If the stomach twists diarrhea with folk remedies. There is a "tornado" in the intestines, the stool is normal - what to drink? Bleeding into the lumen of hollow organs or into the abdominal cavity

Sharp and dull, pulsating and cutting, bursting and aching - abdominal pain can be very different. The reason may be various diseases from appendicitis to heart attack. The main thing is to recognize the symptoms in time and immediately consult a doctor.


Petr Shcherbakov
doctor medical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Intraluminal Endoscopy of the Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center of Gastroenterology in Moscow, Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation

Reason 1. Aappendicitis

Reason 7. Thromboembolism of the mesenteric (mesenteric) vessels

Spasm or thrombus blockage of the mesenteric vessels supplying blood to the intestinal tissue leads to changes in secretory and motor activity gastrointestinal tract and is accompanied by severe, sharp, unbearable pain in the abdomen. At first discomfort may be intermittent, cramping, then become more uniform, constant, although just as intense. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, often bloody stools, and shock may develop. The progression of the disease can lead to intestinal infarction and peritonitis.

What to do?

summon emergency care, since patients with thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels often need emergency operation. As a treatment, enzymatic, astringent preparations, agents that improve blood microcirculation, antispasmodics, including nitroglycerin for pain, are prescribed.

Reason 8. Gynecological diseases

In women, pain in the lower abdomen in the center or on one side of the abdominal cavity may occur with the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, appendages. Usually they have a pulling character and are accompanied by secretions from the genital tract. Sharp pain, dizziness, fainting - all these symptoms are characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy, rupture of an ovarian cyst.

What to do?

Contact a gynecologist. If you suspect ectopic pregnancy summon immediately ambulance.

Reason 9. Heart failure

Pain in the upper abdomen (in the pit of the stomach), bloating, nausea, sometimes vomiting, weakness, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure- all these symptoms may indicate a myocardial infarction (the so-called abdominal shape). Hiccups, a feeling of stuffiness, pallor are possible.

What to do?

Call an ambulance and do a control ECG. Especially if you are over 45-50 years old, you have just experienced physical or emotional stress or in Lately complained of discomfort in the heart and pain radiating to left hand, lower jaw.

Pain in the abdomen, accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, fever, indicate developing pathology, and the situation when the stomach twists without diarrhea confuses many.

Often this symptom is a short-term reaction to stress, snacking on the go, eating certain foods.

However, if the stomach hurts regularly, you should pay attention to the factors that precede the onset of the syndrome. Before taking medication, it is necessary to visit a doctor and determine the cause of the discomfort.

natural causes

Bubbling in the abdomen in the absence of diarrhea may be due to eating foods, causing fermentation and increased gas production.

Such products include white cabbage, legumes, pears, carbonated drinks, kvass, etc.

In addition, abdominal pain in adults can occur due to lactose intolerance. Such patients should limit their intake whole milk, yogurt, cottage cheese and other products containing this carbohydrate.

In this situation, the answer to the question of what to do if the stomach twists, but there is no diarrhea, will be to adjust the diet, taking into account the observations made.

Stomach ache, unexplained loss weight, pallor skin and lack of appetite may be signs helminthic invasion.

Toxins formed during the life of the worms and after their death have a negative effect on the intestinal mucosa, which is the cause of discomfort. To identify worms will help a chair in which you can see the eggs.

The reasons listed above are natural. Adjusting the diet and observing the rules of personal hygiene will help get rid of such a symptom as seething in the stomach.

Pathological causes of abdominal pain in adults

In a situation where the stomach twists for several days, and there is no diarrhea, many conclude that there is a malfunction in the digestive system associated with unusual or excessive abundant reception food.

However, pain in the abdomen can be a symptom dangerous pathology, so when it is found, it should be analyzed general state and pay attention to accompanying signs.

