Why is the joint on the finger swollen, what to do in this case? Causes of recurring or persistent swelling. Causes of non-inflammatory swelling of fingers

With the onset of hot weather, many people's fingers begin to swell. This entails unpleasant sensations, discomfort, and in some cases even pain. By learning the possible causes of swelling, you can avoid them.

Why can fingers swell?

The causes of swelling of the fingers can be local or general. If your fingers swell on only one hand, most likely the cause is local. This may occur due to infection, allergic reactions, or enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit area.

If the fingers on both hands swell, most likely the cause is common. Such swelling may be as follows:

Renal edema. With renal edema, your fingers swell in the morning, even if you did not eat salty food in the evening. In this case, swelling of the face may also be observed. This happens if there is an infection in the kidneys that prevents them from working fully.

Cardiac edema. For this reason, swelling first appears on the legs, and then only on the fingers. In this case, shortness of breath, chest discomfort and increased blood pressure are also observed.

Edema during pregnancy. If your fingers swell during pregnancy, this may indicate preeclampsia. In this case, you should contact your doctor without delay.

Myxedema is swelling on the fingers that occurs due to insufficient function of the thyroid gland. At the same time, increased fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, hair loss and dry skin are also observed.

If your fingers not only swell, but also hurt, then the cause is problems with the joints.

Also, fingers may swell if water metabolism in the body is disrupted and because of this, fluid is poorly excreted. At the same time, swelling most often reminds itself only in hot weather.

Why do my fingers swell at night?

Your fingers may swell at night if you drink a lot of fluids before going to bed. Since water metabolism in the body slows down at night, most of the water drunk before bed goes into the tissues and this causes swelling.

Why do fingers swell after sleep?

In the morning after sleep, the fingers may swell due to heart pathologies, kidney diseases, exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, or an uncomfortable posture during sleep, when the vessels of the limbs are pinched and, because of this, proper blood circulation in them is disrupted.

Also, after sleep, your fingers may swell due to the fact that they simply fall down from the bed during sleep. If you often experience swelling of your fingers after sleep, you need to examine your internal organs for pathology. If no pathologies are detected, it means that the cause of edema is an incorrect rhythm of life and excess salt in the diet.

How to relieve swelling of fingers

To accurately determine the cause, you need to seek help from a doctor. Once it is determined what caused the swelling of the fingers, the doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment, especially if the swelling is caused by any disease in the body.

You can relieve swelling of your fingers as follows:

Remove bracelets, watches, or other items from your wrist that may interfere with blood flow by compressing veins.

Stretch your swollen fingers - move them to pump excess fluid back into the heart. You can stretch your fingers by bending and straightening your fingers, normal work on the keyboard, and any other movements.

Raise your arms and fingers - this will help the accumulated blood flow back.

Massage your fingers - the movements should be hard and strong, towards the heart.

Reduce your salt intake. Salt helps the body retain extra fluid, which can cause swollen fingers. If food without salt seems completely tasteless, you can use spices instead of salt.

If you have allergic swelling, take an antiallergic drug and visit an allergist. Having found out what the allergic reaction was to, try not to come into contact with the allergen.

During pregnancy, swelling of the fingers can be relieved with the help of diuretic herbal preparations. To do this, you can steam and infuse dill umbrellas in boiling water. This remedy is a good diuretic, harmless and useful.

Swelling of the upper extremities, as a rule, alarms people, especially in cases where the arms swell suddenly, or it happens constantly, but the cause of this phenomenon has not been identified. If your fingers are swollen, you should immediately consult a doctor for help.

When the phalanges of the fingers hurt and swelling appears, this may indicate the development of a number of serious diseases. Most often, this symptom accompanies rheumatoid arthritis. With this pathology, the joints become inflamed and the hands swell in certain places. In this case, the person experiences discomfort. If the phalanges of the fingers are swollen and severe pain is felt, the temperature rises, this indicates the development of inflammation. You should definitely visit a doctor. It is important to start treating rheumatoid arthritis on time. If the phalanges of your fingers hurt, you should definitely smear them with special ointments and apply compresses. Anti-inflammatory therapy may also be suggested.

If the fingers swell mainly after sleep and a person has problems with urination, it is quite possible that he has certain problems with the functioning of the kidneys or liver.

