What is dorsalgia and how to treat pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine. Chronic dorsalgia Dorsalgia - what is it

The initial cause of pain can be, as already mentioned, different. However, the pain itself occurs due to hypertonicity and tension of the spinal muscles, after which muscle spasms appear.


In this medical practice, the following classification is used:

  • vertebrogenic dorsalgia;
  • myofascial dorsalgia.

Relatively speaking, chronic dorsalgia of the first type develops due to diseases of the spine. And pains of the second type are caused exclusively by muscle clamps.

Sometimes when diagnosed, dorsalgia is nonspecific back pain occurs due to diseases of the internal organs(kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, pelvic organs, lungs).

The development of vertebrogenic dorsalgia occurs after pinching of the roots of the spinal nerves. The pinching is usually followed by inflammation and sciatica develops.

Sciatica can be located between the vertebrae or at the site of a protrusion of the spinal disc. Pain usually occurs only after a degenerative change in the tissues of the intervertebral discs, which is called osteochondrosis.

Spasms of muscle tissue lead to spasms of blood vessels, which impairs the nutrition of disc tissues. As a result, the intervertebral discs simply dry out. The space between the vertebrae becomes smaller, and this is followed by pinching of the nerve endings and pain attacks, which are stimulated by the reflex pinching of the muscles.

Sometimes the nerve endings pinch the spasmodic muscles themselves, which makes the pain even more acute and difficult to bear.

In the myofascial scenario, the cause of the development of pain is also muscle spasm. Clamped muscles form pain foci - triggers. These areas are where pain occurs.

Distinguish according to the location of pain:

  • dorsalgia of the lumbosacral spine;
  • dorsalgia of the thoracic spine;
  • dorsalgia of the cervical spine.

Dorsalgia of the lumbosacral spine

The vast majority of pain in the lower back is associated with exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis. Lower back pain is often provoked by a hernia or protrusion. Usually low back pain is a classic case of vertebral dorsalgia. Pain here will be caused by pinched and, possibly, also inflamed nerve roots.

As you know, low back pain often occurs in overweight people, since it is on this part of the spine that the main load falls. To reliably cure osteochondrosis, you must also take care of eliminating excess kilograms.

Dorsalgia of the thoracic spine

In the thoracic region, osteochondrosis proceeds the least pronounced. The development of the disease implies a degenerative change in the intervertebral discs.

Thoracic osteochondrosis is widespread, but rarely diagnosed, because this disease often resembles a heart attack, angina pectoris, and a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have pain during inhalation and exhalation, intercostal pain, difficulty in tilting the body, pain when raising your arm, you should pay attention to the thoracic spine.

Dorsalgia of the cervical spine

Usually the cause of pain in the neck is an exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis. Such dorsalgia may be accompanied by pain in the arm, in the shoulder area, and headaches.

Cervical dorsalgia occurs or worsens with a long stay in an uncomfortable position, with physical exertion, sharp bends and awkward neck movements. There is also a rarer case of the disease - osteochondrosis, in which the back hurts between the shoulder blades.


The main cause of acute and regular back pain is stress. It is because of stress that muscle tension occurs. Years of accumulating negative emotions, with which a person does not work, lead to the development of pain centers.

Another common cause of spinal problems is "passive lifestyle, which does not give the muscular system the necessary daily portion of movement.

Among the medical diagnoses leading to dorsalgia, physicians usually name:

  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • disc protrusion;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • spondylosis;
  • subluxations;
  • scoliosis.


The period of exacerbation will last 2-3 weeks. In this case, the pain gradually increases. Unsharply expressed pains are shown in the struck department of a backbone.

As a rule, the pain manifests itself especially actively with deep breathing and bending forward, backward, to the sides.

Specific symptoms of the manifestation of dorsalgia will directly depend on the disease and its stage. For example, in the case of an intervertebral hernia, at first the pain can be quite acute, and at the final stage it can hardly be felt. This will be associated with atrophy of the pinched nerve.

With the diagnosis of dorsalgia, the symptoms can be so different that the severity of the disease is not always associated with the intensity of the pain. There is a common, but absolutely erroneous opinion that if it does not hurt much, then nothing terrible is happening.

