with care and precision.

The problems are mainly related to constant use computer, tablet and other gadgets that we use at work, at home, in transport and generally wherever possible. Let's figure out why vision is deteriorating from a computer, what to do in such cases, how to help your eyes.


The main cause of eye problems is constant tension, leading to overwork of the organ. Prolonged work at the computer without the obligatory rest in such cases, improper illumination of the workplace, even just reading in transport - all this leads to increased fatigue eye. As a result, vision deteriorates.

What to do in such a situation? Change your habits drastically and give your eyes a rest. As such a holiday, a special one has long been developed that allows them to relax.

  • Unfavorable ecological situation, smoking and alcoholism are not worse than computers undermine eye health.
  • Our passion for fast food, chips and other products Food Industry, it is not clear what it is made from, is unlikely to benefit the body.
  • Excessive use biologically active additives And medicines again will not bring anything good.
  • Constant stressful situations, mental and physical overstrain also do not contribute to normal functioning the body as a whole, and therefore the eyes in particular.
  • Viral and can also lead to decreased visual acuity.

Aging of eye tissue

Unfortunately, over time, we do not get younger, so all tissues of the body are subject to aging, including the retina. The pigment contained in it begins to break down, as a result of which vision deteriorates. What to do after 40 years, when you already feel the approach of old age? Of course, it is impossible to stop the process, but it is quite possible to help the eyes. Even if you do not experience any problems with your vision, and it still remains almost perfect for you, it still makes sense to help it continue to remain in this state. Make it a rule to use "live" vitamins that are good for the health of your eyes.

Moreover, the significance of such substances has long been proven, and all products containing maximum amount useful components, are well known. These are blueberries that can be consumed both in fresh, and in blanks or dried. Cherries, carrots, garlic, parsley and other vegetables are now quite available fresh at any time of the year, and in fact they contain the largest number useful substances, which not only heal, but also prevent aging of eye tissue.

Diseases leading to vision impairment

Not only modern technologies and the proximity of old age are responsible for the decline in vision, although today this is perhaps the main cause of problems. Exists sufficient quantity diseases that cause vision impairment. What to do when the eyes suddenly stop seeing well, and instead of a clear picture - a veil? This is already a cause for serious concern, since such a sharp change in visual perception indicates a serious illness that can lead not only to a significant decrease in vision, but also to its complete loss. If your vision has suddenly deteriorated, what should you do? You should immediately consult a doctor without postponing the visit until later. In some situations, such as retinal detachment or burns, delay can lead to blindness.


If your vision begins to deteriorate, what to do next is quite clear. It is necessary to exclude from your life those factors that can affect eye health:

  • To begin with, reconsider your diet and abstain or give up altogether. bad habits.
  • Try to limit your time spent on the computer, TV and other gadgets. Take medications and dietary supplements only on the recommendation of a doctor and do not self-medicate.
  • Play sports for general strengthening body, not forgetting about eye exercises.
  • In addition to maintaining healthy image life, you need to contact an ophthalmologist to rule out a more serious disease.

If you follow these simple rules, which will be useful for the entire body as a whole, your eyes will appreciate such care. They will still see clearly and clearly both near and far for a long time.

Computers and laptops have become part of the everyday life of modern citizens. For some it is connected to a PC professional activity, others use them for entertainment. In both cases, prolonged exposure to a monitor negatively affects eye health. Does the computer damage your eyesight? Yes, if not followed simple rules dealing with the "iron friend".

There are many factors that negatively affect visual acuity. Often the “root of evil” lies in dysfunction internal organs and systems, in this case the problem with the eyes is only accompanying symptom. This category includes general malaise, stressful situation, beriberi, etc.

If, in addition to a decrease in visual acuity, the patient notes severe headache, heaviness of the eyelids and redness of the whites, you need to urgently seek medical care. Because in this case there is a high risk of developing problems with the eyeball.

What diseases can this factor be a symptom of?

In addition to the main ophthalmic ailments (myopia, cataracts, hypermetropia, glaucoma), accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity, this symptomatology characteristic of the following pathologies:

  • Venereal diseases;
  • Demotion or promotion intracranial pressure. The anomaly is caused by a disturbance in the blood circulation;
  • Infectious diseases.

Modern recovery methods

Nowadays, many have been developed effective techniques to “reanimate” eye health. The following procedures will help restore your vision completely:

  • Correction using laser;
  • Surgical intervention (practised for cataracts);
  • Treatment with medications;
  • Correction of refractive errors with night lenses. They are used for mild myopia and hypermetropia.

