Causes of a sore throat. Causes of persistent sore throat

Sore throat can occur due to many reasons. The most common is angina and colds, however, in such cases, pain proper treatment passes quickly enough. If the throat often hurts, then this may indicate the transition of the disease to chronic phase or that the diagnosis was incorrect.

In any case, an additional consultation with a specialist is required to find out why the throat constantly hurts.

You should consult a doctor if the following symptoms have been bothering you for a long time:

  • constant pain;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • swelling of the larynx, shortness of breath;
  • temperature increase.


Reasons why pain may occur:

  • viral diseases (flu, acute respiratory infections);
  • bacterial infections (streptococci, staphylococci).

The child often has a sore throat for this very reason, it also applies to women during pregnancy, which is associated with reduced immunity.

Bacteria and viruses do not always cause sore throats. Very often the reasons lie in external factors.

Allergic reaction

A common cause that people who are prone to allergies should immediately pay attention to. Anything can become an allergen, so it is recommended to take a test that will determine the cause. feeling unwell. The effectiveness of treatment in such cases depends entirely on the ability to eliminate the allergen.

Prolonged tension of the vocal cords

Such pains are professional problem actors, singers. heavy load on the ligaments leads to pain, which can be combated by reducing the volume of rehearsals, as well as taking special preparations designed to soften ligaments.

dry air

Such situations are often encountered in winter time when the air in the room is too dry. Irritation of the mucosa causes irritation and pain. An ordinary humidifier will help to cope with the problem.

Gastroesophageal reflux

When it occurs, irritation of the throat with gastric juice. If this diagnosis is suspected, it is necessary to undergo an examination by contacting a gastroenterologist. Restoring the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will eliminate the cause and remove the pain.


The factor that provoked the development and growth of a tumor in the larynx may be the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes, which often occur stressful conditions, deterioration of immunity. Tumor development requires emergency call to a specialist.

Malignant tumors of the larynx are one of the terrible reasons sore throat

Adverse environmental factors

High air pollution leads to the deposition of harmful substances that irritate its surface. It is recommended to spend as much time as possible outside the city. Can be used as a treatment homeopathic remedies, however, this can be done after consultation with a specialist.

Character / temperament

Often the throat hurts in active people who like to argue and talk in a loud voice. Controlling your emotions will reduce pain and reduce the likelihood of discomfort. If pain occurs for this reason, you can take sedative drugs. Since this discomfort is associated with psychosomatics, a change in attitude to the situation will help to change well-being.

Persistent sore throat can occur due to infectious diseases:

  • SARS,
  • angina,
  • flu,
  • pharyngitis,
  • mononucleosis,
  • chickenpox,
  • measles.

How to treat

During treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition and exclude foods that will aggravate the feeling of discomfort. You should refuse solid food, spices, spicy, do not eat too hot or too cold food. The basis of the diet should be liquid cereals, broths, boiled vegetables. You can not eat crackers, hard cookies. Bread can only be eaten soft. Substances contained in some vegetables have a beneficial effect on the condition of the throat, for example, pumpkin porridge helps with angina.

Seasonings can greatly contribute irritant effect on the mucosa. They should be excluded completely, only salt can be used in small doses.

You can add onion and garlic to improve the taste. They contain phytoncides, are characterized by an antiseptic effect and destroy microbes on the surface of the larynx. They also contain essential oils, which contribute to a speedy recovery from ARVI, tonsillitis.

The use of pumpkin porridge helps to remove inflammatory process and death of microbes

Honey is characterized by an antiseptic effect, as well as an immunomodulatory effect. With a sore throat, you must follow some principles for the use of honey. For example, you shouldn't add it to hot tea, because medicinal substances under the influence of high temperature lose their properties. Consume honey in pure form better in small portions. This will help reduce the chance of an allergic reaction.

You need to drink plenty of warm liquids. The maximum temperature of the liquid that can be consumed is 70 degrees, if this mark is exceeded, the drink will only irritate the mucous membrane more.

Quick Recovery Principles

Even if frequent pain is caused by a disease infectious nature, except medications, there is a list of factors that can improve the condition and speed up recovery.

You can drink tea with mint, a decoction of ginger root with lemon and cloves, fruit compotes, water

Firstly, it is necessary to provide access to fresh, moist air into the room. In such a room it will be easier to breathe, and in a room with dry air, the spread of infections occurs faster. If it is not possible to purchase a special apparatus for humidifying the air, then you can do without folk method- hang wet towels on the batteries.

