Alkaline drink for cough. Alkaline water - recipes and uses Warm alkaline drink for children

Health conscious people are wondering how alkaline water is made at home for drinking with medicinal benefits? To thoroughly understand the topic, you should find out the properties and characteristics of the composition.

What is alkaline water?

One of the main indicators of a liquid is the acid-base balance or pH level. When it increases by more than 7 units. the composition is considered alkaline. The human body is very sensitive to imbalances leading to high acidity. It reacts with hypertension, increased sugar and other diseases. Normalization of the natural balance restores the natural course of metabolic processes.

Mineralization of liquid in nature occurs by dissolving salts, trace elements and other active substances in it. According to the level of saturation, they are of three types:

Composition of alkaline water

In solutions with a pH of 7.1, hydrocarbonate ions, sodium and magnesium predominate. Alkali metals form hydroxides with water; in the form of various compounds, sodium and potassium are found in human tissues and play an important role in metabolism. These macroelements are replenished by drinking mineral water. Hydrocarbonate solutions reduce stomach acidity, relieve heaviness and intestinal inflammation. When treating gastritis, alkaline mineral water without gas is used. Carbon dioxide provokes the secretion of gastric juice, and as a result, acidity increases.

How to make alkaline water at home?

To improve the health of the body, it is not necessary to go to the mountains, buy “Borjomi”, “Polyana Kvasova” or “Luzhanskaya”, it is enough to artificially mineralize the liquid. Long-term treatment will require you to spend a significant amount of money in a store or pharmacy, but knowing how to prepare alkaline water can save you money.

Preparation of the medicinal composition will require simple and accessible components:

  • baking soda (0.5 teaspoon);
  • purified water (1 liter);
  • table salt (0.5 teaspoon).

The components are mixed into bottles until completely dissolved, after which the composition can be drunk.

Healing properties and contraindications

Mineral water is indicated in the following situations:

  • inflammation of housing and communal services;
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • infectious diseases;
  • obesity, metabolic disorders;
  • poisoning.

When the body becomes acidic, harmful waste accumulates in the muscles and organs, and microelements are poorly absorbed. A liquid saturated with components with a high pH level will help improve the condition.

Contraindications for use are:

  • renal failure;
  • urinary tract problems;
  • diabetes.

Balance stabilizationpH ensures the normal functioning of internal organs, blood and metabolism.

The human body can only exist in a small corridor of acidity; in the event of an imbalance, special protective mechanisms - buffer systems - immediately come into play. However, you should not overexert them once again, creating an imbalance. Blood is more often acidified than alkalized, so we will talk about alkaline drinking, which is credited with simply phenomenal properties.

Please note that when we talk about the state of the blood, not every substance that is alkaline will help us increase (that is, make it more alkaline). We're not talking about the stomach now.

So, why do you need alkaline drinking? Athletes all over the world consume it because it is believed to improve endurance. In addition, many experts will say that drinking this way slows down aging and prevents cancer. However, this point of view also has opponents, and right now their debate is shaking the Internet. And we will walk through the fragments of broken copies and try to understand this issue.

What is acidity? This is the number of H+ cations in water; the more there are, the greater the acidity (and Ph is lower, due to the calculation formula), while hydroxyl anions give an alkaline reaction. If there are impurities in the water, then its acidity shifts to one pole or the other.

Manufacturers of alkaline drinks claim that their products can neutralize excess acids in the human body, protecting against overexertion and thus slowing down aging.

A passionate fan of alkaline drinking, Dr. Theodore Baroudi, author of Alkali or Death, claims that it is much healthier than any other. Who needs an alkaline drink? This is, of course, a question that requires the answer “Everyone.” You might think that people who drink a lot of coffee are in great need of such a drink, but not everything is simple with this issue.

The problem is that, according to many doctors, drinking is unable to affect the acidity of the blood. They say that only one fluid in the body can be affected in this way. And this liquid is urine. And not blood at all.

As you know, stomach acid is characterized by a very low Ph value, because otherwise it is impossible to break down food. But the intestinal environment in the area where it begins has an alkaline reaction, because it is necessary to further protect the body from excess acid from the stomach. Well, we drink alkaline water - and it will all be neutralized in the stomach, and it can also disrupt digestion. In fact, the blood is greatly influenced by the work of another organ - the kidneys, and not by the quality and quantity of what you drink.