If the phalanges of the fingers swell, but there is no pain in them, this may indicate problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Often a person may experience other symptoms. For example, shortness of breath and dizziness may appear. Often, fingers swell when the ambient temperature changes or after a walk. In such cases, consultation with a cardiologist is necessary. The disease can be quite serious and treatment should be started immediately, especially if the patient experiences discomfort in the chest area. After the therapy, the swelling goes away.

If your palms and fingers are swollen, this may be due to excessive fluid intake. Often these symptoms appear in the evening. A person should check how his kidneys are working. To do this, it is better to consult a urologist.

The appearance of swelling may also indicate an allergy. In this case, the fingers and palms suddenly swell, and the person may have never encountered such a phenomenon before. A tumor can appear as a result of eating allergenic foods or even contact with pollen or inhalation of dust. There are a huge number of allergens that can lead to swelling. Moreover, each person can react to contact with certain things individually. Some people's hands swell, and some may even experience suffocation and notice swelling on their face.

If the phalanx of a finger on your hand is swollen, this may be a consequence of eczema. In this case, peeling and redness are usually observed. The fingers are very itchy. If you observe such symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist. Skin diseases tend to progress and become more difficult to cure over time. If you diagnose eczema and dermatitis in time, you can avoid a number of problems in the future.

When dropsy of the fingers is observed constantly, this may be a consequence of enlarged lymph nodes. To check this assumption, you need to move your hand to the side and palpate the lymph node in the armpit. If compaction is observed there, you should immediately consult a physician. There can be many reasons for node enlargement.

Swelling of the fingers may be a consequence of traumatic exposure to them. If a person previously hit a limb hard, injured or cut it, and then noticed swelling, most likely the cause of its occurrence was the injury. But this phenomenon is a pathology. A tumor may indicate a violation of the integrity of the joint or a fracture. To rule this out, you should immediately see a doctor or go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. Specialists will definitely take an x-ray, the results of which will make it clear what to do next. Fingers may also swell as a result of soft tissue bruises. In this case, you can try applying lotions and compresses to the damaged fingers.

If the phalanges are severely swollen and a person experiences unbearable pain, it is difficult for him to move his arms, this may be a symptom of a fracture. To avoid unnecessary consequences, you should fix the phalanx in a stationary position and consult a doctor. If a splint is not at hand, it is permissible to bandage your finger to a wooden ruler.

When your fingers are swollen and an open wound is visible, you must definitely disinfect the surface. In this case, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. The swelling indicates that inflammation has begun. This can be very dangerous. If you do not receive qualified help in time, you may even lose a finger. Unfortunately, such cases also happen. Even a minor wound can cause blood poisoning if there is contact with contaminated surfaces.

When the fingers swell predominantly in the upper part, this may indicate the development of inflammation as a result of a poorly performed manicure. When cutting cuticles, it is very important to handle the tool carefully. Do not allow bleeding hangnails to form on your hands. This can cause a tumor to develop.

Fingers may also swell slightly during pregnancy. This is usually observed at a later date. But such a phenomenon cannot be considered the norm. In this case, doctors usually recommend that the expectant mother drink less liquid and do not add salt to her food.

The appearance of swelling and swelling on the fingers can indicate either an injury or a serious illness. If the cause of this phenomenon is not clear to a person and the swelling lasts a long time or is very pronounced, you should consult a doctor.

Quite often, with injuries, tissue damage and inflammation of the joints, a person experiences swollen fingers. In order for the treatment outcome to be positive, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon, since each individual case requires certain therapeutic measures. When on the fingers, a sharp pain appears, which prevents the phalanges from functioning normally. What to do in such situations? Let's try to look at the main reasons that cause swelling and ways to eliminate them.

How to remove the tumor yourself?

Swollen fingers are observed not only as a result of infection or injury, but also with monotonously repeated movements, for example, when working with a computer mouse for a long time. In such cases, complete rest and a cold compress with a tight bandage are necessary. You can reduce pain, relieve inflammation and normalize blood circulation by raising the affected finger up. When using ice, you must remember that it should be applied through a bandage, otherwise you can not only freeze the skin, but also significantly reduce blood flow, which will cause tissue damage and complicate subsequent rehabilitation.

It is very useful to take baths with warm salted water, in which it is recommended to immerse the affected limb for 20 minutes twice a day. If the situation remains the same and the condition does not improve, you should urgently consult a doctor to rule out injury or rupture of the tendon, as well as the development of an infectious process.