For an adult, abdominal pain in the absence of diarrhea may indicate the development of the following pathologies:

  1. The cause of the pain syndrome can be pylorospasm - a severe pathology in which food stagnation occurs due to the tone of the muscles located between the stomach and duodenum. The primary form of the disease is observed in a child against the background of an underdeveloped digestive system, as a result of a difficult pregnancy and birth injury. Adults are characterized the following reasons spasm of the pylorus of the stomach - prolonged stress, acute deficiency B vitamins, irritation of some parts of the intestine due to intoxication or abuse of morphine, nicotine, etc. The secondary form of pylorospasm occurs against the background of exacerbation chronic pathologies organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. If the stomach twists some time after eating, this may be a sign of the development of gastritis or peptic ulcer stomach. As a result of the inflammatory process progressing on the mucosa, there is a decrease in the production of enzymes, and acidity increases. At advanced disease ulcers form on the walls of the stomach. Complications of gastritis in adults are internal bleeding, neoplasms prone to malignancy.
  3. Sharp pains in the lower abdomen without diarrhea may be a sign of acute intestinal obstruction. In pathology, stagnation of food masses occurs due to blockage of the intestinal lumen. If the stomach twists, hurts and grumbles, nausea and vomiting appear against the background of a delay in the act of defecation, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, since an urgent surgical intervention.

The lower abdomen in pregnant women often twists due to the pressure of the uterus on the intestines. This condition without diarrhea can be observed due to an increase in the progesterone hormone in the expectant mother.

If to pain syndrome added bloody issues, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist to find out why these deviations from the norm are observed.

Causes of abdominal discomfort in children

Toddlers explore the world, trying everything to the touch, smell and taste. At the same time, it is not always possible for an adult to immediately wash the hands of a child.

Sandboxes, toilets, shared toys, and street animals can be a source of helminthic infestation, a major cause of abdominal pain.

The main symptoms of infection with worms are weakness of the child, pallor of the skin, nausea, and lack of appetite. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene will help the baby avoid discomfort.

When a child complains that his stomach hurts and twists, attention should be paid to possible concomitant symptoms, which can manifest as a result of the following pathologies:

  1. A newborn child often has colic - a syndrome that occurs due to insufficient formation of organs digestive system. During a spasm, the baby has a severe stomach ache, about which he notifies his parents with a loud cry. To alleviate the condition, you can do a special massage of the abdomen, attach warm heating pad or give your baby tea for colic.
  2. With dysbacteriosis, the causes of which lie in unbalanced diet, strong emotional stress, long-term use antibiotics and other pills, the baby twists his stomach every day and diarrhea alternates with constipation. Associated symptoms are weight loss, nausea, bloating, belching, etc. Therapy is done at home with probiotics prescribed by a doctor. It is impossible to independently prescribe and give the baby pills, as this can aggravate the condition.
  3. Often the child has a stomach ache due to the fact that the stool has become hard and dry, the frequency of defecation has changed. The answer to the question of why it occurs, experts call tensions in the family, an unbalanced diet, non-compliance with the drinking regimen. Doing enemas for constipation in a child is possible only if there are no accompanying symptoms. The treatment regimen must be agreed with a pediatrician or gastroenterologist.
  4. If liquid stool is absent, and the baby has a severe stomach ache, the temperature has risen and vomiting has begun, you should pay attention to the location of the source of discomfort. Cause acute condition there may be inflammation of the process of the caecum. It is important to remember that it is impossible to do pain relief procedures in this case. The child must be given qualified help, for which you should immediately deliver the child to the emergency room of the hospital.

Before deciding which pills to give to a child if he has a stomach ache, you should analyze the accompanying symptoms, assess the intensity and localization of pain.

The cause of abdominal discomfort in the absence of diarrhea may be serious illness that affects the stomach, intestines, genitourinary system etc.

What to drink to relieve the condition

If the patient, regardless of age, has pain and twisting of the stomach, but there are no other symptoms, such as loose stools, this may indicate eating incompatible products or eating disorders.

  • Activated carbon has a pronounced adsorbing effect, with the correct calculation of the dosage, relief occurs within a few minutes;
  • in the case when the source of discomfort is the stretching of the intestinal walls due to increased gas formation, experts recommend taking Espumizan, a drug active substance which is simethicone;
  • to relieve pain, you can take antispasmodics such as No-Shpa, Spazgan, etc .;
  • when overeating or eating unusual dishes, you should take a drug that contains enzymes, for example, Festal, Pancreatin, Mezim;
  • in the case when the stomach hurts, twists, loose stools, nausea, flatulence, dysbacteriosis acts as a cause of discomfort, the patient is prescribed Hilak-forte, Enterofuril and other drugs that restore the intestinal microflora.