The retribution for such a mistake can be disability, the need for urgent surgical intervention and the impossibility of a full life. If your back hurts, you need to urgently go to the doctor and be examined.

The nature of pain in dorsalgia can be very different. The pain can be pulling, burning, aching, cutting, can give under the leg, arm, buttock, shoulder blade. The localization of pain is no less diverse. They can appear below, above, in the middle, on the right, on the left, between the shoulder blades.

But, despite this diversity, all pain can be divided into sudden and chronic.

sudden pain

Sharp sudden pain, similar to a backache, is called dorsago. The cause of pain in the chest area will most often be thoracic osteochondrosis. Sometimes the pain is so strong that the person has difficulty breathing or freezes in a forced position.

A backache in the lumbar region is called lumbago. The most likely cause of such pain is lumbar osteochondrosis.

If you immediately turn to specialists, then it will be quite simple to relieve sudden pain. If the problems are not big, then one or several massage sessions will be enough for the pain to go away. Sometimes acupuncture, manual therapy is also used to quickly relieve pain.

chronic pain

Chronic pain does not appear immediately. They usually develop gradually. At first, the pain briefly occurs when inhaling, exhaling and tilting. Gradually they become more and more frequent guests. The cause of chronic dorsalgia is degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs.

A possible cause is also inflammation of the intervertebral joints. This disease is called Bechterew's disease. In addition to these reasons, there are dozens of others.

Chronic pain is excellently eliminated by various methods of reflexology and physiotherapy. Of course, patience is needed here to complete a full course of treatment, however, with regular procedures, you can achieve a powerful therapeutic effect, achieve increased blood supply and accelerate metabolic processes in the area of ​​​​intervertebral discs, joints, vertebrae, muscles that wrap around the spine.

With sufficient perseverance, you can not only stop degenerative processes, but also reverse them. Intervertebral discs with a competent approach to treatment can fully recover, and pain can completely disappear.


If you have been diagnosed with dorsalgia, treatment will depend on the cause of the pain. Diagnosis is, as they say, half of successful treatment. The primary diagnosis is made using manual therapy methods. But only computed or magnetic resonance imaging can show all the details.


Back pain treatment includes various types of physiotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture, acupressure, osteopathy and others. In non-drug treatment, there are two main vectors - muscle relaxation and muscle training so that the muscular frame of the spine can maintain the “pillar of life” in optimal condition and at the same time not only tense up, but also relax in time.


Anti-inflammatory and pain medications are commonly used to treat back pain. Only this, of course, treatment is not limited.

Treatment with drugs is usually combined with various types of therapy, wearing a corset, exercises for the development of the muscular frame of the spine.

When contacting a good clinic, you will be helped by:

  • relieve pain and prevent inflammation;
  • increase the mobility of the spine;
  • improve emotional state and increase physical activity;
  • prevent complications in diseases of the spine;
  • improve the functioning of internal organs.

As you know, a healthy back is the key to performance. Experts unanimously say that early diagnosis will make it possible to conduct a course of treatment as efficiently as possible and achieve maximum results.

If dorsalgia is a regular guest for you, you should include a set of exercises to strengthen your back in your daily schedule. But in no case should you overload your back.

An excellent help in the fight against dorsalgia will be an orthopedic corset, not too hard and not too soft, somewhat restricting movement, but not pressing.


A person who cares about his own health should remember that identifying the causes of dorsalgia and complex treatment will help maintain health for many years and get rid of even more serious problems.

It is better to start treatment with non-drug methods (if the situation allows) and combine various methods of physiotherapy and reflexology.

Excellent methods for strengthening the spinal muscles are yoga, swimming, stretching, self-study on the Swedish wall, movement in the form of, for example, daily walking.
In this video, the expert gives a couple more practical tips.

Dorsalgia - this term refers to pain in the back of any origin. Dorsalgia is divided into acute and chronic. They differ in the reasons that cause this syndrome. In the acute form, pain is caused by a human factor: a sharp rise in something heavy, severe hypothermia. In chronic dorsalgia, we are talking about destructive pathologies associated with the spinal column.

Hence the division into two classes:
  • Vertebrogenic.
  • Myofascial.

