Translating plugins for Skyrim using Skyrim String Localizer. Jerking Skyrim and other pathologies Additional program functions


ALWAYS And READ THE REQUIREMENTS CAREFULLY(SKSE, SkyUI and tede) mods, their compatibility/incompatibility with other mods, FAQ fashion (if any), installation methods- this is all VERY important information! Most questions will disappear after reading this information.

Make sure you have the latest versions of: , video drivers, VCRedist, etc. This will help you not only in this game!


  • 1. Install Skyrim(Legendary edition is not necessary, but is desirable, because some mods require DLC)
  • 2.
  • 3. Download/install the mod manager
    (or, as a last resort, ).
  • 4. Download/install the program Attention does not work with Windows XP and earlier versions!
  • 5. Download/install the mod . For people who don't want the SkyUI menu, but want the mod settings menu, there is .


*If you have done this, then proceed directly to installing mods!

If you don't have a problem with an empty window when dragging mods in the "Installers" tab.

You need to click on the item highlighted in red in the figure below:

  • 1. Right-click on an empty space in the “Installers” tab.
  • 2. Click on the item "Enabled"
  • 3. "Do you want to enable Installers?" (We're dreaming!) Click "Yes"!
  • 4. Wait while the program processes your folder with installer archives and the game.
  • 5. ???????
  • 6. PROFIT

...using Nexus Mod Manager


...using Wrye Bash:

Open the program Wrye Bash

  • 1. Go to the tab " Installers"
  • 1.1 Right-click on the desired mod and select " Uninstall"
    Mod removed!
  • 2. Go to the tab " Mods"
  • 2.1 We check that all the checkmarks are GREEN.
    *The one that most often suffers from color changes is "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". If its color is different from green, you need to re-create the patch (see point 4.2 in installing mods using Wrye Bash).

...using Nexus Mod Manager.

Open the program NMM

- functional mod manager for Skyrim. The software is designed to simplify the installation of modifications and customization of game graphics. Ability to create installers for plugins, which makes it easier to distribute the mod online and install it on other computers. Supports the function of registering and validating archives.

Main functions:

  1. INI setup

    SKSM allows you to customize the graphics to suit your needs. From standard settings such as anti-aliasing and filtering to setting the number of cells to load. Ability to create backup copies of INI files for Skyrim.

  2. Connecting plugins
    connecting addons (DLC) and other custom mods, a function similar to
  3. Installing plugins
    Installing Skyrim modifications from installation packages. Installers are mods packaged in a special way for easy distribution and use by other SKSMs.
    The program contains an "installer wizard" that can create an installer package from a list of files. Replacement of standard methods.
  4. Russian interface
    The help is completely in Russian. The program interface has been Russified.

Any bugs or suggestions found should be dealt with strictly.
A selection of mods with

*Before updating, you must completely uninstall the program

What does this program do, why do I need it?
In general, the program is designed to better configure the game (graphics, mainly) and connect plugins (mods, if you want). And from version 1.4 you can also create installers to make it easier to install this plugin again or remove it.

Is this program something like OBMM for Oblivion or Nexus Mod Manager (NMM)?
This is the mod manager. It does not have all the features of OBMM, but they are not needed in this case. NMM is also a mod manager, but it is primarily focused on working with the website. Plugins downloaded from this site can almost always be installed using it. There is no such thing on Russian sites. But nevertheless, NMM is more similar to SKSM than any other mod manager.

Where is the official website/where is the best place to download?
On, you can go there using the link in the About the program section. You can also visit the program page on, it is not the main one, but is controlled by me (that is, the author). Do not download the program from other sites. On them it may be an old version or in the wrong configuration. The original author's version is supplied in a special installer (.exe file) located inside a ZIP or 7z archive. No answers will be given to questions regarding a copy of the program downloaded from an unknown location, except for advice to download from where.

