What is acute laryngitis. Symptoms and treatment of acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. The disease can be independent, which is quite rare, or a consequence of a cold or acute respiratory viral infection (influenza, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza), when the inflammatory process involves the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx, and sometimes the lower respiratory tract (bronchi, lungs).

Causes of acute laryngitis

The main cause of the disease is respiratory viruses. Bacteria such as staphylococcus or streptococcus can also provoke a disease that occurs independently or against the background of ARVI. Scientists also identify some other causes of acute laryngitis:

  1. Staying in a smoky room for a long time, even such an innocent pastime as long sitting near a fire and, therefore, inhaling smoke from it, can cause laryngitis.
  2. Even long conversations can provoke illness. For example, a fan who actively supports his favorite team at the stadium may feel a sore throat and notice hoarseness in his voice the next day or in the late afternoon.
  3. Smoking is the most powerful irritant; many experienced smokers notice such a symptom of laryngitis as hoarse voice. If laryngitis appears on its own, and not after some disease, for example, a sore throat, then the cause must be sought in the presence of a constant irritant. In this case, it is tobacco smoke.
  4. People who work in jobs that involve constant contact with dust, steam, smoke and other irritants that can eventually damage the mucous membrane of the throat are at risk of developing acute laryngitis, leading to.

Acute laryngitis: symptoms and signs

From the very beginning, the disease may not have any effect on the person’s general well-being; only a slight discomfort is possible. Body temperature is often normal, in some cases only slightly elevated. Over time, a feeling of dryness, the presence of a foreign body, burning, scratching, possibly painful swallowing appears, and sometimes a painful dry cough appears. At the beginning of the disease, the voice quickly becomes tired, then becomes hoarse, hoarse, and sometimes partially disappears. Patients often experience aphonia, when the voice loses sonority, but whispered speech remains. The cough turns from dry to wet, first mucous and then mucopurulent sputum is released.

A special examination of the throat using a mirror reveals a reddened and swollen mucous membrane of the larynx, the vocal folds are thickened and become pink or bright red. Most often, a diagnosis can be made immediately after such an examination.

Treatment of acute laryngitis in adults and children

Most cases of laryngitis are viral in nature, so effective ways There is very little treatment. The best option is rest and supportive care to relieve symptoms. The illness lasts about a week, at the end of which the symptoms disappear. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and procedures in the hospital, for example, electrophoresis or sessions with a phonopedist. There are some recommendations that must be followed so that the disease passes faster and causes a minimum discomfort. These include:

  1. Limiting vocal activity, or better yet, not talking at all. However, if it is impossible to create complete vocal rest, then it is better to speak in an even and calm voice rather than whisper, since whispering speech increases the load on the larynx.
  2. Avoid spicy, salty, hot foods.
  3. Eliminate bad habits - alcohol and smoking.
  4. As prescribed by your doctor, take inhalations containing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, alkaline inhalations are very useful mineral water.
  5. Observe drinking regime, you need to drink as much fluid as possible, which acts as a preventive measure for drying out the larynx. You need to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, sometimes you can replace water with fruit juice, berry juice or herbal tea. Very useful for acute laryngitis hot tea with honey. Warm tea soothes affected throat tissue, and honey has an antibacterial effect, creating an environment that prevents the growth of bacteria.

Acute laryngitis: treatment with folk remedies

There are many effective folk recipes for the treatment of this disease in adults and children, which are very easy to implement at home. The most effective of them are:

  1. Honey and carrots. Need a glass carrot juice, in which you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. honey Take 1 tbsp. several times a day.
  2. Mix a glass of honey and half a glass of lemon juice, take 1 tsp. every 5 minutes. If desired lemon juice can be replaced with cranberry.
  3. We take honey and plantain juice in equal quantities and simmer the mixture in a water bath for half an hour. Store the resulting product in a cool, dark place and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  4. Boil 100 g of carrots in 0.5 liters of milk, take the resulting broth orally in a glass 3 times a day.
  5. Boil 1-2 cloves of chopped garlic in a glass of milk. Drink warm milk in small sips over 30 minutes.
  6. Boil 50 g of raisins in 0.5 liters of water for 15 minutes, add the juice of one onion to the prepared broth and take 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

Folk remedies for acute laryngitis are effective, they can be treated, but only as a adjuvant therapy. Drug treatment and physiotherapy prescribed by an otolaryngologist cannot be ignored or replaced.

Laryngitis - clinical syndrome lesions of the larynx caused by inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane due to the development of viral or bacterial etiology or other reasons, manifested in the form of acute or chronic form. Development is promoted by hypothermia, breathing through the mouth, dusty air, overstrain of the larynx, smoking and drinking alcohol.

The course of the disease depends on a number of conditions (age, body resistance, adequacy of therapy, etc.). How to treat laryngitis, what are the symptoms and first signs in adults, as well as the main methods of prevention - we will talk in more detail in this article.

What is laryngitis?

Laryngitis is a disease respiratory system, in which the mucous membrane of the larynx is affected. In adults, the disease is accompanied by a change in voice, up to its complete loss, coughing, and breathing problems. It can occur independently or be a continuation of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, nasopharynx or nasal cavity in cases of acute respiratory diseases.

The fact is that when we talk, our vocal cords begin to vibrate, which is why sound appears. But with this disease, the vocal cords swell and completely lose their voice. unique property. At the same time, the airways also narrow, it becomes a little difficult to breathe; another characteristic of the disease may be the so-called barking cough.