In the first case, pain is caused by changes in the spine. In the second, they are due to muscle tone and spasms. In some cases, dorsalgia may indicate disorders or diseases of the internal organs.

Symptoms depend largely on the type of disease we are dealing with.

There are three types of dorsalgia:
  • thoracic spine;
  • cervical region;
  • lumbosacral region.

Thoracic dorsalgia is common and almost always caused by osteochondrosis and its pathologies. However, such osteochondrosis is rarely diagnosed due to the fact that the signs are outwardly similar to diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and other disorders.

You need to pay attention if:
  1. there is pain when taking a deep breath;
  2. it is difficult to make a slope;
  3. shooting, stitching pains in the left side;
  4. it is difficult to raise a hand;
  5. the pain lasts for more than a few days.

With cervical dorsalgia, the neck begins to hurt, headaches become frequent, may be accompanied by nausea, dizziness. In this case, a rare symptom may be added: soreness in the back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.

With lumbosacral dorsalgia, both classes of pain often appear. When the lower back is affected, the nerve endings are clamped, they also become inflamed. The reason may be in a one-time overload or, more often, in osteochondrosis.

Signs and nature of pain

Some people believe that the slight severity of pain is not a reason to run to the doctor. It hurts a little, so there is no danger. An erroneous judgment, the nature of pain cannot speak about the truth of the degree of the disease. For example, with a hernia in the initial stage, the pain is acute, sometimes unbearable, forcing the patient to drink painkillers. But at the final stage, the pain decreases and this indicates that the damaged nerve root is completely atrophied.

The pain of dorsalgia can be sudden and sharp (dorsago). This symptom is manifested by a powerful and unexpected lumbago more often in the sternum. The pain is so deafening that the person freezes for a while without moving.
If such a backache is in the lumbar region, then this is a manifestation of lumbago. The pain is just as strong, shooting, and also paralyzes the patient for a while.

Chronic pain is not so aggressive and increases gradually. In the initial stages, pain appears in periods, disappearing for a considerable time after exacerbation. If treatment is not started, then the periods of remission will become shorter, and the pain will be constant.

Expert opinion

Pain and crunching in the back and joints over time can lead to dire consequences - local or complete restriction of movement in the joint and spine, up to disability. People, taught by bitter experience, use a natural remedy recommended by orthopedist Bubnovsky to cure joints ... Read more»

Causes of dorsalgia

Very often, the main cause of pain becomes a psychosomatic state. The burden of life's problems, the impossibility of resolving them, constant nervous tension have a strong effect on the health of the back. A person involuntarily bends, loses posture, as if physically feeling the burden of problems. Only the spine and back do not care what exactly deforms the vertebrae and discs: real severity or moral.

If we add to this the fact that 95% of people today work sitting at computers, and someone is engaged in hard physical labor, we get ideal conditions for the development of various diseases of the spine:

  • subluxations of the vertebrae and displacement;

A sedentary lifestyle also causes changes in the spine. Excess weight can destroy the entire spine, causing regular exacerbations.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of dorsalgia begins with the elimination of pain in humans. As long as the soreness persists, part of the treatment is prohibited, such as manual therapy and massages. For pain relief, it is good to use painkillers in the form of gels and warming ointments. The action of conventional drugs is much weaker without local support. Well helps Finalgon, Finalgel or Nise.

A little about secrets

Have you ever experienced constant back and joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you are already personally familiar with osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. Surely you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you ... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working remedy, as they will lose customers! Nevertheless, Chinese medicine has known the recipe for getting rid of these diseases for thousands of years, and it is simple and understandable. Read more»

These ointments not only have an analgesic effect, but also penetrate deep under the skin and reduce swelling, reduce inflammation. Unlike tablets, the therapeutic components of gels and ointments are directly delivered to the tissue. Due to this, the effect comes quickly. The only exception is Diclofenac. The drug is strong, especially in the form of suppositories of 100 mg. However, its action begins only after 8-12 hours (when taking tablets, the duration of action is up to 18 hours).

Dorsalgia is a new orthopedic disease. Therefore, there are no special orthopedic devices yet. But wearing a special corset or collar is quite conducive to a successful cure. Consultation is required to select the type of fixture and material. For most patients with cervical dorsalgia, only soft magnetic posture correctors are suitable, while for problems with the lower back or sternum, a hard corset is more effective.

