Hydration of muscle cells for maximum pumping. The importance of body hydration

Mindlessly drinking eight glasses of water a day or drinking sports drinks, you can't be sure that your body is adequately hydrated. Explore these myths about fluid in the body and protect your health from mistakes.

Myth: If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.

In fact, the feeling of thirst can be considered a fairly good indicator of the level of fluid in the body. Dehydration is the natural loss of fluid through sweat, tears, and breathing. The kidneys control the balance of water in the body, when it is not enough, they send a signal to the brain, which causes thirst. It's quite normal feeling, which should not be taken as warning sign excessive fluid loss.

Myth: You need to drink eight glasses of water every day.

Of course, it is very important that your body regularly receives water. However, the eight-glass advice is just a stereotype and can be dangerous. If you have heart or kidney problems, drinking too much fluid can cause heart problems, lung problems, and water poisoning. In such cases, water consumption should be limited. You need to take into account the individual needs of the body. big people or those who sweat profusely need more liquid, but miniature eight glasses will be too much.

Myth: You should start your day with water.

You may have heard before that you should start your day with a glass of water. You may actually feel thirsty, but you don't have to drink water at all. During normal kidney function, drinking a glass of water is pleasant, but vital necessity this is not. Some people think that fluid balance needs to be replenished after sleep, but this is not the case. You can determine the lack of fluid by urine - if it is dark, the kidneys produce more concentrated waste due to not enough water.

Myth: Coconut water is the best recovery drink.

This trendy drink is supposed to help you recover from a party or hard workout. Yes, coconut water has fewer calories than other potassium-rich foods, but it's not always the best. the best option. To prevent dehydration, you can drink regular drinking water. In addition, in people with kidney disease, the use coconut water can lead to dangerous rise potassium levels in the body.

Myth: You can't drink too much

If you overzealous even with something useful, you can still face harm to the body. This is also true for water. People think that it is impossible to drink too much water. In reality, this is quite possible, and the consequences can be deadly. A condition called hyponatremia is the result of drinking too much fluid, which causes a decrease in salt in the body. This can lead to convulsions, blackouts, and even death, especially if you're running.

Myth: Water is all you need

Yes, you can indeed go longer without food than you can without water, but sometimes fluid doesn't give the body all it needs. Consider how intensely you train, whether it's hot outside, whether you're sweating a lot. If you're losing a lot of electrolytes, plain water won't help you recover. normal condition organism.

Myth: Drinks with electrolytes are very healthy.

Think twice before you decide to drink the popular sports drink. After a light physical activity you don’t need it, and besides, some varieties use rather dubious ingredients. For example, some have vegetable oils which are harmful to thyroid gland. In addition, a large amount of sugar can harm the body, especially if this sugar is used in the form of high fructose corn syrup, which causes diabetes.

Myth: Caffeine causes dehydration

Does an invigorating cup of coffee deprive your body of fluids? The common belief that coffee causes dehydration is completely wrong, especially if you don't drink too much. Large doses caffeine can cause dehydration, but coffee or tea also contains water, which neutralizes the effect. The problem may arise if you are taking caffeine supplements - then you should drink more.

Myth: You only need to drink more during exercise.

If you think it's enough to drink cola or tea if you're not exercising, you might be in trouble. Do not think that fluid is needed only during physical exertion - this approach can cause mild dehydration. Try to drink a little water throughout the day. This will help you ensure normal work organism.

Myth: You need to determine the level of liquid by the color of urine.

Of course, urine color can indeed indicate dehydration, but there are other important indicators. In addition, if you are taking a multivitamin or eating a lot of protein, the color may be dark and irrelevant to the amount of liquid. Control not only the color, but also the volume. If you drink a lot, the liquid should leave the body intensively. If you rarely visit the toilet, this is a sign of insufficient water.

Richard B. Kreider | Source: Muscular Development, #9, 2002

Everyone who trains with weights loves the feeling of a muscle-enlarging pump. Do you know that feeling of soreness that lasts several hours after a good workout? This is a short-term reward for all the sweat and strength that you gave in the gym. If you are persistent in your training, then such a pump will eventually result in a tangible set of strength and mass. However, in order to maximize muscle growth more than just training is needed. Research has shown that cell hydration plays a role important role in regulating a number physiological processes including protein synthesis. Moreover, certain hormones and nutrients can directly influence cellular hydration and thereby regulate protein synthesis. This article will look at the effect of cellular hydration on protein synthesis and how to design your diet and supplement program to optimize cellular hydration.