It is important to remember that the listed drugs are intended to alleviate the patient's condition. You cannot make your own appointments.

If the cause of discomfort is indigestion, you must refrain from eating for a day. In the case when abdominal pain and diarrhea provoked intoxication, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

In what case is it necessary to urgently call a doctor?

If the discomfort in the abdomen passes within a few hours after taking the medicine, do not worry.

In the case when the pain does not recede for several days, its intensity increases or watery diarrhea begins, medical assistance is required.

Experts name some conditions that require immediate hospitalization and specialist advice:

  • pain and loose stools are observed as a result of an abdominal injury;
  • the patient has uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea with an admixture of blood in the feces, nose bleed or sudden menstruation;
  • body temperature rises;
  • there is tension in the abdominal muscles, it is swollen and hard to the touch;
  • severe pain in the abdomen total absence feces and gas passages.

In such situations, you need to call an ambulance or consult a doctor. The patient may be recommended surgery or hospitalization.

Abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea

Eating unfamiliar foods or insufficient production of enzymes can lead to a temporary disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

But if, against the background of discomfort in the abdomen, the patient begins to have diarrhea, we can talk about intoxication of the body. The main reasons for this violation include:

  • eating expired, low-quality products;
  • allergic reactions to certain substances;
  • bacterial infections;
  • helminthic infestations, etc.

Relief of these pathologies can be carried out at home after consulting a doctor. Diarrhea is effectively cured with the help of remedies traditional medicine, such as decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs.

There are other pathologies, the symptoms of which are diarrhea and abdominal pain. Among them are peptic ulcer bodies digestive tract, Crohn's disease, duodenal cancer.

With these diseases, the patient experiences weakness, lack of appetite, loses weight, the skin becomes pale, and diarrhea becomes permanent.

There are situations when the stomach twists, but diarrhea is not observed. Usually, given state indicates a change in diet, eating allergens, helminthic invasion.

If symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, weakness, weight loss, etc. are added to the grumbling in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor, since these symptoms may be signs of a progressive dangerous disease.

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Feeling that the stomach twists, accompanied by diarrhea, is one of the most common problems in most people. The reasons for this phenomenon can be varied.

Twists the stomach, causes

Diarrhea is rapid, copious, loose stools. The most great danger This condition is that it can lead to dehydration. Diarrhea may occur different reasons, such as dysbacteriosis, common food poisoning, eating inappropriate foods, allergic reactions, and more. You can determine what caused diarrhea by paying attention to the color and smell of feces.

Allergic reaction to cow's milk

This cause of diarrhea is very common among children. After all, allergies to this product affects almost 50% of babies. Therefore, if symptoms such as discomfort in the abdomen and diarrhea occur, the first step is to remove products made on the basis of cow's milk from the diet. After normalization of the condition, milk should be gradually introduced into the diet in order to avoid such reactions in the future.


Often a child who complains that he is twisting his stomach, ate some low-quality product the day before, which caused a malfunction in digestion. Such a reaction can occur as side effect some medicines. In the latter case, you need to completely abandon the drug and call a doctor as soon as possible.

Improper nutrition

In children, this cause of diarrhea is also one of the most common. It can be a consequence of eating unripe berries or fruits. The same reaction can be caused by overeating. To eliminate problems with intestinal upset, the child should not be fed for about 6-8 hours. All this time, every half an hour, he is given one teaspoon of sweetened tea to drink. After the diarrhea stops, the baby should be fed only easily digestible foods for a few more days.

Special drugs for diarrhea can only be prescribed by a doctor. Parents in such situations can only give the child a warm chamomile tincture to drink, provided that there is no allergy to it.

Probably there is no such person who has never faced the problem of diarrhea in his life, but in simple terms - diarrhea. Liquid and very frequent stool- this is a rather unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon, leading, as a rule, to dehydration of the body.

If for an average adult this is not catastrophic and the body can cope with this problem on its own, then for small child or an elderly person, this, alas, may not have very good consequences.

Causes of diarrhea

It is very important to pay attention to the color and smell of the stool in time, because these are the first signs that can indicate the root cause of diarrhea. If, the reasons can be found in this article.