If the pain does not decrease, the treatment is ineffective, the method of blockade of the affected nerve is used. The procedure is short-term, but it can be repeated as needed.

When the pain goes away, the patient is assigned:

If there is a history of osteochondrosis, specific treatment will be required. There is no other way to get rid of dorsalgia of this nature. And only in the case when therapy turned out to be powerless, surgical intervention can be indicated. Modern medicine prefers operations with minimal trauma. This helps a person to quickly rehabilitate and return to normal life. Treatment is fast if treatment is timely.

How to forget about pain in the back and joints?

We all know what pain and discomfort are. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and back pain seriously spoil life, limiting normal activities - it is impossible to raise a hand, step on a foot, get out of bed.

Main symptoms:

Dorsalgia - in fact, is the fact of the presence of pain of varying degrees of intensity in the back. From this it follows that this is not a separate pathology, but a syndrome that occurs in any age category and regardless of gender.

In almost all cases, the source of such a disorder is the course of a disease that affects the skeletal system or the spinal column. In addition, clinicians also distinguish the category of predisposing factors.

As for the symptoms, it will be dictated by the ailment that served as the source of dorsalgia. The main clinical manifestation is, against which other symptoms gradually develop.

The clinician will be able to make a diagnosis of dorsalgia based on the data of instrumental examinations of the patient, which can also be supplemented by a physical examination and laboratory tests.

The tactics of therapy are dictated by the etiological factor, but are often based on conservative methods.

The International Classification of Diseases of the Tenth Revision has singled out a separate value for such a syndrome. The ICD 10 code is M 54. However, it is worth noting that unspecified dorsalgia has a value of M 54.9.


A large number of predisposing factors can cause the appearance of pain in the back or dorsalgia, which is why they are usually divided into several groups.

  • - this is an infectious-inflammatory disease that primarily affects the bone marrow area, after which it spreads to the bone tissue;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms, as well as cancer metastasis;
  • - in this case, a herniated disc is formed;
  • - for such a pathology, increased fragility of all bones is characteristic;
  • - in such cases, there is a displacement of one vertebra in relation to the rest;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the spinal canal;
  • fractures and injuries.

The second group of causes includes muscle diseases, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • Crick;
  • muscle spasms.

Dorsalgia can also be due to:

  • hemorrhages in the pelvic area;
  • hematomas located in the retroperitoneal space, in which a purulent process occurs;
  • injuries and ailments of the pelvic organs;
  • pathologies of the digestive tract and kidneys;
  • rheumatological disorders.

In addition, there are such risk factors:

  • extensive injuries;
  • lifting weights by a physically weak person;
  • prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • prolonged hypothermia of the body.

In addition, in females, dorsalgia can be caused by the period of bearing a child and the course of menstruation.


Depending on the location of pain, there are the following forms of this syndrome:

  • cervicalgia- has the second name "dorsalgia of the cervical spine";
  • lumbalgia- while the pain is localized in the lumbar region, which is why the disorder is also known as dorsalgia of the lumbar spine;
  • thoracalgia- differs in that the main symptomatology does not go beyond the sternum region, which means that in such cases dorsalgia of the thoracic spine will be diagnosed.

According to the duration of the expression of unpleasant sensations, the syndrome can occur in several forms:

  • acute dorsalgia- is such if the pain bothers patients for no more than a month and a half. It differs in that it has a more favorable prognosis, in comparison with a sluggish variety;
  • chronic dorsalgia- is diagnosed if pain in a particular section of the spine persists for more than twelve weeks. Such a course is fraught with loss of working capacity or disability of a person.

By origin, such a violation has two types:

  • vertebrogenic dorsalgia- characterized by the fact that it is directly related to injury or diseases of the spine;
  • non-vertebrogenic dorsalgia- the occurrence of such a variety is caused by other etiological factors, for example, somatic ailments or psychogenic causes.


The clinical manifestations of dorsalgia consist in the expression of a pain syndrome, which can be both permanent and paroxysmal, aching or sharp. However, in all cases, the pain is aggravated by physical activity.