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What is hydration muscle cells?

Hydration refers to the amount of fluid that is inside the cell. Studies show that the volume of fluid in the cell has a number of important physiological functions(1-5). For example, an increase in this volume (swelling or volumization of the cell) has been found to reduce the level of protein breakdown while simultaneously stimulating its synthesis. But a decrease in the level of hydration reduces the volume of the cell (shrinking or dehydration), which often occurs with various disease states, causes increased protein breakdown and suppression of their synthesis (1,3,5). Cell volume also influences the activity of enzymes, the release of various hormones, and their effect on the cell (eg, insulin and glucagon). In addition, it helps regulate metabolism by modifying sensitivity to messenger molecules (10). Scientists have also determined that cell volume can change significantly (within minutes) under the influence of hormones, nutrients, and oxidative stress (1). Such discoveries suggest that transient changes in cellular hydration may serve as a potential modifier of cell metabolism and gene activity.

Factors affecting cellular hydration

There are several factors that affect cell hydration. Further, each of them is briefly described, as well as the mechanism of their influence on training adaptation.

Hydration. The amount of fluid in the body (hydration status) can influence cellular hydration (1-3). If a person is in a state of dehydration, cellular volumes decrease and protein synthesis is suppressed. Theoretically, preventing dehydration during exercise could play an important role in optimizing cellular hydration and protein synthesis.

Insulin. Evidence has been obtained that insulin causes swelling of cells in the liver by changing the processes of entry and exit of electrolytes from them. In addition, insulin-induced cell volume expansion is required to enhance its anti-proteolytic and anti-catabolic effects (4). Theoretically, moderate increases in insulin levels during and after exercise can increase cellular hydration, reduce protein dehydration (proteolysis), and stimulate protein synthesis.

Nutrients. The influence of some nutrients on the degree of cell hydration was found. For example, glutamine increases cell volume and stimulates protein and glycogen synthesis (5-7). Theoretically, glutamine supplementation (6-10 grams) pre- and/or post-workout could help optimize cellular hydration and protein synthesis during training, which in turn could lead to greater strength and mass gains. Creatine supplementation (0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight per day for 5-7 days, and then 3-5 grams per day) increases intramuscular creatine and phosphocreatine by 15-40% and promotes strength and mass gain (8-9 ). One explanation for this may be that by increasing cellular volumes, creatine stimulates protein synthesis and/or reduces protein breakdown (8). Therefore, theoretically, it helps to optimize cellular hydration. Finally, taurine is an essential amino acid resulting from the metabolism of methionine and cysteine. Taurine plays several important roles in our body. physiological roles, including the regulation of cell volume. It is involved in antioxidant, detoxification and carbohydrate metabolism (10,11). Although little is known about its ergogenic properties, supplementing with taurine (0.5-3 grams per day) during training could theoretically help optimize cellular hydration and protein synthesis.

Oxidative stress. Scientists have found that oxidative stress has a definite effect on cellular hydration. In this light, its strengthening (growth in the number free radicals) reduces cell volume and inhibits protein synthesis.(1) Intense exercise accelerates the formation of free radicals and thereby increases oxidative stress. Theoretically, increasing the amount of antioxidants in the diet (these are vitamins E and C, beta-carotene, selenium and alpha lipoic acid) and consuming them before exercise may counteract the training-induced increase in oxidative stress and thus help maintain cellular hydration at the proper level.

Dietary Strategies to Optimize Cellular Hydration

So, we found out that cell volume is an important stimulator of protein synthesis, and that several physiological and nutritional factors affect cellular hydration. The next logical step would be to determine how you can structure your diet and supplement program to optimize cellular hydration. In my opinion, there are a number of dietary strategies that aim to prevent dehydration, raise insulin levels, minimize exercise-induced catabolism, suppress immune function and oxidative stress, accelerating the synthesis of glycogen and protein, providing the body with those nutrients that increase the degree of cell hydration. The strategies themselves are:

  • Eat a well-balanced, low-calorie, and nutrient-dense diet. If you find it difficult to achieve this, supplement your diet food additives, multivitamins, or vitamin-fortified meal replacements to provide your body with all the calories, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need every day.
  • 30-60 minutes before training, you need to have a snack (30-60 grams of carbohydrates and 20 grams of quality protein), washed down with 4-6 glasses of water. It is highly desirable that this meal include glutamine and antioxidants. This will help increase the body's carbohydrate and amino acid levels before exercise, raise insulin levels, minimize immune suppression and increase catabolism, reduce oxidative stress, and provide the body with extra water before exercise.
  • Drink more water or sports drinks during exercise. Try to lose no more than two percent of your body weight per workout.
  • Within 30 minutes after training, eat a high-carbohydrate meal with high-quality protein (1.5 g of carbohydrates and 0.5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight). This is thought to promote post-workout anabolic hormone release and optimize glycogen and protein synthesis. It seems to me that this is also the most best time for taking creatine, glutamine and taurine.
  • Two hours after your workout, eat a high-carbohydrate, high-protein meal. This will serve to optimize protein and glycogen synthesis.
  • Fully replenish fluids after each exercise (losing a pound of weight through sweat is about two glasses of water).


The increase in cell volume plays an important role in the regulation of cellular metabolism and protein synthesis. The body's hydration status, insulin levels, certain nutrients, and oxidative stress affect cellular hydration. Adhering to certain nutritional strategies that maintain hydration, increase insulin levels before, during, and after exercise, provide nutrients that can increase cell volume, or reduce oxidative stress can be effective way optimizing cellular hydration and maximizing muscle pumps.

  1. Haussinger D, Lang F, Gorok W. Regulation of cell function by the cellular hydration state. AmerJ Physiol. 267(3 Pt 1):E343-355, 1994.
  2. Waldegger S, Busch GL, Kaba NK, Zempel G, Ling H, Heidland A, Haussinger D, Lang F. Effect of cellular hydration on protein metabolism. Mineral & Electrolyte Metabol. 23(3-6):201-5, 1997.
  3. Weiergraber O, Haussinger D. Hepatocellular hydration: signal transduction and functional implications. Cellular Physiol & Biochem, 0:409-16, 2000.
  4. Schliess F, Haussinger D. Cell hydration and insulin signalling. Cellular Physiol & Biochem, 10:403-8,2000.
  5. Low SY, Taylor PM, Rennie MJ. Responses of glutamine transport in cultured rat skeletal muscle to osmotically induced changes in cell volume. J Physiol (London), 492(Pt 3), 877-85, 1996.
  6. Varnier M, Leese GP, Thompson, Rennie MJ. Stimulatory effect of glutamine on glycogen accumulations in human skeletal muscle. Amer J Physiol, 269(2 Pt 1), E309-15, 1995.
  7. Antonio J, Street C. Glutamine: a potentially useful supplement for athletes. CanadaJAppI Physiol, 24:1-14, 1999.
  8. Williams, M.H., Kreider, R.B. and Branch, JD Creatine: The Power Supplement. Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, IL, 1999. Available: www.humankinetics.com or www.amazon.com.
  9. Volek, J.S., Duncan, N.D., Mazzetti.-S.A., Staron, RS, Putukian, M., G*mez, A.L., Pearson, D.R., Fink, W.J., Kraemer, W.J. Performance and muscle fiber adaptations to creatine supplementation. Med & Sci in Sports & Exerc. 31:1147-56, 1999.
  10. Chesney RW, Helms RA, Christensen M, Budreau AM, Han X, Sturman JA. The role of taurine in infant nutrition. Advances in Experim & MedBiol. 442:463-76, 1998.
  11. Stapelton PP, O "Flaherty L, Redmond HP, Bouchier-Hayes DJ. Host defense-a role for the amino acids taurine? J Parenteral and Enteral Nutr. 22:42-8,1998.
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Of course, you have heard the expression “Water is life”, but have you ever wondered how important this familiar phrase is for swimmers?

The effect of water balance on training

Water is the environment in which swimmers spend most of their training, so athletes often do not realize how much they lose fluids and do not notice when they are really thirsty, because in the pool it seems easier to do without drinking than during training on land.

Water is necessary for all metabolic processes, many of which affect the maintenance and recovery of performance, as well as the effectiveness of training. Our muscles are 73% water, so hydration (from Greek ὕδωρ "water") plays a huge role in everything from muscle recovery to protein synthesis and nutrient absorption.