It is important to realize in time that silence is golden in the literal sense of the word. It’s better to talk in a whisper for a few days than to suffer for many weeks later.

Types of disease

There are two forms of laryngitis: acute, which lasts only a few days, and chronic, which lasts for weeks or months.

Acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis relatively rarely develops as independent disease. It is usually a symptom of ARVI (flu, adeno viral infection, parainfluenza), in which the inflammatory process also involves the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx, and sometimes the lower respiratory tract(bronchi, lungs). Acute laryngitis can occur as a result of excessive strain vocal cords, such as shouting, cheering, singing or making speeches.

Chronic laryngitis in adults

The chronic form results from acute manifestation in the absence of treatment or becomes the result of infection from chronic sources of the pathogen (disease inflammatory in nature in the nasopharynx). It is often diagnosed in smokers, since tobacco smoke negatively affects the condition of the epithelial layer and leads to its depletion, as a result of which the mucous membrane becomes susceptible to the effects of negative factors.

The outcome of chronic laryngitis in adults depends on its form. For hypertrophic and atrophic chronic laryngitis full recovery doesn't come. Prevention is aimed at eliminating causative factors.

Sometimes due to the similarity of the clinical picture this pathology confused with, however, how to treat laryngitis in an adult and what to do with pharyngitis are very different. Therefore, before being diagnosed by a doctor accurate diagnosis You should not take any medications.

Also distinguished:

  • Catarrhal laryngitis– the patient has a sore throat, hoarseness, a feeling of rawness in the throat, an intermittent cough, dry and poorly expressed. The course is favorable and easy. Characteristic symptoms of laryngitis in adults: most often patients complain of dysphonia, hoarseness, soreness, rawness and dryness in the throat with normal or low-grade fever. Sometimes a dry cough occurs, which is subsequently accompanied by expectoration of sputum.
  • Atrophic type of laryngitis characterized by a decrease in the thickness of the mucous membrane. Given this feature, coughs often include discharge with traces of blood. Characteristic sign - the formation of yellow-green or dirty brown crusts on the mucous membrane is a distinctive feature.
  • Allergic laryngitis occurs in a patient with allergic reaction (allergic rhinitis, pharyngitis and others).
  • Hypertrophic laryngitis, unlike atrophic laryngitis, is characterized by thickening of the laryngeal mucosa. Excessively thickened areas of the larynx, in the form of whitish or transparent elevations, can become so large that they interfere with the closure of the vocal cords.
  • In case of diphtheria form the development of the disease occurs due to the spread of infection into the larynx from the tonsils. The mucous membrane becomes covered with a white membrane, which can detach and cause blockage of the airways at the level of the vocal cords. A similar membrane can also form during streptococcal infection.

Causes of occurrence in adults

The causative agents of laryngitis are divided into two groups:

  • viruses (influenza virus, parainfluenza, and others);
  • bacteria (the causative agent of scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, streptococci, staphylococci, mycobacteria, treponema and others).

The main causes of laryngitis:

  • General and local hypothermia, eating irritating food (usually very cold), cold drinking, mouth breathing, excessive vocal stress (long, loud conversation, singing, screaming) - all this leads to disruption of local defense systems, damage to the cellular structures of the mucous membrane and the development of inflammatory process. In the future, infection may occur.
  • Contacts with patients with whooping cough, influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections. Incubation period laryngitis infectious origin can range from several hours to several days depending on the pathogen.
  • Spread of infections from the paranasal sinuses, oral cavity and other nearby areas.
  • Inhalation of various irritants - contaminated with dust, soot, chemicals air.
  • Permanent or one-time strong tension vocal cords - prolonged loud conversation, as well as screaming, especially in the case of unfavorable conditions indicated in the previous paragraph.
  • Damage to the surface of the mucous membrane of the larynx - surgical intervention, mechanical ( fish bone, attempt to swallow poorly chewed food, crackers).
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking.
  • Laryngitis can develop if gastric contents enter the larynx (). This condition can develop in case of weakness of the esophageal sphincters, which normally prevent gastric contents from entering the esophagus, pharynx, and larynx.

Symptoms of laryngitis

Signs of inflammation of the larynx in adults can be suspected independently. The following symptoms may indicate the development of laryngitis:

  • The appearance of a dry cough;
  • Hoarseness of voice;
  • Sore and sore throat;
  • Severe pain when swallowing;
  • General malaise;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Increased amount in the blood.

Laryngitis in adults usually lasts from several days to 2 weeks. Usually after 2-3 days the body temperature normalizes and improves general health. Then the voice is restored and gradually the dry cough turns into a wet one and stops.

Throat in the photo with laryngitis

In the first seven to ten days the disease has acute course. If the inflammatory process lasts longer, then doctors diagnose chronic laryngitis.

Symptoms and signs in adults
Acute laryngitis
  • First, a person’s general health deteriorates, headache, weakness.
  • Performance drops sharply, constant drowsiness occurs.
  • At the same time, the temperature may rise, but this does not always happen, and the thermometer rarely rises above subfebrile levels. Typically, the temperature during laryngitis ranges from 37.0° to 37.5°.
  • there is a sore throat that gets worse when swallowing, coughing and trying to talk;
  • dry cough in the form of attacks with scanty sputum;
  • runny nose and nasal congestion.
Chronic laryngitis Characteristic, frequently recurring symptoms of the chronic form:
  • hoarse voice;
  • severe sore throat;
  • cough;
  • swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane.