Where to install?
To any folder on your computer. Not necessarily in the Skyrim folder or in its Data folder. But it will still be better if the installation path you choose is not too long. Not so precise: "C:\New folder (1)\New folder (2)\ ... \New folder (15)\". Total is about 235 characters, out of a maximum of 256. Don't do this, otherwise something will definitely not work.

Is BOSS built in here?
Yes, since version 3.2 it is built-in. It can be activated on the plugin connection page. To use it you will need to change the Load Order setting to LoadOrder.txt.

Does the program support installation of OMOD/FOMOD and BAIN files?
OMOD and FOMOD are installers for NMM, their support is possible (of course without the auto-update function), but not yet planned. Wrye Bash works with BAIN installers, their support is not possible - I have no desire to write a parser for the Wizard.txt file. In addition, Wrye Bash will deal with them better.

How to create an installer, how does it even work?
You cannot install any archive with a plugin using SKSM. It should contain information for installation and not just any information, but made specifically for SKSM. You will either have to download such an installer or create one yourself. No other way.

Does the program require registration?
No, it doesn't require it. "Install and use!" It also works regardless of the presence of an Internet connection.

I heard that the program adjusts shadows incorrectly.
This was the case before version 2.0a. This has been fixed in later versions.

After installing this program, Skyrim stopped launching for me./game won’t load/crashes every five minutes/letters are squares instead.
No comments. No, I really don’t know how you do it. I have nothing to do with it! But I can give you some advice: be careful when using the settings that are written to the Skyrim.ini file.

Will there be conflicts with Nexus Mod Manager/Wrye Bash/BOSS/other mod managers?
I do not know exactly. There may be a conflict with the order in which plugins are loaded, since each program may store it in a different way than SKSM.

Do I now need to launch Skyrim only through the program?
No. You can run it however you like. Don't forget about SKSE if you have it installed.

I don't have a list of connected plugins.
To save the list, click the Save button in the bottom panel of the program. Also check that the “Read Only” checkbox in the file properties is unchecked for the Plugins.txt and DLCList.txt files (as well as LoadOrder.txt). The files can be located in the following path: "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Skyrim" (for Windows Vista and newer) or "%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Skyrim" (for Windows XP). You can copy this path into the Run command window; if you cannot find them, use the search.

Does the program have a function like Wrye Bash?
No matter what feature you wanted to ask about, the answer is most likely (99.9%) no. If you need Wrye Bash functionality, then use it.

Are there viruses in the program?
No. Look for viruses on your system.

In this version:

  • Fixed interface errors and reported typos
  • Added registration of BSL files.
  • Added screenshots tab to installer management window
  • The import and export function has been changed, as well as log cleaning.
  • Fixed an error when deleting a single file with installer scanning disabled
  • Added quick settings for installation
  • Added search for files in the list of installers
  • Fixed an error in saving an INI backup if the folder for backups is not specified
  • Added version check for installed plugins
  • Added standby mode for launching Skyrim
  • The algorithm for calculating download numbers of modifications has been changed
  • Added support for BOSS version 1.2.2.

M'aiq heard that being friends with you is dangerous (c) M'aiq the Liar



Greetings, gentlemen officers.

This article is the apotheosis of my hobby Skyrim in general and mods in particular. I started playing the fifth part of the TEC series back in the year of release and since then, I have never been able to abandon my fascinating journey. Just like, in principle, Bethesda itself, which has been “delighting” fans like me for many years now with yet another TESVMoreSeptimsEdition. Enough tolerating this! Today I will tell you how to make your own Skyrim with blackjack and lustful Argonian maidens.

Let's start with some bad news - your PC must have suitable hardware. Here, for example, are my characteristics: i7 6700k, GTX 980 Ti 6GB, 32GB RAM. In this situation, my output is 55-60 FPS. But before I played on hardware much weaker and still the game did not produce less 35 FPS. By focusing on particularly power-hungry mods, I will help you maintain a balance between picture quality and the performance of your system. One more thing - I'm currently using Windows 10, but for the best result, there is no better option than Windows 7. The fact is that eight/ten has a disgusting DirectX9 bug (and Skyrim runs on DX9), which does not allow the game to use more than 4GB of graphics memory and kills the full potential of powerful video cards.