It must be remembered that such waters should not be drunk if you have urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, diabetes or kidney failure. If you have these diseases, you need to take special care of yourself and not take risks for the taste of alkaline mineral water. And this taste is very pleasant, so if you are healthy, enjoy it. However, you should not drink more than a liter of such water per day. A little bit of good stuff.

Cough treatment

Most often, young mothers have to come across the term “alkaline drink”, because when a child gets sick, this is one of the first remedies that our grandmothers or experienced pediatricians recommend. Indeed, if you remember, in childhood we were treated with milk and soda, and this method was considered quite effective. This is one of several types of alkaline drinks that are very easy to make.

Stomach problems

However, alkaline drinking is used not only to treat coughs; it is often prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by an increase in acidity levels. We all know the fact from our school chemistry course that alkali suppresses acids and vice versa. It is this principle that is laid down in this case.

Heartburn in pregnant women

Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn in late pregnancy. The fact is that the fetus compresses all the organs of the abdominal cavity, as a result of which food is poorly digested, causing similar reactions. Since drug abuse is not recommended during pregnancy, alkaline drinking becomes one of the best solutions to the problem.

How to prepare an alkaline drink?

A medicine with a similar effect is easiest to prepare from ordinary baking soda. Take a liter of purified water, add half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda, as well as 5-6 tablespoons of sugar. Shake the bottle with its contents to mix everything well. That's all, alkaline mineral water is ready to drink. Drinking milk with a pinch of soda at night will help cure a cough with sputum that is difficult to separate. If your child does not drink dairy products, give him alkaline water in the morning.

Benefits of Alkaline Drinking

From birth, everything in our body is balanced and thought out by nature itself, but over the course of life, under the influence of external factors and improper nutrition, the harmony that was originally gifted in the body is disrupted. The functionality of the body and its coordinated work directly depend on a certain level of alkalis and acids inside it. Most often, blood, mucous membranes and other natural fluids become oxidized, disrupting the functioning of organs and systems. Therefore, there is a need for a special regime.

How to become younger?

What is alkaline drinking for the body? This is, first of all, one of the most effective ways to treat many ailments, as well as a method of rejuvenation. This is exactly the conclusion that experts came to after conducting numerous studies. Many of them believe that regular consumption of alkaline drinking prevents the formation of malignant tumors, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and other organs.

When should it not be used?

However, it should be remembered that alkaline drinking is a salvation for those people whose neutral balance is disturbed in favor of acids. If alkalis predominate in the body, then these healing methods can be harmful. That is why, before you start regularly using alkali preparations, you need to consult a specialist who will conduct a competent examination and find out the causes of existing ailments, as well as evaluate the results and draw conclusions about the advisability of drinking alkaline drinks.


Baking soda-containing drinks, as it is known that alkali metals and their derivatives, to put it correctly, “quench” the effect of acids, baking soda is sometimes used for so-called heartburn caused by high acidity.

Liquid with alkaline PH

designed to help our body. It is believed that many unhealthy foods and unfavorable environmental conditions acidify our body.

That is, they change the normal PH level (about 7 - neutral level) downward.

There is an opinion that when the body becomes acidic, very bad diseases arise, including cancer.

So, to avoid this situation, some people eat foods with an alkaline PH (usually fresh fruits and vegetables) and drink alkaline water (such as some mineral waters).

You can measure your PH quite easily: you can buy special colored strips that are sold in pharmacies, medical centers and even in online stores for cheese makers).

Alkaline drinking is one of the traditional medicines. In addition to the main treatment, our doctor recommended giving the child an alkaline drink for acute bronchitis.

The alkaline drink includes warm cow's milk and Borjomi-type mineral water (still) or milk with the addition of baking soda. Alkaline drinking helps soothe cough and promote mucus clearance.

Alkaline drinking is a term for drinks that are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by cough.

It is worth remembering a folk remedy that our grandmothers used. After all, in childhood we were treated with milk and soda. And this method of treating cough was really effective.

To prepare, take a glass of hot milk and stir with 1/2 teaspoon of soda. Then drink in small sips. It is best to resort to this treatment 3 times a day.

But alkaline drinking will also help cope with heartburn - excess acid in the gastrointestinal tract.

To prepare, take 1 liter of water and combine the water with 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of soda and add 5 teaspoons of sugar. Mix thoroughly and the drink is ready.


