Archive for the ‘implant rupture’ Category. Possible specific complications of mammoplasty - ways to eliminate the consequences of breast surgery How to determine damage to a breast implant

I heard that some patients of plastic surgeons after a few years are faced with such a problem as rupture of implants. Please tell me how relevant is this? Can you guarantee that the implants will not break? And what manufacturer's products do you use? Thank you.

Doctors' answers

Hello Julia. Today, all leading implant manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty on their products. So there is no need to worry about the shell breaking. They can withstand enormous loads that are not even present in the body. The only thing that is really dangerous is injury with a sharp object (knife), which should be avoided even without implants, and the second, more realistic option is to carry out medical manipulations, punctures of the mammary gland. Therefore, before such procedures, it is MANDATORY to warn the doctor about the presence of implants. But even if the implant was accidentally damaged, there is no urgent need for surgery, because The gel is not fluid and does not migrate anywhere from the implant bed. In this case, it is recommended to routinely replace the implant with a new one.

Hello. At the moment there is no such problem. Leading manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty on implants. We use Allergan, Mentor, Arion... In order to destroy the implant shell, you need to make enormous efforts. All rare cases of damage to the shells are related to implants of very old generations.

Hello, Julia! In surgery, the word guarantee is a misnomer. In general, there are no guarantees in medicine. About implants - all companies producing implants claim that they will last a lifetime. However, if there is a serious injury that harms the body, the implant may also be damaged.

Hello, implant manufacturers provide a lifetime warranty on their products and issue a passport for the implant that is installed. Most often in my practice I use implants from the two most famous manufacturers, Mentor or Natrele. I invite you to an in-person consultation. Dr. Kirill Lelikov

Hello! Now almost more than 80% of manufacturers provide a guarantee of 50 years or more. Implants can withstand loads from 5 to 8 atmospheres of pressure. Yes, with an implant, it’s better for me to forget about diving, but in everyday life and even with frequent flights, the implants can easily withstand the load. The shell of the implant can be mechanically damaged and the gel can leak out. But even with this, advanced companies create gel forts that do not spread much and remain as close as possible. And yes, in such cases it is necessary to remove it surgically. Mechanical damage varies among doctors - this is damage (rupture) by the cannula, for example, when they want to add volume using lipofilling. Or other injuries whose impact exceeds the load of 5-8 atmospheres. And this is almost Summing up, I can say with confidence that modern gel-filled implants are as safe as possible for a modern woman leading an active lifestyle. In my practice I use Natrel Silimed, Motiva Nagor, Eurosilicon and Mentor. Best regards, Victoria S.

Greetings! I work with implants from only two companies: Mentor and Allergan. They have a lifetime warranty on their products and in my 16 years of experience I have never seen any breaks. If you have any questions, call. I will be glad to help you with the choice of implants and with the operation.

Hello Julia! This problem exists. I don’t think anyone can give you a guarantee that the dentures won’t break. Manufacturers provide a lifetime guarantee that if anything happens to the prosthesis, you will be returned a similar product or its full cost. Violation of the integrity of the shell can occur from a sharp push to the chest, when the seat belt is suddenly deployed in an accident. In my work, I most often use prosthetics from Allergan or Arion.

In practice, this cannot happen, only with serious injury or damage. These are quite rare, almost casuistic cases. Don't think about it. Implants are now modern with a good shell, but you yourself must understand that anything can happen and no one can give a 100 percent guarantee

Hello! Yes, breaks are rare, but they do happen. There is no reliable information about why this happens, but I personally saw the facts of the breakup myself. This is why manufacturers recommend changing implants after 10 years.

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Clinic of Dr. Kolokoltsev

Moscow, Novoslobodskaya, 46


ART Clinic

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Many girls wonder how breast examination will proceed after breast augmentation. Will all examined breast areas be visible on the machines?

Every woman, of course, takes care of her health. And everyone knows that after 35 years you need to undergo a mammogram once a year. And even more so after breast augmentation. Fluorography is also carried out once a year.

We all want to be healthy and therefore girls who care about their future always undergo examinations on time.

So what will this look like? Do implants interfere with breast exams?