When defeated respiratory tract inhalations are often shown. The effect of the procedure will be enhanced by the addition of eucalyptus, sage, mint oils. Such additives will eliminate perspiration, irritation. You can use an aroma lamp. Aroma procedures are especially convenient for treating children who do not like to do inhalations.

Smoking can be both a provoking factor and aggravate the course of the disease. In order to cure the throat as soon as possible, it is recommended to stop smoking, since constant exposure tobacco smoke on the mucous membrane will lead to irritation, and there will be no effect from the treatment.

If your throat is constantly sore, you can use gargles with Chlorhexidine or tincture of calendula. A decoction with chamomile, succession, eucalyptus is also suitable. However, it is advisable to use gargles when the upper part of the throat hurts. If the condition is accompanied by coughing, wheezing, then the source of the lesion is in the lower part, and rinsing may not affect the focus of inflammation. You can also use lozenges, which are local remedy treatment. They are characterized by antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. Similarly, you can use drugs in the form of a spray and aerosol.

Why see a doctor?

Frequent pain may indicate serious illness. Self-medication in such cases may be ineffective or lead to the spread of infection further through the body. For example, if the treatment of chronic tonsillitis is not started on time, then it may end in the development of a purulent abscess. (Moscow), 25.02.2016

It often happens that a person is quite long time suffering from the same problem. And you just can't deal with it. For example, a sore throat constantly. The causes, as well as ways to get rid of the problem, are described in this article.

Main reasons

Initially, we need to understand why this might be so. If the throat constantly hurts, the reasons may be the following:

The action of pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.

The action of an irritant that lives in the external environment. It could be cigarette smoke, drinking cold drinks, etc.

Throat injury.

Psychological factors. Often illnesses and problems with the body are far-fetched. For example, a child may have a sore throat all the time if the baby strongly does not want to go to kindergarten or school.

But still, the cause of pain is mainly a variety of diseases that cause such an unpleasant symptom.

Very often, persistent sore throats are caused by angina. This infectious disease, in which the pain in the throat is very severe, often radiates to the ear and neck, the palatine tonsils become inflamed (the disease is also called acute tonsillitis). There may be a plaque on the tonsils. However, it is observed only in the case purulent tonsillitis. At viral disease plaque on the tonsils is absent. However, the tonsils are inflamed anyway and have the shape of small rounded balls. In this case, you can get rid of the problem with the help of medications. For rinsing, it is best to use antibacterial agents "Rivanol", "Furacilin". Lozenges that are designed to relieve sore throats - Falimint, Strepsils. Throat sprays "Yoks", "Oracept" are also suitable.


In this case sore throat acquires a red color, its mucous membrane becomes inflamed. Pain in this case is not too strong, but often accompanied by perspiration. At the time of acceptance warm food or hot liquid, the symptoms may disappear altogether or be erased as much as possible. However, they return after a while. Also at acute pharyngitis discolored mucus may collect on the back of the larynx, which provokes a cough. The treatment is local, that is, the use of tablets for sore throats, for example, Strepsils, Ingalipt or Kameton sprays, is relevant. Be sure to rinse with antiseptic preparations, such as "Iodinol" or "Furacilin".

chronic diseases

Very often, it is chronic diseases of the throat that provoke constant pain, that is, tonsillitis or pharyngitis in a neglected form. Symptoms are not so pronounced, but are present relatively for a long time.

allergic reactions

If a person constantly has a sore throat, the reasons may be hiding in an allergic reaction of the body to a certain irritant. With such a problem, in addition to sore throat, swelling of the larynx can also occur, tearing is observed, and sometimes there is a runny nose. An allergen can be dust, plant pollen, animal dander, or food. In this case, the sore throat will go away if you isolate yourself from the action of the allergen. You can also take such anti-allergic drugs as "L-Cet", "Cetrin".

dry air

If a person has a sore throat in the morning, the cause may be dry air in the room. The lack of moisture easily irritates the mucous membranes, which provokes pain. It should also be noted that dry air is an excellent breeding ground for viruses and bacteria, which are easiest to penetrate into oral cavity person. So if your throat hurts in the morning, you need to think about moisturizing the room. This can be done either with the help of special devices - air humidifiers, or with the help of regular wet cleaning and more frequent ventilation of the room. Tumors

If the throat constantly hurts, the causes may be hiding in the tumors. Most often they are localized in the larynx. Cause constant pain, which can increase over time. It becomes painful not only to eat, but even to speak. The voice may change. In this case, it is best to detect the problem as early as possible. Indeed, in this case, it will be much easier and faster to deal with it.