In my case, knowledge of English allows me to download all extensions from Nexus`a - the largest mod portal for Skyrim, which implies a further game in the same English, but in this instruction, I will try to give as many parallel links to translated mods as possible (to those that I can find). The end result may be that you end up with some phrases and names in Elvish, which is generally not too bad. Which option suits you best, decide for yourself. If there is no link to the Russian version, then it is either not required or does not exist.


    We need Skyrim Legendary Edition- buy it, or download the clean version. If there is one, let's go here C:\Users\Username\Documents\My games\Skyrim\Saves, copy your save and delete the folder \Skyrim. If you are not sure that your game does not contain unnecessary files, remove it completely and install it again. If you subscribed to something in the workshop, unsubscribe. We need pure, virgin Skyrim .

One of the best mods with full compatibility. Rain splashes, rainbows and shooting stars included.

Mods for changing lighting. Install only one

Minuses: eats in some places FPS, so you'll have to put this one fix. Some players may not like the overly orange color of the city in the dark.

Minuses: It hasn't been updated for a long time, most likely it won't be, but it's still very good.

Six days of the Lord

Changing the order of installing the mods from this part should not lead to errors or crashes, but for the best results, I recommend following the list. Let's get started.

Cities of Skyrim

Choice of two mods.

  • Expanded Towns and Cities (ETAC) ENG - RU. The biggest city changing mod. It has a wonderful installer that gives you the opportunity to choose how and what to reshape. Freshly updated and constantly expanding, I recommend it for lorophagists.
  • JK's Skyrim ENG - RU. This mod will make you touch your crotch just from looking at the screenshots. The most beautiful reworking, thousands of additional parts, only one problem - this mod will brutally, furiously rape your FPS, especially in addition with megatons of retextures. On systems like mine - install it, it will work, for everyone else, if you really want it, I advise you to look JKs Cities - Lite and SuperLite, just keep in mind that there is no Russian version yet, which means that the names of shops and houses will be in Elvish.
  • Dawn of Skyrim Collection ENG - RU. Quite a decent mod, somewhere between performance, detail and lore. Good compatibility with previous ones, install as desired.
  • Unique Shops and Stores. An excellent mod, with full compatibility, which will transform the interior decoration of stores into beauty. Unfortunately, there is no translated version yet.
Clouds (install only one)

If you bet Vivid Weathers (VW), skip this point, as this weather mod already includes its own wonderful set of clouds.

Choose according to your taste, both mods are very good.

Snow and blizzard

Skip this point if you have to Vivid Weathers (VW) or Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics (NLVA).

  • Real Skyrim Snowflakes - Vivid Snow ENG - RU. In my opinion, one of the best such mods, which completely reworks the snowflake system. I recommend putting "Non Physical Snow", the physics version is still buggy.
  • Real Ice ALL-IN-ONE ENG (the mod has been removed from Nexus, download this archive and add it to the manager manually) - RU. Stunning ice retexture.
  • Illustrated Panels Towns ENG - RU. Adds city stands near the main gate. K R A S U V O.
Night sky (one to choose from)
Moons of Tamriel (one to choose from)

Let's continue.