How to do an ultrasound after mammoplasty? How is fluorography performed with breast implants? CT and MRI after mammoplasty? Ultrasound after breast augmentation? We will help you figure it out.

We would like to note that the presence of breast implants does not affect the examination in any way; you can always establish an accurate diagnosis using one of the methods.

But of course, with the availability of modern technology for examining the breast after mammoplasty.

Modern clinics, as a rule, are equipped with the latest models of technology. When making an appointment at a clinic for an examination, a girl should clarify what devices are available, whether it is possible to conduct an examination in this clinic if she has breast implants, and of course, consult with a specialist to select the exact research method in an individual case.

And we will dispel existing myths about the impossibility of conducting an examination.

Ultrasound - ultrasound examination. After breast augmentation, it is performed annually. One of the most common examination methods in our time. It is also a mandatory examination before breast plastic surgery. Ultrasound of the mammary glands after breast augmentation allows you to identify pathologies of the mammary glands before surgery, assess the condition of the breast implants and the tissues themselves, and also exclude possible complications, such as inflammatory processes, tissue changes, and the formation of a capsule during the rehabilitation period.

Mammography after mammoplasty is the most thorough examination method. The mammography examination method after mammoplasty has minor difficulties. You need to know about this! The implant may block some areas of the mammary gland during the examination; to a greater extent and percentage, this applies to those cases when the implant is installed above the pectoral muscle. If the implant is installed under the muscle, the area of ​​the breast covered is much smaller. Also, this research method is not informative in cases of ruptures or leakage of breast implants.

MRI after mammoplasty is a magnetic resonance imaging of the mammary glands.

A method for examining gland tissue using a powerful magnetic field. This method identifies tumor foci, metastases, and ruptures of breast implants.

CT or computed tomography after mammoplasty, this type is classified as X-ray methods for examining the breast. It is the most informative and accurate type of research for diagnosing cancer. CT scan is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis for a narrow circle of women.

FLG after mammoplasty or fluorography after breast augmentation.

Before undergoing this examination, the patient must notify the doctor about the presence of breast implants. Many people wonder whether implants are visible in the FLG image. We will also answer, yes, obviously.

As you can see, the silicone implants that are used for mammoplasty are permeable to X-rays, their presence will not complicate the examination of the lungs during FLG.

Breast implants can last a lifetime, however this is certainly not the case for every woman. Sometimes they are prone to ruptures.

Breast implant manufacturers agree that implants are not "lifetime" devices - they can rupture or deflate (deflate).

Silicone implants have improved significantly since their introduction in the 60s. The first generation of silicone implants had a thick silicone rubber shell. Despite their durability, the shell was too hard, which created discomfort for their owners. In the 70s and 80s, breast implant shells became thinner and softer. However, this change made the implants more prone to rupture. At that time, silicone gel was not of high enough quality, and when ruptured, it ended up in other parts of the body.

Today, silicone breast implants are made of a durable silicone shell with a silicone gel binder. In case of rupture, the gel will not leak out of the shell, the implant will retain its shape.

Despite improvements in breast implants, rupture can still occur. The risk of implant rupture increases by about 1 percent each year because breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime.

Types of silicone implant ruptures

There are different gaps. With an intracapsular rupture, the silicone gel remains in the scar capsule, despite the small rupture. It is also known as a "silent" break. With an extracapsular rupture, the capsule is damaged. It is not widespread, because... usually caused by chest trauma.

With an extracapsular rupture, the shape of the breast looks different. A noticeable lump may appear or you may feel a small lump. There may also be a burning sensation, softness, or the area may become slightly numb. In most cases of rupture of silicone implants, the capsule remains intact and the silicone does not enter parts of the body. For this reason, you may not know about an implant rupture for several years.

Saline implant ruptures

One of the advantages of saline breast implants is that the rupture can be detected visually. The rupture may present a small "leak" that may go unnoticed for a week or even several months. However, a typical saline implant rupture is noticeable within a few hours. Breasts with a ruptured implant may appear droopy, there may be loose skin, ripples around the upper part of the breast, etc. Unlike silicone, the saline solution leaves the shell of the implant and enters the body. Saline solution is not harmful to the body.