The most common complication of laryngitis is tonsillitis. Often in acute phase there is a risk of developing laryngeal edema and false croup. In this condition, the person begins to choke, the skin turns pale, and the nasolabial triangle becomes blue. If a person in this condition is not given immediate assistance, he may die.

Chronic laryngitis can also lead to complications such as:

  • benign tumor formation in the larynx;
  • proliferation of polyps, formation of cysts or granulomas;
  • development of laryngeal cancer;
  • laryngeal stenosis;
  • impaired mobility of the larynx.


Determination of symptoms and treatment of laryngitis in adults should be under the supervision of a physician.

During the diagnostic process, the doctor initially examines the medical history, conducts a physical examination and interviews the patient about the nature of the onset and development of the disease. A thorough examination of the sound of the voice, as well as the vocal cords, contributes to the selection the right approach to the treatment of the disease.

In addition to a general medical examination, the doctor may also additional methods studies, especially for chronic laryngitis or prolonged acute:

To a person who does not have medical education, you can diagnose laryngitis yourself, but the likelihood of an error is very high. Although pathology has characteristic symptoms, but in some cases it can take on a “blurred” flow. Some signs may be completely absent.

You should contact an otolaryngologist if:

  • Your symptoms do not improve within 2 weeks;
  • You have sudden severe pain (especially radiating to the ear), difficulty swallowing, or coughing up blood;
  • Suspect another disease;
  • There is a suspicion that laryngitis may become chronic.

Treatment of laryngitis in adults

Treatment of laryngitis involves following a gentle regimen (the patient requires rest) and eliminating factors that can increase inflammation (quitting smoking, spicy, cold and hot foods).

General treatment plan:

  • elimination possible reasons- reducing stress on the larynx and vocal cords (silence);
  • exclusion of foods that irritate the mucous membrane - carbonated drinks, salty, spicy foods;
  • complete cessation of smoking, alcoholic drinks, including beer, alcoholic cocktails;
  • copious warm drink- teas, infusions, decoctions, milk, jelly, juices.

If laryngitis has developed, treatment in adults can be carried out by prescribing the following: medicines local and systemic therapy:

  • external medications basic treatment: aerosols – Camphomen, Ingalipt, Tera-Flu; lozenges and absorbable tablets - Isla, Strepsils, Neo-Angin;
  • providing expectoration: Mucaltin, Prospan, Gedelix, Eucabal, Gerbion;
  • medications that can alleviate cough: Cofex, Sinekod;
  • antiallergic drugs (antihistamines): Zodak, Suprastin;
  • antibacterial antibiotic: Bioparox spray;
  • targeted antibiotics: Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Oxacillin and cephalosporins;
  • antiviral drugs: Fusafungin, Fenspiride;
  • improvement immune defense and strengthening the body - compositions based on radiola, aralia, pantocrine, eleutherococcus.

Antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) are prescribed for laryngitis only if the bacterial nature of the pathology is confirmed. To do this, perform bacterial culture and the causative agent of infection is identified. If this is not done, treatment may be ineffective due to the lack of sensitivity of some strains of bacteria to certain types antibiotics.

The use of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment gives good results. The following procedures may be prescribed to adult patients:

  • electrophoresis with novocaine;
  • microwave therapy;

How to treat acute laryngitis?

In adults, treatment of acute laryngitis should primarily be aimed at eliminating the problem that provoked the disease.

  • Local antibacterial drugs are used in the form of lozenges, aerosols, sprays, such as Strepsils, Hexoral, Tantum Verde, etc.
  • At severe pain in the throat, NSAIDs are prescribed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Nimesil, Nise, Nurofen. They effectively eliminate all symptoms associated with inflammation - pain, voice disturbance, etc.
  • To stimulate the activity of metabolic processes and increase the activity of the immune system, adaptogens are prescribed (tinctures of Eleutherococcus, pantocrine, ginseng, rosea radiola).
  • An excellent remedy for laryngitis is lubricating the throat with Lugol's solution. This remedy helps protect the laryngeal mucosa from exposure pathogenic flora. On the 3-4th day of illness, you can replace lubrication with Lugol's solution with sea ​​buckthorn oil. This substance promotes rapid restoration of the mucous membrane.

To ensure complete rest of the larynx, a person It is not recommended to talk for about a week. If this is not possible, you need to speak as quietly and softly as possible.

Before the mucous membrane of the larynx is restored, the doctor must prescribe strict diet, during which you should eat exclusively gentle food. However, it should not be too cold or hot.

An exact list of medications and recommendations for their use, as well as the advisability of inhalations, is given to the patient by the attending physician. Subject to compliance with prescribed therapy, normal state the patient returns within 10 days.

How to treat chronic laryngitis in adults?

It is almost impossible to completely get rid of the chronic form of laryngitis, but it is possible to achieve remission and reduce its manifestations to a minimum. It is worth noting that with a particularly pronounced inflammatory process and the development of complications, hospital treatment may be required. In the treatment of exacerbations of chronic laryngitis Special attention It is worth paying attention to the treatment of chronic infections that contribute to this exacerbation.