A little about children

If a child constantly has a sore throat, there may be several reasons for this: A disease that has just arisen and is developing.

Consequences of the transferred disease.

The psychological factor, when the pain is far-fetched and is an excuse not to perform certain actions. In this case, unpleasant sensations can indeed arise, but they pass by themselves, through certain time. Application medicines in this case, most often it is not required.

If we talk about children, then I would like to note that even with the most slightest problems need to seek medical advice. After all, it is best to find the problem on early stage when you can with her short terms deal with it quickly. Children are prescribed "Grammidin", "Lizobakt", "Tandum Verde".

Causes non-infectious nature

Not only a sore throat can cause discomfort. So, pain occurs without the presence of any kind of infection. In this case, the reasons may be:

Prolonged load on the oropharynx. This is observed in the case of frequent oral sex, as well as a long stay in the mouth of a large object.

Laryngeal injuries. Most often, the throat is injured by fish bones, bread crumbs, sharp metal objects (for example, forks).

External trauma to the throat, which causes constant pain. This may be due to prolonged squeezing or hit.

Burning of the mucous membrane, which can be when consuming too hot liquid or while inhaling steam.

Pain in the throat for a long time can persist in postoperative period(for example, after removal of the tonsils or opening of an abscess).

Irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat due to the use of certain medications.

A sore throat can also be caused by a deficiency of vitamins A, C and B.

It is important to note that if the pain is non-infectious, it will not be aggravated by swallowing or talking. In this case, lollipops for resorption, for example, Septolete, or even simple mint sweets, are suitable to get rid of the problem.

Diseases that are not associated with diseases of the throat

It should also be noted that a variety of diseases that are not at all associated with this organ can cause pain in the throat. So, for example, the throat can be irritated with gastro-food reflux. In this case, the contents of the stomach can be thrown into the esophagus, as a result of which it is irritated by gastric juice.

You also need to talk about Eagle's syndrome, when the cause becomes anatomical feature human throat. In this case, the patient has a too long styloid process. This results in irritation nerve endings which causes constant pain. Also discomfort in this body may result from vegetative dystonia, osteochondrosis cervical spine, neuralgia.

Sore throat may be due to various processes occurring in the pharyngeal cavity, both acute and chronic. Factors contributing to the fact that the throat often hurts are:

  • exposure to pathogenic microorganisms;
  • environmentally unfavorable background;
  • harmful production;
  • bad habits;
  • injury.

TEST: Find out what's wrong with your throat

Have you had fever body on the first day of illness (on the first day of symptoms)?

For a sore throat, you:

How often for Lately(6-12 months) Are you experiencing similar symptoms(a sore throat)?

Feel the neck area just under lower jaw. Your feelings:

At sharp rise temperatures you used antipyretic drug(Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). After that:

What sensations do you experience when you open your mouth?

How would you rate the effect of throat lozenges and other topical pain relievers (sweets, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone close to look down your throat. To do this, rinse your mouth clean water for 1-2 minutes, open your mouth wide. Your assistant should illuminate himself with a flashlight and look into the oral cavity by pressing a spoon on the root of the tongue.

On the first day of illness, you clearly feel an unpleasant putrefactive bite in your mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to a sore throat, you are worried about coughing (more than 5 attacks per day)?

Environmental factor

Most comfortable conditions for the mucous membrane of the throat is clean moist air, without harmful impurities and smoke. Thus, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the throat is noted with the advent of cold weather and the inclusion of central heating or heating devices that dry the air. Under these conditions, the mucous throat dries up, becomes more susceptible to the action of bacterial and viral pathogens.

It is dry air that is one of the causes of sore throat.

Industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust gases that exceed the maximum allowable values ​​in the air also have irritant effect on the respiratory mucosa and lead to the development periodic pain in the throat. Exist Scientific research, indicating an increase in cases of ENT pathology, including oncological diseases, among residents of large industrial centers. At the same time, an indisputable fact is a significant improvement in the condition of patients with chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis after a sanatorium treatment in a mid-latitude climate, mountainous areas or on the sea coast.

