Function and structure of the vocal cords. Human vocal cords: where they are located and what they look like

The vocal cords are organs that are responsible not only for the formation of the voice, but also protect the lower respiratory tract from food, water and foreign objects. The vocal folds are heterogeneous; they include connective and muscle tissue, which are evenly covered with mucous membrane on all sides. The vocal cords are located on both sides of the larynx. In diseases of the larynx, inflammation can spread to this paired organ.

Where are the human vocal cords located?

The vocal cords are paired organs made of elastic tissue, which in appearance resemble small flaps of leather attached to both sides of the larynx. In turn, the larynx is hollow organ, which is located between the pharynx and trachea. The larynx consists of peculiar hyaline cartilages, between which there are folds of mucous membrane - vocal and vestibular.

Vocal folds consist of movable muscle tissue, which is very mobile. Due to the contraction, the position of the ligaments changes somewhat, as well as their resistance to air entering the nasopharynx. It is because of the resistance of the ligaments to incoming air flows that a person is able to talk and make other sounds.

The voice appears when the joints of the larynx move, which leads to the expansion and narrowing of the glottis. The height and timbre of the voice depends on the width of this gap and on the tension of the muscle tissue. Sounds produced by humans are produced by the passage of air from the lower respiratory tract through the larynx. Already from such sounds a person forms separate words.

Common vocal cord diseases

Since the vocal cords are located directly in the larynx, any infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the throat can provoke their inflammation. Elastic formations that are responsible for speech may be subject to the following diseases:

In addition, provoke severe pain vocal cords and voice impairment can be caused by various types of injuries. This may be mechanical or chemical damage caused by inhalation of various caustic chemicals.

If there is a suspicion that the child has respiratory tract stuck small item, you should not try to get it yourself. A doctor should remove beads, buttons and other objects using a bronchoscope.

Diagnosis of laryngeal pathologies

If you have a sore throat for several days and conventional treatment methods do not help, you should see a doctor. The specialist will listen to the patient’s complaints and carry out necessary examination. If laryngeal pathology is suspected, the following examination methods can be used:

To clarify big picture the patient's health condition is prescribed clinical analysis blood.

How to prevent ligament diseases

  • Hypothermia must be avoided. In spring, you shouldn’t rush to take off your hat. It must be remembered that hypothermia of any ENT organ can lead to inflammation of the larynx and all its components.
  • Gotta watch out infectious diseases. It is required to carry out vaccination and revaccination against diphtheria in a timely manner.
  • All respiratory diseases it is necessary to treat in a timely manner and in compliance with all doctor’s recommendations.
  • If you feel the presence of a foreign body in your throat for a long time, you should see a doctor.
  • If the voice remains hoarse for a long time and, despite treatment, the patient’s condition only worsens, you need to undergo a full examination.

With the help of vocal cords a person can speak and reproduce different sounds. Air passing through the larynx causes elastic formations to move, due to which sound is formed. IN calm state the ligaments fit tightly to the larynx and do not interfere with the passage of air.

The vocal organ is one of the essential elements buildings human body, whose function is to protect the lungs and bronchi from foreign substances, water and food entering them. As the main part of the middle pharynx, the vocal cords are located on either side of the larynx.

Participate in the work of elastic formations a large number of muscles. The air falling on them causes vibrations and vibrations, thanks to which a person can make various sounds and form words. During a cold, the space between the ligaments is significantly reduced. appear in the throat discomfort, which makes speech difficult, leading to hoarseness or complete loss of voice.

When speaking, they move closer to the larynx, straining and vibrating until all the air comes out. The height of the sounds produced depends on the degree of their tension. But in order to see full picture work of this body and to understand its proper functioning, it is necessary to have an idea of complex structure, part of which are the vocal cords.

Structure of the larynx

The upper part of the windpipe is located between the trachea and pharynx. The latter is an elongated channel that connects oral cavity and the nasal sinuses with the larynx and esophagus. Depending on the age of the person, its size may vary. Consisting of the epiglottis, thyroid and cricoid cartilages, vocal cords and trachea, the organ is covered inside with a membrane that performs protective, nutritional and other functions. The outer part of the cartilaginous skeleton of the larynx is covered with muscles and fiber, separating it from nearby formations.