Its course for too long can disrupt voice function and completely change the patient's voice. And people suffering from chronic laryngitis are at risk for laryngeal cancer. Therefore, this disease must be treated comprehensively and until complete recovery.

For adults, laryngitis therapy will consist of the following procedures:

  • Taking medications and vitamins;
  • Alkaline and antibiotic inhalations;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Traditional medicine methods.

Great importance in treatment chronic inflammation larynx have non-drug methods:

  • to give up smoking;
  • voice rest;
  • gentle nutrition (warm, soft, neutral-tasting food, exclusion of spicy, hot and cold foods, carbonated drinks);
  • drinking plenty of fluids(alkaline mineral waters (“Naftusya”, Borjomi), warm milk with honey);
  • prevention of hypothermia;
  • ventilate the room in which the patient lives for 10 minutes every hour;
  • adequate microclimate (temperature and humidity) in the room.


Inhalation is effective for laryngitis. It is better if it is an ultrasonic inhaler, and the patient will breathe with infusion medicinal herb, for example chamomile.

Inhalation therapy can be using steam inhalations with herbs (chamomile, oregano, sage and others), potato steam, alkaline inhalations. This can be inhalation using a nebulizer (with mineral water or medications prescribed by a doctor). Inhalations are carried out from 3 to 7 times a day.

But know that steam inhalations cannot be carried out in the following cases:

  • at elevated temperatures,
  • with purulent processes in the nasopharynx,
  • intolerance to drugs used for inhalation,
  • adults with exacerbation bronchial asthma and other breathing disorders,
  • tendency to nosebleeds,


Proper therapy means an integrated approach to treating the disease; it cannot be done solely drug treatment. It is important to follow a certain diet. For laryngitis, adults are strictly prohibited from consuming:

  • all alcoholic drinks;
  • sparkling water;
  • seeds, nuts;
  • garlic, pepper, mustard, onion, horseradish;
  • seasonings, spices, herbs.

Food should be liquid or pureed, not too hot and not cold. It is advisable to exclude fried and fatty foods, and steam meat and fish.

Vegetable oils, which can be dropped a few drops into the nose or lubricated with them in the throat, will help in the fight against inflammation and irritation of the larynx. Fresh fruits, vegetables, juices will be of great benefit in the treatment of laryngitis, but they should be eaten in the form of purees.

Drinking for laryngitis should be warm (not hot) and quite plentiful. All products should be taken in small sips. Borjomi, milk and sage will help cope with the disease.

Folk remedies

Before use folk remedies for laryngitis, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

  1. At the first manifestations of laryngitis, it is advisable to drink more warm drinks. Tea should be decaffeinated, as caffeine has a dehydrating effect.
  2. Two teaspoons calamus pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 5 hours, use for gargling. 3 teaspoons of chopped onion peels are poured into 0.5 liters of water, let it boil and leave for 4 hours, filter and use for gargling.
  3. Ideal for treating laryngitis at home gargling with blueberry decoctions, beet juice and solution apple cider vinegar homemade. With false croup, the child is shown hot foot baths(procedure duration – 3-5 minutes).
  4. Gogol-mogol. To prepare, beat two yolks with a tablespoon of sugar, then add a tablespoon of melted butter and mix thoroughly. It is believed that using this remedy for 4-5 days twice a day helps restore your voice.
  5. For laryngitis, adults are recommended to use the following recipe: boil 3 finely chopped carrots in 1 liter of milk until tender; the broth can be rinsed and taken orally.
  6. K 100 ml vegetable oil add protein from chicken egg, to stir thoroughly. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
  7. Vitamin teas from linden, rowan, black elderberry which you can drink twice a day. Frozen viburnum is irreplaceable, which is also added to tea or eaten in its pure form.
  8. Another good folk remedy - tea with ginger and honey- the root is grated on a fine grater and added to tea, about 2 teaspoons of freshly grated ginger per 200 ml of boiling water, we eat honey, but only as a taste, do not add it to boiling water.

During treatment, and especially at home, It's important to listen to your body! If you feel significant discomfort and worsening laryngitis symptoms, it is better not to tempt fate and change the treatment method to a more proven one.

Prevention of laryngitis

Prevention of laryngitis in adults involves preventing factors leading to the development of the disease.

  • Remember that even some drugs can cause drying of the mucous membrane, so read the instructions before drinking.
  • Timely treatment cold infections and chronic bacterial lesions.
  • If an acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection occurs, adherence to the regime (home regimen, warm plenty of fluids, sparing the voice - speak quietly or whisper, do not be nervous, do not walk, avoid physical activity).
  • Fight with bad habits(smoking, alcohol).
  • You should also not forget about simple things, such as wet cleaning of premises: dust is the primary thing that can irritate absolutely any mucous membrane.
  • Sports activities.

Laryngitis is not related to serious illnesses, but its advanced cases sometimes require surgical intervention. To prevent this, it must be treated promptly and completely. To do this, we recommend that you contact an otolaryngologist at the first sign.

Acute laryngitis is a common disease that affects the upper respiratory tract, larynx area and vocal cords. Treatment of acute laryngitis consists of eliminating the disease and minimizing possible complications. To do this, you need to know the signs and causes that contribute to the development of the disease.

The main cause of acute laryngitis is viral in nature; it is also associated with chemical and mechanical irritation, overstrain of the ligaments.