No less important role Corrective optics play a role in restoring vision. Most often, optometrists select lenses varying degrees stiffness individually for each patient.

Any technique is prescribed only after completing a full medical examination. You should not make a decision on the use of this or that method without first consulting a doctor. Incorrect choice will not bring the expected effect or even worsen the situation.

The main enemy is the screen

When working at a computer, a person strains his eyes a lot and not at all in order to look at small text. The structure of the organ of vision resembles a camera in its design. In order to clearly “photograph” a picture consisting of numerous sparkling dots, the eye must constantly change its focus. And this requires serious energy expenditure, and in addition, the pigment rhodopsin is consumed in an intensive mode. In people with myopia, it is spent even faster, and this negatively affects eye health. Therefore, myopia is increasing.

Why do you think painters almost never suffer from vision problems? The answer is simple, they regularly train their eye, periodically moving their gaze from the canvas to the object. Therefore, do not forget about the rules of working with equipment, give your eyes a rest every sixty minutes and regularly perform special gymnastics for training the muscles of the organ of vision.

They get as close as possible color scheme display to the spectral sensitivity of the visual apparatus. Those who do not suffer from problems with refraction can purchase optics without diopters.

How to work with a computer correctly?

First of all, dose the stress on your eyes. On average, it is recommended to spend no more than six hours at the computer during the day. For teenagers the figure is even less – four hours. IN mandatory Take breaks while working, every sixty minutes if possible.

At this time, do simple exercises for warming up the body and doing gymnastics for the eyes. Important has a workplace arrangement. Of course, this will take a little time, but the result will justify all the costs. It is important to adhere correct angle view and distance at which the monitor should be located. Do not forget about lighting, when working in the dark, vision from a computer deteriorates even more.

Dosage of eye strain

  • Continuous work time: for adults – six hours, for children – four;
  • Take a break every thirty to sixty minutes;
  • Alternate different types activities when working with a computer, for example, entering and editing text, take turns;
  • High school students can spend half an hour without a break, kids - twenty minutes.

If these restrictions are observed, the harm from the equipment will be minimal.

Even if you are one of the lucky ones who do not suffer from eye problems, you should not ignore preventive actions. In this way, you will protect yourself from the appearance of ophthalmic pathologies in the future and strengthen your body.

Gymnastics for the eyes

If you will be sitting at a computer for hours without resting your eyes, then get ready to spend money on glasses or contact lenses. The organ of vision needs a break. In addition, the eye is constantly tense due to the flickering monitor, so dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane develops, and headaches begin to torment.

To catch a clear picture from the display, the eyes make incredible efforts, as a result, the blood circulation process slows down and visual apparatus gets tired. At the same time, there is a lack of oxygen and an accumulation of metabolic products in the eyeball. The body is trying to fight negative manifestations by dilating blood vessels. Therefore, a person feels pain in the eyes when sitting at a PC for a long time.

To avoid many problems, just blink more often and do simple exercises between work:

  • Rub your palms to warm them up and apply light pressure to your eyelids. Repeat twenty times;
  • Rotate eyeballs ten times in one direction and the same in the other;
  • Squeeze your eyes tightly and open your eyes wide. Repeat five times;
  • Tap your head with your fingertips, from the forehead to the back of the head;
  • Blink, then close your eyes. Perform ten approaches.

If you want to restore your eyes after a long day at work, try the following gymnastics:

  • Lead your gaze to different sides, top - down, diagonally;
  • Look at the tip of your nose;
  • Watch the badminton players, or rather, their ball;
  • Rotate your arm in a semicircle at shoulder level, while following the movements with your eyes;
  • Focus on the near object, then on the distant one.

Exercises are required to be performed every two hours, for teenagers after forty-five minutes, kids are recommended to do it after fifteen minutes.

Learn more about how to charge correctly in the video.