Dragon bone (one of your choice)
  • Realistic Boat Bobbing ENG - RU. A must-have mod. Adds realistic rocking of boats and ships. The atmosphere, everything.
  • 83Willows 101BugsHD Butterfly Dragonfly ENG - RU. Adds hundreds of insects to the vastness of Skyrim and makes the game world more alive. Both versions contain a fix that regulates alchemical properties and indicators. This mod slightly bites your FPS, therefore, as an alternative you can put the following.
  • Lepidoptera Of Skyrim. Sweet butterflies around. Do not touch if placed 101BugsHD.
  • RUSTIC CLOTHING. Retexture of ordinary clothes. During installation, agree to overwrite files.
  • aMidianBorn Book of Silence. One of the best retexture mods of all time. Open the FILES tab and install the archives in this order: 1) ARMORS 2) CREATURES 3) DRAGONBORN DLC 4) UNIQUE ITEMS 5) WEAPONS, agreeing to overwrite. Then go further down the list and install three files with a postscript Hotfix.
  • Joy of Ships. Mod for beautiful ships. Also install Joy of Parallax Ships from here .
  • aMidianBorn Imperial Forts. Excellent reworking of forts.
Windows (one to choose from)
Retexture of potions (one to choose from)
  • Pretty Animated Potions and Poisons. A very interesting thing is that your potions become animated and will glow in the dark. Atmospheric.
  • RUSTIC ANIMATED POTIONS and POISONS. A combination of the two previous mods.
World map (one to choose from)
  • A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads ENG - RU
  • Paper World Map ENG - RU
  • Ultimate HD Torch ENG - RU. A new type of torch.
  • Smoking Torches and CandlesENG - RU. Candles and all sorts of burning sticks now produce smoke, as they should in this Universe.
  • Birds of Skyrim ENG - RU. The mod adds birds to the existing fauna. A very good solution. Regardless of the version, put this next patch .
  • Enhanced Blood Textures ENG -RU. A legendary mod that makes Skyrim truly bloody. There is one instruction here - if you are going to expand the gameplay capabilities and install the mod Skyrim Immersive Creatures ENG - RU, which adds new monsters, specific units, new outposts, new bosses to the game (in short, I highly, highly recommend it), then it needs to be installed first, and after it - the modification for blood.
  • Deadly Spell Impacts ENG - RU. Another recognizable mod. It adds amazing effects of magic, now the earth, trees, water, even the sky, even Allah will feel your power.
  • Dawn of the Dawnguard Armor. Reworking Vampire Hunter armor.
  • The Art Of Dragonbone. Improved Dragonborn weapon.
  • Dragonbone HD and 4k by Pfuscher. And armor.
  • Nightingale Prime HD. Gorgeous Nightingale Armor.
  • Spellbreaker Oblivionized retexture in HD. Retexture of the Destroyer, motherfucker.
  • Outlandish Stalhrim. Glass armor.
  • Transparent and refracting Glass Eqmnt CBBE UNP UNPB. An amazing mod that transforms the reflection system of glass armor sections. Looks wanking.
  • Thieves Guild Armor HD revival. Retexture of the Thieves Guild armor.
  • Mountain flower by Marie And Deathbell by Mari. Variation of several types of mountain flowers. Now traveling on foot has become even more enjoyable.
Moss retexture (one to choose from)

Let's continue.