In a natural position, the vocal cords work naturally and easily, smoothly opening and closing, due to this, sound is produced through vibration. If there is an inflammatory process in the ligaments, they become rough, there is swelling, the voice becomes hoarse and may disappear completely.

Acute laryngitis in adults is caused by:

  • The appearance of an ulcerative lesion in the area of ​​the vocal cords;
  • Polyps, nodules located on the surface of the mucosa;
  • Presence of chronic ENT diseases;
  • Paralysis of the vocal cords, subsequent injuries;
  • Modifications due to age.

What contributes to the formation of acute laryngitis?

  • destructive habits that have a detrimental effect on health (alcohol, smoking);
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • poor nutrition, excess weight;
  • frequent overstrain of the vocal cords;
  • dirty air and harmful working conditions;
  • weak immune system.

Microorganisms that cause this disease: pneumococcus, staphylococcus, catarrhal micrococcus.

Laryngitis can be caused by several types of bacteria at the same time. This disease is characterized by microepidemics, often arising in children's groups.

When the disease occurs, the mucous membrane of all parts of the pharynx is involved in the inflammatory process. Causes unrelated to infection can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of certain areas of this bodyvocal folds and epiglottis.

Laryngitis rarely occurs in isolated form. In addition to inflammation in the pharynx, this process can spread to other respiratory tracts.

Acute catarrhal laryngitis is an inflammatory process of the throat mucosa. How separate disease appears subsequently after activation of the flora, under the influence of endogenous factors.

How does acute laryngitis occur?

The disease is rapidly gaining momentum and is accompanied by:

  • Feeling of dry mouth.
  • In a hoarse voice, until he lost it.
  • Adults suffer from dry cough, heavy breathing, the skin takes on a bluish color;
  • The mucous membrane of the throat is red.

Let's consider the signs that are added to a cold or an infectious disease. These include:

  • tingling and sore throat;
  • pain when swallowing food;
  • whistling on inspiration;
  • heat;
  • headache.

Often the disease is accompanied by a dry cough, which over time turns into wet form. The person's voice gradually disappears. The reason for this process is swelling due to laryngitis. Therefore, it is recommended to treat the disease with silence. The appearance of a cough indicates a viral infection and initial stage pharyngitis. The cough continues for about a week, and if the treatment is incorrect, it can become chronic.

The appearance of the mucous membrane is red; there is swelling in the area of ​​the folds of the vestibule. Inflammation provokes vasodilation, blood, in turn, penetrates the mucous membrane and forms reddish dots. Redness only in the epiglottis, if the disease has isolated form. Often in the acute form, inflammation spreads to the tracheal area, and as a result, laryngotracheitis. As a rule, signs of the disease disappear after a week, but they can bother you for about fourteen days until they disappear completely.

Subglottic laryngitis is one of the types of acute laryngitis. It is popularly called false croup. In some cases it is a complication infectious diseases(scarlet fever).

First aid for an attack of acute laryngitis

The health of a patient with laryngitis leaves much to be desired. Temperature fluctuates, hoarse voice, dry cough. In some cases, aphonia occurs. The disease leads to swelling of the airways and the person may suffocate. In such a situation, it is necessary to quickly and correctly provide first aid before the arrival of doctors.

Help for an adult

The main thing is to act quickly. Everyone has available means that will relieve the inflammatory process, and these may not be medications at all; you can use folk remedies.

If you have symptoms of illness, follow these rules:

  • Do not speak;
  • Hot inhalations are prohibited, food is provided fresh and at room temperature;
  • Soda-based inhalations are recommended, medicinal herbs or oils, they need to be done several times a day;
  • Compresses are placed at night in the throat area;
  • Soar the legs with mustard;
  • It is allowed to supplement the procedures with mustard plasters:
  • The air in the room is humid, since dry air is harmful;
  • Plenty of warm drinks: milk, juices, mineral water;

If laryngitis is viral in nature, comprehensive treatment is provided. At mild form Sprays will come to the rescue of diseases (relieve sore throat); cough medicines.

Help a child

Laryngitis occurs in both adults and children at any time of the year. So always be on guard! After all, the disease is very unpleasant.

Without visible reasons at night the child may have an attack of suffocation. Laryngospasm is a type of acute laryngitis. Provide self-help The baby can do it if he has already had experience in overcoming this problem. And also if the disease is mild.

If breathing is heavy, give Noshpa or antihistamines; humidify the air; steam your feet; Distract the baby with something. You can give warm milk and add a little soda. If it worsens, take your child to the hospital immediately.

Remember, to avoid complications of laryngitis, be sure to see a doctor who will determine correct diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

How to treat acute laryngitis

To treat the disease, first of all follow the doctor’s advice and medication regimen.

It is advisable to do inhalations using a nebulizer or steam. Doctors recommend using Pulmicort or Berodual solution for manipulations. You can supplement inhalations essential oils, sage, eucalyptus. Procedures are done four times a day.

Physiotherapy is also prescribed. UHF and mustard plasters will help with dry cough. Later, inhalations are prescribed based on mineral water. Please note that laryngitis without a cough can also occur.

To return the functions of the vocal cords to their original form, electrophoresis is used. To get rid of tingling and sore throat, doctors recommend drinking warm milk, clean water with linden honey. The procedure is done twice before bedtime.


Our ancestors knew how to treat laryngitis using folk remedies many years ago. Therefore, do not be afraid to use traditional medicine recipes.