If you notice a drop in visual acuity, you should use emergency measures. With the help of a doctor, select a vitamin course and take it completely. With a lack of vitamin A, a person develops the so-called “ night blindness", he practically cannot navigate in the dark. In fact, there are many vitamins and each of them has its own purpose:

  • "A" - strengthens cornea, normalizes night vision. IN large quantities found in carrots, liver and fish;
  • “C” is responsible for saturating the eyes with oxygen. There is a lot of vitamin in sea buckthorn and citrus fruits;
  • "B1" - regulates intraocular pressure and "delivers" nerve impulses. Contained in liver and cereals;
  • “B12” - responsible for strengthening nerve fibers. It can be found in milk and chicken eggs;
  • Lutein. An essential substance for eye health, good for retina and lens. Concentrated in large quantities in spinach;
  • Riboflavin. Strengthens the walls blood vessels, minimizes the risk of cataracts.

Moisturizing drops

Prolonged work at the computer leads to eye fatigue, the appearance of pain and irritation. For elimination negative symptoms will need to be selected special drops to moisturize the cornea.

  • Natural tear. The medication does not contain preservatives and is suitable for daily use;
  • Preparations containing hyaluronic acid. Do not cause overdose or side effects.

The following drops will help get rid of redness and moisturize your vision:

  • "Vizin";
  • "Vial";
  • "Opti".

At inflammatory processes worth taking advantage of antibacterial drugs. They suppress the abscess and prevent the development of complications. For babies, buy special baby drops:

  • "Albucid";
  • "Tobrex";
  • Synthomycin.

The selection of drops should be carried out by a doctor to avoid the risk of developing an allergic reaction and overdose.

Folk remedies

Their main purpose is to restore metabolism. These events include:

  • Menu correction. Be sure to include carrots, blueberries and other foods rich in vitamin A. It is recommended to consume more dairy products;
  • Use a variety of tinctures to combat ophthalmological pathologies. For example, mistletoe is suitable for treating glaucoma;
  • Use oils for eye massage. Geranium, burdock, etc. are suitable for these purposes. They are concentrated a large number of vitamins and nutrients;
  • Apply compresses based on chamomile infusion twice a week.
Myth 1. Carrots and blueberries are very good for vision.

Partially true. But to maintain good vision, you need to eat not a lot of these foods, but a lot. For example, for a person to get daily norm vitamin A along with carrots, he should eat at least 5-6 kg per day. And the retina requires not only vitamin A, which everyone knows about, but also substances such as lutein and zeaxanthin. For example, there are a lot of them in marigolds and spinach. So they can also be included in the list of the most healthy products for vision.

Myth 2. Poor-quality cosmetics or cosmetics left overnight can damage your eyesight.

No. It can ruin your eyelids and skin.

Myth 3. Vitamins and dietary supplements are very good for the eyes

Yes, it’s true, but you should use them without fanaticism. After all, they contain a complex of vitamins: for example, selenium and zinc, which are important for each of us, which also affect general state body, and on vision. You don’t need to drink them all the time, but doctors advise their patients to take such tonics for three months, after which they take a break.

Myth 4. Green color has a beneficial effect on vision

This is partly true. Green has a beneficial effect on the psyche and calms, and yellow, by the way, too. But they have little to do with the eyes.

Myth 5: LCD screens protect against vision problems

No it is not true. Radiation comes from any television or computer screen. And the vision strains in front of any of them, even in front of a very good and modern one. Protective screens or LCD screens can absorb only part of the radiation, but not completely remove the danger.

Myth 6. To the modern child With early years can't do without TV and computer

This is a misconception that leads to vision problems in children due to the carelessness of their parents, who at the age of three put the baby in front of the computer, and at five they are surprised that he does not see something. Ideally, a child aged 5-12 years should receive TV and a computer in doses: about 30-40 minutes twice a week. And for young children, TV and computers should be completely contraindicated.

Myth 7. School tablets are absolutely harmless

More likely no than yes. Tablets can be recommended only to high school students and only if certain visual hygiene is observed. The teacher should ensure that every 10-15 minutes the children are distracted from working in front of the screens and switch to another type of activity.

Myth 8. When a child goes to school, the load on vision becomes so great that it will still fall.

Not true. There are certain rules, simple and important, that many of us know, but are too lazy to follow. Meanwhile, they can help keep your eyes in order. IN junior classes The teacher should conduct gymnastics for the eyes. The lighting in which children work, read or write is also very important. At home workplace for a schoolchild should also be equipped with all hygiene requirements. Let us also note that it is better for schoolchildren to visit an ophthalmologist several times during the school year, since it happens that in September a child has “1” vision, and in the spring he already sees only half of the table.

Myth 9. If you slap children, the child may lose his sight.

The truth is that occipital part The brain is responsible for vision, so damage to it can actually lead to vision problems. Well, you shouldn’t give children slaps on the head anyway.