The inner surface of the organ consists of fibrous and fibromuscular folds. And if the former are not sufficiently developed and do not participate in the formation of sounds, then the latter are direct participants in this process.

Ligament pathologies

  • Granuloma. Inflammation that occurs as a result of, as well as during its irritation. The voice becomes hoarse, and a feeling of presence appears in the organ. foreign body that you want to get rid of. At the same time, the pain radiates to auricle. The ulcers formed by the disease have pale pink color and can grow. In these cases, carry out conservative treatment, and if it is ineffective, surgery is performed. However, if you do not irritate the granuloma, it can resolve on its own.
  • Overloading the ligaments can lead to the formation of benign growths. This creates seals that grow over time. The most prominent symptom here is hoarseness of the voice. This chronic illness requires constant monitoring at the doctor's. To reduce swelling of the laryngeal folds, treatment is prescribed using steroid drugs. New growths are removed using a laser or cryosurgical method.

Cause of pain in vocal cords

There are also many others serious pathologies, which appear extremely rarely. These include:

  • various injuries;
  • toxic substances that enter the larynx during inhalation;
  • tuberculosis, which is extremely dangerous.

Diagnosis of diseases of the larynx

In order to establish the cause of inflammation, you need to contact a specialist and undergo thorough examination, which includes the following medical measures.

We all know about the magic of a smile, the elusive charm of a walk and the power of a look. And we don’t remember at all that the human voice is also capable of leaving a strong impression. So, starting a conversation with stranger, sometimes we feel an incomprehensible sympathy, and sometimes even hostility and disappointment.

What determines the sound of a voice? Experts in this matter believe that the culprit is two “pearl cords,” whose name is the vocal cords. What do they like, what are they afraid of, where are they located and how do they change throughout their lives? We described this and much more in our article “ vocal cords«.

The structure of the vocal cords

Vocal cords, or as they are also called vocal folds , are not only responsible for voice formation, but also participate in defense lower sections respiratory tract (bronchial tubes and lungs) from the ingress of food, water and foreign bodies. The composition of the vocal cord is heterogeneous. It contains connective and muscle tissue, which is covered on all sides by the mucous membrane. By the way, the mucous membrane of the ligaments has the same structure as the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract, as well as the genitourinary system.

Apparently, this is why there is an opinion among people about the connection between voice and sexuality. However, there is no scientific confirmation of this hypothesis. But it has been absolutely proven that the level of sex hormones in a woman’s body can significantly affect.

And all because the larynx is a hormone-dependent organ, that is, the size of the larynx, its length, width, thickness and elasticity of the vocal folds change depending on the ratio of female and male sex hormones.

Voice: high or low

In childhood, the larynx of a boy and a girl is not much different, so their voices sound approximately the same. But under the influence of male sex hormones, during puberty, the boy’s larynx lengthens, expands, and begins to protrude more strongly adam's apple, and the vocal cords thicken. As a result of all these metamorphoses, the configuration of the respiratory tract changes noticeably, and the voice becomes rougher and lower.

The girl's voice also undergoes minor changes, becoming a little louder or lower than before. Although there are men with voices atypical for their gender, this is rather an exception to the rule, caused by genetic predisposition or hormonal imbalance(when a woman’s body produces excess testosterone, and a man produces estrogens in excess).

It’s not for nothing that two centuries ago tenor boys with good vocal abilities were castrated, deliberately depriving them of male sex hormones. Thanks to this, their larynx did not develop according to male type, and the vocal cords remained as thin and elastic as those of a child.

old lady's voice

At the onset of old age human vocal cords are subjected to another age-related changes. The same sex hormones influence this. Through certain time hormones are no longer produced in proper quantities. With these processes, the blood supply to the mucous membrane deteriorates, it becomes thinner, less elastic and drier. The voice becomes weak and rattling due to non-closure of vocal cords.