Anise seeds can easily restore a lost voice. Place the seeds halfway in a glass of water and boil for twenty minutes. The finished broth is filtered and added with a tablespoon of cognac and two tablespoons of honey, boil for five minutes. Take a teaspoon every half hour.

  • Rinses have positive action on the throat. Place a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of beet juice and gargle. It is good to sanitize the throat with herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile).
  • On the neck and chest area You can apply a compress and mustard plasters.
  • If breathing is impaired, foot baths for about half an hour are recommended.

Note! For the treatment of illness good decision– combine physiotherapy along with medications. Important point– after eliminating the signs of laryngitis, call a doctor, he will prescribe the proper treatment. If you follow your doctor's advice and take medications in a timely manner, treatment will not last long.

Drug therapy

The treatment process includes:

Reception antiviral drugs. They are prescribed if the disease is caused by viruses:

  • Interferon;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Anaferon;
  • Amizon.

The duration of the course is no more than five days.

If the cause of the disease is bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed. Treatment lasts from eight to ten days ( penicillin group), five days (macrolide group).

Erythromycin – effective antibiotic. Available in the form of tablets and capsules. For adults, the dosage is 0.25 grams; if the disease is severe, the dose is increased several times. The medicine is administered at intervals of 4 to 6 hours, it is recommended one and a half hours before meals. Maximum amount medication – 0.5 g, daily dose – two grams.

Children under fourteen years of age daily dose calculated based on 20 – 40 mg per kg, distributed over 4 days.

Extencillin is a new product in pharmacology; it remains effective for three to four weeks, but the drug should not be abused. The drug is used intramuscularly (intravenously is prohibited). When a doctor prescribes two injections a day, the injections are made in different buttocks. For children under 12 years of age, the dose is 0.6 million. The medication is administered daily or once every three days. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. In some cases, a specialist writes out an input in the amount of 1.2 million, but at intervals of two to four weeks.

For an adult, the dosage is twice as large, 1.2 million - twice a day. Extensillin is injected once a week. Contraindications: sensitivity of the body to the components included in the composition, asthma, fever.

In addition to antibiotics, bifidobacteria and probiotics are prescribed. With their help, the risk of dysbacteriosis is eliminated and digestive system comes back to normal. Medicines: Bifiform, Linex, Normobact.

Antipyretics. Medicines are used at temperatures above 38.5 C. For children it is recommended:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen.

For adults:

  • Fervex,
  • Theraflu,
  • Pharmacitron.

Such drugs are symptomatic, they allow you to temporarily relieve symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of the disease. Treatment is provided for no more than 5 days.

Treatment at home

Alkaline solutions

A soda-based solution is good for rinsing. One teaspoon per glass of water.


The root is passed through a coarse grater. The resulting gruel (two tablespoons), pour into a glass hot water. Wrap in a warm cloth and leave for 60 minutes. Drink the potion five times a day, a quarter of a glass, until recovery.

Figs and milk

Pour boiling milk over the figs and leave until warm. Take in small sips throughout the day.


The tincture is taken three times a day, 20 drops. Based on a third of a glass of water at room temperature.

Rose hip

Grind dry berries (2 cups) and take for ten days.

Five tablespoons of the pulp are placed in a thermos and a liter of hot water is added. Infuse all night, drink the infusion during the day.

Infusion for internal use

In equal proportions (1 tablespoon) chamomile, centaury, three-leaf cotton wool. Pour 4 cups of hot water and leave for ten hours. Then strain and drink one glass three times a day.

Honey based inhalations

Place a tablespoon of honey per liter of boiling water and grate the propolis root. Breathe medicinal vapors for ten minutes. Good effect I have inhalations with honey and anise. There are many options, but these are the most effective.

Complications of acute laryngitis

As mentioned above, laryngitis can be successfully treated with timely prescribed treatment. Cases cannot be excluded when inflammation becomes chronic nature, in which periods of remission are replaced by exacerbation. Laryngitis is most dangerous for children whose respiratory system may cause attacks of suffocation.

Types of complications:

  • Subglottic acute laryngitis – pathological process mucous membrane of the pharynx, there is large swelling in the subglottic region.
  • Diffuse laryngitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane and nearby organs of the respiratory system.
  • Acute laryngotracheitis - characterized by inflammation of the vocal cords, which progresses to lower sections respiratory system and affects the bronchi and trachea.
  • Epiglottitis - the epiglottis and lingual epiglottis are inflamed; children under seven years of age are at risk
  • Malignant form of laryngotracheobronchitis - inflammatory process lower parts respiratory system, in which sputum occurs.

Complications are a real threat to a person’s life, do not hesitate to go to the hospital.

Prevention of acute laryngitis

In the first place is playing sports permanent basis, in this way you can control the correctness of breathing and regularly strengthen the body, starting from childhood. It is necessary to frequently wash your hands with soap, use wet wipes, do not touch your nose and mouth with unclean hands, and do not contact people with ARVI. Application contrast shower and dousing cold water will be beneficial. Full sleep and stay on fresh air will provide positive effect to your health.

Hypothermia of the feet is enemy number one and causes many diseases. Conversation in cold air is kept to a minimum to protect the vocal cords. The air in the room should be moist and dust should be eliminated.

If your work involves harmful conditions labor, use a respirator for preventive purposes. When you get home, take inhalations to clear your airways of harmful compounds.