Myth 10. A person working at a computer’s vision adapts to high daily loads.

Not true. Those who work at a computer need to visit an ophthalmologist every six months. Then on early stages you can detect some “malfunctions” with the eyes and try to eliminate them or slow down the development of the disease. If you wait bright severe symptoms, you can become one of those patients who at 35 or 40 years old comes with the words: “Doctor, I don’t see anything.” And the doctor looks into the eyes and understands that vision in one of them has already been irretrievably lost, and in the other it is rapidly declining.

Myth 11. Phones, iPhones and e-books spoil your eyesight

Yes, and they cause no less harm, and due to their own size and stress, even more than desktop computers.

Myth 12. Reading books is no less harmful than playing on the computer.

Not true. This is often the case among those who damaged their eyesight in childhood by reading books under a blanket with a flashlight in their hand. If you comply basic rules, in particular, monitor the lighting and correct position while reading, it will not bring harm. Vision will deteriorate if you read in the dark, lying down or under the bright sun.

Myth 13. If I start wearing glasses, then I won’t tear them off

Not true. With minor changes in vision, wearing glasses for several months is enough to see changes for the better.

Myth 14. Sunglasses bring more harm What's the benefit for the eyes?

It depends on the glasses. Sunglasses made from cheap Chinese plastic are definitely harmful, while high-quality glass ones are useful. The fact is that glass absorbs the ultraviolet spectrum, while plastic transmits it.

Myth 15. It is useful to bury urine, honey and blueberry juice in the eyes.

Do not experiment with your vision like that. Urine therapy when treating vision problems should not be carried away at all, and honey and blueberries can cause serious irritation and allergic reaction. For those patients who really want to try similar methods improvement of the eyes, I advise you to instill honey, diluting it in a ratio of 1 to 10, and only in the absence adverse reactions make these drops more concentrated. Naturally, you should first make sure that the patient is not allergic to bee products.

Myth 16. Vision problems can help unconventional methods treatments: homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture

Everything is good together. They can help, but they won't get rid of problems. I have not met a single patient who could be completely cured using these methods. But many people have lost their sight...

Myth 17. An ophthalmologist can only test visual acuity and select glasses.

Not true at all. Some diseases, e.g. diabetes or tumor diseases in the brain, are often first detected by ophthalmologists. Also, the condition of the retina shows the consequences of traumatic brain injuries and some other conditions of the body as a whole.

Deterioration of vision is a problem that many people face with age or after heavy strain on the eyes. However, you should not be afraid of it, because in the vast majority of cases this phenomenon can be corrected and very well. In order for you to know what steps you can take if you discover such an unpleasant fact, let's look at the reasons, as well as methods of dealing with the main symptom.

Causes of eye diseases

There are at least a dozen reasons why people experience certain vision problems, and in each case they are individual. The most significant Among them are:

  1. Genetic characteristics (predisposition to certain diseases).
  2. Increased load on the visual organs.
  3. Rough.
  4. Past infectious diseases.
  5. Endocrine diseases, including diabetes.
  6. Circulatory disorders.
  7. Pathologies of spinal development.
  8. , chemical and radiation exposure.
  9. Age-related diseases.

Also, in addition to the main causes of vision loss, there are additional accompanying factors that stimulate this process. Among them, doctors name a decrease in human immunity, lack of vitamins in the body, lack of sleep, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption.

A wide range of factors influencing the acuity of our vision suggests that, to one degree or another, every person is at risk of partial or complete loss of vision.

In order to avoid such an outcome, it is very important to carry out comprehensive prevention eye diseases.


Knowing the reasons for vision deterioration, it is not difficult to determine those preventive measures which are necessary for its restoration. These include:

  1. Quitting bad habits, including smoking and alcohol.
  2. Regular visits to the optometrist timely detection and treatment of any ailments (you must remember that in the early stages almost all of them can be completely cured with medication, which is late stages practically inaccessible).
  3. Protects eyes from chemical exposure and UV radiation.
  4. Compliance with recommendations for visual hygiene, including ensuring the proper level of lighting at home and in the office, as well as working at the computer.
  5. Active sports that improve blood circulation and metabolism.
  6. Regular exposure to fresh air.
  7. Homemade herbal baths and lotions.

All these methods are quite effective in each specific case, therefore they should in no case be ignored or considered primitive and outdated.