Against the background of the fact that such a syndrome develops due to the course of various diseases, it is natural that the symptoms in each case will be different.

With the course of rheumatological pathologies, the clinical manifestations will be as follows:

  • localization of pain in the lumbar region;
  • irradiation of discomfort in the buttocks and thighs;
  • increased pain with prolonged rest;
  • bilateral spinal injury.

In cases where infectious processes have become the source, then among the characteristic symptoms will be:

  • sharp pain throughout the spinal column;
  • foci of pain in the lower back, buttocks or lower extremities;
  • swelling and redness of the skin in the problem area.

With muscle pathologies that caused dorsalgia of the spine, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • distribution of pain on the left or right side of the body;
  • increased pain during climate change or in cases of stressful situations;
  • the occurrence of painful points located in various areas of the body, which are detected by accidental pressure on them;
  • muscle weakness.

With osteochondrosis and spondylarthrosis, clinical signs are presented:

  • back pain - exacerbation is observed when turning or bending;
  • discomfort that occurs when you stay in one position for a long time;
  • numbness or tingling of the hands or feet;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • impaired hearing or vision;
  • tonic syndrome;
  • movement disorders.

In cases of damage to other internal organs, the following will be expressed:

  • abdominal pain and frequent urination - with kidney pathologies;
  • girdle nature of pain - in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pain in the chest and under the shoulder blades - with lung diseases.


If you experience back pain or dorsalgia, you should seek qualified help from a neurologist. It is this specialist who will conduct the initial diagnosis and prescribe additional examinations.

Thus, the first stage of diagnosis includes:

  • collection of a life history and analysis of the patient's medical history - this will help determine which pathological condition provoked the appearance of such a syndrome. Symptoms and treatment will differ depending on the identified ailment;
  • general physical examination aimed at palpation of the spine and assessment of the range of motion in it;
  • a detailed survey of the patient - to establish the nature of pain, the presence and severity of additional symptoms.

Laboratory diagnostic measures are limited to the implementation of a general clinical analysis of blood and urine.

The most valuable during the establishment of the correct diagnosis are the following instrumental examinations of the patient:

  • radiography - to detect pathological changes in the vertebrae;
  • electromyography - will detect muscle pathologies;
  • densitometry - determines the density of bone tissue;
  • CT and MRI - for a more detailed picture of the spine. It is thanks to this that it is possible to distinguish non-vertebrogenic dorsalgia from the syndrome of vertebrogenic genesis;
  • radioisotope bone scintigraphy - in this case, the radiopaque substance is distributed over the bones. The presence of foci of excessive accumulation will indicate the localization of the pathology, for example, the sacral spine.

In addition, you may need advice:

  • vertebrologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • orthopedist.


In the vast majority of cases, elimination of the underlying disease is sufficient to relieve back pain.

Nevertheless, the treatment of dorsalgia involves the use of a whole range of conservative techniques, including:

  • observance of bed rest from two to five days;
  • wearing a special bandage designed to relieve the load from the spine;
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - orally, by injection or use as ointments;
  • the use of muscle relaxants - these are drugs that relax muscles;
  • course of therapeutic massage;
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • performing exercise therapy exercises - but only after the pain subsides.

The issue of surgical intervention is decided individually with each patient.

Prevention and prognosis

To reduce the likelihood of developing a syndrome such as dorsalgia, it is necessary:

  • constantly monitor the correct posture;
  • engage in timely treatment of those diseases that can lead to back pain;
  • rationally equip the working and sleeping place;
  • completely eliminate hypothermia of the body;
  • prevent injuries to the spine, back and pelvic area;
  • exclude the influence of heavy physical exertion;
  • monitor body mass indicators - if necessary, lose a few kilograms or, conversely, increase body mass index;
  • several times a year to undergo a complete preventive examination in a medical institution.

By itself, dorsalgia does not pose a danger to the patient's life. However, we should not forget that each disease-source of back pain has its own complications. The most unfavorable prognosis is observed with vertebrogenic dorsalgia, since in such cases it is not excluded that the patient will become disabled.

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Diseases of the spine, which are accompanied by pain, is a common phenomenon among modern people. Discomfort can occur due to a passive lifestyle, excessive physical exertion, sports injuries. The pain syndrome does not allow normal movement, reduces the quality of life.