Quite often, swollen fingers are diagnosed due to traumatic exposure. The first signs of a fracture are severe swelling of the soft tissues, a rapid increase in their temperature, redness, sharp pain, subcutaneous hemorrhage and impaired motor activity. Before going to the hospital, it is recommended to build a special splint: it can be a pencil or a ballpoint pen, which should be tied to the sore finger. Remember that such a device is applied so that the underlying and overlying joints can be fixed.

Inflammatory process

If you have symptoms on your fingers for no apparent reason, and at the same time you cannot perform your usual movements, you need to see a doctor who, based on blood tests and x-rays, will draw appropriate conclusions about the condition of the tissues and the inflammatory processes occurring in them. Swelling can be caused by allergic reactions, arthritis, arthrosis and much more.

It should be noted that the thumb is different in structure from other fingers, since it has only two phalanges. With the help of the thumb, a person can lift weights and take inconvenient objects, so if it is affected, it is impossible to perform basic manipulations. In such cases, complex treatment is prescribed, based on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as the use of ointments, creams, wraps, compresses and lotions. If it is large, it is useful to apply honey cakes to it, but if you are allergic to bee products, it is better to avoid this procedure.

Violation of the integrity of the joint

If your hands are swollen as a result of an abrasion, cut, or unsuccessfully treated cuticle, it is necessary to prevent purulent inflammation. For this purpose, disinfectants such as streptocidal ointment, hydrogen peroxide and furatsilin solution are used. If the affected tissues become wet, it is better to use powder streptocide and change gauze bandages more often. To eliminate a deep inflammatory process that does not have obvious external manifestations, it is recommended to use Vishnevsky ointment. Local treatment is often combined with antibacterial drugs, but such medications are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Open wounds

A small swelling is a common sign of an open wound, but if this phenomenon continues for a long enough time, this is a signal that you need to see a doctor. You can prevent infection by using soapy water or disinfectant, as well as using antibacterial ointment and a sterile dressing. Open skin injuries that are caused by animal bites, rusty objects or deep punctures require immediate medical attention, otherwise their consequences can seriously threaten not only health, but also human life.

Other causes of swollen fingers

Many people have probably noticed swollen fingers on their hands after a long walk. What does this mean? Most often, this phenomenon is not associated with a serious illness and, as a rule, goes away after some time. In most cases, swelling of the hands is observed in inactive people who remain motionless for a long time. As a result of this lifestyle, the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is disrupted, which leads to the accumulation of blood in the upper extremities. This causes swelling of the fingers, which may be accompanied by a slight tingling sensation.

Another reason could be the difference between the temperature of the air and your body. During movement, the body heats up and begins to release heat through sweating. At this time, cool air acts on the exposed areas of the hands, blood begins to flow to them, which leads to swelling and swelling. You can alleviate your condition in the following way: while walking, make frequent stops, periodically clench and unclench your fists, and do not forget to raise your arms above your head. If the swelling does not go away after returning from a walk, go to the hospital.

Women often notice that their middle finger is swollen. The reason for this may be a regular ring, which compresses the lower phalanx and leads to blood stagnation. In this case, it is better to avoid such jewelry, which, among other things, can cause allergies. If your fingers regularly swell, do not delay visiting a doctor, since such a symptom may indicate a serious illness that is easier to eliminate at an early stage of development.

Pain in the joints of the hands bothers people of all ages. Often negative symptoms manifest themselves in a subtle way, and a person is in no hurry to be examined by a neurologist or rheumatologist. The consequences of carelessness can be extremely unpleasant: chronic diseases, destruction of cartilage tissue, limited mobility of the upper limbs, constant pain and discomfort.

Knowledge of the causes and characteristic signs of pathologies accompanied by pain and tissue tumors will help you avoid serious consequences. Many factors provoke joint problems. It is important to know how to protect the musculoskeletal system from intractable diseases. Doctors' recommendations can help.

Probable Causes

Pathological processes occur with varying intensity, symptoms range from mild to pronounced:

  • with degenerative-dystrophic changes, there is no inflammation, pain, swelling, stiffness of the joints are a consequence of the destruction of cartilage, a decrease in the amount of synovial fluid, and excessive friction of the articular heads;
  • When a focus of destruction is identified, negative symptoms accompany the inflammatory process. Characteristic signs: redness of the skin, sharp pain, “pulsation” inside the problem area, swelling, sometimes severe, effusion or protrusion of tissue filled with exudate.