Be sure to value your health after suffering from laryngitis. Complications can occur if you are engaged in a vocal profession. At the first signs, patients in this category should seek help from doctors. It is necessary to carry out restorative therapy to exclude hypotonic dysphonia.

To get rid of unpleasant sensations in the throat, use cough drops, they will help moisturize oral cavity. Give preference to fruity flavors. Mints are prohibited as they dry out the throat.

People who talk a lot (singers, teachers) are under the supervision of a phoniatrist. The frequency of observation depends on chronic pathology. To avoid complications, patients need daily examination by a specialist.

Take timely care of your health!

– acute or chronic inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords, most often viral nature. It manifests itself as a feeling of dryness, scratching in the throat, hoarseness or lack of voice, and a “barking” cough. In children younger age There is a danger of developing false croup - swelling of the laryngeal mucosa, blocking the flow of air. The prognosis is generally favorable; the acute form of the disease may transition to chronic.

General information

– acute or chronic inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the larynx and vocal cords, most often of a viral nature. It manifests itself as a feeling of dryness, scratching in the throat, hoarseness or lack of voice, and a “barking” cough. In young children, there is a danger of developing false croup - swelling of the larynx, blocking the flow of air. The prognosis is generally favorable; the acute form of the disease may transition to chronic.

Acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis rarely develops as an independent disease. Usually it is one of the manifestations of ARVI, measles, influenza, whooping cough, scarlet fever and a number of other diseases. It is seasonal.

The risk of developing acute laryngitis increases with general or local hypothermia, inhalation of dusty air and irritating substances, overstrain of the vocal cords, smoking, gastroesophageal reflux, and alcohol abuse. Risk factors may include age-related changes larynx (deformation of the vocal cords, insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane, muscle atrophy).


Depending on the nature and depth of the lesion, two forms of acute laryngitis are distinguished:

  • Acute catarrhal laryngitis. The process involves the mucous membrane, submucosal layer and internal muscles larynx.
  • Acute phlegmonous laryngitis. Purulent lesion surface layers, muscles and ligaments of the larynx. Sometimes cartilage and periosteum are affected.

The disease begins acutely against the background full health or slight discomfort. Patients complain of dryness, burning, tickling, and scratching in the larynx. Sometimes there is a sensation of a foreign body, a convulsive superficial cough or pain when swallowing. The voice “sits down”, becomes rough and hoarse.

It is possible to develop aphonia, in which the patient can only speak in a whisper. Body temperature is normal or subfebrile. After some time, the cough becomes wet and separates when coughing. a large number of mucous or mucopurulent sputum. The duration of acute laryngitis is 7-10 days. In most cases, recovery occurs. Transition to subacute or chronic laryngitis is possible.


When the inflammatory process spreads to the subglottic space, acute laryngeal stenosis develops. In young children, acute laryngitis is sometimes accompanied by severe swelling of the laryngeal mucosa (false croup). Air access becomes difficult, the child suffocates, worries, and cries. In severe cases, brain function may be disrupted due to hypoxia. Loss of consciousness and even coma are possible. Symptoms of false croup are an indication for urgent hospitalization.


The diagnosis of acute laryngitis is established by an otolaryngologist based on the characteristic clinical picture and the results of a laryngoscopic examination. Laryngoscopy reveals swelling and diffuse hyperemia of the laryngeal mucosa, thickening and hyperemia of the vocal folds. There are pieces of sputum on the surface of the vocal cords. With the flu, hemorrhages sometimes appear in the mucous membrane.

A general blood test determines leukocytosis. If you suspect bacterial nature infectious agent, bacteriological examination of discharge and washings from the oropharynx is carried out.


Treatment of acute laryngitis is carried out on an outpatient basis. In case of acute laryngitis that occurs against the background of ARVI, the patient is indicated bed rest. In other cases, exemption from work is issued only to persons whose work requires constant performances (presenters, artists, teachers, lecturers, etc.).

Patients with acute laryngitis are advised not to talk if possible. When speaking, you should speak as quietly as possible, but not in a whisper, pronouncing the words as you exhale. Avoid spicy, cold and hot food. Smoking or drinking alcohol is prohibited. For thick, viscous sputum, expectorants (liquid thyme extract, potassium bromide, marshmallow root extract) and sputum thinners (ambroxlol, bromhexine, acetylcysteine) are prescribed. It is recommended to drink warm alkaline water. To reduce inflammation, steam inhalations and warming semi-alcohol compresses are used on the neck area. Aerosol antibiotics are used locally. Perform distracting procedures (mustard plasters, moderately hot foot baths). At long term For acute laryngitis and treatment failure, antibiotic therapy is carried out.

The prognosis is favorable. In some cases, the transition of acute laryngitis to chronic is possible.

Chronic laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis can be the outcome of acute laryngitis or develop as a result of prolonged exposure to irritating factors (dust in the air, inhalation of irritating substances, smoking, etc.). In people of certain professions (speakers, lecturers, artists), laryngitis occurs as a result of constant overstrain of the muscles and ligaments of the larynx.


Based on the nature of the lesion, catarrhal, hyperplastic (limited or diffuse) and atrophic chronic laryngitis are distinguished. People in vocal professions develop limited hyperplastic laryngitis (vocal cord nodules, also called singers' nodules or screamers' nodules).