Allergy to cow's milk

Allergy to cow's milk refers to food species allergies and should not be confused with lactose intolerance (intolerance). After all, this allergy is a special reaction of the immune system to a protein found in cow's milk, and such a protein is no longer contained in goat's or sheep's milk.

At the same time, lactose intolerance is an insufficient production of such an important enzyme as lactose by the body. This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown milk sugar. Both varieties of this allergy are not fully treated.

Lactose deficiency can be compensated with special fermenting preparations, but simply an allergy to milk can be corrected. various actions therapeutic drugs.

Since cow's milk allergy most often affects young children, the symptoms of this process should be considered:

  1. In newborns, regurgitation is observed, which is not like ordinary reflex regurgitation.
  2. Diarrhea not associated with other causes. If there is blood in the stool, then this is considered the most dangerous manifestation such an allergy. reasons can be found here.
  3. The presence of a widespread rash.
  4. Frequent tearfulness and irritability.
  5. Weight loss associated with diarrhea.
  6. Increased gas formation
  7. The appearance of edema.
  8. Lack of normal appetite.

If there are symptoms of an allergy to cow's milk, the first step is to review the menu and remove the provocative product from there:

  1. Milk mixtures that cause an allergic reaction must be changed to food based on milk hydrolyzate. This is a product containing the most split milk proteins. Such mixtures, as a rule, are hypoallergenic and are produced for children whose body cannot fully absorb cow's milk proteins.
  2. It is necessary to consider lactose-free foods that do not contain milk sugar.
  3. Drug withdrawal of allergic symptoms occurs with the help of antihistamines.

Also, the attending physician may advise taking gentle sorbents that promote rapid withdrawal. undigested food from the digestive tract. With long-term exclusion from the diet milk protein it is required to compensate for the lack of calcium in the body.

This can be done using following products supply:

  • the maximum number of vegetables;
  • soy foods;
  • sheep or goat milk, since it does not contain a provoking protein.

It is worth noting that allergic reaction on cow's milk most often passes before the age of two, if a certain diet and all the doctor's recommendations are followed. And besides, all over the world the most healthy nutrition considered for a child breast milk, as it not only helps to eliminate the possibility of allergies, but also is the key to good immunity.


No one is safe from poisoning with all kinds of low-quality products. Vomiting is also considered the first symptom of poisoning.

Diarrhea that occurs with poisoning can be of several types:

  • Secretory. In this case, toxins accumulate in the intestinal lumen and water enters here. Feces with such diarrhea are very plentiful and watery, blood and mucus are not observed.
  • Invasive. With such diarrhea, the feces are not abundant, with an admixture of mucus and blood.
  • Osmotic. It manifests itself, as a rule, with the use of saline laxatives or helminthiasis.

The duration of diarrhea depends on a number of factors:

  • the amount of toxins in the body;
  • the general condition of the patient;
  • timely first aid in case of poisoning.

In any case, if diarrhea does not go away for a long time, then this leads to dehydration of the entire body. And this is very dangerous for babies, as well as people. old age. Therefore, if you suspect poisoning, be sure to call a doctor. He will be able to find out as accurately as possible what caused the poisoning. To appoint the most proper treatment the doctor must send stool for analysis in the laboratory.

Diarrhea is treated in case of poisoning in several stages:

  1. First of all, do an enema to cleanse the intestines.
  2. Prescribe a diet and drinking regimen. find out here.
  3. Eliminate the causative agent of diarrhea and vomiting.
  4. Normalize the intestinal microflora.

In the presence of poisoning, it is necessary to quickly remove toxins that have not had time to enter the bloodstream. For this purpose, use or Enterosgel.

Dehydration can be prevented with the help of rehydration products. Such as, for example, G idrovit or Alvogen. In the event that the patient does not vomit, the doctor should prescribe a saline dropper.

Improper nutrition

Very often, people strive to lose weight or want to cleanse the body, and for this they go on some invented diet, confusing it with proper nutrition. But the human body is so arranged that the reaction to a change in nutrition is unpredictable.

Improper nutrition can cause:

  • diarrhea
  • vomiting.

Therefore, food should be balanced and new products should be introduced to the menu gradually. At malnutrition a person most often does not receive useful and necessary for normal functioning substance organism.

When the microflora in the intestine is disturbed, then the microflora of the whole organism is disturbed. This is especially pronounced in the female part of the population.