  • Better Nirnroot - Hi-Res 2K Textures. Nirnroot in high resolution.
  • Realistic Jazbay Grapes. Now we change the Jabzi grapes.
  • Unique Flowers And Plants. This mod is not a replacement for the original textures, but completely new plants and flowers. Decide for yourself whether to bet or not.
  • Langleys Textures Workshop. A huge job from the modders. Recycling of many objects made of wood, metal and stone. Install and overwrite files.
  • Daedric Armor and weapon Improvement. Awesome Daedric armor.
  • High Quality Food and Ingredients. Food will look like food, and not like low-poly crap.
  • Realistic HD Baskets. Retexture of baskets. The Thieves' Guild approves.
  • Install HD Ores And Ingots, then Enhanced Ore Veins with overwriting files. New ingots and ore.
  • Realistic HD Beverages. Processing of types of drinks.
  • Realistic HD Mushrooms. A mod that changes the texture of mushrooms. That's how it should be.
  • Realistic HD Blacksmith. Gorgeous forge.
  • ENB Water on Horse Trough and Blacksmith Forge. The mod changes the appearance of water in city forges, adjusting it to ENB settings.
  • SkyFix - Unique Inn Signs HD. Place as desired. The mod will replace standard hotel signs with more suitable ones, but only in the English version, which is not very scary, in my opinion.
  • SkyFix - HD Blacksmith Signs. You can put it on everyone, since blacksmiths’ signs do not differ in translation :)
  • 4K Parallax High Hrothgar by Pfuscher. High-quality modification of High Hrothgar.
  • Alduins wall retexture - concept art. Updated Alduin's Wall. Mast hev.
  • Ancient Dwemer Metal. The best retexture of Dwemer mechanisms that I have ever seen.
  • Arri's Snow Elf Ruins Retexture. New Dwemer ruins.
  • Barenziah's Glory. Reworking Barenziah's crown.
  • Barset HQ. The mod replaces bar counters.
  • Better mammoth cheese. Mammoth cheese. Walk, just walk.
  • Better ropes for skyrim. New ropes.
  • Book Covers Skyrim ENG - RU. Gorgeous book covers.
  • RUSTIC DEATH HOUND. Deathhound retexture.
  • RUSTIC GARGOYLE. Retexture of gargoyles.
  • Detailing the Eldrich - Higher-Res Riekling Architecture. Reworked world of Miraak.
  • DOOR. Replacing quest doors in the dungeon.
  • HD Whiterun Shack door. The obrygan doors that you see every time you appear in the Warm Winds house are now pleasant to look at and touch.
  • Dragonborn Clothing HD Retextures. New clothing for Miraak's followers.
  • Falmer Ear and Hagraven Claw. Retexture of ingredients.
  • Spider Egg Retexture. Spider eggs and all that.
  • TROLL. High poly trolls.
  • WISPMOTHER. Mother of the Winds.
  • HAGRAVEN And HAGRAVEN2. Retexture Vorozhei. Put both, rewrite.
  • Farmhouse Chimneys. Adds chimneys to the game. Be sure to try it.
  • FALMER. Falmer retexture.
  • HORNCANDLES. New wall candles.
  • Hectrol SPIDER WEBS Deluxe HighRes Retex. High quality web.
Alduin retexture (one to choose from)
  • Enhanced Landscapes ENG - RU. An optional but awesome mod that aims to improve Skyrim's landscapes by adding new objects. Functionality is excellent. The mod requires additional components, which will be discussed below.

  • Frost Atronach HD Retex. Ice astronach.
  • Better Shaped Female Creatures. A useful mod that changes the female species of creatures to actually female ones, removing the masculine figure. 18+.

TES5Edit is a plugin-to-plugin conflict detector for Skyrim LE. Everyone has probably encountered BOSS/LOOT messages about “dirty” edits. This program will help you fix everything.
Instructions for use:

Update: 4.0.2 (release)
* There are a lot of changes, since I do not have the opportunity to translate all the corrections, then read and translate the list of changes via Google Translate or Yandex Translate, sorry, this time it’s like that.
* List of changes for version 4.0.2, see here in the LOGS section - Changelogs

Update: 3.2.1 (release)
- support for Creation Club (mods with .ESL files), forced order of loading plugins in the .ss file
- [TE5/SSE] LODGen option "Generate as Objects".
- LODGen Atlas option.
- FO4LODGen mode
- Support for Skyrim VR and Fallout4 VR: you need to rename the file TES5Edit.exe to TES5VREdit.exe or FO4Edit.exe to FO4VREdit.exe or run with parameters -tes5vr or -fo4vr
- Filtering: if the "Base Record EditorID contains" field contains an 8-digit hexadecimal FormID, then the FormID will be checked instead
- Multi-selection in the plugins window and similar, right-click in the options menu, apply only to the selected one.
- Reset structure: Right-click the menu in the right view pane to add missing fields, if any.
- "Compare selected": Right-click the menu in the "Referenced By" tab when selecting multiple records of the same type.
- Improved record/data definitions.
- Various bug fixes and optimizations.
- New scripts and scripting APIs for working with .json, .nifs, materials, lod files.