The general condition is not disturbed. Patients note hoarseness, a feeling of rawness and soreness in the throat, and rapid voice fatigue. Cough with sputum appears periodically. Symptoms intensify as the process worsens.


The basis for the diagnosis of “chronic laryngitis” is clinical picture and data from laryngoscopic examination. Laryngoscopy of a patient with chronic catarrhal laryngitis reveals congestive edema and hyperemia of the laryngeal mucosa.

The characteristic laryngoscopic picture of diffuse hyperplastic laryngitis includes swelling, hyperemia, thickening of the mucous membrane, fusiform thickening of the free edges of the vocal cords. With limited hypertrophic laryngitis, symmetrical nodular formations are observed. The lumen of the larynx is filled with thick mucus.

A laryngososcopic examination of a patient with chronic atrophic laryngitis reveals dryness and thinning of the laryngeal mucosa. The larynx is covered with thick mucus that forms crusts.


Factors that support inflammation should be excluded and the correct voice mode should be observed. Patients are advised to give up smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy, hot and cold foods. Warm drinks, physiotherapy (quartz, UHF, magnetic therapy), alkaline and oil inhalations are prescribed.

Areas of hypertrophy in chronic hypertrophic laryngitis are cauterized with 5% silver nitrate, large nodules are removed surgically. Surgery is performed to remove excess vocal fold tissue. Patients suffering from chronic atrophic laryngitis are recommended to lubricate the larynx daily with Lugol's glycerin solution. To soften the crusts and facilitate the process of their removal, aerosol preparations of proteolytic enzymes (chymotrypsin, chymopsin) are prescribed.


Acute laryngitis is common problem. Exacerbations occur in autumn period. There is a certain group of people susceptible this disease. It is worth knowing what causes acute laryngitis, how to avoid the disease, what treatment may be effective.

Symptoms of the disease

Due to the duration and various causes of occurrence, sore throats are divided into acute and chronic.

Acute inflammation of the throat (laryngitis) can have a bacterial and viral etiology, and can also occur due to damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx. Often accompanied by other infectious diseases.

Symptoms of acute laryngitis:

  • pain in the larynx;
  • sore throat;
  • difficulty swallowing solids or liquids;
  • fever;
  • dry cough;
  • loss of voice;
  • hoarseness.

Using a laryngoscope, the doctor can notice redness and swelling of the laryngeal mucosa. They occur more often at the level of the vocal cords.

This is a condition in which symptoms of the disease persist for several weeks and are recurrent. The ailments are similar to those that occur with acute laryngitis.

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Treatment of acute sore throat

In acute forms of laryngitis, treatment with antibiotics and antifungal drugs is prescribed.

In cases of chronic laryngitis, alignment may be required hormonal disorders, replenishment of vitamin deficiency, elimination of factors that irritate the mucous membrane of the throat. In addition, you can use treatment that relieves the symptoms characteristic of both types of sore throat. In this case, the following means are used:

  • medications with antipyretic effects;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • lozenges that moisturize the mucous membrane of the throat or have an analgesic effect;
  • mucolytic drugs for thinning secretions, expectorants in case of excessive amounts of viscous sputum;
  • an antitussive to protect against additional irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • preparations that moisturize the mucous membrane of the pharynx in the form of various syrups containing thyme, marshmallow or herbal infusions;
  • lotions and balms against bacteria (containing silver).

An important element of a successful treatment process and avoiding relapse of the disease is the elimination of irritating factors, such as tobacco smoke or all kinds of dust.

There are less common inflammations of the larynx, among them acute inflammation of the epiglottic cartilage, which occurs as a result of damage to the mucous membrane by solid food. Then symptoms that accompany the disease may occur: fever, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), weakness of the voice (dysphonia), stridor when inhaling, that is, the whistling of air passing through the narrowed airways.

In children, inflammation of the larynx occurs below the folds of the glottis. This disease is also characterized severe course. Symptoms appear quickly - narrowing of the airways, dry, barking cough, pallor skin, cyanosis, involvement of the intercostal and supraclavicular sockets during exhalation (indicating greater effort during breathing).

Treatment is the same as for adults with acute inflammations larynx, but in some cases intubation or tracheotomy may be required.

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Chronic laryngitis

The causes of chronic inflammation of the larynx can be both exogenous, that is, external, and endogenous.

External causes of inflammation of the larynx:

  • position held (teacher, lecturer, soloist) work related to voice);
  • climate;
  • toxins;
  • smoking.

Other causes of inflammation of the larynx:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • gland diseases internal secretion(endocrine);
  • defects in the respiratory tract that impede their passage;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • excessive alcohol consumption.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the larynx are less pronounced than in the acute form. Pain may be absent altogether or appear intermittently mild degree gravity. It can be described by patients as a sensation of a foreign body in the throat. In this case, there is hoarseness of the voice, dry or moist cough, sticky sputum. It may even go as far as to slightly change the timbre of the voice.

Due to a different type of factors causing chronic laryngitis, treatment is symptomatic and selective. It is recommended to eliminate irritating factors in the form of tobacco smoke, strong coffee, tea, eating too cold or hot foods and liquids. We should not forget about symptomatic treatment in the form of taking mucolytic drugs for thinning thick mucus, expectorants and antitussives. You can use drugs that regenerate the mucous membrane of the larynx; they are sold in the form of aerosols, which can be delivered to hard-to-reach places.



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