However, it is not only age that spoils the voice. Notorious bad habits- a passion for alcoholic beverages, as well as being in a dusty room can significantly weaken the vocal cords, since dust, nicotine and alcohol are very strong irritants of the laryngeal mucosa. And as a result, a spasm of the vessels that penetrate the larynx occurs, and the vocal cords are disrupted. The sonority of the voice is lost, it turns into a characteristic hoarse, raspy voice.

The effect of cold on the vocal cords

The vocal cords also do not like the cold, especially if it is necessary to shout or talk a lot. It was the cold that made its own adjustments to the sound of the famous voice Russian actor Vasily Livanov, who voiced everyone's favorite Carlson, the crocodile Gena and, of course, the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes. At the dawn of his acting career, Vasily Livanov starred in Mikhail Kalatozov’s film “An Unsent Letter.”

According to the director's idea, the actors had to not only act in the cold, but also voice their roles in the cold. After this, Vasily Livanov for a long time lost my voice. It was possible to return it only after long-term treatment, however, it has already begun to sound completely different, acquiring that very Lebanese hoarseness. However, a cracked voice is not always the consequence of some disease.

Vladimir Vysotsky, for example, got his legendary voice from nature. And actor Nikita Dzhigurda “tempered” his ligaments in adolescence when, together with my friends, I sang Vysotsky’s songs with a guitar from morning to night.

Vocal cord nodules

Vocal cords photo

By 30% speech apparatus consists of muscles, and they can get tired just like other muscles, for example the legs. Therefore, after speaking for 2-3 hours, a person in the voice-speech profession needs further sleep of about 8-9 hours.

This is the period of time required for restoration of vocal cords. Neglecting these rules may contribute to hoarseness, hoarseness or loss of voice.

If the loss of voice occurred from attending a rock concert or stadium, then a person only needs to remain silent for a couple of days. But if you mercilessly exploit the vocal folds for a long time, this can contribute to the formation singing nodules- these are specific benign neoplasms on the larynx, which in turn prevent the vocal cords from closing, causing hoarseness ( Occupational Illness speakers, singers and teachers).

If the disease is detected on early stage when the nodule is just forming, the problem can be solved with medicines and physical therapy that needs to be injected into the vocal cords. If the nodule has already formed, then only an otolaryngologist can restore the beauty of the sound of the voice.

Singing nodules can appear not only in singers, but also in children. Especially if they scream often, loudly and for a long time.

Relationship between legs and vocal cords

At cold weather The vocal cords really don’t like wet ones, because the projection points of the ENT organs and the larynx in particular are on the feet. Therefore, often hypothermia of the feet can cause a sore throat and hoarseness. During illness, it is very important not only to warm the throat with dry compresses, but also to keep your feet warm.

During this period, it is good to do inhalations with herbal decoctions (eucalyptus, chamomile), which have an astringent, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. At the same time, in order to breathe steam, you must be at a safe distance (30 cm between the steam source and the nasopharynx), so as not to get a burn to the mucous membrane from the hot air.

Diseased vocal cords need vitamins A and E, which improve tissue traffic, restore cells of the body’s mucous membranes and immune system. B vitamins are also needed, but not as part of products, but as inhalations or infusions vitamin mixtures and astringent solutions of colloidal silver.

Vocal cord training

Paradoxically, the vocal cords can be trained. True, it is quite difficult to do this on your own, so those who want to “tame” their baritone turn to phoniators And phonopedists. They are the ones who teach vocalists and speakers how to properly tense the muscles of the larynx, controlling air flows at their own discretion. Thanks to these secrets, many singers master the highest notes, bringing the audience to ecstasy.

However, not a single phoniologist can teach a person to sing if he naturally does not have a voice and hearing. Experts will not be able to “reforge” a rough voice, making it thin and sonorous, as was the case with the wolf in the fairy tale about the seven little kids. Although theoretically this could be achieved using plastic surgery by changes in the larynx. But for now it looks more like science fiction.