Industrial hazards

Similar causes of sore throat in an adult working in a cement plant, chemical industry. In this case, regular inhalation of air containing dangerous impurities occurs. This can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in any part of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. ABOUT negative impact These factors are evidenced by an improvement in the state when an employee is transferred to another job that is not related to hazardous production.

Among the components of harmful impurities may be substances that are allergens for some patients. This can further aggravate the situation, cause a state of bronchospasm. In connection with the appearance of persistent or recurrent sore throat, not associated with exposure to pathogenic pathogens, the patient should consult an otolaryngologist. In cases where the cause of the deterioration of well-being can be associated with production process should change careers. Otherwise, the condition will progressively worsen.

The reason for the development discomfort in the throat there can be not only dangerous impurities in the air. The professional activity of lecturers, teachers, singers is associated with overstrain of the tissues of the larynx, which leads to chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, manifested by constant sore throat, voice change, dry cough.


The cause of constant sore throat in an adult may be regular trauma to the mucous membrane. Micro-scratches obtained when the mucosa is damaged by rough food, sharp bones are also dangerous for development. traumatic injury throat. Eating too hot food or drinks, as well as strong alcoholic drinks, which include synthetic products, an adult patient contributes to the development of the inflammatory process in the pharynx and larynx.

The change in the patient's voice indicates the involvement of the larynx in the process. He becomes rough, hoarse.

Infectious and tumor processes

The most common causes of persistent sore throat are pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. Hypothermia, dry and polluted air are only predisposing factors for this. The low immunity of the patient contributes to the fact that the interaction of the organism with disease-causing agents leads to the development of a pathological condition.

Frequent SARS, which can develop several times a year, are the most common cause of sore throat. Despite the fact that the disease is caused by various viruses, clinical manifestations her similar. Typical symptoms, in addition to pain in the throat, are

  • acute onset;
  • malaise;
  • headache;
  • runny nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dry cough;
  • rise in temperature to 38 degrees.

Repeated development of the disease during the year indicates weak immunity patient. Main therapeutic actions in this case aimed at increasing defensive forces organism.

First of all, it is necessary to study concomitant pathology. To do this, it is necessary to conduct surveys and identify foci chronic infection, as well as diseases accompanied by a decrease in immunity. Frequent SARS are observed against the background diabetes, hypothyroidism, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis. Exists enough facts confirming that the sanitation of teeth and gums helps to reduce the incidence of chronic tonsillitis. The same is true for other comorbidities.

Not the least role in reducing immunity is played by bad habits, alcohol abuse and smoking. Having stopped exposure to these factors, many patients notice an improvement in their health within the next few months. At the same time, active lifestyle, physical education, walking on fresh air, compliance with the daily regimen is an important component of maintaining necessary immunity. Complete nutrition, consisting of all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, also helps to maintain immunity at the required level. In severe cases, immunocorrection is indicated.

The cause of constant pain in the throat, sensation of a lump may be a tumor. The risk group in this case are smokers and workers in hazardous workshops. In some cases, the symptoms are characterized by scarcity and are found only upon close examination. In other cases, attention is drawn to a change in the timbre of the voice, its hoarseness.

In all cases, the appearance of pain when swallowing may be noted. Symptoms develop slowly over several months. That is why it is so necessary to conduct annual medical examinations to identify severe pathology in the early stages.

Infectious mononucleosis

viral disease, Infectious mononucleosis, is also accompanied by pain in the throat for a long time. In some cases, the presence given symptom more than 10 days and is a reason to suspect this infection. In this case, the infectious disease specialist will pay attention not only to the swelling of the tonsils, but also to the increase lymph nodes in the armpit and inguinal region, prolonged subfebrile condition, the presence of a rash.

In a significant proportion of patients, there is an increase in the liver and spleen, which is reflected in the performed liver tests. An obligatory symptom is a change in the blood formula. Depending on the period of examination, atypical cells or lymphocytosis may be detected. The condition progressively improves, laboratory parameters return to normal within 2-3 months. In the future, the patient develops a strong immunity to this disease.

Chronic tonsillitis

A common cause of frequent sore throat is chronic tonsillitis. The disease develops as a result of incorrect or untimely treatment acute tonsillitis and proceeds against the background of reduced immunity. In addition to frequent sore throat, patients are concerned about prolonged low-grade fever, fatigue (both physical and mental), pain in the heart, swelling and pain in the joints.