Causes of breast implant rupture

There are many reasons for implant rupture.
Underfilled saline implant. A saline implant that is filled below the manufacturer's recommended minimum level is more susceptible to rupture due to friction caused by incomplete filling of the folds.

Excessive overfilling of the saline implant. Overfilling beyond the manufacturer's recommended maximum level puts you at risk of implant rupture. The manufacturer has the right to waive any warranty claims related to ruptures caused by overfilling.

Pressure from the compressed capsule can cause the saline or silicone implant to rupture.

Pressure during mammography. Pressure from the flat plate and support blade (parallel plate) used during mammography can cause the implant above the muscle to rupture.
Surgical error: A scalpel or other surgical instruments may puncture the implant.

Valve failure (applies to saline implants only). Unlike silicone, saline breast implants are filled through a tube after they are inserted into the breast. If the valve is not installed correctly or is faulty, the saline solution will leak over time.

Detection of breast implant rupture

Not everyone is accompanied by a change in size. There are several other signs of ruptured implants that do not affect breast size and shape:
Increase in temperature (extremely rare).

If any of these symptoms are detected, you should consult a surgeon.

The gap has been identified. What's next?

If the implant ruptures, it is removed surgically. In most cases, the implant is replaced in the same operation. But first, the surgeon needs to check for the presence or absence of infection. If there is an infection, you must wait a while before inserting a new implant. Inserting an implant while there is an infection can lead to infection of the new implant and complications such as capsular contracture. The waiting period is usually 2-3 months depending on your health condition and the surgeon's recommendations.

Publications on the topic:

  • Consequences of overfilling or under...

Plastic surgery - SURGERY.SU – 2009

The shell of silicone and saline implants consists of a silicone elastomer. The material is soft and stretchy, but may sweat. If changes occur in this silicone shell, it may rupture or the contents of the implant may leak. When the silicone shell of a saline implant passes through a solution, the implant is said to be leaking. The solution flowing through the shell is absorbed by the surrounding tissues, and the implant itself becomes wrinkled. When silicone gel leaks, the shell is said to have ruptured. The release of silicone gel may vary, but the breast itself usually remains the same size. Typically, rupture of a silicone implant can only be detected by the appearance of capsular contracture.

Risk of rupture or leakage

The risk of saline implant leakage is approximately 1% per year. The risk of silicone implant rupture is about 4% per year for the first four years.

Filling volume

The risk of a saline implant leaking can be reduced by overfilling it, as strange as this may seem. The fact is that when the implant is not completely filled, small folds form on its shell. With the frequent formation of such folds, the shell becomes thinner and weaker. Therefore, there is no point in filling the implant with a minimum volume.

Silicone implants do not need to be overfilled, as they are always optimally filled with gel by the manufacturer himself.

Leaking saline implant

Typically, saline implant leakage is immediately noticeable. Over the course of several hours, the breasts lose their shape. There was even a case where a woman entered the shower with one breast shape and came out with another, as a result of the implant leaking (in this case, the shower was not the cause of the leakage!). In some cases, implant leakage may occur gradually over several weeks or even months. Such breasts are usually slightly asymmetrical. Such changes are still much less common and are more often associated with changes in the position of the implant or its weight.

Ruptures of silicone implants

If a silicone implant ruptures, the silicone gel can escape from the shell and lead to the development of capsular contracture. This is the first and only sign of a silicone implant rupture. However, such a complication does not always develop when a silicone implant ruptures. That is why women with silicone implants are recommended to undergo an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) every two years. But it should be remembered that MRI is accurate only in 90% of cases, so a negative result does not always indicate the absence of implant rupture. Also, a positive MRI result does not always mean the presence of such a gap. Therefore, many women undergo an MRI only when they have some kind of problem.

What to do if an implant ruptures or leaks

If a saline implant leaks, it is usually replaced with a new implant. When a silicone implant ruptures, the implant is usually replaced with a capsulotomy (since a capsular contracture usually forms when a silicone implant ruptures).

When a woman decides to undergo surgery to correct the shape of her breasts, she does not expect to get serious health problems instead of a beautiful result.