Doctors often prescribe alkaline drinks for coughs in adults and children. Such drinks eliminate irritation, reduce inflammation and pain. Alkaline drinks are milk with soda, mineral water with released gas, or other drinks that contain sodium bicarbonate. Our grandmothers also treated severe coughs with hot milk with the addition of soda, but even today this recipe has not lost its popularity.

Properties of hot milk with baking soda

There is almost always milk in the refrigerator. This product is used to prepare various dishes and delicious drinks; milk is also indispensable for small children. This product contains many vitamins, nutrients and minerals. The product strengthens the immune system, tones the body and improves mood.

Due to its unique composition, milk can be used in the treatment of various pathologies. The substances included in the composition have a detrimental effect on some types of pathogenic microorganisms. For medicinal purposes, it is advisable to consume fresh whole milk that has not been boiled. When heated to high temperatures, proteins break down and the drink becomes less healthy.

To protect yourself from intestinal infections, you can use pasteurized milk for treatment. In this case, the product heats up very quickly and immediately cools, so all the beneficial properties are preserved as much as possible.

Baking soda is also found in almost every home. This substance costs a penny, but is used for different purposes. Baking soda is needed for baking, cleaning surfaces, removing stains and for medicinal purposes.

It is worth knowing that the acid-base balance of the body is considered the main indicator of human health. If a person is sick, then acidity always increases.

You can normalize the acid-base balance using regular baking soda. Alkali helps eliminate irritation of the mucous membranes and facilitate the removal of mucus from the respiratory organs.

Hot milk with soda has diuretic properties. Thanks to this, the manifestations of intoxication are reduced, headaches disappear and temperature decreases.

Milk only enhances the beneficial properties of baking soda and reduces the harmful effects on the walls of the stomach.

It is recommended to drink alkaline drinks at the very first signs of a cold. But even this time-tested remedy has some contraindications. Alkaline drinking is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • In case of individual intolerance to individual components.
  • For pathologies of the digestive tract.
  • If you are prone to increased gas formation and bloating.
  • After operations on the stomach cavity.

In certain cases, when treating cough with alkaline solutions, the patient’s condition worsens in the first days. This is due to the fact that sputum begins to come out of the bronchi abundantly.

To reduce the intensity of cough, you need to drink Borjomi several times a day, after releasing the gas from the water.

There are many recipes for alkaline drinks that are used for coughs. Some recipes are quite primitive, others are a little more complicated.

To prepare such a medicinal drug, you need to prepare a liter of water, half a teaspoon of soda and 2 tablespoons of sugar. All ingredients are mixed well and the alkaline drink is ready. This recipe is ideal for treating people who suffer from cow protein intolerance.

To increase the effectiveness of the medicine, sugar is first burned in a frying pan.

This alkaline drink for coughs is especially good for young children. To prepare a healing drink, take a glass of milk, heat it to a comfortable temperature, and then dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda in it. You need to drink this medicinal drink in small sips, after which it is advisable to go to bed for a couple of hours.

You need to drink this drink three times a day, always an hour before meals. Treatment is continued until the intensity of the cough decreases.

You can enhance the effect of alkaline drinking with honey. Add a teaspoon of this product to a glass of milk. When you have a cold, experts recommend using linden honey.

You can prepare the medicine with mineral water instead of soda. To do this you need to buy a bottle of Borjomi. It is better to buy medicinal water at a pharmacy to avoid counterfeiting.

Half a glass of mineral water is poured from the bottle and left for a couple of hours to allow the gas to escape. Next, the pasteurized milk is thoroughly heated and added to a glass of mineral water. The proportions of products should be 1:1. You can improve the taste with honey; if desired, you can add lemon zest.

This composition helps reduce sore throat and facilitate the removal of mucus from the respiratory organs. Thanks to this drink, a dry cough quickly turns into a productive one. You need to drink this composition three times a day. Adults take half a glass; for children, the dose can be reduced to 1/3 glass.

You can add half a teaspoon of badger fat to the healing potion. This drink softens cough and reduces chest pain.

If the cough is accompanied by general malaise and chest pain, you can prepare an alkaline drink with butter. The following products are used for preparation:

  • Half a glass of Borjomi mineral water.
  • Half a glass of full-fat pasteurized milk.
  • A teaspoon of linden honey.
  • Half a teaspoon of butter.