- View plugin conflicts
- Combining plugins into one
- Creation of patches
- Editing existing plugins
- Russification of plugins
- Note: because the program is 99% for developers/modmakers, in this instruction I will only talk about cleaning up “dirty” edits that can complicate the life of a simple gamer.


- We throw all the contents from the archive into the game folder, that is, where the game file.exe is located
- Note: if you use , the TES5Edit launch icon will appear at the bottom of the program bar

Instructions for cleaning up dirty edits:
ATTENTION! Carefully read what BOSS/LOOT writes about these changes! If it says that you can’t clean it, then you CAN’T! Skyrim.esm CANNOT be cleaned!

To begin with, a lyrical digression. Let's look at the types of dirty edits:
- ITM - records identical to the master file. Each plugin has a master file or even several. This is usually Skyrim.esm. It happens that a plugin contains entries that are absolutely identical to similar entries in its master file. These records are ITM and they are not needed in the plugin, because they will be loaded from the master file.
- UDR - remote links. When an object is deleted from a plugin in the Creation Kit, a link to this deleted object still remains, and accessing an already non-existent object using this link can lead to crashes, glitches and other unpleasant moments.

- Launch the program via TES5Edit.exe or TES5Edit64.exe
- In the window that appears, RMB on the free space, select “Select None”. All checkboxes will be unchecked
- Check the box next to the plugin that needs to be cleaned. Click OK. Only one, otherwise it will remove the excess. We wait
- The required plugin and its master files will be loaded

RMB on the desired plugin, select Apply Filter for Cleaning
- Wait for the program to compare the plugin with the master files
- Again RMB on the plugin, select Remove "Identical To Master" records to remove ITM edits
- Click Yes

- Again RMB on the desired plugin. Select Undelete and Disable References to fix UDR references
- We're waiting for it to finish. The result of the work will be displayed in the window on the right
- Close the program with a cross. When asked about saving, we agree

Skyrim.esm cannot be cleaned!!!
DLC (all) needs to be cleaned. Besethda was too lazy to clean up her tails
If you are not sure of the result, first make a copy of the plugin you are changing

Merge mods:

Attention! You should combine mods at your own risk! I categorically do not recommend combining heavy, capacious mods.
1. Download Merge Plugins xEdit Script.
2. Place the content in the "Edit Scripts" folder. It is located in the folder with TES5Edit installed.
3. Launch TES5Edit, select the plugins needed for merging.
4. RMB on any plugin - Apply Script.
5. Select Merge Plugins in the window. Click OK.
6. Use checkboxes to indicate the mods that we want to combine.
7. Enter the name of the new mod without the esp extension.
8. We agree with everything that comes up.
If records match, the record below will take precedence.
Generating LOD files

To run from TES5Edit RMB on the plugin - Other - Generate LOD.
For detailed instructions, see.
Swap master files.

The method is the most bug-free , but it also does not insure against the crash of the game.
Attention! Plugins must be placed in the correct order!
1. Open the plugin in TES5Edit. The required esp and the wizards needed for its operation will be loaded.
2. RMB on the desired plugin. Choose - Sort masters.
Note: many people say that you must follow the next 2 points; it won’t work right away from point 5. Well, that's what we'll do.
3. Save. I strongly recommend leaving the Backup Plugins checkbox.
4. Open again the desired already changed plugin in Tes5Edit.
5. RMB on it - select Check for errors.
6. Expand the plus sign next to the plugin.

Here is the color code:

Background color:
White - single entry
Green - multiple entries, but without conflicts.
Yellow - overwritten without conflict
Red - conflict

Text color:
Black - single entry
Purple - master
Gray - recording identical to the master
Orange - recording identical to the master, it will be recorded
Green - overwritten without conflict
Orange - it is she who will overwrite the conflicting entry
Red - rewritable entry in conflict.