From the mouth through the esophagus, water enters the stomach, and then into the intestines. There, its active absorption takes place, and together with water, substances dissolved by it are absorbed, and those that were in it from the very beginning - salts, minerals, trace elements, and those that entered our body along with food. Here, water manifests itself as a powerful solvent that provides our cells with all the necessary substances. Once inside the water blood vessels goes on a journey throughout the body. The blood itself consists of half of blood cells, and half of plasma, which is just water with organic and mineral compounds dissolved in it. Water that has fulfilled its function of transport essential substances throughout the body, before leaving it makes one more important action. As a result biochemical reactions(processing of proteins and carbohydrates), natural waste remains - slag. Water dissolves them and then leaves the body. Water is excreted not only with urine. About 50% of the water consumed is excreted through the kidneys, 15% exits through the intestines, another 15% we exhale into environment, the remaining 20% ​​evaporate through the skin.

“If you do not drink water, basic biochemical reactions do not occur in your body.”

Dave Salo Special for mad wave

Hydration also helps regulate body temperature and joint function, both of which are essential for swimming, so if you're hydrated, you won't be able to achieve good results without harming your body.

The importance of hydration for swimmers also lies in the fact that our blood contains 93% water, and blood transports oxygen and necessary nutrients providing the body with energy and maintaining health. Having enough water helps the heart to pump blood more efficiently.

"Decrease required amount fluid in the body by only 2% can lead to a decrease in performance by 10-20%. These are impressive losses - you will spend a lot of effort during training without getting a significant improvement in results. ”

Dehydration of any degree can adversely affect a swimmer's performance during a swim. With dehydration, swimmers get tired faster in training, react more slowly, and the risk of injury and cramps increases not only in the pool, but also outside it.

In short, you will not be able to properly train and recover without proper hydration, so it is very important to provide the body with the elements necessary for this.

Signs of dehydration

One of the most simple ways detect dehydration - the presence of thirst. But, when this symptom appears, the body is most likely already dehydrated. Other symptoms of dehydration are general fatigue and stress. Since the brain tissue is 70-80% water, dehydration worsens mental activity, fatigue and irritability appear. All this, of course, affects the swimmer's performance in the pool.

“Dehydration is accompanied by certain symptoms: a loss of 1% of fluid causes a feeling of thirst, 2% - a decrease in endurance, 3% - a decrease in strength, 5% - increased heart rate, apathy, muscle weakness, nausea.”

Most exact way check water balance- color of urine. light yellow color urine indicates a normal water balance, the darker the urine, the more dehydration.

Dehydration degree:

Water balance: 0 to 1%
Minimum dehydration: 1 to 3%
Significant dehydration: 3 to 5%
Severe dehydration: more than 5%

Depending on the intensity of work, every thousand meters that an athlete swims during training or pre-competition warm-up, leads to a loss of 100-200 ml of fluid. Thus, a swimmer can lose up to 1 liter of fluid per hour. And we already know that fluid loss of more than 2% of a swimmer's body weight can reduce the effect of performing high-intensity work by 45%.

How to avoid dehydration?

Eliminate dehydration in a natural way is possible only by drinking clean drinking water. Tea, coffee, beer, alcohol, artificial drinks, in addition to containing water, also contain dehydrating substances such as caffeine, as well as various chemical components.
The topic of hydration has been studied extensively by many international organizations and research institutes, but the most common was the opinion of the US National Academy of Medical Sciencesthat the average man aged 19-30 needs about 3.7 liters. fluids a day, and the same woman age group 2.7 l. These calculations are based on the fact that for 1 calorie of food eaten, you need to consume 1 gram of liquid.

The World Health Organization estimates that a person should drink 30 ml of water per kilogram of a person's weight per day. This method of calculation is the most correct and optimal, since the amount of water consumed must correspond to the mass of a person. With a weight of 100 kg, it is necessary to consume 3 liters every day, and for a person weighing 60 kg - 1.8 liters.

If you train at a high intensity, weigh yourself before and after your workout to get a better idea of ​​how much water your body has lost. For optimal performance and health, it is recommended to drink 600 to 720 ml of water for every 500 grams lost. A change in body weight indicates the risk of dehydration, as well as whether the body is receiving enough liquids.

By following these guidelines, you can keep your body hydrated and train longer and harder without getting overtired or dehydrated. At the same time, do not forget that the body of each person is unique, has its own metabolism and constitution, and you need to regulate your drinking regimen, taking into account personal characteristics.

Why do doctors and coaches insist that you drink at least eight glasses of water a day? Why does the body need water in such a in large numbers? What happens if you drink less?

Water is the most valuable and most abundant component in the human body, it is necessary as a medium for the most important metabolic reactions, serves transport system for gases respiratory system, metabolic heat, cell substrates and by-products of their vital activity. Water is the foundation of the circulatory system. You will be interested to know these facts about water and body hydration.