The milk is heated to a temperature of 70 degrees, the gas is released from the mineral water, and after that the ingredients are mixed. You need to take half a glass of this composition 3 times a day.

You can add a little ginger to the drink; it will not only improve the taste, but also enhance its effectiveness.

Mineral water can not only be drunk when coughing, but also used for inhalation. The gas from the mineral water is pre-released. After this, pour it into the nebulizer container and inhale the vapors. If there is no nebulizer, then heat the water in a saucepan and breathe in the vapor several times a day. Mineral water can be heated to a temperature of no more than 60 degrees.

The composition of Borjomi is simply unique. This water contains many minerals that have a beneficial effect on the throat mucosa. Borjomi for the treatment of cough is recommended for pregnant women, young children and other patients who for some reason cannot take medications.

Mineral water can be used to treat children only with the consent of a doctor. Despite the fact that this method is relatively harmless, it has certain contraindications that should be taken into account.

Milk with soda or mineral water is often recommended for dry, annoying cough. Many patients note that this particular remedy helped bring recovery closer. But you cannot treat a cough only with alkaline drinks; you should also use medications prescribed by the doctor.


Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies at home

Many people know firsthand what bronchitis is; they have experienced the consequences of a debilitating cough. Folk remedies for bronchitis are widely known - various recipes for rinses, inhalations, decoctions, tinctures and others. The first thing that is usually done in such cases is to begin treatment of bronchitis at home. But the best remedy for bronchitis can only be prescribed by a doctor who takes into account all the symptoms and individual characteristics of the course of the disease.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the bronchi. As they become involved in the inflammatory process, the lumen of the bronchi narrows (swelling and spasm of the mucous membrane), air circulation is disrupted, a cough appears, and sputum is produced. The cough can last from two to three weeks with the classic course of the disease to six to eight weeks with a protracted form.

Most often, in adults, bronchitis develops during acute respiratory diseases or the common cold. In addition, the bronchi can be damaged by chemical irritation, exposure to other harmful substances, or smoking. The risk group includes not only smokers, but also people who live in a damp, cold, damp environment, in an environment with air pollution and excess concentrations of chemicals. A separate risk factor is the presence of occupational hazards (work in a quarry, mine, in a dusty room, and so on).

Main symptoms of bronchitis:

  • often runny nose and hyperemia of the oro- and nasopharynx (with the development of bronchitis against the background of ARVI);
  • cough, hard breathing during auscultation (exhalation prolongation in the presence of an obstructive component), the chronic form may be accompanied by weakened breathing (against the background of emphysema);
  • sputum separation (the nature depends on the cause and form of the disease);
  • temperature increase;
  • muscle pain;
  • general malaise, weakness, loss of appetite.

A disease such as bronchitis is divided into several types:

This disease is usually caused by viruses (influenza), bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasma, chlamydia). From the upper respiratory tract, viruses penetrate deeper and infect the bronchial epithelium. The functioning of the epithelium (secretory, motor) is disrupted, and the protective function of the bronchi is reduced. Often, against the background of ARVI, opportunistic flora from the patient’s oro- and nasopharynx is added, which normally does not cause any harm. In this case, they talk about viral-bacterial bronchitis. According to statistics, viral and viral-bacterial bronchitis is the most common.

To effectively treat bronchitis, various methods are used. Medicine suggests the use of antibiotics to eliminate bacterial infections. For the treatment of cough, the use of various expectorant drugs with different mechanisms of action, mucolytics and mucoregulators, as well as bronchodilators to alleviate the condition of a patient with bronchial obstruction is provided.

In support of the remedies that modern medicine uses, the drugs offered by homeopathy are effective. Although homeopathic doctors claim that homeopathy will help cope with bronchitis without using the remedies offered by classical medicine. The drugs used in homeopathy are based on ingredients that have a desensitizing, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and antispastic effect.

Bronchitis is a fairly common disease among both children and adults. For a long time, in order to cure it, people turned to folk recipes. The simultaneous use of drugs recommended by official medicine, homeopathy, and the use of folk recipes has the most effective effect on the body. There are various folk recipes that will help get rid of bronchitis. However, before using any traditional treatment methods, it is necessary to coordinate it with your doctor.