By using them regularly, you will be able to avoid serious illnesses and even improve your current level of visual acuity.

What to do if your vision has decreased

If you notice even minor symptoms of decreased vision, you should consult a doctor immediately. At your request, the ophthalmologist is obliged to conduct a comprehensive eye examination, study the conditions of your work and life, establish the reason for the loss of vision, and also prescribe a correction adequate to your case. If you take such measures in a timely manner, it is quite possible that you will be able to identify certain complex ailments in the early stages and cure them in time, thus avoiding loss of vision. If the specialist does not find any serious illnesses in you, he will be able to select for you individual vision prevention method, using which you will be able to remove this symptom and return to normal life.

Many people, with a slight deterioration in their vision, do not see the point of seeing a doctor and try to solve the problem using traditional methods, or completely ignore it.

Both the first and second options are not correct. The fact is that without a full diagnosis it is very difficult to establish the real reason loss of vision, therefore it is impossible to adequately treat it. This approach, as well as ignoring the problem, can lead to complications and other unpleasant consequences.

What diseases can this factor be a symptom of?

In addition to the main vision pathologies, including myopia, (all of which are accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity), this symptom is also characteristic of a number of other ailments, including:

  • Intracranial pressure disorders caused by circulatory problems.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Infectious diseases.

With such ailments, damage to the centers may occur nervous system, which is why patients’ vision decreases.

Normal and diseased eye

Precisely because, if you have never complained about the health of your eyes before, needs to be addressed Special attention for this symptom and consult a doctor immediately. You may need diagnosis from other specialists: a neurologist, cardiologist, therapist, but it will give you the opportunity to get the most full picture illness and overcome it faster.

Modern restoration methods

Nowadays, ophthalmology has dozens of effective methods, allowing to cope with eye diseases, regardless of their causes and general symptoms. Full recovery visual acuity carried out using:

  • surgical treatment (especially for cataracts);
  • drug therapy;
  • correction using night lenses (for mild myopia and farsightedness).

Also important are contact lenses various optical power, which can be soft, hard, gas-permeable. Selected for each patient individually.

The appointment of any of the above methods of correction is possible only after a full diagnosis by a specialist.

It is highly not recommended to independently make a decision on the selection of one or another remedy to eliminate visual impairments, since they can not only not give good result, but also aggravate the problem if selected incorrectly.

Regardless of whether you currently have diagnosed eye diseases or not, every effort must be made to avoid their occurrence in the future and help the body recover. normal condition eye now. For this it is vital to do general recommendations vision care. They are common to all patients. These measures will be discussed below.

Traditional medicine (diet, diet, vitamins)

Almost everything traditional methods combating vision pathologies are aimed primarily at restoration of natural metabolic processes by saturating the body with additional vitamins and minerals.

They may include:

  • Diet correction with the addition of carrots (contains vitamin A), blueberries, citrus fruits, dried fruits, beets. It is also mandatory to add dairy products to it to saturate with the necessary minerals.
  • The use of various infusions. For example, mistletoe (glaucoma treatment), as well as eyebright (for various types pathologies).
  • Usage various oils for eye massage, including geranium oils, burdock oil and other similar ones to which a person is not allergic. Such products also contain wide range vitamins, therefore they can provide exceptional positive impact on the condition of your eyes.
  • As local funds these methods also include medicinal compresses based on a decoction of chamomile and other herbs. In preventive measures, it is enough to carry them out twice a week.

It is extremely important to use traditional medicine methods to restore visual acuity as preventative measures. However, when serious illnesses, including glaucoma and cataracts, it is not recommended to base treatment solely on them. This may have unpleasant consequences for Your health.

Exercise for the eyes

Exists when various diseases eye exercises, the daily implementation of which can give good healing effect and even improve your visual acuity. They are aimed at solution various problems vision and allow:

  • Improve eye blood circulation(exercise “curtains”);
  • Train accommodation(all exercises aimed at consistently focusing vision on close and distant objects);
  • Relax eye muscles (exercise “butterfly”).

Set of exercises

Harmonious exercise for your eyes should consist of several different types of exercises.

For getting maximum effect from it, it is recommended to perform exercises 2 times a day at the same time.

Within a month, if you perform the exercises correctly, you can get the first result.


Video about how to restore vision.