Pharyngoscopy helps clarify the diagnosis. A study conducted by an otolaryngologist reveals enlarged tonsils, adhesions between them, as well as anterior and posterior arches. An important sign, indicating the development of chronic tonsillitis, is the detection of purulent contents in the crypts of the tonsils.

Confirmation of the inflammatory process is the presence of enlarged and painful lymph nodes located along the front surface of the neck and near the angle of the lower jaw.

sexually transmitted infections

Another severe pathology that may be accompanied by a sore throat is HIV infection. The development of this symptom is due to the addition of a secondary infection. Most often, the causative agent is pathogenic fungi, which lead to the development of candidal stomatitis.

In adults, the cause of the development of discomfort in the throat can be sexually transmitted pathogens, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma. Holding serological diagnosis and bacterioscopic examination of the smear make it possible to clarify the nature of such a pathogen. Based on the results of the study, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment, antimicrobial drugs.

Due to the variety of diseases, when the throat hurts very often, the patient should consult an ENT doctor in a timely manner. Often based pathological conditions are chronic processes. Important role in their treatment and prevention play activities aimed at increasing immunity, which requires time. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the sooner the result will be achieved.

The article describes the common causes of a constant sore throat, as well as methods of treatment and prevention.

Unpleasant sensations in the oropharynx cause discomfort, can provoke a deterioration in appetite and indicate the presence of a serious pathology.

Persistent pain is most often a response to inflammation or injury.

Persistent sore throat: causes

According to medical research, chronic pain in the throat occurs in about 15% of the population. Complaints of prolonged discomfort in this area occur in 20-25% of people. In a small number of cases causative factor stress appears, otherwise you should look for a chronic inflammatory process, tumors.

Common reasons why your throat constantly hurts when swallowing:

Chronic tonsillitis- This chronic illness as a result of frequent angina. With this disease, the palatine tonsils hypertrophy (increase in size), scars appear on their surface and purulent plugs. For a long time, such patients are worried about discomfort in the throat area, frequent exacerbations.

Pharyngitis is chronic inflammation posterior pharyngeal wall, characterized by hypertrophy of its follicles. Patients with chronic pharyngitis complain that their throat hurts for a long time and does not go away, they are worried about the feeling of itching and a dry periodic cough.

Chronic laryngitis is a long-term inflammatory process in the larynx and ligamentous apparatus, most commonly seen in adults. In addition to pain, a person is worried about hoarseness of voice, frequent rough cough.

Candidiasis of the larynx – fungal infection which may not manifest itself for a long time. After a few months, there is pain, constant irritation, white plaque on the mucous membrane.

ABOUT chronic process they say if the disease bothers more than 6 months in a row or several years. As a rule, unpleasant symptoms in the above pathologies occur without fever.

Among noncommunicable diseases such complaints may be caused by:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • diffuse goiter (pathology thyroid gland);
  • tumor process in the oropharynx or larynx;
  • reflux disease, diaphragmatic hernia, injury.

In addition, these chronic diseases have other specific symptoms, which help the doctor decide on a plan for diagnosis and treatment.
Source: website

The child has

If a child complains that he has a sore throat all the time, it is necessary to exclude an acute or prolonged infectious process. It could be:

With angina, there is almost always intoxication (high body temperature, chills, lethargy, decreased appetite) and sharp pain at rest, when swallowing. When examining the pharynx, one can see enlarged, bright red, on the surface of which there may be a usual effusion, small white dotted or solid yellowish-gray plaques.

Acute nasopharyngitis characterized by combined inflammation of the nasal mucosa and posterior pharyngeal wall. The child may have nasal congestion - a runny nose, abundant clear or slightly cloudy discharge from it; pain and soreness during meals, at rest. During the examination of the oral cavity, the doctor will see a highly hyperemic pharyngeal wall and enlarged follicles on it.

In case of prolonged flow acute laryngitis, in addition to severe discomfort in the larynx, the child will be disturbed for a long time frequent cough rough character, lowering the timbre of the voice. Perhaps an increase in body temperature, the periodic appearance of shortness of breath.

Also, Dr. Komarovsky always reminds that in childhood often allergic to food products, flowering herbs and trees. One of the manifestations of an allergic reaction is the pharynx.

The baby may complain of discomfort in the throat, a feeling of suffocation. At infants hallmark allergic edema the absence of a voice, the blueness of the nasolabial triangle and frequent shortness of breath are considered. If left untreated, the condition can worsen in days or even hours.