A folk remedy for bronchitis is regular baking soda. Many people treat bronchitis at home by inhaling with baking soda, which helps remove mucus and cleanse the airways. Hot water is poured into the teapot, then a little soda is added, after which a cone made of thick paper is put on the spout of the teapot - the device for inhalation with soda is ready. Therapeutic vapors are breathed through the cone.

Mothers of many children know recipes for bronchitis and carry out this procedure to treat cough. However, before inhaling with baking soda, it is better to consult a pediatrician. This warning regarding the soda procedure is worth considering for adults as well. It is undesirable to carry it out at elevated temperatures. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, hypoacid gastritis, then it is better to avoid inhalations with soda. It is also better not to do this procedure on a full stomach. The time of inhalation with soda is 5-7 minutes, it is usually done twice a day.

The so-called alkaline drink is very useful for coughs. Soda dissolved in milk perfectly thins mucus and has an expectorant effect. To prepare such a drink, you should dilute one teaspoon of soda in hot milk and drink two to three hours before bedtime. It is better not to do this immediately before going to bed; soda has an irritating effect and causes a reflex increase in coughing, which has a beneficial effect on the process of cleansing the bronchi, but can interfere with normal sleep (especially important for children).

Soda can be replaced with alkaline mineral water (Essentuki 4, Borjomi); it can be used either internally in the form of a warm alkaline drink or in the form of inhalation using a nebulizer.

Pine cones are usually harvested in the summer, during the period of their active growth, when beneficial and medicinal properties accumulate. In the summer, the tincture is prepared. When making an alcohol tincture, all the healing, active substances necessary for the body are given to the pine cones. They are preserved with alcohol, preserving their properties.

Such pine tinctures, especially if young cones were used in their production, have a very wide spectrum of action. Pine tinctures from pine needles, pollen, together with tinctures in which pine cones were used, have the most effective expectorant effect, helping to cleanse the respiratory tract, remove phlegm, and also strengthen the body’s immunity and its protective properties.

Some recipes for treating bronchitis:

  1. Tincture: take pine cones - 100 g, preferably young ones, crush them, pour 70% alcohol - 500 ml, let it brew for 14 days, then filter. The tincture should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon, diluted with water. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. Balm for treating bronchitis and strengthening the immune system: pine cones need to be infused in ethyl alcohol, then honey and aloe juice are added, mixed and left in a dark place for a day. For three weeks, take 1-3 tbsp 30 minutes before meals. spoons. This is another folk remedy for bronchitis.
  3. Jam: select only whole pine cones and wash. Place them in a saucepan and add cold water so that the cones are covered by about 1 cm. Bring to a boil, add sugar (1 kg per 1 liter of water), and when it dissolves, simmer for an hour and a half over low heat. During the cooking process, remove the foam. When the pine cones become translucent and soaked in syrup, the jam is ready.

If we treat bronchitis at home, we can also use a method such as iodine mesh. It has long been known that iodine, in contact with the skin, can have a serious anti-inflammatory effect. This mesh is applied with a regular cosmetic stick. After dipping it in iodine, you just need to draw it. The mesh should have cells measuring approximately one square centimeter.

When coughing, the mesh is applied to the trachea area from the chest side. In addition, warm drinks are recommended to enhance the expectorant effect.

Another wonderful treatment is essential oils for bronchitis. Their use supports the body’s own immunity and helps it cope with the disease. Methods of treatment with essential oils:

  • bath with aromatic oil - has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, causes an expectorant effect;
  • inhalations, fir, pine, eucalyptus oil is used;
  • rubbing and massage.

Oils effectively help eliminate inflammation and relieve symptoms. Fir oil is produced from young fir branches and needles. This tree has long been considered healing and was used for medicinal purposes. Fir oil is a good antiseptic and is used for bronchitis and many other diseases.

For adults, it is useful to rub this oil into the chest and collar area every day. Inhalations with it have a very good effect. If you don’t have an inhaler, use a regular thermos. You need to fill it with boiling water and drop fir oil into the water. Vapors should be inhaled through a paper socket. When the fir oil evaporates, you need to add another drop. It is advisable to inhale for about 5 minutes. It is better not to put a few drops into the water at once, since fir oil has very intense evaporation, cramps and coughing may occur.