Pain and swelling in the joints of the hands appear under the influence of various factors. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups:

  • diseases of various etiologies. Discomfort in parts of the musculoskeletal system occurs against the background of articular pathologies and diseases of various origins;
  • factors not related to disease. Among them: features of professional activity, lifestyle, hard work, nutrition, household, sports and work-related injuries.

Provoking factors

Pain in the shoulder, elbow, wrist joint, and fingers often occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • monotonous activity. The joints of the hands often hurt among plasterers and painters who spend hours loading their hands and shoulders;
  • lack of movement, sedentary work, prolonged typing on the keyboard. Office workers often suffer from poor posture, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, pinched nerves when staying in one position for a long time, often hunched over;
  • high loads on arms, shoulders for heavy work, carrying bales, boxes, building materials. Joints often swell and hurt in masons, loaders, paving slab layers, professional finishers, and other construction workers;
  • active sports, going to the gym,"rocking chairs", fitness center. Excessive loads, exercises with barbells and dumbbells are not always beneficial. Excessive tension in joint and muscle tissue often causes discomfort and provokes the development of negative processes;
  • consequences of injuries. Often, old tissue lesions respond with pain and swelling after a year or two or more. When combined with high loads and poor nutrition, pathological processes in the joints develop at high speed;
  • heart disease, spinal problems, neurological diseases often affect the condition of the joints. In this case, there is swelling in the problem area, it is difficult to raise the arm, often there is a tingling sensation inside the tissues, numbness of the limbs, “goosebumps”;
  • age-related changes. No person is immune from this phenomenon. As the body ages, joint tissue wears out, bones and cartilage weaken, and the process of secreting synovial fluid (lubricant) is disrupted. If a person takes care of his health, does exercises, eats right, gives reasonable exercise, and after 40 years takes chondroprotectors, the risk of arthrosis and arthritis is reduced several times. Women over 45 need to control their hormonal levels to prevent a dangerous disease - osteoporosis.

Possible diseases

Pain in the shoulder, elbow, wrist joint, and fingers develops when the following pathologies are detected:

  • ( , );
  • periarthrosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • , tendobursitis;
  • myalgia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • brucellosis;
  • viral, bacterial infections;
  • chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (pharyngitis, sore throat, laryngitis).


Only an experienced doctor can figure out why the patient is bothered by pain and swelling in the joints of the hands. If negative signs appear, consultation with a rheumatologist, orthopedist and neurologist is required. There are many causes of pain in the shoulder, elbow, fingers or hand; it is not easy to figure out which factor causes discomfort and negative symptoms.

Diagnostics includes various methods:

  • conversation with the patient, clarification of the nature of the pain, type of occupation, frequency, duration of negative manifestations;
  • it is important to figure out whether there are chronic pathologies that a person does not know about;
  • analyzes and instrumental studies provide a complete picture. Only an integrated approach to diagnosis will allow us to understand the cause of swelling and pain in the joints;
  • You will need blood and urine tests, ultrasound, MRI, and radiography.

Information for patients! Inattention to the patient’s complaints, the desire to quickly prescribe expensive drugs without finding out a detailed picture of the pathology is a reason to look for another doctor. A competent, responsible doctor will conduct a full diagnosis and ask the patient in detail about negative manifestations. Only on the basis of photographs, tests, and an accurate description of the nature of joint pain will the doctor indicate the type of disease and develop a treatment regimen.

Effective treatments

An integrated approach will help relieve the patient from negative symptoms. The sooner a person seeks help, the easier it is to restore health to problem joints.

The main task is to stop the effect of negative factors. Often you have to change your lifestyle, choose a different type of professional activity, or review your diet.

If the cause of pain and swelling in the joints lies in infectious, acute or chronic systemic pathologies, the main efforts are aimed at treating the underlying disease. As you recover, negative symptoms in parts of the musculoskeletal system will also weaken.

Drug therapy

The selection of drugs depends on the cause of swelling and pain in the joints. Did the discomfort occur due to a bacterial or viral infection? You cannot do without antibiotics and antiviral compounds.

The following types of drugs slow down the destruction of cartilage tissue, relieve inflammation in the synovial membrane and periarticular tissues, and normalize blood circulation:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • B vitamins;
  • angioprotectors.