Here you need to at least remotely understand what influences what and whether it should be so. Please note that orange entries are often the norm. Especially in patches - when something rewrites one cell, thereby correcting it. If there is no understanding, only a test in the game will help. Be careful.

Method two. Attention! At your own risk, it often leads to the crash of the game. This is a completely radical method that requires further manual edits of paths and records.
1. Open the desired plugin in TES5Edit.
2. Expand the plus sign on the plugin. Select the line File Header.
3. On the right, on the View tab, look for the Master Files section.
4. In the column itself where Master File is written, RMB on the desired Master File and select move down or move up.
5. Save.
6. Follow step 5 from the first option. And then we independently, with our own hands, restore the lost paths, if any.

- Antivirus programs cause unwanted behavior and problems with TES5Edit. Disable your antivirus if you experience any unusual behavior or add the game folder to exceptions in your antivirus. Kaspersky antivirus - it is the only one known to cause problems

Those that add new items or any other functionality contain esp files. Today I want to tell you about a program with which you can view/edit/create new esp files. This is very relevant, because... The official creation kit tool has not yet been released, and adding something new to the game is no longer possible.

This program

It is created on a voluntary basis, so any errors are possible in it.

Using it, you can open esp/esm files of plugins and make any changes to them, and you can also create your own plugins and attach any models/textures/animations and anything else to them.

Unfortunately, I myself am very far from mod-building, so I can’t teach you how to create your own modifications yet, but I’ll try to explain how to make any changes to existing plugins, and based on the example, you can do it yourself with any other plugins.

1 . We need to download and install the program itself.

2. Unpack the program to any location and run Skyedit.exe

3. A window opens:

because at the moment we will edit the esp file - click on the File->Open button (N+O or click on the folder icon)

4 . In the window that opens we see a list of installed plugins and game files (update.esm and skyrim.esm I do not recommend changing) In this lesson we will look at the Skyrim plugin - the new “Dynasty” armor, so I put a tick in front of the DynastyArmor.esp file, select it and press button Set Active and then OK

5 . A new window opens in which we see all the plugin data

In this example, we will look at the method of changing the armor indicator of a cuirass (for bot gloves, etc., everything is similar)

5.1 Open the Armors tab

5.2 Click on the Chests line

A window opens with a list of cuirasses used in the mod:

In this modification there are 2 completely identical cuirasses: regular and chain mail, so that we have something to compare with, we will edit the armor indicator of only the first one, chain mail.

6. To do this, double-click on the DynastyChainCuirass line and see a window with armor parameters:

In this window we see that:

Name - name of the armor in the game

Rating is the armor indicator, in this case it is equal to 4600 - for my character with all the perks and lvl 100, he is in the game with this rating, the armor indicator is 65:

Value - cost of the reservation

Armor type - armor type (light/heavy/regular)

Weight - armor weight

Body parts - which part of the body it belongs to (body, head, shield, etc.)

7. To do this, in the Rating field, instead of the value 4600, enter 46000:

Now we need the changes to take effect, for this we move on to the next point.

8. Click the Apply button and then Save, the window will automatically close.

We see that the value of the Rating field has changed, which means we did everything correctly.

9. Save the changes. To do this, click File—>Save (or ctrl + s or on the floppy disk icon)

That's all, start the game and look at the armor indicator:

As you can see, the armor became 644, instead of 65. Everything worked out.

I don’t know the exact and correct formula by which the armor indicator from the rating is calculated, but using simple calculations:

after change 46000/644=~71

We can conclude that the armor value of an item in the game is approximately Rating/70 - but this is just logic, nothing more.

P.s. Of course, what I wrote is very little for creating any modifications, but after reading and trying you will see that in fact everything is not as complicated as it seems. Well, at worst, is anyone stopping you from taking someone else’s mod and changing all the values, models and textures in it? Try it, everything will work out.



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