In addition, fir oil for adults is recommended to be taken orally, 5-10 drops once a day. However, before starting such treatment, it is advisable to make sure that it does not cause allergies. It is also used when taking baths, during massage, and is often used in the sanitation of premises, as it has a bactericidal effect.

You cannot use aromatic oils for treatment:

  1. In children under 3 years of age.
  2. If you are prone to allergies and have bronchial obstruction.
  3. In case of individual intolerance.

If we treat bronchitis at home, then we can use recipes that contain garlic. Most of these are recipes for adults.

  1. Take 3 cloves of garlic, squeeze, squeeze out the juice. Pour one teaspoon of juice into a glass of slightly warmed milk, leave for 10 minutes, cover with a lid. The solution has an expectorant effect. Drink 1 glass per day.
  2. Take garlic, onions, 3 heads each, finely chop, pour in 0.5 liters of milk, cover and boil until the garlic and onions soften. After that, add mint essence, a few drops, and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Take 1 tablespoon every hour.
  3. Peel, squeeze garlic (2 heads) through a garlic press, pour in honey, heat, stir, remove from heat, and after a few minutes put back on it, do not bring to a boil. Cool and strain. Every hour take 1 tbsp. spoon.
  4. Grind the garlic, distribute it over a towel, which should be greased with sunflower oil. Place on your back, garlic should be on top. Pre-lubricate the skin with a cream, for example, bepanthen. Keep for no more than 20 minutes, and also be guided by individual tolerance (there may be a skin burn). This method cannot be used for any skin diseases, wounds and abrasions, as well as for pathologies of the cardiovascular system (including hypertension) and the endocrine system (including diabetes mellitus).
  5. Chop the garlic (3 cloves), pour boiling water (1 cup), boil for 15 minutes, then strain. Wet a towel with the broth and apply it to your chest, after lubricating the skin with cream. Cover with oilcloth, and put a warm heating pad on top, leave for 15 minutes.
  6. Chop the garlic, add warm water, leave for half an hour, then pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and immediately begin inhalation. Inhale the vapors for about 10 minutes.

Modern medical trends are such that hot steam inhalations with any additives (fir and other oils, garlic, etc.) are currently being replaced by safer, “cold” inhalations, which are produced using a nebulizer. Solutions for inhalation here can be ordinary saline solution, alkaline mineral water (Essentuki 4, Borjomi), hypertonic solution (strictly according to indications), solutions for inhalation - ambroxol, acetylcysteine, Berotek, salbutamol and other medications prescribed by the treating physician doctor. The effectiveness of such inhalations and such remedies for bronchitis is much higher, and the recovery time with such treatment is reduced.

The only nuance of this therapy is adequate cleaning of the nebulizer tubes and masks after inhalation to prevent the addition of a bacterial infection.

Alkaline drinking for cough is a term that defines the use of liquid with soda. Many people have been familiar with treating coughs with milk and soda since childhood. Find out what are the benefits of these products and how to prepare the medicine by reading the article.

Properties of milk and soda

Milk is a product that is always on hand; it is used to prepare children's cereals and other dishes. It contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins that make it very healthy and nutritious. In addition, milk improves immunity thanks to immunoglobulins, lysozyme and properdin contained in the composition.

These properties of the drink help the body fight pathogenic microflora - the causative agent of the disease. You need to know that when boiled, the beneficial properties of milk are reduced as the protein breaks down. As an alternative, you can use pasteurization - rapid heating and cooling; this procedure has less impact on the components of the product, while maintaining immunomodulatory ability.

Baking soda is also always on hand, you can find it in any store and it costs a penny. The main indicator of human health is maintaining the pH level - acid-base balance. If a person gets sick, then this balance is disturbed in the acidic direction. In this case, sodium bicarbonate helps - an alkali that normalizes the environment. Baking soda also enhances the removal of mucus from the lungs, thereby stopping a dry cough.

Diuretic properties help cope with general intoxication, which helps relieve headaches, nausea, and reduce fever. Milk enhances the healing properties of bicarbonate and weakens the effect on the walls of the stomach.


When the first cough appears, grandmothers advise using a drink of milk and soda. But there are also contraindications to this remedy:

  • individual intolerance;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • tendency to bloating and gas formation;
  • post-resection state of the stomach.

In some cases, taking milk with soda helps to intensify the symptoms of the disease, as the sputum becomes more viscous and more difficult to clear from the bronchi.