Facts about the larynx

  • 30 years ago, Elton John almost lost his voice because in the 80s of the last century he was too keen on marijuana. To save his voice, surgeons had to complex operation to remove polyps that formed on Elton’s larynx as a result of smoking hashish. And although after this the performer had to remain silent for several years, overall his voice sounded deeper, wider and stronger.
  • Jill Drake, a resident of Tenterden (Kent County in southeast England), is officially recognized as the owner of the loudest voice in the world. As a teaching assistant, Mrs. Drake, 48, can be heard above the engine noise of a landing plane. Having measured the power of her voice, experts were shocked: it turned out that the supersonic giant Concorde makes a noise of 120 decibels in low flight, while the strength of the junior teacher’s scream reaches 129 decibels!
  • Unlike humans and animals, fish are completely devoid of vocal cords. However, this does not prevent them from “speaking” their fish language, making sounds by hitting their swim bladder. Although in some fish the role of the drum is played by a special hole covered with film, and the role drumsticks- fins.

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Voice apparatus - system internal organs people who participate in the formation of the voice. Vocal cords alone are not enough to speak. Three main parts are needed: the lungs with a muscle system, the larynx and air cavities, which are resonators and emitters.

The vocal apparatus includes the oral and nasal cavities, through which sound passes, resonating and acquiring the required form. Next come the pharynx and larynx, which contain special folds - the vocal cords. The trachea, bronchi and lungs also participate in the formation of sound; muscles help them abdominal cavity. Also part voice apparatus a person can be called nervous system, which connects certain parts of the brain with motor nerves in the listed bodies.

Thus, the vocal cords are one of the most important organs for the formation of sounds, which is located in the middle part of the apparatus, in the larynx. The larynx is located between the pharynx and trachea and connects these two organs. It consists of several cartilages: epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid and other paired ones. The vocal cords or folds are attached to the thyroid and arytenoids: this is the mucous membrane of the larynx, which has a folded rather than smooth shape. It consists of muscle and connective tissue.

The folds are located on the right and left in the form of two elastic formations, the work of which involves muscles. They have the shape of lips, but are located vertically. Between them there is a space - the glottis, which is needed not only for the production of sounds, but also for protecting the airways during eating.

When a person breathes, the vocal cords are spread wide apart, and air flows smoothly and without interruption through the gap, entering or leaving the lungs. But when you need to pronounce a sound, the muscles of the laryngeal mucosa tense the vocal cords, the gap closes, then opens under the influence of pressure, releasing part of the air. The folds move closer to each other and begin to vibrate. As a result, the air vibrates, producing sounds of varying pitches. The volume can be controlled by the force with which the air is pushed out, and the pitch of the sounds depends on the frequency of vibration and the level of tension in the ligaments. With the help of muscles, folds can vibrate not only with their entire surface, but also in parts - for example, only the edges or half of their mass.

Tip 2: Which human organs take part in breathing?

Respiration refers to a whole range of processes in the human body that ensure its continuous supply of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide. To maintain life, the respiratory system uses whole line organs.

Breathing is divided into five stages. The first of them is external breathing or ventilation of the lungs, the second is the exchange of gases in the lungs between alveolar air and blood. The third stage is the transport of gases by blood. The fourth stage of respiration is the exchange of gases between the blood of large capillaries and tissue cells. The fifth stage is internal breathing.

Functions of the respiratory system

The main function of respiration is to renew oxygen in the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the body. But there are also additional functions respiratory system:

1. Participation in thermoregulation. The temperature of the inhaled air in some way affects the temperature of the body as a whole. When you exhale, heat escapes into the air.

2. Participation in the processes of selection. Vesta with carbon dioxide When you exhale, water vapor also leaves the body. This also applies to other substances, such as alcohol.

3. Participation in immune reactions. Some cells in the respiratory tract are capable of killing bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms.

The respiratory tract has a number of other functions:

1. heating and cooling of air;
2. air humidification;
3. air purification.

The structure of the respiratory system

The organs of the respiratory system include the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.

The respiratory tract begins from the nasal cavity. It is separated from the mouth by a hard and soft palate. The nasal cavity has a bone and cartilaginous framework. Thus, the nose is divided into two parts - the right and left side. Nasal cavity has three nasal passages: upper, middle and lower.