Chronic sore throat: symptoms

For chronic tonsillitis an adult has a constantly red throat, palatine tonsils are deformed by scar tissue, and purulent plugs are found in their lacunae. The latter are a source of infection, because they contain the waste products of microbes, desquamated epithelium.

Typical symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in the oropharynx, perspiration;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent exacerbations occurring with increased symptoms and fever.

Chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis also proceed with meager complaints, so people often wonder why the throat constantly hurts and the body temperature does not rise. May be disturbed by periodic coughing, a feeling of scratching, discomfort while swallowing food, saliva.

Throat inflamed with fungus more common in older people or in people with immunodeficiency, against the background of long-term use of hormones, cytostatic drugs.

As the disease progresses, complaints appear that you often want to swallow, there are unpleasant sensations in the mouth, throat, itching. White lamellar plaques appear on the mucous membranes, which are rejected over time, leaving behind erosion.

People with cervical osteochondrosis they often complain that in the morning their neck, throat aches, a feeling of numbness of the hands appears. Tension headaches and dizziness are also common. Symptoms get worse after long sitting or sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

At diffuse goiter the thyroid gland is so enlarged that it compresses the trachea. It may interfere normal breathing, cause a feeling of a lump in the throat, pain, choking when swallowing saliva or food.

There are also complaints about:

  • hair loss, weight loss;
  • frequent headaches, cold hands and feet;
  • emotional instability, tremor;
  • diarrhea, abdominal pain.

For long course reflux disease also characterized by pronounced discomfort in the larynx, choking, frequent dry cough and discomfort in chest. The classic symptoms of the disease are heartburn, constant belching with a sour smell.

From tumors in the oropharynx often there are multiple polyps on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, larynx, vocal cords, infiltrative cancer, adenocarcinomas.

In this case, the symptoms bother for 2 months or more, do not go away against the background of anti-inflammatory therapy. Patients may complain about constant discomfort, difficulty swallowing, an increase in the neck on one side, a sharp weight loss.

When is medical attention needed?

If signs of a disease appear that do not go away during treatment, it is always advisable to go to the hospital for an examination and receive qualified assistance.

Alarming symptoms, in which you should definitely visit a doctor:

  • constant pain syndrome, which only intensifies with time;
  • discomfort in the neck, larynx, which does not go away for more than a month;
  • an increase in intoxication (fever, chills, weakness), the appearance of difficulties with swallowing saliva, food, frequent choking;
  • the appearance of signs of suffocation: shortness of breath, severe pallor, or vice versa - blueness of the skin, nasolabial triangle;
  • neck reshaping, a sharp decline body weight.

Do not neglect medical advice if the throat is quite often inflamed, on the tonsils, and all this is accompanied high temperature body.

Diagnosis: what tests to pass?

In order to cure a person or relieve symptoms, it is necessary to establish the cause of the complaints. For this, in addition to the usual survey and examination, additional laboratory, instrumental and functional research methods are prescribed.


With frequent infections of the oropharynx, chronic tonsillitis in without fail perform bacteriological examination swab from the nose and throat.

After some time (on average after 5-6 days), this analysis will show the causative agent of the disease, its concentration and the spectrum of antibacterial drugs with which you can fight against the infection.

From laboratory examinations also appointed:

  • clinical analysis blood, blood test for hormones (free T4, TSH, T3);
  • blood for tumor markers;
  • blood for sterility, antibodies to certain infections.

IN rare cases use a biochemical study of peripheral blood, smears on fungal flora. From instrumental and functional examinations, they can use:

  • direct, indirect laryngoscopy, ;
  • fibrogastroscopy to exclude or confirm pathological reflux;
  • ultrasound scan of the thyroid gland, palatine tonsils, regional lymph nodes;
  • puncture fine-needle biopsy of tumors with subsequent histological analysis.

The number and nature of research is determined only by the doctor. In some cases, they resort to the consultation of related specialists: an endocrinologist, a surgeon, an oncologist, an infectious disease specialist.


To eliminate pain during or after a sore throat, it is advisable to use local antiseptics in the form of tablets or lozenges for resorption ("Lizobakt", "Decatilene", "Septefril", "Angistop", "Pharingosept", "Geksoral-Tabs").