On average, a person receives water from three main sources: 60% comes from drinks, 30% from food and 10% as by-product metabolism. Water loss occurs in four ways, normally 60% of the fluid leaves the body with urine, 30% through the skin and lungs; 5% through sweat and 5% with feces. The kidneys are responsible for maintaining the internal fluid balance, they regulate the loss of water and, if necessary, retain it in the body.

How does dehydration happen?

Dehydration can be caused by physical activity, increased heart rate, and increased body temperature. With insufficient fluid intake, the body loses its ability to cool down and can get heat stroke. Profuse sweating can lead to severe dehydration, loss of 2% of body weight is already dehydration, in this state the physical and mental performance are declining. Joking with dehydration is dangerous, it comes unnoticed, but entails dangerous consequences.

How to protect yourself from dehydration?

It is not enough to drink the recommended eight glasses of water a day, the need for fluid depends on the level of physical activity. Before any workout or intense physical activity drink at least 500 ml of water. The need for water during exercise depends on its intensity and duration, with heavy loads you need to drink 150-200 ml of water every 15 minutes.

Keeping your body well hydrated during exercise reduces the risk of overheating and heat stroke.

Do not rely on your natural thirst mechanism, it can work with a great delay. It is important to learn to recognize conditions when the need for water increases. Factors that increase the need for water include low-carbohydrate diets. Popular protein diets increase the loss of fluid through the urinary system, people voluntarily expose themselves to dehydration and heat damage.

The need for water consumption increases as a person ages. After 30 years, the ability to thermoregulate deteriorates, a person becomes more prone to dehydration. Older people will have a much higher water requirement than middle-aged people, especially if they are taking medication.

Sports and proper hydration

With any physical exercise and fitness activities, your body loses water and salts. To compensate for this loss, to avoid injury and pain, and to make sports really useful, it is imperative to take an adequate amount of fluid. In this article, the specialists of the Embassy of Medicine tell you what to do to prevent dehydration.

As a rule, the human body loses more than half a liter of water daily through sweat and breathing. With an increase in air temperature or intense exercise this loss can increase to a liter and even one and a half, which leads to severe dehydration of the body, which must be compensated for by drinking water or liquids containing sodium and potassium salts.

According to the European Hydration Institute, when dehydration exceeds approximately 1-3% of body weight, physical performance person is significantly reduced. And more pronounced dehydration is dangerous to health.

People who are involved in fitness should definitely monitor proper hydration, and this should be done at the following stages of sports:

    Before exercising, it is recommended to drink about 400-600 ml of water or drinks 1-2 hours before training to prepare the body for physical activity by adequately hydrating. This prevents the athlete from sharp increase body temperature and reduce pain and fatigue. During exercise, athletes should start taking fluids as early as possible and drink at regular intervals in order to timely compensate for the loss of moisture and salts through sweat and breath and maintain a constant blood glucose level. Hydration after exercise has essential For speedy recovery strength of the athlete and should begin as early as possible.

Which is better to take to prevent dehydration during fitness water or isotonic drinks?

In the case of light or moderate exercise (less than an hour and a half), there is nothing better and more natural than water, because the body absorbs it faster. She may be cold, but cold water better not to drink. Dear readers, if you are reading this article not on the website of the Embassy of Medicine, then it was borrowed there illegally.

Various sports drinks are a good alternative when doing intense exercise for a long time. These drinks are designed to quickly replenish lost energy, water and mineral salts, since they contain simple carbohydrates(fructose, glucose, sucrose) and polysaccharides (starch and maltose), sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium salts, as well as chlorides and phosphates - everything that is necessary for quick recovery disturbed as a result of physical activity, water electrolyte balance in organism. People who suffer from hypertension should refrain from drinking these energy drinks.

Fitness Instructors of the Embassy of Medicine recommend that when playing sports, keep in mind a few more factors that can lead to excessive loss of body fluid and provoke dehydration.

More water and mineral salts are lost by the body when an athlete trains in a hot or humid environment. To avoid this, in the summer it is better to do it in the morning or late in the evening.

Sportswear should be comfortable and adequate. It should be made of materials that allow the body to "breathe", freely passing moisture through itself when sweating.

The hot sun always provokes big loss liquids, so never forget a hat to protect against overheating.

Taking diuretics can also contribute to rapid dehydration during fitness activities, so if you are taking any medications, be sure to check with your doctor.


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