Not all patients who suffer from recurrent back pain know what is dorsalgia. This is not a pathology, but a clinical syndrome, which is manifested by painful sensations of varying intensity. This disorder can occur in a patient of any age and gender. To get rid of discomfort, you need to determine the disease that provoked dorsalgia, and then deal with its treatment. Dorsalgia is a symptom of various ailments, which are characterized by spinal curvature, destruction of cartilage or bone tissue, mechanical injuries, etc.

Dorsalgia: Basic information

Soreness appears when the nerve endings are pinched, inflammation develops, physical damage to the bones occurs. Moreover, the more intense the pain syndrome, the more damaged the nerve tissue. If the nerves are located near the spinal column, then the likelihood of pinching the spinal cord increases, and this threatens with serious complications.

Reference. Dorsalgia of the thoracic spine is quite insidious, as it often has an erased course. This is due to the fact that the thoracic segment is inactive, so the signs of the disorder are less pronounced. For this reason, patients seek medical help late, when the disease becomes chronic.

The main symptom of the syndrome is pain, the rest of the signs depend on the disease that provoked the disorder. To diagnose dorsalgia, it is necessary to conduct instrumental as well as laboratory studies. Treatment tactics are drawn up after determining the cause of the disorder. Most often conservative therapy is carried out. The code for dorsalgia in the international classification of diseases is M 54, and for a syndrome with an unspecified origin, M 54.9.

Reference. Dorsopathy is a whole group of pathologies of the spinal column, surrounding muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues. Dorsalgia is one of the varieties of dorsopathy, which is manifested by pain.


Back pain can appear for various reasons, for convenience, the predisposing factors are divided into groups:

1. Pathologies of the spine:

  • osteomyelitis is a purulent-necrotic disease that affects the bone, bone marrow, surrounding tissues;
  • osteochondrosis, which is complicated by intervertebral hernia;
  • osteoporosis - a decrease in bone density, an increase in its fragility;
  • spondylolisthesis - displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other.
  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • spondylarthrosis is a pathology that is characterized by the defeat of all components of the bone joint, especially the cartilage lining;
  • tuberculosis of bone tissue - progressive destruction of bones;
  • protrusion - protrusion of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc without rupture of the outer shell;
  • spinal stenosis;
  • fractures and other bone injuries.

Reference. Spondylogenic dorsalgia is usually diagnosed with degenerative disorders of the spine.

2. Muscle disease:

  • fibromyalgia - muscle and bone pain;
  • Crick;
  • skeletal muscle inflammation;
  • involuntary muscle contraction.

3. Other reasons:

  • bleeding of the pelvic organs;
  • purulent hematomas in the retroperitoneal space;
  • diseases of the digestive organs, kidneys;
  • dissecting aortic aneurysm - rupture of the largest artery and its further dissection with flowing blood;
  • shingles;
  • rheumatic diseases.

Important. The likelihood of dorsalgia increases with massive injuries, lifting heavy objects, prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position, and frequent hypothermia. In women, the disorder may appear during pregnancy or menstruation. Dorsalgia often occurs in patients with psychological disorders (frequent depression, anxiety).

Types of the syndrome

Doctors distinguish several forms of dorsalgia syndrome:

1. According to the place of pain:

  • cervicalgia - painful sensations appear in the cervical spine;
  • lumbodynia - discomfort is localized in the area of ​​​​the lumbar segment;
  • thoracalgia - pain appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thoracic region.

Reference. Pain in the lumbosacral region is diagnosed more often than other forms of the syndrome.

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2. According to the duration of painful sensations:

  • acute - the pain syndrome does not disappear for 6 weeks. This form of dorsalgia is easier to treat;
  • chronic - Discomfort does not disappear for 3 months or more. This form of disorder threatens with disability, disability.

3. By etiology:

  • vertebrogenic - pain occurs due to injuries, as well as diseases of the spine;
  • non-vertebrogenic - pain syndrome is associated with somatic diseases or psychogenic disorders.

It is important to determine the form of dorsalgia in order to draw up a treatment strategy.