Taking medicines

There are certain medicines that can cause diarrhea such as by-effect therapy.

Such an effect can be obtained both with an overdose and with an absolutely correct intake of the drug:

  • in children, diarrhea appears as a reaction to Nurofen in syrup,
  • in women, this phenomenon is often associated with the use of contraceptives.
  • Antibiotics are also a provoking factor. Diarrhea may occur while taking an antibiotic or a few days after the course of treatment.

In this case, you need to use a large number of water and adhere to a dairy-vegetarian diet.

The drug on herbs, successfully removes the inflammatory process, cleanses the body, neutralizes pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

What to do if the stomach twists and loose stools?

The procedure for these symptoms will differ depending on, but the first step in case of bright severe symptoms should be to see a doctor.

Diet Features

Distinctive features of the diet used for diarrhea in an adult:

  • frequent meals;
  • plentiful drink;
  • each dish should not be more than 250 gr.

Sample menu for an adult patient:

  • Breakfast: semolina on the water and enveloping stomach jelly.
  • Lunch: some cottage cheese and a baked apple.
  • Dinner: rice soup, some crackers and black tea.
  • Afternoon snack: chicken broth with croutons
  • Dinner: omelette and a decoction of bird cherry.

Diet food for children is very similar to the adult version. The only difference is that the dishes are prepared in puree form.

Sample menu for a child from 3 years old:

  • Breakfast: liquid semolina and jelly.
  • Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese and baked pear.
  • Dinner: steam chicken cutlet, mashed rice and quince compote.
  • Afternoon snack: chicken bouillon with crackers.
  • Dinner: steamed omelette and a decoction of bird cherry.
  • Some precautions are required to avoid unpleasant situations associated with diarrhea:

    • observe generally accepted rules of hygiene,
    • keep hands clean
    • be sure to wash vegetables and fruits, and then rinse them with boiled water,
    • do not make sudden transitions in nutrition (you need to introduce new foods slowly).

Almost every person has encountered such a problem that he twists the lower abdomen, diarrhea appears or is present. unpleasant feeling discomfort with nausea or other symptoms. Such phenomena can pass independently or pass into the development of a serious pathological process. In such cases, it is important not only to properly alleviate the condition, but also to eliminate the cause of the ailment, to prevent repeated relapses.

Why is the stomach twisting

Discomfort in the lower abdomen is a common symptom of many diseases, so discomfort in the pelvic area can appear for various reasons.

If we consider diseases accompanied by a disorder of the stool, then they appear in connection with the following provoking factors:

  1. Unbalanced diet, presence in the diet spicy food, products that are difficult to digest, leading to excessive gas formation;
  2. Poisoning of an infectious, viral or bactericidal type. The course of the pathological process can take place in a lighter form, when it is enough to take antibacterial drug or in a difficult one - diagnostics, hospitalization are mandatory;
  3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Recently, widespread gastrointestinal dysfunction associated with psychological state person. stressful situations, experiences can affect the functions of some organs, including bladder, intestines;
  4. Constipation, intense gas formation;
  5. Exacerbation or development of gastritis, peptic ulcer. Since pathologies affect the condition of the mucous membranes, the tissues become most sensitive to various stimuli. As a result, the stomach twists and diarrhea may appear;
  6. Flaw beneficial bacteria in the intestines, deficiency of enzyme compounds for better digestion;
  7. Spasms of connective tissues between the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer. The phenomenon is related to functional disorders, requires diagnostics, special treatment;
  8. Pancreatitis, disorders of the pancreas. Pain is concentrated in the right side of the abdomen, vomiting may occur.

In addition to the development of diseases of the abdominal cavity and other parts of the body, it can twist the lower abdomen after taking medicines, new food, and in women, pain may be associated with gynecological problems.

What to do when the stomach twists

If discomfort is associated with mild poisoning, incompatibility of food or other causes not associated with serious diseases, then you can recover on your own. This is evidenced by concomitant symptoms. There is a list of signs in which self-medication can be dangerous, you should immediately consult a doctor, and it is better to call an ambulance.