But any plastic surgeon will tell you about the possible risk of complications at the first appointment.

Sometimes postoperative consequences cannot be avoided, and the patient should be informed about all complications after mammoplasty, as well as ways to solve them.

General overview of the procedure

Mammoplasty is a surgical restoration of the size or shape of the breast by installation of specially designed implants into the mammary gland. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the incision is made with a surgical scalpel.

To install a foreign body in the chest, it is necessary to form a pocket by separating the tissues from each other. Such an intervention does not leave its mark on the body and requires it to have certain reserves for rapid recovery.

The average rehabilitation period after mammoplasty lasts about 1-3 months, depending on the patient’s health condition. The full result can be assessed after six months.

Limits of postoperative norm

Throughout the recovery period, the woman must follow all the recommendations of the plastic surgeon. This will minimize all possible risks.

Of course, postoperative complications cannot be avoided completely. For example, The patient will experience noticeable pain for about a week after the intervention.. Such discomfort is normal and can be eliminated with specially selected analgesics.

You cannot do without bruises and swelling - they are an acceptable consequence after mammoplasty if they are not accompanied by severe pain and an increase in body temperature.

To control the situation, it is necessary to regularly visit a plastic surgeon throughout the entire rehabilitation period.

Complications and solutions

In some cases, a woman notices that the implant in the breast is not positioned correctly or that any movement of the body brings unbearable pain.

Most complications develop in the first hours and days after surgery, but sometimes problems can appear months or even years later.

If discomfort occurs, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner in order to immediately begin treatment, if necessary.


With normal recovery of the body, swelling disappears 3-5 days after surgery. This is the maximum period during which excessive hyperemia and tissue swelling should pass.

Edema is pathological if:

  • there was a feeling of fullness;
  • the skin around the chest is very red;
  • local low-grade fever (skin is hot to the touch);
  • body temperature increased;
  • pain is not relieved by analgesics.

If such signs appear, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Excessive swelling is eliminated by physiotherapy and the application of cooling compresses in a hospital setting. It is not recommended to treat swelling on your own. If the pathology is accompanied by the formation of pus under the implant, surgical treatment is prescribed.



Seroma is the accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the subcutaneous fat. Such a complication can be caused by incorrect actions of the surgeon during surgery, implants that are too large for a certain breast, or non-anatomical tissue dissection.

When to suspect a seroma:

  • the chest is very swollen;
  • clear liquid is released from the unhealed scar of the swollen mammary gland;
  • the pain is constant;
  • the scar turned very red.

To eliminate serous fluid, drainage of the postoperative wound or its dissection is prescribed, followed by pumping out the biological material. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in combination.

Dangerous hematomas

A hematoma is an ordinary bruise, that is, subcutaneous hemorrhage. It can appear due to injury to the unrecovered breast, improper stopping of bleeding during implant installation, and unqualified actions of medical personnel during the rehabilitation period.

Minor bruising is normal and will resolve on its own. But in some cases, medical attention is required.

When consultation is needed:

  • the hematoma is very extensive, it can spread under the chest or into the shoulder area;
  • the symptom is accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • the pain does not go away a week after the operation.

The first thing you need to do is stop the bleeding. To do this, the specialist uses hemostatic agents, medications to lower blood pressure (if necessary) and the application of ice compresses.

In the future, extensive hematoma must be removed using tissue drainage.

Breast sagging

Sometimes sagging occurs long after surgery, as a natural process of tissue aging. But if we talk about complications, ptosis should be mentioned.

It can be artificial and pronounced. In the first case, sagging occurs due to the installed implant being too small; in the second, tissue sagging is a feature of the body and its reaction to a foreign body.

How to determine ptosis:

  • nipples are located above the average level of the chest;
  • the mammary glands are strongly drooping;
  • The distance between the collarbones and the beginning of the chest has increased.

Sagging mammary glands can only be corrected through repeated plastic surgery. The specialist must select implants that are larger in size and perform the operation based on the characteristics of the body.

Implant contouring

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This complication most often develops in those women who have too thin a layer of subcutaneous fat. When the implant is installed not under the muscle, but directly under the mammary gland, its contours can be visible through the surface of the epidermis.