The main symptom of dorsalgia is back pain, which can be constant, paroxysmal, aching, sharp. Regardless of the nature, pain discomfort increases with physical activity. As mentioned above, dorsalgia is provoked by various diseases, so its manifestations also differ in each individual case.

Symptoms of dorsalgia caused by rheumatological pathologies:

  • pain occurs in the lumbar region;
  • pain spreads to the buttocks, thighs;
  • when the body is at rest for a long time, the discomfort increases;
  • bilateral damage to the spinal column.

If the pain was provoked by infections, then dorsalgia is manifested by such signs:

  • sharp pain along the entire length of the spine;
  • soreness is localized in the lower back, buttocks, legs;
  • on the affected area, the skin turns red, swells.

Clinical manifestations of the disorder that arose against the background of muscle diseases:

  • pain syndrome spreads along the left or right side of the torso;
  • discomfort becomes more pronounced during acclimatization or stress;
  • painful points appear on different parts of the body, which can be found by accidentally pressing them;
  • muscles are weakened.

Symptoms of dorsalgia on the background of osteochondrosis and spondylarthrosis:

  • the pain worsens when the patient turns or bends over;
  • unpleasant sensations appear when a person does not change position for a long time;
  • there is a feeling of numbness, tingling of the upper or lower extremities;
  • muscle tone decreases;
  • the patient suffers from frequent headaches and vertigo (headache);
  • hearing and vision disorders are manifested;
  • there is a long and persistent muscle tension, painful seals (trigger points) form in them;
  • spinal mobility is impaired.

Reference. With kidney damage, dorsalgia is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, with diseases of the digestive organs - girdle pain, with pathologies of the lungs - pain in the chest and shoulder blades.

Most of the discomfort goes away with treatment at home. The following symptoms indicate a serious medical problem:

  • pain syndrome does not stop for 3 days;
  • the patient does not control urination and defecation;
  • pain appeared after a fall from a height or a direct blow;
  • severe pain syndrome does not disappear even at night;
  • decreased sensitivity in the lower extremities;
  • discomfort is accompanied by rapid weight loss;
  • edema appeared on the back.

Urgently seek medical help if the pain first occurred after the age of 50, you have previously been treated for cancer, took steroids, or you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Establishing diagnosis

If symptoms of dorsalgia appear, you should contact to a neurologist. First, the specialist analyzes the medical history to find out the cause of the pathology. Then a visual examination is carried out, the doctor palpates the spinal column to describe the status of the locales (place and area of ​​the lesion), assesses the amplitude of its movements. To do this, he conducts a test on the patient's ability to sit, stand, move, raise his legs. A special hammer is used to test reflexes. Then he asks the patient about his feelings in order to identify the nature of the pain and other symptoms, as well as the degree of their severity.

To clarify the diagnosis, the neurologist prescribes hardware studies:

  • X-ray allows you to detect pathological changes in the structural elements of the spine;
  • electroneuromyography is used to assess the condition of the muscles;
  • ultrasonic densitometry helps to determine the degree of bone mineralization;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging allow you to examine the spine in detail. These techniques are used to evaluate bone tissue, intervertebral discs, muscles, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels;
  • skeletal scintigraphy is performed using radiopharmaceuticals. This diagnostic method allows you to identify the location of the pathology (for example, lumbar dorsalgia).

If the neurologist suspects that the syndrome was provoked by some other disease that is not within his competence, then he directs the patient for a consultation with a vertebrologist, rheumatologist or orthopedist.

Treatment Methods

To get rid of the pain syndrome, you need to eliminate the underlying disease. Treatment of the spine should be comprehensive, for this the following actions and techniques are used:

  • Complete peace. Immediately after the onset of discomfort, the patient should spend most of the time in bed. It is advisable to observe this rule from 2 to 5 days.
  • To unload the spine, it is recommended to wear special corset.
  • Traction of the spine in a vertical position- This is an effective and gentle method of getting rid of many problems, such as intervertebral hernia. With its help, it is possible to slow down the further destruction of the disks, improve their trophism (nutrition).
  • Physiotherapy carried out only after the pain subsides.
  • Massage normalizes muscle tone, improves local metabolic processes.
  • Effective alternative treatments for dorsalgia include treatment with leeches, reflexology.
  • Used to relieve pain and inflammation NSAIDs in the form of tablets, injections, ointments. Relax spasmodic muscles and eliminate acute pain will help muscle relaxants.