The larynx is located at the level of 4-6 cervical vertebrae. It is formed by paired and unpaired cartilages. Paired cartilages - arytenoid, corniculate and wedge-shaped. Unpaired cartilages- thyroid and cricoid. At the top edge thyroid cartilage the epiglottis can be seen. It closes the entrance to the larynx during swallowing. Between the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages there are two vocal cords. The space between them is the glottis.

The trachea is a kind of extension of the larynx. It is divided into the right and left bronchi. The bifurcation of the trachea is the site of its division. The length of the trachea can vary from 9 to 12 cm. The transverse diameter ranges from 15 to 18 mm.

The bronchi in the lungs branch into smaller bronchi in a tree-like manner. Meanwhile, they form even smaller branches called bronchioles.

IN chest cavity a person's lungs are located. Right lung is divided into three lobes, and the left into two. Both lungs are covered with a membrane - the pleura. The pleura consists of two layers - internal (visceral) and external (parietal). The inner layer is the outer layer of the lungs and covers them. Between the layers of the pleura there is a tiny closed capillary space. It is called the pleural cavity.

The true vocal cords are located in the middle region of the human pharynx, on the right and left sides of it. Representing two elastic formations covered with a mucous membrane, they are stretched from front to back. Their increased elasticity is due to the presence of connective and muscle tissue in their structure. The space between these formations is called the glottis. not only take part in the formation of sounds, but also perform protective function lower respiratory tract.

Sounds are formed as a result of the convergence, tension and vibration of the ligaments under the influence of the air coming out of the lungs. It should be noted that the mechanics of sound formation in all vertebrates with a vocal apparatus are, on average, the same. Some mammals do not have it, and in some it is rather poorly developed. Many mammals, in addition to true ones, also have false vocal cords. In humans, they are located slightly higher than the true ones and do not participate in the formation of sounds.

In croaking amphibians, the cords involved in the formation of sounds are located in the lower halves of the “vocal lips”. These thick folds of mucosa border the cleft along the inner edges of the arytenoid cartilages. Many reptiles are unable to make sounds. Among them, chameleons and geckos have true ligaments.

When breathing, air continuously and smoothly passes through the glottis. However, it is quite wide open. Air movement is carried out due to pressure in the respiratory tract. It is created by the human expiratory muscles. During the process of sound formation, the gap is closed and the ligaments are tense. Under the influence of pressure, the gap on a short time opens and some of the air comes out of it. Then the vocal cords move closer together and begin to vibrate. Thus, in the process of sound formation, the flow of air passing through the gap is intermittent, and the air itself is in oscillatory motion. Depending on the magnitude and degree of tension of the ligaments, as well as the frequency of air vibrations, sounds of varying heights are formed. The bronchi, lungs and trachea are also involved in the formation of sounds. To amplify sounds in the body, there is a system of resonators (in humans this is the oral and

Vocal cord diseases can often appear suddenly. As a rule, this occurs with allergies, viral infections, inhalation of substances that irritate the mucous membranes. Inflammation can also worsen when the voice is overstrained. Swelling of the mucous membrane may be accompanied by an increase in the size of the ligaments and a decrease in the gap. In particularly acute cases, swelling of the mucous membrane can lead to complete closure of the gap. As a result, the air supply to the lungs stops, and the person begins to suffocate.

For diagnostics it is used endoscopic method research using a special camera, which the doctor carefully inserts into the mouth or nose. The procedure is performed while preventing vomiting, painful sensations and patient discomfort.

An accurate study of vocal apparatus disorders is carried out using stroboscopy. This special method lighting allows for slow observation of the frequency of vocal vibrations. This method is used in the diagnosis of mechanical and neurological voice disorders, as well as malignant and benign formations less than a millimeter. When performing stroboscopy, you can record the diagnostic process on video, which allows you to monitor during long period and compare the state of the vocal apparatus before and after the use of speech therapy or drug treatment. Such observation is especially important if surgery has been performed on the vocal cords.



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