The unique composition of Borjomi allows it to be used in the treatment of coughs


You can prepare medicine using plain water. You will need a liter of liquid, ½ tsp. soda and 5 - 6 tablespoons of sugar. Mix everything well and the alkaline drink is ready. This recipe is suitable if a person is allergic to milk protein.

It is better to prepare a dairy product for children. Take a glass of milk, heat it slightly, and dissolve ½ tsp in it. hydrocarbonate.

To improve the taste, you can add a spoonful of honey; it will make the healing cocktail even more beneficial. It is recommended to use it 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, for several days until the result appears.

You can replace baking soda with Borjomi mineral water. This remedy is used in the treatment of cough in pregnant women and young children as it does not cause side effects. Before preparing the medicine, shake the water bottle well to remove gases.

Then take warm milk, add warm mineral water in equal proportions, mix, and enhance the taste with honey. The product helps with sore throat, dry cough and viscous sputum that is difficult to separate. Drink 3 times a day, a quarter glass for children and ½ glass for adults.

If the cough is accompanied by chest pain, make the following composition: milk and Borjomi water in equal quantities, 1 spoon of honey and a little butter. In addition to alkaline drinking, you can perform steam inhalations with mineral water. When exposed to heat, the components contained in the composition are transported through the breath to the inflamed areas and relieve irritation.

When coughing, mucus becomes thinner and cleared from the lungs faster. Before the procedure, it is necessary to get rid of gas bubbles. You can use a nebulizer and breathe in steam for 5–10 minutes. If you don’t have a device, then use a large container and heat the mineral water in a water bath to 50–70 degrees.

You can enhance the healing properties of alkaline drinking with honey and butter.

Properties of Borjomi water

Research has shown that this water is saturated with rock minerals and is also supplied with groundwater. Its peculiarity is the content of anions and cations that play an important role in the body. Sodium carbonate gives it alkaline properties, which, when drunk daily, improves the functioning of the stomach, promotes the discharge of mucous secretions, and normalizes the pH level.

Contraindications to the use of Borjomi are:

  • high temperature accompanying pneumonia;
  • heart diseases;
  • arthritis;
  • gout.

The unique composition of Borjomi moisturizes the mucous membrane, relieves irritation and swelling of the larynx, relieves sore throat and soothes it. Using it with milk thins the viscous mucus and promotes its rapid removal.

Alkaline drinking is a safe procedure suitable for treating coughs in young children, pregnant and lactating women. The method is especially popular due to its mass availability. Many people note rapid relief from drinking milk and soda during illness. But you shouldn’t end therapy there; you need to use the method as an additional one that enhances the effect of traditional medicine.

Doctors often prescribe alkaline drinks for coughs. How does this remedy work?

Alkaline drinks

Alkaline drinks are liquids containing soda. The most popular are the following:

  • Alkaline mineral water.
  • Milk with soda.

The products have various beneficial properties. Drinking plenty of fluids moisturizes and softens the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat, increases blood flow, and facilitates the penetration of antibodies and local anti-inflammatory drugs to the site of infection. In addition, excess fluid increases the separation of urine and accelerates the elimination of metabolic products and toxins.

The increased alkali content in drinks enhances their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Such liquids, unlike acidic ones, quickly relieve inflammation in the oropharynx. By changing the acid-base balance, the rheological properties of sputum improve - it becomes more liquid, and coughing is easier.

Drinking alkaline drinks in large quantities transforms a dry, unproductive cough into a wet one, which significantly improves the patient’s well-being and speeds up recovery.

Greater effectiveness of therapy can be achieved if you combine drinking plenty of water with inhalation of alkaline solutions. For this, they usually use water, which is sold in stores - for example, Borjomi. Inhalations should be carried out 2–4 times a day, the duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes. For coughs, this treatment method is highly effective.


Children prefer milk drinks. To 200 ml of milk you should add a teaspoon of honey (if tolerated), a quarter teaspoon of cocoa butter and a pinch of soda. The drink is taken three times a day after meals. Adults can add a dessert spoon of cognac (at night).

Milk with soda softens and envelops the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, quickly eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of pharyngitis and tracheitis. When treated with this drink, the cough becomes productive, and the patient’s well-being improves.

Alkaline drinking for ARVI, colds and bronchitis is part of complex therapy. It eases the course of the disease and speeds up recovery.



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