Folk remedies and recipes

Painful manifestations, especially at the early stages of joint pathologies, can be successfully relieved with home remedies. Herbalists use common products, medicinal herbs, indoor plants, sea salt, essential and vegetable oils.

The selection of traditional medicine depends on the type of pathology. Before using homemade ointments, tinctures, rubs, you need to consult a doctor. There are universal means of “mild” action, the use of which never harms the body, for example, cabbage leaves, aloe juice, chamomile decoction for tissue inflammation.

Popular high efficiency products:

  • baths with sea salt (hay dust, oatmeal, decoction of pine needles);
  • compress from horseradish leaf (plantain, cabbage, kalanchoe);
  • aloe juice with honey;
  • Vaseline-based ointment with valuable esters;
  • lingonberry tea;
  • a collection of St. John's wort, chamomile, hop cones, calendula;
  • ointment with crushed comfrey root and pork fat;
  • vegetable oil with celandine;
  • pine bath elixir.

Important! If the inflammatory process is active, the problem area should not be heated: heat increases the speed of blood and lymph flow, and the infection spreads faster to neighboring tissues and other parts of the body.

Therapeutic exercise and massage

Circular rotations of the shoulders, arms bent at the elbows, flexion and extension of the upper limbs are simple, accessible movements that maintain healthy joints. When working at a computer, doing painting and plastering work, gymnastics for the hands and fingers is useful.

Proper nutrition

Often, problems with joints begin when consuming foods that negatively affect the condition of cartilage tissue. Excess salt, sugar, purines, which slow down the excretion of uric acid salts, and components of sweet carbonated drinks gradually worsen the health of bones and cartilage. Frequent consumption of fried, spicy foods, pickles, and pickled vegetables increases the negative impact.

Products that keep joints healthy:

  • vegetables in any form, except spinach, sorrel, tomatoes, cauliflower;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • non-acidic berries and fruits;
  • hard cheese;
  • nuts;
  • porridge;
  • dishes with gelatin (jelly, jelly);
  • salmon fish;
  • seafood;
  • fish fat;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dietary meat: turkey, rabbit, chicken;
  • herbal infusions, still mineral water.

Learn about how to treat with medications and their rules of use.

A page is written about the causes of development and characteristic symptoms of Schlatter's disease of the knee joint in children and adults.

Go to the address and read about effective treatment options for grade 3 knee gonarthrosis.

If you have pain or swelling in the joints, you should not use:

  • refractory fats of animal origin;
  • offal;
  • fat meat;
  • herring, sprats, mackerel;
  • sweet soda;
  • semi-finished products, canned food, fast food;
  • citrus fruits, sour fruits, berries;
  • legumes;
  • baked goods;
  • sweets with dyes;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • beer;
  • strong tea, especially black;
  • too much salt and sugar.

The less fried, smoked, and pickled foods there are on the menu, the less stress on the digestive system and the weaker the negative impact on cartilage tissue. Nutritionists recommend cooking dishes(usually steamed), baked, eat more vegetables fresh.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Modern techniques are effective for pain and swelling of the joints:

  • shock wave therapy;
  • paraffin and ozokerite applications;
  • mud baths;
  • electrophoresis;
  • UHF heating;
  • medicinal baths.

Physiotherapy procedures are carried out after acute inflammation has been relieved, during the period of remission when chronic pathologies are detected.

The variety of reasons that provoke negative changes in joint tissue is a reason to think about the health of the musculoskeletal system. If the joints hurt, “twist according to the weather,” swell, signs of inflammation are observed, It is important to contact a rheumatologist, neurologist or orthopedist in time. The doctor will tell you what symptoms of the disease are detected, advise how to get rid of the painful manifestations, how to protect the elbow, shoulder, wrist joint, and tissues of the fingers from damage.

More interesting and useful information about pain in the joints of the hands in the following video:

Attention! Only today!

Swollen fingers indicate various disorders in the functioning of the body. They can be either temporary, situational, or more serious – pathological. The easiest way to notice swelling is in the morning. Although in some pathologies the fingers swell in the evening. We will understand the real causes of swelling of the fingers and offer methods on how to deal with it.

What causes swollen fingers?

First, let's list the situational reasons. That is, cases when swelling occurs not due to disease, but due to accidents, poor lifestyle, errors in diet, changes in the functioning of the body that are not related to diseases. It is situational reasons that account for the majority of cases. What can we say here?