Surgical treatment is extremely rare. Doctors decide to perform an operation if the pain caused by cervical, thoracic or lumbar dorsalgia is not stopped by conservative methods for a long time. Alarming signs include soreness and numbness of the lower extremities, further weakening of the muscles, etc. However, doctors do not give a guarantee that the discomfort will pass after the operation. If the intervention is carried out to remove the vertebral hernia, then patients need to know that there is a risk of its recurrence.

Reference. The need for surgical intervention appears with bone tissue infections, oncological diseases, intervertebral hernias.

The operation should be performed for osteomyelitis, during the procedure, the surgeon opens the vertebral body to remove the abscess and dead tissue.

Preventive measures

To avoid such an unpleasant and dangerous disorder as dorsalgia, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • accustom yourself to sit with a straight back, if necessary, lean on the back of a chair, but do not stoop;
  • timely treat diseases that can provoke back pain;
  • for sedentary work, buy a chair with an orthopedic back;
  • purchase an orthopedic mattress, low pillows;
  • refuse excessive physical exertion;
  • control weight, try to keep it normal (you can’t quickly get better or lose weight);
  • undergo a physical examination at least once every six months.

The most important

Dorsalgia is not a deadly disease, but it requires competent complex treatment. If you experience pain, numbness, limited mobility or other suspicious symptoms, you should consult a doctor. To get rid of discomfort, you need to eliminate its main cause. Usually, conservative methods are used for treatment. The operation is prescribed only for severe pain that is not relieved by medication, numbness of the limbs. To avoid dorsalgia, try to monitor your posture, use orthopedic furniture, bedding, control weight, treat diseases that are accompanied by back pain in time. published .

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The most common manifestation of serious problems with the spine is vertebrogenic dorsalgia - back pain caused by various factors that are traumatic, degenerative, neoplastic and inflammatory.

Causes of vertebrogenic dorsalgia

The reasons for which the disease occurs are quite numerous. They can be associated both directly with problems of the spine, and appear as a result of various diseases that have arisen in the human body. However, there are several main factors contributing to the appearance of the disease:

  • Frequent and prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position
  • Various injuries
  • Diseases of the joints and internal organs
  • Heavy physical activity
  • hypothermia
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Spondylarthrosis and other diseases of the spine

Symptoms of vertebrogenic dorsalgia

Often the disease manifests itself gradually, and symptoms may not be noticeable until 2 weeks later. Among the main signs that can signal the onset of the disease:

  • Discomfort and pain in the spine
  • Exacerbation of pain during movement, coughing, sneezing, or deep breathing
  • The occurrence of pain after exercise, due to careless or sudden movement

Treatment Methods

The specialists of the clinic qualitatively and successfully carry out the treatment of this disease. Vertebrogenic dorsalgia will be effectively and quickly defeated with the help of centuries-old methods of oriental medicine, including:

  1. Acupuncture is an effective method that helps to quickly eliminate pain and muscle spasms, as well as relieve swelling.
  2. Acupressure is a method by which complete relaxation and nutrition of muscle tissues is achieved, the restoration of the body as a whole is activated and blood circulation improves.
  3. Pharmacopuncture is a method of oriental medicine, which contributes to the speedy recovery of the patient.
  4. Manual therapy is an effective method that helps to improve the inflow and outflow of blood to the spine, the release of pinched nerves and blood vessels.
  5. PRP-therapy is the latest method of stimulating recovery processes. It is used to restore the functions of various organs after diseases and injuries, including to restore the function of the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment of vertebrogenic dorsalgia in the clinic "Paramita"

Doctors of the clinic use proven oriental methods for the treatment of vertebrogenic dorsalgia. They are the safest and most gentle, do not cause pain and give good results.

The main focus of the course is a combination of progressive methods of therapy with effective oriental methods. For each patient, a special course of treatment is compiled in accordance with the degree of development of the disease and the general condition of the body.

“You thought about your own health and turned to us - with this step you trusted us with their lives. We highly appreciate your choice, and on behalf of the Paramita Clinic team, I want to assure you that we will do our best to justify it.”



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