These include:

  • High fever, fever, chills. Signs indicate inflammatory process, it is necessary to know its exact localization, provoking factors. Painkillers and antipyretics will only temporarily relieve symptoms, but will not eliminate the root cause;
  • Sharp or unbearable pain. Strong pain characterize a number of infectious and serious illnesses, including dysentery, salmonellosis, intestinal and viral pathologies, hernia, appendicitis and so on. Classical remedies for diarrhea, painkillers in such cases cannot be coped with, urgent qualified assistance is needed in the form of diagnosis, subsequent targeted treatment;
  • Any bleeding, including from the nose, anus, genitals. One of dangerous symptoms indicating internal tissue damage. The situation can develop rapidly, there is a risk of infection spreading to other internal organs and other equally serious consequences;
  • Accelerated pulse, a sharp change in pressure, increased heart rate. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract with symptoms of dysfunction of cardio-vascular system- alarm indicators of the body. The main ones can even be pathological processes blood supply, for example, pre-infarction condition;
  • Paleness of the skin, excessive sweating;
  • Frequent stools and vomiting. In the absence of measures to eliminate frequent vomiting or diarrhea, the body will approach dehydration, problems with pressure, blood supply and other functions may begin.

If at least one of the listed symptoms is present and at the same time twists the lower abdomen with different intensity then you need to call an ambulance.

Treatment Methods

If you do not consider the option of serious poisoning, the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, in which hospitalization is mandatory, then you can try to cope with the problem that twists the stomach on your own.

The following drugs will help:

  • Antibiotics, neutralizing agents infectious foci. Taking such drugs is advisable for obvious poisoning, diarrhea. As a rule, funds are a wide range actions that are active against a variety of pathogenic compounds that provoke disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. You can consider taking Levomycetin, Biseptol, Ftalazol and other drugs similar action. It is important to observe the dosage, in the absence positive result should contact medical institution For accurate diagnosis, selection of treatment;
  • Drugs that eliminate flatulence, constipation. The lower abdomen sometimes twists precisely because of the accumulation of gases. If there is no urge to empty the bowels, “bloating” is felt in the abdomen, then Espumesan can be taken. With obvious constipation, agents that stimulate intestinal motility will help, for example, Trimedat, Duphalac;
  • Medicines for diarrhea. In the event that the stomach twists and diarrhea is observed for several hours, then medicines that reduce intestinal activity will help alleviate the condition. It is important to follow the dosage to avoid subsequent constipation. For these purposes, Imodium or an analogue of Loperiamid is suitable;
  • Means that promote the excretion of compounds harmful to the body or enterosorbents. They are taken as a prophylaxis, an addition to the main treatment of poisoning, intoxication. They have the property of holding various chemical elements, output them via urinary system along with feces. good effect renders activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb;
  • At enzyme deficiency, which can be manifested by indigestion, a feeling of heaviness, such remedies as Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon, and Fistal will help. The drugs are recommended not only for already manifested symptoms, but also for prophylactic purposes, when used heavy foods or a large portion of food was eaten;
  • Probiotics. Sometimes the lower abdomen twists due to dysbacteriosis, leading to stool disorders, pain. Restore beneficial microflora can be with the help of probiotics, and support normal conditions for the development of the necessary microorganisms - prebiotics. With existing problems with the intestines, it is better to pay attention to probiotics, for example, Acepol, Linex, Bifikol or other means of identical action. It is advisable to pay attention to combined medicines or synbiotics, they combine probiotics and prebiotics at the same time. These drugs include Bifiform, Polibacterin, Bactistatin;
  • Antispasmodics. It is necessary to apply if the pain is in the form of spasms. An antispasmodic, for example, Drotaverin, No-Shpa, Baralgin, will help eliminate such reactions.

After taking the appropriate drugs, you need to ensure peace, drink as much liquid as possible (clean, still water), especially with diarrhea. Such actions will help prevent dehydration of the body, stimulate the removal of harmful substances from the body.

The above methods of treating a condition when the stomach twists and diarrhea appears are recommended, since each case has its own characteristics. If possible, you need to see a doctor for staging accurate diagnosis, choice of therapy.

To prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract and intestines, you should be attentive to your diet and lifestyle. Since it is impossible to completely eliminate the situation that will twist the lower abdomen, you should at least have an idea about drugs that can alleviate the condition. It is recommended to have basic medicines in the first-aid kit that help eliminate diarrhea, neutralize bacteria, and restore microflora.



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