Antiseptic aerosols or solutions for irrigating the oral cavity, rinsing (Chlorophyllipt, Rotokan, Tantum-Verde, Ingalipt) have a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

If available allergic reaction or there is a history of spontaneous laryngospasm for the introduction of aerosols, resorption of lozenges, it is better to use a rinse:

  • (two tablets dissolve in 250 ml of pure warm water; the procedure is performed 3-5 times a day, each time with a new solution);
  • (taken half a small spoon per 200 ml clean water; the oral cavity is processed 3-4 times a day).

In case of fungal infection positive effect will provide rinsing procedures with Metrogil, Miramistin or a banal saline solution.

Angina is almost always treated with antibiotics. Semi-synthetic or protected penicillins (Flemoxin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav) are considered starting. Macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin) and cephalosporins (Zinnat, Zinacef) are highly effective.

With a cold, there is no need to prescribe antibiotics, it is enough symptomatic therapy in the form of local antiseptics and antipyretic drugs.

To eliminate discomfort with reflux disease, it is enough to take antacids in the morning (Almagel, Phosphalugel) and prokinetics (Domperidone, Duspatalin) for one or two weeks in the morning.

If you can't get rid of from heartburn, it is recommended to undergo complete eradication therapy, which usually consists of two antibiotics and one antisecretory drug (Omeprazole, for example).

With allergic etiology discomfort and pain should start taking antihistamines("Suprastin", "Zirtek", "Cetrin", "Fenistil") or hormones for intramuscular injection short course ("Dexamethasone"). Any antiseptics in the form of aerosols are excluded from treatment.

With laboratory confirmation diffuse toxic goiter to stop the growth of the thyroid gland and stop unpleasant symptoms prescribe cytotoxic drugs, sometimes in combination with steroid hormones.

With cervical osteochondrosis massage helps a lot physiotherapy, swimming, occasional wearing of the stabilizing Shants collar. All this will also help to remove soreness in the throat.

If the pain does not cease to disturb, it is necessary to consult a doctor again for help and further additional examination.

How to treat folk remedies?

The use of alternative medicine is justified only in the case of relief of an acute inflammatory process, as well as in the absence of contraindications in the form of allergic reactions, etc.

Popular and effective homemade recipes for soreness in the oropharynx:

  1. Figs with milk. 8-10 berries should be boiled in 200 ml of milk, after which the resulting broth cools, taken 3-5 times a day and always before bedtime.
  2. Honey with lemon. Freshly squeezed juice from 2-3 lemons must be mixed with a small glass bee honey. The resulting remedy is recommended to dissolve every half an hour during the first 1-2 days of illness.
  3. Raspberry tea with rose hips. The tool has a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Tea is taken every 3-4 hours.
  4. Chamomile decoction. In the pharmacy, you can buy medicinal chamomile in special bags that are brewed like regular tea. The resulting decoction can be gargled 3 to 5 times a day.

What diseases can not be used folk medicine and phytopreparations: pathology of the thyroid gland, fungal pharyngitis, tumor processes, acute laryngitis, allergic reaction with laryngeal edema.

How to speed up recovery?

In order to reduce the duration of treatment and prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to go to the hospital at the first signs of the disease.

Help in speedy recovery in infectious processes, rational antibiotic therapy can be selected taking into account sensitivity (for this, a bacteriological examination of a smear from the posterior pharyngeal wall and tonsils is performed).

Thorough rinsing of the mouth, taking mechanically and chemically gentle food, frequent warm drink It will also help to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.


To date, there are no drugs that can "boost" immunity. It is enough to exercise regularly, take a balanced diet, limit contact with infectious patients and receive timely treatment.

People with chronic pathology, even in the absence of complaints, they must undergo an annual medical examination, if necessary, preventive treatment.

Questions to the doctor

How long can a sore throat with angina last?

On average, the pain syndrome persists for 3-5 days. This is provided that the systemic and local treatment in the form of taking antibacterial drugs, rinsing. Otherwise, the infectious process will spread, and the pain will not go anywhere.

With pharyngitis?

Inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall often occurs with severe pain especially during meals and swallowing liquids. They can disturb the patient from 3 to 10 days if therapy has been started, anti-inflammatory drugs and local antiseptics are used.

If nothing helps?

In this case, it is worth contacting your doctor again, repeating the clinical blood test (to exclude the aggravation of the infection, the addition of a new one), and review the treatment plan. You may need to consult other specialists, additional laboratory or functional studies.

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