As we see, both in medical and folk practice there are a lot effective recipes that can save a person from vision problems. And, unfortunately, no one is safe from them, but there are effective methods although not preventing, but slowing down the process of vision loss. This is also an eye exercise, about which it is written in more detail, and, and ethnoscience. All that is needed to cure such ailments is to pay attention to the problem in a timely manner and begin to address it. effective treatment. In this case, you will definitely achieve positive results in this case.

Date: 03/28/2016

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  • The first signs of vision problems
  • How can you help yourself?

Does the computer damage your eyesight? This is one of the most current issues V modern world, since many people in different countries They spend several hours every day using this device. It is needed for work, learning, relaxation and communication. Many people simply cannot imagine life without a computer and electronic devices. In addition to desktop computers, tablets, smartphones, laptops and other gadgets are actively used at work and at home. No less relevant is the problem of visual impairment among the population of developed and developing countries. Now not only the elderly, but also middle-aged citizens, young people, and teenagers are susceptible to this disease. Parents often tell their children that sitting at a computer for a long time is dangerous for their eyesight. I wonder if this is a way to redirect the child's attention to something else or if computers really cause harm to the eyes? In fact, the computer plays an indirect role in vision damage.

The main ones are fulfilled by other reasons:

  • quality and settings of the monitor used;
  • number of hours spent near the device;
  • human body position when using electronic devices;
  • ambient lighting;
  • the type of information being studied on the monitor.

If the monitor image is too bright, pale or dark, it low quality, exceeding the deadline maximum use the device may harm your eyes. Some people spend 2 hours in a row at the computer, others 8 or 12, and some do not part with their gadgets for 15 hours. A desktop computer, as a rule, stands on a special table that does not allow you to get too close to the screen. But laptops and tablets can be held sitting, lying down, standing, close, far, in the dark, they can be used in almost any position. Vision deteriorates greatly when studying various tables with small numbers, texts with an unusual font, very bright or blurry pictures, etc.

The first signs of vision problems

When you spend a long time near the monitor, your eyes become very strained. The longer you look at it, the harder it is for your eyes to perceive and transmit information to your brain. People with vision problems with childhood, at malfunction with a computer it deteriorates much faster than for other users. Often in people conducting for a long time near electronic devices, the following oddities are observed:

  • after turning off the monitor or screen, it seems that bright and short flashes of light appear before your eyes;
  • eyes are “dry”;
  • a feeling as if a handful of sand was thrown into the face or a speck of dust got into the eye;
  • there is a burning sensation inside;
  • eyes water;
  • as if one or both eyes are looking at the world through plastic film;
  • look at the monitor or screen for a long time and see certain information; after a few minutes, when you look there, you realize that you have mixed up the letters or numbers.

These are all signs of vision deterioration. If at least one of them is present, you need to contact an ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist) and have your vision checked. If you do not respond to the symptoms in time, it will only get worse. Most often, the computer becomes an indirect cause of farsightedness, dry eyes, and myopia. But under certain circumstances, it can contribute to the development of cataracts, conjunctivitis, strabismus, glaucoma, retinal detachment and other serious diseases.

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How can you help yourself?

It is impossible to give up a computer or reduce the time you work on it, since it is indispensable for the activities of many organizations. And at home, it is unlikely that anyone will voluntarily agree not to use electronic devices. There are several ways to protect your eyesight from the influence of a computer:

  • observe safety precautions when using devices;
  • properly arrange the workplace;
  • use protective equipment for eyes;
  • do special gymnastics.

Keep the monitor or screen away from your face, preferably in a sitting or standing position, but not lying down. Be aware of the lighting around you. If the screen is very bright, and it is twilight or darkness around, then when you turn on electronic device the eyes are under strain and do not immediately perceive information.

The computer monitor should not be in front of your face, but should be slightly lower so that you look at it from top to bottom. The distance from the monitor to the face should be one and a half times its diagonal. Adjust the brightness and contrast on your monitor so that you can work comfortably. There should be good lighting near the computer. If there is not enough light in the room, then use a table lamp.

When working with a computer, you must take breaks every hour. During breaks, move away from the electronic device, do eye exercises, moisturize with drops or rinse them.

There are several exercises for vision:

  • look around and up and down;
  • look at the nose, then squint your eyes in different directions;
  • blink for at least a minute;
  • look closely at an object near, then far away;
  • close your eyes for a few minutes.

Take a 5-7 minute break. This relieves eye strain, which helps maintain good vision and increases the speed and efficiency of work.



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