How to determine contouring:

  • the contours of the implant can be seen visually and palpated;
  • the chest protrudes unnaturally.

To eliminate this complication, the specialist will suggest the introduction of special corrective fillers. In some cases, lipofilling is indicated.

This procedure involves taking sebum from suitable areas on the patient's body and then transplanting it into the chest area.

Implant displacement

Implant displacement is another unpleasant complication after mammoplasty. Most often it develops due to improper selection of an endoprosthesis or illiterate actions of the plastic surgeon during the operation.

How to determine offset:

  • the implant protrudes unnaturally to the side from its main position;
  • The mammary glands look asymmetrical.

In the early stages, you can correct the situation by wearing a special corrective corset and a certain position of the body while sleeping. Also, when the implant is displaced, all physical activity is temporarily eliminated.

Inflammation, suppuration

One of the most dangerous complications is suppuration of the postoperative suture. This can happen due to non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis during surgery, the patient’s failure to follow the doctor’s recommendations, and improper treatment of the scar.

How does the complication manifest itself?

  • the chest is very swollen and burning;
  • in a short time the body temperature rises to high levels;
  • the skin around the mammary gland turns red;
  • pus is separated from the suture or nipple itself.

In the initial stages, inflammation can be stopped by taking antibacterial agents and intensive treatment of inflamed skin.

If the process cannot be controlled with medication, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Loss of sensation

During the first time after an incision in the skin, it loses its sensitivity. This is not a pathology and can be quickly eliminated with the help of physiotherapy.

But sometimes the patient does not feel the breast tissue or the nipple itself for a long time. This complication occurs due to incorrect actions of the surgeon during mammoplasty, which can damage the nerve network.

To combat the problem, the specialist prescribes a complex of physiotherapy and massage.

Capsular contracture

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After installing the implant in the mammary gland, connective tissue begins to form around it. In normal condition, it does not exceed a tenth of a millimeter and the growth stops there..

But due to the characteristics of the body, this process can progress, which provokes the formation of capsular contracture.

How to determine a complication:

  • the endoprosthesis and its contours can be felt by hand;
  • breast deformation occurs;
  • seals, dents or defects appear on the mammary gland;
  • when touched, the patient feels pain.

The second stage of capsular contracture is eliminated with the help of physiotherapy, massage, the use of vitamin E and a complex of anti-inflammatory injections.

Stages 3 and 4 can only be corrected surgically. To do this, the specialist completely removes the implant, removes the contracture and installs it again. Sometimes a smaller endoprosthesis is selected.

Rippling or skin ripples

Rippling, also called skin rippling, is a fairly rare complication after mammoplasty. This can happen due to the characteristics of the patient’s body, the incorrectly selected type and size of the implant, as well as the illiterate actions of the surgeon.

How to determine the appearance of skin ripples:

  • predominantly, the defect is noticeable when the body is tilted forward;
  • peculiar folds appear on the skin of the chest, similar to fingerprints.

Most often, breast lipolifting is used to eliminate the defect. In some cases, a specialist may recommend replacing the implant with an endoprosthesis with a denser structure.

Preventive measures

To minimize the risk of possible complications, you will first need to take a responsible approach to choosing a plastic surgeon.

The specialist must have the appropriate qualifications, have a diploma and certificates confirming regular training.

This will eliminate problems that most often arise due to incorrect actions by the doctor during mammoplasty.

What can be done for prevention:

  • wear shapewear for the entire recommended time (1-3 months);
  • reduce physical activity to a minimum;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • carefully treat the seam and chest area with antiseptic agents;
  • do not injure the mammary glands;
  • regularly visit a doctor until the tissues are completely healed;
  • During the entire rehabilitation period you should not drink alcohol or smoke;
  • Take antibacterial agents after surgery as prescribed by the doctor.

With the right actions during the rehabilitation period after mammoplasty, most serious complications can be avoided.

Of course, some problems may arise due to the individual characteristics of the body. But a good doctor will definitely warn about all possible troubles, based on the medical history of a particular patient.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.



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