  1. Drinking large amounts of water. Most often this is exactly what happens. Your hands swell if you drink a lot of liquid or do it at the wrong time. For example, at night. Another case is the consumption of large volumes of water together with salted, smoked foods. Salt and spices retain water, even if you drink only a little.
  2. Finger injuries. Sometimes swollen joints are confused with hematomas. A slight bruise and a serious fracture lead to such unpleasant changes. Moreover, sometimes the injury is initially not even noticeable. And it appears after a day or even longer.
  3. Allergy. There are many options for an allergic reaction. In many cases, this is an allergy to certain products, cleaning products, or poor-quality gloves. Allergies appear suddenly when you change something in your life. Add new foods to your diet or change household chemicals.
  4. Frequent contact with cleaning agents. Even if you don't have allergies, household chemicals can still cause swelling. For example, when you use it too often and don't take precautions to protect your fingers.
  5. Prolonged physical activity. Swelling can be caused by carrying heavy bags, working in the garden, hand washing, and so on. This happens even in completely healthy people. Usually after rest the swelling disappears.
  6. Incorrect work and rest schedule. Insufficient sleep, prolonged work (both physical and mental), poor nutrition also cause swelling. What's worse is not the swollen fingers themselves, but the consequences that such a lifestyle can lead to. Still, there is a risk of completely compromising your health.
  7. Compression of veins and arteries. This happens when you wear a bag on your arm, bracelets, heavy watches and the like. It is impossible to list all the cases in which blood vessels may be compressed. Everyone is individual.
  8. Pregnancy. In healthy but pregnant women, swelling of the fingers is a common phenomenon. There is usually no need to worry about it.

Pathologies in which fingers swell

Now let's look at pathological cases. Swelling of the fingers is a clear diagnostic sign of many diseases. Of course, in order to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis. But the swelling itself already speaks volumes. What diseases cause such a problem as swelling of the fingers?

  1. Cardiovascular diseases. Many pathologies of the heart and blood vessels provoke the formation of edema. These are hypertension, hypotension, heart failure, vascular blockage, varicose veins. The latter happens especially often. And, although varicose veins affect the vessels on the legs, oddly enough, they can also lead to swelling of the fingers.
  2. Diseases of digestion, liver, kidneys. Swelling is primarily caused by kidney disease. Fluid retention, improper disposal of salt and sugar - these are the main reasons why swelling on the fingers appears.
  3. Joint diseases. Arthritis and rheumatism are often accompanied by swelling of the fingers. Only swelling appears not due to the accumulation of fluid, but due to a change in the very shape of the joints. At the same time, even a slight touch to the affected area causes severe pain.
  4. Lung diseases. It is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, although it can occur without them.
  5. Obesity. And finally, with significant excess weight or outright obesity, swelling in the fingers is simply inevitable.

What to do if swelling appears on your fingers

It is clear that the most important thing is to exclude diseases. If there are any additional symptoms indicating diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs, etc., you should definitely check with a doctor. When there are no other signs, follow these recommendations.

  1. Avoid compression of blood vessels. It is necessary to get rid of any objects that may compress the arteries. As mentioned above, these are heavy watches, bracelets, and bags. Including, you cannot carry a bag on your elbow.
  2. Review your diet. Avoid salty and smoked foods, reduce fluid volumes, and do not drink alcohol. Coffee and strong tea cause swelling of the joints. So, they shouldn’t be abused either.
  3. Do not eat or drink at least 2 hours before bedtime. In healthy people, swelling appears on the joints if you drink at least a little water immediately before bed. This is an additional burden on the kidneys, interfering with normal sleep.
  4. Give yourself physical activity. You can help your body cope with excess fluids or salt by doing exercises every day and walking at least a couple of kilometers. Exercise improves metabolic processes, and the risk of finger swelling decreases.
  5. Take a contrast shower. This procedure has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. And, if you regularly practice this activity, there will be fewer problems.
  6. Ventilate the air at home more often. Sufficient humidity and fresh air are useful for strengthening the body, breathing properly, and maintaining normal blood pressure.
  7. Finally, there are many foods and drinks that can help prevent swollen hands. The most useful: watermelon, cucumbers, kefir, celery. But there is no need to abuse drugs that have a diuretic effect. The more you try to remove fluid from the body, the more actively it will accumulate it.



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